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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1898, p. 1

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lit ttts, TRS:$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY PIRST' THE WORLD_ APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor.ý 'EWSRIs BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1898. VOLUME XLIV.No18 COLUMBUS. .. Mr. W. B. Ellens is slowly improving Mrs. Robert Ashtôn is very sick.., _4k1_ ' ýWMiss M. Tonkin lias commenced her * ' dutieos as assistant teacher .. . .Mr. Luth- er Vickery, Oshawa, ivas bere recently Miss Grass is attendipg Ontario Ladies' College ', Whitby .. .. Mrs. John 0 Roberts is homefrom lier visit, to lier son) in Stratford.... Mrs. Hugs and Howard HIugs have returned from their What visi to lier father's borne in Siloam. AuI PORT HOPE. -raed V Laren (si atDurham, to oprate One of the typé setting mna- chines in the Times. J. G. Williams, Esq , celebrated lis eightieth birthday C I ÀWM i o April 126 Rev. Newton ifl,Belle- 1% . r-âA-"ý e4syille, was in town Iast week.. .'.1ev. E., Roberts, Omemee, who had been at- tending the funeral of bis brother, Mr. ý\J, 1. Roberts, Cobourg, called on êfriendis here. Give your, orders for crayons to travel. b-g dissatisfied with the resuit, when STA~IT & CO. wi iake you a good * I s, OU HJOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN invite you to inspect their $ronPtaisfrheam or less new stock which they have just received direct from the manufacturers, 'iin Yan esr ostsyyu * both English and Canadian.1 e A big ;stock of ail kinds, from a cheap Jute up to the finest Bruassels On your guard, wlien you are toM tMat an htgraph can be renewdb n imported.. Also Union, Wool and Ayranian Art Squares in ail sizes Up to w1ïg> really is ignorant of the riglit pro- Sfour by five yards. . getall such work'done satisfactorily and cheaply. Also if vo ontemplate liav- Si ng your bouse, or other bidng photo- Direct from the makers in London a lot of Linoleum, the cleanest, and graplied or stock eitber, don't be ~ mostdurable covering for Kitchen floors. SFoolîsh An inimense range of Lace Curtains, ail new designs, from 25c per pair * n get an amateur to do it for you. * and Up to veryfillfe goods. Wewîll go to any part of the town or cquntyý and do snch work, and gi1%yo .~somiething durable. Get your family No bettervalueý shown in any of the above liDes by any houvse in growpir taken on the lawn this summer Î by us and we will, give you ethn Canada. fin e. Sec samples Have vour photo taken at studio. The very best and h TAh~4-A>,lates style-see our window display. 1>01101, UV UKILV & Plture frames oau baud. A choice lot cau and see tbemn. Whcn desired we Il ch IIDhIIItIUUI JI'yUIiI'IJiIHau talle aged persons at their homes Sand give you sometbing fine. Copying S BoWMA.NVILLE, dou,ýe from any picture. Thanking al fo-, past patronage, we remain, TAIT & CO. H ave, Vfon Seen our New Lines For Spring ? Do not fail to cahl and see what we have in Furniture. It will pay you for we are offering the best and cheapest line of Furniture ever betore seen in these parts. H aving bought, very largely at a goed discQunt from a wholesale firm going out of business, you will find some bargainis., Caîl and see, it is always a pheasure to show goods. Un4ertaking alwàys receives prompt and personal attention, daýy or night. £ io. De WILLIAMS & SONI IBOWMAN-VILLE. Agents for Dominion Organs and Pianos.1 - For Something very 4. Nice in Foot Wear EDo not fail to call at the Palace Shoe Store, King St. JOHN HELLYAR has long had thie reputation Sof keeping the best stock of Footwear in West tE Durham and this Spring's selections are in a dvance Eof any previous season. - The proof that our E ethod of doing business is appreciated by the E 'ublic is its steady increase each succeeding year. FE W e neyer were better prepared than now to gîveu _« Foo value ini any uine of Boots and Shoes, Trunks, ValsesDressing etc. Inspection invited.le JE JH N H rL LYAR. EBe WMAN VILLE. 40. aGOOD. 1 0 e0 e Spri'ng ,Medicine.ý Dr. King's Iron Bhood and Nerve Pis Purifies the Blood, restores vigor and energy and makes you feel strong and well, 25c per box or 60c for large box, sold only by Higgînbotha'in & Son. H ER5EPj:ýGFU M. We have a fresb supply of this valuable fHorse and Cattie Food' Now is thc time te feed llerbagium justwhen the bard work of spring and summer lis at hand. Big eut in Prices: Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 75e. Williams' Pink Puis, 40c. Ayer's flair vigor, 75e. Dodd's Kidncy Pilis, 40C. Hood's Sarsaparill a, 75c. Doan's Kidnev Pilîs, 40c. Burdock Bood ,Bitters, 75e. Eleetric Oil,- 20C. Wyeth's BeefTrou and Wine, 75c. Carter's Little Liver Pilus. 20C. Painc's Celer y Compound, 75c. Borax, Sulphur, etc., ut reduced pricce. J. Higgýn'botham & So'n, Clicrists and Druaggists, Bowmanvillc Canadien Pacifiec Railway Ticket Agent. LastingeoLrs Prism Ready Mixed Paints are what you want in paint. Our paints hast. They neyer hose their brio-htness, peel or fade. That's why they are wel recommended by those who use them daily. They are real and solid. They stay ~. whete thcy are put. We have Cold ond Hot water K,ýalso- mineu, if you have any kalso- ~44 Imininï-tir do, try them they wi1Up j)eaýse you. ln Paint and Kalsomine Brushes we have a corplete stock.- It always affords a Customer pleasure to h ave a f ulli une of goods to select from, that's why s0 matiy pleasure bent people deal at t ~ ~ ~ ~ M DutaÊMIIars Phone 74. BOWMANVILLE. HAYDON. 11ev. J. J. Rae, Bowmianvilic, wiil deliver one of bis popular lectures un- der tic auspices of ýthe Epwortlî League in tic churci on Tuesday May 24th. BLACESTOCE, At Scugog Spring Fair, April 26, Mr. Aruson 'Taylor won first prize on is heavy draug4t; team, firat on span agri- cultural horses and first on brood mare. Mr. Nelson Whîtfield won first prize on cartiage ibrood mare 'and second on carniage colt. TYRONE. Mrs. W. Beati, Osliawa, and Mrs. Z. Pollard, Liudsaty, wýere r(ecnt guests of Mrs. I. A. Philp., _ . . v ycomforta bic aînd mucli more convenient is the exten sien Mr. Jas. Byers is building to bis cottage.. .. Mrs Thos. Creepcr's many friends liere aiidelsewhiere are, greatly reiieved at tic turn ber recent severe illness bas taken. There is already a markedi imprevemient. ... 1898 will Iong be remembered as a remarkablyfowar Spring. . ... War prices are beginniug te befelt .... Quarterly services ae Bethcsda wcre fairly well aittended. but net tse muci s0 as the the weatber and import ance ef tic occasion demandcd.._ .Fat Clarke's unadulterated Homie Made iBread for sale at Crecper's and Ciemens' store, Tyrone. . .. Monday morning a herse turned loose [rom thc biacksmith shop friglitened Dr., Mitcheli's fine driver, causilg- it te break tic,, halter and speed ai onwig of the wind lu a norti.easterly direction tili reaching MIr. Jas. Byers' farm Yard an abrupt terminus was reached by one desperate ieap over the gate, tic only accident of tic trip a broken shaft and wbiffietrcc eccuring ut this pdint. The Dr. and Mr. A. E. Ciemens followcd bard lu pur- suit but wcre considerably han'licapped by Mr. Clemens driving lu this instance one'-of is farma herses. llowevcr lie saw bis medical friend safeiy home, where an office full of patients cerdially weicomcd bis unceremonlous arrivai. It is nccdless te say Mr. Clemens was dctained at distances of very few feet apart te answer enquiries on bis return trip te Tyrone .... A fonce at once baud some and durable is under consideration te enclosieTy rone churci, pr -perty. NEWOAàTLE. Messrs. A. W. Pickard, Robert and G. B. Barfett were in Toronto ou busi- ness rccntlyv.. .. Mr. aud Mrs. Mark Dawson, Prov-idence, spent Sunday with friends here. . .. Mr. and Mrs.Thios. C. Bragg, Kirby, spent Sunday ut Mr. W. E Jewcll's- .Mr. A.HlardySona and Mr. Georgc Aluni, Bowînanville, visited ut Mrs. W. B Allin's, SUD(ay.. .Miss Ida Lang, Kirby, was recent guest of Mrs. L. B. Davidson. ... Mn. A. W. Pickard will open a bicycle livery shortly .... Saturday afternoon tic pu- pls of Miss Galbraith, Bowmauville, gave a very succcssful Piano rec 'ital at the resideuce et Mr. L. B. Davidson. Those takiug part. werc a credit te tbemselves and tearher and thc follow- ing prog-ram was rendered:- Miss Lang playcd a billian.tpianio soleo ipc of the Alabama" wiich was thoroug hly enjeved by ail. Song, MissP.Cebbledick; inst. Duet, Miss E Grieve and Miss Gai- braith ; Song, Frances and Willie Ga- braith, Bowmiauville; Instrumental, Miss ilattie Masen ; Song, Oh wbere is Heaven? Mrs. L. B. Davidson ; Iust. Miss lva Rutherford; lnst. Du-et, Miss Annie Douglas and Misb Galbraith : Song, Maggic tic cows are lu the Cie- ver,- Mrs. L. B. Davidson: Inst. Miss Eva Grieve. Inst. Mcndelssobu's song witiout words No. 30, Miss Aliie Douglas; Inst. Duet, Frances and Willie Galbraith; Iust. Miss Tva Ruth- erford; Son, Frances and Wiliie Gai- braii: Y liaks and bries o' bonnie Doon, Mrs. L. B. Davidson... . Howard second son of Mr. James Rickard fecll and brokeis armn while playing et sehool Fri....... Miss Muidl Clemence bas returned frein a pleasant visit with, frieuds in Hope .... Mr. Chas.. Wright died Suuday morniug about 3 e 'dock1 of biood peisoniug. 1 He iad becu iii for some time with pleuro-pueumonia but was deing nicely wheu tic biood pois- ening set in and be died Suuday mgru- ing. Hec will be greatly, missedinlu the commuty as bis pleasiug mauner and cbusinesintegnity made him a favorite everywiere. Hie was about 40 years'of age and icaves behind iim al widow and 4 small sens te mouruis loss. His brothers, Messrs. J. Wright Toronto, and Horace Wright, Bradford, and sister, Mrs. Brodie, Chicago, were with hlm when Uc died. ... Miss Wilson and Mr. T. N. Riekard wbeeled dowu frein Bowmanviile and speut Suudav at Mrs. Wilson's, Bond Hlead .... Rev. j. P. Wil - son, Oshawa, preacbed two excellent sermons in tUe Metbodist churcli Sun- da. TOWN COUNCIL. HALLELTJJAII WEDDJING. 1There will be a tremendous time at the Selvation Armv Barracks on Mon- day, May 9th, at 8 p. m , wben our old friend and citizen Mr. Thomas Mc- Cullogli will be married, under the Armv fiao- Staff-Capt. Hargrave of Toronto iLadquarters will perform the ceremony. HOW TO, PROCURE A WHEEIL, NOVEL WAY TO PROCURE A FIRST CLÀSS N'Ew $75 111GH GRAiDE Bicvcý. The Times Publishing Comnpany, Peterboî-o offers a first class Bicycle, best make,é 1898 model, ail the latest iùnprovementsfor either lady or gentle- mnen, to any man, woman, boy or girl- wb,-Io will send in a club of 35 paîd sub- scribers to the DRily Times at $8.00 per year, or 65 paid subscribers for ý6 months at $1.50, or 18o for 8 months at 75c,) or the-saine wheel for a Club of 100 subscribers to thu Weekly Times at 85e per year. Club getters have the Driv- elege of sendin-,, part Daily and -part Weekly subgçriptions. It is no trouble to secure subs'ýriptîins to these papers, as ttiey are equal to any lu the country. Samples, together with subscription blanks, sent on application. Wlieel s wiIl be shipped saine day list of subscribers is received at the Times Office. 18-10w, DARLINGrON COUNCIL. Towni Hall, Hlampton, April 30, 1898. Regular ixnonthly nmeeting ; members aUl present except Mr Courtice. Min- utes of last meeting read andconfirmed 'A communication was recelved fromn Mr. Trull's solicitor agreeing to remove the rail fence in front of lot 30. con 4. A communication was received from R. R. Los-combLý, solicitor for R. Collacott, complaining of a defective culvert, re- ferred to Messrs. Foster and Clemens. James Mouutjoy complained of the bad state of roads between lots 32 and 33, Con 7,by overfiow of water. Referred to Messrs. Pascoe, B3rown and Clemens. W Tordiff complained of the bad state of' road betweeu lots 21 anîd 25, con 9. lteferred to Mr. Pascoe Communica- tions wcre ree'.ived frorn J. & J. Taylor and F. Harrison offering to seli tire- proof safes. Laid on the table, R.'Slemion applied for' speéial' grant for Burketoni scbool, stating that Cart- wrigght council would grant an, equal sum with Darfington. Laid oýer to next meeting. Mr. Brown was atithor- îzed to roake certain improveiiments on the roads between lots 18 and 2-2, con 4, The requesttbat J.J. Sinith and J. Butson be allo'wed to do their statute labor on tbe side Iine. was -ranted for two years. Mr. Pascoe wvas authorized to procure some more scrapers in case lie thouglit best. Mr. Foster iyas auth- orized to lease a portion of thée gravel pit lu his division, S. Penfound dlaim- ed damages for sheep killed by dogs. A4lowed. On motion of Mxr, Brown,' seeonded by Mr. Clemens tlh,' By-law appoiîîting township otllcers was amended by the appointniient of M'm. MeReynolds for for pathmiaster in place of Alex Lawrie. Messrs. A. Taylor and Ueo. iMcLauirh- lin on bebaîf cf Cartwright council at- tended for the purpose of settlinx, the accounits for road work donc on the town tîne between the municipalities. The balance due' Cartwright was ar- ranged at $25.73. The Reeve was auth- orized to grant orders on the treasurer as follows 14R. F. Richards for scrapers $27.75, A. Taylor, reeve, bal. due Cart- wright 25.73, W. J. Roy services as Assessor $1001postage and stationar% $1, S. Penfound sheep damnages $5.34. Indigents. Janet Wilson, R. Skeen, Mrs. Staples $5 encli; J. Campbell,.%,rs. Hoîdge $4 each ; Mrs. Lane $3 ; Mrs. Oampbell and T. Wilcock $2 ecd. Tic Court of RZevision will be held oni Satur- day Mav 28, at 1 p. ru The Township Clerk wîll be at Mr. Lvle's office ln the Town Hall buil-ings, Boiwmanville. on the second and third Satur.days of May, and first and second Saturdays in June, from one to four o 'dock for tehe purpose of giving pathmasters wlio reside in the south part of the township the lists of roadwork. The Council adjourned te Saturday May 28, at 10 a. mn. H. ELuio'r, T. C. WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST Trraveled Extenaivoly Throughout the P.'ovince- lnteresting Staternente Concerning Hia Exporienee. STELLARTON, N. S.-James B. Murray, a well known violinist, of this place, who has traveled extensively throughont the Provinces, makes this statement:- &I waa running down in health and my weight fell off from 175 to 150 pounde. Prescriptions did me but littie good. My

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