Cougs ad cldsnee flt binig it along far enougli te make hay. CARTER It issown any tinie from Dec. to Feh. 1L ýi'bc endured; they can be This year as they have had a littie 1rLLBOWMANVILL.E, JUNE 1, 1898 taiiore th. an a third of the u.suii rain failltmuîniatrrîu, ________________________ cred, is estimated that thousands of acresS E MiF IN S.IFUN Many mixtures are tem- of, barley will.amount to nothing. porary in effect, but- Scott's The frosts of the last few nights have EXTRACTs FRoM ANOTIIER LETTER. done immense damage to apricots, pea- WRITTEN BY. MR. GEo. L. TuGKER, E uso ofCdlvrOicesadpmsnmay places ruining ______ EB. A., TO À DARLINGTSz FRIEND. with Hypophosphites is a the crop; the orange blossoms were HT 1à "" Sikedeut t an bi llo tae al the ytro. ue loAchieqeto.heEio f ~praen eey somnewhat nipped too, which makes a - dent tech tn rilive al the ytr, ublas pemnn eey bad lookout for next yerscrop flizziness, Nausea. Drowsinesq. Distresa after Aet' th FAC-SIof1he dit1IoLEi ,eatingl.Paiïn il, tha Side, &c. SWhile their Most STATESMAN, a young latjy at Courtice The oul feeds the blood The weather hoe has flot been very _______ s-,akbl scee habens hwnaacrig ete o e ulihe.Mr Tc bdy te avrbl frmoethn oIthi.kria1enecatonoAs SG AT R h,- as allowed these extracts fromn a pri- and warms the liy tefaabe toror hanae onh:I K er'sletterin thi journal. April20, des- hVDoDho)s ltes tonc up the waa and relxing on luydy sm' igt'odcnRgtl Iesadaeobe, Yet CARTER's Lrr'raa Lrymit PiLte criptîve of his trip to Clfri was advr itesnn hly;to ar*e equally valua-ble i Constipation, curîn alfrna nerves; the i ycerine soothes advr itesnadcil;te i1t2tn.Ia4oesf- P and preventing this annoyJng complaint, "hie read with great interest. These para- gyclear day and cool, and you observe they also correct ail disorders of thcn stomnach stinnulate the liver and regulaita tht, boweia. graphls th.ougli less of the narrative the inflamed throat and lungs. there lias been an increase of snow on Even if they only cured character will be read with, equal .zest, Th obnto ue.the mountain tops 20 mniles away ; thon un The tesDinasion cures. - especially by his many.friends. a day of wind, a regular 'norther' plew- hioeDg-f,% erul Afe a ieitouto r uce hs my peetsrous ing over those snow clad lis and ness and Rt.CoitdÇns nelther .Aeheulbe m ositi pciss c,,~05 introduces the subject of Devonshire lung troubles. swooping down into the valleys, rais- Oprorhn ONr MiHZa1 ber, nd boa wo ncetr tbniwil fnding clouds and whirlwinds of dust and NOT NARC OTIC.i but fortunately th&er gýo0cne- eaOt n cream'and writes:ad$o;aldugss these iittep' Ithe ini sorayWays that I haven't got a sight.of scalded cream SCTT& ONE, Chemnists. Toronto. dyn peeyhn oei n a tewili no, ho -'iilling t,. de- ivlthoDut thema. than a blazîng sun would in twe weeks, 1Ilut after aul _, I-. head. ic evn aaa.Teei oso RJ honey in this country, but it certainly figs or apricots) and between these are of fine days to know what theo country ,Oýfa does net flow with mik ikmtîsoften scattered rose busitos. Thon if acadoithtneadwîttey(O EVR ta the bane of somany lives tbat hmhere at 5 te 6 cents a quart (winequamt,which obd& lias a ec tal ti uta ie rms si 01 i osedltl while~~~ otaer dos nat fonce'maî meaum lias neyer been aupe nttave seen pro misejÂTE' rTTtVE XI nk Uie ts or of rose Forl dhe grvs ground toZplrip ou we enake our great oast. Our pins csum is, is thte only legal quart- "Imporial" yt eahdeo cipdeegen hnw iei oe sdoýse. They are strictly vegetable and dnooav been hedges 100 yards and ever. Theyornete fLot gripe or purge, but by tiieir gentle action .a tebushroé andveyesy o ak. ntor an*e hoe butter lias mangod from 25 to.40c a ,eejs eimgt iwretars a eb hruhly cultivatod first ApCÀ-fect Remnedy for Constipa- l1edaUlwho use themn. viala ais be21in cets fmome migut toes Aft n hnteimg- to o, tmc ihe Sv~$.old everywhra,.ý, or sent by mail. pound ; se s-ou may imagine it would when the frost of last week cut down a trin ittrohe t ad tho hey al afo- lomnuion, SoureArîsli M"DlOel; tisaM izsw Tek. break a man to get a quart et cream good deal of the new growtit and gave tien trhe mope . of te l tewatem fes qLos rSL act they don' ___ayhn-aotlo h lp ftelad h ae esan o->G LZ aM i kî u o In fac hydntko ntig bu them qitea soteback. There is agreat from the canais being deliverod at the it ; I had jnst been describing Devon- laclt of grass, a vacant field or lot doies1 shire creamn and how it was made, te e rwu e ras u iîhv highest side of the field. The water is Tac Sànijie Sign-ature et no grwu g rsbtwl aeaenerally kept running for oither 24 or Trs alloc(re I boayurlt rd the d fe w paligwes rwnge t 48 hours each time of irrigation, Wat- NEW Y1I, castoria la put nip lu One-slse botties only It To botore I -et yur leter. Ste ladneyerTo get grass you Lave te specially grew o ssl h nha c fwtmes telaf Cure hebard of it befomoe. Thoy do net keep a itadwtri vr a.S hter soldb th ofc-a tnht f wa la zet sold la bnlk. Doult allow antate poil cow, or I guaîantee they would have grs o r iey o50i itefiw theoui aont of ager ioen e -- ~ po."*'Sethat yo etOAS---RIA H JI 1 TI M some. plot, 15 or 20 f eet, in front of some faim- blottn 0 thro ngita inich her e is ah poee fR'eetatyn e Living home is quite different from 1y geed itouse. Theo ao ice ep ç' oyvWAPR so living at home, so many littie things When you get further eut the lots get ______ Mr-. . f r hne.I h ri ioeey larger and are nearly always planted thig amos -(peaches, «pears, plums, to oranges or some other fruits, and apricets, cherrie.s, etc.) is sold by the there are any number of 2, 5 and 10 A NIII _________________________________ i A S P A I L A ou d, ins eauenbdt, as etnpa l, or ac e ra ge m a che i stehheciybam-sk et,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __or_ _ __A_ __NE W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT i sol b y tite p o u d. X l v e f os cr e oa be sr a ch e v r i s d ah l i ! quart. Even green peas in the pod,ame its. That willexplain itow Riverside G aG aiW o ,L ln e ,ec PROMPT g-reen peas bere now at teln cenIts a gmound ;for it extends in a durving RELb~L ~pound, three peueîds fer a quarter, in line, along the vallev fer a distanêe of AN NVE AIS.- comm)n speech 25c-"'two bits" ; 50e-= about ton miles and has a %vidth of 1 te MAINES GELERY CO1IPOUND ]T T ]Ctla"f our bits" etc. It was alittle bit con- 21 or 3 milesSratn oailseath br -- $25pro. fusing at first. The first tume 1 struck The country lias sucli a different ap-Srno ol l iea hro,---$.5prt ' -the expression was on the train on the pearance from anythîng 1 had ever Gave H im a Fresh Scranton Coal, "delivered to any way home troim Portland, Oregon, to seen befome. Thte tewn is built on com*- part of town -------- ----5.75 per ton. VTOU W iZ Sacramento. An htlagent aray rm t à&te c ame ivl level land frm20 to100 fooet r . The People's or Bernice Coal, at harbor, 4.50 per ton. Ask yrour Druggist or Dealer for it thmougli the train to find ont itow many above the level ef Santa Ava flivor. If Exseie dILvre 5I0 peItl ________________ wantod dinner at sncb -a place. I ask- olokaodyo ilsehl rdlvre500]rn. 111 IfThlIYt hlow mnucb it was- Four bits"_ younteokaonde i l evr diecsior. Hai handled Scranton Coal for 23 consecutive ed up crae te asIchim bht "folurk Some are small etiters quito high, but years and almost ail other kinds at times, we eau recomn- eua oraet s i ht"oraltogether they givo you tbe feeling of mend the Scranton as the BEST and CHEAPEST. in the bits" was., Ho gave me a long stare for boing shut in. If yeu climb oneof theso. He Iiad Endured Years of market. The public can always deppncl on getting dry, my ignorance and thon saîd it was 5Oc. hilîs yen get a view of more Villages onwelsrndCoas ehve ufcitsed ap it I heavd a sigl of eief h other sîde and still more bllis be- Misery and Agony. for t1fe supply of this sectïon. flr~IJA cold cunt m in.yond. i We have been using fresit lettuce and If some o! our Canadian fr iends wore vve are as in the past prepared to pay the very radishes on the table ever since I came ont bere they wouild lhamdly know low hio'hest market price for ail kinds of Coarse Graiu and ~ ~ If ee repa iv eni oatgoowr te farm,-everything is se oi Seeds delivered atour Storehouse,corner King and CGeorge syJUU1 man told hier lie wouid lave strawbe - ad c omposedef sand and some dlay, adGyn p llHope anld Streets, or at Port Darlington. -ries on Friday et this week, Mardi 25th, 'mixed in varvin rprin. We Just to hand a large supply of Sait-coarse, fine atnd 30ca box. Mms. Ilallock.tells me a boi flot ultivated the soil is as bard and E-etd t i. ari as and barrels. Retsof iRock Salt for Cattie Wiljnst make two decent saucer fulls. dry as a brick bat, excopt jast atter a and Horses, also fresh ground Grey Plaster in harrels For Couighs, Chnmnhr r ut a ý an hc on re p nisnt which we are prepared to seil cheap for cash. Bradley's CodBo-stitutien. Titey live off ini a corner o! ural stato, except ight along the river Fertilizer a specialty. Lumber, Lath, Shinglès, Sash, s~O~uS Brou-te town by tlomselves ; have squali, btosieladrwsntig utDoors, etc., always in stock. Inpcininvited and satis- cutis, Sore Pim dirty, ramshackle lieuses crewded te- sage scmnb and a fow other scmubby It is The Medicine for You, fcingaate.Iseto throat, etc. IJII gether in rows with dirty aliev-ways be- weeds 11 to 3 foot ligei To grow any-fato nr te . KENNY, WATSON & CO., tweentUe rews. The fiat tops of seme tbing successfuliy, the land must be Poor Sufferer. MONTREAL. of the hanses are a mass et clathes lines thoroughly broken up and womked _____________________________and clathes eut to wash. But besides down soft and fine: and thon amtificially BWAVLE Di so rd e re d doingilaundry work, thte Chinese bave wýatered-irrigated, they caillit. LandY u ca o be Dsp peddhng vegetables frem door te door. grow bees, olives, or in a lucky seasan Y ucno e Dsp . As a mule oach islsseilcsoe an occasional crop ef barley lay. And I~id neys. on wloin le calîs. They are very jeal- as water is about as scarce an article pointed if you, use TuB av r 1o K b i PerlÀips tliey're the source of your 11 ilf!ubyofaohrmn hyasteei nteconrte aet health and you don't know it.euifynbyoantema. heasterisntecntrtyhvee If you have Back Ache or Lamne Back. the lonsekeeper gees out and gets wliat land. There are in Riverside three if you have Puiffiness lancier the Eyes sUe wants. Mrs.Hieks doos net go eut, caniais running along tUe valley at diff-O f B o pt nz5h % or SwelIing ?f the Feet. 1%w If your Urine containsSediment cf Uowvever, se lier man cames in te see orent levels, bringing water freni away' Co rnpou nd. evovrgIreen shado trees (eucalyptus, pop. - ~ ' ~ ' e withth meineadmpvd per~~~~~~~~ trecn vrre tteadnr ots etc. In seme et the adjoining val- xe- day. kinds or else with paims, tan, date, ba- -ev t1e go mrelfiaay taI I a new enred, thanks to Paine's Beaver liioýk, Bowmanville. T HE CODKS EBES 7 FP.END nana and spauish dagger palme) or stiy iefaairealy Uay Celery Coiponind the greatest medicai L~REQTSAE I CNAD. _______________________and saine wheat' Uay. Barley ad iscoVer', ini the world I Ureal h wheat wlien grown fer hay are'cut on are sufro t ty this grand modlicine' the green side, when the grain is in tUe and test its virtues. asy Tapûe milk, and generaliy baled in bales' o! Y ours very truly, P u M N100 ils each, each bale being macle taý CHARLES COMEAU, ' ay to Operate divide up ite 1or 10 cakes, each etofacNB ailrefaurapeua teÊTx Haod'sze .lsmall in whih is a trehvenieut measuro for a LOS iz tsela efficient, thorugh. As 0e man !eed.' llav as boen a costiv aricile flEBII.ITTe tieLnflt flditd this year. Aifalfa bas been reale s 'F% NTREAN M. as~mot PJItOt.high as $14 a tan and barlf-y hav retitîl- By the aid of The D. &d Lo amln fe daas ave tn gotten id of ahacking roi, h which had tro ubled edfrafJIdy shgi s$8atn me for over a year, and have gained cQnsider oraot$5atniibuî'ulre For Inf ntsd Children. ably îUa Wtlght.% THWGAMCa.Montreai. 5acd: -ïou nw-e1eritnow îou quaintities.' The frinm prcs o noc. pad si per Bottie ihave talcensa oilt11otrisnl I hs asrufon3t 6prtn nt e~- D V S & L W E C E C O ,, L m !ted, ov r-" 25C. C. I. E oo 1 Coe h y a f o t ý' o MONTREÂL &rpieos 1oel s Ba rleyv ha y is rarel immrigatod the tam- ,~tr ~ rlvnUss ~k wt ~ .mestmsin 0ewU winter raine te OTRA