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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1898, p. 4

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____ I PERSNAL.Mrs. John Reid visited her sister-in- law. Mrs. Kinver, Oshawa, who is ii,-19r 7I , G OD VLEMr.AimosGoheen spent21th inT"'oron- ou Saturday. il,,eW estlenand Fa to~ Tin Orono. Freadi oefrmgessoM Joh Reid.V LL n ,P c o yonS. Clark, who preached BinIVA V L E Chicago, Ill, st . Paul's church recentlv,has heen in- Mis Meîad set24t jt fien$ vited to XValkerton Presibyterian MiV 1k C ans. * notlp.set2t ihfîns Mr. Wm. Hlarris, Whjtby, called to in Port Hope. spend Sunday ýwith bis brother Mr.Solo- Our Cans are, made of the Miss Helliwell of T oronito is g-uest of mon Harris, IleMiss Edith ilillier. Dr. Harry Chapple and [r. Chas. J. Very best material and are Miss Eva llellvar lias ueen viiigChapple of Billings, Montana, visited Lf ar superior to the or-dinary. lriends in Cobourg, their mother, Mrs.Wm.Chapple,Clarke. ~t Miss Eva Trewin, has been visiting over Sunday. Vr Ail ize atLowPries. friewls in Oshawa. ~ ~~f~ Mr. R. L. Werrv, St. Thomas, called B ~ ~ X AI.sie t o rie. Mrs. Martin of Michigan i ýstngon friends here May 21th, on his way B~ R O WI Mrs. G. H. Jardine. to Montreal to Montreal to accept a Mrs. Giles of Oshawa recentlyv visited position on theMWitness staff.t inw"are ine er rs. Thos. Creeper. 11ev. J. R. Turnbull, Orangeville, a ut o Miss A L. Clemens is visiting relat- z.raduate of Queeni's College, Kingston, ives at Cold Springs. has signified his acceptance of a eall to Brand a specialty Miss Eva Cryderman has returned thMarate of St. PauX church here - if o [rom Brooklvni, N. Y. Colill enras. line an iss oMryt We have a, complelle Iine Miss Aggie Nookes,. Toronto. visitcd Cie nfried a h iiinge of rlte friends here last week. cottage at Port Bowmanville, Queen'sq NIilof Screcn Windows, and Mr. Clarence Wright spent Queen's Birthclay. Doors Gee 1ir C th Birthday in Port Hope. The Port H-opeGuide savs:. Mr.Peter DoMrs. BienekeClth el], Toronto, is visiting her Murdochi, Bowmanville aintn CoalOu Soves &c. and~n ister, Mrs. W. B. Pinch, on Tuesday. lie houghft alarg lot of ewrfounten gltosc eavey ielt Ethela rblcc has been visit- bouse plants troinMr. E icela h it&orcrfu npc n !iz friends in Port Hope. gardens here. Mrs. Thos. Kirby lias been visiting- Mrs J. A. Linton, Master Grant andofteeselutsorteitefeow atagetedcon at Mr C. Kirbv's, Oshawa. Miss Gracie of LýittIe York, Mr. Eddy This was a lot of samples made to seli from, and they ar Ir% W ~ RTt is fýadElaSrt setSn Stephenson, Oshawa, and Mr. John a choice lot, and everyone of them away below whiole- Ontriq a it red iooia Wi liams, Solina. were o-uests of Mrs, sl rc. I h o r h eyncs egsadfn BowmÂNVILLE. .opposite OtruBank. Mr. S. Goard,Toronto,visitedii- son H. Jeffery, Wellington §t. sl rc.I h o r h eyncs egsadfn Mr. Thos. P., Goard,on 24th. 01, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hoar gave a gar- ail wool Scotch Tweeds, with fancy vests, and very4 cey den Party to, about 75 relatives oný May POLIH PACKLNG FACTOBY. Miss Millie Grigg i-~ visiting Miss 24, A most enjoyabl1e time was spent trimmed, ail made up in the best style. Prices ?rangL()e Hattie Merrifleld, Port Hope. and in the afternoon Mr. H. C. Tait from $3.00 to $5.00, sizes run from 20 to 26. We bishths wekon n nsde Miss Hattie Anderson, Ti-ronto, is photographed the party. A ndIm B y eW 'bihti eko an in i5 n Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Mr. M orîev .Cawker bas gone to Corne early and secure a good choice. page a full report of a meeting held in Mr. Oscar La.Belle, Peterboro, spent Flushing, N. Y., to take a position tilt Listowel, Ont , May 18, to discuss the the 244h with his parents here. Faîl in the large drag- store ofMr. E proposed Co-prtive Pork Packing Miss Muir, Belleville, >was recent Crosher. The goodwill of his many T e T l Cýompany. The, iformnation contained guest at Mr. J. K. Galbraith's, friends here follow hlm. e in that report iiimslyl our possess- Mr. W. F. Dale spent Queen's Birth- Rev. J. J. Rae, Messrs. W. W. Aluin, Is the bargain you get in, ioni long ago an ihmre appeared jay with relatives at Brooklin. C A. Cawker, W. Cain, J. McMurty in TinSTATESMAN]8ast year. Had our Miss Millie Harrison, KinQale, visited T .HgîbtaMs e.'n counicil shown the enterprîse and busi- fred ntw vrtehldv. Miss Lottie Mitchell, Mrs. G.ý H J ardine, Is without a doubt thie ai iPaerness energv that the Listowel Mavor ofMs eaCaeootwsgetFrank Knight, Geo. Mason, Mr. and g ratvle weoeri ofMrs. J. N. McDouigall last week. Mrs. M-. A. James and fainily, Miss E. avlusw ofe ii nd Cojuncîl are manifesting,we should Mr. and Mrs. B. Crawford, Port Hope,. E. Haycraf t,attended Eldad ariniversary Ladies'~ Blue . Wî ndow Shades, ýave had a companiy formed and build- spent Sunday with Mr. S. Ernjmerson. Monday. Boss ings in course of lerection before ilow. Mr. and Mrs. Holmian. Toronto, have Miss Lottie Brimacombe took part in .I XY have the correct styles, C urtai n voles. \Ve cann-)t forgive our town fathers for been visiting at Mr. H Baskerville's. the armiversarv Eervicen at 1Newtonviile t» we bave an immense the stolid indiff erence they have shown Mr. J. C. Vanstone and Mr. Fred C.Mav 24. The correspondent, [romn that I i ~ 2variety, and our prices VisoewrinLnsyTusa paeto Newcastle Times say~s:M~ 1 /~ You want the best, prettiest and to this projeet, and lwe think niany Vntn vr ida Iusa. tteBiaon> aefn eetosiaelw mos fo ý urmony, wll iveitcitizens hold the samne opinion. Mis enn Todh , r.Tho. ont, ay 24es in a most excellent manner. Myissh ~os fr or mue~,I il gie t f erbrohe, r.Ths. od My 4.Brimacombe is much appreciated here Lad jes' American mus- to you. Inspection wvill convince MUHMrs. M. D. Williams was ln Cobourg as an eîocutîonmst and deser'-edlv so .liBouerecshp o. C ADMIRED HORSE. last week visiting Mr. M. W. Williams The young lady is peculiarly fort'unate lin- fittses rec -hp YO~__Mrs. (Col.) S.Hlughes, Lindsay, has in hier selections. splenulufttr specially My aim is to give perfect sais The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, been guest of lier father, Mr. H. W. In connection with the mention in nieratrs ihwie INGRAM'S Hnîn, 6950, (Vol. VII., A. C. Burk. oure paastn issue twhitveJseWhtoc, faction. Book) owned by Chester Power, Maple Mr. Lawrence Crof t of Middleville Port Ferry, -and Mr. Henrv Elliott,Coaran Cus Grove, Darlington,has won the admira- called on Jriends here while wheeling Hampton, w'ho attended the funeral of ae e ~spr New Music, new B3ooks, new, tion of fanciers of drauglit horses on his through. Znthe la te Robt .Ashton, 1,olumbus, were ae eual ot route~.2 toi se1.50, speia forahads Stati.onery,newGames,new Puctures, hrue, a this seaon ite i a n handoe, Mr. W H. Williams, the W'est End the only surviving shipmates who came$12 o 1.0spcafr eto.e bayd with wuh it stipan facle, Blacksmith, spent Quieen's Brthdav to Canada with hm, we are informed 75c. etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Oelbe ihmc ult n tl shawa. that there is another, iNrs. Wm. Pnls'v Was a prize winneî in a strong cîass at or.R.BinîladsnMr f this town, who is quite acýtivean World's Colum pany ah dsicm rolengand of t -te i r ss G oeiods. ia near descendant of that famons Kinsale. visited hier sîster, Mrs, T. I' has pa distictm roin ofgan ithec- liydesdale sire, Darnley (222). Wvîer Goard, 21h seven N ears ao'o. ver Ingram's Heir gýoes he attracts Misses Mary and Irene Goheeni spent .The editor of THE STATES-MAN lias Our trade in Dress Goods this spring se far lias been attention by bis beautiful commanding 24th in Port fIope guests of thieir etstAer hdmn potnte orjieoe xrml rtfigt s eaefo upie o ee BOWMANVILLE. presence and lofty carniage. Farmers Mn. Geo.*Hinton. hdmn potnte orjieoe xrml.-rtfin ou.W r o upie oee Mr___________________________ f WestDurha daughters in this town andrdifs stitle hed pries Wehv 1' xr ie si ing placed at thein service such a valu- Birthday, -wltl friends ini Port HEwîteroe eecsd for eeliaye s n rcs ehv oeetanc hn i ~~~~~Iu~~~~~s A~' abetpJfteoc oepplnadPr rt.ralsnefjyovrheucebea Dress Le-ngths which we. ai'e clearing ont at less thanl the Clydedale Hris- rotei season hi n . AJ Bickell, Oshawa, and Miss member of his own family. Mn. M. J. ______________________________S 0odvmrig illae.i w Crowel Petenblino, vîsîtéd at Mr. T., F. A. James, eldest son of Mr. ai-d Mns. regular price. -stable to Albeet Rund'le's, Ebenezer,, Jamnes' Queen's Bithday. M. A. James, has been eminently suc- ____________________ 1,_-1898______ Taesdav to a s ponotle,non t. 11ev. J. W. and Mns. Bunnen of Grav- cessful in bis final exaiminatfons in the In Black Dress Goods we carry the farnous 'Priestleyl's' netiainn-to Enoch Stevens'. Enniskillen, nigt. enhurst have been visiting relatives and Dental Departinent cf the University ofý lnes. These goods are the best in the world and you will The net result of the Wednesdayio tA.ECImens', nîglt. friends here for a few days. Pensyvaia Phiadlpia aatsun aIlce tha o te the Drumi-ond county, nailway is Thursday,to Pope's Hotel,Onono, night. Mr. Malcolm T. Galbraith lias gone wit il oos 1 rdae.tî-fn torpie hycren ih 1inodnr that nothing whatever bias been proved Friday, to Bennett's Hotel, Newcastle, to Kingston' vhere lie lias accepted ing the degree of Doctor of Dental Sur- goods. agans te LurerAdmnitrtîn ght. Satunday to Bennett's Hotel, a situation in a drug store. geny, at the Academ'v of Music, Phila- vv amt ae h et5eBlack Lustre and the bu tat~ev raesupiio lasbenBowmanville, noon, thence to his own Mr. Fred D. Cherr.y, of the Singer James expects te inake a brief visit to best 50e Black Cashmere in the trade. arose aaistit Cosevaiv pe taletllthfoloin Moda. ers 'fg.Company, SchneIctady, N. y., lis home here before settling down to arusd gint t Cnsrvtvepr-$12. James Painton, Manager. spent May 24th with bis mother. business. decessor. Mr. élaggartand Mr Foster The many friends of Mr. Wm.Ellison have both vieîded sio mach as to say that THE VANKREE AND THE SCOTCHI- were pleased to meet him again after LMwr.prïifts, &(3 no charges of corruption had lever been MAX. some months' absence [rom town., Our "Vret"inwshgosi êr areweso miade except by a section of the press, Mr. and Mns. T. E. l-ligginbothaml u Vrey nws gos svr ag - eso jIn Edinburgh three students were sit- spent May 24th, wîth Dr.and Mis. Hare, The West End Smîthy' is ready to catIl an immense choice of Prints--Crum's best English Prints for which they i o odtesle igi oe icsigtebate Ontario Ladies' College, Whitbv. for youn Mower and then deliver it to respnsile an sothe attr rsts vor inperectordr, t shrt otie t at12j-c-Good English prints, fast colors, good patterns of Hghlnd cenry henon me ccupy.an 'Uncle Toms Cgabin thei your entire satisfaction. I thank ail for- 10e. First class Canadian Pi juts, good washiug goods [rntm the State of New York broke in scune neidnce tont Boanvthie. y old friends for their -liberal patron- The ntenatona Pok Pcki- C. u li 8c FiestOrgaudie Musîju specially nice patterns, The Interational ork Packng Co. uon them. with the remiark-"That Mil Tt (isnl. l the past anid respectfully solit at 8. rns Chicago, Ill., ini a letter ta the for real senel one lias to go to Amen- lel.Trua Ms lrneBýi-aanyu idfvr.Ias s o son) Mn. and Mns. Bnimson of Toronto, a [air trial fromn newý customers. I eila 5 e ad hieOgnîs iwA eî Breeden s Gazette saN s: The best type ica; that when Chnistopher Columbus were gulests of.Mn. W. G. Glover last sharpen Scissors, Kuives and ail Edge canf d esigus, regular value 25e, special at 15c. Special -of, bacon big is long and rangy ; lias a discovered Amenica lie discovered the week. Tools, having purchased a patent values in White Lawus, spotted =ulis cross bar muslin. lange percentage of lean mneat, 'the fat fietcnri h ol.Grinder, so farmers eau have theirm siu, being white and firm and not too mudlh neftéseerynt the Ynkee Mower and Reaper Knives ground in of it. These qualities are speciaill te if lie did not admit that Great Brîtain good shape. Special attention tor D0*Y 3 o 11 o t pairing lot cast metals. The West End worth breeds.tbe latter inakingarn ideal influence in the world? W.- f. WILLIAM, Proprietor. 0f course, everyone bu ys more or less ini the s li ne bacon pig,and for that purpose it should IlYes, but for real enterprise ", e- and the more you haeto , by the more niu 'be given a preference oven all others. plied the . man [nom New 'York 'you SEEDS-, FLOWERS, ETC. you are to gtthe havr odsad te rigy auxios get ropr godsand t te rgli prces. PALMERSTON WANTS ONE. have got.to corne to Amnenica. The We will be pleased to show youwhat we eau do and if A paragnapli in the local papen mndi- country discovered by Christophen Col- STITCH 1STITCHI 1 A fulil supply of dhoice Field and we canot suit you both as Yopieadqalt gvd cates that western towns and farmers umbus lias become the mnost enterpnis- sTmcil Garden Seeds now on hand, including iyl opîe u uhyw yd are fully alîve to their intenests. finan- .- -h - ,oman A' -, the famous Jutnbo, Rennie.s Pnize, ani not.hii t-heým Bootspl Pifor M.. 1% rea Ka-1ro sinyour reai name to the essey, but 1>j ~ trihdb tenme eae rîee aUKrc sufalé, b'Mki dis- subseribers to the Weekly Times eit sfic eoutest remains opeu until July lst. The peso oming sedeoun on em ooacad owI t fii glaie ad oug eenee a card v. eryer.Clb eter hvetliti- eaespterhedok.Ths s h nem oi abl to ai in > =y ,lg om sening prt Daily and part- you shl as postîeî makessona notl duste. f e bs n h We shroktwmrfssoa West Durham who have been suc- littie. i got cme ot. ir pnphleu s nd . WX eekly suliscriptions. It is no trouble bsintewonld and oiveymksndut men to eward the prize. Drop thef cdsnil eqipdfrlf' okl h sent andI go 91 secure subscriptions te these pepers, artcl i sele eveopeino heclae oofofTh HffTO Bu e.s tved Setftm0.0 lIUCh bee fi the-y are equal te eny lu the country. DEAL AT THE WEST END HOUSE. STÂTB«MýN office Letter Box before,î>L~ Y. M. C. A.ý Building, -Hemil- -sent aid to, bienks sent otapictin June 18, or eddress: TnsE STATESMAN, to)n, ont. Illustnated announcemeut comip1ty,~ bl ~ amps, ether appitonb.rpt Bowmanrville. The prize essay will bi pnapiiut e PrniaCH.Dr. 1'ierce's Pleasant Pellets e d l- Wheeis will lie shipped Fame day list 34M1 publ'she luliato THI theE ~ Prnipl C. R. ioisners ana :otlatOn, (>ne 08doe. o! subscribers is received et the Times'onMMu t y pu'v1cCtc1inTLLouoTSMIH 22they neyer ýgripe Ofie 18-10w. J ' c M ut

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