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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1897, p. 8

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Our large stock of Christmas Goods wrill be opened out this week, al !Oew, Tiovel and 13eautikd.,, Our Imported Perfumes are unexcelled in quai- ity and low in prices. BOWMANVILLE. Chemists and Druggists. The Nobbiesý The Finest1 The Best Va jIn Furniture.. fi: are to be fouud and are offred at our ware as it is impossible te desenibe the different 2=~ would respeetfully invite the publie generî t Styles , Finish alues ,roomsl, and it Ues, we cally te visit NEW HAVEN". Mr,.-Claire Lanýgmiaid spent Ttahanks- giving,- in Toronto. . .. Mr. Geo. Sliirtliff hias been visiting lu Sarnia and Çicao recenitl,. ... Mr. Gralin of U, bridgeý lias bîeenr hired as scheol teaculier of uium- ber 3... . Mi'. Eruest FeyliaLs about re- covered from lits Sicess .. .Wm., Curtis (Hfaruden Farm) las had semee successful piowing bees iately. HAYDON. Thatlittiebirdthat dits ironid says thiere is going to be awedding in ithe iown.-Marriag'_e licenses sold by M. A ae for only 2. . .-Mr. R. A. Ashtonpurchased some wovod Ai r. A. Mooreý's sale.... .An excellent "'at homi1e" wvas beld by the League, Tuesday nighit. Those îakig prt ere: he aifaly . MIt. Vernon, Misse M.areeerRilda imoMessrs. Wli Brokeus.hire, N. Rie, Hrbeiand Cyrus Slmn.Poeeds ... r.G.ilbaujk was home from Oshawa on Sunday. ...Mr. N.'Rundle recited ai a concert in Oart wright last week... Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon aidi Mr. and Mrs. R. Slemon vîsted Mr.E.T.Siemon, Osh)awa, Sun- day PLACE AND DATE. BOWMANvILLE, Ceuncil Chamber, Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 2 and 7.30 p.m. Ox.oNe, Tewn Hall, Tlursday,>D ec. 16e at 2 and 7.80 p. m. GOVERNMENT DELEGATION. LIEUT-COL. DAVID MCCRAE, Guelphi, and MISS LAURA ROSE, Ass- istant Instructor lu Dairy Department of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. SuBJ.cTs FRnDiscussioN. Afternoon: Clover Culture, Col. Mc-' Crae; A Morning lu, an Engiish Dairy, Miss Rose, "foliowed by a genierai dis- cussion. 1Evening : Farm Lif e and Heaitliy bouses, Col. MeCrae ; Que Eye in the Field, the Other lu the Town (French Proverb), Miss Rose. Discussion. A choice Musical Program wîhl be provided. LADiEsS SrEOIÂLLY INVITED. Ladies of Bowmanville and farmers' wives and daugliters are speeially invit- ed. It is a new feature havîngald on tlie delegation and the laie of the district are cordially asked to give Miss Rose a liearty welcoime toWest Durham. DýjîbhS L2'1e the kidncys ýS 1p f -îý trong ad ealthy. $ us Thy.ceus the kid neys to filter ail Urie Acd and other pot- ruile c X'ksonsor impun-ities fromn the blood. Healthy kdesmk uebod Or. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pis cure Rheumnatism, Gout, Eczexna, Anmmia, Fimpies, Bad Blood, Biight's Disease, M4alaria, - Backaehe, Kidney Pains, Dropsy, Pain lu the Abdomen, Frequent Urination, Inflammation 01 eidnovs, Femaale Weakness, etc.- I tinkil if it had net been for Spara - ,gus Kidney Pis I shouid nlot be alîve now. I was very badly off, could net: pass but a few drops of water at a time, and it seemed as thougli it wouid kill me. Wliat was passed was thick and high colored, and would settie like brick dust. I had dulileavy pains across my kidneys and bladder, IYliad tried everything I heard of but gt no relief untit I tried your remedy. i have net taken a whole box, yet cati unyseif cured. 1 eau safely recommend your pis te others wlio are afficted withi the same trouble. MRs. A. B. PATTRELL, Morrisville,Vt. Spararros Kidney Pis. ROBBS REM EDY CO.,. PRIETreSs, CICÂeO Dr. Eobbs Pilîs For Sle in 130 XMAS VILLE, ONT., by STOLL & JDURY. COURTICE. Rýev. Dr. Marvin bas been visitiug frieuds lun Prince Edward Connty ..Mrs. (Rev.> J. W. 1bs. ery other . .Mi' auaLk Sr, onas bee n t o'is ' h Rud Th sick are recoering l. MAPLE GROVE.' Mr. A. W. F oley represented our Division at the Grand Lodge in Toronto .. . .Mr. Charles Wýinter, Barrie, lias been calllng ou. old frieuds miss Eva Annis, Oshawa, visited frleuds here recently. ...,The Base Line C. E. visita this League TÉbursday evening .. . .Special E-van- gelistie services have been started this week. HAMPTON. Mr. J. Brewnson, Kausas, bas beeýn guesit of Mir. E. B. Cryderman and other relatives. birs. T. Elliott was unable to have the opera- tiou erformned on lier arm on Monday. . .. Mrs. S.W rd has gene 10 Toronto to reside for the 2 Cases of New Oiothing. New Goods in Grocery Dept. New Goods in Boot and Shoe Dept. New, Goods in Gent' Furnish- ing Dept. New Dry Goods Fancy Goods for Xmas. We have opened ont another1 lot of blue worsted Serge Suits, these are very hanidsonie strong wearing goods, new claret and brown ulsters, extra value, also one case of clothing made up in geod style from our A own materials, these are f ully equal to the average ordered suit and are cheap. i case Magical Smokeless Lamp Chimneys,'this Chimney appears to be a great improvemnent, see theun anyway. New Clusters. Five Cases new cur- rants; a large shipment of Candies and Nuts, al the. best ordinary goods and some fine >s manufactured for us specially good. Also spices, biscuits etc. Men's Storm Rubbers, the new Bijou Ladies Rubbers (rolled edge). New top felt boots, haif Ioxed and wliole foxed. 4 buekle felt waterproof grain, leatherfoxed. Men's Jersey Artics, anolier shipment of Oberholtzeî's noted fine wearing grain goods at old prices, also something extra value in men's knt sox and rubbers to match. NEW ARCTic UNDERWEAR:-We have just open- ed out a fult lune of mnen's arctie (fleece lined) under- Wear, extra heavy,ribbed cuifs the best value we have yet shown at 75c also the 5oc fine. Men's and Boys Fur Caps in Nutrea, Otter and Beaver Opposum pnices trom $u.9o to $4.00."-4 CER ISTMS NECKWEAR.- Lookout for otnew and stylish neckwear for Xmas, we witl open out this week about $75.00 worth of the newest and hand- somst iesevr sowninthe town, cail and inspect pnices from i5c to 5oe. We have received a lot of repeat orders in dress things in Ladies Manties iricluding the curi cloth Mandes, we are making the prices very interesting in the dry Lyoods ilprt. e h rush hrt-- ' -. ,.-- - - - ...--.e ..-.- i. .. r1fl~~rtc. u yd Md.ated l.- -- 'f~*'~ our store -and see tuie new ana pretty designîs in ail Unes of Furniture. We will convinëeyou we tead in vantety, style, makce, finish and pnice and you will be delighted that you have ealled ou us. -~ .- oe- .~ BowivANviLLE. Ennemi Direetor, Furniture Denier. aaahB~ImmBmmBamnhammBêêêêIBBmmamemmmBmêB~BsBhBs.~ BOWMANVILLE. DEC. , ,,1897 CLARKE I¶EWS 8 (Conidensed from the News.) KENDALL. Miss Bella Underwoed visited in Tenon- te.. ., . Messrs. G. b. Jamieson and] Jas. McGaIhey are home frem Maita.. Mn.r D. Comstock has purcliased Cie bilock of timben ou R. Stewart's farm,. 8th Iinoe.... Misses Beila and Louise Un-i derwood and Mn. O. A. Gamsbyv of Oro- neo, will assist the Presbytenian. choir Sunday. Shortuess of breath-a sensation of dryness and heat in the t roat. Neg-' leet is. dangereus. Ransom's Hive Syrup and Tolu aets like a ehsfrm on, the tliroat aud bronchaI tub)es. Use if liefore it is tee, late. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. SIXTII LINE. Mn. Relit, Meton aud family, Penny- towu, speut Sunday week liere. .. . Mn,, beninan Gray, Gardon Hblt, visited lits unele, Mn. Mn. J. Stewart ,recently.. The membens of St. Savieuns ehurcli were entertained neceetly by Mn. F, Mer gan.... .Mr. J. Morisen, Miss Min- nie H ail and Mn, sud Mrs. Thomas Me- Cômb. Ono, spent 'Thanksgiving ut Mn. R. Mortu's . . .. Messrs. Jolin sd Relit. Stewart and Mn. John - sud Mns. Joseph Simipson visited friends at Ce- bourg .... Mn. Alex.Ubenry, jr., is im- preving.. Miss Maliel Morgan. visited The danger is lu the negleet-that s wliy se many coids lead te ai1 fatal dis- ease. Ransem's bive Syrup sud Tolu is made for thneat sud iung It acts ike magie. Soid by Stett & Jury, drug- ANTIOCH. Mn. sud Mns. R. Rtutt, Orone, spent Tlianksgiving at Mn. Wm. Stutt's.. Mn. Jas. Waddell and famaily, Miss Semmerville and Master Athur Som menville speut Tliauksgivitig day ut Mn. W. J. Roy's, Tynono .... ,Mns. John Fes- toný, Bowmaflviile, vistted at Mn. W. foster's -. ... Mn.. Gee. Waddeli sud wif e sud Mn. T. G. Waddetl, necently vistted ,pi ends in Darington .... Mn. Bort Somn- merville, Oakwood, is expected home.. .Mn. WaidimernO iunter vistted Bow- mauville last week... Mn. Tlios.Jayues is sinkiug a well for Mn. David Meffatt ...Mn. Geo.- Smithi is liuing herses -fon the Toronto market .. . .Miss Cassie Col- ville, Bowmauviile, lias been visîting ut Mns. T. W. Uudenwood's Scaly eruptieus ou tlieliead, cliapped bauds sud lips, cuts, buises, scalds sud bumus are quicklY cuned liy Tnask 's Muguette Ointment, It is ut present thekarticle most used for piles, and it aiways cures tliem. Soiçi bY Stott & Jury, the d-ggists. 111 Mrs. E. Scott, Toronto, is vstn friendshene.iMinnie Truhil lias b-een guest of i-ss Hall, Oshawa ... MnI. T. W. Jackson and uýife spent Tliauksg-iving in Toronito .... Mn. John Miller, jr., visited frhmids in the City. ... Miss Minnie Rarris, Cowýanvile, visited ut Mn. O. Scott's,reety... Miss Effie Wigt, Providence, wu s receut guest of Mrs. J. E. Richards, ... Mnr.. and Mrs. David Walshi spent Tlianksgiving ut Mn. Edmond Colilledik's .... Miss I. Rutherford und Miss Falls of Shulo, vis-, ited Mn. Thos. Souci. .,-.The Publie Sehoot teacliers of Orono have been ne- cngaged .... Mrs. b-. Chisliolm and daug lter of Toronto, visited lier sister, Ms.. TAliti.... Dr. b. E. Arm- strong, Jamiestown, Dsk, lias been ap- pointed Medica! Heaith bifficer .... We are sorry te report theilns of Mrs. J. L. Rowe._, Miss Lillian Gamnsby- is teucli- ing for Mrs. J. L. Rewe during lfier iii-, niess. . _ Miss Bertha Doncaster, teaclieri and Miss Bertha Hoilowoil, Stankilîle, visited friendsliere rocently. . .. Sunday Sehool day in the Methodist church wa s tlioroughly weti oliserved. Tliree large congregations assembied sud the col- lections amounted te nesriy $70 . ... Mn. John Yiarrow, wlio lias been elono on lot 21, con. B, Clarke, was found dead lu his house Wednosdsy week, To Cure oid sores, to elt an indolent ulcer, or te speedily cure piles, you need simpty apply Trask 's Mugnetie inituent according te directions. Its magi-lie ation wilt surprise yeu. So'ld jy7to' dýJury, Bowmanvilie. 11 SALEM. That old time 'favorite drama "The Last Leaf" willietniost acceptably pro- sented at Salem Sehool lieuse ou Dec. ltli. Remember the date. Moonliglit you know. Admission 15c, fer benefit of sebool. NoNE se EXCELLENT.-"I have been treuliled witli sicli headuche for over a yeur. Lately I have used Laxa-Liver Pis, and find that ttîey help me mere than any other medicine I have ever taken. They are un excellent pill, causing neo pain on gipiuig,and leaving ne, after iii effects." MISS MARY ELLEN HicKs, Southi Bay, Ont. ENFIELD. The Sons of England are liaving a grand conceýrt and eyster suppel- this Wednesdany eveniing. Sons of îreland and Scotland and ail other sens sud daughters are cordialiv invited. Ad- mission 25e. Bro Dr. Mitchell will oc- cupy the chair .. .. The wauiders are ne- turning. Mn. Win.. umpage lias ne- turned fnom Maniteba, very cold weatli. er wlieu lie left 230ý beiow zeo. M.Ed- o.ar Bradley lias netunned from Chicago fi.Mr. Luther Bradley is home from Manitoba ... . Mn. Leslie Pasce us ut- tending the Grand Division sud visiting fiends lu Toronto and Scarboro..,..*Miss Annie llegarthi and Mn. R. B. Mitchell and wife visiteduat Mn. R. Pasco's.... Rev. Mr. Savage witl conduct the meet- uig ut Eulleld next Sundav afternoen. GI , il 9 Programs for Clarkie (D ec. 16), and Cartwright (Dec. 20) will beannounced next week. Members of theWestDurhamFarmers' Institute are urgently requested to attend, and bring as many others as possible. H. C. HOAn, W. E. POLLARD, Secretary, President, SOLINA. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Law gave a Thanksgiving dinner te a nismher of their relatives at Garden Hlli Farm.... Recent yicitors: Mr. and Mrs. Flintoif and family, Taunton ; Mr. and Mrs. H. S Pliair and Master Anson, Courtice, at Mr-. Law's... .Mýaster Claude 'Law at- teýnded the True Blue concerinii Osha- wa . ... Mr. AMbert Moore is ucoined te lits beCt with inflammation o!f'the lungs .. .. Miss Annie Hogarth is vstigat Enfeld . . Mr. R. L Werrv conducted service uat Eldad on Sunday- eveUing and will continue te do se until thàe New ï ear .. .. Special collection wÙ1i19be taken Up next Sabbath at Eldad lui aid of the Sunday School .... Giad to h iear th at Mr. S. J. Williams continues te iimprove... Mr. J. Wood, formerly of Oreno, moved into, the village Tuesday and commen- ced dutteg as general blacksýmitli. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Werry oif New Ha- ven have aise moved inte the vi llage,oc- eupying tlielieuse vacated by- Mr. H. H4ooper.... Mr. Wm. A. Tom hias moved te Bowmanville .... Several from here, attended the Young Liberal i Meeting at Hampton, N\ov_. 2...s. 1T. Baker grandly entertainedfier Sun1da1y sCIhoo ces athr-oeeuveiglastweek fLoyal Urusadersar prepjaring for their aninuai tree .. .. Our' sehool under Mr. R. McLaren, teacherii.teiîd giving an entertaiument on Dec 17ý. A good time is expected..Mr. A. L . Pascoe is at Toronto having a cata ract resnoved from eue eye.,... Many en 'jey'ed a cutter ride last Wednesday, the ýflrst of tlie s3eason, . . Recent visitors : Mr. Milton Werry of Tyrone ; Mr. and Mrs. John Hlall and Miss Etta Hall of Enfleld; '1rs. Eli Osborne of Courtice .... Mrs. Daniel M. Arnot brokýe lier th*glh bone by siipping on the floor .. .. Mr. W. Fursey-is sikiug fast. ... . An attempt wtll Ieà made to form au ýEpýworth League at Eldad. We neod more churcli and sehool wokr. .. .Rev.E.E. How-ard preached a good practical ser- mon o Sundy....Mi55.tHudson has gone home fer a well earnedl holiday... The Loyal Crusaders wîli hoid thieir. annual Xmastree on Dec. 21, at 7:30 p. m. A good program i,, beingý provi- ded and tliey neyer attempt te give one unless it is good. Come eue, come al and see for yourseives. Aduits 10e,, chiîdren 5c. Sales, Wlth Hood's Sarsapa- MT rlUa,"lSales Talk," and show thât thîs medi- conidncesu patronage te a greater extent than accord- cd any other proprletary miedieine, This in simpiy because It possesses greater meit and produces greater cures than any other. It la flot what xe say, but what Hood's Sarsaparîlla doses, that tele the Btory. Ail advertisements of Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsapailila It- self, are honest. We have neyer decelved the publie, and thus wth its superlative medicinal menit, la why the people have Ablding confidence in 1t, and buy e- o arsaparIIaý te) C,6t theexlsoo! ailotherq. Try 1t~ Preardoly by C. I. ïiocd & Cç. LweIl, Mass. Ho~'s uisareth, only pli: totake aunuai meeting lu tbe Town hall Saurday. Sec advts .... Prefessor Hloidge's enlertalumeni was not given ou Tnesday eveuino. for the lack of an audience. .Professer lleui' s Lecture on Friday uight was givei tesa plessed but smail audience. TYRONE. Ail members of the Home Circles are request- ed te attend riexi Friday evening .... Mrs. Agnes Harris is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. L. A. J. Short, Courtice ..- Messrs. Irwin sud Allilu greaiiy iuteresied the juniors sud seniors as weli ai the S. S. Convention.... Miss Cors M. Gardin- er is visiting Lindsay friends... Sous of Tem- perauce willi heartlly like te.-welcome the large crewds of Convention Day ai iheir Christmas euteitainmeni. .... Congratulaions te Mr. sud Mrs. Thos Scott on the fine boy who arrivcd Snnday .... .Mr.. John Werry, Bethesda, bas been very iii but ai last reports was slightuy îm- proved- BLACKSTOCR,- Buacksîock Metholists inteud te have a grand concert soon. . . Mr. Bobt. Field who had been workiug for the C. P.ý R., is home. Mr. Georg McLaughlin, bis chnim. bas uoi yet retnrned... Mr. Jas. Holmes s ashowiug some heautiful euit- ters... Our uew Post Office is quite compuete sud. a, credit te the village sud te Mr. R. H. Prusi, P. Mii... . 1ev. N. H. Russell on furlougli froei he Preshyterisui Central India Mission, will deliver addresses Pnext Sunday, as feliows : il a. m. Enniskillen raeln churchi; s p.m. Black- stock Presbyteia,n chnrch. Evening service Port Perry. Special collections. ENNISKILLEN. Miss Minnie Rogers, Port Hope Model lichool speut Thauksgiving at home... Mr. Roebert Me- Laughliu snd wife, Markdale, are te become re- sidents of ourvillage.... The Leagne Social wss a success-the program was enlvened by our excellent quartette of vocalisis, Misses Minule Rogers, Leta Potier, L. Ranton sud Mr. R. H. Stepheus: Recitations were givèn by Misses G RauI1ten11 Mary Virtue sud E. Gibert, Mrs. Thetu iudsay, sud Mr. H. Dunslow, Biack- stock hbile ail were gond the iwo lasi eues excellent. Mrs Thexton in particeulsr delighted the audience wiih ber easy ustuirail naÈner in her wel rendered selection. Miss sud Mr. W. Neacock, Blackstock,were much1 apprecisted lu ibeir duets, as were aise Miss Hayes and Mi. C. W.,Souchaiud Miss L., Rogers ili uheir vocal efforts. The Hampton League is exuected te vIsit ibis League nexi Frlday eveniug . .. . ev. W. Savage will preach in the Methodisi cburcb Sunday eveniug. Moniday eývening he will de- lirer bis greai lecùturu on"My .ý,work lu the slumns ef London." A s3ilver collýeUion for the lectur er soit shoulf lbe w ýell atienuded ... . Mr. R. R. Siepheus o! thispîsce( expecisto give s fine pre- g ramat bis seheol eniertalument, Long Sauli Schol buse ouFriar venugDec. lbib.. -. Mr. J. T. Polloc-k,exý-lZeve ,returued frein Mani- toba, Thnrsday ina very peor sateof healhl. 11e is quite Iýittipa epreseni lime. lHe visited several portions of the Prairie Provinc(-e sud was pleased wlth mesie-f it. He speaks blghly o! the prosperiy of the farmersibere this year.. .Report S.S. 16, Darlingion, for the mouili of Nov. Teacblng days, 21, Scbool open 20 dsys, aggregsie attendane 707, average 35, laie once q ýlate ,twieea, laisibro tlimes orofiener, Rate Xirtue, Florence Virtre Roland Virtue, Frank Vir tue, Maggle Bell, Allan Sýylvester, Myile Heudersen. Standing, names luorder o! ment: V. Lyla Glbert, Kate Virtue, Sr.IV. Ettile Stew- art, Hubert Pollock, Jr. IV. Addie Pye, Georgre Potier Sr. 11H Pearl Ranton, Annie Bell, Jr.lI. John kali, Florence Pye, Sr. Il. Arthur Rerke, Mabel Sberirid e, Jr. Il. Roland Virtue, Ed. Shertridge, Sr. 1'i. II. Muriel Stainion, Maggle1 Bell, Iut. Pt. II. Inla Herriug Allan Sylvester,1 J r. Pt. IL. Merwink MouutJoy Mynile Henderson Sr.I. Evelyn Rorke,AylmeràIerring. W.NOBLE, teacher. Are you going to Dye? Sucessful Dyeing eau only be, -wth Diamond Dyes. Thousands dye this month. ,Týhe vast majority make' the wonk profitable sud pleasant, While ethers are eonfronted disappeiutment, despair nd udin. The happy sud successful dyers une those wlio always use the Diamond Dyes that produce the' brighltest, fastest su d most iasting colons. lie diseonteuted sud unliappy eues are the few thut use the cemmen and crude package and soap grouse dyes, givtng muddy sud bletcliy celons. If yen desine te. make your costumes, dresses, capes, jackets, bliuses, etc., look1 like new garments, liuy some fashionuhle dank celer of the Diamoud Dyes, sud yen will lie astenislied ut the results. Now is the time te look eut the meu's sud lie>s' liglit coiored sud faded clothing sud make them neady for an - othien sessen's wean. Fast Diamoud BIacký, Seul Brown, Indigo on Navy Bline will give magnificent shudes o ,f aIl gýarments. Inctist upen -cour dealer e'Yiving you the Diamond i)yes everv time yen liuy ; thon, sud only tlien, in success assureci. We have opened out and marked off this week two large invoices in this'Dept including some very - neat Scarf Pins, Purses, some funcy novelties in sul- verweun, Marcnulade dishes; Toilet Bettles, B3onnet Brushes, Desk and Manicure Setts, Letter Seuls, Bonbon Spoons, Coffee Spoons etc. If you wiant a watch or dlock or repairing, doue corne and see us. Our sales are increasing fast, November sales being 25 per cent more than last year we think good times are coming and we are trying o ir best t o round up the year ahead of ail previous records. We want chicken any quantity dressed and drawn, we want them at once. TLhe MA1SON G-o. Ilappy Thought à'I This Range ha;J woni universal adj miraion.This Îi, rHAT not to be wonder- ed at, as it is the only range that gives enitire satis- Over 50,000 I N ow in Use. Don. Bo Decoved There is no ofâer range like a the Happy Thought, neither can there, be as every parti is either patented or registered. FOR SALE BY Du stan LI& IHIoaPr NEWCASTLE. Mr. Jes Henry, Oroeo, sbipped a canload o! turnips from bere Saiurday .... Mr. Arthur sud Miss Getile Darey and Mr. and Miss Bell, Leek- anS, speni Suda y ai Mr. John Law's. ... The Song service in tbe Meihodisi churcli Sunday nligbi was largely attended. The choir was as- sisted by Miss Annie Aluin, soprano, and Mrs. John Middleion, alto. Rer. 1R. Taylor preached froni the texi, "Take np Thy Cross sud feilow me" Miss Aluin sang a solo "Where Hie leads me Iwilhlfollow." The choir sang" Anywhere with Jesus suad Messrs. Rev. Taylor 1 W. Pickard1 sud Walter Rickard sang a trio ' Lei tha Sun- shinein" sud a quariet composed of Miss Annie Aluin, Misses Middletou sud Rer. R. Taylor aud Mr, W. Piekard sang "1Wheu the roll Is calleti up youder." NOTICE TO PATRONS. A meeing' e!the Patrons o! the Hampton Cheese Factory wili be heiS lu the T.wu H ail, Hampton, ou SATURJ)AY, JJECE1MBiER 1îtu, 1897,1 AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M. fer the pur pose e! receliig the report sud clesing up thbe past sessou's business. F. L. Ruais, Secrtary. Hampton, Nov. 26th,1 1897. ANNUAL MEETING. The Aunual General Meeting o! the Sbare- holders o! the H AMPTON BUTTER AND CHEESE Manufaciuriug Cempauy eof Darlin- ton, Limited, will bc heldi h T WN HALIÎ, HAMPTON, on SATUItBAY, DECEMBER îîth, 1897, AT 30'CLOCK, P. M,, for tbe pulrpose e! electiig a Board e! Direciers te serve frnthe eusuiug yesn snd the transaction e! sncb other business as may properly come before the Meeting. F L, RuaIS, Seeretfry. Dated ai Hampton, N v .lOlh,'1197. In Te Surou là,o OP THE UNITED COUNTIIES 01 NOTHUMBERLAND M DURHA In the matter of the estaIo'WLL Me1 lKA Y, laI ,ý. cf thèe.7TV'/?of Ri Nan ville, in the United Coiin1ticg Sothumbferland .{nd,1, Durham, Chp. 10, Sction.36 sdA nc gAcs ail persous having dlaims a gainsi the Estat t thelsaid William McKay, wbdidonora the th day o! etober, .D. 897,!,are ýrqqJ"Il tsed by psi repldor te delirer te t"' ministrairix, Chrislna 1McKayo!fibesaiS TI o! Bowmanvlle - or t ni,acdonld tosh & Mc-rimn, Hoom 40,MefKiuuon Btn îug, Toroto, OiarieSoJilciter erthe adar istratrix, o! the estate o! the said Williamr Kay, ou or befere 1 Deçember27,A.D., I189 their usmes, addresses sud dsrpin u full stimnt o! the particulars !ihi cs aud the nature of the securiiy (faylb1 ihenidulyertifieSd xltaiafirlb, si the sdminîstixwl poedtedsrul assets o' the deceas'eld smeulg the priset therete,haring egadouiyte the dis wbich shesas1l hen have notice. Datedithe 13th day e! November, A. D., 181, CLUrEMA _"e -7,MÀflTOSII & MCCIUMS Solieltors for i tina :McLKay, 2Adiisitra- R OARS FORSRVCTe .1>prored yorksirie 1"Oak LdeEin wss eue o! Mn. J. E. Brethor sfao -t hogsdsr e!fsa numbene!fbis priep - io!immense lengthdI!i u Sept. Sir' Pý'9tv Ei grani" im-p.Also a erM bi!"prn-, -sire sud dam im rperited( by Mr- J G.-Si Terins-5e. Young LBerksbie iga Sfoi' S pu reay lt.ea Dc. 0.T. f.1.C apeGrore, Lot 19,con 2, Detiiîgtouwol iHe 50 - 4w* il x 7--e New Jewelîry Watches, Clocks, Spectacles done1 The Mason Go. Osltiîng Ready For Christmas We have received several tons of new goods this week priiwipally Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, rubbers etc. and MUen's Suits and Overcoat;, we are rnaking great efforts to keep up our stock for Xwas trade, wc mention some of the goods that are just to haxd., y 'IT y 4, Y, Tý 'y, y -y- Yi y" Y y, ý y, >,y y; I'T Yi a y IIITI y -y T-Y y y, l'Y l-Tlril>ý,yýITIT-Ilry y Il YI 1 il Il 1 1 1 1 lui- -F V-. dob----Mw- 2-W ý y y Tuyliiimm; sucs lots y

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