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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1898, p. 7

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Nimb!, s a Scho I y t'. 'VIl ' .. JI LY )~ *I1~RICa [~ItiAli '4lnety-rxine Cases in a Hundred that Is the Ilearty Verdict for South Amnerican Rheumnatic Cure. * Rheumatism;r is a dangerous diseae-while *tiffened joints and nusces-incessant inter- mittent pains in theze parts are the common forma of thîs so common ailment-in its more 4' acute forms it often attacks Vital parts-such as the heart andbrain with fatal resis-n expectedly so in many cases-and where death doci flot follow, the patient ila hable to derangemnoqts which are absolutely incurab1e. No case of Rheumatism oo long W- standing to sdecumb to this wonderful treatment- the Great South Americanq Rheumatic Cure. It is simple and harmiesa-relievea the pain and dispols the cause-j Çures muscular, a zute, chronic or inflammatory rheumnatism, iieuralgia ad lumbago in frtom one to three day-it's an unfailing apecific. Mr. ý ID. Mct,,eod, of Leith, Ont., aaya : "For beven years I sfée F aies from rheurniitism. I was confined to my bed for montha at a u e. 1 was unable to turn myseif in bed. 1 was induced to try South Agnerican Rheurnatic Cure. Inaide of 12 houri after 1 had taken the *v.at dose the pain had al ieft me-three bottles cured me-and to-day 1 go as nimble as a schooi boy." RUTII AMER ICAN KIDNEY CURE-Théei.D.we GofséIsmée te the cry of the saffer. «-fpre.eminent as at pîîilier-rlch ln be@Abal la Sthe eery day tetiMeny for tals pftt cnel-t la a kidney spelàc-It dissolves and eradicates !rom the systern -Mforelue iýattér-eI1ays 1nflawmatlon snd paila la the bla4ler rellevea Most dI- *Wo!ng je andi bladder dtrgqrdem-Brtgbtla diseaee-diébete--grarel stone- gkfylysad kidred altmeta-relief lu a few houri lu nMost diatraaslng casea-volumeai a test.lmony. OUTH AMERICAN, NERVIE-Cures diseasea by rensolng thie causa-touaisthe iMyes-cures deblitY--crestes healthy appette-4tlmulakes. dlgestlon-tnvîmz~atez the giver-makes gooti, rich Med-glves otreugth -te the, Muscles anid ateadiuesa to taie g*nds--carreots the whloie aystem andi wa-rds o0 dlsaas&-it'he ,grmetst of tones-a gqesh buldr-a pereot rfglator-t boon té'Manklnd and womnanklnd. Sold by STOTT & JURY, Bowmanville. SewingMachines. There are nxany-'kinds of a new machine yen shlould by kind'I sali. Se'wing Machine's, but where purchasing ail mnean.s get tice very bet-Tisl h For Tailors' and Dreasmakers' use, our Machines- havae no equab. Prices reasonabie, terms nmade te suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with avery macine. Iutending purchasers sheulti eau ant i ivcstigate, or sent postai card anti agent wiii be around. Beat machinea oilfer sale, Buy ne ether. Machine parts anti repaira suppiied. --ive a beautifui Six-Otave Piano-Casa Organ fr sale, a big bar- gain, New supplies ef Boots and Shoas, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and hast varietie.s of Turnip Seeti. HIAMPTON. Severai, G3reat BUis AreNi 0oW Attractingý Public Attention, But the moat important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we ara now preparedt t give the public better vaine than evar befora, For Ordareti Clthing we carry a taaty anti up-te-date linaet Tweeds, Serges anti Wersteds, at pricas jmat exactly aven with quaiity. We have mast received a new shipmeut et Dreas Geoda, Prints, Ladies' Blousas, and Straw Geeda for every day and Sunday waar, and the prices wili sali thani. In Grocerias we carry oniy the bast geoda anti wiii aiways ha founti wvith a fil assortment e! ail uines in public demad-all priceti bargainý ishly. Wa ailse carry Creckary, Machine O11, Paint 0OU, Paints,Axie Greasa, Fance W re, Nails, Bînder Twina, FPld anti Garden- Sectis, anti Patent Medicines ln fuli bueý. Wa don't ask o obelieve, buat ask you te irvestigp.te. Ff ank Ar. eôlle. HÂIoeTON. = k THE SHERWIN-WIULiaMs Co. MAKE 0 PAJNT FOP Boars, ShI& Furnhture, Buggies, Farm louis, Etc. A speciai paint for each pi»' poe, net eue slap-dash mix-' turc for ail. Net iew priced, but highaat grade ai- faim, honest prices. Xou 'uilw our epuitation. We 5ay these are tha besi- paints we kuew of. Yu&(Ll'IÎ say se tee afi-er you have used i-hem.. -SOLD -Y llorsey Block, Bowmanville. We also carry a- full Un1e of Gardlen Tools, ChýiCken ïrie Barb Wire Annealed Wire, at honest Market Prices. If,. oui ex pect tu cwUH(1ei ni a ba~it df to-d ay, You wiii have to biow your trumpet lu a firm and steady way. The man that owns bis acres la the man that piews ail day, And the man that keeps a-humming la the mnan that's bere te stay. The man who advertises with a sort of 'sudden jerk, la the man wbo biames the Printer be cause it alient woric. The man that gets the business 'uses brainy printer's ink, Net a clatter or a splutter, but au ad. that makes yen think; And lie plans bis advertisemeut as lie plans bis well-bouglit ai ock, And the future of bis business is as soiid as a rock . frha Ontario Department cf Agricul- ture bas recciveti inquiries frein Gar- miauy rcgarding the addnasses of relu- ab'e finms axporting eva»erated. appies and other frii. Oua ess-'ntiai of the German mark~et la the tir1 inz et snch fruit on wotien anti net ou zinc trays, a,- the detection ef zinc by officiai an-' alysis would prevaut importation. This inquiry,due te information givan by the Canadian Curator of the Imperial In- stitut e, may open up a profitable linaeto expert busincra. A preminent newspaper man in this district writiug us thae thar day says: "Wc have shut tiowu on the 'pass' racket; the otier I3owmanviilc fellowa wiii soon want us te accept cabbage fer ativertisiug." Tha uawspapar publiaiti- ers et this district loose huntinedisof dollars by -xielding te the importun itias ef churcli, seciety anti other offici 'aIs lu acceptîng passes te this, that anti the ether tnugwhen by stiifening their uppen-iip anti back-bonc a iittle they coulti get the ever-welcome cash, '*What fools we imortals be Ona issue more ef. THîE STATESMAN wili compiete twenty ycans under pres- cnt management. The publisher aska as a speciai fay 'or that overy prasant subacriber senti in eue new subacriben te mark this Jubilea. To maka the tasir easy the price lias bea ut ntl twe anti only 25c la requiredti teaccempany the uaw name. What a proiud man Editor James wouldbe if bis list ef sub- scribers wcre'se quickly deubleti. Rend an, can yeunont atitioee te the Jubilea iat ? Try, wll yen -pleasa? Senti the paper te a distant friand if yeno can'tf Dectors are provebially privileged to disagree, and the Collegre of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec seem 'to take full advautage of the priNvil(,ge. At a meeting in Lavai UnIVFr.irv lst the old board, witii Dr, J M. Beausioleil 'ut its head, was overwhehii igly defiat-, ed, and the "lleform" ticket elected, The election was preceded by a very stormy debate, iu which the medicine men caiiled each other thieves and liars. Sir Wilfrid Laurier states. ever bis signature that lie is in possession of a letter written by the Spaniard Senor Carranza, which "unequivocally states anti aend telegrama, anti te ioùk after the sp.ý service, which service lie was tien'estabiishinig." Upen the strcngth ef that information the Premier*iu- sisteti upon the immediate tieparture of Sanors Carrauza anti Du Bese. -Wli any Canadian tiare say Sir Wiifriti did wrong ? Some Tory papers do. The tino bas coma fer publishers te taka a decideti stand lu their owii lu- terest. They are becomiîîg the îire 'v of ail classes. Dead heading, frec patsses,, anti tickets are tee traquent. Why shouiti a man who lias $4000 te $5000 lu- vested in a printing office anti news- ,.paper accept anythiug but soliti cash for bis ativcrtising sp.ce any more than a fanmer, a hardware, a dry geotis or a grecery marchant ? Asir a farmer te give an acre on bis fanm for a rhurch society, andi sec hlm laugh at t he ab- surtiuy. Ask a drygoods nmerchunt te, bestlow a few yards of cloth te e'. eryi monuey-making churcli society aud aee hlm wriggle. Do yen knew, kinti readers, tlint it Is the amali aconemies and saviags rather than the large profits or carninga whlch lu timea of business tiepression go far towards making a. profitable balance" The olti andti tite adage "Look wel after tie<penca and the pountis will look after thaniseives" la cquailv truc to-day. WeCanadians arc becomiug real spend- thrif ta iinthese amali axpeutitures. Ita five cents lie, ton cents therc,a quart- er for semething aIse tili littie luxuries anti daintics,trifiing'*tid-bits at'i"sweet- las" that coulti as wel ba let sione, se far as haaltb,comfort or reai advantage lu auy way is contŽarned. These, use up our spare cah-the sînail change gees and goca tili the purse lias te be neplcuîahad wîtli large bis. Say, yen West Dunhami farmers, do yen kuow that swine-raising eau be matie enaeto the moat profitable indus- tries et the day ? Thora la a batter oen- ing juat uow for swiue-growing than AfGONIZlNG PAINS. ITHE SPANISH ARMAD Endqu"ad by Tliose who sufer froin 'c -dtic-A viutim tells bew to olbtain 1e!ief. r7oobly ne trouLie that aMficlts ma ý - idcanses more intense agonyv thanl ýczaL5. Frequeutiy the victim'la quite belpiess, the least movemeut ausing the most agonizing pains.. 'hose who are spfering froni the malady the fol iowing statement from Mr. Joli: Hayes of Hayesville, York Co " N. B,~iipoint the road to relief and cure. Mr. Eayes says: 'For upwards of twentv years I have suffered froin weakness-and paLin in the back. Somne timte ago My trouble was intensified bv scia tica set- tingin rny right le-- What 1 sufered setemsia most ; odl3OdI escription. Ilem ployed three doctors but ail te ne pur- pose : I had te givYe up worký entireiy, aud almost despaired of life. TPhis cou- tinued for two years-vears filieti m ith with miserv, At this 'time I was ad- vised te try Dr. Wiliams' Pink PuIs, and after usin-g six boxes bota the sci- atica and thee weakness lu tbe back wbich had trousleti me se long had. gene I was again a well man and feeling tif- teen vears vouuger than befere 1Ibegan the rvila. 1Narly two years have pa';s ed since 1 discontiuued the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and lu that tume ne syniptem of the trouble lias showu it self. Under God 1 thauk Dr. Williams' Pin1k Pilla for what they bave doue for me.' Mr. Hav es %voliîîtarilyv testilles te the truth of the aboyae statement befoz-e Edward W hesead, Esq., J. P., aud bis stataînts are further vouched for by Rev. J. N. Barnies of Stanley, N. ýB. A weman works more in a day with teqis untif.trte be uaed than a man ddes lu a year ______ WEAK, NERVOUS WOMUEN Sffering from palpitation-of the hieart, dizzy or faint speLs, watery bIood, tc, can be readily cured, A Manitoba Lady Teis A&bout iHer case. Theré la no ned whatever for s0 many wemnute be the subjeot of f aint spelsà, liarle aud nerve -eakuess, anaemia, or Mny of Shoe elsh idestroying aliments péculiar te lier sex, Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve S Pilla regulate the béart beat and maire it stroug and, full, toue the nerves, anihthe blood, andi relieve thé pain and weaknesa frein which s0 many woen Mrs. Alex- * ander Setter, of IL8URNPigeon Bluff, R Man., writes an EART A account o! her W. case as f oiiowa: NERVE "Il have great 111 peasure lu giv- 4"ing my experi- J ~ / ence of Milburn's ýf Heart andi Nerve Pilla. For about ton years I was Iroublet i wtl threbbiug and fluttering of the heart. I tnied fivé doctora anti severai reméedies but noue of BATTERED AND BEATEN BY THÉ LITTLE ENGLISH FLEET. The Big Galleo..s lRddied W !th Sliqt and Sent Driftinz Towards the Shoali- Degging Sidonia to Stirralider. "The Spanish Armada" la the subject of ani] rticle in the Centuryv, -Wrrtten by Willi.iiFiederlo Tilton, NV±th an intro- dluctîon by Captain Âifred T. Mahan. Mr. 'I ilton'says Of the defeit of the "In- vincible Armada:" Iu Spai the progress and fortunes of the Armada had natutrally been the on@ all-a usorblur hmee ofbeasting or conjec- ture, iln Palace and monastery, in street and shop. From éevery altar o! the landi fervent prayers for !tg success wéré ris- lng. Tho King bimseif passed heurs of evary day upon his kueea beo e the sacra- ment; andi those lu waitiug ou hlm de- clnred that he o! tan rose in the, ulght, sighîng te lîsaven fer victory. And now came Menîoza'a goed .news. Yet thé King, foeeish as was hia louglug for succs, was tee eld a player te put absoluté trust in his ambéssadur's cou- fus3d report; fer the sanguins, magufle- queut Meudoza hacl a reputation for "dé- ceivlng himself." Se Phllip, lu an agour of cenfiictiug deuht andi hope, shut himu self up iu the Escorial, andi would givé ne eue audience until ho sbould neceiva more certin tidings. While Maudoza's ridîculeus rumors wero iruatn thrPugh the cipof the Continent, the Armada was lruaà-aty flying, crippléti and misérable, Into the fogs ani gales o! thée<GermnOceén. Fer Phillp's fleet, if net actually conquerod, had beau térrlbly shatteneti by the inces- saut. deadly line o! the English gunnera lu thé groat llght, off Gravelines. Whéul the Spanilsh adnîlral, the Duiré of Mclinii Sidnnia, counteti over his shituaften thn battialeve weraý missing, amnîog thenil those o! the two hareso! thé day on the Spaulaliïhsoda, thé daéslnD, Irresistible soldler-sailqrs Teledo andi Pimentai, wh o, havlug zfouglht tilI, lu the w'ords o!a Spanish oilicer pre,ýeut, thein ccaekgaleons were "knooe«IliPpieces, andi th. csews uoart3y ai dead or wouudad, " dritted in the blach- nlight, helpieos, or rather unhaiped, aevay fremn thafr consorts tcward the Low Country coat. Yat thé Armada hati net been uttanly routed, anti Elizabétb's captàinis Jr.iw this feul well. Iu the évening, just atter thé lightiug had ceased, Howard wrote home that hé had "distresseti themî much," aîîd, thoun hetioub.ed net, "Iby Ged's gioti assistance, te oppresa theju," yen he would net "write unto ber-Majes- ty till more hé doue." And aveu jubilant., Drakre, who, witb ttie lnsight o! thé great seacaptain, hadatia once appraciateti ai- ruest te its feul extent thé succoas achievéd at Grav-elines, stili expectedta te wrestle a pull" with the Spaulards, anti was keep- iug a suarp éyé upen themn night andi day. lu spito eft tlelr cxhaustiou, thé Spani- ards hati scance iloacti thein éyes during the night after Gravelines. feariug every moment te hear their ships strkae on the treacherous banirs which. skirt the Low- Conuntry coat. Seon atter day broke their feans were âll but réalizeti. The wind had gnadually étigetite #aé orthward, andi was uew blowing hard frein the nerth- Igi; aIh nînst ornl., urenc 01 ami, ûh-,,a --~~~~~~~~~~~~ aie mm mrt ema rxw '.. __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ gat a suescnîber near yen. The ouiy correct basis ou which te un a church on society la straîglit giviug lu claar cash. Mouey-makziug achemes unden the guise of religion are dishouer. lug- te Goti. If Geti blasses a cheenful giver, lie wants hlm te giva. straight frein bis peeket, net by scbeming te get othar people te coutibute te soeasatine- tive enterprisa anti theni pneacntiug the net precetis te Get, in the naine of the particular society as tbank-effering for lis Zreat gotiness te sncb seciety or its ýindividuai members. If People weuiti give moennt be- and scema more- thay weuid neceive greater biessing. Tha 0Ontarie Legialatune has beau calledt t meen on Angust 3. Iu a mem- onanduni the Attorn ey-Generalexplaius that the recant tiecigion regardiug the flaliaries by the Privy Councîl anti the question ef pilacing polling bootli cou- stables on an assureti footinigregarding thair votas ana semaeofthte reasons for callinz thaelieuse togethar, andti t tha session xnny ha negardati asa spe- ci oeeil théaosanse tint if adjournati te a latar day, more, near the: regular tima of meeting, the two sessions shall be rega rdati and count as enea se far as membenaiv' undeniîtiose and other thîuga are concemnùed. The flidt-tide of prospenity seama te bë'o emhig our way again antiCanadians once more wear the radiant amile o! Hope. Would peoplealal work for it in unson they sieulti soon aIl siare lu its nesuita. Ona affective wa' te bring about betten fluancial condition la for evenybetiy te buy oniy what tiey actu- ally neeti anti pay cash for ail thav buy. Will any man tieny that ha coulti mn is business te much betten ativantage witi reaatiy cash ? The day of cash buy- ing is comung spetiuiy. It mens amaliar profits, cheaper gotis, satan buyiug anti houastar deaiing. May tic gooti day spcaduly coma when it wili be thé exception te asir credit anti the general auie te pay the ever-walcome cash. stock-raising. Thene bas beau full y130 pan cent. more bacon consumed thus far iu 1898 than thana was lu auy pravieus yaar of the wonlti's bistony. The multi- ceib acon et the packing bhouse la fast displaciug beaf as a inent for the masses. People hati noidea wiîat a choica morse] couiti bcealaborateti freaithe'ubiquitous hog until modemn packing appliances took the curing lu baud. There la as mucb dîffereuca batwean a roll et moti- arn bacon anti the elti-tima pickieti hunk as betwaen sirlein tnti shank. Our reporter in bis Juiy repent et the. Town Counejilmeeting ays: "Mr. Mayor speaka lu tavor et Peer lieuse. Mn. Ceruisbi backs hlm up by comparing other towns having poor lieuses witb Bowinanvuile. Mn. 111111cr favons net a Poor lieuse but ativocates tic Ceuuty Jail, which, ha stateti was a conifortabie anti geeti nougb place as tiose wio hati beau tiare lad aiways beau well treateti. Ha aise spokaeto tiose who receivti h.eip frein tic town being insolent anti fot tioing wbat was adiseti for thôir geoti." The aditor lu "boiling dnwn" the naepertcr'a minutas sai: Dr. Hiler strorugly opposadth te Olti Folk's anti Peer Foik's Home which tie.c ladiles wish te aestablila in towu, aiso the grant te tic Fali Fair." Was tis not a tair statemnent ? Tic ladies wio caileti on us matie apeciai rcquest tiat we siouid net cali ut a "Peor Hlouse." Some men wiil swallow au hogshead andiatrain ai a gunt. in lbis report e! the discussion on, n grant te thé Ag rîculturai Society ureptr saya: '"Mn. Millier oppoetheti grant as tie tarmers derivad the benefit. " WVe allow the. public te dacide how mucli cause Dr. Hiler has for aqucalinZ ever our report. MILLION DOLLARS OF SURPLUS. Thera is somethingveny agnecabia in the, report efthe yar'a finaucial. opera- tiens et the De)minion,,whichuwerepninit- eti on Sa turtiay. Aftr payiug ail the chargea upo it, inciutiing the suma set aside for pnshing ou te compiction the cna~l imprn,,amants in a busnesslit-s UnM--vIP UYu- qub-Ii' I ~ anuier, axtendiug thc Intercolonial te !'onstupatilo fl Mentreal, anti paying the subsides for Il fua illy bAll theésiekuesa lu thé 1woldIltiecocnatru tie' n et the Cnow 's Nest Pasa =wU.thé tigested food tee long la the boweX ]Raiiwa-v, tiane is lu tic traasnny a sur- pue 'produzés bilikess, torpiti liver, Imdl pins etfi. million dollars. Wliatevem J -otici e facta thus anuaeamnt a S hlaveil Ug at leat te dispal i-ha idea -Ho d atiherati te býý som eConservatives as ML . %0 J ed '%MW part t thaîr politicai cireeti tht the- gteuio, bikdtaste, taP ceontyatétoiorunjsta ,so ,'inuue, aiek headashtheu-i-- canutny w uiti g ote ficut se. EMAh ew HO»dla PISI s i Lbnasaur0 ,ofie leur. eénapation aud afiI t Il' Bëen marniaga, a youug inan bux-s eanut, eatfly andt toroughiy. 2M.AUl dri.mgglst.a. us oirl fancy stationcry; but atter Peepareti by C. I. licet & Co. Lowéil Mass. wanaâs, saeIs glati if she eau write on a 9» oul' Fila to tsMe with Hééd'a Barsapaila niekie tabla with biuing. of Miiburn's H-eart and Nerve Pis and 1bought lwo boxes. Before I started using the= Icoonld not do my bouse work and gave myseif up te die, as I thouglit I would neyer be cured, Now I feel really splendid oince taking the pis, do rmy work, enjoy fy meals and feel as if there was sonie- nbig in Mie worth living fer." Milburn's Heart 'and Nerve Pills, sold by -ail druggigts at 50c. a box or 3 boxes li#1.25. T. Milbumi &Co., Toronto, Ont. Lxa-Llv.u Pllas cure Billouaneas Siok Ifeadmehe, Otnatlpatlon and'Uys- pepala. Every Pili Perfect. price 25c. LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY OF QUINTE STEAMBORT CO'Y LIMITED SIR,. "NOR TH KING" Commencing May 2nd. DAILY SERVICE. PORT HOPE, COBOUIRGlAND ROCHESTER. SOUTH nOUND. Lv. Port Hope, Ont, North King Lv. Cobourg Ar. Charlotte, N. Y. Ar. Rochester, N. Y., N. Y. 0. 2.30 p. m 1.15 p. n 7.15 1) .. 7.40 p. m. 1 NORTH BOUIND. Lv. Rocb esterN.Y.,N.Y.C. and N.It.R., .20 a. mn. Lv. Charlotte, N. Y. 8.40 a. mn. Ar. Cobourg, Ont. 1,00 P. mi. Ar. Port Hope, 1.45 p>nm. SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For furthar particulars apply te STOTT & JURY. Agents, Bewmanyille., a. H. GI44.EESLFimvE. GeneralManager, Kingston. ALLA n UNE 5TEÂM$ilPS. MONTBEÂL. Quinze. 9 A . 56P. m. Lsurenttau .......... 21July Saine Day Califernian .......28 Il l 1 Nuinidian.... .......4 Aug Panisian'*..........Il Laurentian..... ...18 Calitornia .......... 25 Numidian........1Sept. Parisinn.......... rPanisian andi Califennian eaul at Dérry. Laurentian, listCabineonly, Carthaginiau, md cabînoiy. Passangars ýwill hé transferréti wilh ilceir bag- gag,- frein thé raiiway station te the wharf frée et chùargé. ]RATES 0F PASSAGE. Liverpoel anti Leuddedrry-lst Cabin,52.50, ai upwar-d ;réturn, Q105 anti upu-ards ; 2nd Cabin, (including London) $36.25. Sterage- -Liverpeol,Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London- $23.50. New York to Glasgow anti Derry "SÉiai-e et Nebraska"Mongoliii,lst cabin $45 antiupwav:rts; 2nd Cabin *55; steeraga $23.50. For tiekets and evéry informa.tion ap- piy teý Ailan Lina Azent, Bowmaasvii]e. Thceu e wbo amokesa a eai treng pipe la net the eue wbe sufais, C ~L.l U~yfor, RIAM wiud for Calais; but Sidcnia had ne steînaoh fer anethen ighu, anti. owing to thain cnippleti state, lis ships, bad saijens at best, were uow falling off te leéwanti toward thé 10w liné et sloals. With ter- rer the Spaniards saw lu front et thoin thé great wavés hreakiug into gray foain on thé snooth sanuds, and iclose,$ behinti them the pursuing Engliih fleat. Sidonia was lagging, with bis steet-hearteti lieut- enants, Recaltié anti Leyva. Thé pilota dcclared that thé'floût was doosneti uies thé wîud shîfteét, andi than. spéedily. Cbicken-liearteti ofilcers bégged Sidon te stniké bis colora, anti au least save ships anti lives, but thé admirai ceufesse i hm - self, anti nolved te die, if dia ha miuet, like a tue irniglît o! thé cross. The Errg- llsh, howévér, diti nen attack, beiieving, as thé Spaniards atterwands concludeti, that thé A-mada was drltting of itseit ta sure destruction. Sudtienly, by a miracle. as thé Spaniartis piousiy thought, the winti voaredti tethé seethward. Thé Ar- matin, nescueti frein the sheils eùiy te suifer a more terrible taté, enseti sheats anti salieti eut inte thé deep North Sea, cioseiy tollowéd hy thé English. 'Shakén by thé terrible stnain o! thé last ton denys, and now utténiy unnerveti by thé uarnowness o! thls lest escape f rom thé very jaws et death, Sîdonla was lu a panlo cf'doubt anti déspaîr. So, hnstily summnung a conseil ot war, lié asreti wh.ther ho eugbtte$0«Il kl uitnto the Channel.It 5wa voe -4odé se If tht -Winti cameé tain, therwl#* te 11éhey the wéAther," andi sali nortis about te Spai fer.' was urgati, halls wers hislng at a thousanti shot-holéa, 5h. rlgging wan ter-, tibly out up, anti thé immunitioin was nearly ail con sumeti. Pramilsing to ten backIt he wlnt shîtteti, Sidoujaa héadéti bia régged flest for the Orknéys; yét It jý« ho luttred Shat ahohîtine wish te »On Maeniu the devi#b tactics o! thése horetlo piates. A c-he...foi Oti..k. Whare la se much, In dally Itfe te try 00 ' Molrvélanti S emipen that 1is no$ aiways easy t4 préserve one's clyerfulnéss. Moods m contagions; one unhappy per- son lu , famuly witiit aulyactivé effort eau destrey thé ploésumé o! ail thé réas. 'W. do net aiways remeilbcr Ibis 'andi se wé give way te causes fer dépréssion, and we de not béar ourselvés as hravoly as wé mlght whén things are gelug wrong with us. It la a goti 'nie te koup ees troubles lu the background oe lite, in thé bac kgreund ot thought, bringiîîg te the front enly that whiclî la cheenful anti ounny. Iiow Vnferm,-nted WAVne YsMadle. Taire 20 pountis o! Concord grapes anti 3 quarts o! watem, crushing the grapes lu thé waten. Stin wcli until it reaches belng point, theu let cook 15 on 20 minutes, thon si-nain tlîrough a cloth. Atiti 3 pountis of granulai-éd sugar. Whén thé sugan is dissnîreti, straiu again throeb a cloth, boau te a hboling point aga lu, pour if into bottfes anti seii instantly. Havé thé bei-lies thoreeghly heateti. fip théesocks with cenks into bot seuliug wax. Those 1lho Succééti Bes. Théeumen '.hom I have s'een ~ca baît in lita havé, aiways beau cheorful andi lopetul meu, who Weut about -, hein business wl-h a suille on their faces, tnd tecir thé changes anti chances e! this *montali lité Ilie méoi, faciugi roegh anti smootii alike as it cané, antins, founti thé truith e! thé o'ltiprovérb teeS " goti timnésanti batitimnis and *ail tes fpa evor," r" 1 mau ne was iett in Uanada to ?eeeire 1 1 .-.. u2L Vi leceive L- -L 1 1 ý

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