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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1897, p. 3

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-~-- - table Preparation[or. tieT é ood andReg ness and ResL.Contain neitte OjiïT,1ýorphine, ior Minerai ?OT NÂRC OTIC. Aperfect Reinedy for Constip [ion, Saur StonauhDiarrhôe Worms, onvusl'Ons,Feyerisfi iess and lOss 0 F SLEP. A 'T £QPY Q RAPR Ri Areoutagain th and in ail the ne, todate, but'- irquality acterized them,1 >1 ëStly made of pu * E URYO C Wlc a m -qaw Now is the time to look around and see if you garment is in proper order'and style. - If nos, M. Mayer, the Furrier, Is the man who c. your work properly, cheap and guaranteed. - 1. The latest styles in ilats and Gents' FurnE always on hand. Bring your furs early before the rusýhcommene( M. MAYEI Practical Furrier. OFFICE 0F R. R. DIOKEY, Clerk 5th Division Court. Agent for best Insurance Companies. Forestl Ont., Oct. 12, 1897. THE SLOAN MEDICINE Co., DEAR SiýRs :-About two years ago .'I suffered from an attack of bilious diarrhoea which becamie chronie and threatened my existence. I used several kinds of patent medicines anti was treated by my fainily physician but was flot cured until I used your Sloan's Indian Ilonie. t helpedl me at once antd I continued to improve and 110W enjoy perfect health. 1 cari heartily recoin- mend it to ail troubled as I was, or in ueed 0f a gen--era1linvigorating reiie R. R. DICKEY, J. P. For sale at ail deniers or ffldress the Comipanyv at Hamnilton, Price $1,00 per bottie; G6 bottles for $6.00. vali----ha- nyoter atht' 'IheKillustrios erma it nîoper fashions with color-plnte illustrations, the cheapest and[i ostdurablefeneee W a u e tha u n y o t h e r c a t h a r t i c a . aan t in e e i s wth i ny e v t ï er v ht h o i t t i v . W i t h t h a n u m b e i - 0 1 t h o m a r k e t . F a r m e r s c a n a s l y The eat um iy ph sie.m md div ne i eal, tee ylef tho m agazineila hgun a depa tm ent b ild it. Farm ers shou d sece h We have eceived F l eming H. w-hich ho ,.w-as created, the germa o! n o! excoptionut inteneat and value-a fnea hs aeesna la (r tur Revel Co., 140 Yonge St, Toronto, perfect pèrson," norr o adPa feedovad to social observances lu "Ways to Win" a uew b hoi' Rev. li latru tit te wh" arycadw-bservencJes nor Ri. 1H. Cnilaeott's, 5th Con. Jos. Dys1on Hag-ue, Prof essor lu Wyclif!e women approuclt the divine ideal the bninga the w-ight o! unquestiodauh Wight's, Darlington, and at Colge, pnice 50 cents. The theme is more oýarthly happinoss w-ite fjy.oiyt tho icsin o god fomPET R wnigsouls for'Christ, the motto o!fIn order to; mardi steadily onw-ato The reduies ou "Seasonable Cookory,' P T RMU D C S ,an do the book heing, "Ho thut winneth sauta the gret g oal set before ail, mon and the chidren's page, and the iilustruted BowmnilaetfrDran la wise," ora the revised version4givos women mnust ho physicaiiy Soundl. designs for tatting, crocheting, lace wavle gn o uhm it, "Ho thtilawiso winneth souls." it Puri'y a! heurt 1nud grand elevution O! makino- etc., are ail o! accustomed e- is a ook optet wit tiouhts nd m -it nover accomeiish the groat cele~ TeDlnao ulshn-iAD V shino's suggestions with regard to personal victory i h oyh i~nddsae. c. hmited,8 icn st. ,w-elstTo- 4xTALSPOIVEYCJ plwai rorChilstl, nttnd lu an easby, Tiose w-ho as pire to true mauhood auto. AfLIy, ise.ses-Failing U*lt plain, l'a atni . inrosetc.,oauseed practica styleanuod mke byand woaniiood are the mon and w-- AuruJoiN'n-Announce the pros- lY IbAh,-or other ,Exoosses asuld mdii sou n d M.ge nd good C mthodimon w-h.tukýe the pnecnution to banish once o! rieamiatiamw-hich causes untaid - %Lost vitality i i or oung teE tes. Ofson c ague names io methoa te v efrt sJnymu Pt ,o! disense. sufferino- Rheuatism is due toa lcttc fta'Tloüe.,,~î~ nna Invtatondefnat - revent Insanity' n oromption159 o! posonulwork:Tint tinod feigyueprieuce frnm acid lu le hlood. it cunnot ho cured tu ifllntzno. Their ose shows immdisiipove- prayer for individunis, watchiug for dn ment s ; dlat nervus aeGache Yh breliiientsher fail n.wa la <~ openingsaporsoni conversation, cor- t ty itnroshaai ynh iiet rohrotad applica- Sifft UPo,,having the g-nne Ajax TabetT respn~Ince Amoo- ualear dneud so ui; that :'cun't sloop" con- tions. Ho'Srsprlauifies the ivwuegaaîetafcacr enumerates love for hrist, faith, con- dintn ae o -u udwrth lormvstecause af nhenmts Oocaorrfndtexoney. Price5oT resautio, widom nd am dkithe pain lu ideand batlk iudicnting and pormnnently cures tus iseus.palk' at r si . n (on»reeto re.Wiry siatency, rsltidnisonan'y- ey disons l li wapr uo ecito Pie crua kidny die the sharp twinges O! This la the testimony o! thousands, o! frac- AJAX RIEMEDY Co., 79»aoý 4 pnthy; while pensonal experience la the rîeumutism andnua -tatmkC ,U basis o! ail true Christian effort. Ait - - n onugatn ae people w-ho once saffered the pains of For sale in BoWmanville by ST hica& , tiJ. uatr nd Sandny achool teachers ta ssuin osnit 8, nhîfe a isonv; tint constlputed habit rheumatismn but w-ho have actaiy been Drujvits. SOT&JR w-orldil 'otintslan tndingrpoioninto YOun lif ecured by taking llood's Sansaparilta. fncvt feilw-keslu theM. Hgreat biood-nhi tiese varied symptoms lead lits greut pow-er to uct upon tho bloodi harvleboat l y ed l fln lnua nta ieaeand deati unlesa they areanud nomoÂe every impurity la the secret 45~. 1 sol i ok i ernelga ana lbanishied. o! the wonderfui canes hy Hood's Sur- *J- sol -inig.Pninie's Ce-iery, Compound puts the sapailila. lfi l a mystery how- a cold hbaheen out-of-geur physical machinecy lu per- A w-iter siguiug "Citizen" la tue 46 caught" "lie fuet la, how-ever, tint fect w-rking condition, and gives the OhwnRfre cue E TTs~e ItIla i otntriato w-bn te boodla oorandtheaysemgreuteat o! atigi!ts--good helti. Thia mANo! intenferinzinl the Oshaw-a post depreQsed, aile becomea particuinriy marvelious medicine la a food that per-ofcnatr nted=C4lvbwbadbodo hiable ta diseuses. When tie appetite foctly niourishes tîho nerves, tisanes nnd ofc mtebut7tike ail cowardly us- ~~n~dlvr oesadbodc on stren-th fails, Ayor's Saraarnilla blood;i nnasnnghndvgnt sasins lhe ides is ideutity' behlind a- any nmcdicinè known, lîccc 16 effects are should ho takon w-thoat delay. td; im b gs tcrosybia io euti mask. XVe make no distinction ho- prompt and lasting. lIt cures, without fait tte atiî faicte nnd b insh cfeuneat veon anoilymous w-itera w-ho make alul =hdisenses as Dsesa osiais an ryto tle l i ae nbri. clanespersoni attacks ticougi the pressaund PBII1OUSIst!S, Bp2 and elergyto ilie bain.wayside saud-baggers or midigh it iuns a Paine'a Celer y Coin cund, as a modi- hurglars. Ail ulike four the liglit o! **foc theorodiua ry litaS ofo every day iife, day. Durinig au expenienceofo twenty, the that _îîî;d nervines, bittons and sursaparillns us found a neal good worthy honeat man ve the ei Ioo: i as ainndmvedfrnteom ti amon lll- a, yen l jrnaîism w-e hruhav atho Baby up etw eak cons- dOw <lass. Tl'ie peoaple praise it, ail jouralavna3omdfpum.Tcy&r lie iumnd a fom he odiuny -m-makno' pversoal ntdeu . ting hisar eta Uutioegrad- ( rugg-ists spouk nits layon, an'd nsunlly mean cow-urds w-ho"w-lishtooes- ally but surely is 1> ae nty mi! eyi iItryoatcape responsihility for their acta. 1 1skic edche, Boils, Pimples, Tumos> Chance 08Ptie'sabet doct orprnb t fvuSctof4laKide>' Complnint, JUdice, ~ t~n s le0 diON.PEaiOESTMAN. Oated Tonrue, Lm f Appetite and L rar ticuiera c'I,,n oy DebuiiW. Tue that 4h guif fb Jwlitch 1 was permtaitenitly reotorc-d toahaitiand anteed o cure if used according to drcin % ~maniv1vgor, after nears o! Eiifferiig from nervmoui 2 > IVdebil ty, sexuat niak ht lasses t and weaie warr'antsanny sufferer i jaging a!afrtriat shrunken parts, 1 vas ro- and 8*wln dred fby tiw -q a ss pt , 1ceni fc a J highlyitor Infants ', ' ait dren, teOBurdock BIood ~ deicat' chicirui aii inalid a> l fands.want nOo n 0 .an z'7X /1 o~~m~sin desirous od ieipIng theufruaet sueppties, P ..Box 59, st. ftiurit (ue. _______________________ I y~r culdcn re elI Compare Tup STATEs3!AN with other Elxhibltors, be Conalderate. but fot rbust the nce for1898-one dollar a year inadvance. White freel.yamtigta h x DOMNVL E C. 8,187 Balance of 1897 free to new subscribes i bito y cons itt n t the mot Xora BO MNILE ctt's Emnulsion of CodL- GREAT MUSIC OFFE.--Send us the- leýet i he sho-, ad shlold be l v r *nam es and addresses o ! th ree or m ore g v n t Il a f e ro d u ev y ca , Sa ugtHliad tl u performers on the piano or organ to- and insonie cases the rig-ht-of.-waýj, wvd heifer froin Augus McLeod and sold lier W r osatyi e gether with ten cents in silver and we& are quite sure they wil l ot dlaimrn o 1b to a btchercSoarnnowtdnesionbreadwil mail you ten pieces full sheet above criticismü. Some exhibitors hp-fa >V~~WWA~~W' ~ and water at the Queen's boardiug ceipt of reports fromn par- mnic, consisting of popular songs, teup~ aut fetmtn hl hou$e" altzesmarches, etc., arrange or own stock at its fulit value,if not of over- T A" A I H EA RA" CIiaSxu-To cuitivate a calm, ents who give their children the piano and organ. Address: pop. estimfating .t while they are a iïtlp I~A m I7IEULAR Music Pun.. Co, Indianapolis, blind tatiie ood qualities o htq hopeful spirit lies inth use of lPutnam's te ruiin v flfoaIdthir rivais. Their own gesse are, al Painless Corn Extractor., It nover faits. teeuso vry SfaiADl for a Thd. th ca;eswans, 'while the other fellows' are jraû FA -SMIE t makes no sore spots on the fiosh and month or two. It ees hen f SbuEsTQuIÇK Rld, -n il ctePlain geese, and if they fail to get the therefore painless. it relioves promaptly. ~ ep Ie fabussad bura, spraiu or- tooth- Most desirable place lu7 the prize list, it IlsadDowns, the organ of Dr.' Weli and srogal i u fotpier.fjs tl~ neverocur to them that they are fairly SIG AT RE Ba~ar srog intr. sofedom ct"Quiickcure" gvsb SIN T R irparo's, homes, has been changed g )4sbo beaten by a better animal, but juup to rom a mouthlv ta a quarterly magazine. I t prevents thii r taking cold.1 relief and cures. E7voryous wvýho has theconelasion~ that il is the judge tba# -0F - tit î a wel-eited, nicely prtnted, and ordc rw'f has beaton themn and they commente vory interestine publication and has Yu otrwl confirmn yoiï will lauei, toe*"kick," and that miakes tliings un. manyapprciatve raderi inthisdiE-"Tim and Mrs. Timi: a stolry for the pleasant for themiselves, for other ce 4e ~~trict. Mr. Frank Vipond la the oditor.0 felt mauyappeciaivereadrs u ths ds- ts. luband isoasrcity man n fthe w iosad o the udgan f h e lattehi, Broken down svsteins, shattered ner- The oil comnbincd with trials o! a wife who was burdoned with business, and knows hie knows it, theo ves and emacîated forms are rapidly t he hypophosphites is a spien- a husband who was a society fiend. course of the protesting exhibitor, as % rostored hi' Miller's Compound Iron Heo joined go many societies that lie rule, hurtq hîmself more than anyogo Pis. Soldf by aIl druggists. dîd food toflie. never spout a night at home; lu fact hie else.-Parmers' Advoicate. I ON T ESay, boys and girls, if vou don't read becamne a husband in naine only. lun "HIome and Youth," a Canadian illus- 0oc. and $i.co,il druggists. bringiiug hlm to is senses, hie wieé Ir-%~ trated monthly, 50ec a year, you don't SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, Torento. became herseli a victim to the imaia 4 'JI I<I..I...FIII( know what a good thiug vou are miss- for joining societies. The sequel shows VV îE K ng Agents wanted lu every school., The old roliable JLLU5TRATED ExpioEss how the husband and wife were brougit M R Sendà 10 cents for 2 sam pIe copies. Ad- annouinces its Holiday issues, to be ta realization o! their duties as membersTE dress HOME AND YOUTH., Toronto, Ont. pitdlcorawth ig-elasaatof aoioty. The book la priuted ou fine O? ~That tirod feeling wiil disappear, and and litioraay features.. The Express paper, in clear type and laudy shape, I E you wtt! be able to ont weii and slee.p dosen't ruu to big type and pietorial 'and la 'for sale at the bookatoros. PLS ]BOTTLIâZ 0F well by using Milier'a Coirpound Iton rubbish as mucli as saine o! its contom- TORONTO NEws Co, 42 Yonge St, Pilf.la Iby ail druggists. praries, but when we got down to gen- Toronto, publishers. Ber lin seema to ho going ahoad-last utle iment Ti ILLUSTRÀTED BUFiFALO My friend look here! you kuow how% yoar's incroaso in population, 608-total EXPRE,4sS is away lu the lead and the weak and nervous your wifo ta, and 9 295. Asseasmeut increaso, $7,45 reat o! the bunch nowhere. you know that Carter 's Iton Pilla wil ou'EUNwsRcre which by the way Catnrrhi, like acrofula, is a disease o! relieve h er, now why flot be fair about U P C A ThAlas improved more than any other paper the blood and may be cured .by purify-1 it and buy h or a box? , h, n eleean ii throubles inut- £0 s týt rthýo îysteui, ucli as kuown to us under present management ing the blood with Hood 's Sarsaparilla. The November issue o! The Canadian II.u aisea. DoanaDistrrss aftew î,A S O R IA ~~~doos not deny but that the Berlinites The Ca nadian Home Jouruel is partic- Magazine is an Anniversary Number miagPam n b5id,&.le u heown laun are prolifie, but attributes the cluef ullarly intereaing and well and profuse with a special cover. The contents ar« ;Zkbb uceobs ideWhowleitheirdi increaseto the extension of established Iv illustrnted for December. T h ecover perhaps about the average. J. S. Wiltison, industries and the beginniun' of new anud first two pagea are devoted to the editor Toronto Globe,has a manuilcent Oseors f pt u l oi-mxebolie OflY ~ono o a odat cae.Her t n esontown of Barrie,Ont. In the fancy work article deating with Johun 'andfleldL,-ELî ir, not sold lu bulk. Do't aiiow.anyone to 86Wi for our town. Xdcee àlfý imXIYI you auyttu1 ciao ou the piea or pIonlwe thatt, pages are illustrations and directions Macdonald, Edward Blake, Sir Oliver «f C0nîtïpy eon, cur1 i la "just ai good" sund "wijll snswer every pr. .If your every day duties are a liarden for a compoeutftbo ie ulol Mwt u o rthur S. Hardy- sn rinettg tbaanuoying comp1int, whll pos."~Se ~t~ t OA--TO--IA.ititabecausey ou are flot well. Mller's design, anvyor al o! whîchwould bhoIlee premier past and preseut of Ontario,1ther allîoiorret.tail disordror 0 te stomaoib, Comoud lrn Pll wlucorec tismoat suitable for hauidsomne Chiristmas This la undoubtedly One o! the best gd lt th liver sud reguisté tii, b@wewm *~condition, and work w-i become a gits, and auy pieceofo whicli would be studies lu political 111e ever penned hy pesrSold by ail druggiste. eau ho obtaned through the Journal. a Canadian. John A. Cooper givos an The ecrenit issue also contains saime account of the Fenian Rai of 18G6acc- WTPiL The December Number o! TuE Du- receipta for candies, with fuli directions ompanied bv valuabie photograp'hs. H u Ey o Ad . auctpreV i t b LINEATOR la called the CtRmisTmAs Ntiy hoiv so imake themi at homoe; a page and mapa. Dri. J. G. Bourinot givea we sofr froin tbis dtatrisinq complaint BER,.its richiy, tinted color-plates ilaus- byNMr, ,Joy on the Christmas dinuer the fîrat o! his series o! twelve papers bu trtumtely the'ir gooduen Os cIo o lâ trato the chnrming possibilities O! menu; Christmas atonies andgames for ou "The Makers o! the Domini1111on f t ae liutlis~pNae iioaîubtlo temmuçrmayslthat Fashion's lateat-discoveries, the Russian' tho chliidren; thlelatest fashions in mid- Canada, The peotry aud the dopant- therwîîî fnet b. wrlling ta do wtt ontthem. Jacket and Blouse and the False Skirt, wintor farsan gowns; three pagea of mnsaesiuteresting as usuai. Con u- t&t@r anliick head ns w-eh a eten andies i DesMusic, anda u ero others nest tributions from Gilbert Parker, Gold- * Gooda, Trimminga, Mitinory, etc. The ing articles, ail beautifuily illustratod. wiu Smith, Principal Pankin. anud othear artices in Fnncy Needlework, hended _A m's wife- shouid always b the e Iediîîg wnitors, are anflounced for the byEmmn Hywood's irections, for saine, especially toalier husband, but if Crsmsnmeh*asosmuivuhthr shr makig a panled odic frnt, nelue »mal. our grecSai ou.Our pilUscurefil he dmaki ng spage odeicetafroclud she la weak and nervous, and uses Tins TELLS WHRE HEALTH MAY BEU ISE otherg do not. b y* d~nt eodtcrceting Carter's Irn Pilla, she canuot ho for FouND,-And that is more impjortant ar'aLTrc và isaeeyml !rmteloa gnit forthe ttenick tey makre lhon "bel like a different than making mouey. If your blood la Àdîé. nev tredtl, v~î egetab e sud de ib y(9 £rPmttesoralaenreseLIETOButt - Persan," 50 thley al say, and their hua- imýpure, Hood'sSarsaparilia la the med- sesSM> ier purgb, but by thetr gontdsaction PattrsUOCo ho nd, St. W., IB TorU- bandas ay so tool icine for you. It cures acrofula, sait alwou elu vIiatl&Otd; rheum, Ateamatism, catarrh and al U .Sleeyhee rety5 oanto, Ont. Suhacihers price o! the other disenses originating lu or promot- I rînGO.la o Dehineator, $1.00 per yoar, or 15 conta THfE DIVINE IDEAL edby imnpure blood and low- stato o! tihe .iha 'b b e i feeling will disappear; Hood 's Pilla are easy to take, easy to u b b eSyour appetite wilt impro vo; your di- operate. Cure idgsin headache. gestionw-ilho perfect and good; sound idgsin ONTARIO BANIK rfresh A work 0of great value to the agricul- Te nw slcop w-i renow- yourgr tarai community and the 0w-nons ot live mtue4n GReuc1rai Bauktng Business iLs season 1in new styles for the duties o! to-mornow if von w-,tSound Health an Es11sen-' stock generaltyla" ' The Veterhiary gny )w Sho)e Shapes, right *take Miiier's Compound lrin Pilla. Science." ltit roats comprehensiveiy DEPOSITS wtites m l'Sa d bv ail draggists. tial in Reaching the and lu plain. every-day language an uoeîed ln SavInuss Bauk fepartuieont ana o wearE y ne ho itens maingthe anatomy, diseases and treatmeut of an tnterestallowed atourreut ratesN r that has always char- Chritas g-ifts should read the holidayGra Gol domestic animais and pouitry. besides tioowîthdrawalnoees3ary. Ail deposit because they are hon- * niunor o& the Standard Designer cnarn opeedstpino al ndmn Ruberî*fo contains ffty-foar suggestions mediciiio, recipea, etc., enabling the 'EXCHANGR Lire, ubr o Yuie-tide presents. It must not be farmen to ho is own eina .Comý- B*mgtandsold and oraftîîe,(ueduponmurop spsehow-ever, that these are petent authonities regard l'The Voter- Valted Stateesand Cauadai,nIsoGod,5îve?- in ~T RAN YS HISYEA *ed to crow-d out or even curtail PIII CS'ELERY COM POU N D iary Science" as a standard w-ork, and dSas GreenbackabF;ouLht and sold ET*ABS HSY A the negulan dopartments of -fashion, o!f ETW HA LSIN one w-hich no owner of animutis can a!- OLCIN __miiliuery, literature, floriculture, hi- fard tobhowithout. The bookia soid utiPrMiîy nade atcre aasuoaipr '~cycing; toilet hints, cookery, etc., $2, but the London Friee Press Comn ret t1 u, ho nted ates su d l.Fh whidi are, if po5zsible, more interesting pany ha made arrangements whereby 1Douilnlon olCanada4 and up-to-date than usual. Christmas, tlîey w-lU suppiv theoitrmammoth 16 page Teerp ris»r as t huid be, is the ralim- motif edition (the Weekziy Free Press and Tegr lu this number. There are Cristma ItS Use Means Vigorous Manhood Farm and Home) for oneyear, togetier Made for large or srnailimuisa on ail parb or tories, a Christmas play, Christmas adWmahd with a -t copy o! theobook,at the extrem lyCaada. This is especially advantageoni te poetry, and most delightful saunding wpieo 2 hs sa potnt takes the funds avattabie at-nce cl thre recel)t forChrstma godie, e nd ctiv Brinof w-hidli ever.yone shouid take advun- place of paymont. E Rtfndsae agv a paasing notice tage. £Ohe patiulars cait at the bank. to the fashion and mîllineri' colon . A woman w-ho la weak nervous and Accotintant. Manager. L Rpae hc.aemost excellent in s_________and___________________an WesE GREÂT COMPNewDKoEPS THE persan. Carter's mon Pilla Q là- LJ 1t, ÀyrsPilben1omoeLo h BOI>Y 1,N PERFECT CONDITIONI. the circulation, remove nervo.ines ; . ýjj,\re ess'îtiài vîrtues o! the host vegetable-ang vstnthndet a rients, withoat any o! the woody or The October number o! The Delin- Before buyiuu- or puttin n any 2roua matenial whatever, la the reason eatorla very properly calied the Aut- i-i-" P r p fi 147tour. LStorcus ai.auum IV, mlw 1 way meyarese mueil more etieetive and 1

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