N POLITICAL MEETINGS. CONDENSED RECORD 0F THE LB- TRE If CKS STOTtY. T he.m New Meetings will lie held n the nterest EA DIITAIN I~jlin another clunin will lie found a W e t*n HIIo iise, D L ' IDr. J. C Mitchell, the Liberal can-, SHOWING TwnNTY six YEÂRS OP lloESTr st n uiment purporting to be igned', by resyLrla a îolos: aoRE~îv AN Eeaoîo~ Gv-Robrt Hicks retractinz a stor % elie- Prsyein didate, sf!os RGESV N cNmcLGv eulatcd relatiVe to bis bein approach- NEWONÎLESos'HlIWe-Bda , qRM]@,T-SOMED0MPAPMOiuQX-eOM d in -he envs h W fei n&B WN AN ILE. --- ~- ~}ITt,,.~WCi~I~flFP -I~1}~ f1~ fl1~ ~f~'.'4~ [ 1 1 -~ ~ -. -~ r~~.rrr .-rt r rytrfl.fu~ v r.~r; ~ ..-.. r -~ t.a, -rzrrL---zr~~. .t- t . ~ rrvr rt4r -- *.~- rr ~ -.----r---~-- -~ - - ____________ Ontario, $2,300 to $2,800, Sergeant-at-Arms: Victoria, $3,000; Massachusetts à3,500; Ontario, $600. Librarian: Victoria, $3000; Massa- chusetts,$83.000; On tarioa t8 00~ Qneen's Frintere Victoria , $e, Y0 South Australia, $2,500; West Australia, $2,000- Ontarie- .1 9)00 I ~ P., is respected by the other niembers at OttaÇva and thea launclied into Ontario politics. Ile is a clear,convinc- ing and easy speaker. His address -made- ar-f ndilrsil nFl hearers. The expression of the meeting was It lias created two provincial parks the Algonquin and the Rondeau. It has built 4,725 miles and repair, 10,737 miles of colonization roads, ai bul161-miles-of 'brid-ges-- la the ni northern districts. W.Wald Miss TaimbINn; Mr.'Alan and Miss "'Williamns; Mr, T Fitzgerald; NMiss Addie 'dcDowell; Mr M. A Read the West End Flouse advt. in 'cd James, the Misses M, Mosetta and E.tisssetwilpyou Lnd Sophia James; Miss Eva Trewîn; Dr. hsiuetwl pyo. 1_ ;S.anct Miss- -lloreice zTllY.- les, Ladiee' Coats selling off at -hall priceý _NellietHall Miss Estella -o; Miss -atuch, oiso C3ex1i~ Gertie Lvle; Miss Allie, oskin -, Iiss Have you seen those fancy rockers !nI Jenie McLean ; Miss Edua Muir,1 and chair-s at M. D. Williams & Soi' M Nessrs.I-Irv Ri<c, I,1tier (?nrtie.i_______ Do -Yom, wish ;To- Purchase e (IL el. - Orl- ti