I i CLEVE4e]LANýDSD E Having the experience, POssessing the faciities, incurring the Eexpense, justified by volume&- of business, and inspired with, an arn- Sbition to -construet "THE WORLD'S GREATEST BIC"YCLE,"E Eaccounts for the extraordinary inicrease of Cleveland sales in every Ecivilized country. A 8,0.OO0h VE0 ~ $80.00 ÎÈ The handsomest in design, and finish. The best in material and ~ workmanship. The most perfect in its lines and bearings. $55-00 BICYCLES $70.00ULEBICYCLES EOur enormous facilities permit 'Beautiful and Great, contain-. t us, and we do sell better bi- ing points of superiority not ini- t cycles for $55 than others seli cluded in the highest priced Sfor $75 and $80. competitors. E $100, 30=iflch wheels REPIRESENTS THEE HIGIIEST IDEAL IN TEE ART -o 0F BICYCLE CONSTRUCTION. Sbor,. head, long wheel ~base, 4-inch drop crank hanger, Cleveland irnproved bear- - ingrs'and numerous-, other new and beautiful improvernents, mrake ht the easiest and smjoothýest runining wheel in the- AGENTS EVERYWIIERE. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. Sole Representatives: -~ MASON & DALE, Bowmanville. H. A. LOZIER &d'O., Toronto Julletion.- .&E. MeLAUG HLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Conve1 ancer. Office:- Bleakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. Money to ban ai reasonable rates. 48-lyr, Dr., G. R. PATTERSOIÇ.' Dentist. Honor Graduate Toronto University and Royal College Dental Surgeons. SpeîiRies Artificial Denftures $800; Amaigam Fillin.gs.5flc. First class work at very moderate prices. Office Orono. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMrBER 0F COLLEGEOF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, Residence. Enniskillen. 74 D. BUTRKE SIMPSON, Br-% RRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' -0BLOCK, np-staiî s, King Street, Bownan ville. Solleltor for the Ontario Bank; Private iRoneys lbancO at lowcst -rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FICE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS Block, wliere htmself or bis assistant wtil be found from Sa. m.to 9p. ms. Niglit calis at residence, directiy opposite Duill Shed. Cails byl telerapi ortelephone will receive prompt at- tentbou. 171 -yr. Gentlernen'sClothes made to Order. NEW TAILOR SHO P. rhe undersigneti wbio has been carrying on the taiioring business in connection witb Mason's Dry Goods Store for a number of years lias eommenced business for hinsseif at bis.roonas King St. west, where hre te prepareti to make gents and boys suite ln ail the latesi styles, and at lowest prices. For those who wisli to order snits, bce wili carry a fnlll une of samples in aIl the newest patterns. Givebimaa caIl J. T. ALLIN, Fashionable T ailor. BOWM'ANYILLE BICYCLE General REPIAIR SHOP. W. FISHWEIGH, Practlesal Machin! st, Tool Maker, Lock and Gunsrnlth, Speciat Macliinery for liandlBng Bicycle Re- pairing in ail its brandies, ant i al Fine Machin- cry. CYCLISTS. HI-ave your wlieeis put in trim by a thorouglby practicai macbiuist. Bicycles, Lawu mowers, Sewing mahines, dlocks, Typewritere, IRife, Cutbcry, Loeks, Ebectrie Belle, Dental sud Surgical Instruments. Safe Locks. Iron, Steel anti Brase work of ail kinds. MARKET BUILDING, I3owma nville cor tinnes b do o Gcýenusil Bonkiug Busineesai Bosyvmasiville l ,gvriy. received Isu Snv7 e s'oe a-m n andi au intereet si;ow - , u - et soe. Notice of witlidra% ai sicn e I~ l is oposils payabb ou dcmand. Boisgist a i Il;l.,,. ~ pon Europe U nliie is tate s s C' oso h ido î. Bîlver sua U nitedi Stles G seu ut î - s lt sud solti C O:L L E C TIOý 'ýý'1* N S Proi-pily mad. i l st i h , -upon, ail parts cfCGreat Britain. , e , i ed '- ares sud t icDo- m inio n uGf CaI ssit,ý1' T e le g r u ' T ra.f e r Maftie for im. reD-. 5 ut ail parts of t . o i a d a T h ~ - . 1 ' ~ v t O . t O s i t O p e r - soie livi î: ii f t o is' N orth -W /est, it i suakes lie iud litoce ai the place of paymesit. For ý tiier partiî lo 5 tâe ou. J. A. MCCLELL A, GLO " . SIe ILL A ncco unt 'u1 t, disuager. -TUE CNDINSTATESIVAN Igt , naxîn tatmuw ESTALISED 154.BOWMANVILLE. JUNE 1, 1898. $iper nsnir ina dyance, otherw ise $1.50. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _blica- ion. dvertisiug ,ate 1une1sby c n rcîOcrents per bine, nonpareil, Irsî insertion, BURGLARY AT ORONO. and5 cents per Bune eaeli subsequent insertion. Locals, 10 cents per fine. M. A. JAMES, About three weeks ago the Post office Publihe. hoeen'as burglarized. The vaulî n'as Pubhiher.openod and the outôr door of thle ente WD blowu but the inner burgiar proof (?) door was untouched. Since tbh-t lime Wu L A11TEV no repairs had boeu made on the safe and at about two o'clock Friday moru- ing, May 20, the inner compartimont wns operated on and the safo comiplote- Higliest prico.paid for any quantitv. ly dèestroyed The safe n'as situatod merchantable Wool. - immediately hohind the plate glass front door oponing to the barký, The LEWIS QUIOR, explosion scattorod fragments o)f iron in all directions demolishirng almiost on- 20 - 4w. Bowmauviile. tirely the fitîings of tise office and tbren' fhe safo hack with such force againsî the front a-s 10 not only shatter aIl the glass and drive the frameworkç of, the PortÏ')"rligfto ilaborfront mb Ibte sidewalk. The disturb- anco aroused evory one lnutb(, vicinity aud bbe parties woro seon driving ýout Co pa y of the villag-e towards the south. in will hel C o ipa y Mut -the morning il n'as found bbey had sup iNoice le liereby given that flic An nual ithetcn-Y nf tii chelsharethoersoffie aboeCmpnhavîng seiected bis hest driver anda non' buggy. Word n'as recoivked frona Port Darlington, Port liope, Monday uîorning, tlint the Mondy, 6h dy ofJun nex, 'horse and rig were lu bbec bauds- of the M ond y, th d y o Jun fl Xt, police aI Ibal buw u having been a han- at the beour of 3 OCLOOR, p. m., for the ebection de od north of that town. Il n'as iden- ot Direc-tors aud otîser purposes. tiflOd as the stolon property as lb con- By Order, tained'some papers belougiug to Mr. D. B. SIMPSON, Moment the Post Master. No trace of1 .Secretary. the men bas yet beoni found. The safo Bowmanvilbe, itli May,1598. 19 -4w conbained only a smnall amount of cash but the damage 10 the building andt contets amountedto osi 10e.. NOT ICE. to UML uITORS Mra., W. Tmuil and daughîer, Min-t trie, Newmarkot, bave boon visiting frionds in town. In Ute',nrter o/ftt e stauteo j' SamÏuel SRobert Webster, deceased. Puirsuant to Section 38, cliapter 129, of tkc R. S. 0. j07 notice is hereby given that ail persous liavin1g eiaims againsi Ithe estate of Samuel Robert Webster, of the townshiip of Darlington, in the Counny of Durliana, but bale of tlie fown of Oshiawa, in thie Connty of Ontario, Carnage - woodworker. dcceascd wlio dicO on or about tus 2151 day of Mardi, A. )b. 1898, at flic saîti town of Osliawa,are to send lu tliesraims, wltlih r ticulars thercof, post prepaid, to L. K. ur on, of thie said fown of Oshawa, Solicitor for Wm. Lauchianti, of sad town, gentbemau, Adminis- trator of the Estate of the said bale Samunel Robt. Webser, on or before tlic 7111 Day of JunII A. D. 18981 Anti fnrtler take notice that afler the saidI last mentioned date the said Adininistrator wil» pro- ceedto distriliutetbe assets of thiesaidilateSs,mn4 ei Robert Webster amonget the parties entiticd thereto. having regrd <l by f0 the ebsimse ot w hicli the eaid Administrator selitlicn bave notice, anti wili noi be liable for the assets of tire saiti late SamuelbiobertWebster, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person of wliose claim the sai Atministrator liat not notice at the time of suci distribýutioni. L. K.IMIUNI TO0N, Srilcitor for said Administralor. Dated at Bown ianyille thet liti day of May, A. DiSs188. 20- 8W.. i il ~?'l 01t isit tV' ~&Lt aa-o2 ]v - uoso .saont'c - Cor - .- t , n o 'fi tê' - -i tsi ' '-5 ¾.- n~it4~uT s - - ~- s s- so' s. ns" fi g' ' s s IL .0 tii'* t~,,bn~s' '5' - t, v s - ' sus, ,d~i-,'t".,, -' 0 i . t. - STOTI & JUNX, Cierniete ami Dru~gists, l3ow- manville. . - A RELIÂBLE OFFER. liWEST HEL FEUE TO MKEN. TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, Bo-wman- ville, is anthorized 10 stale by Mm. D. Graham,' Box 133, ilagereville, Onit., that any man n'ho is norvou.-s auid debil-ý iîated or wbo le suffeming fromr any of the varions troubles resuiting fromn over work, excesses or abuse, sncbi as nom- vous dehility, oxbausted vitality, joel vigor, unnatural drains andio(sseýs, lack of devolopment, etc., can write to him lu strict confidence and receive FEE F CHApRGE f ull instructions hon' to ho thoroughiy cured.' Mr. Graham hiasoîf n'as for, a lonlo' lime a enifemer from abaove troubles(, anad alter tryiug lu vain many adv\oetised remedies, electrie belle, etc., hlecame ai. mnost ouiireiy discouraged aind hoipolese. Finallv lie confided lu au oid Clergy- mnan, wbose kind and bonest adviý-ce en- ahled hlm to obtain a perbect and( per- manent cur-e. Knowino' hobids w sorro ', thlat so man.y poiur sfeesare heing- imposed upon by unscr-muulous quacks, Mr. Graham ionîdes b is duty as aunboonest man sud a firn-a bc- liover lu christian sympahhy sud1,1 kind- nsse, ho give bis fehlOn'men thle 1Oeneft of bis oxporience sud assist thena ho -)a cure.,linving -nothiîîg ho seil, lie a5-ks no monieY,thie prouti stsfcI n of bavin- doue a great servic 10 oe l need, lie rightlv on i e ie a p'le ro w ard for bis trouble. If x-ou wr te M r. Grah nrn vo n c-tu rely .1up on b uit? A ddrý7 es e a '.ab ov e, e clo îng a e anp i t l t t ' - hi , t L t 0 ut t i ti ti h o e a o r i will e g v n h h o e w riIiugout of mure cù io iby ere or staho Ihat s'ou realiy need a cure, Co-pe~atvePotik Packing Tow~n Cotuncil. ofListoT.uel Tàkes Prrae-tieal Aetion --flýeoIrt of Public JIMeeting Z ,s Prub1ishedl in "The 3nnet"' o flay l9th. From the Listowel Banner of May 19, a copy of which was kindly sent us by Mr. R. B. Andrew, the successful Man- ager of the Morris, Feild, Rogers Co., we take the following report of a public mnee'ting held on a caîl from the town council of that lively place. We heart- ily commond. their action to Bowman- ville Council. Aithougli the members h'tve allowed a golden opportunity to go by, they may yet flnd a chance to overtake old Procrastination and Indif- 1ference, cali them downviand start out in their stead the vigorous yM)-ing team Energy and Entexprise. Co)unc(il meets next Monday nigh.t. Drop your antip- athy to Tim STATES.MA Mr Mayor and gerîtlemenand joi bands' with itfor the welfare ofeour town Yor. have had a long reignof do-nothin- wuc-Ja, succeed ed by a disgraceful n ~ ui sslk harange over the fire, pÈaýa u.Get down to business now a nd ..,p somethinig to your credît, or geýt oiii, of the waý,,y and give some othîer's a châ-nce to kee p the town a-going. THE BANNER'S REPORT. On Friday afternoon, May 13, a well attended meeting of farmers and citizens was he4W in the Towvn Hall to discues the advisability of establishing a Farm- ers' Co -operative Pork Packin.- Factory in Listowel. The interest shown, especially by the farmners in the neigh- borhood, was verY encouraging and an influential organîzation committee was appoînted to forward the work. The mayar took the chair at three o'clock and stated the objeet of the meeting. H1eldwelt on the suitableness of the locality for the establishiment of an in- dustry of this kind and said that it was a matter for the farmers to tako hold of as it was hoped that'the organization would be entirely under their control while at the came time the citizens and the council of the town would give ail assistance possible tn, the furtherance of the scheme.' The citizens would sub- scribe liberallv, if necessary, to the stock list, while the town council would grant valuable assistance in the way of exemption of taxation, free water, etc., as might be agreed upon. The council had sent deputations to Ingersoli and Guelph to secure information and these deputations reported to the meeting. Mr. John Watson w'as the first speaker for the delegations and hie outlined the steps which led to the callig of thie presont meeting and to the delgations. Hie said that the tactory in Ingersoîl was one of their best industries. If emplo.ved 125 bauds and paid frona $800 to $1000 per week in wages. Theyhad a capacity tiiere of killing six hos per minute and the value of the lanN wa placod at one hundrod And fif ty thousand dollars. The coînpany paid taxes to the town of Ingersol] on an ass'essment of $25,000. Everyproduet of the animal was utilized in the manufacture, the hair was dried and sold to Philadeiphia the blood was cookod and gronnd Up for fertilizers. the parts of the meat not exported were manufactured into sans- age or ôtherwise sold for food. lie, drew attenýtion to the fact that other towns were agitating for pork pack-ing establishments and that the situation of Listowret, surronnded by so extensive a hog raising countrY, was the best pos- sible to successfully maintain a fa.ctory of thbs kind, Mr. Fleming and Mr. Woods snpplemented Mr. Watson's re- port. Mr. J. C. Hia vwho had visited Guelph g ave an extended verbal and written report of the factshehadgathered. lie had asked the manager of the factory ini Guelph, Mr. McAloe, to furnish hlmi with as manv facts as ho felt at libertv t0 give, tellinhp- hlm the use hoe inteuded to make of them, ana Mr. McAloe very kindIy placed a!l the information hoe could'at Mr. liay's disposai. The mnan ago-r showed hlm tbrough the factory at Guaelph and gave hlm an idea of the cost 0f the plant and of the prospective profits of a factcrY o1 that kind. Hie said that most pork packing establish. mente in Canada had made monev, ai- though many -of their plants wero anti- quate ,d and out of date. Hie thought that the export businiess was whatshould ho looked after chiefly as it -%vas growing very rapidly and would, be a profitable trade. lie estimated that Colliigwood as killing about two or three thousand hogs weekly, that Davis was kilIin~ about 6000 hogs Weekly,an Ingerso wac kuihlng in the'neîghborhood cf 400 hogs weekly. An estimate was arrived at of the cost of a complote modemn pork packing factoryý of a capacîty of 1000 per week, with cold storago and ail necossary buildings and rnachinery of the most u p to date character, which. was placed at $40,000. The building wvould be prohably of three stories and a basement;- under modern methods the killîng clleauing and the cooling were done on the top story, the hogs were dri -ven up a gangway and the product carried down from one storv to IMr. liayr thon rend an estimate of the cost of the proposed plant and building. The capital roquirod to run an iudustry of that kînd and the ostimated profit of the turu over was placed at $60,000 ro- serving a sufficiont amount of interest On investment and insurance, cost of deteriation of plant, expenses of man- agement and ail other contlugencies showing où a basis of 6 per cent., on the 1turn over, over ahl expenses that there would be a very considerable amount of money to be divided among the share- holders and farmers who had supplied the anlunals. There n'as lu addition to this a very large amount of money that would be saved on the freight from the live hogs and the commission of the buyers; this n'as estimatod at ý a cent per pouud and would on the basis of 1000 hogs per week amount to a sum of not less than $50,000 per year. Mr. S. S. Rothwell favored the estab- lishment of a coucemn of this kiud but though of course one difficulty lu the way would be that established organi- zations would do their utmoct to kili ouI a co-oporative institution of this kind. Mr. Vanleeck was very anxious to cee a successful institution înaugurated but it would of course be uecessary to, pay the market prices for hogs, because the farmers. whether theY were, sharehol.d- ers or not would se Il to who ever' wýould pay the best price. Although hie was a farmer himself hoe must say that the farmers were about the meanest class of menulie knew of to stick to-zetber lu affairs of this kind. Mr. Cleland would also liko to see au institution of tbis kziud successfulty operated but n'as doubtful Of t he farmi1s' ability to uuder- take the mianageýmenit of a wholosale coucoru. Mr. Tbos. E. liay spoko of the widle feeling there n'as in the township of Wallace for the establishment of a facî- ory of this kind ,aud bad undoubt but that the stock n'ould be readily sub- scribed among the farmers. Therewnas no doubt thore was pleuty'of room for the organization of a'pork Patking factory which would pay the farmers a very cousiderable net profit over and above the market price of their hogS elsewhere. AIl the profit there wnas to the middleman. and the faclorvmen would go direct to the farmer and hoe had no doubt that with the hearty co operation of the farmers the scheme would be successfully carried ont. Mr. Joseph Cumberland of ,Wallace was very favorably impressed witb the ro0osed factory. There was no douht e saidtbat the packers and the buvers 1both u'ero makîng money and thiero n'as no doubt furîher, that they made it out ot the farmers' pocket. Thero seomed to be no reason why a succoss- fuI scheme conld not ho inauguraîed to cave these profits 10 tho farmers who raised the hogs. After considerable further discussion hack and forth it was moved hv Mr. T. E. lia y seconded by Mr. S. S. Rolhwell and unanimously carried that hiith opinion of Ihis meeting it le desira i oic 1 organize a Joint Stock Co-opetative Pork Packing Company lu Listowoi and that an organization committeo consist- lng of gentlemen named ho appointed t0 forward the organization, formulate a, basis of operatbon and to report at a meeting 10 be held in fhe town hall on Saturday, I ay 2lst. The committee appointod ivas a representativo one in- cluding leadiug farmors from the adjoin ing townships and a number of leadin - citizens of the town. The members oýf the committee have beon notilied by post card of their api ointment and Urgently requested to ho present at the firstemeeting of the committee tb he held on Salut-day afternoon. Mr, John C. Hay wsvhs amed chairman of the committeo ln the meautime step> have beeni taken to gain ail possible infoî - mation for the guidance of tbheroombers of the committeo and it is to ho hoped that the scehme will ho far enough f or- ward hy that tîme to present a definibo plan of action and that stops for incor- poration wiilho underway and stock liste circulated at once. Au outliue of what is proposed may ho giyen. It is estimated that it wili requbre a capital of $60,000 at least to lauuchi the echeme, $10;000 of which wili ho Üsod lu furuishing the buildings and plaeing the plant, the balance to ho used lu conductiug the business. If the n'hole amount of this stock is taken up hy the farmers who wili supply the hogs, so much the botter; tlwy n'ill thon have full control of the wboie business and the division of the profits n'ill rest entirely in their bauds. It is proposed loý-pafull market valueý for the hegs. on1 delivery at the façtoryandatthe oiad of'th-eyear the profi t~ s w îll hodistributed entirely upon the co-operativo plan after a reasonable amount bhas beffn set acide as interest' on stock subscribed, the whole balance to ho thon divided pro rata among the sharebolders iu pro- portion t0 the areounit of hogs delivered at the factorv. Th(, farmers who supjply- the hogs will thus gel the fmli benefit of the saving of freiglits and commission and a1 the profits of manufacture. As course, tue eecuring of a prudent anti oxperienced manager ho curry on bbe work of the factory sud the readx sale of bb mannîfacbured produchs. but lb le not expected that there n'lll ho auv dif- ficulty on either- point The ouhlook for the export hradc ho Great Brihain lu lîncon il ervoysfavorable The brade le non' only lu its infaucv sud ih le alnaost certain to gnon' ho barge proportions sud those wbo are early lu the tield luin 'an- ada are likely 10 reapheo greatoîthbene- fit- A IIAILWA15 MAN'S Si'ORa,-Mr W. Franke,' i charge of hhe G. T. R. En- gine shope. 1Port Dover. OnI. saYs : 4, boxes of Doan's Kidney I ilis cured me, of a very bad abînck of Kidueis com- plaint and lame back.". 4 without j. is înupossibi( I3ring9 Flealth, then Beaut: follows. They clear the mudc compIexion', chase away Siq Headaches and Bilious Spells, cur Dyspepsiat and removeall poisonci malter from the Svste'm. Mrs. Addie The'ri 1t -6rsse Streý-, St '. , - B sv, : Laxz Liver Pllis ecnred ne omcdtipatior of Lver nd tnh. andree e v entire se olie al- Y- t _y t_. aT on ." 'd i 718 ty es. A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very valuable Remnedy ini ai affections of the THROAT or LUINGS Large Bottles, 25C. DAVIS &ILAWRENCE CO., Lilied Prop's. of PerrYDavlsPaill Do You wish Io Purchase A, House? Do Not corne to Riekard. But if von do wish ta purcZlase sorn ice useful article for use in a house corne riglit here.. There are Clocks for your Parlor, for your Sewing Roorn, for your Kitehen, for your Hall anid for your Bedroom. Knives, Forks and Spoons fa your Table and flot a piece but whaý is reliablo will be sold von. For Presents,-Tea Sets, Chafiig every kind of thing in Silver Plate. A great many pretty articles în, the way of Novelties and Ta] Ware arc kept in Stirling Sil and, the prices are within yoiir reach. .Âll kinds of Je wel! eryRep'airs ýt nd Watch Repairing ic,,ie by T, N. Riekard will bc donc well. 'N-O in Canada more nompete-nt. T. N. Jeweller anO 'Dptician, Three doors East of Stani- ! ',ird Groc'ers' due bills taken as casil.. Kas Won the Gratitude and Con- fîdence of ail Canada. NO MOREDO UBTING The Postive Evidence of Cure Too Concluslve to Permit' of' it If 'Tou are S o & k Y tr N a , m DOCTORYOURSELF oeoronto, Canada,gasys: "My Eioan hàtatrayeny bat att el:cf the Cropand, w. uled Muny.Cmossis Oc7rme w! il.the et of r- mata H was toubed wltjs a maer~e o ou g h n f e in v r d y n e ed , .,> batiy l' t h e o uld sca eey peak, wheuo lha began using lMunyo.n'a Reîned1e2s, 9 vial of the croup cure IMprovet hir,îi1 once and 1he dlaease vwas completeiy br4,îén ,C1 t.wLr three@days. The medlcpea âlcayonà,-.?,eumaticenre aelcom ~InIB te , ir. ?Lýen olnee tntisree boursgnd utcre$'Inlau ç Vsys. Frics 25e, Busyon's Dyasesla Cure positiveiy eumrealI forrisof Andigeg ilon e ".-1 me s trou fi . Muyoas CKldubCure Vsiieetl, c.r...vien, braks up a <oInla ew ibouts. ',-'oI~e Muyn.Cogis Curestol): a;ianghl 'sas, lle>', soresflandut peedizy kwals-tbe up-8. Fce 25,. ui se c . loi. d tre Us. end al form a ot kidne>' dîseaise. Prise 25c. Meuyoss's Nerve Cure et*p nervousuesq 4eA blsi',s cii ties e ay im. P e 25e. Ms,,sxti,sa'sHea ilseis Cure stops ifeadeehie In thies sminutes. ItIs25e ?iissnyon's Plile ûOttnieut posItIvely cures ai fosais cf piles. Price 25(-.. Unlnsyon's Blond Cure eratlieste$ ail Impuirltieas cf îlheishcod. Price 250. M.nyon's Feusebe emedies are a Wu6 to'ell Munyeii's Caierris Remreties neyer fhlï. T1he Caterris Cure-pries 25c-eradicetes tise dIsMw511 from tiese ysten, anuthlie Celerris Tffleto-plee 25e.-diseuse aud beel tise parte. Munyon's Astisu e iteedles relieve la tIhed minute, net se permaenetl.'.priée $X.t Muuyon'a 4'itallzcr. a grest toute eud roi etorer -o! vital. strengtis te week people. $1.. Asepsrate cure far ssci, diseese., At all dêtap gist esosil>'25 cente< s vio. P s " o 1 l at t e r a t o P r o f . M u n v o n. l AM b ,r t etreet.Trornto. Ont., nnswered wiltb f ree aeb 481 adtilefur aux dlsesnt., aun rt -h .- 1 tft Wm' iý ýl i