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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1898, p. 4

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- The New Presbyterian Hymnal, with. tuneS, Price 60C. Do Not [ail To Procure A Bible,--most Wonderful Value. School Supplies., BOWMANVILLE. FE-.. 16, 1898. The Trade Bulletin cites several rea- ,ons why beef cattie must sell high this Spring and remarks that butchers ex- pect higher prices to uie. In the faceof what is now known to be facts about the use of whiskey in this campaign, no temperance man or Son uf, Temperance cau consistently vote ,againstor fail to vote for Dr. Mitchell. Stand by your principles, men. Montreal Trade Bulletin says the Dominion "lias nrrivedupon the thres- hold of an epocli in Canadian history that will eclipse alilprevious records of its progress. The futurç prosperity of our country can only be measured by its commercial resources which are too vast to admit of ans' lirait being placed ypon them at present." Great credit is 'due the Laurier Goverument for this happy condition. * Cheering news for farmers cornes from Montreal. The Tade Bulletin ,writing of the export, cattie trade says: The recent improvement in the British markets for Canadian cattie appears to1 bave set dealers wild in scouring through the cattie raising districts of Ontario for ,export beeves, and some pretty hig'hi figures hav e been paid f or good stali- fed stock, 4îc to 5c having been paid for good llice shippers. Yes, and the. latter figure has been overtoppedi said one dealer in the market to-day. CAMÉPÂION CHIPS. The Hardy Government la progress- ive and the triend of farmiers. 1Ontario has flot been governed badly but too long, say the Opposition. Dr. Mitchell is as representative a man la can be found in thie riding., Conservatives have only objected to î of one pet cent. of the money speut. The glory of old West Durham will retumn tothe Liberal banne- on Match Electors of West Durhaxp. mark yoQur ballots for continuation of good goveru- ment.i The Opposition flot having announe- ed a plicy, how can they expect sup- port? 1A credit toOntario la the Liberal ag- ricultumal policy, the timber policy, lab- or laws, protection of childr3n, game, and fiali laws, maintenance of hospitais and chamities, the statutes and minerai Yaws to cap ail the educational policy. WVEST DURHAIK -8IFTINE*S. The YoungLiberal Club ia doingyeo- mnan service for Dr. Mitchell. Hon. G. W. -Ross says nothing is too good for our children that we can afford. Liberals iost W est Durham in 1894 by over-confidence. Don't do it ag'aln. Dr. Mitchell has been accorded an enithusiastic eception in every part of the riding. 1 Conservatives are flot offelring to bet o)n'Reid's election and take bluffs with iaad grace. The petty issues aised by the Opposi- tion in this campaign showýs the weak- ness of their cause . Conservatives would like to give Lib- eais sleeping drauglits to put themn to sleep tilt aftem Mardi lst. What has the Opposition so fat said as a guarantee to induce electors to vote agoainst the Ontario Government?2 ,_The Globe says the Liberaîs count with.confidcnce that they Will win West Durharn fromr the Opposition with Dr. Mitchell. Satumday's Globe said editorially: Dr. Mitcholl. of West Durham la a fav- o)rite ail over the ridiug. Few candid- ates in the fieid' on either ide are so heartily and zealoxisly supported and th3at he will bringý the old Liberai rid.. ing- back to the ObVermnet i. beyend question, POLITICAL MEETINGS. Mleetings -wil be h eld lu the intereat_ of D-r. J. C. Mitchell, the Liberal can- diîdate.ý as follows: E-NNýisKILLr,Friday. Feb.18 lxiPotters' Hall ai 8 p. mn. by Mm. John McMillan, NEwCASrrLE Saturday, Feb. l9th at 8 p m, by Dr. 1ýeter Macdonald, M. P., E ast Huron. BLAcKSTOCK, Mon1daY Feb. 21sf at 8 p mn. b-, Mm. D) Burke Simapson, Bow- manville. and Dr, J C. Mitchell. M. P. for Souith Huron. BOWMAIaŽwILLU, Town Hall, Tuesdayv, Fel. 22. at Zp.iiiby Mm. Jas.- McNulleD, M. P.. North Wellingrton. NEWTONVILLE,.Sons' Uall,Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 1.80 p. m, by Hon. John Dryden, Mînister of Agriculture. ORoNo, Town Hall, Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 8 p. m. by Hon. John Dryden and Mr. D. Burke Simpson, Honomary Prea' ident W. D>R. A. Sons' Hall, Tyrono-Wednesday Feb. lOtli,(to night), to be addressed by Mr. E. S. C. Uuycke, LL. B., Cobourg, and Dr. Mitchell. W. F. ALLEN, M. A. J.AmEs, Presi dent. SecretarY. ANOTHEII SLEEPY AUDIENCE. A reporter for the Toronto Telcgramn, the journal owned by Mr. Jolin Ross Robertson, Couservative M. P., for East Toronto, writing of tlie big Whitney meetings in the Pavillon, Toronto, says of Col Mafheson's addmess: and "drift- cd off f0 otber figures (aftem getting the Govemuament $4,200,000 lu debt) timber figures, liquor figures and nameleas figures-tili the audience developcd sy Mptoms of weariness and Mm. Foy following found if necessary to raise a littie applause f0 keep off sieep. Final- ly the aritîmetie class was ovcr. "Those who heard Col Matheson in Bowman- ville can thoroughlv, appreciafe the ail-uslon f0 fhe "timed feeling" his speech engendcmed. The same reporter said 1'Mv Whifney-la an effective speaker. When lie sfated to talk fIe hall was nearly fuli; when hie was hall done it was tliree-quartc-s fllii, and wlien lie finished it was baîf fult. Those wbo wemc left did the usual dliecrîng and went home " RAYk LOS£ WEST DURHAM. The Conservatives fliemselves have bast hope for West Durham. Col.Math- es on was intemviewed whien lie got to Toronto fmom the Eastern tour with Mm. Whitney. 1He was cock sure of succesa, saying "1with onc or two exceptions, (ýý'es 't Durham la one) there la -a proba- bilitv of Conservafives carryiug.every seat along the Ottawa Valicv, fthe St. Lawrence River,' Lake Ontario riglit up to Toronto We inay bace West Dur- ham, but I really believe thatReid will pull through. John Drvdcn will have the closest fight of bis ife ; Chapple will be beaten in North Ontarie:; Wittough- bY la sale, We May carrY West INirth- umberland" and so on. Local Cotiser- servatives no doubt toid Mm. Whitney when, lie. was here that Mm. Reid had flot thé gliost cf a chance againat Dr. Mitchell. Col. Mathes'wn. concluded I'Coven the Patron lu Princ Edwamd im a dead duck," and "Haycock la beaten in Frontenac." This shows that Col. Matheson has no love for tlie Patron candidates We believe sud hope both of these good men will be elecfed, for fhey have cerf ainlv exerted a huindred fin .es more influenée infthe Uquse thanir Mm. Reid bas aud have showni them- selves te be capable legislators Sc that lu -their cases we sinemely desire that Col., Matheson may lie mistakeà. a Liberal candidate lu Froutenac and la making use of thc Liberal central erganization aud the party's literature bureau like other Govemument candi. "dates." Why sliould lie nef? Are nol the Liberal and Patron plafforms almosi indentical ? geing est, tlie other west. It is fime for a change lu West Dur ham aud on Marchlislt Ieid stops ou and Mitchell stepa lu. Aff cm reading Uoldwin Smltli's arfiel 1 u the Wcekly Sun last week Mm. Whit ney will nef quofe bis remarks se en thumiaafiçall, My, but the Prof. ros ed Whitney. 1, Newfouville ......... 60 2, Bow's S. H...8_ý2 8, Fisherea ...........42 4, Kendal.... ........ 47 5, Orononorth ......... 75 5, Leakard ............ 58 7, Moffaf's S. H ........ 88 8, Starkrille.........."*45 9, Ormo i............. 79 Majorify for Reid, 66. 1 NunwcÂArILE No, 1, Euat Ward.,....... "2, West Ward ... Majorify for Lockhart, S'. Total xnajori*y for Reid_, 469 42 104 47 46 ,47 41 84 7 AUCTION SALE. SATURDAY, Pcb. 2,-Mm. Wm. Rolibins, Bowmanville, will sell ail of lis ho0ua.. bold electN. Sale 'at 1. 'eleek sec bills. L. A. W. TOLEt, anctioneer. Tua£sDAT, Mardlc ,-m G. U.Jardiue, lot Il,, ton, 6, Darlfugfon, will sei afi of bis f arm stock, impiements, etc. Having sold lis famm e verý fhlng goee wthout reserve. Sale at- 1 o'cbock, Sec bills. L. A. W, ToL, a uctoneer. TRUE TIMI3ER qUESTION. Attemnpts having been iade -,to mfake ttte timaber question a seions issute ini thÎa CampaigU, ïwe giVe STATES5MANý readers the history of the inatter lu a nut shel I. Up to 1889 the Domninion Governuient, havlng the juriadictioni lu trade and commerce, -%as looked to and recog-nized as the pro per authiomity to eglate the trade in lumnber and logs between this country and the 1United States, wlien, in186 the Un-iited States im posed a dut 'y of,20Ï per ent l.on Canadian lum ber. th-,DoMiliin Gv- ernment imposed an expomt dt oef 1 per thousand feet on sawlý%,ogs. This, duty was etained until it w-as mraised t0 $81 in,1888, and reduced in 1889 to$2 The Ontario Government at f1lu tjime began to take cognizance of the e-xport of sawlogs from fhe Pro)vince, which began f0 assume proportions calling, for regulations, and in the sale of fmbe berths in egions tibutam 'v to Lakjes Huron aud ýSuperior in 1890,, theyu-n serted a condition requiring the logs to be sawn i Canada, However, lu that yeam, by arrangement, the United States Congress reduced the dluty on lumber tg. $1 per thousand, andi as thet main point to be gained was the stimuoi lating of the trade in lumber betw L'eenl the United Sta tes and Canada, the ont- arlo Goverument, to prevent thedisturb- ance of that trade, did not put into ef- fecf the power whlch theyrmiglit have exemcised by the condition in the sale of 1890. In 1892 there was another sale of timber limita, but as these were lu the Ottawa Valley, and there was no possibîlity of the loga being expo)rted, no such condition requiring manufa.cture ,was inserted lunfthe sale. The wis-dom of the Governmeut was sliown in f bts and lu other matters, for ln 1894, for the first time in 28 years, Congress remnov- ed the duty onCanadian lumber, and as a matter of course Amnerican timlber operators, as well as Canadian, foiundj it to their advantage to manufacture logs into lumber lu Canadian mls Fromthis perîod up to the passage of the Dinglev bllI, reimposing the duty of $2 per thonsaud, there could Dot be ay possible agitation for legislation t compel license-holders to manufacture legs lu Ontario. But when the unjuat law was passed fhe Ontario Goverument was alive t< the situation and took the ealiicsf possible precautions to meet1 the Americanls at their own game.1 The Legislatume was called, and after May 1 next ail hoiders of timber license must manufacture their logs in Ontario, This is the whole story. LOCRHiRT.ItII)ELECTION. As aguide f0 canvassers l intJs elcQ- tiou,we re-publish from THES TSrÂrAÂN of July 4, 1894, thec correct ret una of fhe, at Provincial Elect ion in Weat BOWMAN kVILLE. LNCKHART REID No. .1, West Ward, soutl....58 4 2 "2, le le forth .... 88 49 8, NortliWard, soth.... .50 51 le , l lenorth.,..69 65, 5, SoutliWard, aouth,.. . .42 M6 Ilnorth...,30 8 Majority for Reid, 48. No. 1, Providence ......... 105 32 l2, Tyroue .... ........ 99 68 8, Maple 'Grove ....... 79 88 4, Hampton......... 77 63j 5, Enniskillen.......6ý 6, Cotutioe,.........92 84 le7,Bradiey' .R 647 8411 t Majority for Lockhart. 306. *No. 1, Blackstock .........27927 2, South Cadjmus ... 14 10 8' 31 eSmarea.......i7 1m t l4, North Cadmus ...25 06î 1038 ;36- Akyour grocer for IMSIDE PAGES TRUIS WEIEL Dr.Tamgssemn Dav-is' greutslo sale advt. Several newvadvýemtisements. $1000 given awailupreseufa. 'IUce knew if all"-Sbort story Cavan weddîng : Swain Hunter. Growth of Temperance-editorial. A Woman'a Hair-a funnv article. Sfory told by a Justice of tIc Peace. Cartwright Township Council report Counties' Coundil report continued. Remarkable headadlie cure-S. I. T. Dr J. E. Browu's very infercsting letter on flic way te flic Rlondike.Read ut. Clarke News: Kendall, Sfarkville, Clarke Union, Newfonvilie, Newcastle, Orono. TuE STATESMAX la now al] printed at home and the inside pages are ncwsy and otlierwise intemesting. Tumu the pape r and rcad fliem. POLITICAL POINTS. Bowmanville la geing te roll up a big majomity for Dr. Mitchell. The Liberai party la ichiy entitlcd ttei young men's support. Libemals have given Oinfamie a quart- er centur ' vcf hon3eat goverument. The Li'beral counfenance lu West Durham suggests hope aud vicfomy. Ait acknowledge Dm. Mitehelt's fifness and abilitv te mepresent West Durham Liberals evcmywhere lu Ontario are alive, with enfîusiaam sud carnestness. The active and hopeful 'eonditien of West Durbsm Liberals points te vie- tors. The Liberal Government lias' lived np'te ifs promises and no onc eau suc- cessfully prove eue dialioneaf act. Liberala, (do ail -yen eau te pile up a big majority for Dr. Mitchell te show fIat West Durham la sf111 cmphaticatly Libemal. MR. WHITNEY ANDTEFRES When Mm. Whitney waslu Bowman- ville fthe oflier dus lie quoted with great guste the opinion cf Prof. Goldwiu Smifh (Bystander lu the Furmers Sun) about bis educational policy. Uc bas doue flic samne at ncurlv ail of bis meet- ing-s sinceit appcared. Heme la an exfmact from Bystander's contribution te laf weeks Sun thut we inite hlm te add te his stock cf quotutions ,-Nof fthc lest effective part of fthe Liberal am- munition lu this Provincial campaign ia a reproduction cf fthe brutal attueks cf Mm Whiitney lu the Local House and Mm. Bennett in fhe Dominion House on the Patrons.. The nafural, rcsentment whi,3h Mr.Bcnnef ta ioatilify excited was Mm llogers'excuse,if not h is justification for mfusi ng te vote wifl Mm, Bennett a gainat the Liberal Govcmnmcnt when his Urinciples.as a.patroni would rafler have pointed'te that course. To cal Nlm Whitney's attack on Mm. Uaycock brutal is te, use su inadequate ternm Rlis lung,,uage was such as could outy have been addressed by ene consctous of big infinite auperiority te flhose who were a s flic dirt bencafli lis feet. -Whio, are fliese farmers tha t fIat fhey should . dame te dlaim. for themacîves au iuferest ln polifies and a voice lunflic administration of flic Stut e? Who arc thuse polifical vaga- bonds that fhey should dame te exer- cisc fleir franchise acerding te fliir owu consciences and nef according te the dictates of flic sut horîzedorganiza- tiens? Mm Whitney if nof Mr. Bennett, nowpmobabiy wishes biis words unsaid". DAiIINGON YUNGLIBIERÂALS. A very larg-enumbher oftfliceleef ors, flic Towu Hall, Hampton, Monday evening, wlien a capifalladdress on tuec ]eadinýg Provincial niestions of flic day waa given by Mr. . J Gibson, Presi- dlent of fIe Toronto Young Liberal Club. T he spaker was well rcceived , »r 1Mitcheli spoke for a short time deating principally on flic ouflcok flimougliont flic rîdine'. aud as.sured bis hearera that wifh h ir combincd efforts'and active support from the prescutf ime te Mardi 1 sf ut 5 p. mi. victom y woiild again mest ton fthe Libemal banner in f his riding. SOn Monday evcningysthfl2sfand 28th shipment of are the very off ering our One hundred picces of New Prints. fthc very newest paftterns and very special vaines. lui prices we stnrf thein at 5ce per tard fer a good hcavy clef h and fast colora. Other prices 8e, 10e and 12Me for "Crums", beat EnglIs Prints. A fine lot of Apron Gîfnghams, v-ery wide, and fast colora alse Brown Hollands, and Liniens, whifh ancy border for Apronq.- A splendid ehoice of Cottonades and SIrig at extra speelal prices, aise a very fine assortment of Linen Towellings at il prices. Soxnething speciail in a large Bath Towcl for 25e and a good A I inen Towel, good size, for 10e. New Tiekinga, New Table Lin eus,Ne White Quitlt- a speeiaily large Quilt for $1.03, and we have them Up te$0o Crc-am Flanneiettes, Muslius, Embroidery, speeial vaines in new Faetory Cotton and St Loom. C5,lo)t hing0 Remember we are giving a speciai diseount of 10% off Boys' C2lotI- ixig flua montl. We want room for our new stock which we e-xpeet very shortly. Men's 85 and $6 Snufs for $4 for flic balance of the meonth. ýGreat value lu Men's Pant s and Boys' Knickers. We have just placed into stock a very full range of the W. G. & R. Collars ail sizes in ail the neW shapes, also sornething new lin Fanuy Shirts from. the same flrm. We always carry a full range of White Shirts and we have just received new lines in Flannelette Shirts iii dark and light eolors, aiso Black Sateen Shirts,first-elass heavy Saitèen for ê 5c. Boots andî Sjho0 e s ilf the month gone and stili a lot of those extra bargains lef t. The Bootra we are selling at 75e and $1.00 can-not be' replaced for the money but we have bought largeiy for Spring and must inake room for the new stock. Wholesale men tell us that Boots are higlier lin price 110W tha-n they have been for a long time and leather stili goes hîgher ,so it will be to yonr advantage to buy 110w. Great snaps in Men's Feit Boots. i roceries. Just in,-Fresh Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Christie l3rown's Cream Soda Biscuits, Fearman's Fine Breakfast Bacon and Blams,Salmon Trout and White Fîsh, Finnen Haddie, Fresh Oysters, Marmalade Oranges, Fine Sweet Oranges, Valencia Oranges, Lemons.. We have the famouls Clover Leaf Brand eanned Salmon at 15c, the equally good Ancho4 Brand, tail tins, at 12je and a first-clnss red Salmon at 10e per tin< Have you tried our fresh gronnd Coffee or the renowned "Ko lona" Tea in lead packages, the best package tea lin the market. At 2?àc we sel "GoldMedal" Tea equal to any 40e Bliack Tea soid anywher-, and our 25e Japan is equaI1y good vaine. Do not buy a Dinner,Tea.or Toilet Set before having a look at what we are showing. They are without a doubt the best value ever shown anywhere. llighest price paid for ai kinds of produce. JohnMcMutry WARNING! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV1EN that we intend making it wamm tom ail per- sons wearing our winter underweam and fur ogods. Thir- tN yeara' expemi- ence as rrier should enable me to Kingl fr it. M teadvRanvtage eutme I - Loo a or ins ndF011__ur TA yY EMlkoRvll ltli ifdk TAK THAOD TEI~EGT Cook R.l Aends o tetoM. C. DICSon, P. .,Toonoor W.WOODS,Bowmianville. Students from aIl parts of the Domin- ion attend the Hamilton Businegss ol- lege,Y.M.C.A. Building,,Hamilton,Ont. why not follow their examp1e? ircu- lçtrs. Address. C.R.McCULLOUGH, principal, Hamilton. HAGYÂltD'S YELLOW OIL spop to meleve and surýe'tO cure eOuglI, ,coid eore throat, painin the oehet, hoar.,e- nes., qsztn.yote. FPr14,02b ents. Do YOU W ish Jo Pû'rchase, A House ? Do Not corne to But if you do wish toi purchase some nc useful article for use in a housecorne riglit here. There are Ciocks for your Parlor, for your Sewing ]loom, for your Kitchen, for your Hall and for your Bedroom. Knives, Forks and Spoons for your Table and not a piec'e but what la reliable will be sold yu For Preýsents,-Tea Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cake Plates, Pie Platec, and every kind of thing lin Silver Plate. A great many pretty articles în thle Way cf L\ovelties and Table, Ware are kept in Stirling Silver and the prices are within your reachi. 1All kinds of JewelleryRepairs and Watch Repairing done by T. N. Riekard wili be done well. No one li Canada more competent. T. N. RICRARD, Jeweller anè *Optician, Bowmanviile, Three doors East of Standard Bank. Grocers' due bis taken as cash. Anierican iCollee Ownied aid '6qu cou ntled ýIby Torontol, ý Pred. Wyld, Bsq E. R. Oc 2llr ,Esq., F. 0. A . nd lui Esq. A1 lated wIth',the1 ntitu:te of C Irtered AI.- lasi year, Sentifor free tg '0 i DAVID HO K fiN C. A.,k G(oods! We are just opening Up a very large Brand New Goods. They turn out fine andi best value we ever had the pleasure of customers. West* End* Hlouse, BOWMANVI LLE. New

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