P.OBERT YOUNG, V, S. O 'FFIC E IN WEST DURHiAM NEWS %JBioek, whero iseof or hts assistant will bc found from 8a.,m. 109 p. mi. Nigisi calis ai ssidenco, direcily opposite Drill Shed. Cails by telegraph or tlophone wilreceiye proMppi at- tention. 171 -yr. KROPEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen'sCiothes made Vo Order. NEW TAILOR SHO?. Fise undersignod who isas boon carryiug ou the taitortuig business in connection with Mýasona ýDry Goods Store for aisumiser of years ha .om_ ened business for hiniseif ai bis roonis King St. west, where ho is prepared to make gents àand boys sits in ail the latosi stylos, and ai lowesî pricos. For thoso who wish to ordor sais, ho wll carry a ful itu of sampspinlual hs newest patterns. Give hlma cal J. T. ALLIN, Faslslonablo Tailor. BOW1MANYVILLE BI CYCLE -AND-- General REPAIR SHOP. WV%. fISMLEIGJ-I, Pratbcail Wahinist, Tooi Moker, Look ond Gunsmîth, Spaclal Macilery for handling Bicycle Re.- pais lug in, ail its branchses, asud alnei Flua ahl- 'CYCLISTS.-Have your vhls puu t rtus by a thorougily pratical,maobfu rist. Bicycles, Lawn mowrs, Sewtug machines, Clocks, Typewritars, Rifles; Cutlerv', Locks, Electrie Bails, Dental and S8urglcs4 Instruments. Baie Locks, Iron, Steel aud Bras work of -al kinds. MARKET BU!ILDING, I3lowmanville ONTARIO0 BANK{ coutinuestodo a Goneral Banking Business ai Bowmanville Agency . DIEPOSITS recelved in Savings Bank Department and an isteresi allowed ai current rates. Notice of *withdrawai necessary. Ail deposita payabi on demand. =Buh n odad rfsise pnEurope 5-ve a.-Il United States Greebcsbuh n ot FrornpMy made ai current rates upon ail parts of Great Britain, the UTnitedi States and the Do- miînion of Canada. Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smalI Bmorn fail parts of Canada. This is sieeially advar tageous to per- sans living ini Mantoba or the North-West, ît inakes the funds available ai once at the place of payaient. For other particulars cail ai the bank, .A. McCLELLAN, G'EO. McGILL, Ac6ountar'4 Manager PUBLISHE R'S NOTICE. Tuai STATffSMAN 15 inailed regUlarlv to its subscribers until a definilte order. to discontinue is received and al arrears are paid in full. Subsription Sl.50 per annuim. If paid in advauce $1,00 per annum. who have used hem prove this Tr.y them. Edward Everett Hale's "James Rus- sell Lowell and His Frîends" takes up, lu the JuIy magazine nunber of The Outlock, Lowell's experience as an editor. Dr. Hale says: "Let me say a word about anu"y presumption that Low- cil was a mere figurehead, and that some one else did the work. TrIist me, for 1I know. I -have worked under many editors, good and bad. Not one of them understood his business better than Lowell, or worked at its deti4ils more faithfully." 83 a vear. The Out- look Company, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York. IV Wa MENj f 1876-18986 Time tries ail things. Vears wil 4 r maie a good reputation or estabiish a bane' oua Yoo caunot foui ail of lise peopleeilthe time." If athiug hond lo be good il wiil lasi as tise years go isy. *Timne has Proved Ibeyond the shaow of a doubt that the claims made for Dr. Bobertz's Ireat- ment aresupporteci iy ressîlts. Time bas sisowis that il ha the isesi and mont reliaisia treaiment for every weakness Îof ltse systepi caesed b>' overwork, in- diacrethonr or excesses, Thousans of teastimoniais . and tise codorseusent of physichans attest this great fact. Toi-Day f yen can reap, the.isenefit of Ibis ex- IPerience. if you sic suRfnisg you nov kuew wbehte ioo, lk with ,perfect cor- taiut>' (oe rebief p uA c . TIsçre is notising 2like -», ~.Trest- muent for ef e&ha idsga St-P t. tiredunnasegkaes ud ise Varius aysnptOms rosaltieg fr<isa.abus bas *ver been &Nie Io cure Impota snd restore po irfecîV"igor sud -Mib«ad If yon are iveak sm4 nervoun- Or. Bobertz caousmake- yovs strong sud wel, H. CU res Iwhile othes expeiment. Consultation froc. Vaissablo fBook and proofs of suc- ceas mailed free, sosieS. Troatment f orwsrded t0 Cnadian peints free of dut>'. Cil or write mentiouing this paper. Addres: h R.- L OIRRTZ, 252 Woodward Ave., Detroit, .Mich Hi~DOREMI RE P0000055 TEE ABOVE ' eli=r~n Di=Se. FOu0 .31MIS., Paresis, Sleemlassness, Iiehiy Em.is siens, etc., caused hY past abusee', giveo ýg0r ald siza e in hmnken organs asuqickiy but ,urly reoteres anost Ma.sR- os in 0 d Or Yooung. Easily carried in vesi poc et, Pric6 $1.-00 ilPâckage, Msoney refansded. DoN v SB13Y AW 1MITATION bUý [ngst on having NAP.If rosir druggist has ,iOi 51it, us will Sund t prepaid. FilCiWq0 I1EMEDY Ci., îroprs. Chicago, lit. or Our Aget, STOTT & JURY, Chemists and Druggists ,Bow- nu(,l' ng -JaeKet. If you once try Carter's Lttie Liver Plis for sick headache, bîioses r constipatioù you wlll neyer be wit'hout them. The -yare pureîy vegetable aind easy to take.' Don't forget this. A woman will work and make fairly good headway with implementsý thât a man would throw away in a minute. Ricb, red blood is produced bvMýililer's Compound Iron Pis Thevposs the great vitilizing Prinia upon which depend health and strength. Putting off àt disagreeable dutv does not make it any casier la the end, DR. Low's PLEASANT WoRM SxIZUP.- Is the nicest and most effective remedy for worms of ail kindsý Neyer a-ay trouble getting the children to take it. Some of us wili probabl *v never know what the sensation of having our deabts paid is like. Ho11W Sua wAs TROUBLED.-I was affiicted with that tired feeling and had no a ppetite. A friend adviscid me Vo try Hl>od's Sarsaparilla iwhich I didand in a short time my appetite was better and the tired feeling was zone. Since then we have always had Hood's Sars- aparilla when we need a blood purifier.' Mrs. S. Kinch, Beatrice, Ontario. Hood's Puis are the only pis to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. GeV Hood's Men who revule marriage the hardeat are thse craziest when once they lot go ail holds and fail in love, THE 4,MooxN's INIeLuNCEr.-Upon theý weat1her is acePped by sFOm-1,as real, by others disputed Tiise moon neyer at- tracts cof'ns fro)î thtienVlder-,acn sîpot. Putnaln's Painaless&,orn EàtracF or remoyes the most pailiful coras iil- thrýee days. Thii great remedy m,,ç~ no More spots, doesn'Ct ' fýooling arouî4 on a man's foot, but gesto bujinessat-l once, and effects a cure. Don'r be liin- pnsed upoit hi' substitutes and imita- tionis. G"et Punm"and no other, Thse Aurgust nuïnher o-f Thse Deýiniea- tor is, called the îidsummer anmber and peet many features which. em- p~eethse interesýt of thse magazine for ail n embers of tise household. The article in the series on amnateur Photo- Iraphy- by Sharlot M. Hall, should prove of practical valule to thse expert as well as the novice. Thse Delineator Publishing Co. of Toroaito, Limited, 3 Richmond St., West, Toronto, Ont. POli OVER FIiCTY EARS. Mrs.Winslow's SootbingSYrup bas been ualedby millions of mothers for mbeir eidreii whlle ieethiug. If dtsturbed ai night andi broken of your rosi by a sick child suffering and cryinE. WLtneP""t '"' uVtLLIJ . Ue sai;oronce ani gel a boule 0of Mr. Wi.111.1Z Sooihing Syrup, for Childreu Teetisng. Il w111 relieve tise poor uitile sufferer aI once. Dapond upoin lmtisers, thora is no mistake aboutit. Il curas Diarrisoea regulates lise stomacis and bowela, cures W,,ind Coie, soflens the garas, reduces inflammattion. andi glves toue, a nd eurgy tothelisewoiecsstem. Mrs. Wlnsiows' Sooisg Syrup for c'ildiren teatiing is pleasanl to tise taste andud le ie r seription 0f 0one of tisa oldest ans. best feïiale pisysiciaus oand nurses lu the UnitedSaVs Priece 25e a bottle. Solti by all druggsîs tisro' gis- ont tise world. Be sure and iak for Mrs, sN[- SL<3WS' Soothing Syrup. You ceau tell a good SeaT about how well a Mon understands his business b)y how quickly ise finds things. AsK your grocer rer timo has elapseel sinco ithe rulinge wer 1aced nmseif against tihe rail wîth made. Another casa is in the o-fle buokot, and dipped int the t,ý 0f tise departmont, who can instantly rem ,mber waves, passiug the water along Vo the any or the nunuiross or rulings inaussun conneclion witb lise lettes, carrier service. ltefle&tIons of a Bachalor. Searcb any snarriod iman in Marcis and you wili flnd a tap-measure on him, A man cau always tell wisen a girl is rying Vo look conscious and embarrassed. Ne girl Who ii sating candy ail the time over bas Vtho proper appreciation of kiasing. It is probably lucky thal mon can't have thoir chioice betwoon thse smallpox and hotîsocieanine. The averagema doesu't put much stock la robins; ho waits iii hoe hears soine girl say she must get liar shirt- waist ready. TisefIrst year a woman la xnarriod she is sure that if bier husband were unfaltb- fuiltVo ber ase would go mari. Tise second year she Vinks s would die. The third year she wonders if sho would get a divorce. Afler tisat she nover thiaks about it at ail. Any mani Who calia trousera "1pants" wiil tara around wben you bolIer " bey!" No imana respects his wlîs isear se mach if she doesu't believs bal he lies ho tolls ber. WhaVVise couantry nseds is more boys Viat soak snowballs lu a pail of water and leave them out doors ail nigisi Vo freeme. ,Tise mon Who are taiking about war and & Spanlshis nvaslion are the ones whosie wivos have baguas Vo hit arouad that Vise eIWn xmo:wor ought to be sbarp- ened.:.. SAiter a man hufi beaul married about six mon Vhq h takea Vo tacarryýiig zalittho wad of stting -iv, bis pokot and woars Piu nd uter 7xi3~tomege ef bis vast. Ssbbth siuhiass. g aumebglao and fancy that abeltr bzigLit- nm us arts tise day "vison iboefe ~Il h e. heaz of voicies on, the oo x«g, e teM k la te siops, non r rwd on hugi- neelaywhrabuit ai ChuM*eb.Maîy Ubave tailed s.. For Myy 0wa part,' whetbor 1 sea 1V seattered down amen&g-tangle4 5,oo&s, or bsaming broad acrosa tise fioli or bsmmed linstmveen brick bi4~u or racing out the figure 0ftVie oaueait on my éhamber floor, s Vili I recoguizo thé Sabisatis snsisino. And ee o easg nize It Somii-îIusions-and this among- Vier-ara Vise shadows of great truths. Doubla înay 111V arounli me, or seem Vo close their eVIl wiago andi settIE, down; but so long as I imagineViat he sartis is isallow6d and the ligisi of bea-sea ro- tains ils sanctity on the Sabbath-wbiie tbat biossed sushine livos witbin me- nover cao rny seul bave lest tisa instinct, oc its latta. Iriria ns gobe astsis>' Hwiw return ogain" Sorne of Uls Cani't Help it., Don't Yvorry about soustbing Viai you îisink mn>' bhappon o-morrow, bacanse you ma>' dia o-nigirt, and o-mnorrow may find you bayons Vise reancisof worry. Dont worry over a'tVising that happened yoaterday, because yesterday la a buadsec years away. If yoa don'V believe il, just try te neacis sUer iV and brin.- iV back. IDonit worry about anytfIing ibat is hap- pening V-day, beamsa Vo day wil oui>' lasV flM.eots or Vweiy minutes. 'Don't worry ,abouti tiîng You can't islp, be- causa worry on>' mokas tbem. worso,' Don'i worry about thinga you con lbolp, beeaise thon Vler's ne need Vo worîy. Den'V worry ot al. f Fou -want Vo 1a peieni aow and, thon,it w-on' t burt you a bit, iV will de y= geod. But 'worry,, worrýy, worry, fret, fret, fret - iy there's neitiser sorrow, penltenc, strangtb, reformation. hepe, non resoution ln IV. .risiiini,.WDO iO shoSIIIIJ I ver the o lck. Pretty acon a bigis wave bit the Duteis- man, ho iost bis balance and uanhiet over Vise sida. The Irishmàn Veck one look. NoV a trace was Vo ho sean of the unucky Dutchusan. Ho burriod ex-ar Vo tise captain'a cabin and called blii ont. "Whist do you want?" demansded Visa "lWell, captain, whia I camne Vo geV my job ye miade me geV a ricoxnmend, didn'V you?" "Yea, vou'ro ali rigbt, I guesa. Wha's Vhe motter?" "Woll, you dida't ask Vhe Dootcbmass for a ricomnînnd, did yoa?" "'No; WhyP" "Wall, capt ain, thse Doolcbmian's gone off witis yer isoocket." The Horse Rides Behiud. The Street Railway Journal publishes a very interesting description of a primai- ive streot raiiwoy wbicb uparates un Vhe suburbs of San Francisco. A.bors pulls a looded car Vo one end of Vhe lissa, Vhe grade of wisich iasauflicleul Vo allow tise car Vo returu by gravity Vo Vhestsarting poli t hes ors beiag taken aboard Visa car on tise reluru trip. riding on tise rear plaiforus. The grade averages 3%4 par cent,, and this ls sufficient Vo return the car, the bors and thse passengers Vo Visa foetoth ie ii ntIrely by gravi Vy. Tise lue in about ona pub un length. The company .wns One car "and five hanses, and the dally mileage la about 40. The horseâ is able Vo draw the car up Vise grade ai an average speed of about 2y, miles per hour, and tise car descends by gravity' ai a rate -of about 15 miles par heur. Slang. In a discourse upon "Us.. and Ti Wordo, lu Vthe Phîllîsines, M. i, iliM McIntoBla Effors ihose sanpies0of aing: 1"A promîneuti member ofrVise Scrib- hiers' sluh of BUffIW, second clty of ian- pariai New Yerk State, was shockedj one daycooiag lai e s.PMoSe.of the' news- papen eise worked on, i. hear Vthe aiy, odîten .say.t. the, denuiy %@rue reporter 1aorin a summer shisx 'TIbata pneity bot ataI U. WN mua& dtd you cougis up for it?, "Aunisour Inter siso was tllga aim- patisotie friond -of the failurceWe a ýprejocl. ed longue of womsaî'a club., aud h.w 'Miss Mulligan urned '@nu down and they &H htirew fis.' FIroeStopsasnYugCitn. Tise llrsè stops la Vhe Christian lufe are like tisose whicis coma laVer. Tbey are inciuded iii tho cultivat4on of panltence, bumility, simple trust la God and thq habits, of Bible study and urayer Pnd of iudeed Vhs frasiug Vo b. dons, anS ut wili be tosind a now experience, but il la oui>' tisat wictithe Christian must go en dolag as long as ho lîves. Tise expres- Mion, "bouking Vo Jeans," onubodios Visa kernol of Vise wisole matter. A truec cuSl of Christ strives eaaestiy evor>' day anS aery boar Vo ho andS do what conscience tells hias bis Lord woald heansd wouid do la tisa saine curca-nstanoa, Bussana Don Cossack rerginienis are haing drils d in, crossing rivais ou a iiovai sont of umPreOlsd'T'dgs. Savon or elgisi lances are passeS ýbeiween the isandies anS tope of a dozenx cooking ketilos, and are balS firrmly un place by tise iandios and are besides ieS ogetiser by forage ropee. A dozen bundies of' these lauses fastmeS ogther forus oas se ction of s LaIt or ftooting bridge, wiichIs t Sas bean fotsad wil suîpport baif o Von of weight. A setion con bis put ogtiser in iweniy- av* Minutes. 1a the mf-st reliable and effective;1 remed y- Rown-- for tle rosser sn cure if DIAJSRHÇEA,. lYSENTERY, COLIC. CRAîgfPS. CIOLERA aud SU14- MER COMPrLAINvT. I setiies tise stomacb stin] ulates tise '. hearl, sootises and healo the irritai;ed bowel. - FrNEVER FAILS. FrSeverai seaSsons we have re- lied on Dr. Fowlers Extraci of Wild Strawbarry for ail sommtrer co- plaints. A few doses always give relief auidit neyer failq to cura. We lisinIs it a vcry, valuablo medicine- a precios as gmld." MRS. PV C. WINGER, Font Hill, Ont, PRICE 36 CENrS. RISuizSUBSsvrUESs. TuavaS DÂNÇO500. ALWAYSJ<EEP 00 NA30 THERE 13 %9O KINDO0F PAIN1OR LOtIE, INTERNAL ORt EXTEPMAL., TIIAT PAINI-KILLER WILL lOT RU- LIEVI. LOOKOVIT FOR IMITATtONSANDSft>8- STITUTES. Tir4< GENNE Uo"1LU BRARI 1141 NAME, PEWRqy DAVIS 4'son. This town now has among its musical citizens three y oung ladies biding the A. T. C. M Idegree from the Tôronto Coi-servatorv of Music-Mliss; Mauci Fairbairz, violiniît ;. Mi3'*4 M. James, j vocalist; anrd Miss Florlince Tfliey, pianiet. (~ssMNT SYSTESM). *WOMEN OFTEN When ibe usband or son joins a Court ina Society because it takes up one or two aights a nonth, but whcix iisey are bereaved of their helprnet and ro- ceive the Insurance fso long WOrkDd anld pianned for by the love one wb03 han becal, 11d hence, opinioni çbanges quickiy, Thera ire no sironger frian9 fdstiea OanaýeïauOrd£oe .f For.aters than lise ý-, ïo w janwna ýd orpisans who have beec kept freuo posble wani und poverty byztis Insur. aises and SicIk Benefitmoneys paid by the SocietY. Tisis is nt a clsarity, the moncy is fairly earned, and mn-tisa least part nf the consi-deralïon sta ti self-saerificissg wnrle of tise Brethre -Wiio attend lodge and seud uct the business of tise socty witls- out fe or prie for ther services, Il is for tise bmeefil --Awives, sons ndSdaugisters, falisers and mnothars, that tie COF. cornes on is greal work, and ils noble principles have iseen ampi>' sustaineil by Canadia wmanhood. ahCourt .y raviSe for S andRuerai eseflt4 andi the allendac of a skilled physician duriug iliocîs.. The Higis Goaerigiv-s a se'eklv ,allwange of frous ý3 1 $5 duriug ilîniesor,,disability as pro- vdeS lu tise Sick and Furai Bceiefit Law, andSons tise Seatisof a imember conîribeetes $,p, omards bis furai expesess. After satisfactory proof e- f ise Soatis of a mens ber lu gond standing, tise wi% ,cildren, or desig.« nWsed payera of deceased, rec Ive fromnlise Order lise amoual of insurance provided for, as nsed ian tiseir lusurauce Certiicale or Certificaltes, which tnay bc $5e.., $.,oo, $.,500or $sooo. For furtiser'particulars enqeiira ni anmy ef tise bicer or Member.. ofthe Order, or adldress M. £LLIOT1T. - THOS. WHITE. Ar.CJ.I.nersofl. H'g 4 Brnfoi or ERNST GAR¶'UNG, RrsaW.ford -X-k 1- z -T K-rivare xxio uev N ivmilýu b mwý. -- - 1 M 9 ý4w-, s -1- r-t Il -t 1-r'