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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1898, p. 8

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I The Cam[ Worms, 1E Has col AIE I'EE-P T14E t PARIS BLUE FLY P MOTH- Are Sold At The BOWMANVILLE. Popular Paints Dusti Phone 74. J AA rhet teils AItHS ~xadapi PARICIIAR to cai whicl W ADE o opera cents and CATALOGUE JOHN HELLYAI I ~î~ ~4irn ~~nx~EBENEZER. BOW ANILL, I-l, 1898. Schlool will be held as foilows: suniday TEMS o _____________ une l12th sermons wh be preýached at BOW MANVI LLE, 103 .m.,2 3,0 and 7 p.lmiib, 11ev.E. MAPLE GROVE, A. ToniCluhs.Cletosa paign gainsteach servirýe. Mona ue 13at 2..30 )Visitors: Dr. Dearborn and Misseýs interesting program of dialoguesrci ýug' ,. -ill' ht McGill and Keys, Oshawa ; Mr. S- tations, singîng, etc, by the school, Moeadfamily, Brigden, On)lt., at and readizigs by the popular elocution- Mr M Mndýýs;Mr. S. G;oard, Tor ists, Miss Estelle Reynolds, Solina, MissS e c la is f ien *ontfriendsM.ss(rs on cli-Edina Ross, Bradley's, and Miss Me- « n e ceu J rensiMsrs oýCx n .f Laughlin, Tyrone' also addresses by. SnowdenviRev. R..tCooTaylorW. R_ Rewcastle, and Rev0 13ES T Kerreli with friends, at Orono.. ,, The Dr. arvn por1 Tea served from T Epworth iegu s to erect a nwec 4 o'r. ickests 25c; children 15c.e '1 GFE Nin front of the chulrch .. .. Our Leaguti, A hcarty ixiVitationis given to al. pays a fraternal visît to Ebienezer Thurs -_______ day eyeniii- Mr, W. C. Frank takes POIEC. A clearing lot of 3 piece S uits for boys, very special STONE, h servie ýerenext 1sunday afteýrnoon value, we bought these from whiat we consider the best ~w r~ . . Mr. W. H. Foley is a delegate to %CC - ,éonference at Linds-ay, The lecture and social given in the factory ln Canada at very much less than regular prices. B C)HAVENi, church here Friday evening was a very We firmly believe that we are selling these at better values NEWH VENpleasant affair. 11ev. A. M. Irwin, our 'OISON, junior pastor, occupied the chair and than a.ny you ean find elsewhere, compare values and sce. CAVX MOF, Rcen Viitos: issBearic Foterafter devotional exercises and anthems Our special values in Black Worsted, Satin Finish Coats town, nthesior Miss Buar, osatar by the large choir, introduced Rev. J. and Vests are in quick deman.d, another arrivai this week. E Cvtead Mtss ViasVnCap; r . Osaw:J*Rae, Bowmanville, who gave lis in- E CvstdMsViaVnap;Mr. and teresting lecture on 1-Fits and Mis-fits. " We have black stripe worsted pants madefrom our own I.ktXes PMrs. Joh Witherage, Toronto, at Mr., To say, it was humorous and instruct- materials and are showing a very large 2Cssortment. Our a lowet ree. JhnWithcrage's; Mr; and Mrs, John, ive is a common expression, but snch sales in the clothing department show a very con,,siderable Perkin, Sr., town, at Mr.Wm.Kilmani's; is the trutî. While the speaker looked increase- over those of 1897 for some time. Miss Eva Mat thews, town, at Mr. WVal - on the the mis-fits lu a humnorous way, [B T AII& O ,daughter, Ama,visited Toronofriends ah erpexngmi- msor ie as:tey GROCERIES. .e Chemists and Druggists. . . .. Miss M. E. Vancamp is home from aýernd o adiav t e yt n Oshawa and will reside at the homle- locks the treasury where the rouczh It is a well known fact that we give the beste value. stead. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. Blyth visited edges may be smoothed and everything Sugars, Teas, Biscuits, Canned goods and general groceries their daughter, Mrs. J. Mollon, Hamp ynlade to fit according to the plan of oure are ail cheaper here. See our 10e Can Salmon, guaraniteed ton.,... Master Geo. Burk, son of Mr. E- Creator. Miss A. M. Bickle, teacher, the rli. Ms ERni as been san nîcely. A very heartOr goods, see our 25e black tea, we also give the top prices f or J. ur hs ee sangt cngstonfsolo very iey'-vrhat thelug ...Mis Ea àiî(1eýa benvote of thanks 'moved by Mr. W. Y produce, we have received several tons of general groceries suffering with blood poisoning in hier Bragg, seconded by Mr. Andrew Pol- this week. hand . ... Capt. S. Burk and Mrs. Burk lard, a coddt r a o i hame.tun -oter oeatCa address and the meeting was closed by ORDERED CLOTHING.... ham. singing the national anthem. Coffee, SOLNA.sandwiches and cake were served at We have a first-elass cutter, we have a large stock of SOLINA.the close and a social time ,eujoyed by eluth, we turn over stock rapidly and ean always show ail present. Mr. m. oi hs ben uiteiiibutsomething new, we have special values lnu worsted coatings, ircveg. .Mr. Wm. Lammas.ben.q iman 11 butE our own importing . New styles lu collars, ties, hats, &c., bas lad a lame knee.... Miss Annie constantly arriving. z = = =Hogarth has rheumatism ...Recent visitors: Deputy-reeve Clemens and Visitors: Mr. Wm. Courtice, Fullar- BOOTS AND S1r10ES wife, Tyronieat Reeve Pascoe's; Mr, ton; rs. Prouse, Little iBritain; Mrs. J.JNL LL/LI. and Mrs. A,. Webber, Mariposa; M~r. B' . M .M Moore, Tyrone, guest of her sis . Mus hae m re eris tan looerOslwa;Mis Lo WiliansterlMrs. Wyborn; Rev. Dr. Marvin at We have animmense assortment bought at the lowest Mus hae mre eris tanBowmanville,... .r T. Baker sold a .onference at Lindsay and Mrs. Mar- prices. We are not tied down to one or two iliakers, we horse for a good price and purrhased vin 1s visiting relatives near there; Mr. get the best value money ean buy and seil at prices to others. People don't express another from Mr. E. Beîlman, of Bow- S. J Courtice, Victoria University, at pes.SeorBos a prefrence ithoutample mnille .. r. J. B. Reynolds of home .... At the D. U. C. F., 18 large pes.SearBos Agricultural College, Guelph, paid'aarce ee er made oondae. .. . Repairs DRY GOODS. reason. The Prism Prepared fiving visit hore last week as did also ae ~ o h asng.. whic we eli aveMr. R1. L. Werry en route to Montreal. m cad ihols, a very prosperous Very speilvlu ubak Sateen underskirts $1 .00, Paints wih w elhv .... The anniversary services on Sunday and mc respected yeoman of thispealvuei a wereOM re wehl attended. Iu the af ternoon place passed suddenly away Sunday $1.25, and $1,50. About 300 yards heavy Giughain, good many good points torco-1ev. J. J. Rae of Bowmanville preach. morning. Hie had been sick for two patterns, very special at 5c per yard. A new shipment of med he. f ou haed a mst eloquent and instructive weks but appeared much better,' and ladies' print wrappers 85c, $1,00 and $1.25. A full range mend them. f you havesermon to the children and older folks was being assîsted ont of bed by his son ofLde'adC.,rnswiewar odvle u panigto do try them. They also. The school furnished versuit- when le suddenly feil back and expired. fLden hlrn ht er odvle u pablen music for the occasion. n the HRe las been a fife-long Liberal and ai- Ladies' Print Blouses at 5Oc beat anything shown, ahl other will please you and the results evening the Enfield choir furnisled ways a stauncli supporter of what le prices equally good value. Everyone who las seen Our exelent music and 1ev. Dr. Marvin of thougît was rigît. Like many othersdipyofarslsytathe aete cetotte will show you wyte are so eezrpehdagodsmn of our best citizens, Mr. Nîchols came ipaofarslsyth heaete cs othy Monday's program next week. - to Canada fromt England with buthaevrsenpiesfom5et 3 Nefulsebac ýo ýL ýr.csmall possessions but by lonest indus- cotton lose at 5c a pair. We have reduced prices on car- HAYDON. tr and eeonomy ls acquired consider- pets, now is the time to get a bargain. We also sell the abe roperty. e leaves behind a wife ptn aptlnnettigee hw osv apt u'u' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and large 'family, higlly respected and ptn apthnnettigee hw osv apt I- I I1e.J. J. Rue gave lis lecture here 'wel1 te do. TIcfuneral was îargeîv at- Calun d sece it. a in & 14 , r to a ,fuil bhuse on May 24t1. lis sul- tended on Tuesda 'y and was conducted ject "Fits aind Mis-Fits was excellent by 11ev. Geo. Gale, a fellow country BOWMANVILLE, and le made a joll-v as well as instruet- man, lu the absence of 11ev Dr. Ma-r-A'M ive eveniug. lus refined sport anci vin, lis pastor .. . .See notice ot Eben-aa thougîts were 'decîded ly hîgh class and ( wholesome. 11ev. Mr. Adams made a ENFIILD. ftting speech to tliose taking part and - H AMPTON. Si.. extended a vote of tlanks on behlf of The anniversarv services of Enfieid r.ad- the aydo Leaueirovd byDr.Sabbath chol wil li hed asfollw is M tors Mrs: r. n T.Ms MartMatnnBeeloow the layon eage, ove byDr.SabathSehol illbe ld s fllos: issM. Martin, Cheboygan, Miss Hea '~ijMitchell and seconded by 11ev. Mr. Ir- On Sunday dunie 12 sermons will be Lane. Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. S M. Clemes win, for their services, Mr. C. Everett preached at 2:30 and 6:30 p. m. by 11ev. orayton ..Mr. Theodore Saitr and bric Brown, Hlampton, and Mr. Jas. Gourd, J. J. Rae, Bowaîanville Collection ut Gr. enbnk, vited ils prent hieiaa"te RM U S L . Bownîunviile, ec rae h uilc ahMevc.O odyJle1 týr. R Bunta f arm, toak posses.sion lasi wek S1 MS1l MONTREAL. QUEBEc, to a couple of solos and were leurtily ý2:30 p. m. a program will be given of ....our s. S. anniN-ersary Jaly lat.PateA.M 6 Pam nam~- tedelrciuixa n snig ytc eol ulars later-..Mr. Wm. Allun.who lias one fCrthgna... 21 May Sameo Day applauded. Large ubratne eiaiisadsnigYthsco the best Xork hire hogs in the township bas e uias . .... 8 l LRB E & G A IEalso from Tyronie and other neigh- and addresses byx- revs.J, J. Rue, E.A. eeîved anotherregistered parfo ube Clfri .. ....4Jn boigon.Proceeds neurly,20 Toni, E.Eaow-rd SG..or.e EAL R ~~1iflC HayonadEnisklle buebal n- Music bv Enfleld Brass. Band. T ea bestis thecheapesianditpays ýortiveoniy the Carthagînîn.....25un tlusiasts have chosen Thursdav even served froîn 4 o'clock. At 8 p.m. 11ev. best"l They are being shown with pleasure 10 nh JI Imu rings a regulur practice nights .... .Mr. J.J. Rue ill lecture on "Men with those who are interested in thia cl-as of stock. DoasAl , -) Cali and see them... Mr. E. John Clarke and *Parisian and Californian calis at Loerry.- UUnmRflVILLL ~~~~W. C. Motley gave lis old friends lhere their eyves open". Admission to tea 25c; Wm.Inchi wheeled to Port Hope to see their LarninlacanoiyCrtanan d 2 l§Rmt'M V 1 a fling visit Thursduy. Eveî-yone was childreu 15c. Lecture and tea 35c; relaives. cabin oniy. iitu2d Ii O T. glud t sec lim once aguin. ... TheI.S lecture only 15c and 10e, Everyone ItZis eause they improve the power Passengers will betransferredw!Iihtei bg- tea will be held us usual on July lst. cordially invited. of assimilation that Millers Comnpound gage fromfthe railway station tothe whaLý,rf free Pructice sturted Tuesday evenirig. Ree.Vstr .M.udMs c.ro uscuetere opslst f charge. Farmers everywhere are greatly en- Cleary, Toronto, at Mrs. R. Reynolds'; inuitiply and the weighit to increase s0 R T S0FoSA E couruged over crop prospects. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Tapp, Toronto, and rupidly. ]A E FP SA E Mr. W. H. Ford, Oshuwa, ut Mr. W. By Parisian - Live rpoo)(l anS (JEDAR DALE. Tupp's; Mr. Oliver and Miss E.Ileutlie. ENNISK1LLEN. Lo.dondery-lst. Cabin, $52-50) , $60 , $70, $0 ut M. J.Virte's;Mr. . --retaru, $105, 1114, $188, $152 ; 2n1d Cabi, (ilclud Long Saunt, a M.J.u ge';Mr . nLondon)$86.25. Steeraga .L[>iverpool,Derr«y. - - Mss Cnan senttI 24h u tc.and Miss M. Ashton, lluydon, ut Mr. J. 1e .W nMsBnnr aiutn i-Blf ast, Giasgow,London-23.50. -- ety.. . Mis Mud Bynu isvisiino lohton's; Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCul- ite ai Mr. W. H. Martin's..Methodist puipit By Californian, Numidian, areta frieds ere Mr.E. Witig i vi l-chrt t Manchester .... The band con- was occupied Sunday week by Rev. E. A. Dove it Cabin, $52,50 and 50,;, returu 10, 114. taoe ee ..M.E'Wiii-i vqt-cr wus a decided snccess finunciully."ibotxeIInaybyren... Adeaudiene ,By Numidian Castilian', 0orCar.. *1:\a ing friends in Rocester, N. Y....M r . o i xeleteemos...AdeamdeTneS- and Mrs. Cook, Toronto, have movesnsrs. Stephensoni and Chinu, Brook- sembied Saturday eveniuJg in the Methodist thaýýinLn, 2nd CaIin (including Lon1don), $54.ý into A.Brook' buse. r. O~in,. made leaus of laughter for the churois ai the League concert. The program Parisian or Californian ffl.25.Stea;2.5 Lagon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it eA.pio Suerhe"MG n r. E, Mborsae . r r ui enea felepsuiyfrilwas a varied ons consisting or selections fromi by Parisian or Californian ; $22,50 hy al other the oneater i fs1 wearerviescdrmeGllanBritisl Cormis ave .. rs. n-asudiexcelenthemusie p.Sons cfunlandthe gramophone under the direction of Mr. steamers. ed ecelent usi ... Sos ofEngandByrnes, B. A ,recitations by Mr. Jos. Ferguson, New York to Glasgow and Perry, "State of ted to, how the sloe is made, îow Painton, Bowmanville, visited le ldter ulermonund-ara e 1.a., vion Msolobaertsis H . Arth...urNbrsaMnoastain'5aduad. re orifan tc acfrynuiner ~ter, Mrs. Chas. Goodman ... . Dr. al- Sunday week,.... Rcv., R. N. Adams, junior fotball taam wenf to Jilackstock on For tickiets anad evary Information ap. Lre(ffoell, Bedlevelle visitcd lis Cald-Tyrone, reueled lere luot Suniduy.the 24th and played an aven game wiîh thejunp- l to h ay autsllyletrfeatuthtlw MraCnan, ecuty. brthr-u-MrJ. . oe tste vlu.W dive trsthre nethr coina..Dr Mtcel dri.v.erES law,~~~~ ~ Mr.Colnrcnl...à, Freýd. lastweek with a record of 2:59. -.Mr, Toronto attending the Ontario Medicai Associa- -tv.Ti a sgo o ie Mtesl n t Ltl uk r ion. - Mr. Wm. Bliqgham lias beau in Toronto Ailan LinsAeutiiowanlis sativ e. osf Sai s god fo ish.Mosthn erds ndwifelaivesYok, re. W. Nichols las starf éd a milk routie to visiting ha son Dr. Gso. Binghami . . .Messrs. on botlecfSiaer hoePolaI viitig rieds nd eltivs lre Hampton cheese factory., A. and H. Mitchell have he.ini Toronto for a lya etdadsfamped on .Gfny n aiyofCriaibrief visit. ... 4ad to sea D, r. ackney hack n hya efcd~M.~ave y aned r fa ..Mr.lyo CorealAlways avoid harsh purgative pis. our village once more for a llai f ,01 l I T n soie hy thc makers. $3,00, $400 Ptebro adMr LsleHave, T hey Irst make you siel and then icave stay îooksng after Dr. Mitjchelî's rccedr g W Q l- 1%lA N i .5.oo par tpair. o-t,4spet24tlItl t+eir+parents, yvinsipatc. Crteur's Littie Livr ihe latterlsabec...een ltrsMr There are-many kinds of Sewing Machines, but wherc purchasing a new machine you should by ail means get the \ ery best-This is the kind I seI.ý For T-ilors' and Dressinakers' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices raobiterms mnade to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with evr ahne. Intendling purchasers should call and investigate,, or sent pos',d card anid agent will be around. Best machine ohl for sale. Buy no othier. Machin pcrarts and repairs supplied. I have a, bç -anLtifui 8îx-Octave Pialio-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- gain. New su1tpliHes of iBoots and Shoes, WVlaiI Paper, Pure Paris Green. a od best varie! îe of Try11i Seed. r-.1 - -rn Whne* r tel ing, buttait-gbeJg 'a crut-ted, pinapiy, out t l l,,h-taainnle scrofuilo ,is,or ber ý,dif cryf ro-m ifte oa spec lily calte I hy -wairitîbath i triait S3oAP, gen'ic aitotutia t- watb Cic .oaî aie tahe gmria idai iure, cui a d' of Cr--,(n s.Itý < -ego ctc1h . purifiran- aa~e - i iigBomauir' lla ae' tru rs . .Ex, tamnbalnomain iihceerfuily Write for or îintcesaiing bocks 1'Inven lt- Milditon.... Mitas Mary Powars, Kirby, iso ihf.Muto ippr ors Heip" a nd " How yon arc swsinfilef.1 g casaiof lier sisaica, Mais. John Rfekard .. Miss Send n.s a reugh ssketch or modal cf yonr IlIeaicaif, Port Hope, is vasaiasg Miss E. Thorne Addres, ivnino tnrtcot.ad cwi a A - MseFornc a y cr visitaI lias. (1ev.) M. 152w W HWyPicpl 3on frea oupn i on oia-to whcthar it la E. ilson, Newtonville, reccntly ..Mr. Geo. Yonge & Gerrard, Sta., Toront o. prohably patentn1lle. 10o make a spcoiaity W oDubarton, 1ts satiaiîsag rs. Eý. A. Coi- _________o________ f npplictinsre *jecaief in other hands well... . Bard plays ont neat Satuvrday nagli..... IHighaiai îefereiicsfurnislitad, Mr. Jas. ilifillanl. B. A,,trsnrllpreachas izmoi m ARiýoN fai the Meaihodisai chuxcli aexai aunday mot aîng t'PT~TSLGTR XET and Mr. J. Higginhotham li the o enn, - PTaENiTaSCatneI FuIneR', G'a0naETs c A BooN TO CYCLISS.-A bottie of il ,Egne«th H aad's Yelloxv Oïl slould le las cvcry t n letrclîSe '-.O c1, icafeachil cvclist's kit us lit i11te rmt effectivec re ltn il . et-WtrOli mcdy for sprin, bruit-e., duts, sîif 4 c 1 i, lt-t - - -ft ,ü-ec euba m joints, coûtraciota of the muscles. ~~Sccyfl-lLiras craips i a the legs, etc. < ' -'I't.liMOTlA.A. "llistory As If Is Made" is i-endcrcd. o L. " Children. , a.ttraetiî e blv some dozen portraits and fesul,)ects of ycoliprac re da . ýIoe O y o Pracll tta.al abt.n ane î~u tP imm j

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