TE'RMS :-81.50 PEiR ANxum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWÀRDS. . A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, <Ew SERIEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APIL 20, 1898. VOLUME XLIV.. 16. * + N iMr. Thos. Veat is hi vqrv poor health, 1ç>cent VS trs Mr. John Fleming hias b2ee In poor * io. Paerson visited oronto freàrecenti'.. Who Gaëîqbt the Bye Oe Eatr Of StateSIM&n Se±ribeS. Miss Olive Morrison returned Satur- day from Florida. Mr. Thos. MeCullougli visited friend * Wh aouMM0r osehead wsin Toronto, on Mes. (Rev.)RD. Fraser was in Toron-. at Oshawa recentlv eashm friendGoo' Fidav.Mr. S. B. Gerry, L ondon, visited Mrs. attending - he Dog.! Show. Easter at home here. Major Richard HIowden, Por t Hope, Toroto . MarShso va escin. a reently 0f Mr. If.W. Bk. Mi.ss Kela oskia ient E ser oli- Gouevlph ridsrin-Ese oin aster hidaygut fi ss ,r Misr ris, NewDalevste his home ao a Mirsookli nEati ,Sunda. C a es ?Mrs W Dcn. wriho Bajo r D Samcerwases .P. atDue~st whcrè she h s psstonvâascmine.r. ent fMc r.nnahie's Uri ae. Mr. Wm. ua , Prt pe spent se o fr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PoieMgstaeHre, hty iitdTrnofred ui atrM.WitBTrntour, etny, asr Mr. Aifh Wel . Trno str MissBalah or opben visit- 1Mr.. WF. BDalelvisited hshoerp a t vii 'N E atn. ilendeýfrson i aty, 1bas i yg eist or, Mrýs Tg. eamish, P ort earMy t urn ayt. Miss AiDov S t inci hs Bobtai5ne D r. 11ev. , J as D, o Ot rio..h1e, .T atet, dc hésitato ihT a on Cos s tollnr.e Nent. e'sMr. T. Qa. ri, P rtwrigpe, waai g w t Mrs. . Brtlas e e Torn t . 0The ewwavnfes o. nd Mr. o. . 'sHino sC( Mr. . Joann bas thenoal ae nv fr If so COUCI, JONSTON& CR DERMA invie youto inpeet heir 7~y~-Mr. H Redof the StasnaCht-brne A,aretb iscovlinaterhe rio ýns te tMerGreiiy ssao mras.ton, wasihom af Dr. L. H.sReEnd Honse slioMr.and Mt rontoDavid ih sha ne soc wic te hvejut ecieddiec fomth anfatuer oe ast. Mre, hV,ýviier. H.Grenood Trono, Eas visteMr. ChBas. K ethaood Friday * both Eriglish and Canadian. Mr5 llw ifaif Eicson Nw of C itygent~tM.W W aby' t Mr J Wod roaakel bSve ~ atteded th funerl 0f Ms. W.KeelyEaster to th Sand rk am et fJon Airbe o he . M rs ad lars , J. H. CryrkLas en nd Dean r n . 0f Kno llesi er] o1 ro no, MissMartn'sfanc gos' tore is a.fgmlievisite hi s.ens tamPoton peached 1ýýuing. aulstchrch Sd a Morsnt. (r)Hmlonoeornowa Jck c, J.ere recent g. P.,sof Msnaygetaoiohis brother, Mr. hs im por"(>,SAs Union, MrsMrs. T. W. Joliffe, Coibonerigpent to foiruatioivinaïTs.at gust 0f her mothereMr ofW. Renwick S.aCaàdier. F. James. T ro .H otsB . nfrdntoaTherwith e r.siseMr . H . Dixoart , . wre E an las t etlofalMrs. J ohnK * DIrect frm thBriahesoin Londo aolot of inoleu..Hte clca'estlnd ess. M and Mrs.Dvsitinoe hiGalbraitli ne soc hih h y av js rcevd irc foi te ma ufcurrs or ther .smoh1 rd'teboo frrîends.odofTrot., s iitMr. h a s. FaibairnodF Mrs . Mrs. for kitchen NefloorsClt, Ms. ýAtM.W. Mthl n aghter vs tlBr. &o, 0TfoC1lrntobwas hoe mosu ur-iauecrng . din.ateneMess. Norananlof rge Jae\ s rs. H odaTrno ui * / 'isitedtheir cousnstat Solin during' Esteînieek. vorfEaster oi tc f l idfroLace cailut n te'vfin2es pair the hoMid ayts. s fMilis ena T retsok, oramn s p r. O J ii . PJollfeB.A.,Otaw and t ver fin favsordthe pae 1tliesides. >1eUartw r entde'Cl g. ehnday week imored ,,Is UinWol n Araia rtSqatsinaEasts t er-id ea. Mrs.Moran WoodMakndzie, MadocMr. John James, Sr., an daugte MrP ~t or n aiv.Dr a th 1.Cas.Htcisn isE .!LJamgesvf isirteMr. Tho. F beter ale sow inanyoftheabve in-s y ay ous in Iigto wre aterîitooorai Mr.W . during £asîerie. cntgetso r JamesTîua.' forVyfv- ans ust on er , Whtby .W nic . CaDr. A anhsgautdfo 1v ec lthr fOh Mvr. anlv . Cydranette iao Tal.ollegfe oanis pct-'Nr. Estiannduchprechd in, ToerDi- Caar.. >Jo n.onCrdeliaes of as , B;f. . rnfrd, Eastlu thlirsseM. EDotowerw:nyuaster gChhests ody. JbasK Diret frr1 he onersinConvention; f LiinenTorohento. -t npleasiantlyiiviswith Darling an Peenboro. albdsth BOWMA~~avILLE.e Mrs H T Phllpsis erMe.Jhn Pis DD. ., ra oWess r- W JoshnduraaleroM. A., fis Sech- Rochete r s itihl ndg air H. * aisonhmbyctteataieasbe Treas.oeMran anGuarge JSeion and . o ohrreaivsand Torintc u r i teR.Bcito th .,bi oontboist c home c f ethei cousinssoat oion.Ldri M ntr.wee.BviscPr'iialcft e r Eonase Ail îMi.eO. J.aJglofiLac, B.rA.,fw, sle ecteddPown-Publicn 25eoperpirt*ethedhflicayr MThe0.JF.JJalif., 131.oA.,astbeen an u o erofn g os.ethe Prx lal f13 ccco! fi,. Assoia- aister Chas. Lenw eed ow sn aeteaeshrdies hn MramsaEle a nOoomit Eon. fd. rm II.ron us a cknziet st w oM ohw'ansS.,tdhag weko usns.-Mcr . H F.Morest 1.a . aud T G. bis cusi Ms at or.Chaliii MeL o el irs Oliv. er oua teM ar. Th~on iP. CraD.n.da.sh Bans, B , ahtcfld ntv. Euc- Dr W.Ae. Suilhi Trenut Lib m e va a PibeUc lcf her, of Oha waeo Oroo, asiiimOii oua .ssciaienan m ,i ee i cgm ra- ent as blee n d is rc Crsian T C hd¾ c cîiiîmg foi to inthelmDi- G encraiitheEhucationciAsV cit.,o. las wckonbuinas Trot,,ýorlait wecli . Hospinal suffeniiig from puelimonaa Air. ams aicî, Oon, asben Mr. W.E.Tiles, . A., riias l ofted Ms agi ce eachi ere Mr W . Clearrivpeiniig,- ix fromk See ou 1New"Li ie b irs T.G. umhre, Trono, asorsDeprtmntfthe OîthioEduca-. cf aCocih. itliinTrnt. ant niLssin.thrrklr fwi Air Js. c(onacielis sared t r o rîîan . -ll isrohome]lvig scic H.iTc.Coc iaip j) er e f Ecen iiex issue. visitingf Wcst Darb1ualricAds.iord lubisRfihalterams. cin vke, ux-eeve.oMas Tre1s.*l ýe MudepLaýua S cti au, rla ives anpid red re c întaed he i e ofccnodiestwe rand-t Dono filtocîlan se haS e h voifrit AssscAiar uc .W.OelCh v o il t, i o~ugs vn. r , AJ-oc i malo r teiicîi . snsandaorfndagber.B'e!Ii. 01-o* Mdu atrwihOoofiîd.GogTr ont, oif, Bo A. wad l esinte aTow Pbleman wasttndd .Th s F.arn cf,, haDsioen It wil ay yo fr e re oferng th b stan c ea et is Kthrie OîvrheScttsb Prvie (ce rit f0x Cac aSie n ua M sci c a ts, the wetsin ge r ie48 vear s ag o ompfr era erd. Conus oucile JhnJakoMaot.e.P FarewoliCha..C , Whîîhy, Guideo Ha i g bo g tveylrg t o d ic un r M r.onAmbna aulr ai s ro ecn ly was o lccted a diind pen lattor of tthehe iirî ine a hoeal irngon otofbsiesyu il ld o e Edio .Cute teon bewsnand.Public Seboo s BeA.SecdTîî . tris c .ousnýsrl oJliffe, B. A., e apihar fth _oýnIsh warl.ow r-1ty aid ae s a eEu atio nal Assec aio nta r l Norml h C onollg , H a l Tei r bargins. Caî andsee it s alaysa plasue toshoweau Mesrs.AIhu Cawkalni erW usetnnt Eortr witslis randprents 11e. J JEnoandMrF. Trbil E.C. outoyJ. . nd W B.MeMr-Ao, lant.i hoGnea cock weele ogethsiers. roo aTorW .Tpo niAlnWlim ADMroontootheBellTelehe=a lAscain Undertakin shawin lo n-.mna Mr. Jams. Gilln, B. A., wasbenr Dr. V,.har lNoe , A a s hutby MrbW C Colmanager cf the fro alay ecivsprmp ndpesna atntondy r st i son tMpr. J. . Ghlfihlan toenPmbe c BowmnvietlleMiss Eva Gilot and r. W. J. Gare n i-,p Oron, an of anko Com erce Salri 8,000 %dî er, . .r epreseionte ad Millhook Mrs. TR . Mom ent o tdrson isor eatetoth Onai dc atmsonhep tculsofwc e Ourght. homV. e sptigle sr eec'tor, Pesoidt c riing.ofmeeihr. B iceEgnS.. aenta iet onaeI-ont M and se.. MComnt, e ias tw Y ork MMiJsJsile, loe ho l-C nna .T FraT., ainteDstrictn lQtise agat gsi WeD hai D earn ct etithe Plo roin ciEdca- Mr. Chas. W. McClung was lu Toron..W MrPad rs DanPikPl foui-sscitindeîvr a aPde o v, Trnto prior engfr Edmten- Po adiad Dvson eci 0 r.J.Je o e,'ý1iig a , as ý ee onýi kDga linl ton reW . T h r ve o bas been ofr . MS.IC Du 'WiLLIA.iYLS & SONte.1tonewoue recentstguesisof MisfiAespeaking portraitd BOMN-ILE gnt orDmninMeassnsPins ifr,ArtondJ.temperance o- r a igtorEdard Carui?,seod m.onsanda.ood nosition.oFin DoH. Howf aWllcmepreaand Oshaa, appearshluethnSons cf Tom' . . Kno, ootnn f r.Japsito.A. mnOroe Snd ayexcwihOnging ih 11e. pernce Reord or pil, h ib i s aWotyhliaaree tdl teA ril a h is . .o htDvso *týi1pyyo o eae offerin th bsIS1andêScheapslD ...rke. ve owy uî recn n ae Tii iempoane WtReordwt odo'r 48woarauot hemeaca Relcfhe. lll1lî!!T!1Vi!IHT1~T!1! ~ Miss Marjorie -,Ei cfthe SianCch____________________ o_ f wo iOrer'soran. h ot o e on .rhppu sa alwf -ieo uniueee blr en nteebat.ea nerwaonPort 1ope M ' aAsaucctss- MhrbiyFl. Wood, HadmraseriMdeourdpeu-utuonu.Evnw 1avn ogtvr agl tagodicutfo -e fn aylu Boanv railtoercnty le amrusioraîte i choootHpicse'rfsin îpniuae elbi oal 'y a whoLsale Irai oTraiutiofbucfnsseachers" fibefomre. the . Wuene afthomanno owspOnariosorcflCbeing, Hailto- - Cin O UrienTICad e. u h diaînl soito.s Edu ailn sso itisngaprn.ts , dzy uneu c epmdn bargains. CMr. Wmd Scotit B.aA.,yetaToron tee agesdcw Mor;attrArbhtesCthesr*sypoC1 - Wk as rIv. .Tànd nd LbeaWtltroublp, o iodn ftehxr W 11011 LOOkÎng ng vory ocM. woeld toehrto Oseet:d yUnrun Wl Co., Hmiltool,was SulectePrslt HiofnibtnehMr.ims. MrwJs eckflan . go. I wonid have sevore allsiCofpaiy.' ~toey .AB.C, ~O~c r licghAlyanvgo alwDo notefil t o al t tealapeso et K usohssnr . .Glila npope-ostDwo ityangcut Sts.aGllt n r.W .Gr Durham nd thisSpring' selectons arein'avia nd RevMus . Meot, Nurie;York, isW eeryorganws it f otde r ti htr0ria4ng~%' ~ - ~riri Il N oanMs ace oia Ms oohn ui u ad rte Ehcouc fIncîr'lntt.tc.i tira ~ o an - evi us eas n. he roo th t o r ~ Mac ey, Kin ale Air ani M s. ohn aini m t oft Pr o vincasaa llua. I r. Chas W . Mce ycars, nwToton M r ad M. ADyer p. a'i awa ~Zgood value in any lhue of Boots and Sho0es, Trunks, wbs rnwsboe eî h lo ri~h o iby"Ms u .,rC. 1'. - isn. iattoiff tueOsiua <- etc Ii --a,în ini the mun-a-way is <oinç, icely...AMr' nn,217 ossimgion AvenuTruo i ti-îr1 r b~nîîoihl C -c3b fCru~i Valiss, Dessig, inited s Thorn is -once more dchhxcuimug 0nt l. Ge ouiy ood's, beas ic1'uý- -e xicist' bave i..h.. cilm.zc -~the maii here .Meenrs. F. Hu-bTN - c- fuat. ' o i c n -vgosCci mrdb eu-mr<us odi I ~~ INidderv and J. Aloxiauder viSited!p Fe, raar 1-i ,c nî.i.jaiDsce3'-aCSrite Prescription.i - .-.~ A os et MILLER' WORM POW- o'lI iby ail druugg1Umts 1'il sx fer 5.DP LO WR sy r fsce ~~ DERS occasionally wihl koop tj'c. ild rrLI pmuele. gtaia r- ui .ods iacewî(umexdlîn Xn rea healty. - Hood Puis iiaia.bonefliai. uc. qmmafly tiloe':îeaomtine