lit t'tt N,1le TPERMS :-$81.50 Pim ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST, TUE WORLD AYTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor ind Proprietor. NýEW SERLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 22. PETHICK-LANE, one of the prettiest wvedding-S that IRJIIIfN F IF L o A quiet but pretty wedding took, place blibeena celebrated in thîs p art for onMay 241th, at the home of Mr. Wm. sompe tin ,to lc n elda, 7y ri I" LÈD- 1 e oo lceo e ed- DO YOU WANIO0 If so, COUdH, JOHNSTON & CR YDERMAN iný new stock, which they have. just received direct fri both English and Canadiaiï. A bigý stock of. ail kinds, from a cheap Jute up imported. Also Union, Wool and Ayranian Art St four by five yards. Direct from the fnakers in London a lot of Lino' most durable covering for kitchen floors. An immense range of-Lace Curtains, ail new deç and up to very fine goods. No better value shown in any of the above1 Canada. BowmANVI1LLE. HILav e You Seen, our NLJew Lines rFor 5pringP. Do ,not f ail, to caîl and'see what we have in Furniture. 1t Vwill pay you for we are off ering the best and cheapest, line of Furniture ever betore seen in these parts. Having bought very largely at a good discount from a wholesale firm. going out of business, you wiil flnd some bargainis. Cali and see, it is aiways a pleasure to show goods, Undertakçing alwiays re4.eives, prompt and personal. attention day or night. l D. WILLIAPIS & SON. BOWMAN'-,' ýLLE. Agents for Dominion Organs and Piano s f4ew GroceeryStlorz, ~hEi5JBX~S laOC}ç, 130WM14IL . The undersigýnedl having formed a partnership as general grocers and provision merchaiits, beg to announce to cîizens of Bowmaniville and residents of West Durham ,hat they have a splendidly assorted stock of Family Groceries, Teas a specialty, Fruits, Vegeta-bles, Seeds, Coal Oils, Vooden Ware, Gem Jars, etc. EVerything usually foýrIld-ia a first-class grocery store. Cail and see us. We will seil cheap and gve, you courteous ti-catrnent. gZ7Farmn Produce t. ken in excbanlge. w nat About Carpets?' '"when i1sa M. youngest dlaugliter of Mrs. Wmn. Coram,ý 8th Coni., Clark1e, The annual excursion to k Mrs, Lane wvas United 'n the holy bonds when their eldest daliter, Miss Jenle the Model Farmi and Sof mjatrimuony with FredeýricW.Pethick, was united in marriag'e mwith Mr. James Toronto, formnerly of ±lowmanville, by Hoskili, CdI onoM.Jhn1okn Ontario Agrijeultural Rev. C. Cuilpits,'roronto, under an arch Bethescia, Dairiigtoi, ln the presence of wvhite lifac. Thbe bride looked charm- of over one hiundred friends and rela- College at Guelph Siggowned inPink silk with riblion tives, iivited to witniess the p leasing will take- place and chiffon trimmings, carrying a bon- cerenioiiy. At hall past four wbule the quet of creain roses. Iler sister, Miss weddiug mnari- was bleing p -,jiaed by ON F 1 Lena Lane. gowned in white dotted Miss S. Woodiey, the groom took bis JU R 1 musliwearng a'bonquet of pi nk roses, position atteided by the groomlsmnauis DA-IliE$ acted as hricies-maid, and Mi. Guylbrother, lunde a beautifl ieîrffuner the auspices of the ' ~~Pethicli supported th', groom. The auid floral arch, froin which wassupn 1W~wddiog mardi was played by Miss ed a wedding bell, composed of flower W et ura Frm r GraieeForde, 0Oshawa, atrwiha an etwined ith green fliget;stu umpl)]tueuts repast was served [ble! Then followed the bride on thfe arrn of( newy arried couple left am-id shovers bler fathier, and seldomliasa bride ap- Tis date is'a mOst fav orable time for "' ture homnefin Toronlto. The preseats, tired ini a dress of cream caishmere most attractive nild instructivpe condii- wýere very nuirerous and costly. trimmeid with cream ribbonls. lunlber tion. Not Onlv farme'rs, but ev r.)odY hair she wore white carnations, and Nwil lIid veîY nmach lat and about the NNIS-FOSTER. carried a beautiful bouquet of white, and; Clleg-e antgIl d s to iltees1th, creaim roses. The bride was attended l'le tarm i,' now in' fine condition. *, 11AVery pretty weddgtll, ook Place on by Miss;Aggie Northcott also dressed Tickets good going ou p rin. trains5 ârrMý ~thle afte-rnooni of Mv z'that Siniîaoo n- l creain cashmi-ere and silk, and wore Thursdav, June !i0, and ail trains Fni- flo~ use, the residenee of Mlr. and Irs. fiowers similar to the bride.,while ittile daY, June ,,171 also Special Train Junie -lo f the uniting la the Ioîy bondis 0ofdressed ina white over pink, trimîned . F ARE, Wedliock, their, accomplished daugiter with Pink ibbons, acted as maid 0OfGrf...... An 1~i~ f nvteg~ssIanbeutfuldeorte ort etn'. .... )a nm..$17 adMr. rui Annis, a honior a-id carried the rn ona salvr. 1:aonG nrterprlsîng young fariner of Tyrone1 The coinpany Ilaviag assemhled on the Cbug......91o * . ooigthe Q.,ueeia by honoriag two Rev. W. H. Adams of Orono performed Newcastle,........ .6 52 .... 1.25 vite you to inspect ttieir ofIlier Majesty's most baqppy sulbjects. the ceremoay whieli united tbe happy Bo'wmnanville,....70.... 1.)- 20 'om the manufaturers , Ah anewearigteWdigGarmient ~pair la Hymen's chains. Af ter the Drigo,...70 ..11 ,mte mnfcuesCIhappy, smailig X countenances; the ceremony the bnidal couple received theO4 a Junction .... 7-20 ....1 1 older ones seemned to enjoy it evea more well wvishies of their numerous friends i î. d . 28 .. 10 than the young folk, the event probably who wiere there to lionor the occasion . .........7 4o 1.05 calliîg up moat pleasant mneiories ofl from O0shawa, Port Perry, tretvîle unbarton,......... 7.45 ...1.00( somB by)-goae days wlien they were fthe PrPHpYevroa yon-lair eb)ainý. ..... ... 7.49 . ... 1.00 to the finest Brussels roest ted ayie1 bou8Porck tnH]owmanYevrton, Gâde m111 PortLUnio n,........7.55 .. 1 00 4 Rev. J. J, Raeappýearcd and ian sbrt eskard anid other places. 'Ile co- Arriga Guelpb at 10.15 a,m. puares 111 al sîzes u to time al were ready , having assemibied pany repairedI to tbe cdiaing roomn and'Millbrook... ............... .1 75 -4k in the beautifuil parlor or linthe spaclous lawn wlihere the tables were laid witliCame....... ..........1.75 hail As Miss Analie Alliai artistîcally many rich vianda and delicacies. After Gadnli.. ...... ..........1 7,5 Sp layedMeesshsWddn Mardi, tea the healti of the bride was proposed Perytownl .......... ..... ....1 7 dem h laetadthe Gromn appeared, ably supported b)v 1ev. W. H.LAdams and short speech Qu aýs ..: ) e i , t e e c n s an ,by the bridle's c ui. M.E dg-ar WV. es were made y Mr. W . Cora , BMr..i.Jtrins.u..lot .an 3ai Allia. Leaning on lier fatber's arin, -o~ii, adotes Tceenîag wastransJe17b Scamle t'he mnodest youing bride, beaiuti- pýassed lsagaing and social f ully attired iii a creamin 1enrietta cos- talk. The occaýion. will long be r6~- CIIJLDIIEN HALF FARE, ýsigns, fri 25e_ peom c urne trimm-ned witb chiffon, witii peari meînbered by ail as a bright landmark Electrie Cars fromn Station to Farm. pe ar mountiag-s, gracefully adornied with a la tic pathway of life. Amid the good Special train returniig ]-eav es Guelphi Smoire silk sasi, and gol eain, the gîf t wislies for their future prosperitv and Tbursda', ni-lît at 6:00 p ni Ail tickets Sof the g-roomn, and carry iag a bouquet happiness, Mr and Mrs. iloskîn lef t at- are good to ren.îra any tinie up to Sat- o f Creami roses. Shie -,as gracefully tceaded bv a shower of rice for a visit uncla\ ngltune 1Wth. liiies by any house ini sustaîaed by thlegro sister, Mis mngfiendýs la the West. Tie ~ Forn~ Ani, lioloke vryretypreseints to tue bride were numerous, H. C. HOA1T, W, E. POLLARD, a d ~s f ngadi msîa, ecm-orameta, oslyand serviceable, SeCtetarV. Presîdent. inl.:4t ioff lby a g]broaci, set vwiti hicattest the ho-h eseel lawhchM. A. JiIVie-Piesideî itt.Manager. ~ faclais osiplasig mnnrne- iculs were.-A lo0,,voldwîbprs« 1n.h .a o tîi'.atea calte IiIV<I~IIIIIII ~ îte ~ ediugcerrn ai andpro- of the goo; e imachiiine, parklo bopefl spiit ies u Uite iic c t itam's * oune t!1W fain .yUg cople man and suite, bcdroomn suite' and otiens from liePalesCrîxratr itieso w ife Aft-tLe i rst. grcetin,s and bnidc's parents; Damask table CIOoti and sore spots on the flesh and c- is ïerefore usoaysaluitations werc over the napkias, Miss L. C. Hoshin, Bcthcsda ;piIe.I iýe Compaux rýirend1 ut!ic spadlous dia- Fancy cactus dnum pin cushion, ain]ss I rlit es proi tl\-. - uJ~I xi i b Ijl wbe(rea sumptilous nepast tuny plant 1Pasadena, Califorula) H.' J. Tie new fealure ln thilîe rumben w aýt it d hem tou bilial did ample Iloskin, Bcthesda ; Bedroom suite, i' S rerd cMflY-iýhi Ž' . ). - ci Daxi justît Te gifthet bride were Brothers of the groom ; Sibven rest fonr . ~ G.,-. snou _____________________costîx aad nutoorous, arnong whici carving set, Mn. and MNs. Win. Hoocxilor wcre1, A chain, G4room ; 10 sharos Bunicton; Gold coin, Mzscs LauLra a,u ' ceit'. on tce fter) at breakfat OUR CITJZEýNS E)JOY A MUSICAL in the Wstn Bank of Cuaja and a Bertha Coran, sisters of bride; Bible, on anl elC'.;itd statDol, ani et home., TIIEAT. 8200,heck, Mn. and Mrs. Hidi. Foster ; Mn. J. Kelly, Yelvonton; Picile Cruet, Suc'ig uee iil t]siniilarly L.arge ,(!1l île, Mn. and Mrs. Levi Annis; Misses IM.andJ. Stewart, K e.,)- pctre n Eer'cii N'e- nuY it has - ~~5 PudiC arniage Colt. Granidpa Aîînis ; dali; Silver bread trax-, Mn. and Mrs.B.~nbe~SnNaIn Tic nnusic-loxing- citizeîîs of Our towu APair f accCurtains, Miss Flo. and Annie F. Gardiner, Cobouno. ; Cash $2, Mn. We wa-nute sec a Box s' Brigade or- alwa , hirdati go ig wbeunais, Crystal and Mouldiag Case, Mn. and Mrs. Parker aadiýo1n, Orono; Silven ganized l oraxih Oshawa lias itcons thpeiav a god tr a'c.110 - da- W. Allia; and mauy othen pres- butter cooler, NI. and Mrs. T. R. Hou-, fou n hx r l rleI pense iii attaiiugi it. This was main- ents tf't aumerous to mention. Those Bctbesda; Silx-er tea pot, Mn. andMr camp is 10 lne belO fint Oham-a frout July fesed astweer ~hei Mn Ja l)vu'a h prtook of lte Weddiug Supper Rediau, Streelsilîle ; 1 dozen silven 14 te 23rd. Youts xx ic would lie to orgnizd putvte o o Cb e IbeinetIose alneady meuitioned were- table spoons aud butter knife, Mn. and joi a Boys' Brig-ade niav, si-iiify ticir bear tbe world reno-w îted Dan Godfrex- ,rs. .. J. J. lise; Mrs. Win. Allia, Mrs. H. Hill, Bethesda ;Berdsreb sdnnaesdn'ToM band wbich gav e a concert ini the rnk N"c ,ýI Mrs. Tueos. Braog Bow-st reen and gold, M.and Mrs.ChateA~ A. JAMEs, on d-oppinig a note ini letter tien Tinsdy nglît Asticfolow-maniv«ile; Mn. and Mis. A. à, Breat, Ldsilard; Cm' stal aad silven cheose disi o i TTLMN fie iagr Tursdanmes .show e a ian -Tyrioie; Mr. andMrs Jos. Langmaid, Mr. and Mi ss R. Woodley, Tyrna; Tic last aumber cf "Good Hoese beraxaild hemele~of he geau- Eb"o r, m John ilice, Whitby; Mn. (Greea ndndt.eM. and ns keeping is a splenidid one. How te ity of hearing Englaud's gncatest mili- aad Ms Eber Mlsn Mount Vernon; A. Truil, Loskand,and Dr. und Mrs. A,. inake money" deals witi tlic possibili- tany musical orguttization, Th ictik-M.adMs ev.A .'oeBw1.Baty adnlitSlo cr ies lu coninection witli a smaîi farm., ets- werc 81.65 includinig-admiission. To mnil;Mn. and iix-sý AlbertClemculs, spoon and sagar scoop, F. Jeffney, Bow- Manie E.Chandier givos a, nice selection say tbcy worc deligbted is a veny- mild Tyý1ne; iss AýnLieFPoster, Orcno; Mn manville; Faney glass tea set, Miss S. cf eboico sud well-tcsîed receipts for way cf cxprcssiag the oatbusiasm audad Sins. Carr,' Coboung,; Mns. John and and Mr. A. Woodlcy, Tynone; ý dozen cookiag. In "Whlat Shah W'e E.u" a pleasare enjcycd bY the Bowmanvill Miss Fte oster, Bowmaniville ; Miss fancy goblets, Mn. aad Mrs. J . BraulcY, strong pion is made on~ behaif cf a veg- continget olwigu iIltioe Rger,Lstowel ; Mr. Wallon Aunis, Loskand dozen silver kaives and dtan diet. Clanke' W. Brx an Co. who atîeaded E1ienrloYr; Mr Chas. A llia, Newcastle ; forks, Mn. and Mrs V. Cochrnane, Ponty publisiers, Sprngfield, Mass. C. ~~ ~ M Arhu CwkrMis neiloc, n dMs.StopienCleîuiens, Moaford; Pool; ý dozea damask table napkins, TheDe ormnt cf Agriculture lias C. Athu CawerMis Treilcck, Mn. Chias. ~A. Annis and Miss Annis, Mn. and Mrs. Copplestone, Oakwood- e)totcruas eadn h per F. H Frst, Miss E. Trebilcocli, PortIlion ses Ida and Loua Allia, 21 dozea table napklns, Miss B. Staîker, set ofn ciculastoaiýng atape ar- T. G. Bragg, Miss Nellie Hall Protideace ; Mn. Russell Lagmsnd, Urono ; Linon table loth. Mr. Gîbson bouse, wiich effects spruce. Tic laseet C. Dikinson Dr.aad Miss Hiler, Ebener; Miss Ada and Anaie Allin, and Miss L. B ooey, Cadmas; Fine linen sattacks tic leaf aud entons tic laxuxa- T. H. Spny, Miss Helliweli, Newýeastle; Mesesrs. Joli-, Wesley' and table clih, Mr. Tics. Ruudle,Boubcsda; tare bud. sndIthe calv really effectiv C. Keiti, Mrs IR. B. Andrew, Ciarles Allia, Bowm-nauville; Miss Llzzie 2 pair lace curtains, Mn. aad Mns. A. remedy is to clip offt'i al.wle M. RiE.'C ouhyMiss A. dBicew, Bag omaib;Mn. and Mrs. S. Norticoît, Poatypool ; Pictare and 'o0 c ig anad Jaly. Atter the Mrs. E. C. SoutheAluns B.wmaaBilleû Mn. and Mrs. A. frame and bakiag board, Mn. sud Mns. rd heslave passod out of thc galîs Mrs. D. Beilh, W. H. Hioar, C. Ainu and Misses Ada and Flornce, ,5ely, Por er- Fac' drapcM roduer s co urensial utt u CNana, T. H. HaiTingXon, Providlenue; Mr. and Mns. Albert and W, Cornish, Lesksrd; Silvor butter down tue iafested troc. The depart- Jas. Saundexs, E. Scakler, Miýs H.attie Clemns, Tymone; Mr. W. kaife and sugar spoon, T. Colo, Tyrone; mont requests that wioever finds the Miss N . Sýanders, J. Mooncraft, R aind Miss May Clemeas, Tymone; Beautiful hanging lamp, Mr and Mns, o-aIls on their trocs should commanicate - Miss C.'W iglil Miss Mc4Lauilin, Miss Be(atnice Poster, Orono; Miss S, -Northcott, Solua; 2pairpeppen aad te ac and ail particalars se far as WViss K. Murdoci, Mr.& Mrs.C..Jeffery, Analiie and Mn. Geor,-eAnnis, Ebenezer; sait cellars, F. Cryderman, limptonl ; ascortained 1tech Bureau cf Foi esunx', Mm, J., Mackay, Geo, McClellaa, Miss Sarah F'oster, Bowmiaaille; Mn. H.ndsome volume of Whittier'S Poems Parliament Building, Toronto. Mrs. J. Mackay, J.B & Mrs.Mitcliel, Nornan iaNewcastle.Afler tea and pair fancy worked piilow sbams._________________ Miss M--akay Rod Mitchel, Mn. a<1nd Mns. AaIIIs, am1id showcrs of Mr. and Mns. G. WV. MeLaugihia. Miss Jennie Yraser,L. T. Courtice, , niec, acma nied bly some of tie youg Osliawa ; Pair bath towels, sudsilver R. D. Davdor W Alexýauden, ok, left for Biowmaavilie station, butter kaife,Miss Murley, Bowmauville; l M a T, H. McMuntry, Dr. Bimacombe, wlcicpmthe vboarded lie 6.45 train east, Pair towcls'and crystai berry set, Mn. W e l a é J. Jarvîs, Mns. Bnîmacombe, for a trip to1 ochester, After tbcy ne- and Mrs. W. H. Ionkia, New Park. n Oliver George, E. R. Boansali, " tariltb~ey will setîle dowa on Mr.Annis' Alarm ciock, Mr. and Mn. J.- Lord,1 Mn H. J. Kaiglit, D.and Mrs.Morrisoa farin s uof Tyrone. May they long Hampton; Cîcanile table drape, Miss'M a Ê s W e lI O. Smith, lnWlim, lei0ejoa happy ed lf is tic M. Ilodgins Tyrone ; China fruit sete Capt. W. C. King, J. H. McMuntny, wish1 c ticeir nuimeoos frionds. sleIdsetspoMn u is . Hod's Sarsapanilia Ils prepared by ex- Dr. A. S. Tille ', Alex Wight, Cliannoni, Tynone ; Slver snd enystal porienced pharmaciste of today, who have Mrs. W, E. Tilley, Joe Wight,fridsiM.ud nsW SBo Mrs. Norticote,, A. J. Hlock, NEWS OF THE WIR rutdih r . W . S rag brought to the production of this great S. S. Edsali, . Hanny Hooli, ~~~Bowuxanx'ille; China t crry sol, Miss M. mdcn h etrsiac eia e nS. .Edsali, Evearrx Mnîo . b hie -ekEtc fTeand Mnfi. W. Thompsoîî, lelventen; neiietebs eut fieia e Mrs.Edsll, Eveln Mnni.-, hiýThrce aWee Edtîoi ofThePsu-antique csmeo vs-es. lissA. t'rtil, searcli. Hood's Sarsapanbila is a modern Miss Edsali, W. B. Tapson, ork en World is firsu smeng ail Leskard; Crystal sugar bowl sud tes medicine, oontaiabug just thos 'e vegetablo Mr. Jmih T. aon usl, w~ky aosi io rqcc fset, Mn. and drs.J. M.J ohasou, Cadaxas; ingredients which were aeemingly ia- Mrs JC.VastneMajr oisal, ee- %,P esi e rqec fPsi- handsome eut glass vases, Mr. and tended by Nature henself for the silex-la- Byron Vaustone, F. J. Manning, pbctoa sdlite freshnxess, accuracy Mrs. C. W.1-oskia, Bxuîîx10 ion of human ills.- It purifies sud en- Jules Roeîigk, Mns, W P. Prowcr, sdaiil 1aYiely of ils contents. Il lias ail 1China Chccoiste plucher, Mrs.H.JeffrecheVh lotue i lmc a Ale AliaMs nxc, t 7 M jton. unelA of Êbe. h, hiR 1 Nfm- 9,Atiý ki, i-.kï. ý ;l 1