-ce-e"" ,'-,-eto'-r-. eee#-ere'tco,-'-5 e'-" -~ '-e~e'--e.Oc-r - le' '-.'e ' -'-- -'-"e'-' zi - - -I M "u eM.la t;. --'t..'-.- ......... - - -~t t ......... ... .. - " - - -- t. - - - -t.-.--- ------. t --t.t--t--.-.-.-......-.--.---.-.t.--t- -t- rTisonsands of youngsud middle.aged mon are isaviug tiseir sexual vigor and vitality continuaîby sappeci by tis dis- eaue. Tisey are freqnently unoonsejous of tise cause cf tise symptoms. General Weakness, tnnatural Disoharges. Eaul- ing Manisood, Nervousness, Peor Mem- os-y. Irnitablity, at limes Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, sitis dark cii-oies. Weak Baclt, General Depression, Lack cf Ambition Varicoceee Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and i STICTUIIE mayb'hie eause. Don'teasut family doctors, as tises bave ne expeience ln tisese- speeiali diseases-don't allew 9 uacks bo ex eriment en yen. Consuit pecialists, M ebave made a lite study o! Iliseases o!Men sud Women. 0cr NEW METHOD TREATMENT wibb posi- tively cure s'eu. One theusaad dollars for a case we accept for trestmeni and cannot cure. oeermszmoderato fora cure, CURES GUARANTEED K NFDY-KERGAN Cor. MIcklgarIkve.-and-SbelbySt DETROIT. rMION. ADAMS' ot sets ef coupons fs-cm Tutti Frutti Oum. Gel ene. î64 AJAX TABLETS POSETITELY CURE ÉÏ81% -1Ný=u8 I.s,'ce-Failingll~ erettoos. J2T-,rjqoicA:-î, aurt erti- restore Lo't, i ; eltry tnold orYonng. and fit .axmac for stu1-, *bo"tuess or marriage. Prsventnai, do ccdConsomptton 'if tÏ Ï aitie. Thair use ohcý - immediato imrove- ment and effets a CUREL wbere al rîber f ail In- çiBt upon hari the reuunire Ajîz Tablets. Taey bave cared thousandsaual -W.ose en. ove apos Itive.written gnaranteo te affet a rom , l each case or refond the rooney. Prie 5U0.e package; or six pkges (uil treat,et( for MS' D mail. iplaie wrappec-. ,pen eirt of trice. itl,uar re.AJAX REMEDY CO., ;9te"h.sL Fojr sale 1;1Bowinanvilît i T1'-.I 1JJUR% THE BEST HOTEL IN DETROIT Can douno more for yen in the way of comfortable beds andi good meals than the Franklin Bouse. Rates 11.50 te$2.00. Woodward and Jefferson Avenues eaSY a block away. H. IL JAME's & SON, Ltropritora. Bates and LarmefiStreet%. Detrit, î,Ucb. e to ,tlhe* KRng-are- forgë-enouga-wtlout thot. We eau spore ILt. Net s, " said the Prince, the Kiug's Sou, and I seee him push out one day under th~e protoat of a greail company. Ho donrs straight for the rebellious island. lic laiids amid the e xocratiens of the lubabitants, that grcw in violence until the malice of eirth bas smitten hlmn, and the spirits of the lest world put their black wings over bis dyiug hoaci andi chut tihe sun eut. The~ hawks andi vultures swooped upon this doe ofe the text, until head and breaai and fot ran blond-uutil under thse foceks and beaka of dorness the poor-thing parisheci. No wonder lt waa a bird that was taken and siain over au earthen vesaiof running 'water. It was a ebilcl cf tihe skies. It typifiod hlm wbo camne down froym heaven in agony and bloc' ta cave our soula. Blessed b. hic gleniou& name forever! .A Clean Blrd. I notice aise lu My text tisaIt te bird thatwas slain was a oea~n bird. Thse te-xt deînianded that It.sh ould be, The rayonl was; nover sacnlllced, tnor thse conuorant, nor the vulture. It must b. a clean bird, says tise toiLt,--and-it suggests tise pure Josuis-tho boly Jesus. .Although ho nspeut bis boyisood in tise wçorst village art oanrth, altbough blasphemies -were pnured m bis ar eo-_ug1ti ehave- -polone anyoneelce h.stantrds-beo re- thei Norl-& perfet-Chrst. Hered was cruel, HienryÏ VIII. was unclean-, Willia m III. was treachorous. but point out a rouît cf our Iig Ace c ye boys vebo knew hlm on the, streots cf Nazareths! Answer, nyo ye iscýreants wiso7saw hlwn uiaThe akpîrc l oIrs hv re o ld~îi~ft~t 'ty 'aive .net 1'unft ..,.t.~Lngem ous-aiiand Qëloqü§nt in,ýfidolet IbÎi dayin tisel-a-s t-li neo f-hbis bock, ail cf -Whiscb denounces Christ, nogtise sens et meon thore le ncne gi-cter tison- Jesus. " Se let th is bird of tise text hoc ea-lts feet fragrant with tise dew 1ha1t ispressod, ils isealt carrytog esprig et thyme and frankîncense, is teathers wasised in summer sisowers. 0 thou spotiose Sou' et Qed, imprees us wh tty innocence! Thou levely source o! true deligist, Wiscm 1, unseen, adore, Unv'eii tisy beanties te my sigist, Tisat1I may love thee more. I remarlt, aise, iu regard te Ibis firsàs bird mnentionod lu tise texitishat il was o tefenseless bird. Wheu thse ougle le -salte, w is i on benk lb striltes ka a t bclt oguinst ils-odversary. This -as a doe or a sparrow, ive do net know, t iWhicti. Talte tise dove or pigeon in- o r h4nd, oai tho pecking cf is beak tycur bonrd maltes ycu laugi ai tise - .lenrs~s (i-te assauli. Tise reincicer ter it klecdowsn may f011 yen -vith ies ý,tner$. TiseePx aler yen thiuk lb s deaci mmy break yaur log ln is te u th plànged in theiM-boodi bftiefifrst- birdse& we muet ho wased in the blood o! Christ or go polluted forover. Let the water and tise blood, From tby ide a healing '-flood, Be cf sin thse double cure, Save from earth aud malte me pure. Glorjous Fedm 1 notice now tisat as soon as this second bird was dipped lu the blood cf the finît bird tise priest unloosenaci Ji and ilt waa free-freeofo!wiug andi froc of foot. It could wiset its beak oni any Ireo branchi i chose. It could peck tis. grapesq of any vinoyard il chose. It wai free; a type cf our souis after w. bave wasisod iu tise blood e!f the Lamib. 'W. can go whe.ro -We will. Wc oaa cie wbat we will. You say, "Had, yqn net beter qualify thati" No; fer I romeonhen that lu '>On- version tise will 19 cbangad, and tise man will net will tisat whichIs l wrong. 'liere % ne stralt-jacket ln aur neligiieni. A. state ef clu te a tate of slavery. .A. stte hamnien f et oa'.grace knocks tis isopples from tise foot, knoeks th. baud- cufs from thse wnt.__opejstise docor into a lauciscape alashiminer with fountains and abloom witis gardons. Ib la freodom.- If-àafmon had -become s Chrietisun, ho le ne more afraid of,-2 Stinai. Th,.hndr -fSinai-do- not frigbt-en hlm. Yen lhave on soine Augusi- day ue-en tw tisundoer sisowers meet. Ou.e loud from is inounbain and another loud from tisat mountain, eemoiling neacrer and neacreri craFlh to-crash-, thiinder- to tinder, boomrr, Loominn-,ýdrthen- tise- don-dsbreak andc perbaps- tata-tise --v%ry saine streatm tisaI- come down se- red aI youir foot Ibaý,t it ý6xi Tà-f'-àalthë cattijage of tiest aonn bottîlebas- beeýn -esptied Imb oil. ?So lu i-his Bjihle T ana two arormas Aher.unen above Sute tiiher abov Calvary, asud tiiey respenci one te tise otier-IfLasist-o flash,,tisunder te thunder, bobom. 5mnai Iflunders. "Th ise cultisaI sinnetis, i shah die;" Calvory rospende,"Sav tbem frein goitng dow-n te the, pi, for I have feund a ransome." K8mai says, "lWoel woel" Caîvaty answera, "Mercy! meroy t" Andi then tht clouds buirsi nnd empty their treasures inic ue orrnt and iil coînes flcwing te our feet, i'ed vvith tise carnage o! our Lord, lu w;hýhi, if tisy seul be plungeti, lik'e tise bird in tise text, il shall go forth free-fro Oh, I wviss al Pecple 10 ursdorstaud Ibis, tisai wisou o man becense,ýs a Christian hoe dots net become a slave, but tIhat ho becomes a fret mon; tisai ho baus 1ai-ger 1Li.erty aller ho becomès o child cf Goc thon before lhebetame o oh ld of cmd. General Fisis sain thtiehoonce alceci aI o elavo block wbepre auneld Cisu,htia mislter w-as being solti. Tise anciiseor soici cf iisi: "Wisat bid. deoIisear for tbis nian? H le sa very gocd iuh ifo!ai aa; ho e s mnîstér." Sameàboki .d tiser this memning perbape. Yen hoci thoîn yesterday, or tise day bof ore, andi altheugh you wont te ho geing heaven- word, yen are coneioutly discourogeci. But 1 suppo'se wheu tisat bird went eut cf the priestes bauds it wont by inflections -sometinles siooping. A bird does net shoot dtreetl.y up, but tbis le the motion of a bird. Se the soni sore toward Ged, rising Up in love aud sometimîns depressed by trial. It doos not, olways go ia tise direction il old1k.t o,'but tise nmain course is nigýht * There le one passage linlise Bible whlcb I qucte oftener to mysoîf thon any oison, "Ho ltnoweth our frame, and ho rememberotis that we are.duel." Tisere je a logend inluIceland whicis says tisaI wien Jeans was a boy playiug with bis corarades eue Sabbath day ho made bînds ofcf ay sud as tisose birds o! dlay' were standlng upon tise grounci an old Sadducoe came along, and ho was disguted at l.sotoc ahdts birds te plecee, -but- tisalegend aciyo-tisai .Iesus waved bis hand aboeotise broken bîrds, and. tbey took wing andi went singîng heaveuwand. Of course tias-a table among tise Icelandersi, but it la net -as fable tisai we are. duel _andi that, tho baud o! divine groce waved cor us once, we z g singgtowar-4 the skiesc. - 1 I ~ liMy id, tsIw-o- eonldt.live- in a higier aitniosphero. If a -nan's-,a ilà life object la te malte dollars, ho wilI b., runnlng againat tsose w-ho r maklag dollars. If lits w-hel.e bject- ta te gel applause, h. will rua agaliitishose w-be are seeking- applauce. -BEt if h'riss- - hisgher t ian -t. astiho Wilne e Wisy ddoW,_thuiX f ofIdtt.iirs, ffïïtltfg "ip? tau isardly soteiera, netchange Ils course fer spire or toeoni Tisy arq above se often te change our Christian course if we lived inl a higiser atmosphere nearer Christ, nacrer tise tismene e! Gea. Oh, ye w-be have been w-asised la tise blood o! Cirsie-ye w-ho have been loosed fron tise hyssop brancis-start heaven- word. Il may be te sGeaofe!yen a long' fligisî Teiaptions may dispute ycur w-ny, storras ef boreaveiîsent andi trouble may' strik-e yourscul, but Qed will sou yen tbrongis. Btld, not outise eartis. Sot yeur affections on tinga lu heaven, net on tisinge ou eariis. Tise l a perishing world. Ils floivers fade. Iris fountains dry up. Ils promises cîseat. Set your affec- tionis upon Christ andi ieaven. I rejoice, my dean breibren aud sisters lu Christ, tisaitise fligisl will afi-or awhile hoended. Net elwuye beatoîs cf tiese cor-s. Net a1ways gcing on weary wings, There le a Worm dovoect ofet termal rosi whero we ghail flnd a place ef coinfort, tote -over- lasting jcy et ei z4us-eul. oh, the'y are ge!ing upl 1 he tln-gcngupfroin tbis ciureà-going np fronàaoh tise twAli4p and trum aul the cb;awoisem of the Tlhe wissemercîsant iceepe a full stocit ef Diamnond Dy es, because tise daily de- mand is 50 great for these guaranteed and world famed coloring agents. The weman who uses Diarnond Dyes for her first dyeing operation will neTer use any other tuake. Bright, stronig, clear,last- iug and fashionable colore3 are obtained enly froni Diamond Dy es.- Boek of dir-ections and card of 48 col- ors free tôeaniy address. Write te Wells & ilichardson, Ce., Mentreal, P. Q Godey's, Magazine. for June .epens witis a contribution, by Joseph Dana Miller on "The Spniard in Cuba" gliv- ing clear, concise and unnswerable statements of the wisele Cuban question reviewing tise history e! Spain's rul in the Island from 'its beginning te the outbreak oftise war with the United Sae.Tise Gedey Company 52 Lafy- ette Plaýe, _____-York, -REA CHt Tealtdspan o f.I o o n aecoreful and prevident-alilyour-life,- noue of your ciildren or dependents are Llikltotcsuffct- wanite.frotrs nYzftl e -yeurs. -13t'are- ousure? H0>w-sany, -These 2are--qUeStiows-.that- m-st -eCcun to- tienste-ie ifamily-cr depende[nts. To selve tise question sitnply join the1 CA NA DIAN ORDER 0F FORES TER S, -enjoy the priviieges of tIse safe and sound Insurance they provide. Tise price cf a ciseap cigar a day wlIl do if. Their pclicy is a coînfort in tilse of misfcr- tune during life, and a blessing te ycur loved cnes after your death-a perpetual rerninder cf your kindness, love and feretisought. THIS SOClE?>' IS Thse Leading Benevolent and Fr8 fcrnai ,nstirance Society aof canada, Givi.ag $Soo, $i,ceo, $i,,500 or $2,000 In- surance, and Sick and F'uneral Beneflîs te il-s members., For fu'4her partIculaý rs uire. cf any tf te Offleers or Mssbers of tisea d.s, r addrtss R. ELLIOTT, TEOS. WHITE, o 1r ERNST GAIITUNG, £reaford. lent in the spring. It makes rich, red blood and gives buoyancy and strength to the entire system. C. HAFtNDEN,,L.D »S. Graduate of the Royal C, llcge of Dental Sur geons, Ontario. OFFICE.-Opposite Express Otice. VITALIZED AIR. J.BRIMAC0MBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. lliggin- botham-&-Soni's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. 111111UIENI AWAY!~ A ~ IN PRESENTS.  Tbis is NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE SCIEVME - -but a 5TRALOlIT BUSINESS propositin~. A K.beautifrk Present te- everyone -FREE i ~ To each perqü» sending us ý5 cent, inrilver A FARMER MlAGAZINE, to include the beaui$ A-Seal-Christmas ïnurber,we-i1 mi Aany onse cf the followLicg presenSts' yn may se1ee-FREA--~e~t ue t.-ieork-a G old Enasneled Scart Pin (the latest cveliy,i Afor lady or gentleman) valuied at S.zor s< AKlondike fliamond Scarf Pin-a perfect pgo A-valued at $1.25, or 5 Pleces of te Letesl ASheet Music (Instrumental and'Vocal) valuci At $1'.25. (A value.of Lofý or 25C.) X Y' YOÙ hould take advantage ef this Afojr AAT ONCE. -TE G entleen Frfler Ma-gazinec A 9 lthe Iiondsomest FLýei Magazne A bi Aoeerit~a AIt contains 96 pages pro5u sely illustrated, and A is edited wjth a view t a ei t awelconmc ad' Aindespensible visitor to ever, farim ftreîîcle. A Instructive and Interestin N Ao '0farmers of,,exery la, A Oe Dollar a Veer. Tacnta py ABrother Jonathnn Publishing Co.~ AManhlattan B--uild i ng The Nvery bàt Mchne Ou1ati j - ....... . ... 1- -t ---v