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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1898, p. 4

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DAILLINGiTON COUNCIL. * *.4 ,,,,4 44 ~Town Hall, Hampton, June 25, 1898.R t egular meeting, members ail present miue of last meeting read and con- 4***,444firmed *Communications. were received from :...± .BI DER W INEJ.- and J. Taylor as te sa fe, C. C. J ames__ * as to auditors' report, T Brimacombe, * as to balance of plank, TI. L. Ebbe'Q' T W I b u solicitor, as to tire daim for damazes _________________________meutioried in last report, L. Reattoire * * claimed remuneration for replacing * material for road and for work lone on F A RMIE RS cocession 8. (Refèrred to Mr. Pascoe) J. Hoskin ciaimed damages for sheeP Should see our Samiples before plac- : kiiled bv dogs, (ailowed), Mr. Kilman lxigthei orers:we ave he eadig *mplaffned of damages being done te ing heirordes, e hae th leaingMrs. McLaughiin's fence bY parties tak- Brands at very 10w prices. A fulli rth called attentionof counceil to the (referred to Mr. Courtice), Mr. Clemens vest Tools, Etc.* reported work doue on the town hune jointlv with the townsbip of Cartwright WTe invite a compai ison of quality : arounting te $23.50. The clerk was in- -aaid price with goods off ered else- as the Darlington share, to the clerk of Cartwright. Messrs. Courtice, Pascoe * where.* and Foster reported as 'te the repairs R d. WXX orth.retu4ad2,cn1,is as te _____ ý * which should be doue on road between ,Agents for Frost & Wood Repairs., Opposite concessions 2 and 3. Reports adopted. The samne cemmittee, reported havig OnaLBn. secured a good gravel pit on Mr. Sno v- den-s laird- oun-the -,rd--oncessrnn ani * aigarranged with hite for grai el * eotadopted. The commttee ap pointed to purchase a safe, reporte(- 4 4 having bought a suitable second hand safe from Mr Lvle and placed in th **~ hall at the sum of $30. The clerk îc ported having received $2 55 from the ABOUT TESTIMONMALS. township of Clarke in pa \ment of their -share of repairs on the t, wn line. I n A n E y Tohe t caonable aittndirnfav:r of reer:nc: te the diaimns ïr rdam:ages A n E y eHood's Sarsaparilla are from honest presented by Mr. Ebbels at l.kst meeting~ - ~ teilinx the exact truth about themselves by Mr. Courtice, that the dlaims lie lot and the effcect of llood's Sarsaparilia entertairied, carried. The assessin If you are disposed te believe the roll as finallv revised was accerted and~~' O lie n e irtestim ony of honest men and wemen, adopted. Thle clerk was requested to you must certainlv believe in the merits procure a new order book for Mr. of Hood's Sarsaparilia. It max' be vou Clemens, Division No. -1 ;aiso write. Mr. Is the bargain you get in bave talzen rnany different medicines Briînacombe to deliver balance of plank and have failed te receive the benetit at Courtice, and informa Messrs. W. E. desired. If se, do net let this fact deter Pollard and F. Hockaday as te suspiion~ you from making a fair and periet that their dogs have been killing sheep, W all Paper, ritn iet oiyTo.CoScinSp trial of llood's Sarsaparilla. ILt is abso. lot oi hs.CeScinSp lutely true that Hood's Sarsaparilla C. P. R., te put the crossîng between eS cures when ail other preparations fail lots 4 and 5, concessioni 10;' in proper Windo Shad to do aux' good. That is whv llood's repaîîr, and take the proper course te C utan ols. Sarsaparilla is Americ': 'Grea::st have tire council repaid $5.50 for- work Curtin P les. The orstcase of erofla, aittien therewimth.- The Reex e wvas author- rhem ipdieae, dyspepsia, catarrb îized te gra nt orders on the Treasurer a, Yen want the best, prettiest and rheumatism and iieuralgia are constant' tOllOivs : H. G Argue, gravel. $21385; most for your meney, 1 will give it ly being cured bv H-ood's Sarsaparila John Stainiton, gravel, $1,5 85 ; James~ and the saine is true of the long list'i Stainton. gravel, $1450; Blake Courtice~1~ te yen. Inspection wilI cenvince diseases that have their engein i inpure grave], $8 30; Mrs. Ilooey, giax el $2 55; and impoverished blood WVhat Hood's J.Ilall, g rav eh, $2 75, allowarice foi yen. Sarsaparilla bas doue and is doing fer crossîng,, grain field 75ec; E. Milison others it will aise do for yeu if you give gravel, $38 81 ; J Lyle, safe, $30,; My aim is te give perfect satis- it the opportunitv. Remember. lloed'schrefrrecmitltJKrr1 Sarsaparilla is In honrest medicine, and C. Souchi, material for cul% ert on town~' faction. that its menit bus been proved ove;- and i he, $3.50 (haîf et the ameunt te he re- 0 over again in the experience eftitre tunded bY Clarke Ceuncil) ; G A. New Music, new Boeks, new peeple. If ýou would have rebust Stepacs, cedar and lumber $39 73 ;J heaith, good appetite an good diges Hoskýin," sheep damnages, $9.75, 11. Elheott Statienery,newGameý ,new Pictures, tien, and if you would be free freon jr., acct et salarv $100: Indigents. Janetj~ boils. pimples, sores, and ail similar Wilson $5; Mrs. Staphes $5; J Campbell etc. manifestations et impure blood, it is$U; Mrs Hioidze$4; Mr. Lane $3; Mrs K onîr pivilege and your duty te take Campbel$2; T. Wilcox $2. On motion Hood*s Sarsaparilla, ami yen may confi- the counciîl adjourned te meet on Sat- dently expect that it will de for yen urdax', Juix' 3th at 10 o'ciock, a. m what yenr desire. IL will purifv, enrichi H. ELLIOTT, JRa, 1 and -talîze %eur bleod, and give von Te. Clerk. health, vigor and xitaltv whichi are BowmANviLLE. needful fer happîness and'success. 1VEDl),.Ib AN AMERICtN GLI. THE ELORD PCNIC.June, is a fivorite montb in Canada 'OnSatrdv, un 25-h, te nn alfer wéddings and another Bewmanv-ille ~iw an~u~n~tat~u~ui On atudav Jue 2t-h th anualboy bas been captured, in Cupid's net ___________________________Elfiord pîcnîce was held at tre residei e and become husband te an' Amercaiie~ ofY e Samuel Aluin, E sq., Bownmanville. lady. The Erie, Pa., -Daîlv Desrnatch 0 BOWMAN VILLE. UY6 1898. About 140 cf Mr. and Mrs. 1lia's rela- et June 22nd savs, : Rev. I- O Baker~ ___________________________tives gathered together on that occasion proneunced the weý,rds at 9 e dlock lat 0f THE WAR INEWS. ýf rom ail directions ager te meet one eeigwihnie i erig r -H A E S another and te jein ln the games and R. W. Lawnie (fenmeriv ef Bowman- So-ervumeonsndcntrdicoryre festivities. A special teature et this vi1e ai i ellie" Aaron. The~v tha rech he aiy pper abutyear's celebrationi was the large repre- cerenieny teck place at the residence reports htrahtediypprabu sentatien freim Uncle Sam 's dominions of the bride's parents, 442 East Eig-h the War, that it is quite impossible te -Mrs. G. K. Munre, Miss Floren< e and teenth street. The groom is a popular~s' g ive1 in a weekiy journal a very inter- Messrs John and Charles, Detroit, Mr. anîd successfal furniture dealer on East esîig smsnry t awee's ccuencs. ad Ms MWoo an so Wilia ofEigbteentli street and bas a host et There does seem te bie seme reason for The guosts began te assemble at iends erfiL ther a rmnrie is n act believing at this writing that the Span- about 10 a. in. despite tire rather threat- andember et Lutherofemon rcunc ish fleet that has been 'bottled up in ening weatber and, were heartiI% weî- ad a yon omsmns e l many ae Santagoharourfor soe weks incomed by the host and hostess. About Candacmismens.' nd sol ellsn Santageharourfor soe weks "~12 e'ciock the conpany sat down te one wîsh him mnch joy. a desprate effort te escape on Sunday, of those geed eîd time dinners served w__________________ was attacked by tire American gun in r!îýht good sî3le on the lawn. Dmn boas ad utery dstove,. ver bot er over a large niumber et guests re- boas ad utely estoye, ver bot pird te the bail grounds where ail beinig sunk, hundreds et Spaniards Uaaseniely laid eut 'for base-ball and sain and drowned, Generai Cervena foot-bail. Three games of base-ball and some tweive te fiteen ude were played. ably uînpired by Mr. H1.'-- inentake pnîener e mri-excellent amusement te the paî crs and cans lest but one man killed and their occupants cf the grand-stand. The ships escaped unhurt. Se far theretore boys then participated in a game eof Deatl's Saddie.llorse. O4 as this squadron is concerned the war foot-bail. h is nde, ut aniag hd nt urrn- A still larger numbei'e parteek ef the When a nienbas over- isded, ontîataohnts rin sumptueus tea atter which tbey joined negîeced bh ealth, and in hearty conversation.,'rhere was a- a i lie fin â ea1ize. godynumber et very fine babies,- that he is a sick man, he DURIHAM OLD BOYS. wbich' augurs weli fer the future., -.. tu frequentiy gees te Large men were in abundance and did soie obscur* physicial D~A STmsÂNYouwil hveexcellent work on the diamond, at thre ho bas had very tile Boots boughi at the great auction.sale in TForonto, from the estate of W. J., Quinane. Biggest snaps ever offered in Bowman ville in the Shoe line. Sale starts SATURDAY.MORNING- at 8 o'eloek, July 9th. Don't Miss It. == Don't Miss It. The following is a partial, list of the splendid offerings from our big' purehase of Boots. W. J. Guinane was the largest retail dealer of Boots and Shoes in Toronto, but failed iu business and the whole stock was put up 0 at auction, we had our buyer there during the whole time of the sale a!n(1 hie was very fortunate in securing the best snaps that were to be had. We were the only buyers froni Bowmanville. At the prIces *e have marked the goods it will pay any one to buy. ail they will require for some tirne. Leather is higher and consequently $ Boots will be dearer this. faîl than they have been for some time 80 that this sale will be very opportune and you will save lots of money by buying now. 56 pair Ladies' Vici Kid Button Boots, American'make, patent tip, and - 'Je coin toe,-sizes 31 to 7, Guinane's price $2, our price $1-.25. 250 pair Ladies' Kid Butt. Boots, patent tip, coin toe, siz;ýS 21 to 7, -uinane's price $1.25, our price $75c. oe 150 pair Ladies' Genuine Dongola Kid, Oxford Shoes, patent fang patent ip, sizes 21~ to 7, Uuinane's price $1.25, u re 0.__ 200 Pair Ladies' Vici Kid, Oxford Shoes, turn soles, patent tip. coin toe, sizes 2,1 to 7, Guinane's price $1.50, our price $1,00, Misses' Finie-Dongrola Kid Button i3oots, extention soles, patent- np, sizes il te 2, Guinane's price$15, our price $1.00, only about *24 pair in lot.~ 30 pair only, Men's Russia Caîf, Tan Laced Boots, Goodyear swnonte sizes 6 to 10, Guinane's price $2-25, our price $1,25.,conte 60 pair Men's heavy plough Boots, (Split Buskins), hand pégged, all sizes, -4W at per pair 85c. This is the regular wholesale price for these goods. 60 pair Boys' BuiffLaced Boots, pointed toe, extention soles, 'Guinane's priç~ $1 351, Our price 99C. 120 pair Youths' split sehool Boots, hand pegged soles and rivettedvap sizes 11, 12 and 13, Guinane's price 85c, our price 60c.vap Cýhilds' Chocolate Butt on Boots, sizes 7 to 11, Guinane's price $1, ours 75e.0- Childs' Oxford Shoes, patent tip, sizes 8 to 10, Guinane's price 75e ours 65c. - Infants' sof t soled butt Boots, fine kid, chocolate and black, Guinane's price :É 40e, our price 30c. In addition to the above list there will be other odd uines at very 1ow prices. Remember the sale starts Saturday morning, JuIy.9, at 8 a.m. and will continue ail the following week. W- M- tYGOOIDS o - <-ý, The Dry Goods Department is not to be out doue by the Shoe man and a fiee list of Bargains is the result. Not mueh proflit in these priceî; for us but then this is the season we want to liven things Up a bit. Musiins, linen effeets wilth pinkr and bluestri'ps, regruiar price 15e, special 7e. Fine Organdies and Pekay Mutslins, regular price 25c, 30c, special 15c, 20. Ladies' Print Blouses in a big assortmeint of patterns, ail sizes, regular price 50e,- 60e and 750e' ehoice-of any 39c.-- l3Blak Luste -SkÏfrts were $3,.50 -for $2-.25-.--- -Crum's beet English Prints, 32 inches wide, fast collors, regular price 12ï-c; spci-10e. on me aay mention- ,ivn<'4I thte mn..ninoe tha1 thev are takinkr up til e matter as enthusiasticaily as we are. We hope the day wii be one et very great pleas une te ail coucerned. Y ours faithfully, Tues. YELLowLEES, Sec'y. A.C. lun and tamiky,_ Mn. Sair Alin, sr., Mss .iKate AHîn, Miss l1ta Allin, Providence; nf. arry Alin and ci tamnilyMr. and Mrs Thos. Bragg, Kirby;, Miss Stella Cobbledick, New- touile;-Mrs. Jane Ailin and tamily, Mn. Rich Allin and family, Mn.' Chas.'bc Allin and famiiy, Mn. Frank Allin and les bu~ nue uceeai UIBi-&Î'a d- amiy, r.Wmu. Alun, sr., and veit a cake of Bird Treat and it somIfdal y, M, C. Allia. and familv. eantso'aa"AcaeeB FrnRadMn J. Westaway and famà rat inea paeket et Brock's Bird uv, " ý'MnsWm.Elford, Hampton; The Seed. AIl grecers and dnuggists. eow. ,l issf ogarth, Solina: ,mis. H. L. Pascoe aud tamili-, Taunton; Mr. and Ohii!!'en Clay for 7 rs. W. W, Dowu, Mn. and Mrs. J. H: Dnlýà, Broken Front; Mr. Thos. Aluin ~~etand fawily, Whitbv; Mn. Qlias. Roger Aý !e T r 11A a, and tamily, Mounut Vernon. 1 un U¶I USWffl ZAB E~G~ RO. mt eBI c . .. .. ..ze.. ksci.ibed-=3- - &. or rat", im otake Md Pelets., time 1 had the pain iu clamisauce 1 C.1caaet oc» aid4im Vigitors in fi wu ill find eme very prette Souvenirs suad ethe.r hai.dIsnme articles sulitahle for pre.sentq fnr tho'e who are et hehind,- at T. N. Riekardts Jewellery Store, Cali. BI~k Mc Ribb0ù, speciai 40e peT yards. Blaek (Cotton toeking s, une make, neavy weignt, seamiess feet, regular 20, special 2 pair for 25C, Table Linen, Haif Bleaehed Damask, regular price. 35c, special 25eayard Ginghams, very fast %olors, special per yard bc.' A_ew select Dress leDgths, very finegoods,were $5 and$6 learingfor Ik4. _ _ _ .......... . 2 piece Suits. Tegos r al mre-in laùfigures a- iare.alreadly nîraked a v er ~e ~cwo-tawt h-seikieuti-wf'pay you to hbuy for future wants. We pay the highest price for produce.' Dont'tfor- get that this sale starts Saturday,July-9,and continues ,all th~e follow01ing week. JlI;4N McmmwURTRY.' mr- *hpL ý

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