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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1898, p. 6

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Manchester milîs, thiose helpefi to buildiHA PO IL1 the pyramidsanad these broke away tram H M TN work an tbe day Christ was boundoti BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 29, 1898 builti; heaven la clone. Na maro garmients mave bere ibis week, ________________________________ta weave; the robes are flniished. No are vos,,Ista maise; the garners are Commander Creeper bas bis forces Contr-st etwe n"'t e Faigue of his orld fult. Oh, sans9 and daughtersaof tail, arise 'dut warriug agaiust bad roads, ye andi depart, for that la yaur rest! Several from bere atteudeti the ex and the Joys of Heaven. Scovill McUallum, a boy of my Sunday cursion ta Model Farm, Guelph, last H E A K " Don't a ch , bute ding, saii i s mother, e cniuek.datF . oë THE H E R TThe Almnighty Did Not Make this Earth for Rest--Troubles of the "There-la rosi for the weary, Al~<most everything the householder Dthry, bust rtheg, sing: ad e cntels goo atd . A.ols IS THE Rich and Great--A Source of Consolatilon for Teei oifrioway"wusb ei.Seai the ToiI-o adWay Thon, puttilug bis wasîed baud aver bis Rev. E. E. Howard farewelled on h -ornandWeay. eart, bce said, l"Thorm is rosi for me." Sundav evenîug and will move to bis But there are some, o! yau wha wanti new field of labar on Blackstock circuit i En±ered according teAÂct of the Parliamne ut ci Canada, lu the year one thous and tavea hear bt hedl'no bres ertiwek laooieght huindred aud niuetî7-eýighIt, y the Central Pres AgOucy ol Canada, bv n orbek n agae r That tîred, Iauguid feeling aud indis- M O OR(Lmiedat the-DeDactrneurt of A.griculture. Ait rights resermvet. dug, Whero are your father and i mather? position to effort o eany sort willbe rap- Washington, June 26.-This Jdiacourse Webster: "Whni a stateaman! Whai '£lo moat a! you are orpbaua. 1 look il rm tib heueo! ileaCo of Dr. Talmago draws a contrast betwoen wanderful expositian a! the canstitutioni arounti, and wliere I sec one mani Who pound Iran Pilîs. r 1OF THE the fatigues o! ibis worid arni the blass- A mnan lti for any position!J" That samne bas parents living J ueo ton wbo are Ms oad SS.ls pent m fnl recuperation o! the hqavenIy paradise; world saiti a! or awhile: "Down wluh orphans. Whore are your chiltiren? Where bers. italowr .S.lass Pareo se ibut tox, ich l,10 "Ais y ad epri, hlm! He is an offoe seeker. Ho tas a sot. I Seo one family circlo that is unbrakeu enihaFoe e n aro ge foc syi3i L1àTi for this is not your ros." He is a libertine. Away witb bim J" And I see throo or four that have beon a napeito !brsrie.Tef THE DR. This wau the trinnbeo0f a prophet thei'o is no pence for the man until hoe deaolated. One lamb gone oui o! ibis Voman's Auxiliary also presented bier of ISWARD Ca., who wautod ta arouso bis peuple from laya down bis broken beart in the grave folti, one flower pîneketi from that with a book o! poems. i ITSToronto. ibeir oppressed anti sinful condition, but ai Marshflold. While CharlosbMattbews garland, ono golden link brokon fraxu AN ExPLAN'ATION -Tbe reason for th e GENTLEMEN,- It niay juat as praperly ho uttered l w was performing lu London before !m- thai chalu. bore a bright light put oni great popularity a! Hood's Sarsaparilla thIi CURRENT It gives me pies.- as thon. Jilîs by long exposure andtni snse audiences one day a womn oui anti anti there anoîher anti ycnder unoîher. liesin the tact that it positively cures aure to endorse much ringin-, loue their clearness o! gloomy Iman camneloia a dactor's shop, Witb snob griefs bow are Sou to rosi? Ju s America's greatesi medicîne, andi MUST Dr. Ward's Blooti toue, but ihis rouaing bella! the gospel sayi 1ng, " Doctor, whnt eau yon do for WVll there ever ho a power that eau the American people have an abidiug and Nerve Pilla. strilces lu as clear a toure au when h t irai me?' Tho docior examinet i bs case andi attune that sulent voice or kintilo the confidence lu lis merits. Tbey buy and NOT For years I have sut. rang on the air. saiti, "My advice is thai you go anti ueo luster of that closeti eye or put spring take il for simple as well as serlous ail fered from weak action As far as I caf se, youm great want Charles Mýatbews." "Atas, alas," saiti andi dance ioatni tile foot' Wbeu we mneula, confident ihat il will do them of the heart anti my and mine is lest. Fromu thd ie e the man, "I mysoîf airn Charles bank np the tinsi aveu the dead, la' the good. S O . nerves were treacherons. enter lite a great nny vexations anti 1îaîîhews!' Jeffreys tbaughi that if hoe Sad nover ta ho broken? Is tbe c9metory Hood's Pilla are the favorite family 1 was irri table, worried, annoyances tako after us. We havéi aur caulti only becintige that-would bu the ta beau na Soundi but the tire o! the catbartic. 25c eaaily alarmaet, and su£- holidays anti aur seasons of recroatian inxiking of hlm; gaita be juige anti hearso wheel or the tap o! the bell ai the _______ fereti grentlyat tirnea, but aud quiet, but wbere lu the man in this curesot the day lu whi.cb ho was horu. gaie as the long processions came in. witb I since taklng youu Blooti anti world who bas founi entîme et? 1'he Alexantier wautudteta ubmerge ,ibe world their awfunI burdeus o! grief? . a the CUTC EUlN J ierve Pille 1 have tot &pion- factisl that God i titnflt make thi., world <ith bis greatinesa; submemged it anti battom o! the grave gavel andt ie top did. My nervos are trong ta met lu. A ship might as welI go down thon drank hinselftet deatb because ho tuai?' No, no, no! The tomb lu anly a A happy family me-union took place andlam free troamditressaud off Cape Hattras ta fluti sînouili water coulîtneflot)utndti he trouble. Borns place wvbere w. wrap our robes about, us ai Oshawa- on-ibe-lake on Wetinesday,i r bave hati no trouble with rmy as a mnnl this woril ta flut quiet. rhought lho wanlt give everything if ho for a pleasant uap oui aur way homoa. The heart sinceusiugyourfllood'aud From tlie way that Goti bas strewn the coulti win the favor o! courts anti swollings of Jordan will only wash 'off J une 16ib, ht beiug the ibird annual Nerve Pilla, I gladly rocommend thomus, anti hung the clontis, and Sharp- princes; wonu h anti amid the shauts of a the duat o! the way . From the top a! the picule o! tbe Courtice Family and thei p these pilla tealnl those wtxo suffer oueed the tuuks; from the couds that dis- great eniertainment, wheu î'oets anti grave we catch a glimpse o! the towers descendants. Three generations ivere à - from any heart or nerve trouble. truss us, anti the heais ubat sîîîiîe usaatars anti duchesses were auoriug bis glinteti wiih the sun ibat bever sets. reeeueiteedsiotb gru (Signeti) at h lnrse bt5 s nit e gouus, wiahotiuni ho coulti croup baok Oh, ye wbouo locku arc e wi tbthea b sntd h lds fte ru i MISS MsA<4tuT.tBUNS, foyers that consume us, I lrnw thai ho into the obscurity lu which be dweii on tiews o! the night a! grief, ye wbosoein m orie Bwavle 2an< 113 IYArcy St., TOROt~-*>, ONT. titi net make ibis wrît. as a2 plac e te the day ivhen hoe wrote o! tiho benris are heavy bacauge thase well years a! age, and tbe young'esi, Alfred. MON loiter la. Goat doos evryihing succoas- Daisy,wee. modeat, crimuanu tippeti flower. known footsteps sond no more ai the son of G. R. Giiroy, Mount Forest fully, andti iis world woulti ho a very , Napoleon wantedtiet make all Europe toarway, yonder la yonr rosi! There la Tbere were ln ail about oîîe hundreti cas Price SOC. par box, 5 boxes for $a.oo, at diff erent woriti if it were intendeti for us trem ble ai bis power; matie h tremble, Davidi triumphant, but once ho beltwothruhvenoe h drnggiats, -e if not abtainabie ai your ta lounge in. Itclous righiu well for a few thon dieti, bis entire mllitary achiove- bemoaneti Abaalam. There is Abraham Preetwoioogî noe b druggist, mailed ou receipt of price by years. Isîdeeti it is maguificent. Nothiug 'moents twintihing clown ta a pair of enibraneti, but once hoe weut for Sarah. outing. It was a picule of the aid- tbe DR. WARD CO, Victoria St., To- hmi aleutnbtleoc a routo. Book ut InfLrmation FREE. - but infiue wIsýoîaanti goodisu cault iTiilitnry boots wbich ho inuistetid Thr a alexlanbtnooceuifashionei kinti, ai wbicb ail felt obliget b ave nîixet itbis bevermaga o!water, or having on hus foot wben d ying. At with hua foot lu the stocka. There lat aei sejybl spsil o l _____________________________hung up these bunekets o! stars, ou Versailles 1 saw a picture o! Napoenl Paysan radiant witb immoutal health,ta akhisenybeaspsbefoas I rainiet these voicos o! ilîl anti bird anti bis triuînpbs. I went inao anaiber rcam but on eatb ho wns nlways sick. No tbe others, (mes o! varlous kinds imc M OIN EY TO O NI acean, so that Glat bas but ta lift t is 'anti saw a busi o! Napoluon as he toll, no tenus, ne partinga, ne atife, no were induigedi l. ln Ilenry's pavillon and haud anti thq wbole worlti breaks forth appearet ai St. Helena, but. ah, what agonizing couab, no nigbt, no Storm te speeches along thbe une o! reminiscences YOt itt orchestra. But, afer al, ih s only grief andt anguiuh un the face a! the rufle the crysial sea, no alarm ta strike ti add'o- gwhhm y eventa $ 100,000. the upleutiaus a! a king's highwav, aveu la-tter! The tirai waa Napoleon lu tram the cathedral towers, no d wic manyTI wbich we are taenîarch on ta etumnal triumph; the luat wau Napolean wiîh bis throhbing fri seraphic harps, rna tremnor were resuscitatei. Y A lairgo suaio! moaoy ha s been pinard jinîuy couquests. huart buoken. How they luhdanti ia tbe overlasting sang, but et, pret Tegowl.wsamstltrsigbil bauds by aprivate person for luvustrmout, onagb ' retWi rupwsa otineeiîghn appriovetloans on farm uocurity for a terma of (ares cf the W ealthy. crioti wben >silver touguoti Sheridian, inrosi, uneuding rýst1 one, anti, sirange ta say, is unbrokeu n .U eou Ton yeara, ai 5 1-2 per cent Yeu anti I bave seen men who tîluti ta the mitdnay o! prospeufty, himaneneti the A Gloulons Reunien. sneievait h nehs umr lutereut wliibe aukoti payable yearly, Satisfac- snetevstt h aels umr tory conditions for ropaymneai wili ho arrangeti. rosi bore. [bey buildedt homselves groat peu)ple af Britalu. andi ow tbey 'howlet Into atairosi how mauy laveticoies c. B. SIMPSON, stores. They gailieroti aroundt lim the antioxcuratet ibita when. ouisie a! the anve goîîe! Some put clown the wouk o! Among the grown up members preacut Soicitor, Bawmanville. patronage af merebant princes. The voice roani where bis corpue lay, bis cretutors miitife, feeing thuy couiti bardly be- were :'Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Tucker anti Datet Oct.,i.'94. 41b - t!., of ibeir bit shook the money markets. triud ta getbis miserable boutes anti sou spareti frai the store or sbqp foura day, !anîiiy, Frank Caurtice, 11ev. A.»C.* A )-ni Tbuy bath stock in thu inost succ-,satul them! but are ta bc spareti fruiifarover. Corie dtrCrsinGadam<re ltij raiîradu ant inl sate doposi vaulta great A Grand Offer. Some went hn ait ago. One came touter- outcEiorCrtanG îia, roli aIGovrurentaocriiles Thy bti hîsworti or osi "Aa,"cmyibeing on bis staff anti usedt i ts at the andi Mrs, Courtice anti famiiy, Toronto; S emblazonuti carnîagcs, bigb mettluti waters, "uo roui bore! Wu plonge ta the foot o! the pulput, bis wiukleti face Mr. anti Mrs. 6. R, Gllroy anti famitv, J ~steeds, footmen, plate ibai confoundut so." "Aba," cry the maunîninu, "no radiant wih theb light ibat talla fresn the Mount Forest; Mr, anti Mrs. J. Mason, lords anti seuator Whoba uni n their table, et bore! We crumble ta the lan. hirone, o!floti. Another baving liveti a Norwch; Mr. anti Mrs. T. Courtice, . . - ù1ýMW i tapestry on whch floateti the richeut "Aba. " cry the iawers, "no rosi bhe! lite af Chrisiain canulitucy hure, over tisgsu oriulai, pedro Vu flo aylnat Lb bus t ny ith kintinusses fer lher chiltiren,. anti Mrs. S. Jeffrey anti famil , and - A Book for Yovng and 01,_ caiivuss on the wall, exquisiten;es0ofNifluveh loto the dta.'Na et for the ber beaut fuit of ihat nîcek andtiquiet Miss Pond.oti, Par erry ; Mrs. Roach, mui rs n mnig pedlestals cio! zeflaweus; they fd.Na rosi for the stars; spiri that lS in the, sigh oa! o! o greai siin is M. G. Courtice, Brookîtu; 1 c anti ropping sofi as liht ou suow of they due. No roui for man; hoînu prc, utilybr outnu as JratiM.W.LCotcePck- ORW UE sculpture. Hure let tbem et. Put back work, toil, sufer anti slave. trnnsfigured, andîtheb gaie was opoeti, REOR N~VUS the embroidered curtain anti shako up Now, for whai bavelIsati al ibis? auti abe took ber place ait that groat îug ; - Mr. anti Mms. Wm. Courtice, Mr the Dillow of town. Tum utntihe lighîs. Jnst ta puepare you fou the toit. "AriseŽodo inse ta oe bu hent rJh0 Rnieat aiy E51.". 1878 BLOOD h luil o'olock ai night. Let lumiber 'yu anti depart, for ibis is flot your et."1 tbraiie! Bawmanville; Mr. anti Mrs. A. E ~ r SI<~N ~ ,through thu bal! apeiîod îshiic drtsySanie of you roxember that whcn gold dead. Yen connsolation!eme boIliov: they Ceesat aiy yoe mat 5000wiih misummunr porfuine. Stand back was discaveret inl California large comn. are tiead. They bave auly movuti on. Wiib Mrs. L. Md. Courtice, Ebenezer; Mm ani r'PPIVATE aIl caro, anxiety andt rauble! But uo, pauxes wero ruade up anti starteti off ta more lave ihan ihai wutb wbicb tbey Mrs, F.G Courtice anti family, C. Tîll iqthuy will flot stand bnck. Tbey mutle get ibeir fortune, anti a year ago, fou +ho grueteGa s au eauth ihoy watcb us frai A. Runtile anti A. J. Courticeorc_ PIFAhSib lattice. Tbuy look noter the canupy. sainie pupose, buptiredu tiaredt he cuit.-1 their bigb place anti their voicos cheer us Th aernbokupt7p.m URVWih uougb ianch ibe3y startie bis puises. Alaka. Ta-day I1 wani te amrko up a un aur struggle fou the sky. Hall, spirits Thgaergbokupi7pm They cuy out ai 12 o'clack ai nightr party for the lant o! Glat. I bolt inluMy blesset, uow that ye bave pausedt he flooti anti each etumnedtiet their respectiv~e DI "Awako, nman! How eau yen sieop ivheîî band n deoti frai the praprieoouao! tIîe anti won the cmawn. Wih weary foot we home feeling thebetier for tht occasion, tiiiga. are se uncoriain? Whist about esiate, in which ho off ors tealal wbo will proue np the sbinlng way, unthu iniever- andi exchauging expressions o! hope thase. stocks? Hark ta the uap a! ithaitlire jain the company 10,000 sharea o! Insting reunion we shaîl meet' -again. cý V 0 0iý cu îl"t, . DI bell! It lu yaur district. How if you infinite value, in a city whose streets are Oh, won't it be grand, îvben aur conflicîs thai tbesanme faces may meet ai the 25 ,gîu0sinneti abaulti dia soon? Awake, mïan! Tbink a! goli, ivhoso harpsa sre galti, whtusO tiuwns doue anti 01w parting-s avec, wo shall fourth annual me union. s Y OUNG MAN Hgave yt nature clsphans nd_____nt_"__i i wben ignorant o! the trrible crime Sou . ! ha wil pet yanr property when you are golti. Yetu have rend o! the cmsatiers cnpbusat r u,"~i u______ wereeommittîug. hiityounlyconsider are gane' What will tbuy ta wiîbh i? -h-ow hai înany ibousandti aiibom eaven?" the fasciatin g alluremeut8 outiIs evil Wake Up! Riches sornutimus take wings. went off ta couquor the holy sopuicher. I By the ibrones oz' youu teparteti1 Tou pontl? idSoun Inter on lu lnaln- Rising oni onu lbow,, the man o! fortune fou the pumpoieofo conqnerîng the, tendeunoss anti lave wiih which tbey now D a g r A h oad, ,ood contra et any P1UYATE orBLOOD looks ont luto the darknessuof the moom sepulcher of adeati Christ, but for the cali you f r«ân the skies, I beg you start & i aiea eeocrd oadw e h ains mbsuefouee aianmingsomptomuibte thuone a! a living on tbe higb rond ta heaven. lIbheo ve D1aro you mnarryin laSour preseca con- beat antisisys. "Alas, fou all ibis scenu .esus. Wben an army ha to ho, mate up lasting rosi May We ahl meet. taYokno,"LIKE FATHIER, af woaiib anti magnificence, no roui!" the uecriting oflicer examines the voluun Onu of the aid wrhters wished ho coulti LIaniSON."lIving arnd sarae nIou 1passeti down a streetof a city With teors, lho tests their eyosight, ho saunts bave seen ibron thinga: Rame in ts - aiurewithyouonccountofaayweak- n mochant. Ho knew aIl the flueutthibe lungs, bu mensures ibulu stature. prasperiiy, Paul pmacbhung. Christ in the W'hen Ohildiren .Are noess causeti hi> enrIZ abuse ou inter ex- bouses on the streot. Hoe sait: "There Tbey muet lb3 just righi, or fbey nue bady. I have ibre. wlses: Fluai, ta soe mcs ? bl Subooklot wî poit nt t something thse motter in ail these rejecieti. But ihuru shall be no partiality Christ in glouy, surrountdeti yhy is icse? hie yenea muggpoint outlte'W 'eak and Sickly in youhreut0fboerimesndp oi bouses, Iu that anie i is conjugal infeli-luin akhng up ibis army-a! Chis4. Wbat- roteemet; secoi, ta Seo Chriet lu glouy, oui bow ou NEW METIHOD T.REAT- i city. In that ouean dissipaiet son., Iu evor youu moral ou physical stature, surrounteti by bie redteie;ti;brti, to se MENIT xiii positively cure Son. it tisai a dissolute faiher. Ina ban a id4ot whaieveu youu dissIpationsr, wbntever Christ in glory, surroundeti by, bis Sumirner Tme. c thons how thousand s have been saved hi> oar NEW TREATMENT. lu proves ehiti. Ila unithb praspect a! batik- your crimes, whatever you weakuesses, redeemeti. C *o w ýAANTCUALCSE OR10 CURE ruptcy." This wanit's wealtb eau give I have n commission fromi the Lord Whos on my now fietigoti wiugs I ise Wo irontA ntiEcurSEMIRSNONS . n permanent satisfaction'. This la net Almxgbty ta make up ibis rogimunt O! To tuent those shores beyoud the skies,OFl VAPRICOCELE, SYPIIImïs. GLEET your rosi. redeemeti souls, anti 1 cuy, "Arise ye ant ilm'îumn tbrougb evemy golden Street STRICTITRE, IMPOTENCY, SE- Yau anti I hava saun men 'trying dopant, fqu ibisla net your rosi," Mnny Anti ask oach blisaful saul 1 meet, AN ' ¶J1.Y (fMfINl____ CRET DRWAINS, ITNNATIJR L DlS or direction. A inanu ays, "If I çf yau have laiely jainedti iis company, Wheue ha the Glat whose prise Se slug? PAÂAABM AJAJLA VVAILÂV'.UJD TES, tIDNE antiEE R conîti ouîy iseta snrcb anti sncb a place anti my desire la ihai yen aàIlmay jeoa Oh 1eid etimnger, ta yaur Kif g! of refaWn, if I conîti gaun ibat offlce, ifi. Wby net? Yeu kuow in your own _________ CURES GIJARANTEED 1 caulti anly pet thessannd anti have my 4,uarts' expeuhence. thai what 1 have saitirsosFo aCbe Makes them Healithy., "The Wages a! Sin" sent free b sentiments met with ane gooti round a! about ibis wold is tune; fbnt if l5 f0 For saine tume tbe actions o! a, man in enelosing2u sinsu CONSTJLTATIO bout clapping applauso, if 1I canti only place ta rostini. Thora are huudroda boxe a umali boni balaW the steeu bridge' have yandJoou F LEB I nuable ta eaul, write for write a book unit woulti iive, ou make a weey-ab, bOw Wenry, wenry wih hSin, attracteti attentian. Ho bas, hecan t in a p ndJy u ý_REATMENT. L RfrhM speech hai nonîdti irill, ar do an action weary Wufh trouble, weauy wiih boenavo- the river even on tho sioriositinys, ap- -t'bat wouldresound!" Tbe ttie turfis lu meut. Same o! you bave been pleuceti pauently pulling somethhnàg up frai the fi . bis favar.1is mname ha on 10,000 inp. Ha .thuougbandti tbunh. You carry the river.1-emy,..ybas -een .Alve i- BRIMACOMBE Yý- B, -o-irr gh threwil Dzur. IsIereBilo rOlzron eur, unre 1_.1,ný multitudes sneeri-ng at the words hihls regt ln heaven. Oh, y. Who ame worn A paintul instance of th erbecn eiaehirn n oiae known % select FREE: A 1e:îe eeeVcoi mtngtou ected would eunSi- out with work, your hards; oalloused, veluences of provoklng bees le connecteti whtPiesClyCmon a for lady or geutlemnan> valued at $1.25, or a A N ll admired. How can you uleep yrbckbnyureshatpt with ne of the loveliest sigbts ln India, whatfo Paîe' Ceil eCm n bas dei Kodik Dimn Scr Pija ètes noem ,M AD M E A doue for myh chil exhe basr beens deli- you oiyezk Olalo' putn oiuaprf AJAX TAnLETS POSITIVELY CURE? when oeorythingî depentis Upon the neit your fingers worn wtith the needie, that the fiimous Marbie Reks cf jubbulpore cate ai ber life. 1 have tried Mn Mvausi (In5jstr Seal aod ocl valeýt ALy, potpry ThaePese-F etc. Mýuem tuuV h ra rgdi p, man 1 Off in ibis world you may nir lay down; The. rocks form a gorge through which m edhicines, bod have bad her undrlo thi Nt$2.(Avl#cff.ofo 5 bAbuse c, oher Execees ad Indis- of tbis pillow!" The man, wihehad ye discouraged. ones, w&o haiïe been the great river Nerbudda fiows, andi the palhi au on athie treatment with A You shoufid take advantage et ti ýeto Y Ïj, i-it n l rî.g,- yet bot from bis lasi oeatin, .t4rts up wagixnq a baud ta bond fight for bread; marble formation cztjends for abount a but littie beuefit. Almost in ispair, AAT ONCE. T"leu ~ andw theeat improve-,or trudgery-oh, , the river are studded wlth eedn A flni men antica (the R e aii oTbet; TSé upon bis stand. or th* acroll train which or the weary hanti andi the weary Ride and, nests, anti for any one proeeding in a botties she is now Perfectly WeIl andA~ lii so tacg h geuey Wa ivbete aTf~ spech 1oba strong. 1 bave also used vour medicine oeeands and Wicryn W11v ao ho reati bis secor, the books from the weary hber me talk about restl bo l own the narrow channel te disturb.BA stieladSfîtFam agie iivett ipa oeffetacure rS twhich ho quoteti hi% authorities, and' The Wark in Douse. the bons le fatal. If any warning b. r.- MI.Self for complications arising from A sth Ha omselanMgain Qahds r sftdte rononey. fc hc ïewr n oso etada ra- I otis9 ae rfkeyîlsrtd n moirage, or six plts <OIl trement or .r . u zroes to bis desk to Qunisla his neglocted Look at that company cf oathroued 0 is gie yatm wih vrokat oao rsn i ra-A ite coutaia paea prof snei zîlluare anc maii . nir-aa Indinan wsvper Ifo receipi oc luet tÉ saniet o sétends on the outskîrts et the village. <y beuefitted thereby. 1 would stnol 03idsesbevstr oeeyfr ieie ~*AJAX REMEy CO." r"I, corresnondence, or to peu an, Inigan th mfem<f~f~ths ih >~uibevstrt veyi ieie sale ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ln in 11bsTO'o& UAne reporter, or sketch the plan @ver toiled? Vos, yes! Thege packed the tutaoe u ge t eathei tmor baf- urg aIl hovearoe tanry fiitdt AIstractive and iuteresting For saeiBowmanv e b S itýï uaDbl defeuse againsi the assaults Chinesa tff boxes and throýugh mission- onie Who was sîugt ot nti ~i-d s~hv oî r Pa ne's Ceîerv' A to farmers of every class. Lr 4ggist. t te ui "pt. Âctiiated by a fooligh impuilseo, Coulpounti,' and be convinceti of its Aý netDoliar a Year. Ton Cents a Copy. Tilti the M TLINOTII people. Happy wben ho got, btsý ary instruction escaped inito giory. These ho flred bis rifle at onc of thesýe nefi5f5 iwonderfW curisg power. h.tlwe: bi,.Futan bnb sWeîtecred au sOutubern plantions, anti wherenpon the.bees came diown upou hlm Yir rtffy ,ohrJnta uisigC THESEST MOTL IN DETROIT iumphed over bis firý;t polit"]a rival. one aiight, afcer the coýýtü picking, wont luur sncbfaky ^^^222s that h1 etoptt Joahntoýs o interayk' oroasa Pae itu nteve o !alii in ivitiî nubr ifa ,oe ho ateroarPd. tbo AMn, ulig baadgo ezlàtj he acofinomk Rae Xoî ltý nth oStp falti up awiea fthey Jiat noe sbe ave himef 1by jumping évrer.TeMRS.A.R.STINoeCOxuxoF, Aahta Budlding. $1.5Oooe0. Woodward and 3efférseonAvenue<onlY world's offers a! praise, heexctaims: 1 NO blackt. hose .died o! overtloi ln the rnethwvrs. odn a block avay. H. H. JAMES & SON, regpriet01% ],est! Nors mptfatre n h a elesitîissnec ho e tili pure .ueýd William stLnoOnt., Bateo anti lamedS8treeta. Detriret, MIb. No . Loweil Cape fatoie C.t Zies <i C.u t< <nvtal eo The very world that now applautis WIN bua, thheietalrsu. coosi bise. lsat world saiti of the groat

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