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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1898, p. 6

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DRESS-MAKE"ý Seamstresses, a nd famnil procure the best and method of eutting, viz; ffolid'sFatPw[wid 1Jt is up to date and wîil ,â,e haif your time, and give "i the elegance of French Sty" curves. This system received first class Ornas at Toronto and Montreal Exî tions, 1897. Apply to W. SPA ULDING, 7 Etielid Ave., Toronto, Genera. Agent, or to Miss J. MAwRTi, 3o-v manville, (ut Mr.Davis', Beech Avîo 30 - 1 vr. A DAMS' TUTTI FRUTTI AIDS DIGESTION. afL aiesnprefrteresen et sets ot coupons froma Tutti ' Fruttiu mGt one 64 AJXTABeTS POSITIVELY U bY Abuse ci- otherEess nd1 Cretieus anci~ euslrsl- restere et /alt uldor ru~ fit a nau fu_ _td, bsesorma- 2nn mâe , Thir ose, show. xmdseîe euî5fd offsessc TFnv'e--" ý'-fw mUt p=hats the 9cmine Ajax l'ablèes have core gttusanlsan 1 lflî cure.u. w. ;ie a g escli case or rd th. oe. rc 5 , Psokaï»; Or six pIntes (foul tresteet) for $2M8. f, F'or:sale iu Bowmauville by STOTT & JUR i Drugzists. THE RELIANCE Loall and Savings Comnpanly, 0f Ontario Incorporated under Chapter 169, R. S. 0. 18q-, BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARI Directors. M. A. JAM ES, E 8 (1 Preqide (Editor and roprietor CANADIAN STATESMAt J.H H. JURY' Esq. Vice-Preside (Druggsst andi Optican.) R. D. DAVIDSON, Em.Kece (Prjiip ablic Sehool) q Messr8 MACDOUGALL& JONES, Solicito, (Equity Chambers, Toronto) JOHIN GAIJD, q Vla (BuIlde aq; otrco. W. W. TAMBLYN, E8q . M. ,. (Bowmauville f41gh ;1School.) B3oard meets for the conýsiilerati«n ofloans theý cati of R. D. Davidson, Esq., Secretary froi wliom ail information niay.be obtaîned. Mauy uf you are women ist trie neai et bouseboltis. Every înorning you plan for zibe day. The cnlinary departmnenzi of zibe bousebolId is lu your dominion. You de- cite abi questions of tiiezi. Althe saniziary regulations of your bouse are untier yaur supervision. To regulate zibe foot, anti zibe apparel andthie habits anti ticite b tbonsmntiquestione of houpie life- is a tax upon bvain anti nenve antigeneràl healzib absncluzieiy appalling, if there ho no divine aileviation. Il doos nazi heip yeu mach ta ho tait tbatElizabeth Frytiti isndenful thîngs amidth ie crirninais ai Newgate. i does ht beip you mucb te ho tolti that Mme. Jutison isas very brave arnong thè Borne- sian cannibale. It tacs notbelp you very munch ta ho tolti that Florenco Nightin- gale isas sony kindto tahie isounteti lu zie Crniea. it isouiti hb tter for meatae tel yauý that zibe divine trient of Mary anti Martba is your frienti anti that ho sees al zibe annoyances anti disappaintunents anti abrasions anti exaspratilns ai an ondin. ary housekeeper froîn marr ilul nigh 1, anti from tzie flrsi day af zibe year untul zibe imezi day aofzibe year andt at your caîl ho le roaty with help anti reinfarcmoui. Tboy isba provide zibe faod oethzieiorîti decide zibe bealtb of zibe isori. You bave Only ta go on sanie errant ami thzie nave tnom trie sitg. home hbora or beroine coine ta toisu, anti as zibe proces- sien passes tbrougb zibe stroot zihe busi- nlesemoeu came oui, stanld an i iAp011 thein sziar& stop anti look a somme onje wiha in arotic clime, or in ooansiorea or in day et battue, or in hospitai agoniies titi zibe brave ihiag, not reýalbzing ibat they, zibe erizibusii spetators, bave gene tbrougb trials lu business lii. zibat are jaîzi as great before Cati. Thero are mon Wsho have gene tbrougb freezing aretie anti burning torride anti awf ai Mareriîgos ai expenuences iizouzi movlng lise mlles tram zibir toorsziep. Nais, ihat ortinmrly business men neeti is ta realize ziai iboy bave zibe friendshbp of zibaz Christ isba looketi mter the rouigi. ous interests of IMaziibei, zibe onSLUI1 bouse lerk, anti heipet Lydila or Thya- tira ta sel zibe dry gGoad, anti isb openeti a bakery ant i lsb market du ib e iiltier- riez of Asia Minarta teedth ie 7,000 isho hati corne out on a roliglous pienic, anti Whba counts zibe haire of Jouff heatiwih as mucb paiirticulariziy as though .hey isero zibe plumes ouf za coronaziion. anti isba toak- the trouble toe taoo% dois with bis linger wrizing on zibe grount, aithough zibe fIret shuffie aofootu obliizirated zibe di- vine eallgmaphy, anti iWba kuaiýse just bois many locusts thero isere in zibe Egyn- bterantidite, hat zibe mee , t izie Ceea people on shiphearti going, uselfull work oifzibe sonîti is dons by un- isitb ishain ie isee acquinteti anly by prezientiîuus pjeople isba toil righi on-by ~ naine, buat lu a fois bours iese earet con- Peapie isheu do nazi got much approý(val anti fidences like lifelong frientis. itisas zibe ne anc seeýmstasay, "Thazilisweliltarie." anme'way 'ihereser 'ie cebancedti tainti Phnueaare of but litile use. Thiuuge aur countrymeu. At Roee s raul acrs zbai are exceptianail cannozi ho tiepentiet a Clevelanti clergyman anti you would on. Botter trust zh ibeeailet planet that bave tbougbt 'ie isere long losi relatives siwings on ts arbit than ion carnets sboot- fronibe cordial isay bie grueth ie dis- irig ziis wiay anti that, irnpeniling zibe covery ibat ise 'iere misa C levelanders. In longevlty of isanits atiending ta ibeir tact, t is quite iîmpossible ta teed ionely aisu business. For ,teady'illiÀunination If you knois ziai any et your borne pea- boter le a, lamip than a racket, pie are about. Alzibe irigiti blmiere of Thon, if yau fbol zibnt you: are artiinary, social1 distinctionis are melte owntar, anti rememnber zibaiyour position invites zibe everybetiy is on one plane ai frientiiy lessattack. Canepinuons peopl-bois tbey equ aiiîy. Yes, and ti hey are nazi seasite have to taes h! Roi tbey are mismepre- acquairitances eiuber; ishen, tbey meet senteti anti abuseti anti shat at! Tihe bigb- again zibe ot freemasonry of a camman or zibe barrisot a roebuck zibe emîler ta Intereet drais theun straigbtway together etrike hlm dovru. Wbmzi a teilius thing andt tby lise ziboso deligbtiui expenienos i mus'e to a 'acandidate tor govemnor aver again lu sympathetia rémniscences.' of a stato or prositieitfth ie Unitedi Stazies! It muet ho sothing ta zibe nervea. A Cat story. ht muet pour int zibe seul oi a candidate Asnua nlotocmoia lta such a sense af sereni ty 'ihen lho reads Hoigbzis a fois tmys go ishile John KaIle, thbe biesee i neisepapors.. tn ns, ttetiadincang 1 caume intlthezibe possessi1ofatzie ahu- a tan aoia nggt ncenn sivecaroonsla ime f Na iseil. Ktnle tantoti te go ta work in zibe siv crtan l zie ure i apoleon L, marning, anti, on loaking doyn zibe weil pinteti ihile hi as yezi muse. The e- deaee iabgnzsa iobton trea afzib arm trm Mscaî, zbaiHo antinipateti no trouble in reino-ving arumybunied Ilu zie anowse ai Russia, 'one zbt nmlh m aibuseflwri savru aa ri noel o tieuntec ~ats ia pagu atilrne 1 st lfwinany -fi '" cu"' dcown-. Beth cat , however, flew at Kane, and Great Britain to apipreciate the tact rayonls were nIecessary ta su pply lijah's î eresented U11iler î~fg~ec seratchînlg andi biting \'iciously. He gave monster calleti General Frost shaving the the signal te ho hauleti up, anti when heà that a vast multitude of the human race Panvry by the brook Cherlîh, andi who, French emperor with a razor of icicle. apae i a~at atswr lei are slaughtered by incompetent ceokery. as oral commander, leads forth ail the As Satyr and1 Beelzebub he 15 represented, ing fremdeeps fcradhs dbies. Af ter Though a young wonan rnay have taken regiments of primtroses, foxglovs, cdaffo- pg fe ae e e ae nlni cnsulftin ep wasties aditesblow zba lessoîts Inmusie and may have taken les- duls, hyaintbs andti hues which pitch ulnghm pancrin i Geuayconsutadtn ith àsdynaite nt largte sens in painifihg and lessons in astron- their tente 0f beauty and kinelle their cursi ng him, Sia cursing hm,GErope cas tk wa explody naziewel.aneyerarg amy, she is nazt well educaziet unlessshe caunpflres of color all araund zibe hernie- iacursing hlm, Nat n ot iEricophaeh as htgnwste bas aken essons in deugh i They who phere-that that Christ and that God crigbm h as eakbemnprocurate ad ei-cAlotisnweresehnt deý Jide the apparel 0f the world andi the knows the most minute li- of youri of bis day, andi the mast abused. Ail food off the warid tiecide the endurance of business life'anhwvrDos!rbe h1ýj1)ý'nhsoywonwhv down after the cats. Wberi the emoke hati the woriti. udest dngal hoe farsinonsîderw labltos onin hisryain o n a o haecareti away Kane sventureticlown again. Indristantiing milthreaffanirs f tat o- aoaout hi nm nert neaOne cat was stili musve, but it wms net mMartyrs ofpstaezibrati anandneNuesstorecrown 0of thoars. Take the few extraord-abet gtniwsson eptce. A iiye fthkin tcmann and ursery. aas weli as'al the affaire of a Roth1sch1Iidl An ntbnkng anmayconidr î aand a naring. -aY raîlroaid mn aof aur time anti 500 Is lthought zihe cats were Bfgbting on mabter of llttle limportance-zibe cares of Thon there are ahl the ordinary farmers.whtauecms po te, he the weli curh turing the nlgbt andti tm- the. housebelti and the econamies of do- We talk about agricuitural 11f e, anti weYorkusantrslof etoadkhelira scp.NW bldi he9eig inesl.ic life-but 1 tel] you zibe eartb is lrnmedtiiely shoot off ta talk about Cin- Yr eta aiot ai9265 stock-__________ stren wih te matyr of itchn ad cinats, te parican, ho en boîtiers.s. I If thanyt inhin rainoathat toraea lroady nsery.iThezibematyr fkthnat cnauteptiiawawn rm affronted the people, amlithe abuse came oto.ilnJwr. nurer. heheit-shsttered wemau- the plaw ta a high position, andi ater hea clown an one mari, andthie 9.264 escapeti. Put a teaspoonful of householt arn- bnci] of America cries out for a Ged wbo goz thcraugb the tictatorship lin 21 days Ah ztbe world took after Theomas Scozit, mania intoi a basin of warmn watcr inta crin helpiartiinary wornen in the ardlnaryý went back again ta the plow. Wbaù on- president of the Peunsylvania raîbroati, which same toilet soap bas heeon ltee duble- of hausekeeping. The weariu- , couragdment is that ta artiinary fkrmoers? abusetihim until bie got uierthe groui. Put mn ail thc 3CW01ery anti muow it ta grîndung, unappreciazieti work goos on,p The vast majority ofthem-nione of them liOser 17,000 stackholdersin that ecounpenïy. remain a few minutes, turning it oser 1-"7 s- ane Christ wba sfuodt on t' c wl1 ho patricians. Perbaps nouie of thomin iAil the blame on une mari! The Cenîrsal with the hauds occasîonauîy. frein cean2 barik of Gaiileo lanzibe early morning antid will ho sonaziors. If any of thern havie ctic- Pacifie railroad-twü or three mon get ali each piece separateiy witb an olti sof t iintiled zibe lire anti hat the flsh airoatiy taziorsbips, it sili be oser 40 or 50 or 100zbebueifnyhnggswrg.Tee athrstrovng tbckiate cleaneti anti brailing when zibe portsxnen acres of ztbee lt i hnead Wbat these are 10,000 in ziat cnmpany. Iae fe h rsig !F i el stopped shore, cilled anateng afzier monbe brushing. toRînsethmlipatienc stepet asor, cillt ntihunryiSlI on ani i grce a eepzibirpatenc Iîmention these thinge to prove iz i shake eut anti put litoa sot t cloth anti belp every wornan ta prepare breakfast, whlle plowing wizib balky oxen andi taextratinary people isho get abuseti,1 dry gently. When quite dry, take a piece wbether by bier own hanti or the hanti of keep cheerful amid the droughit that wexb tiny sae Towaîara flannel or nid stockiniet anti mb or ber ~ GO hiWihepoTeGtiib matie ini- destreys zibe cern crop andti iat onables et life is nazi sa severe on the plain as itz polish oacb piece with crab's eyecs or pro- destructible eulagy et Hannab, isho matie thoni te restiore zibe gar tinzbe da&y fter le on the high peake. The worM neyer> pareti chalk. They wîll înmeduately show a coat for Saunuel, ber son, anti carnedthzie noighbor's caizile bave broken lit and 4fargives a mari isbakueise or gains or a iayeiy polisb, anti any remains ofthzie it te thbe temple everY Year, isilI help tramploti out the strawberry boti anti tocs more than lt cari know or giiin or cbalk cari h oienoveti by nsing amy sofit every isornan in preparing the fauniy gono through zibe Lima bean pntch, anti1 do parente sometirnes gise ennfectiouey aireti brush îsbicb is perfectly dry. isartimobe. The Gati isbaopens thba Bible eaten Up the siseet corn in suCh ilarge ta their chiltiren as an inducementeta isith zbe story of Abrabam's entertain- quantities ziat they muet ho epet fr11 take bitter miedicine anti the world's A Campaign Dîpboanat. ment by the three angels on the plains af the isater lest tbey siseli up antid bý. augar plum precedes the worlti's aUqua The Georgia vote bide te ho as early a Mamnre wîll help every isoman te pravitie lvrdyGae otsTembciIi eadt hit ida h addtYsedya bnspitality. hoisever rare anti embarras. vrd Gae oteTembcnti eadt hit ida zb addt.Ysedya i ing, h is bigh tuneziat soute aofzibe at- Grace in catching iseather that enables 'Cracufy bim, crucfy birn!'l anti they negro met a torner employer anti mp- tention ise bave beer.i gving ta the re- Aheç is ithaut Imprecaziion, taupeaionjt bat te amy it tisice ta ho understooti, for proachet inumil this way: markabie isameofuthze Bible-reniark- the «hay zibe thirti time. aithougb again they isore se bearse, anti they gut their 'Yau 100km' miiightywisul, Mars Tam." able for thair virtue, or their isant nf it anti again anti again it bas been aLmosiý; hoarseness by cryinig a littie ishile before «"Tes, l'in feeling pretty gond." or rem-srkt.bIe for thoir deeds-D)ehorab ready for the imois. A grace ta doctor at thbe top aofzhir veine, "Hosanna!" "I tbought you isuz. Yeo noeswbmht ard .lezebei anti Herotiies anti Athalia ibe0cois witb an hlow borri, anijti zibe The river Rbone is- foui ishen it enters you look like, Mars Tom?" anti Dorcas anti the Manys, excellent anti1 sheep witb the foot rot, andtizie he-seLake Lemani, but' crystailine ishen it ii "No, ishat do I look like?" abandonei-i Is high titre soute ai the witb the distemiper andtiet compe-l ilte cones ont on tbe other side. But there 1 "Yeu look likes you bat ua dollar la attnton sohav bengivîî tothseunwueling acres ta yieiti a lisellboati fori are mon isho bave enteredth ie bight lake ya' penket on isuz gisine ter rua fer ionspinunus isemen of the Bible bo1give the fainily anti scholing for zibechiltireýn of werltily prespcrity crystalline anti guv ler! " -Atlanta Constitution. te ~ ~ ~ . Jgiunednrveoa, mt rtrianti litti.exetras te beip theoaltier boy in coneeut terubiy soll. ,If, thorefore, ary cwîcuniszances, azizinting te ertiiuary l business anti somthîng for thbe duhe you feel that yen are ertinuary, tbank Cai d i ncurîous Locomotion. duzies anti meeting ortinary respoîmibili isetidirig outtit anti a littie s -,,n fr for thbe defoens andtihie tranquiliuy o et kn backwnrti le the lateezi pecles- ties. zibe turne ishen zibe atlkios ill got stIff your position. zian feat for a isager. A youing Beigiani Then there are alzibe ortinary busines,. with mgo andthie 1brecatb iil h, a littloý From Humeble Homes. rceonzily isaiket froni A4ntwe(rp te Brus- mon. They neeti divine antiCd ita short andtizbe Ewvingi)g of Ézibecai Thon remernber if yoîî have only ishazi sols in tiso days, gaing biankiardtihie help. Wbein se begin te tabk about bnci 'tbrougb zibe bothst flelti isili b ini calleti an ordinary homtezibai zibe great wishle turne. Practice mnade im; pregres; nes 1*3, ise shoot right off andtzalk an zibe odait 's vertigo. B ottrcose ip deliverers aofzibe isonit bave ail coîne froin as rapidly as by zibe ordinaryymieaio abautmon iba di busiess n a large about Cininniatusý. I knowç 500 farmilersl such a borne. Andt iere may be_ seatetwiig btb ssobie ewa cal nti sbasold rmillions of tiollaLre ; r ist asnoleas ho isas. Wbat t 'bcy jWant reatiing ut your ueveniusg stand, a chiid apeciai abocs, xsizh a kinti of bllunder- gais J.. ati ibevas maoniy ~tat knw ti~ii te.yliao zbe nledshp iho ha 1 b. potent fortzibe mgo. Just un- neath zibe a.. A leeditedthvi ewtomake'itaecame IV Aindespenlsible visitor to cvery farm firesid, V A Instructive and Interetlng At4farmers of oser dce Oe Dollar a Year. Tep. Ctýats a Copy. Brother Jonathan Puishlng Co. ~ AManhattan Building, A - Chicago. solof ~ .~5 9110ilactis tu folîio orre benwi earrangeti. Dared vtit. ist, '94 4>- tf. NEW TAILO'R SHO?. rhei,ïdersigned % 9 wf 'en eirl o n uý;- lzi~iî fsos cete wlth M~sn ' Dr Gods tor fo a umbrof years s~~~~~~~ C f~OQdl i rhmeat Ihie3roalne i-og bt. we iee ei lare t alte J. T. ALLEN, FSslîiiablhe Tailar, fo)roigu applications. ale T. 1Benthiaurie, Honorable D. A. Il fapripon,Bank, xpnû .n . y o I i t ; . j A i l P our agency are broug BOTI-InEIN AND) wOtIEN. If Y011 wî1Lng t au ive you eI mpoyrn witii COOD FAY ai youea wrkailo dire, at home or travelinig. Th"Ievwork le Ln and eas3y. Write at onýce for terms etýj THE 1HAWKS NURSERY COMPATN ROCHESTER, -N.Y284 Ladies ReàatiTils. Thomas Peate,dyer and c1ohe ýA er, has pur-chased a steam reneovaterf beds and pille ws. atis avinIg way tu senti them c i dr a card ;1nP wifl fetch thoïemiif ti mlsPri per bed $1 pilow ;ý25C, 2il1feathei Wili (.ho honestlv d 'ea t with Sc, along.your orders oî fea'ther w)s as 1 ha a mtuin ngnaget>i dtu o work ithe enovat Is spale ami weaklv for ya Millers Cempount bIro' PlIs Lr about P.hane. oltti by ald~ --- 1 - . , - ---- --- - -- - - -- - --- -fül tra - 1 1 T-1 -L

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