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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1898, p. 8

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S A Pro etSho Taces Ex Eine M A-R rjRFMtpA lJ. w ai f( Ir a Ci Ir p1 oi cl el hl t, i. el ti a] hl fi 'c- Ir E - - - I3OWMANVILLE, -MAY 4, 1898. ~ * ~ Mowes, jBOWMAN) Paine's Celery Compound DoesThWetEdmîhyîïài cl for your Mower and then deliver it to you in perfect order at short notice to a Marvellous Work for Him. ail no aistsfatithat C4k a my oid friends for their liberai patron- p c al, t a again your kind favors. I aiso ask for a fair triai fromn new customers. 1 _ sharpen Scissors, Knives and ail Edge 'îr " "-( HIS LONG YEARS 0F SUFFERING ARE ENDED. Tools, having purchased a patent yyu r i" liifo Grinder, so farmers cau have their I J Ij mv Mower and Reaper Knives ground in good shape. Special attention to re- Tenx w ek ilb pairing ot cast metàls. The West EndThnetwo ees'ilea Smithy, King St., Bowmanville. in every home and we. hiave maic Neuralgia is Baritshed, and a Shattered Nervous System mMadie trong W. I. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. the fitting up of - your homes and and Vigorous. HAMPTON. best to make it interesting for yoi us. Several specials during this ___________________________________ Visitors: Miss Rosie Lane, Toronto; mdaewnsada pca r Mr. J. B. Romn, Pickering, at home; eitWasan a pcalri Al-hohv maeueo f Paine's Paille's Celery Compound is the 0111 erl asaperds fehn, Miss L. Martin, Toronto, ait Mr. W. BOYS' CLOTHING. Ailci in aho dhave madeso efrsuseg Martin's; àMiss 1I. Sleep, Cedardale, at1 Celeryý Comp ound have exp)eienced its medcn hteuefc yrdte has. in these Nears of affliction been Mr.G, Bone's; Mrs. C. Goodman and Every miotherwants her boy di wodossrnteigeffects upon svstem (,i ah nhailhycond'litionis; it is made up of friglitfui dreams; but not daughters, Cedardale, Mrs. J. Painiton, is no mother who wants to pay ii the nlervUd HSystem. Thîs d 1i-ease-cur- : 1 mdai question the surest andi best so now, as the medicine began to 1have Bowmanville, at Mr. J. H. Burows'.. coc n fSio lueSis inmedîc ien aes dretly anid pl-ornîîtly asiediuiri,-' u;,at ailing people can use. a telling effect on may nerves. , . Rex. E A. TofkinColumbusse onte 'oo.taigawa\ evere trace ý'Ir. Le' av!ett A. BAN' ea, Ilarnstead, N. I have taken three botties of this expected to preach an educationai Boys' 2 piece Suits, very large as of po-sio fo the c ;i elsni1 vitiated B. wriîe a folo% S* glorious medicie, and to-day I cani say sermon here next Sunday mornig.... $1.25. Boys' 3 piece Suits, ver life tretii .'1'hus, wheiit!!(,hiood is s ii neee ýr pure andl fi >wiig freshly and if-el,and WnLILS & 'ICiiAED30'1 CO., that it is the lrttm neee er The Quarterly meeting service held value from $2.40. Men's Bialck S- th e ï-1e-rves braced aun( in go od condi- GENTLMIE N -In the wintem of 18bl that 1 have feit none of those piercing heme Sunday morning was well attend-jo ienwfr$4 tion neralia ud al kndrd dscaes ws tkenwit a ever atackof en-pains to which I had once been a victim. ed, goodiy numbers being present from jbhe o o 4 take their tliiht nev-er to return. raigia in the head and shouiders. Let me say to any person who mnay read Eldad and Zion appointments. ... Mr. AC U T I S This is the month to banish nervous- Sînce theu it became seated, and I1ogave'ti etmna x hspoic res-F .Elsif nF pn ness heaach, inomni, kdneyandup the idea of ever being cured. làave where, that if you discrldit this state- few months in Engiand for the benefitTefol igqottnswl ness hedace, nsounia kinevandtaken moidicine prescribed by. different ment, just write me and I wili only be of his health. Rie was booked throughh oloigqoatoswl liver troubles. This, is the time when physîianls, but ail to no av aiiL! too glad to înform you of what lias cured to London by M. A. James, sailing b y values you may secure front.on the nieuraigie and mleumatic should get Somne tiree months ago 1 was induced mof nseurlgaan asatefdne-the splenid one tashpSotmnLace Cuirtais. 3 yd. taped Curt. r of their misery and pains, so that to try a bottle of Paine's Celer%, Com- VU ytm teDmno ie taped Curtains, heavier net, 60c. iidYours respectfully, extra speciai $1.00. 3ý yd. taped they may fit tliemseives for work and ,Pound, Before I had taken haf f of it 1 LEVERFETI' A. IEYA N IKLEEuiygo au nhgirpi enioyment during the sumàmer season. 1 egan to feel better. Sieep, whlcli in Hamstead, N. B. qalgodvueihgerpc -7 ~Visitors: Messrs. Frank Shiaw and .A.RPETS.... WE OYFZEV AT P'AU, BEO TO ALLOTMENT- TORONTO, A.ri 25tb. îSU.? Fred Dave , Whitby, ests of Mr. C. H. Mitcheii; Miss ani"Mr. Herrîng, We are show-ing a magnificenti $100BON A T5 P R C NT ITER STETaunton, gnests of Mm. Wm. Herring; All Wool. Carppets direct froth -?N 7 îT 5 E C N .I T R S . Mr. Ricliardson, Bethanyv, gueést ot Mr.J'o th C. ilias.. .Mr. A. N. Mitchell lias aiiywhere. ýMIuuw - per cent. 2-erFrtilrgreBn year Varsity Exams whieh beoean on BOOTS AND SHOES.. M onday...Dr. Hackney leftir'iday ~ nsLcos ot 0. B 0F TUýE BELLEVILLE CITY ELECTUIC RAILLIOAD. for Toronto aftem a four months' sojourn e' arse ot 0. B in our village. The Dr. made many Men's Dong. Bals, $1.25. Men's Interest Payable semal-annually, on the first day &f May and November. Coupons payable at the IBank otfttNintroal, Toronto. warm fiends while liere and was uni- Men's Box Caif, extension sole, $2 londs of the. denomrnuion utft9100 ecdi dated April 25, 1898. Thse bond& being secured by a tirst miortgage deed, ronde to thse Trusts versally liked .... Our restpected citizens tension sole, Scotch welt, fin blac rpatoeor Ontario, on thse entire plant, francise. property, and extension& tu be madle or tise Belleville £raetion Comlpanfy, M.adMs m îgimwm oe' og utfi tth subsciptios wil be rcolve for the bleveissuein amantsto sat greatiye shockedy ho Saturdaydayby rreceiving ý Subocln eaptins io l iaho ole o i'ts bv suei.m ut osut acae',a toiegmam announcing the death of poiflted to0ý, $2.75. moco~IIag t aplicaionblan beow.their eldest son, Samuel, in Chicago, Ftegent roati and equlIpmeut buRIt In 1895. ciasing or leasing tiirty acres of land for eight months at ieast, say where lie has resided for a great many GROCERIES. .. . Two miles of track have already been anti fting pfrapr, shratr 20 as...........' yeams. lie oeew up in this village and laid; thse construction i8 first..cîass. n nine 2600o is weil and tavorablyv remembemed as a C.arrot, Mangel, Ilape and ail i EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. _11;' is Te estimate, wisich lias been boy aund young man by many people' in the iist for this week. Ail fre5 Road-bed.-Macadam tone ballast. proposed to extend tise une f rom Front cartfully gone into, Ils very heme. rcslw tathmjoiyf Tie. 2640totis mie, seloc, cda street west to tise proposed park andi conservative, andi, baseti on _______1rcs]we hnte aoiyo cis-,4 atemle eIccla emptery, whicis wili run, neariy the tise iowest possible *results, lto bl'ikls uendci ne nid tamarack, in good condition, ý,hw ioewy, tisiongis a tiickly settieti sec- shows a net profit, of.......$11,M3221 EFED i e.2efrlc rs Rails are isondeti with copper wire andi tion, andi will have on tise route tise Gov- NIL.r1c Cos & ýross-bonded every 12f) feet. ernment institution for tise Deaf and I.NTEREST ON $70.003 ISSUE 0F tnrg 5 o 1Dumis, tise minerai isatisa, and tise Agri- ô FER CENT. BONDS ......... 3.500 00 bottie 27c. Our 20e Japan Teas,e Poles.-Tiirty feat seven Inchs top cedar cultural grounds. - - Recent visitors:-Mr. R. Reynolds, eau bring along. We carry.a fuil )oes lr good condition, set in rock five There are no parksala present lu Belie- NET AFTER PAYINQ ALL Oshawa ; Mr. E. N. Kivell, Columbus; adorvie r eodt o et or dirt six feet, 100 feet apart on 'ville, but witbiin tiree miles froi tise C3ARGES ................8$7,839 21an uvlesreecdtooE centra of tise city, on tise sisore of tise W'ae aaulyeaied tise above Miss Delta Wer7,Solina; MlissB.Cowle, angentas, twanty feet apari on curves, Bay of Quinte, is situate tis' Belleville figures, andi certify tisat tise receipta for Toronto; Mms 'ýýanDyke, Courtice; Mm. thaii you get generally. Appietoi hI in gond alignment, cametery. Adjoining tise cemetery, on tise tise iast two years are correct, aissolbe- Jeffery, Bowmanvil]e; Misses L. and M. Teas at 40e and 50c. Over-haad Corstruction.-Span work fil city ide, tise company have selecteti ileve tisat tise estimates as to future earn- Hogarth, Solina ; Messrs. Wm. and L. ood ondtio. gy ati panwur, ~sn.about thirty acres for a park, one of the ings andi expenss"s are conservative, n.isM ace oia m n tranded galvanized i wre iron, trolley tiirty acres is to ha fittati up witis hait- Local Master of tise Sulpreme Court. Mrs. G. and Miss E. Argue;, Mr. and vire -0- copper. 'mile horse andi bicycle tracks, cricket CAMERON BROWN, Mis. J. Pascoe, Mt. Vernon.. .. Mr. F P wer-housa 1'roperty.-Tise buildings craslnc'oqss-andi basebail grounds. A Manager of tise Daily Suni Publislaing Hurîbut visîted Toronto iast week.., Lre situatati ontise banks. of tise Moira large pavi non for refreshments and gen- andi PrintIng Company.Mran s.JT.H lbtvied t iver, andi are in gooti repair. Tise comn- eral amnusem-ents is to be bntlt. J&I J. B. FLINTM.adMs .T.Hrbtvstda )any own the proparty, whichIs ncludea RECEIPTS.-Ait pre'ntt. only two miles o oieMitaeo .RBRSON tise clty.ils ol a Port Pemyecnl.M.G.ocrne ne of tise beat miii sites on tise river, trc an awtstrini at tise rail- CiI . OEtyO, wo hidpizln ueclrt ot er ýapablof genrating easiiy 100-i.p. for C-far.ty h bnClarkea irtlam igiss or nine moutisa of tise year. Tise road depot anti steamboat dock, tise resi- Dateti Belleville, .Aprii 7tis, 189sprigfam...hebuwiiieafrs uildings on tise property conisist of atone dential portion of tise city is not reacisat, BELLEVILLE -- llie cdr nof Bellev-illk. il, tise cass concert May 24.'Suuday Sehool )ower-house 40 x 50; boiier-room 30 x 60, tt iercit r eie rmtss County of Hlastings, witis a population of anniversary J une 12 and 13 ..Another ;eParaed fùun, engine-ruum by stune cnn h ecis arrly. - omthseabout 12,000, le situated on thae, ay of cnètla tr ntedvso.Ms eall; storehouses 40 x 15, attacisetitocontis ly Quinte, about 120 miles from Toronto, and F ~ astreithedvso.Ms sai bildng sqar bickstcksity s bon b tse ooa o tse200 frcm Monts:eal. E. Hurîbut and Mr. C. Gilbert acting as nain e bulu gsq~uat nilkna tislrity A.sopn y therom okbs opatroae It la: tisriving, buqy place, surroundeti captains. .... Mrs. B. Powell and Master scise esure, ase ive eet quar; a ysa rtor tiseptronag- by excellant farming landis, and bas one W. Powell are ill witli la grpp louble two-storay brick bouse; a one andi plate yeara if bas been In opera- Ts ulig r rniel fbikNearly every farmer in this locality sold isaf-sore brck soue. ior $I,13.42 anaveageperantisaone, tise pri,'ate residances iseing his fat cattle last week. Power-house Equipment.-One cross yaar of . . . . 5,569 21 superior to tisosa la places of murs iarg-__il_à____%4 lompounti Brown angine, 13 x 20 x 20; onea h la estimateti that tise revenue e ie stiependeut jet condenser, 6 x 9 x 12; ta ha derived from tise exteri- Tisa streets ara broati, gooti macadam- OSHAWA. )ne horizontal tuisular houler, 62 x 14 x 3 sion- izeti roads. andtihis principal sidewaiks ;ubas; brick fouândation anti setting; one Park and Its attractions (oniy are concrete,. articai beiler, 30 x 5; one duplex steam estionatiug twenty days for lit bas au excellent ,'ystem of watar Mrs. Mackie and son, Pickering, have ýump:, all necesaary pipiug, valves and speciai attractions anti 750 ai- supply, gas, and electric ligisi. be ii gMs eLve h ad3tadb eiu; 1 Canadian G. E. gêerator, 100 tendance) .... ..... .............1,740 00 SioBo ieGan rn aîa r been i visitMm. elaices..inMPorG _.W.1.P., 650 ravolutions, 500 volts; ouanreavie situateti han', Belleville beîng a divisional Brasthwaîtevîsited relaives ihn For late panel switcis boarti, cornplaota, 200e .attan ....anc1e00to 0point of the roati. PrP Ai t' .. rsW . un mpr 5 00 volts. Tisa present power- Park anti cematery, May to nortb-aast part of tise cty, about one will Ïnove into the house latelyoccupied offered in Bowmanville. ouseý equipr-ant lsasmply sufficient to Oct. 139 days, 300 .............. 3,900 00 and nue-hssif miles freintise main centre by Dr. Pliank.,. . Mrs. Mather,Rat Port. uruNlt, more puywer thislanecessary SurofFotsre(ts prniabunsslr aesM.adMs.sen 1c i'opse etesin.Ordinary traffie outalde of parkofFntsre(hepicalbies age,isvisitiuglirpensM.ad r. Cail and se ull Lines a haprujseiexenioanti cemnetery Par day, $7.50. 300) thorcuglfare), ant isj about two miles W. Allen. .Miss Ilelena Barclav, Toron- C'ar Equpmant.-One twcnty-one eaýt days..... ..........2250 60 from tisa steamboat dock. t ~ ~ h~ m losati motorcar, equippeti witi two ____ Tise foilowing places are wortisy of no- tO, is visitin,,lier suster, Ms ila asso iuntr.N wgo wenty-fdva H. P. G. E. 800 motors, anti $16,959 21 tica .-Three collages, ou" Governnrntýtlu- Laucland. . Mrs. J..Branton and lier dy ýw series parallel controlaers, BrilNo. As shewn. by thse books of tise stitution for tise D_'af sud Dumis,, iree two agtr are hiiiglem aet t truck; ona sixtean feet ciosed mater companv, tihe munIng expenses tialîy newspapars, îisre Soundradultr ifig prnsdy arsaueas boa;twota-bachopis for tisa two yeams have been, canuing factories, four flour mli, o n l Michigan.. .. 11ev, Mr. Allen,"New- ýars, cous ertet inlto motors. Thse pro- per yaar .... ..... ............. $4,036 "0 tiiiware factorv, tbiee cabinet factories, castie. chianged with the Rev, J. P. Wil- laigbuh h unt )osed, extension will necessitaite he dditional expensa for fuel toa[cre fuinttira faotory, oneo papar mili, oue sou, Sunday.. . .Miss Mamie Adams is ness ot Mr. 0. Scott, Orono, Wei uiilding of about tismeamiles adtitionsi -naw increaseti car service ....-936 *ca5riage factory, anti onaes ollen mill. rcvmîgfo eeeatc fi t 7oad, wisicis Si la intendedi f0 do in tise Atitional isaip, 312 tiays ...... ,248r 00pctuly.fiamma tory heumfatism... Mm. W. of Furnitur, et, îegardless of nst substautial mannar, andta t equip Contlngancles ................. 1,000W'YATT & CO., Lauchfland euhinah a e goods, we intend t' t it emost modern anti improveti t t Stock-hasraone 50 Victoria, B. t br as ar seri ue rig7,22oS00enownel Toroifoa Sropkseti tioing ai once)intends eteum iedugJ FRANCISE.-Tbe franchise la for twenty Wisen tise dam Is built (or E.I L. SAWYE H & 00. business.. .. Mr. IW. J. 'Bur~ns a ~r ture store in the store lately kel wenty y,ýrs longer; glive .xuugve it wlll save $8 par day in fuel, CANADA LIFE BLDG, TORONTO. cha.sLd fmom iMr. J.as. Lavis the brick ighti en aU the roatis andi bridges, anti cottage, corner of Simcoe and Royal lxempts tisebý companly froin taxation; No ....... streets.. . . ,Tlie Odd Fei ow s will attend loes noct rèEura to pay any percentage IETU'TTL ~~T'~ ie service in Simcoe 'St. Methodist >f tise rwzeipte ttatise clty, anti aliows 1E L VLLL R C I N B N S hieSnaMy8h t33 hftad atfcease operations turing tise j hrlSnaMy8la :0P. M. nontiss oS Dacemsber, January, Fabmuary FOUM 0OF APPLICATION. Rev. J. P. Wilson wili preaca the annual tnd Marcis, if nof conaldereti paylng lry WYATT CO.. Memnberq Toýronito Stock Exchiange, , sermon..,..The Etectrie Street Raiiway Funeral Director and Furnitume Dealer, oemanagemisnt. Thchurecr sione Canada LiSe Building, Toronto. or M. L 8SAwvEa & 0.. Co. are unning their open cars during limanagpermsn t. sechrtecrion Caaal ulinTrno h da time...Miss Chrissie cogl )ots. -.is C1daLSeBulinTooto Monday to take charge ofa millin- BONDS.-Th proceeds of thse sale of GEWýrumgEmEN 1 r<iut tisai YOU allot me ç4 p.'... Bn m S~YValUe et 8100 each. u rea oS tis cmInyburlding aNmetul.h.ree,..,. , zs,' rter, Mm .J.n e d, ..AgentF ar-boue, relayln tise resén fwo tidmes ..~.1.,,-,,.,.-the ' --- . . . . . .me entof , , Tlsem1is9an agitaion o sils iMi s4eirais, uidin adam Tis bndsca bepat fr efier r emhtln drec 8 ou Bakes, is BAg W fot o avea aîfholda _oal1bs- 2)Coat, Vest nnd Paul Makers 1 F' PRCLIGJ-IT INCAI)ESCENT waitad et ocec. Tucii],Crasaasz Bacs J LMFSfersalansf28 cents escis ant i i- Co., Limiteti, Toronto . candýsacent wirang doc a i1rluposlt i while stock oinsboai lassa. W. R. GOOBWIN, Ti? UBBE11 STA-MPS -For fine Rtîbher Bowmauvillla 16 - 1w* ..L%)Samrps, FadF4, Ilk, etc., write te Gise Cuas Cî .,84-86 KigSt.,tast,Toronto Ont 7t vs i v EERAL-E RANT ITBOAR, FOR qER VICE,-Tise improv- 00 IVANE - SEVANT> I eti Tiorouéais rai Yorks-hir-e Wbite Boar lted at iOece inuas if faasiiy. Goot wagas im kept foi service on Lot 15. Conî 8, Daringtou. te s suart wî s, n. i ly ai Sr2ATrz1AnÂy o Ffiearmaers areinvitedt lusee Ibis fdue Fig. Terms .r i b' hit'er îo Loc, rawer 7, ,omsn ville. $1.00. P. MALaOa,FProprietor,H1-aydbun.îs-4w' others are invited to take part. Music and singing from the sehool. Farin Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pu*. (3ADMUS. pose, flot one siap-dash mix- Mosir torturing and disfliuin-g of itching, ture for al. Mr.Arthur Hardy who is peddling for brrnig, seaiy skia and scalp humons is in- Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know John Grigg -%vas a welcome visitor in stantly relieved by a wçarm bath with CTIs- this vicinitv last week. The women cuiASoA, a single application of CUTCLssA our reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. YouIl (olimtrent), thse great skin cure, and a fu dosa say so too after you have used thero. folk ail like to deai with Grigg. Mr. Of CUTTkuRA RESOLVENT, greatcst of biood Willie Phip is recovering from the parifies andhumor cures,w heunaulisa fails- SOLD BY measieq ..Some farmers are through srn- seeding. The new ilight in Crdmus 1Metbodist church has proven a gret uccsq One can tell what Î church a man belongs to by the people f who attend his funerai . .. .Some people rothwrd OT55GlDUM lcB w avle would no more miss a funeral than they 1-11 hTBgotth On. OwT CR olRGeAND ," mfr. orsey Bok o iavle would an invitation to attend a feast. FLLG AI imply Fâe.RBby Blemi eheR. W loafuiue TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. cary arun IOIS Take Laxative Brono Quinine Tablets. AI. Alian and Dominion Line ocean Wire, Barb Wire A nnealed Wire, thns aktPie, Druggists rcfund themoney ifit5fails to cure.125c tickets for sale at STATEsxAN office. a oetM re res f ome in! r Spring. busy tîme on the farm and 'y thinga a neeessity for Jseeds for your pIantingfF cleaning will do our vemy :u to do your shoping with ;week to satisify your im- Mes. ressed proporly audl there nuore than uecessary. A sizes 22 to 26 from $1.25, usotmeut, extra value for 'y largo stock, excellent Siits, niee smooth finish (a. give you au idea,,of the ar immense range o ,nw tains for 50e a pair. 3 yd, ý3Î yd. taped Curtains, id Curtaius, very flue -$1i.25. ices. îrange of Union, Super and Factory; no better val-re oys' Lacrosse Boots 50e. 8Ox Biood Bals, $2.25. 2.50. Men's Box Caîf, ex- Lk and ox blood î4.50. extension sole, patent tip. kinds of Garden Seeds are Bsh, new seeds, and our Our competitors. A choice of chloice Cani Pears, 21b. Blackwell Pickles, large equal to auy 25e hune you h lno of Teas- and Coffees i and much botter values un Indian and Ceylou Pkgl 0 Ce:0 ~rade ,st assortrnent of New and ýwest possible prices ever id Dainty Designs in ail >s arriving almost every ire and IJTndertaking busi- must seil ail the old stock~ price to make room for ùkeep a first-class Furni- )t by hlm in Orono. ML)[rIs%%à Bowmanville and Orono. SIIERWIN- WILLIIM CO PAI1N T Darns, Fleors, Cupboards,Shlw Bath Tubs,

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