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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1898, p. 3

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r If you cannot get beef; IJE O A RN . ____________________ 13OWMANVILE, JAN. 12, 1I898. -YI'cii. xaiI.ycil se tw~eern I-lA. I 18PMEAT FOR SOM\E 1$ POISON ............ FOR OTHERS. VVERMayor Downey is again Mayoir of milk, Water, cuffee or tea.____ S.1 Brockville. y But there is no second choice A ivarnn to iWothers-Cold Water Bathe Mr. E. C. Taylor, elected'byacclama- -afor ScotCn ak he Wt mation, will be mayor of Lindsayfo for Sot's Emulsion.anToeWhCnTatThm it T1898. Safety-When and Ilow to Use Hot Water. I t is Scott's Emulsion orTh THATTHad pprenncs R 1ev. Hl W. Foley B. A. of Hlarveyo Te ahomndAptnnc. was guest of Reeve kicku*iL Millbrook, ohn.There are very many serions illnesses -- - te de abas sand ire s ~tn. ~ JdeDrnlWihi rculy »hnyune h etwhich people sufer from in after years - SI eu dahed ele. iin taeotesytm u S g ailr ee tlv. Wîby s rdulthat can ha safely traced back to the In- -----F CSM »Ilnas auea ~ysies. lstruesalt recovering fromn his recent attack of Cod-liver oil,th best hudciuswa- i wic nrseIad ot- in tg ban in the &o. whileteri~te e nypo ersallow children to bc bathed. In xnany ....... sullubalo howa bet eparalysisrles A dose of ýMILLER'S WORM eetbePeprto'oA POW-T phosphites, and the bs nurseries, especially if they are largeue,.VeeaAPeartof~s SIGNATURE DERS occasionally wlll keep th(,hl-alcm ie tir 5oebr r fast rule l1ddw iiaig kloadeua ren healthy.co bine inflor how and when children should be0,1 neB& chp, yet Ca'etr XTfes lLrrua Iua The pimples have disappeared, Mil. the best possible manner, bathed. i ~ o a w ,r en i Valuatle flu constipat0o, orn rsCmoudIo usVery often the niethod followed is the and revntlg tlls nnolng ôrnielt wble di it.,,.rn ave on one that th.eir niothers or grandmothers they aso correctaildisorders Ilt eStora by ail dru-,ss ~Uui CIRL were bathed by niany years age, and this en If ~I5 they en Mis Ethel Fei-ris, of Lindsay, spent It bringlls promp resuits iwith no thougbtatl on the subject. Cyrandmas hoaa. rinsi, ht erastechjld is a delijate one and rolos>gsinUeTw Chrya s hoiaysihfied nW I-in ail cases of wastîng, or tbernother was as strong as a lIttie bear, 'ness and Rest.Coftaifls nIie H E D The North King hlas been on the Gev- ls n et but that inakes n difference in the treat- OprudrMorphine nor Nhn-x.al. S O TH Aeh teywaldbealmstproeee c» .erniment dry dock at Kingston under- ment, and se tbe chlld is plunged regular. O-A coTC ,wbQ sufer froam this dsÉsrsiî%g comp!ln gnatratin All druý ists; 5oc. and $i.oo. ly jute a cold bath, wblle its littie teeth but fartunately their igo goess adans noterai ~ieo, nd hoswo on oe tr teni I~4 Bokil colBadi utn SCOTT& BOWNE, Cheinists, Toronto. cbatter and its lips grow bine and it shiv- theso litte pills vallela âSa anr waYlithau down the salaries of its teachers. $50 te es fr n bur itr, bil, n tt2ohe they vil fot be wIllirxg Co Il Wl olt tbeif. j2ul eea ass IEAL OE band, if the inother bas beon delicate, the tfM'I1.1ZP1a ~tautr ilSick bead $0 nsvrii child is treated to warm baills and botBwr a- Mywife isl aing- the best of health bathrooins, tili, If it le strong and healtby, .&eii now, Miler's Compound, Iron Pis did HARPER'S ýROuN TABLrE for Januar,%v 1itsufeinf I a rinsc u11A-= ;-R VR O H ~ ~it. Sold by all drugist entains "The Battle of the Bangala. odtocr s e teay frnt.uha II0 VR ýs hebne r s May lve4Qylt hrsIo ham, Rv. l.o.llorsy, tg People should beâr ln mind tbat what fsbbnaforniletitbrhbl, Rv b .loseOtwa, visited is an accoun' of the -samne battlieý by eoe hrts eue perso wiil benefit anlhe and -we iait.ur gret oast. Ouir pile u il là is father, Chef of Police Hersey, in. natvesJiz-bwP.IL O whule others de noti 'th holday . ' o h hfso h aiesd.vice versa. Evary oeabas net the saine Lrvvcrei 1U5 bke Now that attention is focussed on tho dead level constitution, and the golden rule 1 andos.erya sti.e ta Mr. T. H. Furlong, M, A., late of the northwest of the Pacifiecinli teos f the nursery sheuid be that eaohli Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- m os ie Torypre btric ty veg1deb e a Col it tfKnsowill tead iniflattaches te the smlae plbiitonshould ba cousidered as a saparate, beCln.gd, , Sour Stmc.irhz pleese al iWho Use tberme in l 1-15 cert* Markham llighSchool next yflar. in HARPER's WEEKLY, January 8, ef vwlh a Constitution ail its elu and not 11 fr $soliavl r BrtbyWorms Convuisionsyeverisx-' cI mr âizicim m mTex Oh my! how yeur complexion lias three papers dealing with diffeýren as- dressad and wasbed'and fed by the saine n , ¶ imroved, yes, Miller's Compound Iron paclts of the question- Arneld White, set miles as tbougb they were a box of niess and Lo SS 0F SLEEP. iq u 0 ~ îI In.ll 011 ~ 1 lus did it. Seld by aildruggists. in is letter frim Mondon, explains the wooden soidiers. Mr. . NDDotsM30A, Kngson : feeling aroused iný Engiand over the A cbild should neyer b. batbedIn cold Tac s -l~e Signature of anjeying a holiday jaunt te Oshawa, actiou of Germaeny. water, and, as persoa gruw ulder tbey ........... ~ - Toronto and other western points. The series of addresses on tha 111e and should naot plunge into cold wate if, the -EWYORK. catrlisptp caseboleonyR UlMlLLER'S WORM POWDERS are work of St. Paul, new being daiivared heat ha i eko h iclto the best laxative madîcine for children, by L-yinu be r t arvsdb fel.Sfees rmdgsinmsi.lBaflot solla nbulk, Dol' allow anyone to meli asunice aýs sugar. Dr. Abbot and to be printed in fl lun aIscid coid water bs. ~na7hn leo h iao rms htI S Mr. S. A. Huntar, popular cartoonýist T he Outloek. The first of the serias Whenipesans are strbng, tbay my è pose." U-iSe tbat yen get OAST0BXA ~ fo thaTorotoWoid, ud Ms. Hntarappears in T el- Outlook datdJuay elmrnntbdhy. hysaidTsf- fperthe C fra' holiasvihhc *Wichhta auryMgz u uinto hi th. moment tbey wakeandTh â M parets at ilibrok lt e body>. The teniperature af the vater Company, 18 Aster Place, New Yr. £ -Mrs. Thos. Stephenson and youngast The Janulary EcL,,.c'rîc cý-entaiins l ong lrd ho not less than 50 degrees F. or VIT l : auglter ave atumed t Lidsay and initeresting table of conitents Which0Ai rees itebt, INfromi tplasa Tnt sto.gfind uwould sem te suit the . tastes of mnany whlch .yen.u sbould make a plunge and ~ ihyan 1?rôto radters. Ift eue calnoût take alilorf île ocomel ont agaia wîthhn the 'minute, yau ilFoilisgl Lottia W-ilder was preseuted, foreliu raviewis aud pariodicals, lie can. sbould dry yourself ou a raugh bath tol Coi dz, Bi.on Dee. 28. with a welfiiid purge for Iler cartiuîy get thebest and Mostvaluable aud rub the skIninhl îlsred and gîow Fo edn hta auatrr services as organist of the Princess St., articles'tby ,reading the EcLECTIC. As lng. A loofal isa n goo thatiamgMtefauseras BiSoï,- Mthodist church, Kingston. this number begnsaanxwvolue;ahle eil._________t___use___as Soe rF, -,l On Dec. 15th Mr. James llowden of a favorable tiime te subscribe. Publish- The way te tellif hibis cold vater bath etc U Cvan ws mrred e issLyia Kin- ed by E. R. Peiton, 129 Fifth Avenue, %grecs witb yen les te notice bow yoee Maple Citry Cooparage, :,a~: ';-un~& c ,PRO,,,C Von, daugîter of Mr. Win. Kinyoiu, of New York. Ternis, $5par year; ingle when yen comaeout of it..If yen feel ail '.T uL[S rpChatham, Octobar 1811, 1897 .Cavan, at Brockport. N. Y. . numbers, 45 cents; triai subscription your bleod tingiing iu your velus and you , . - Net oeeil twauty are free, froni saiea for 4 mentIs, $1. ECLEcTiC and any $1 fl arumer than before yen wenîte o DEAR SIRs- littie ailment caused bv inaction of the Magazine, $8. tle vater, it shows il agrees with yen. Semae lime ago I vas-traatad by ene of our hast city doctars for continued liver, Use Carters LýittîlaLiver Pis. Secretary of Agriculture Hon. James If, however, iuetead ai tbe verni glow bleading of the noe, and the trealment I was subjacted te waakened my stomach K The resuit will ha a pleasant surprise. Wilson, who vas oe of tle contributors yen, feel chiiiy and ehivery; If yonr lips sa thal nethiug I could eal would ag rea with, me and I could retain nothing but They giva positive relief, te tle grand Holiday number of TiE tur, blue al iyeur teet- cl4tter;, if yen bread and niilk which was niy chef diet. I tried a bottla of your Sloan's Indian H TAR10 BANK Mr. John Tonkin formerly of Oshawa BREEDER'5 GAZETTE, says lIat iiUE ca' 1 'tgarinr for heurs aiterward, than Tonic and ai once began te improve and it lias made a permanent cure in my continuestin de a General Banklng Busineset died ai île rasidenca of lis son, Dr. E GAZETTE le easily "île best farm and yeu5_, iay ha sure tîntyen are doiug the case, I cau now partaka of any food ne matier hev trong, and exparieuce no Bewmanviile Alery W. Tonkin, Edwardsburg,;, Mich., on stock paper lu îhee vend." TIare are vers tbing in thea vend and that yen disiress afler eaiing. I-hava recommended it tacaverai people and lu every casa DEPOSITS Dec. l7tl in the 66th _yaar of bis age. miany tari papers but oniy oea f THE gslt' give np the coid bath ait once and 'it lias given grand resuits and a bottia of it shoulti bain levery houseahola. receivcd !lu Savil sBankt Department and an Deceased vas father of Messrs, W. H-. GAzWurE's iunapproachable claractar.neye t riet gaise e senan ieYusvr ml lutereet Ile at enrrent rates. Notice ef Tonkin ,:Leskard,and Fred. J. Tonkin, It shoulti ha read byeavery studen of Pel' vop e-nievsnsa rrvr~.T. IIILLIPS. wlthdrawa i iecessary. Ail deposits payable Osaa1h rbeeoffnigadsok balbugaIl the year round, whe break tle on emad E CHA GE - ACeR PUTOIIPED RAE-keepiug. rea sample a py ca be hadt ice with delight aud prida andi punga lie I~~~~~~ COtRN el u Dat sîdtŽ Slos Osal lrI'el, cov Ae y adesig adasPthshn e îe ater vhaievar the temparature 15, ds 1UnIsod ttesadijada, aiise Gd, sîELi-op. lioayes of lard d.i ti-ny. herd y Chiago Il_ nentie Fu T TATS tiey may gahn the vlshet! for pepularity -ig o nanenty C r . 'ýildas od iver andcenof .paragraphe inthe paper about hi Ln.ited Stait"sGr bacobuglit and sld causes-lkean pain. The only surlemeans. foollardinese aud pinot, but they aise, ara COLLECTIONS of extracting il,- without pain, in a day, LEisimtE Hounsl for Januarv h as a laylng ihe seeds of serions hnternnl is- ST. WiLLUAMs, Ce. NORFoLK, Octobar 19, 1897, Pro.ip!ý iradeaturrntults aonil ar is Pultnar's Pai1less Ctrit Extradeor. verý;!ttractive ceverdesikn. ',Gismon-ae, vhil viii show themeelves hu later DEAR SIS ofeGrautrrtain, te tJnitedStates am the De-da waltz" is. the tille of ley waIttz;j e ien ,wthey iaast expeett ieni. ofrmptimnthe aitc tates apndal the caa.oanes-YeCha?'Parler Entertainmaunt and nuti J n'l Wo' ot Ir tetestîfvlaotetI tht I IdoT minion of Canada. . serc,î» Werea ersn i ne sîougorbas It gves me grea peasue t e f a e acttat oans ndian Toue Telegrapli Transfelrs Ysida!Tril continues this nev departimeut l. !H elanrt trouble, or n tandeucy te il; Wleu lias, causeti a Most ramark able change in My condition. For twe years I have or saiisois o ai ii r~set ,~,j u vvo ~ E NDress-making department las fouir ibey are amntuie, or sufer fin vent ir-suffereti from Indigestion andi weakuess and net finding reliai irom anv other Canada. This eseially adva, tageens toe pr- , R w. M I large pages deveted te the del'iieatiGn culation or nietin riugtob emdicine until our agent camelieraeue day andi atviseti me te try Sloan*s sons living in"1Maiteba or tha North-West, it of île latasi Wîinter styles. Thle Bible the imorning tub shouiti always ha a tapld Indian Tonic. I dîd se and have usati four hotiles. Il lias made a great change matas the fonds avaîlabie at once ai the place A eparimeni whicl ble an lu île Jtdyone-noto, but oe e vth a tamperature in my 111e and I can 110w rasi anti sleep yul aease and comiori. I believe Sloan's of paymen.il~ nuniber ai this magazine, is an excell- ireni 68 degreeg te 80 degrees. You eau Indian Tonic le îhe best medicine lu the world. Feorhl particularse ail i the bank. AND I L .eutienl a t increase île daily reati- raniain ha ibis for soea iw minutes, aud I remiiîn, yir rl OBO. McIILL, Ina-l île Scrii niue th~îe home circle. vlan yen corne eut ebould vlgorousiy rmb MRS. C.' PRICE. Manager. ANdres M. Chas A. Dixon, Pub- île body vite a roe tovel. If île stin Price $l.0O par bottle; 6 boutles for $5.00. For sala by STOTT& liser of LEisUiRE Houas, 908 ArcI St., Ils nat ll ineti te be rough, ave soapeJURY Phiadepha, a.loofl eherud ha used as weil. A hot bath JRBo;wînanville, Ontario. TH E STATESMAN 100 MRARIE RWEN 90WN MPhIaDeIhAAZINEND REVIEw for -that is, clen u hiol tle tempeminre is ____________________________ -à- N rDwnIIUlWDP4f Jauuary enters upon its forty-seventh10 degras-sheulti neyer ha uased as a voluý,me wiul an admirable number 'of daily mbl, as il le vary waakening. Thoe em e l- Il III 1W IIImUIL. 104 pages, with over îhirty eueravincs hbtsnepepahv'f aigaeY 7T tia Bmpire"'; "Up the Jungfrau bv prejudicial in île extremae. For those, 1 U I IIhiadTer î~~ owvvr, vIe sufer iar us h of bld Paine's Gelery CRail"; V olcaiand Orgi"te île leati a bot bath is meet valuabla, BoTlî olýLy ýp ~~~~~John Wely is île subject ofafiebtmsntbcae dly 1 ,80 bv LL Rev"MT doýinat Aiter hViiing, cycllng or any activea nd ai uneonnt~vtGrtenatiibes i fe--ierluri liU tapensn, ri~' lbeatiug exercice a bot bath acte lit ",i I tlipplîclial, styrs" i nte tiigsec fmol tonie anti slaond ha taken as sool as yenî valie hi I IS t otarliea Al ei y ge -, AteOiii- Incase of n chili, a Stats, !l l, li ý, r I 1 Ii, aper are Sic an APubg.icl er oron o 2par year lCoid "IL D D1i ft4l, ht "IShol CULI UI 8T liii ieaiiuegricuiteraitxorkiy.nl Wialaia'- î 'ho shuini taex-.isiii inaigu ,1ýrre. pi e va - liiX geublisher sornt. i$2mpe r îgysbe e t «' ce. Yen u s ruin i* AGE i-C UIJTuiir15barrai frfici,. for ttnmiiutes-ai thon bha carafutl net te ~ ritvy aïîl'iteîest, ut ils contenits, andi is aii'iu. f~i" *- __ don btediy tira hast and meet pm-acticai papal heolti style o orrvigfanionistaanycuier esop*5ye of ttckind.people ilrouglh a "sketh or "hie- use should ha nuý-perfuniet andi es pure as possible, anti great came imuef; le taken te jifsFAMFETU Sc, Da, [t has. Rescued Thousands and mad e Ï= Home Jou rniil duri l 189. asb off île eoap aitar u-ing IL An ex- gHoriculture. Ponitrv, MlrttGar-den,-mietAnr ï, ndi oprNSiitock ,raiey- ,Are.out.agai.n this season in new styles ýir: sndehessfutepies, sxv eîit te,î by practicaiLives HaFyihve eîe mosi pfromtetAa ius e elnie t bae aainof frh e dip- r u by; utainb .ble ai 1 s(-,c)nibiii e ate rasident îleMr. lvI tele pngandt hen squeeze ibis vater ad nalteniW S o hps ih '1i est vaabie îg:1liCmecilAi Mark Twain. Joseph Jeferson anti ever the skia. if île scap is net caleiîîyt p to date, but' with the, saine old'wear lîa teet filarts iiC rctia AGrizi- TIenne A. Edison. BncI viii liave a cleanad i ti of, apl le cause irritation. spaciai rticle, howing- fanions person T)l ahomshouid alvays ha varjiii like iron' quality that has always char- TURîS la vîexcened; - Tetî ronmeim.Srosishe THE FAUIIV FEATIID Goshnd st'- The Marvetlous Cernpound is iltie4s tlirough hei v one dexeii umrtm. ein usle cterized them,because they are hon- Cook ie , at-gsandttemake thaese ariicls ac-- oftinarises froiniîle naglaci of ibis vary net." w' to aTcr ont, heWan's Best Friand. crte l eaie a1 lss ero CDpepecuin h evi hudh estly made of pure Rubber. PnsizIa ContesteLibrary Corner aind Yolg fr iofe sbelaes d lye astat l imp ry iatin. ATfait halls mg isbea Fok'Pgcombina te make tlîis Deiruitïid ftesbccslae site ln' r n am -etbt u sbte 'IEURIST, New York. The tvie'--vek DercdtiFree .Pr'ess proves se extmemely efflcaeious. A.sk 1 ede i's ickel a" - y-for"n shinaSTvétt-'L- - iRED(l STAR or UNE, ih-ASBA, HOARSENESS, soRE neede 1no introduction, lWs maxy spec- youm ruggw-ist for it, antiaise ferlyer's etgugnati ih mpmieIa o okAtepsrvice. lai ariciesbyuoted~wl s, v gîyep a cx, vhlch le frec te aili. the àilielo avle gels ;up etartier Ili hldlIa.nwr evie ~HQT NLEZ.~ h oîi-îem ia ien r, i t th îe iuuoyning aiid %wieIds titine Pitkln8aýltV)srie.PI ;T H->F The foreigu lettens in Literainre, tle le ene of the cleanest, brightest and' brush hu Thl~ le vuinffl i wIEICANtIN new weekly ga eto eriticisîrn, brin- test~ papens puiblishedi.'No palies or togoiher very entenitli4ngly the obser- expeupe "-*Il bc spaed lu keepinLg up h~Vl udb80'Pgi~ ts ra- MntO eHmug ~"T AE vaitien înndtorý %Lte 1'oo t e S 1eÂSNCHOR INE, £_ aton and comment of comespandeute is presentliigh -tadiL. Remember, * lii t t drý h oss pf o-ý9or Î,o N kvorf SR eR, lu tle cliaI Eumopeau iienar . Iu the that by taking ad4'éInl±aeof thls cern- d,'lnNew Yk e lae-v ÉTlitT n'ext tnimher (No. 9)aofiitetîure, bîntii"xi, you p ,52 copies' of T, i 1 rsqten.b' -Tickets eau be cupplieti for auy otlier olteniat eera e [A 'i'mong M ook wllbe o ittn by S'PATE1ý_LA-N r.nti' 104 COPi U .7he FieeýQtug&tte ogoms rhrpum AW E1f 1 Frôdt;SOo d*ii mih. 1arpen in'd Prepes,156 papemil for ose y #.7.Adre Purest andi 5est for Tablep o r-'1oe ia hwukru l nriso8auîs-,, ew'sd101.;;a paierelnvngallalsoo>itne -BohrNew i ork,are the publit3herî. MN- A. J.ue, Bowmaiwilie, 11t. ÏN" »11 or ratîonDR.Noer adU l e , CiSa thte. ".-l<idy i >I Ill TRFi00sol. .wi dari en-y o alpnn

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