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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1898, p. 6

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Nature makes the cures after al. Now and then she gets into a tigbt place and needs helping out. Thingf- get started in the wrong direction. Something is' needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. Scott's, Emulsion of Cod- l.iver 0O1 with hypophos- phites, can do just. this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues., and makes rich blood. 50c. and $i.o; ail druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chenists, Tornot. AILLAN LIM'E OIxAMOHII S. P1ROMPORTLAND. Parîi .an...............SaturdoyApi Carbaeuin........Wedn'dy,' 13 Numaidia.e. :"'.............Satrday 23 Caienan ... .........Saturday, April2 Laurentian, lot cabin oniy, Carthaginian, 2nd cabin only, 8Passengeros are tranoferred froai the train te stae itout inconventence or expense. 1BATEUS 0F PASSAGE. By Parisian - Liverpool au Lonýdonderýry-lst C.,bin, 65.50,$60, $70,ý retun 10 14, $133, 2nd LCabin, (nelud- ing gow London) $3625 Sere- ,,verpoo,!Derry1 By Caifornian, Numidian, Laurentian lt Cabin, $50 and $60; return -$100, $114. By nNuridiaii Californian, or Car- thgnan, 2nd Cabin (inciuding London), $14. By Numidian, and Califorian teerage $2250. New York to Glasgow and Derry, "State of Nebraka tit May,lot cabin t45 aud uliwards. Fo r tickets and every inforniation ap- ply to Mii. A. JAMES, Àllan Lina Azent, Bowmanville. MON EY TO LOAN 1$ 100,000. A large suraiof aioney lias been placed in my hands by a private person for invetînent, on aplprovedloatis on farai security for a terai of Flre or Ten y cars, at 5 1-2 per cent intereot will be asked payable yearly, Sati8fac. tory conditions for repayaient wil b e arranged. D.JB. SIMPSON, Soliior, Bowmnanvilie. Dated Oct, lot, '94. 40 - tf. The Leadng Speclallsts of Ainrica 20 Years In Dtrot, 250,000_Cured. WE CURE STRICTURE Thousandsofo!young and ai ddle *aged menaretroublod wtiihthisdisease--many uncoascieusly. Thuy niay have a smart- eing senation. omali, twiting streaai, sharp cuttine pains at tiaies, iliglit dis- charge, ditllculty in ceaiaeneiag. weak organs, enuîssions, and ail thu syaiptoais o! aervous deility-they have SiRIC- TUR o Dn't let doctorq experimerfton yoa. by cutting. sttntc ing, or teariug yen lis wili neure yen,ast wilre- turm. Our NE 'If T , T~ET- MENT absorhs the stricture tissue; Sheneereaieves the tricturepermanentiy. It can neyer return. No pain. no suffer- agnedetentionfroai business by aur aIietgh.d. The sexualeorganoare strength- ened. The nerves are invigorated. and the hiisîof! aahood returns. WE CURE GLEET Thousandsof o!eung and xiddie-aged aien are having their sexuai vigor and vitality continuaiiy'sapped by thlis dis. case. They are frequettly usseonselous e! the causeoe!these symptoms. (Jeneral Weakaess, Unnatural Iischarges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousinesa. Poor Meai- ory, Irritability, at tiaies Saiarting lSen-i sation, Sunken Eyes, with darit ireies,1 Woak Bacit. (enerai Depression, Lacit so! Ambition Va ricocele lIrunken Parts, e. GLEET and SiVRICTURE maybhothe cause. Don't consuit faaiily doctors, as they have'ne experience in these speciai disease-don't allew 2ncits ta experiaient on yen. Censuit Specialiso, whehave made a hf e tukdy of Diseaseso!.MeaandWoaien. 0 rNW METHOD TREATMENT wili pesi- tivoly cure you. One theusand dollars 4fer a case we aecept fer troataient and cannetaure. erais moderato fera cure. CURES GUARANTEED We tret and cure: EMISSIONS. VARICOCZLE, SYPIILIS, (ILeET. ST~TUR. IPOTENCYSECRET DRA I S. UNATURALCDiàCHRIG- U S INEY andBLADDER Diseases. COSLATION ERBEE. BOOKS FREE. If unable te cail, write fer QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROITr, MION. i ADAMS' TUTTI FRUTTI' AIOýlS DIGESTION. i FF &c Avarietyuetjvary hand' sor scaud u3efa- res ente areoment treefor thénettr- m' o ets fourons from Tutti iriut Qt in O.uO.î164 MAD E M E AMAN %..A.AX TABLETS POSlTlVELýY CURE o~i ry, Initeri, Siepisnosa, etc, caused 2tiby Abuse ooie xessandi Imdite -ort ions. fl. i sIskt ad a.weil restorà Lee t iityin c, d.oryoung.and fi a man for stdy, bnsýness r marriage Preveut Isanty and Cons mptou i: tu n a'. eThir rýe% sh6we iiffled'biitrve imeut and %ecets a C~UREl1 heru nlohrfu~ rsut upoa boineg the Ajnie ax 'ablet.. The, bave Qceed oeida an,1ii .... Yu. We gie a O. i t i .%V e aacuàtee te0 e f st a ourte jE ,aeh ti se or r(efuad .tise mo-e. riüe5 WVI - -per1 vaekagô; or six plies. ItuH treatienti for 82.B mai. ta Plain Wr4iýlper, 1ePOt ucip Ofr e.Cîcuia.$ SAJAX REM EDY CO., 84sabraL Chies55. lit. For sale in Bowmanvilo by STOTT & JuRï Di uggiste. 1 1 staff, liosaces, bar mid rst. A bridge leading frea tise entaida naînral werld t, tise Inside spiritual worhd; wa seeing tis a autînent ut tlisaend tise bridge, but tise feg off an unlifîed myslery bidiîtg tise abutinent on tise otetioend lise bridge. Wblspc6ifrgaflry off tise'seul. Tise bu- iman voie s God's ouhogy tise car. Tisat veice capable off preduciug 17,592,186,- 044,415 sounds, and ail th "ai varioty imade, net for lise regaleint off hoaIt or bird, but feor tise hunan car., About 15 ycars uge, in Venice, loy ewnIn deatis one wisonînany consid- z red tise groýatust musical- composas off tise ienînary. Sdruggling oit up frein 6 Xears c! age. wbenîbci was loft fathonles?, Wag- f fer rose lhrough th3e ohlequy off tise Iwenld, and ofttlmes ail nations sentnrg- ]y against hlm, untl ho gulnod tise favor of a king andl won thse enibustasai cf tise .p.ra bouses o! Europe snd Auaarlom, REphthatba!" aurd the poiypbeid growtbs gave way, and the inflaiaed auricle cooied off, and thai man who had îlot heard a oound for imany years that night, board the wash e! the wavos off Galilce auinst the limiestone sheiving. To show., how much Christ tbought off the human car, when the apostie Peter get mnd and with eue slash off bis' swerd -dropped the ear off Maichus îti the dust Christ created a new externai ear ,forMelchus corrospendlug w1thýthe mniddle car and the internai ear tbat, ne sword could clip lgway. Aknd te show what Ged thlnks et the îrnr We are. sufriIod .off the. ff4t that la the nililonlal June whlih al roseate ail the earth the eurs o! the dea! Wlll11 b unstoppeti, aIl the Vascular gro'wths gene, ail deformastion of the liste2ing organ cureti, eorrected, oha*nged. £yery Wang o11 .hwtli aVa a b@arîtig apparatus au ias tiseantisem ff tic redoemcd." Under atiother soll of tise clestial 'nusic Reus-, seau wakencd and gai up in tise mîdnigist, and, as well as ise ceuld wrote davn tise, siralus off tise music tisai hobuad hourd ln tise weuderful lune called "Tise Songs off tise,:Reemned." Ged grant thii t hmuyý net ho te yen and ta ne an infldel dreuin, but a glenieus ncality.. Wbea w. cmine ta tise nigis off death and we lie do-ta' eus P st slceepuy,,aur ours reaily bo waiteaed by tise canticles off tise'he'avenly temple, aud tise sengsanad tis a untiscin and tise canais and tise doxologies tisai shall' cimbhe'bmmusical ladder of tisai Cocos lui Grieast iritalu. Thse London Grsaphic ducarea tisitise sale off cocea bas inereascd intahie Britishs ili senaraiouslin lutisa las- i1v. yeaaos and tbiushe h înaY posuibiy supiaut Sas. TIRE WONDROLTS EAIR. GOD'S WISDOM DISPLAY.ED IN ITS CONSTRUCTION. 11ev. Dr. Taintage Says the Sensa of Hear.- inX la God's Greatest Gifi-Tho Gatewao' to tise Soui-Symphony .o! the Milieu- nia' June. (Copyrighti 1898, by Ameicau Prose Associa- tion.) Washington, April 17.-la tiis dis- course Dr. Taimage sets forth tise geod- nesa and wlsdom of Qed hantise construc- tien off tise huinan eus and extels music and encourages prayer; tort, Psalms xciv, 9, "Ho tisaI piaaed the eas, shahl ho net boas?" Arciitectur e a oeof tise mosl fusela- tilng anIs, andtihie study off Egyptian, Grecian, Etruacan, Roman, Byzantine, Mooniiss, Rnaissance stylas o! building bas beau le many a man a sublime life work. Lincoln and York catisedraho, St. Paul's and St. Peter's and ancis o! Titus and Tiseian temple and Alhsambra and Panlisenon are tise monuments te tise genias off, those wise built tisca. But more wonderful tisan auy arci tisay aven li! ted or any transept sindow lhuy oves illunîined or any Cointisian cluin ihoy aven crowned or any Gothsie ,coisies tbey oves eiuhernlcd la tise isumn cas. Amoug vise mosi shillfful and ussiducus physlelogisîs o! eur tiîne bave heen those wiso have given tiseir tino te tise exan- ination off tise cas and tise study off is arches, Ils walls, its floess, Ils cmulis, ils aqueducts, is gallanias, its intnica(,ies, is convolutionts, ils divine maciiacy, and yct it wiii luke aneliser thousund ycars before tise weild- corntes le any adequate appreciation off wbat Qed dhd wiun lbu planned and execuited theisejfluite aud evernîtîasteniing architecture off tise human car. The mosi o! il la invisible, and lise mnicresropo breaks down in tise attempi at exploration. Tisa carlilage wisicb -w. col bise eas 10 only -tise storideor off tise grant temple dlean down eut off sigisi, naxt door te tisa immertal sou]. SSncb scientista as Hlelmhsoltz and Ceaie and De Blilvilie an d Rankt and Buckt have atteaiptcdl te walk tise Appian ivay ofe! tisaiuan ars, but lise mysterious patisway bas nover hoan fully treddcn huit by lwo fet-the foot e! souudmaud tise foot off God. Tbree cars on enci side tise beud-tbe externai cas, tise middle ear, tise internai en-but ai coînesled tîy ntosî wondcsful tehegraphy. A iRock of Strength. Tise oxternai eusin lu hiages adonnefi by precieus tones or pie-ions metais. Tise tmpleo of Jerusalini pa'nlhy bilît sy lise centributionuofe aninga, and Homos in the "Iliad". speaka e!flIera, "tise îincc bnigisi drops, bier glittering geins su'spend- ed freinthelieaor." and -Mauy off tise adornuinents off modern limes 'sure enly cordes of lber car jowehs foaîîd ia Poia- peiiun nuseurn and Etruscan vase. But wbiho the eutecar es ay lbu adorned by isuman art, tise middle and tisa internai cars arc adorned and, garnisisoed oniy isy the baud off tise Lord Ah,ýmighty. Tise sîroeofa okoy off yoaden organ sats tise air vibratlag, and lise extersoal cas catchsatlie undulaling souind ad passes it on tbrougi tise'bouclaIs off tise'niddle cas toebise internai car, and lise 3, 000 isons o!flise uonan islamn take up tise vibration and roll tise sououd on jute tise seul. Tisa bidden nciinery offtliseoas isy pisysiohegiss cnhied by tisa naines off risg farniiliar le us, ike tise hommes, seînethlng le strilc:e: lite thseanvil, seme- tising te bu stoitten; li ke 'tise sirsup e! tise saddie 'sitis wisich wc mnounnthe rsteed;, ike lise drui 1,-beaten la the niiarcis; like tise iarpstringa, teolho swept 'ith muualo. Coiled like a 'mnail shel," by wsiicisoeeoe!tise innerinost passages o! tise oar is acîuniiy ealled; like a oluis- way, the o sund to asqond; lite aàhtin tabeofe!a ieiag appanatua. rihg tisai 'whlcbh entera rounmd aîîd round; like a labyninlis witis uonierful passages loto wisicis tise îsonght entera, oniy te ho lest ia bawihdennîent. A muscle conlsactlng wvien tise noise ta10 tonlod, Jual as bise pupil off tise oye conîrmits 'stan tise igisi la tee glaýiig. 'lie external cas is de- feuded hy 'wux siics 'ithis sbitarness discourages insectlle invasion. Tiso in- ternai unr itnbedded in by 'sist far tise hardeal bone of tisa hrnuan systoin, a very reck e! stîriengfisaine1 d.ftune. 'ie ens se strango at ontrian tisat by tise estimate off eue seiantial i con catch tisa souad ef 73,700 vibrations in a second. Tise enter eas btaiîg in ail kins o! aound, whethes bise crash e! an- ava- lanche or tise huai of a boae. Tiese ound pasaing ta tiselimner deor off tise oubside etr halte unltil anocther inecisanisin, divine meobaulon, passas il on.by tise isonoiets offtise middlc cas, and, coming te tise mmes door off that second cas, lte sound bas ne power le ceaie fartiser unuil unotises divine mecisanisin passes il ou ibhreugloImi tei mer cers, and tbeîî lie sound ceaies te tise rail tract off tise brala bruncilet and rolla on and oit nîttîl lb cemes to eslation, and there tise eus- tain drops,, and a hunidred. gobes sisal, and tise voice off Qed socais te say te ail isuman inspection, "Thus fur and ne f ariSer. ' Incerporatea unjor tiapter 169, lE. 5. 0. 1897 BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARDi Directors. Ni. A. JAMES, Esq. Preildent (Editer and ProprietOr CÂsçnÀDIz STATESMAN) J.H H. JURY, Erqý Vice-Presideîml (Druggîot and Optlipaa.) Rl. D. 1) 4VIDSON, Esq. . Seeretary (PIrineipal Publie Scisool) MISS E.. AYCRAFT Treasurer. Messrs MACDOUGALL& JONES, Solicitors (Equity Chambers, Toronîto) JOUN GAUD, Esti. Valuator (Blilder and.Conýtractor.) ýW, W. TAMBLYN. Ettq. , A. (Bowmanville fligis ,Sclteel.) Board neets for the ceustderatiou o! loans ai lise cuitofRX. D. Davidson, Eqq., Seretary freai wliona ail information May be obtatue '4. Straggling ail the way on te 70 years of ugo to coniquer the worid's ear. In thut sanie attempt to master the human car auid gain sopremacy over ibis gate off the iimortai seul, great battlos were fought hy Mozart, Gluckt and Weber, and by Beetisoven and Meyerbeer, by ,'Rossini and by ail the roi) off German and Itallan and French composers, saine off thein in the hattie ieaving, their hlood on the key- notes and the musical scores. Great batlle fougl for the ear-foughi with baton, with organ pipe, with trumpet, iitb cornct-a-piston, witb ail ivory and brazon and silver and golden weapoas off the orchestra; royal thea ter and cathedral and academy off music the fortresses for thecon lest for the car. Englnnd and Egypt fought for the snpremacy off the Suez canai, and the Sparians and the Persians fonght fer the defilo at Ther- imopylae, but the musicians off ail ages have fought for the mnastcry o! the audi- t:3ry canai and the douie of the ixumortai seul and the Thermopylae off stru.ggling cadences. Rap tures of Music._ For the conquest off the ear Haydn struggied on up froin the garrot whcre he haedneithar fire nor food, on and on runtil under the toc, great nervous aIrain of bcariug bis own oratorio off the "lCrea- tion" pcrffornad lhe was carried eut te dia, but leaving as bis legacy te the world 118 symphonies, 163 pines for the hani- tione, 15 masses, 5 oratorios, 42 Gornoan and Italian songs, 39 canons, 265 Engiish and Scotch sungs with accompanlient' aad 1,536 pages off libretti. AUl ihat la capture the gateo of the body thai swings la freim the tylapanun te the "snaii shel" lying on tise beach et the ocean of the immortal soul. To conquer thoecar Handei struggled ou froni the tiîno whca' bis fatisen wouid neot lei hlm go tu achool lest hoe leara tise ganmut and become an iusician, and freon the tIme wheu ho -wus ailowed in the ongan lofti îust tu play af 1er the audi- once had le!ft ta the lime whcn bu lefti te ail nations bis aaparahlid oratorios of "lEsiher," "Deorah," "Sainson," "'Jephtbah," Il"Judas Maccabacus", "Israel in Egypt" aîîd the "Messiais," tise sou) off tise great -German composer stili weeping in the dead mnarch off our great obsequies and triuniphing in the raptures of cveny Easter miorE. To conquaer the car and take this gaie Of the imalortal seul Scbubert composed Lis great "Sercuade," writing the staveg- off the> music on lise bill of fore in a restaurant, and went ou unlil ho couid ioye as a legacy te thse Worde over a, tl¶ousand nmagniflient ceai pos-tîons iu miusic. To conquer tbe ear and take Ibis gate of, the seul's castie Mozart struggled on iliroogli povorty unt'X ho caua te a pauper's grave, and une cbiily, wet affier- nocn tise body off hia whe gave te the world tise "Requiein" and tise "G Miner Sympbony" w-ias crnnched in on lise top o! îwe ether paupers intoa grave wisich te ibis day is epitaphiesls., God's Handiwork. For tis eaor overything mellifleous, frein the birtis heur wheu aur earth Wag wrapped ln swaddling clothes of ligbi and serenaded by ether worids,- fron the tinte wbcui Jubal trisrnnîd tise 1rýt bnrp andi pressad a koy off the firsi organ down te the nmusic off iîs Sabisaîl day. Yea. for the eàr the comlag ovrlures off beaven, for shatever other part off tise body ýmay ho i&,'t in tise dust, tise sar, tva know, la te coîne te celelal liffe; otiser- wisc, wby ,tise "harpons harping witis tiscir harpa?" For the car carol o! lanit and w 'býîle off quail -and chirp o! cricket and dash off cascade and roar of, tides eceanie and doxoiogy of worshipfful ns- soisiy and. ninstreisy, ciseruhbie, seraphile and àrchangeiic. Fortise car ail Pandoan pipes, al finies, ail ciarinets, ail haut- beys, ail bassoons, ail belîs and ail organs-Luzorne and Westminster abbay and Freiburg and Berlin and ail the organ pipes set acreso Christendon, the, great Giani's Causeway for the monnrcbs off mnusic te passoever. For thse aur ail chines, al l ickliags o! chronometors, ail antisens, ail dirges, ail glees, alî-choruqes, ail lallabys, alil orchestration. Oh, the ear, the Qofi honored car, grooved Nvitis divine sculpture and poised with divine graceffulnest and uphelstered wltb cun- tains e! divine embroidery and corridored by divine carpeairy and pillared with divine architecture and ohiseled la bone off divine masonry and conqnened by pro- cessions of, divine marshaiing. Thse ,car A pàtpetusT1 peint off intecrrogation, askin g A perpetual pint off apostrophie appeali!Ig te God. Noue, but Qed coîid' 'tork it. None but Ged ceuld keep it. Nono but God couid undorstand it. Nono but God could explaiu IL. Oh, the won- dors off the buman car! Dly Galilee's Waves. IIow sunpassîngly sacred thse suna ear! Yen bad btter lhe cuief ni how yen Jet the sound off hlasphemny or unclean- nesaslep into that holy off helles. The Bible says lisat in 'the ancient temple the priost was set apart by tise puitiuig off the iloodo! a rom on the tip off the car, the l6ight car off tise piesi. But, my friands, wc need ail off us ta have the sacrcd touci off ordination on the hanging lobe o! beth ours, and on the arches o! the cars, on the eustacian tube off the car, on the nustid colis o! the -ear, on the 1perfect as Ged knows how te make It, band ail tise ours will ho rcady for that grant sympbiony in wisicis al the musical instruments o! thoeunirh shah pluy lise ,tccomanient, nations off earîh and empires o! beaven mningl>ng thoir voices, bogethor wîh the deep boss off lie sea and tise alto off the woods, and the tenon off winds, nnd tho baritoîle e! the thunder, "Hllluiah !" surging ap meeting the "Halleluiub!" descending. Wlieeo t Look for God. Oh, ycs. my friands, we bave been looking for Qed toe far away instead off looking for hlm close by and la eour own onuanism! We go up intatise, bsorvatory Land look- lbrougb thse tehescope and sec Ged ini Jupiter and Ged in, Satura and God in Mars, but we, could soe more off hlm tbrougb the microscope o! an aunisi. No king is saiisfiee wiib enly onc -rosi- dence, and lu Frauso ht has been St. Cloud and Versailles and tise Tuileries, and lun(Iront Brilaimi it bas heen Windsor andi Balaieral sud Osbsorne. A ruiez dees net alway'-s préer the largor. The King cfi eartis and feaven înay bhave langer casties anid greaIer palaces, but I do net lisinit there is any eue more cuniously wrougist isan tise buman car. Tise hua- von off heuvens caunot contain hlm, and yot ho snys ho fiads room te1 dwella a contrite hearl, and, 1 tbink, la a Chris- tian car. 1We bave heen loohing for God la tise infinite-let us look for hlma in tise Il- niteslinai. Qod walking tise corridor off tise car, Qed sîring in tise gaiieny off the isunun car, Qed speakiug along the audi- tory nerve off tise car, Qed dweliing la the car te heur tisai whick conmes frein thse outoide, and se ncar tise brain and tise seul bu can hear ail tisai transpires tisera. Tise Lord off hosto encaînping under tise curtains e! membrane. Palace off tise Ahighty l is e isuian car. 'Tise rider on tise white hanse o! tise Apoca- lypse thnusting bis foot lie otise Ioep off boeuwich tise pisysiologisi bas beau pieasud te cali the stirnup o! tise car. Are you ready now fer tise'question o! my lext? Have yen tise endurance 1e boar i9 ovrwhelming ouggastivenoso? Wiih yen take bold off senie pillas and balance yoursehf undor thse soiiinipotent strek-e? "H. tiat plan ted tise'car.sisaUl ha nes iscan?" Shalllise Qod whe gîves ns tise apparatus witis which we heur tise seundo off tise woffldhinself net h b ise te catch up song and groan and bhasphemy and worshipP Dees ho give us a ffacuity whiah ho bas net hisînsaffi Drs. Wild and Gru- bens&nd Toyabeeflnvented tise aceumeter and other tnairu<aents ey whiciste incas- une and eaumine the car, and de tisese kistinuents know mono tisth ie dostors wisa made thon? "H1e ihat pianled tise car, shall bu net heur?" Jupiter off Crcde was lways ncprasented in sîatuary and painting as wltisout cars, suggesliag the idea tisai bu did net waat te ha býotbared ivitis lie affaira off tise wrld., But eur Qed bas ears. "His cars are epen te their cry. " Tise Bible, intintes tisai two work' mon, ou Saturdny nigisi de not gel ibeir wages- Tisir cemplaint insbauîly sinikes tise car off Qed, 1"The cry off liose tisai reaped hati eniored tise ours off tise Lord off Sabbat. " 1ld Q ebas that peor girl ast niglit as sise tbrew benself on tise prisont bunk la thse city dungeon and cried ln tisa iniagis, "Qed bave mercyf" Do you rcally think Qed could heur isen? Yos, jusu as aasiiy as wisen 15 yeans ago site nos sicit with scarlet foyer, and ber metiser lîcard ber whcn a nt id- nîglî se asked for a drink off waien. ',Hc.that phanted tise car, shah ha ,net boas'?" God's Wouderfnl Power. Whon a seul prays, Cod (]ees nul it belt uprigisl nttil risc prayer. travels irt- monsity anîd chu ha te bis car. Tiie Bible says ho bonds clear ever. Ia more than one pince Isaiuh said ho bowcvd dewn bis aur., In more tisan oino place tise psanhîist suid ho inclined bis car, by wbich 1Icone té iseievd Ihai Qed puts bis oar se cIesuiý down tu your lips tisai ho cau heur your faintast whispcr. It is not Qed away off up yondor; il is Ged away ýdown bore, close up, se close up tisai wben yoy~ pray te han it 10 net mor0e a wihisper tisan a ies. Ah, yes, ho iscars tise captives sigis aud lise spiasis off lie orphan's toton, and tise dyiug syllaisios off the siipwrecked sailor dri-cen onguse Skernie8, uand tise in- !uut's "Now I lay me down te sleop" ns dist4nctiy as ho iscars tise fortissimo off brazen bauds in.tise Dusseldor! festival, as esl as ho heurs tise salve off artiliery Wisen tise 13: squaaes et E'nlgiish troops open ail thein batteries aI once at Water- loo. lctisai piantcd tise car cun isear. Just as semeifles an entnnnclng strala af music wlll linger ia your cars for days affier yen have hourd il, andi juat as a sharp cry 'o! pain I once board wisile passing ibreugis Bellevue hospital dluuîg te my ear for weeks, and juai as a isorrid blaspbemy nythie street sometimes baunals ne's cars for duys, se Qeod net oaly heurs, but holds tise, sngs, tise prayens, tise greans, tise worsip, tise blaspiseiy.- How we bave ail wondored at tise phoncqgraple. wisicis boldo net enly tise words yen utior, but tise very toacs off your -voicc, s0 tisai 100 years frein aew, tisatinhsrumnt turned, tise vcsy words,,yen now uller and, tise very tene off yens veice willlha repnoduced. Anaz- ing phonograpis But more wouderfful is *.d's-po -er 1A F-d, e irtah. A, -1-F. A 1 ntothre !aers. in hat ear-muscal!Inrugn inta mne nian so i rima i araiiseor tnn,ýéio th gog yoi har .-, - .-....1 l 11 -- 1 ar -%1 i.'u SGentlemnan Farmer R~aai A la thse IIndscnest Paria Magaziae A lai Anuerica AIt contains'96 pages profusely illustrated, and A l editcd with a vtew ternakeit aweicome and' A ldespensible visitcr.týevuery farut fireside. A Instructive a d lnteresting A to fa~~rmers o vr as A » Do~e llar a Year. Tan Cents a Copy.1 ABrother Jonotl7a.,lPublishin.g Co. AManhattan Building. A Chicago. THE BEST HOTEIS IN DETROIT cau do ne ore for yun atise way 0f emfortalle beds sud good maOsth» ntise Frankli loues. ae St.ioto.oo.. Woodward and Jeffersn Aveaues ou Ay a blck wy. . H JAMS &SON, pzopriete(J4 Thie Canadian Statesniau. BOWMANVILLE, APIIIL 20, 1898. TESTLNÙG VARITIES 0F NEW SEED GRAINS. ONTARIO ÂGE tCUL'rUIALIANIDE PNERIMEN- TALUNION. Co OPERATIVEEXPE RIMENTS IN AGRicULTURE, CO-NDUCTED BY WIDE-AMWAKE FARMERS Upwardsif 1,000 varieties of farm crops have been tested in the Experi- mental Department off the Agricultural College, Guelph, within the past twelve years, and six hundred off themn have been grewn for at least five t cars in in succession. Nearly aIl the Cànadian sorts and several hunîdred rîew varieties imported by the Departmcn tfroim differ ent parts off Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Unîited States bave beeîî included in these carefull *v con- ducted experiments Some ef the new varieties have done exceptionally well and have alread v becît distî-ibuted over Ontario, through the medium off the Experimental Union, with very grati fying resuits. The Siberian oats, ITa nds'Iheuri barley, ilerison beardedi spring wheat, and the Mammoth Cuban Yellow Dent, Wisconsin Earliest White Dent, and the Zalzstr's North Dakota varleties off corn, which are now becenu- ing 50 popular in Ontario. iwere import. cd bv the Experimentàl Departruent and affter being theroughlv tested were distributed in small quaittities. The present system of co-operative experinuental work in agriculture was stairted in 1886 with 6oe lots, whîch were situated on twelve different farms in Ontario. Since that date, however, the werk has increased froin vear ta year and in 1$97 there, were '11,497 plots, Which were situated on 2,835 farins Interested persons la Ontario whowish to join in the work may select anyone off the experiments for 1898 and infforma the dîrectors at once off the choice made AIl material will be furnî-thed eatirely frec off charge to ecaapplicant, but lie wiI be exp-cted te conduct. the test a'ccording te the instructions sent witrî theseed, and te report the resuits off his test as soon as possible afler bar- vest. LIMT 0F EXPERIME]NTS FOR 1898. 1. Testing nitrate off soda, superphos- phiate. rnuriate off petash, mixture, and ne mainure with corn. 2 'resting, nitrate off soda, superphos- phate, muriate off petash, mixture, and ne manure, withi mangels. 3. Grcwîng three leguiminous crops for green fodder. 4. Growing three mixtures off grain for green fedder. 5. Tcstiîîg four varîcties off millet, 6. Testink' four varieties off grasses. 7. Testing four varieties off clavers. 8.' Testing thre varieties off buck- whu-at. 9. Testing three varielties off ipring- wheat and onue variety of spring rve. 10. Testin,- four varleties offail. il. Testiig five varieties off oats 12. Testing four varleties off peas. 13. Tcsting three Ivarietiesloff beans. 14'. Testiiîg five varieties off carrots. 15. Tcsting four varieties off mangolds and one varicty off sug-ar beets. 16. Tcsting two varieties off Swedish and two varîcties off fal turnips. 17. Testing six varieties off cern. Material for either No. I or No. 2 experiment will lue sent '-y express and for each off the others 1by mail The supplY off material being limîted, those who apply first wiIl betsurest off obtain- ing the desircd outtit, 1I.t migit bewill for1 eh applicant te xvake ai second choîce for fear the first could net be granted. Particular varieties need net be men- tioned, as ail the kinds te be destribut- ed are those which have doîîe except- ionally well upon trial plots in the Experimental Departinent. C, A. ZAVITZ, Direct- or, Agricultural Colleg-e,Guelph. 'For Infantst -nd Chidren. &Lgatnr ~t RIKUNNJNGSORES. Mr. Stephen. Wescott, Free t'~r N.S., found (Burd ock Blood Bitths) a wonderful, blood purifier and gives his experience as foiiows: 'il was very much sîun do*n -; health and employed our local ýphysician who attended me three months, finally my leg broke out ini running sores with fearful burning. 1 had thir- teen running sores at one tirne, fromn my knee ta the top of my foot. Ail the medicine. I took did me no good, so 1 threw it 4side and tried B. B. B.; when one-half the bottle wac gone, I noticed a change for the better, and by the time 1 had finîshed two bottles my le- was perfectly healed and 'my health greatly iml- proved." DET ISTR'mY 0. HARNDEN, b D.S. Graduate of the Royal Collage of Dental Sin g-sOntaro0.- OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office, \TITALIZED AIR. DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs.*lliggiîî- botham & Son'sDirug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. Photos foti Ptresents.. -Nothing is mnore, sultable for a présent than a photo and we are prepared teo turn eut work equal te to the finest city work and at prices that wiIl suit you. Special atten- tion given te family groups. Cail and see us opposite the Bennett flouse, Bowmanville. THE RELIANCE, Loaî and Savillgs Comnpany,. 0f1(Ontario ,wo" Has Won the Gratitude and Cori- fidence of ail Canada. NO MOREDOUBTING The Pestive Evidence of Cure Tee Conclusive te Permit et it Y9IIR N 11HBO89R T E8gHIý If 'Yon are Sielk .sk Tour Neari- Drgltfor a25-Cent Vini &'I Muyn' emedi. anai DOCTORYOURSELF MI. C. r. Xttleton 41 Stuart street, Toronto, sona~ai: yen had a Very bad attack oùf theCrouPl and we used Mu" nos Croup Cure with the best of re- suits. Me was troubied with a severe cou h and feelIng very badily indeecI, o badfy that ho could ocarcely op@a.k, whe O hen usinrg Munyon'o Itemedies.. (On ViaI e the CrouýpCure improved himn at once and the discase was comnpiuteiy brolten upI two or three days. The medicine'4 cotan7 have wondel'ful curative powerL," aiunyef's !ýneuxnatie enre el. i0h lIs to e Ilev ta ene te three hours and cures In a tsw Meyo'eDsppsaC.r- stvoycures$aen îornîs o! IndIgestiol ndI omihtroubled. Muîîtinyon' Cold Cure prevents sdiüia n breaks up a old lr, a fev boum.L Prias 25e. gMunyoiis ongb cure stops eoughs, nlght sweats. sliays sreness sud 'epeediiy beals thse lthe. Pric 25e.n Mua,,yoiV in eIl,.,Cure .speediljlcurespins Je ý1 t. act oiso groue.s 4ailforais ef Mun,-en's NerveCure5ïstopS aLervouaess and t)telldo uip hie systýea. Priée 25e. ldnayîsa'js Headacie' Cure $tops beadaebe h eth'blod. Price 25e. Iree aeb. uiiaya'a atrrh 2R1e Ille" neer 1111- The CntarrhCrepic 5..rdl.«te. the disense 2ror the else an ad the Catarris Tablete-prIe .4.-laaeaa beal the Parts. Miunyo's Artbpia Bemedies reileve lu, tises minutes and cure permaneiitiy. Prite $I., ýMtnyan'a silazer .anuesdre @torer vtl teght. wesLtepe 1 A epStcuefr cbdîsease. At idrg gistes. nîstly 25 cent0S a viol.. Personaile ttera te Prof. MunyOa. Il Aii etreet. Toronto. Ont., an5wergd ;wlih freteuiedà, 431 sdvice forlay diseuse. 01 fflflGIVEN AWAY! A ~IELJI~5J IN PP1ESENTS. A This le NOT a OUESS or PUZZLE SC'IMEV A-but a.5TRAIGlIT BUSINESS prepeiti ni. v b~Abeautitul Present te everyoue I'REE 1 A CONDITIONS: Toe arh persoil oendingins 25 cents in si],er Afer 3 moiss subseriptieneinaGNuoA AFARMOaR MAGAZINE, te include tihe euýtifol A'Speciul" Cîristmas number, we wil maýil-V Aany une off ilie lollowing presents y00 aay A elect FREE: A beautiful Qucen Victoia A old Enameied Scari Pin (tise iatestaMovel t, Afer lady or gentleman) valued utiSt . o r AKlondike Dîaînond Scarf Pin-a partect gei S-vaued ut $I.25, or 5 PieCCS cf tise Latest AShoot Music (Instrumental and Vocal) valued % A t$2.(A valueef $.550for 25C.) A Yen should take advantsge et thisA ller -t t-1. 1 ýt 1 ý iJ t- -t 1 t- 1

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