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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1898, p. 1

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lite a 1' fates a TVERM:-$ 1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN ANiD OOUNTY FIBS? l THE WORLD AJERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor atnd Proprietor. MW ~ WSERIEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WED.NESDAY, J £I189.v VOLUME XLIV. No. 2-1. 1Sù nie FROM TO-DAY - - ùg oaoh, Johuxstoll &. Urydormni, wiil seil off ail kinds of Summer Goods at greatly redueed prices. A beautiful lot of Ladi es' Blouses, ail new goods, both in Musîjus and ý*n Print, will be sold at eost priee. ~AU kinds of Parasols at greatly redueed prices. ~Lot of Prints worth 10e for 6ce; Prints wortà from 10e to 12e for 8. Al rs usrins redueed in priee. Also a lot of Dress Goods, worth from 35e to 50e, now seliing at 25e. q A fine assortment and special value in Black and colored Blouse Silksý * also a few Spring Coats, new this season, to be eleared out.at $1.00 eaeh. q Thes gods mst e leared out and will be sold exaetly as àdvertised. I BWMNVILE Colll Johnston & Crydorman. BwA ___ ___ ___ ___ Hiave You Seen our New LUnes For Spring? Do flot fail to eall and see what we have in Furniture. It wil pay you for we are offering the best and elieapest Unme of Furniture ever betore seen in these parts. H aving bought. very largely at a good discount from a wholesale firm going ont of business, you will find some bargains. Cail and see, it is always a pleasure to show goods. U ndertaking al~sreceives prompt and personai attention day or night. BOWMANVILLE. Agents for Dominion Organs and Pianos Is an absolutely Pure Manilla, ... unmixed wifh inferior fibre cf any - nkind; used and recomniended by - the largest farmers lu Maniteb. and Western Stetes, 'vho praise it for ifs marvelous purity , cvenness -- and strength. Its use is a safe- gard agaînst the poorly-made, , 10w-grade- twines, cf which the ý"tmarket lb full, and which arec . known te cause double expense and work ln harvest. No other twine is 111E ~ "JUST AS GOOD AS PLYMOUTH." z For sale oniy by - Dustan &1-bar. dow- Bow MANviLLE. FREEIIAN WAUGR, t, D. S., IIAS 0PENED A Dental Office in the Roorns above A. D. 11LLIAI8 3 80N'S F01re r6810re, Mr. Waugh bas spent four years in a First-class Toronto Office and is prepar ed to do modern Dentistry-at moderate rates. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Painless extraction a specialty. BOWMANVILLE. $CIHOLARSIl1PS OPEN. 0f spcal interest to the young people whohae written upon1 the Entrance and Leaving Examninations this vear is the announcement of the Central Busi - ness College, Toronto, 'which in accord- ance with its energetic and efficient management, is awarding a limited number of scholarships to those who have taken the highest standards in the above examinations, t la flot yet too late to register for the competition 'a'nd candidates who have notyet communiï- cated with the Principal about the mat- ter will doubtiess find it to -their ad- vantage to do so without delay. A PEASITPIC-NICe OIR Wednesday of last week about ý30 of the Catechumen class and their lead- er, Mrs. M*. Cryderman, of the Metho - dist church ,accepted the kind invitation of Mrs.' AlphaPinch, Liberty st. north, to hold their annual picnic 'on thelir lawn. The weather was ail that could be desired and the young people were in their happiest mood. The afternoon was spent in various kinds of amuse- ments until the hour for lunchet-m carne The large table was quickiy laden wit h the contents of the well filed baskets In addition to the good things ProMided by the childreni Mrs. Pinch kindly adà- ed an abundance of luscious straw- bernies whkich ail enjoyed immensely.1 After ail had been well served and thýe evening shadows had began to faîl Mrs. Cryderman called the class together and they moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Pinichand three cheers were heart- ily given for the use of their spacions lawn and the admirable way in which she had succeeded ini helping to inake the picnic sucli a deiightful success. Ail joined in singing 'God be wîth you till we meet again.' The ý,ood byes were spoken as each one lef t joyousl y for their homes, ail the botter for their afternoon's outing. Nilbarn!s Sterling Hfeadache Powders cure the worst Headache In frmfv te twenty minutes~ and leave ~abda lier effee4. I powder 5e, 3Powders 10e 10powders 250. t1~h FArmýIIY Pcilc~'.ý D:att1ingto-n 100ôYeatrs o. Compar~ative 1entsl Pictuive of 1798 and 1898- R~elies EiOqUent uith the Story of Past H-ard-. ships--Interrestinq framily Gthetring at the Trulil lomesteadl by the Shor~es of LakeOntartio,July 2ncd. TiiE- STATELiMAxi dningl the past few years lias dono more to make knowiî to the present génération the early hh*,suor.y of West Durhamn than any other aet animate on inanimate ; thereforo it 'is wlth greatost pleasune we eproduce from the pen of EditoW. L. Simith, in the Toronto lVel uaWeil writ- ten account ol trie Truil a yl'içc»nic lxeld on Saturday, July 2nd, 1898, ai the tieautiful rural home cf Jesse Truli, Esquire, south-west cf Ebenozer. in t le~ south western corner of Danliin gto)n. We at tne same time corigratulate- the p ariarch of the numnerous TrulilF iMily othe snccess o!the faînîly -atherIngý an on the excellent record t-hat chiar.: acterizes the Trull ine ini West Dtir- ban> an d wishi tor Mn and Mns. 'l rmli mny -,ears of ha ppiness yvet as they descend the hili of life, and that their1 aiumerous descendants mnay aiways per. petuate the good namne for honesty, in- ýýgrity,inidustry and philanthropy bonne bv their honored ancestors. W e mav be pardoned if we suggest in view cf th~e inportant part the Tmli faiy has performed in peopling West Dnrham wth a thrifty and respectable class of~ farmers that thie Dominion Geverinment tefnuponl the venerable t heugh still acetive oldest representative the honor- hile office cf Her Majest3 's Justice of tix-' Peace. The'Snn's repont of this histerical as- s;aïbly of the Truils-the cenury pic nie-with a few alterations and ad- ditions, is as feliows:1 On1 the 2nd of Octeber, 1794-almost 104 year-s ago-three families arrived at the point where Barber's Creek ieIters' Lake Ontario, their p -urose hein.g te fenmi the nucleus of a 1 ettem'ient in that neighlbor tioed. These famiilles were the Truilis, Burks awi Cllants, and they were the first white' seilers ini the Twshpo! Darlinigton, totenship wbich now forans thýesouth- est corner o! Darham Couit3v. Wh rt împelled these peo ple te soek at houle in what was then the wilderness north of Lake Ontario ? They hstd heeni on the Loyaiist sie odnring, the IRvolutionary war in the old Thirteen colonies, and, after the war, finding their position under the new conditions nnsatisfactory, thev decicied te move from the olhomQ in York State te a new one in what is to-day the Province o! Ontario. Of the Burks net more than a dozen are i the neighborheod ; the Coîlant family i represented bSr one mereber, Thomas Conant of Oshawa, but tbe Tnnll's are almosta2 the sands on the shores of Lake On tarie. SaqturdayJuly 2 wasa ned -letter day in the history of the Tnulls and a prend and happy one for the present hoad thcreof. Onthat day afamil y e-union was held ai the latter 's fine residonce, and two hnndred of the name and con- nlection were présent. A More apprepriate spot could net have been chosen for such a garn- Tho ýýnA - 1,- th*erin-- dollar an acre 100 vears gSno; the nieet. 1119 Place w'1ýs on Z1 beantilul lawn shad- ed by overgreens ; behi nd was the spa- cloussoe residence of the hos; above and around were decoratïins consist ing O!flags, etc., while in front the bIne waters cfè Lake Ontario stretched away te the sonth until lest in the hazy dis- tance. Two Picnuizos. The scene and mnemories it caiied Up tog-ethor created a mental pictureofo On tario's past and Dresent. O ut in t he lake were steamboats loaded with plea- sure seekers ; in front of the hlome- stead naiiway trains, fneighted with goods or passenzers rushoed past at fre- quent intervaLs, above the grave! high- way. which cuts the fa.rm in two, the toleg'raph and telephone wires hummedl in the summnen breeze ; by the roadside stood a score or two o! buggies, top- buggies, which had cannied guests te the grounds, wbile from a shady grove came the notes o! an organ keeping time with the Ehghter musiecf the vioin. That was a picture of the Ontario o! te- day. For a picture o! the On tario of 100 yeaisjago, hear what was said by J esse Truli, as with connections sitting a- round in the cool shade of the ever- 'greens, the pacriarch recounted the so! othe past 1 We are met here'he sad'te commemorate the landing ofour ancestors on these shores in 179-1. Tbey with the Conants anid Burks. left the oId home in York State on the firsi cf Septemberin that year. Theirjenmney lav anourid the south shore of the iake, acress the river at Niagara, and thence by small boats in whieh they skirted the shore te this point. It was on the second ef Octeber that they nreached hene. A journey which would new be accoumpliblhed in at few heurs then eccu pied a mnonth and a day. When a storm caine up-the party haçd to go ashone. At niglit they pitctxed thein camp on tbe beach, and as matches were then un- kncwn the camp fire was started with a flint or byv rubbing two sticks tegether. 'It was ala wilderness about hem thon' continned the speaker, as his eye swept over tbe hroad fields cf waving grain, which have supplanted the for- est. 'There were ne oads in those days' ho went on. and then pansed te look up and down the magnificent gravel roa d- way which to-day pas ses his door. Thoxre were ne buggies in the days of our fathers' he esumed a moment lat- or. 'If people wanted anything in the ,way o! groceries or dry goods now tbev hitch up the bugg 'y and drive a few miles te tewn. In those days Kingston and Toronto wene our nearest towns and the jeurnev made in a 'dug eut' a cance fashioned fnom a holiew log, was a matter of days.' (Uontinued on an inside Page.) NID-SUMNIER WEDIDING. 11he roun onvaw,,uct i thepienie w115 held forms part of the homestead which JFEY-KLY the firsi o! the Trulîs purchased Rt a Ms lnyJfey elntns. Beiv7manville, and daughten, Miss Mary The orldMu].lev, and sons wene in Toronto lait no i ednesday attending a pleasant social morchamin ent. The Toronto Globe says : 'The pitue ha resideince of Mms. Wmn.E&Kellv, 20 Gem- 'Ihthat of happy rard street west, was the scene of a -~and radiant girl- very pretty event on W'ednesday after- - t e,' heod ,Ail teooneon, whien hlem daughter, Miss Jeanetta - '-~ ~. >'~re~untIitheKelly, was marmied te Mr. Solomon a1. happines o rad1ianc~e in th Jeffemy, assistant master ini Huron st., - -youniegirlPsface school, the immediate relatives cf the is oomd t befamlleonly being present. The bride blotted eut b7' the ieoked veny pnetty in hiem. white silk Sgwn; wîth the custcmary veil and neas ~ orange blossoms, and ws s attended býy hiem sister, Miss Florence Kelly, and ~wife 0t:4 and Miss Alice Homuth, while the groom miotherhood who suf- wvas supponted by bis brother, M.Chas. fers from weakaiss B. Jeffery. Mm. and Mrs. Jeffery left and disease in a womanly wsy. er sue# on the 5.20 train for CoIIingwood,wvhere vomen irqehoo4 only holds eut the pros- they will take the steamer for Mackinac peet of sufferlng and motherhood thé pro- where they will spend the re'mainder of bability ef death. Trhere is no reason why this should be the summer. The wedding gifts were tr%%, If a weman *ill take proper ta= of very numerous and handsome.' ni% 4elicate and important organs thaï raake The Editor of TEE STATESMAN sin- wifeod n oteodpsible, tre is enrely congratulates his old pupil on ne reasoîi why she may not b. a heatky and etrn h ak ftebndcs happy wife and mether. Dr. Pierce's Pa- etrn h ak ftebndcs vite Prescription ii the greatest cf ail even tho' he has taken the step deliben- medicines for women. More of ît bas been Utely. 8ol4*thaiL of any ether miedicine f6r wotnen. Ovez ninety-thousand wemen have testifled "Sweetheamî Nell"l-song and chorus, te its niarvîçlous resuits. It acts directly on words by Will Semple and music by hedistinctly wemanly erganiism, and gi-ves George M. Vickers-arranged specially l±strength, health and vigor. It allays in- for LEisuRE HeuRs, will be necognized flmatien, heas icerationi, soothes pain as apprepriate fer the seasen and very and toues the nerves. It does away with the ailznentý of the perioc of. anticpto catchy.- "A Great Mistake," by Emilie and makÉes baby's advent easy and aliost Castelaine, mistaking a brother for the painless. It insures the new comier's healt.h lover. happily bas a happy ending. and an anmple supply of nourishment. in Oliver Wendell Holmes-portrait and Dr. Pierce"s Common Sense Medical Ad- short biography. The Ladies' Paris viser hund.r -ds cf women relate ever their designs in fine dessmaking are repro- sigatur e- cheir experiences with this mar- duced, covering four of the large quarto si,:Fus itiedicine. It is sold by ail goed pgs sqîkya e tl rs înedicii îe ealers. ipgs sqikya e tl rs «LaýI. month I Sud no pain at ail and worked1 or cloak al pears ini Paris,the correspon- every ,ay without inconvenience. it was the dent of this magazine in that city,quick- fi t 1e passed that period without pain," IV Sends a description and drawing cf uvrites Mis Lauretta MeNees, of Reno (P. Oý Box . aet ESR eRa( uta 723), Washoc Co., Nev." Dr. Pierc's Favorite thesantoLiuEH Rad s s Prescription did it." q- (lukl.v dces its readers have the chance "T'he Peopes Medical Adviser"l con- ýte see it Mr. Charles A. Dixon, Pub- tains several chapters devoted tc the physi- lisher of LEISIURE HeuRs, 908 Arch St, olegy of woeuef with directions for self- Philadelphia, Pa. treatmrent which every weman ought te ______ read. A paper-beund copy 1geat free ferI 31 one-estatmps te pay Ëat cnstc=sý and TO <CURE A C(OLi)IN! ONE DAY. maillng on1ye or, cloth-bound, 5e stanxps, Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. Al. Address Dr. 1. V. Piece, EItÙfalo, N. Y, Drugglsisreadltheamney if itfailâ te ure, 25e HO 1 FOR 1000 ISLINDS. It' has become pretty well known throlughout West Durh*am that when i i -T 1 WM M-UIZOZ 01 l HO bT N anneun M ces an excursion under his personal manag-ement that it is worthy of pajt- rontage. He is now trying -to arrange a cheap excursion <on a date early i Au.gust to the 1000 i slands. For island scenery unrivalled for beauty in the world, you should sali thnoukht the St. Lawrence as far as the.se isiands extend Let us know if you wish to enjoy sueh a feast of vision next month. 25c. Jubilee Offer. on August 1, 1878-twenty years ago the flrst of next month-the presont owner of Tru STATPmSMA.- assnmed.con- trol as proprietor and editon, and we desire to mark, tue 920ti mile-stone in Our journialistic history in a practical way. IDn order to -ive aIl our subscrib- ors and friends au opportunity to share in thi ju biiee celebration we h'ave de- cided on this p)lanz We want 2000 new subscribers and te mnake it easy for ail friends of Tua STATESMAN to help sweil our present lîst by this numffber this month, we mnake- this offer: We wili sond Tira ST ATESMN to any address'iii Canada or United States to end o! 1898-26 weeks -for only 25c. We respectfuliv nequest eveny pres- ont snbscriber to send us at ieast one Jubilee subscriber, and evory person who will send us five ,iubîlee subscnib- ens and $1 .00 (20c. oach) will neceive as a present the Gentleman Farmer Mag- azi .ne (advertised on an inside page of this paper) for 6 months. It is the finest iiiustrated farm magazine in the world. Take advantageo of this liberal offer to sond TnE STATESMAN to distant rela- tives on friends. The papen was neyer as good as now. Yeu may send th~e new postai onderb or postage stamps fÔr fractions o! a dollar. Ask your neigh. bons te subscribe. Rush in the Jubilfe .gubscriptions. Address M. A. JAMEs, Bowmanville. Ont. FOR THE BABIEs.-Jt 1s net necessarV to buy corn cures. Men and wométn should remember that Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor is the onlysafe sure and painiles ern nemever extant. t doos its work quickiy anid wl h certain- tv. See that tlhe signature N. C.Polson & Ce., appears on11each bottie. Be- ware cf poisonlousimtios BOWAr< VILEBOY DROWNLD. T. A. WRiGiFr,sýoN OF WILiIAMWRIGHT, A FORMER MEROLIANr 0F TRIS TOWN, PrERiSHEd:oN THE FRENCII STEAM- ER BOURGOGNE. Little did we thinik as we read the account of the collisionî of the British veasel Cromartyshire and the big French liner La Bourgogne bound from New York te Havre on July 6th, that anyone we knew was on board,bnt it is now known be.vond a doubt that one man who perished in the disaster was bomn in Bowmanville and spent bis boyhood here. He was Thomas A. Wright, s:on cf Mn. William Wright, now a traveller for the Steele, Biggs Seed Co., and who resides at 308 Be- eley istreet, Toronto. T. A. Wright was 29 years of age. Three or four years ago he was empleyed with the Tr. Eaton Co. During the Wold's Fair Mm. Wright had worked in Chicago for Mandell Bros, and that fimm were anx- ions that hie sheuld go back, and hie finally consented tQ g o. Ho leaves a wife but no family. His trip to Europe was as buyer for the Chicago flnm, Hs p arents know ho intended going te Europe, but did not think ho intended starting tili the end of the month. His father, who was ont on the noad for bis fimm, *did not know that bis son was a ýassenger on the iii fated vessel tili Saturday, when hie received a telegrani from the firm teiling hlm te retnrn home, te find a tolegram front New York' telling o! his son's deatih. Mrs> Wright,mother cf the unfortunate man, was a sister of the late Thomas T. Cole. mnan, Chie! o! Police for many years i Bowmanville. The collision took place in a fog off Sable Island in the Atlantic about 100 miles from Halifax. There weme on board thei La Bourgogne 85 first cabin passengers, 125 second cabin, and 295 steenage, making altegether 505 pass- engers, and 220 in the crew, making a total cf 725 persons on board, of whom 560 were lest and 265 saved. Of the saved 12 were second-class, 47 steerage, and the nemaining 116 miembers cf the crew, Theme are soune horrible stories told cf the treatment cf the passengers by the crew,many it hti said being clubb- ed and knocked inte the otean when they were clinging te the life heats. ville Sn rn vr Stra o h 11 .. ... ... .. ,nç, mç, n%, m, m, m, m, mp _nçl -MI lnçl

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