lits T1IPRMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FZRST; THE WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. \ýEW SER.IES, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 23. Whatý Ab %out Car pýetýs ?Y 9 DOYOUWANTONE 7 If so, COUTCH, JOIINSTON CR YDERMAN invite you to inspeet their inew stock which they have just reeeived direct from the manufacturers, both iEnglish and Canadian.uptthfietBsss A big stock of ail kinds, from a cheap Jute imported. .. Also Union, Wooi and Ayranian Ant four by five yards. Direct from the makers in 'London a lot of 1 most durable eovering for kitchen floors. An immense range of Lace Curtains, ail new ani up to very fine goods. No better vaine shown in any of -the abon Canada. Ooh, Johnston BoWMAiNV ILLE. Have You ' Seen, our New Lines For SpringO Do not f ail to eall and see what we have in Furni ture. It will pay you for we are offering * the best and cheapest Ene of Fur.niture ever belore, seen in these parts. Having bought very largely at a goodl discount from a wholesale firm going out of business, you will find sonie bargains. Cali and see, it is always a pleasure to show goods. Undertaking alwaYs receives prompt and personal 'attention day or, Il DaWILLI AIS &SON.M BOWMANILLE.Agents for Dominion Organs and Piano s j~Ur 0w Oroe r-yStorte, The, undersigned having formed a partnership as general grocers and provision merchants,beg to announce to citizens of Bowmanville and residents of West Durham that they have a, splendidly assorted stock of Family Groceries, Teas a specialty, Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds, Coal Oils, Wooden Ware, Gem Jars, etc. Everything usuâl11y found in a first-class grocery store. Cali and see us. We will seli chneap and give you courteous treatment. M-Farmi Produce taken in exchange. SAÎ1DERS & SCOTT.1 tSquares in ail sizes up to Linoleum, the cleanest and 7designs, from 25c per pair e, Hiles by âny -house in &Cryderifan, TUE LAIE MIlS. HE1NRY. Another of our worthy icitizens uassed away on Thursday mornin- last in the person of Mrý;. Ifrnry. reliet of the late William Hlenr'i, agod 73 years. De- ceased's maiden îîame was Etizabeth Joflnston, fifth dau-ghter of SamuelI Jolinston, w-io came w ith her father's family from Arîna-ti, 1lreland, in 1837 being then a gir! of twelve y cars ot age The 'v settled in the towvnship of Clarke where she was niarricti to William Henry who with his father's, famiivj carne out in the same boat, air old sali-1 ing vessel, which took ciglit weeks and1 some days to cross the ocean. Sone1 vears after thcy moNed to the township of Darlington, on the farm now occupied by their son, Mr S. J. Hlenry. Eight years ago Mrs. Henry with her twvo daugliters remnoved to town. Deceased was a consistent munii uer of the Presby- terian church since she was a young girl, and ail through her life, 'in sick- ness or health was a true christian. A kind, wise and loving mother and greatly beloved and looked up to by her ramily, which consisted of 3~ sons and daugliters. Two sons and three daught- ers survive to mouru the loss of a kind and loving mothr-Wm. L. Henry,' Winnipeg, S. J. Henry, Tyrone, Mrs. R. ,J. Evans, Teeswater, and Missi Henry aiâd Miss Mary Hlenry at home. The funeral on Saturday from her late residence, Wellington St., was veryr largely attended. Services were con- ducted by 11ev. R. D. Fraser at the house and by Rev. R. M. Phalen, Black- stock', at the cemeterv Left rProstrateê2 Woak and Run Down, WIth Nemit and KId neye On Sad CondItion - Restored by I4ood's Sarsaparlila. IlI was very mucli mun down, havlng been slok for 8everal months. I had been tryling different remedies which dîd ime nio good. I would have severe spelh of coughlng tJiat would leuve me prostrate. I was toid that my lunge were affected, and my heransd kldneys were tu a bsd condition. ln fact, it seeemed sthough overy organ was out of or der. 1 feit that somethlng must be donc snd my brother advieed me to try Hlood' s rsprfýllsa procured a bo$ttle and began tsking it. Bef ore It wue bal gorre I f elt that lit waû helplng me! I contlnued itt use imd $it han made me a newý womsn. I ea]noý pralse it too bighly."1 MRS. ScMMEE- VnLE, 217 Osngton Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Get only Hàood's, becoufe Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best-n laet the One True Biood Furifier, Sold by ail drUggiSt8. si, s4x for $5. liood'sPulase LOCAL GYCLISTS.' kn ARnd 1 riound 9o3tuxmarvi11e WAho Enay', Silent Steed. We give this week a list of the owuers af bicycles and namnes of their wheels in Bowmanvillo and viciuity. As will bo .seen fromn the following list of over four liuLndred namos a very large n umber of our cîtizens participate in the plea sure and recreati')l to be found on the sulent s5feed1. We beliove no other town of its ýi ze can produce such a large nurnber W,,e bave eudeavored to get the names ,ýorrect1y and have béen aided in many cases by porsons.souding or handiug lu i-the list. If mistakes occur it will b be - ea use othiers did nlot respoud to our re- Tho streets of Bowmanville are in a .ajr condition to enjoy this pastime and for the convenience of the bicyclists de- sixing to bpend their eveniugs atthe lake a com inittee inýteres ted thomselves and c-anyassed for subscriptions to bu ild a çîftder path. Tl'le recuit is that sueh a path is new built from the Rag Castie ç.Qrner to the lake and from the samne ionrto the station, so that those who, desire a run to either place are able to 'o so without trespassing on the general sada.We understand this new a~fd le to be completod next year but at PreSCDt is a great couvenience and will be more so after the cindors have been putý on and the road becomes botter. Bowmanville not only possesses a large number of bicycle enthusiasts, but with ita usual enterprise can boast of a Company who manufacture the 1ýn -Sr littable Wood Rims, which have become so popular, the Tough Tread Tires made by the Bowman) ville Rub ber Co., andi also a Bicycle Manufactoi:y. Allen, WesleyÊT., Goudron. ÀAlexauider, J. HarrY, Clev eland, A!lexander, Wm.. Masse-Harris. Aln, Miss M., Massoy-Harrls. Alen, Miss C., HysJop. Alcot, Anthony, Cleveland. Andrew, Miss Lonie, Comet. Alleîî, Miss B,., Cresceet. Alexander, J. W., iMclBurney&Beatty. Alexanider, Mrs. J. W., Massey-Harris. AdmEdgar, Brantford. Armour. Miss M. M., Hyslop. Allîn, Ambrose, Clevcland, Ayre, Thomas, -Reliance, Allin, Simon, Elipise Racer. Allin, George (far ), Speed King. Allen, Frank, Stearus. Alin, George, (far.) Cleveland. Affin, George, Clevelaud. Armour, Joe, Massey-Harris. ALýrmour, Walter, Massey-Ilarris. Adams, Wm., Anteiope. Bell, James, Crawford. Babcock, Miss Carnie, White. Brimacombe, Dr. J. M., Brantford. Brimacombe, Miss Lottie, Brantford. Bennett, A. J., Gendron. Beith, Alex., Columnbian. Blair, Charles P. Columbian, Borland, Miss Mabel, Kenwood. Burden, Thos., Hyslop Bounsal, Mis. Gris., Victoria. Bà-skerville, Harry. Stearns. Brooks, Sidney S Stormer. Beith, Gordoù, MÏssey-Harris. Beith, Miss Helen, Stearus. Boguie, Miss Maggie, Crescent. Burriss, Rev. R. A., Cleveland. Burden. Frank, Niagara. Botterai, Leonard, Stearus. Bragg, Thos. G., B.A., Massey-Harris. Broughal, Miss, Hyshop. Burk, Miss Hattie, Steamns. Brown, Henry, Cornet. Bugg, Miss. MasseyHarris. Byrne, E. M., Mascey-Harris. Byran, J. F., Empire. Brauton, A,, Cleveland. Beer, Miss Lottie, Massey-Hairris, Bragg, Miss G. V.,, Massey-Harris. Burk, Miss Eva, Earl. Brimacombe, J., Autelope. Brown, C. E., Brantford. Climie, Miss M., Road Quocu. Cawker, 'Wesley, Crawford. Clarke, 11Horace, Cornet. Courtice, Luther T., Stormer. Cryderman, Manly, Goudron. Cryderman, J. H., Columbian. Cryderman, Lawry, Doflauce. Couch, Fred W., domet. Colich, Albert B., Coumbian. Couch, Miss Mabel, Kenwood, Cox, Chas. Stearns. Cox. Albert, Cleveland. Cawker, Miss Alice, Crawford. Cryderman, F., Cleveland. Cryderman, Miss A., Cleveland. Thel Curtis, John, White. Clarke, Robert, Eclipse. Can, Miss Bertha Brantford, Collacott, Miss N. Cleveland. Cox, John, Crescontý. Cox, Arthur, Antelope. Colville, Miss Mary, S tanley Milîs Co. Colo, N., Cleveland. Canu, Wm., Cleveland. Collacott, John, Cleveland. Chisneil, Mr , Cleveland. Congdou. Jos., Cleveland. Colville, Dr. J., Cleveland. Colville, Dr. N., Cleveland. Carr-, Miss Ethel, Heloise. Couch, Norma, Comet. CrYderman, Mrs. J , 1,Eclipse. Coone, J., Eclipso. Creeper, Ewart, Common Sense. Clarke, E. J., Brantford. Clarke, W., Chicago Special. Dale, W. F., Tribune. Darch, Albert, Brautford. Dingman, W. S. MI., E & D. Davidsou, R. D., Stearus. Davidson, Mrs. R. D., Crawford. Downs, Frank, Gardon City. Dowuey, Frank, Crescent. Downey, Fred, Cleveland. Dowvney, Wallace, Cornet Dustan, Miss Carn e, Duchess. Doncaster, Miss B.,' Davldsou, Mrs. J., Crawford. Davidsou, J., K. of S. Doidge. W., Western. Edsall, Miss Beryl, Phoenix. ElIenor, T. -Herbert, New Barnes. Elliott, Miss Maud, Crescent. Elford, Wallace, Quickstep. Edgar, Oliver, Rehiance. Elford, A,, Cleveland. Ellio, F. T., Deveav, Frost, F. H., Masscy-Harris. Fligg, Miss, Masscv-Harris Fox, Ensigu, Br-aîîtford. Fleming, Miss Maud, Cleveland. Fisher, Miss, Stearuis French, Miss Louise, Speed Queen. FaramMiss M, Cornet. F=raiu Miss, Cornet. Fishlelg h. Thoodore, Victoria. Fraser, Miss Jennie, Cleveland. FaeDouglas, Seorcher. Frse,1ev. R. 0.., Cleveland. Fitzgerald, Thos., Conteur. Freeman, Wm., Pilot. Foster, Miss E., Comet. Foloy, Fred R., Comet. Fishleigh Co., Massey-Harris. (2.) Foster, Rd., Mfas8ey-Harris. Fowler,.Ed., Cloveland. Fishleigh, Mrs Roger, Victoria. Frayer, Albert, Cleveland. Frayer, Percy, Cleveland. Grigg, Frank , Gendron. George,' Oliver Racycle. George, Miss ilelen, Cleveland. Grigg, is illiTempest. Gifford, MàissLillie, Brantford, Goard, Wm. J., Cleveland. Goodwin, H., Columbian. Goodwin, A., Tribune., W. R., Goudron. Goedwin, Mrs. W. R., Reliauce. Giillan, Geo Empire. Gay, Milton, §tearns. Gil s, Jas.. Antelope. Gilbraîth, M. T., Brantford. Gand, May, Antelope. Gale, Miss Leila, Speed Queen. Gay, D., Pilqt. Gilbert, Arthur, Hyslop. Graham, W., Crescent. Grigg, Mrs. John, Tcrnpest. Groat, F. J., Cleveland- Gîbson, W, Cleveland. Gilfillan, J. J.,1 Crawford, Gilîson, Geo., Crawford'. c-reu, J., Crawford. Horn, John, Stearns. Harrris, Sulas, Envoy. Hook, Poney S., Stearus. Hoskin, Robt. R., Masse.v-Harris. Hoskin, Miss Allie, Massey-Harris-. Haines, Wm., Antelope. Hughes, Miss Millie, Crawford. Helivar, John, Cleveland. Hell.yar,Miss Eva, Massey-Harris. H.umber, Âýrtkur, K. of S. Hor, Miss Millie. Stearns. Hughes, Rich., Skylark. Hall, Norman, Brantford. J-Trnihro Jo trhn Ceeln Heatlie, Norma,, assey-Harris. Hutchison, Chas., Massey-Harrîs. Hastings, Chas., Massey-Hfarris. Hall, Miss Nellie, Tribune. Hoar, Fred, Dayton. Hoar, Thos., McB. & B. Hall, Miss E., Cornet. Horsey, Fred, Ilyslop. Hilîrer, Miss Edith, Massey-Harris, Herm, John, Leader. Ilockeu, Norman, Garden City. Higglinbothanî), T. E , Crescent. Hastingw,-, C., MasseybHarris Hastings, Mrs. E., Brantford. Horu, W. W., Star. Isaac, Harrv, Stearns. Inch, Wm., Cieveîand, Jarvis, R., Massey-Harris. Jarvis, Miss Martha, Relianca. Jarvis, James, Geudron. Jarvis, Miss Lona, Reliance. Jeffery. Mrs. C , Reliance. Jeffery , .Eao.le Jouess, Chas. IÎ,'New Barnes. Joness,,Wmh., Cloveland. James, M. A., Massev-Harris. James, Miss Mý M , Perfect. James, Miss E S., Cleveland. James, Nol-man S B, Cleveland. Jones, John, Goudron. J ewell, T. C., Stearus. Jewell, Miss F., Gardon City. Jury, J. H. H , Centeur. Jury, Miss Mildred, Speed Queen, Johuston. C. Avery, Davton. Joncs.,, Miss Wiuuie, Duchess. Jones, Miss'rherossa, Ariel. Jackman, S. J , McCready. Joness, Miss Bea, Eclipse. Jouess, Miss M. E , Eclipsc. Jardine, Stanley, White. Jenniugs, Miss Julia, IHvslop. Jardine, Wen., Steariis. Jones, Ted, Massey liar-ris. Johuston, Edward, Brantford, Jury, J. H;, H. and Mlrs., fricer, Keith, Chas.,, Cen tour. K. of S, Kent, Carl, Clunîhian. Kerslake, Frank, Antelope.- Kribbs, Wmî., Croseiit. King, W. C., M & 13. King, Mis W. C., ýjc . '1il3. King, Miiss Ethel, Empire Kin--,VMiss Edua. F.mpire. Kyddà, Frank, M 'ssV barris. Kydd, Fred, Stearuis Knight, Frank, White. Kerrell. W , Crescerit. Kydd, J- H., Perfect. Kent, C. B., Columbian Tandcm' Katerson, Éf , Brantford. Katerson, N., Brantford. Legg, Chas., Rudgo. Lunney, James, Stearns. Lang, Miss J., Crawford. Logan, Miss Hilda, Garden City Lyle, John, Cornet. Lawrie, *Miss I., Stanley Milîs C& Loscombe, Miss, White. Loscombe, Miss. White. Lymer. Thos., Brantford. Lyle. Miss Gertie.,,Cresceut. Long, W. L., Cleveland. Lynch, W., Mason, Lance, Massev-Harris. Meath, Clarence, Dulie. Mason. Miss Stella, Brantford, MasQu, Miss Millie, Massey-llarris, Masona,'T. G., Whitworth. Medland, Chas., Massey-Harris. Mitchell, Miss Lottie, Clevoland. Mitchel,1 A., Griffith's Speciai. Mitchell Rod Gendron. Mitchel, Freâ, Gendron. Mitchel, J. B., McB. & B3. Mitchel, Mrs. A., Ilslop. Mitchel, Miss Helen, Crawford. Mutton, John, Comet. Mason. George, Stearns. Moyse, llerb., Alert. Morris, Sid, Comet. Muir, Miss Edna, Sun. Manning, Miss Rhea, Detiance. Manning, Miss E., Deiane. «Morrison, Shirley, Brantford. Maynard, Geo. E, Pîlot. Murdoch, Miss Kate, Crescent'. Marvin, 11ev. Dr., Utah. Mitchell, Harold, Crescent. Morris, Miss Bertha, Brantford. Muir, Miss Newby, Speed Qucen. Mollon, Miss E. IL,. Cavalier. Mannigan, Chas. Cleveland. Mollon, J. T., Comet. Martin: W., Beaver. (Continued on Editorial Page.) Chil1dren Ory for OCATORIm 1A« i ýýM IPIH-ýé.e 1 (t - - a