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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1898, p. 3

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FR S Now i the time when alowing small The Commercial ilotel may be sold XâBOWMANVILLE, APRIL 20, 1 898 acona h trssol aei y sheriff's sale soon .. .. MIeasles,whoop- We av aTon ounil ysan apoint to eall and settie up. The mer- ent in this township .he Methodists weaea onCuniysadaChante do flot get their goods for noth- held an Easter Jubilee in the Town Hall__S E sleeping Board of Trade, but what's be- ing, they are flot doing businoss for the Thursday evening.... Mr. llarry Duns- ing don e by either to work up trade for love of it, and when they are kind low is agent for the Buck pump. The _________ foot power made for this pump may be Bowmanville ? Why not awake 110w enough to oblige a friend by giving attached to one of any make. Many of -ý Fj and see what canbe done to make the them lis goods, that person should the pumps in the village are now dec- odtwhu? fthycntdoaY- make it a point to pay for ail the -oods ortdpt this ....... Sacrament 7 g- n l lr St:e4cenrelleve al the troublec fnel thing else let them spend a littie moneY hie got, not wait untîl he is'dunned and rcs ise inth Presbytrian __- 'ent tc~ a bihou.q state of the syqteoi such as chrhSna .Mir.Geo.Prout is very Lizzintcs - NaI~u Drosl siness. Distreýq arter inl advertising the advantages of Bow- dunned, anddunned, then 'to pay Up 'ihmrhg fth tmc. r, Fi __IL ,arn, 1 _n j, -,~ Sýe -c. \hiln thelrrnost manville as a summer resort and manu- the account, give impertinence and say S. Jeffery paid Toronto an Easter visit ___-__ reiriarkable suc;eS has beer sLowvu in curing r i facturing point. mean things. The individual that wiîî .. Mr. Geo( Sugg'itt is preparg to ____________ finish his dwelling- house andi Mr. . ACCa1~CaaIf rs SIGNATURE do that will do worse only for the law, Mountjoy has ail the material on the 1 1UITodnkgua Tflar l eeqyJut n~ptoern SCArtr of' Hon Joh LrrrydenSP_ Some people get credit and whlen re- grounds for his new house..Mrs. F. Ii~h5oahadoe1o erea1 ~etu, %ahiE'S i Consii.pain urinjý pILa r -C F-ofdn hycnusetpael se o h mon a:Js yr fPrtPryi iiiihr Charlie Calder who defeated hlm inpetel er, Mrs. Wlirso.... Mr.' C. Latti- sItle,, ,rnU e t aile ad, ru-uu.emj get it when you ean now that ivou are m ~ Y yeeto.A nhsatcme-in suc a ry v nyr or omauaggravatedattackofpneumonià byng wael at Arln n sat ich iet goods ten or eleven months," and t .e..Dr. 1McAllister, V. S. is preaig PooeDglohefl act as if the merchant does not ke ep t eudbiboswicwadsro - ness andllest.dontains neitr î_ýN U, ,ýhe-esaid leading Liberals tumbled over one books or know ail about the transaction, ad by lire. .Mr. David Milne who spent l'l stlýfi7,r 'Ac ti, s irrn opi another intereagerness to subseribe llwto rmsdo h oo fa few davs in the City is home agan.. OpiudtMorphiirte ilor Mial&. 8O TH .1w1c "'e x'ui prmie on the Phonor of inahei Plain andà unmnistakae are th ions ]NOT NAU C (:)Tl[C t): ,d~ lu ', e1aesz c;-,,n- moneýv for the proîest. .A resolution of man to pay at sucb a tine, and that of sprinz-house cleaning. ...Dr-.Mcli ____ 1 mesc te y.4 rt<l .r'r h~ appreciation of the Minister of Agricul - tinme lias longoD goine past and no a o o orsatteR~a hl i butaltr it îch ea t uretowbchMr office is in S.Jefferv's shop. ...The thiree XN IPP E . bu, t &f . ter .a tJClà ~ th t ulr. wsdpeDy proving beyond any doubt that their chnrchesoprsnthe Enniiskillen and made an able and appropriate repiy. word was nîo good We wish to inform CatrgtPebtra cnrgtioïi UM Catwrigt Prebyteran Cogre, aIl such persons that the merchants have issued complete flhanial reports 1S«i- I0 EVR ln the years 1871-2-3 and, 4 the prtrsent frmwo hygttergoskosfor 18937 which were distributed to theF VR fi theans cf sa;: oast, ure cua h re it w er io fti ounlt h congregations and ail rere delighd vhl9trsdntpublic scool at Bradley'siNo. 14, Dar I3 T JL ,O CÂa'rrn LTTL- ErEn ria ~rversrrr11street, 'There goes a mans that owes of the items: Total revenue 81,450.00- &A. 1 eyeasy, toa rze. enelor tar lo rnaze ington. The best writer in that 8ebool mesomcpmietopybtidfti um22.Owrvontrycn - dn sa Thiey are rtrlry vegetabçiand do omcpoie opybtddo hssm82. eevlnaiycn flot gripei or T5urgre, hit bv their gcîîtio actior, and the boy wbo turned ont the nets lt ei edba. h ecattributed for the missionary schemes of case ail'eainto whoe ane al-n ~îî i rcn the church.. . ,N r. A.-Hde bas nuh $oo. ought Aperfecllemd for seulstipa- 1 aretor$1.Sol or ryh~. ~ îeîrby coy bok exmintio paer nd i-and everybody else knows them. Did Dr. Campbell's property in North Black- onSurSmahDrre, eÂT! 'I > . . gbaeslto a rd .Ltl ou ever tink of that, Mr. Debtor? If stock ..Mr. James Hunt intends to Worms,onvutsions,feverish.. 5qjohn. life wa aso as neat in bis person not, just tbink of it now and rush and movebis bouseto, a lot be recentîy ness andLs FSLEEP. Mý ý ,c as a lady's ma id and as active as a lioeht cent you we and be purchased in north Blackstock Trac weigbt sprinter. Hie was usually found e a.tion engines are to be used for the pur- Tac i1e Signature of at or near tbe head of his classes and ______pose. D E S N K R ý5 wepredicted for hlm then a successful A RELIABLE OFFER. yyrg e V yoRK. J Ostor'a l18 put up in one-oizo bottiers oly. i business career in the business world. --eL11 n1I1 11 i. noýt sold lu bulk. Doult allow SEyone te oeil We are not surprised, therefore, to see 110NEST HELP FREE TO MEN. o fti g leo t" pilaol rms htf Samistresses, and familles should by thePainesville (Ohio) relegraph for Iila j pst &Z gOOd" i' d ÇwIaEWer evry pur.. procure ,the best and simplest April 5th, that Mr. Littlejohus has been TunE !DA.ADIA.X,STATESMAN, Bowm- poe.$ - cJoJ3,OUge C neho o cttng vz;elec ted by popular vote a member of the ville, is autborized to state by Mr. D. y VXACT COPYCT WRAPPEn.em-*Is rev Graliam, Box 183, llagersville, Ont. Board of Education for that City, r ci-that any mnan who is nervous and debdl ing a large vote la every precinct, îtated or who is suffering from any of standing second among the four con- tbe various troubles resuÎlting fromn over It is Up to date and will sa ve fully testants. In an)ther'part of the "bl-work, excesses or abuse, sncb as ner- vous debilitv, exhriusted vitalîty, lost liaif your time, and give your wo rk graph" we observe bis businesslike and vi.r natural drains and losses, lack Itlli d 1 he Town the elegance ofFre c Style verv seasonable advertisement of the ov le t etc' ,u d d inn wrtt l curers.Star Shoe Store-F. W. Littlejobn, pro- in strict CoTfideiîce anmd receive PilER or' Thissysem eceved irs-clss ipiprietor. Fred's school mates w'l bear CHARGE full iunstructiouots liow to be uI omas at Toronto and Montreal Exposi- wit eocn fbs ucs îdPP1 Mr. Graham bimself was for a long _________________________ tions, 1897. larity lu the Bucke-e State. West Dur- tine a sufferer from above troubles and ihfi n f Apply to W. SP-AULDING,, 278 ain boys usually "gtthere." after trying in vain many advertised il uLhllUUss ofSrno ials t abr ---~ 5tn remedies, electrie beits, etc., became ai. Srn o ~ Col l izes, athro, - 52 per tn Euelid Ave., Toronto, General BGANYI O CO. most entirely discouraged and hopelesà.ScatnC l, Il d ivr oay Agent, or to MISS J. MARTIN, Bow- BI INYI OAC. Finally he confided in an old Clergy- paht Srno Cof "ow - e ee to -any -- 57 prtn man, wbose kind and bonest advice en- theY pat to n------------->. ertn nianville, (at Mr-Davis', Beeeh Ave.) WESTERN ONTARIO FARME RS ýHAVE A abied him te obtain a perfect and per- The-People's or Bernice Coal, at harbor, - 450 ertn 80 - 1 yr. KLONDIKE IN THE ToBAcco GROWIýNG. manent cure. Knowing to bis own el, p4500_per ton. --sorrow, that s0 many poor sufferers are delivered. - ..0rrtn - ~fJYS~WF~Kdior nd bel~' i-poed ponby-u-nsCrupu1ous- cMr., j.raa b.onsidersr1 it -i---. S .j H vn-aik -S3antun Cay-< S 3 cnect _Publisher of the AmberstburgEcbo,was dutyas an bonest man- andla - firmnbje--I Il SlS8- is- vlled by-- -the years -and- almost ail oôther-linds -at limes, we catn recoin- la Toronto recently, being a member liever in Christian sympathy and kind- of a deputation fromn the West wbicb ness, to give his fellow-men the benetit mend the Scr-anton as the BEST and CHEAPEST in the Éà 1of bis experience and assist tlîem to a Gra p iltlill, mrkt. T ïl interviewed the Government regardin g cr Hang b t Ilh k GetSpigjakt, he publie can always depend on getting dry, tobaça reglatios. cue. Hving othinto selhesks n inonywethl-srureeaiefacCoaloweasscwe havealsaffichveentflshedt sed pacityt "W do not tbink of Klondike ln avn don ai j.gurea sujerv ie mpe 1re IE CL South Essex," said Mr. Auld. "Vie wadfrbstouble. If you write to Wearo as in tepast prepared to pa' the vr Oi U. have a Klondike of our own la South Mr. Graham you can rely upon bemg pihs aktpie o l id-fC ay veryian im Essex. Every person lu talking of the cured and upon absolute secrecy as Fo ogh,' tobacckb business. Every farmer is pro- v11, Seeds delivered atour Storehouse,corner King and George CodOUCO parîng to f0w the plant, Last year Hi- Acidress as Srve ncosbaing a tten- eSffrd o Long lasStreets, or at Port alnt . chitis, Sore M anWle a 2arstobacco, and tion liwvrwl cgiven to those writ Js ohand a large suipply of Sait-coarse, fine and throat, etc. c l expenditure amounted toi, alh la al, state that voet really need a cure. Filtn arr n esfRc atfrCti KERY'. WATSON &_o,____T0% $,0,sl i id$2,0 lar hti and ilorsesl, also fresh ground GryPatri brel gd ouhKoiiefor Essex Co. hchw are prepared to seli cheap for cash. Bradley's Lasyeroemllonpouads oft e.R .Fraser, M. A., of Bow- She Says: F'ertilizer a specialty. Lumber, Lath, Shingrles, Sash, bacco were produced la Ontario. This manville, iiu bis notes " by the Wav" YDoors, tlavays in stock. Inspection invited and satis- year 5,000,000 pounds wlll be produced publibedinls week's Westminster, "No Tongue cani describe faction guaranteed. -' and most ofit wiil corne from Essex, says of Ingersol:. "The Noxon Bros. -h ~~~~~Manufacturing Co., sends its standard teA oisIS fee. thougb I expect there will ho somile pro- cultivating, soeding and harvesting th AgoisI ufe d" duced lu the neighboring Couinty Of machinery far and wide. Its 200 mon M e&e L E '*L L AAN & 0 Kent. It is a big tbing for us and there ar(; veryb just now. The Inger- BOWMANý1ILLE. ' i 1 a fortune in it for tobacco raisors. sl akn owîhepos10_____________________________________ enbas a slaugb,,terîn,, capatitv- of g! ~ -'.-.-4.1 AI the tobacco mon are enthusiastic 8~ a n el x~svl aVio - over th e qu estion , aud b elieve if the u eese as w ell. T hese are tw o of the P aî n e 's C cl>Jo p u n h u % n 'l c %1 È * aada Gvranntgansthi r-lorger. industries; but there are a num- Ge0yCnpad heT h e v r B o k S l L1.quest there will be a great future for ber of others, some of tbem of coîîsider M --r'able importance.'! Mr. Fraser savs la GetldCl rsÈto o T ec v i Db the trade, Its fame bas already gone cîosingr bis notes: -The WVestminster,edclP soptofr abroad, and seme Kentucky business I arn glad to say, has made rnanv new mea last fali sent for samples. These friends la Ingersoil". N(nf tiaoois ana aand o es Ssamples were satisfactory,aad milîs will In this conection we may add a para- soa beestbliirei l th ditrit. ra ph from a letter we receiv.ed from nn n Iegersoll last month la response ta an I I . Tou needit ta '- the daily burdons of Heretofore only the common tobacco inur sent for inoraton 0a reer 0.~F AE ie. If your backs- weak-Doan's Kidney basr bensonbttisya c n et fr akpin tabn:lsn , _____________________ Th D L EUSINAt an expense et train 10 ta 20 cents eize, tastelesa, efficient, thorouth. Ail one nana Mts, DAirn RASS, QIIvan, P. QMARRIEi) Plj,')PLE NE'W T.AILOR SHO?. la the beeAn cMomst pala2table p etiaeuc for ance or twa packages of Diamoad Cod LIvOIaeinwshb 0Ésee.s Deos aay woman cao mako ber faded - ais~'~ O G S h nesge h a encryn ctýub.a 'wusor skirts as good as new Thinsâr ade ea Ti.L EUN ES 1 cameunedsineohms e farhiaraoet The/ . à L. EMULSION kinmd cf home work is wisdom and tie Pettee cr anocloîhesusiness ineomeînîî tionbas us Thma ,cnoy - y 1 oe . ,,1'th Mason's Dry Goads Store for a number of year s la %rnrim Thom1~dn hicln 1 eonm.e as pcatedcy andoa ronther for ,litrigLjes rî'l.A King St. west, where he la , irepared ta nmke baCarcaada. tei 'ec o f AoEr apî,iarraeLe. f- n o'ýf -e- f gents andbays suite ti ail the latest styles, an I Th .&L. EMU LSION had ui ,verk notis ou ,1d s iiid v!aln ,!igýtPd dyeinfeaf1 This qpring thouqands of ivise andîi:"onvrcayL taigean d dMimfate. erunt, Issueri ',r t r f>iîy at lawestprices. Far thase Whawisb ta ard r 'ingts -av ddpthewsparrynal Glimo ampe nail la a appelcslîe. proc. &perfbttci D% es. givn naw lite, ta aid sand cast- ovr" i.C.HadC tosein thein casiro a card and i cre thi lasipatens Giv im aio ami nie sure yoa fret DAVIS ,z LÂ-WRBZNC off dresses and costumnes, fitting tbem Jrroprietors, oiln( Maswill fetcb tbem, if it is tea rniîeý; pic give yauhappinres JT iL.,N thegennuine ICO., Lhmited, )Àkntregl for anaother aeason's we-ar. Te onlv ojIm to eacwità Reoýd'avjla e e 1 ilw 2c i ete. OA.Dr' r-anm-Fihoai al p 9 Wbo 1 o4e e to (Ive, do pot risk will be sont back wlieiî done iand part'E m.~alrfied. 1Youcii.a1-rrau esnSL.-eal e ueeî ai C)u maei0 itpor (1yeS orv imi 1t a - will be hanestly deait %viti.'l ademlt uaIiielIiFibal Cart Massey Drill, mawer,harse roka, NewsServico. tions of tire Dianîond Dyes;- see that g ln your orders or fe 'tler~s as 1 he vs' orihodox fashiop bv Yroîkn g ,,u te' uripapr lEupe îd ançrltM A JAMt pýi, -vr LI*ugro)gu Panes A 1v t plow B eal El Locant. YoUr dealer gvYouthe"Diaand" zlîuoZ 1. àmanaengae woktr n at ili 'r~ ý' _r:p"ly '.i tht orl-ý"Q 'L11 a l u(ecSfuly o 1xeý'j RO ASvil.,. T F 1A R(ET iAl - 3w.a A

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