TFRIMS :-$1.50 PER ANuM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY i'IRST; THE V1ORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor.> \ :w SERrES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 29. ~~ I ~~E-DITORIAL COMMEN<T. F tes W n Il ~E sudden cali froin Ontarlo s Pre-g ier for the newlv eiected Legisia- ture, to assemble within the next three weeks has proved the ai absorbing topic of interest in Kasterii Cahadian ?v politics this week, and the unexpected iii ï: 'i"iï : î' r ummions cetdas mnuch commotion as the proverbial boitfroin the blue. Whilst s6verai matters of provincial im- OS FCMOS portnce may lie dealt it bx theUE0 GMOS IL1ous:ý there is no doubt that tho sup- Oltta, June 10, 1898. Sreme intereatofd the Session wîil cet~re * * * ound the question of the right of de-DEAI 31R. JAMES,- -ie n other citizen and with as 1littie Pariument by thePost Mfaster -,General, and has noic received its thind qu1estioni of qualification as the deputy- eturning officers and pol clerks, and reading, fcor the purpose of ire-imzposing psaeo esaes n F OT O D Y--last March the vote in many places Was herevwith give yofl, as requested, the stateruent from a return laid o h so hery pulioe iatat the eion 00 1tes 11 1st C ry dor ti B , or tacniuoie tbe of thie Iouse of Gommons, bg the Post illaster Gnrl hviý'h weight of ea.èh of the twco papers published in Bowman ville in one, year, àvery brIlliant idea struck the Con- together writh the postage to be pai!d uncler the new regn7at ions S Will, seil off ail kinds of Sumamer G-oods at greatly redueed prices. ser'vativeé managers, namely, to object to the vote of the election constables, PWuîieation. W1eiqht. Posta ge. ',~-~.~-----who are naturally supposed to be A bautfullotof adis' louesil ew oos, othin uslns ndment supporters., No one had CANADIAN S9TATESMAY - - 7,748 lbs. $38,74. A beutiul lt o Laies'Bloses allnewgoos, bth n M slin an 0* vr fre thouglit of putting these Pri nt, will be sold. at eost price. men in the class of tho,ýe disqualified West, Durhtam -News - - -3,900 lbs. f1.0 because thoy had receivedi pay for public '8rvice in connection with the election, Fusfihul Ail kinds of- Parasols at greatly redueed prices. &id10 n elee nwtatur t ROBEs Yorsfaîtfui ever the intention of the Legisauet OETBII SdisqnalIfy them,or that by auy common-, sense interpretation of "the law they The above is from a letter written us by Robert Beith, Esq., Member of the ALot of Prints worth 10c for 6ec Prints worthi from 10e to 12e for 8e. -. cudbdiqaiedothtnyplc sefCommons of Canada for West Durham, and is a calculation based on benefit could be secured or public inu the officiai returns sent by James B. Fairbairn,Esq., Postinaster at Bowmanviile, terest adyanced by depriving thein of to the Postmaster General at Ottawa iast Dec, We have obtained froin the Post Ail~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drs uln eue npie loalto rs od, rhteir riglits of citizenship. The idea Of Office Departinent at Ottawa the returns made froin the Bowmanvilie post office Ail~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DesM sisrd edi rc.AsaloofDesGos otdisqualifying them was a sharp One and with the dates between which the record was taken,, wliich are as follows: from 35e to 50e, now selling at 25e. possiblY premissible under the exigea- . rom Nov. 23 to Dec.ý 1, 1897, STATESMAN, 298 pounds. u des of Party war fare; more than that News, 150 pounds. -z,: ~N<' f' owever cannot be saO la its favor. Thus it wiii be seen that had the STATESMAN weighed 2 pouads more-about a ieàssortment and special value in Black and eolored Blouse Silksý 1 r. ** 10 papers more each issue-th weight would have been 300 pounds, or exactiy Alii fine Hardy's strong and \ùnex- double the weight of the West Durham News. r also a few Spring Coats, new this seaSOn, to be eleared out at $1,.00 eaceh. petdcutrmv il.efculy The foregoing statement does not include the papiers deiivered by carre ch iec k-mate this hecheme is very evident boys to town subscribers, those delivered to news dealers, those delivered te from the hý sterical huibbub that was subscribers and soid at the office of publication, or those sont to foreign countries These goods must be clearedý ouit and will be sold exaetly.9s advertised'. created ia 'the Consýerative camp by other than the U. S. S' C uci, Jo in to ~Leisatre M. T is withi very genieral satisfactioni new Governmen(-t mighit have been ~ radunstiks n a p uirl lck ihat, Canlada receixes, thei aupuc - btteýr for somnewhat strong el- support, BowTmAivILLE. statemnent o "f the case from the Opposi- tLhe head of the newly organizeti Yukon Twatcliful Opposition. tion Iender'1s standpoint andi conains administration. The country and the n-eitheor proof'nor argument and the Governinent alike are fortunate ini HILE the harvest is never safe un- ____________________ __________________________________________ nîx' actual reply ta> the ca se for the I ______Governinent beg ins almnost la the last securing sudi exceptioiial credentials w tii it is housud, there is every enio as to character. Whule his predecessors, reason to expeet withi confidence FO SRIC.Bekhieparagraph but breaks off at the en fthe pioneers of good goverament in a most bountiful yield of the fruits of OARS the first aine witharthe remark thatil tome that far away district, have worked the earth this x car. Favoreti on every pr4eConre. ers$..J.GsOPr adspcwiifopemtaulepana- faithfuliy and efficientiy, andi while the hand by a benignant Providence, by I-ila v e o Lt tin."sensatîoiial stories propagated by pruident administration anti renewed a vor Good wmane wiii beitca adaidaie hav righte mifeee and enterprise in, lier people, wr.Goiane wil-aitd orih ee au-We the fate of governments anti weight witli tliouglitful readers in the Caniada to day stands second to none, APPIY to FARMER, BOX 11.BOWManiie. 29 1 1t- inherent riglits of the people are a t absence of more reliable testimony, it as the ideal home for the capitalist, the Seen qour iN ew. L[ Ïn<,me-s $509000.00 TO LEND ftake, tlie recognized leader of the self- willqi e a bolti man, ofrmore than, farrner,the manufacturer, the mechanic rotn o mrapinteret champions ofcil bets averageeklsis, ocnnut dhe laboring an For S pring ? gage sequrlty at moderate rae o rt«apit ii iete For 5 j %Jte*1 g A.EMcsLAuoHLIN,Solieltor,BOWManv ie,ont. shoulti flot conisider time anti space. cirt*ulate similiar stories, with Mr. Ogil- E1 RA SERVAN WA., Whitney's assertion that the pre- vie et the heati of affaîrs. Major Wlshi W ' Do ot ailto allan se wht w hae n Frniure G ii malfanil; amidleAed.- omn edent set by Sir John Macdionaldin alas done wel, anti Mr, Ogilvie will ei IV@ Do notfail o calmand ee wht we ave i Furnture.G 1887nalatatheY;instigation ofw0 the1 8 thene Lnsber-incontinuehn Ltlie Cgtiouet 1olk;golisorsubordin-rd anan It wiii pay you for we are offering the best and eheapest St. tOMnili e AS RE2l9.1tar ai Opposition ils not a precedeat govera- ates indîvitiualiy anti collectively have liije ofFurntureeverbetoe sen i thee pats. ~e~~ii ii,_-th present case will satisfy no0 Oned, been cliosen with. an eye to peculiar M ake s u H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ avn b glt er lreyatago diontfm Lopen fate, on tLake and oemn oft and ti public misfortune that lack fitness for their individuai duties antid Hood'oSarsaparilla la prepareti by ex- wheal ir o ng ou ofr buine sst youd xvii cufi M sometwe a KrgsatLk nd Tod's liake shop. Fi,,der wiii be 8,oitabei- e i r&e an space prevents lin explain- the pursuers of th, terrible Sifton will perienced pharmaciste of today, wrho have waorded bytornn a e to Mr 27 d' n oeflyts nypituo ae to start off on another tack. brouglit to the production of thie great bargains. Cail and see, it is alwayvs a -pleasure to show SoertoCaCx.which. his side of the case can possibiy medîcîne the best reauits of medical reo (i"dç :OARS FOR SERVICE.-An lmin-succeeti. !While admittîng that special *** earch. Hood's Sarsapia:i1ta lâ a moderiâ adstrenigtf. Its use is a sato- --fw snrroundedtwith ordena grounda stme ulo'k, carrioti e'von to the extent of* a*Tondriedii eitBo a- ger _gaRs thernsplothpenieot pool(-ade CoubavleadOoi ferent Varities of fruit frets in good bea, ii thrcatening to witlidraw fro n the Conh Iow-grade twines, of whieh the .T prmis ference, if the officiai opposition was AST but not loast Britishi Clmivleaniroocc Sturdav fortI ma rket is full, and1 which are Balif Bomlvie 2as 3 If ot modifieti, that victot'y lias butin L lis wheeled into hune. Whuio if purpose of buying livo hiogs for slip- Il knowu f0 cause double expense -4P - __ seuei LU ifclisl h v may be atimitteti thaf perty linos, ment. and work lu harvest. 1P.V A AIP ere vrvî -il but the reputation which as undersfoot inl the East arc not s edsr'tecnî: Parnte FERuEMNir WAiUGH, L. D. S .e. anti do) opei,.t'ýoii of~rra so td*nt we No othertwine is_____ RA OPENEDCanada ta matie turn etI lest two closely recogizet c ' i on the oas, stili ftch r adt iCaiiiî.î mbr-î .-~A entl ffie n liclxomsabveyeais il imperiai circles eliablot ilier resuit of lest week's elections lu British we cia, sh,1 ý p eî anirake botter JUSIS ~OD RSPLYMUTU' ' ~ M. ~ ~ILI~M~~ freprot ooîtativesto overcone alobsacles Colunmbia bas put flic effairs of ttat sae. e -tnl stop ta'c practico of suriir le oiy b Thiote is soineti nz peculieriy ungecaci Province lu the bauds of mon iwâ hlave t)a.li4. 00 co i'-ýiüii ,101î givec the fa,'- or Mr. W'angh bas spent four veats'i a o-us in flic doliberate attcmpt of a sec- bec n iargely traot ath Libeid 'wrr lt wher, Vou have tioe tosed. ~q y-~ ,...~ Firsf-lass Toronto Office a ni B p e a tion of their political oppon oa s 0 o sehool anti xhoso p a, r c d w r-a t J. & II. B. F ST P, 17 1 0,~I tý .- df omdmDuitye iue e at fîom the real value of fIs latesf thec cou nlulookiag Dorapoicvbei -' rte.servic.e wloîch fihe Lîborai Govriimefit upon fhe princiffles of truc Liberalisaii, Box 203, Bowianvilie. 2 m dw.- BOW'MiANVILLE. Golti plates, Crown anti Bridge Ilr b!as rendered f0 Canada, by making flic Vicweti from this district ht wouid 'Hgads Yelloxv 011 cures sprains, specielfy.~~ ~ ~~~~ 1),,boub deam tIef the credif wes praci-epa stog lcPcfePoic oyr specalt. atic-appar s thughthePaciie rovncebri-ufes,soives, -woulsds. eut$, frostbites, aL~7 Painless extraction a specialfy,,. a 1ly dlue f0 their predecessors anti one lias matie no niistakýe in the mcn she ~t~g Ststbe s ý lcas, cnu ~ 6 666 666 6 6~ 66 666 66 666 666 ** BOWMANvJLLE. Or two sym pethizers in oit London. lias placet la aufliority anti wloile flic sioas, etc. Price 25,..