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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1898, p. 4

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Threshers' Supp'les....0 We keep on hand a f ull line of Leather Belting, Lace Leather, Copper Rivets, Turnect Rivets, Rubber Packing, Asbestos Packing, Spiral Packing, Rubber Hose, Machine Oiîs, Oil Cans, Gauge Glasses, Spooner Copperine, Babbet Metal, Threshers' Nuts, &c., &c. Threshers, buy your supplies at Worth's and save money. Quality the best. Prices the lowest. Rd. VW orth, BoWMANVTILLE. A n Eye Opener Is the bargain you get in WalI Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, You want the best, prettiest and xnost for your money, 1 will give it to you. Inspection wilI convince you. My aim is to give perfect satis- faction. New Music, new Books, new Stationery ,newG-ame ,new Pictures, n 'rnrnu nnnii1 BowmANVILLE. BOWMANVII1LE. AUG. 3, 1898. fWEINTY YEARM.. Tiselast number of TEE STATESMAN compieted tise twenlieth volume under tise prescrit editor anid uroprielor. Il seems but a.short period when we take a retrospective glance, yet il includes two decades o! tise besl years et our life-from tise age of 30 te 50 ycars. When we reckon 20 years forward now, should our life be spared se long, tise scriptural "'three score and ten" limit will bave been rcachcd. Tise palisway of tise editor of a country newspaper is usually attended with se mucis anxicty, werry, abuse and sncb continuons uer- vous tension in conneclion with tise unavoidable and incessant brain work tha.t exhausts and wears se very mucis more than physical labor, tisaI few snch men ever attain te old age, unless they retire from active duly before tisey arc cornplelcly worn eut. 0f all tise editors in active duty on the line efthte Grand Trunk railway betwecu Toronito and Belleville (when we eutcred upon tise rougis sea ot jourrialism tweîîty years Phone 66. Opposite Ontario Bank.1 One thou.ist that cornes to us lu re.. viewing the past 20 years is the mariy changes that have taken place among tise business and professional men. Iu looking over- the first entries lu our day book f rom August 1, 1878, we find these names: Robt. Armour, A. Beith, M. D , Jas. Fielding, M. D., D. E. Mc Millan, Stiant & Smiths, Jas. Bingham, Rich. Peate, John Chsaplin, J. M. Brim- acombe, L. D. S , Chas. Harnden. L D. S., A. Talle, Mrs. W. Keys, R. B. Andrew, J. A. Codd, Dominion Bank, McLellan & Co , John Smaie, Jos. Jeff cry, A. W. Crawford, J. Higginbothaîn, Jas. Wyllie, T. J. Mason, Thos. Dar- ling, Thos. Yellowlees, H1. C. Tait, T. Bingham, MlcClun- Bros., Thos. Brown- low, W. M. Horsey, S. H. Jones, Wm. Tisompson, Geo. Pîggoll, T. B. Oke, Thos. Christie, Thos. Batting, F. Bon- landi, F Mason, D. Stoît, T. Peate, H. O'Hara, Lee & Edsall, R. Easton. S. IMason & Son, Thos. Paterson, S.' F. lli, Murdochs Bros., M. Treleveri, Dom, Organ Co., Jos. Ruse, Thos. Brodie, Jr,, W. P. Prower, Mnnson & William, son, Markus Mayer, W. R. R. Cawker, Geo. Climie, Thos. McLean, R. Sylves- ter, Bd. Morris, S. B. Chandler, R, Hlitphinqmn-Mrqfl. n lvT,vip R, Martyn,W. Porter, F. G Hoskin, J.W. McLaughlin, M. B., C. M& W. R. R. Cavrker, J. K. Galbraith, Wm. Burns, E. R. Bounsail, John Hellyar, W. Alex- ander, P. Trebilcock, And. McNaugh- ton, C. Bounsall, Chas. Payne, W. R. Climie, Geo, Shaw, Brittain Bros., Nfrs. Anderson, Thos. Darlingtoîî, D. Morri- son, L. Quick, Ellison & Co., -John Me. Murtry, W. McMurtry, L. Cornish, R. W. James, Miss Power,. M. D. Williams, Hon. Geo. Brown (Toronto), Sarn. Souch, Young & Cawker, Ontario Bank,' Geo. McGill, John MeDougail, Thos. Elliott, S. Cotton, Chas. Tod, Upper Canada Furniture Co., W. H. Williams (blacksmith), D. W. McLeod, H. Elli- ott, Jr,, Massey Mfg. Co R. R. Los- combe, Adam Petrieï, Henry Haney, H. W. Burk, A. B. Kent, M. Porter, Jacob Neads, Jas. Morris, Manning & Nos- worthy, W. McClung, John Reid, D. B. Simnpson, W. E. Pethick, Aaron Buckler, Dr. Davidson, T. Callherry, John Percy, Burk & Jones, Chas, Clark, St. John Hutcheson, W. H. Law, H. & R. Beith, Col. F. Cubitt. 1(To Be Continued.) THE FALL FAIR. To TEE PEOPLE op WEsTDUAM Efforts are being made to mnake the Fail Exhibition this year a record breaker. The directors, have decided on a two-daý s' fair-Thursday and Fn.- day September lSth and luth. Persons desirîng to become members nust pay $1.00 before Aug. 26 lu tihe Secretary, oz other officer or director who hiave ail been furnished with tickets. After Thursday August 25 to become a miem- ber, will cost $2. Some radical changes haveG been made in the prize list this year. For instance, only actual residents oA West Dlurharn can compete lu grains and seeds, ladies' departrnent, work done by girls under 14 years, decorative and constructive art, and fine arts. The ob- ject lu this limitation is to shut out the professional exhibitors who make the rounds of thse fairs often with articles they have bought. Local exhibitors lu these classes will appreciate their action and should put forth renewved effort to make thse exhibit in ail these classes as good and, extensive as possible. Thse change is au experiment and the resuit will determine whether it will be con- tiuued. Great cane will be exerciîed this year to ascertain that ail animais and articles exhibited are the boua fide property of the exhibitor, and every means taken t.i eîsure fair play to ccômr- petitors lu ail departments. Special care has been exercised to secure impartial and competent judges. Additional expeut e will be iucurred to ac imrplish this, as outside men chiefiy haw been chosen. Toronto men of high repute have been selected for fine arts and poultry and a very competent lady from a distance for tlhe ladies' de- partment. Swiuîe breeding and raihin,7 having corne Ümuh into prominence UÂ lai e over 20 additional prizes have been adided to the more pepular breeds and Poland Chinas have been stricken off. The poultry list has been revised anîd lu- creased. Weadvise ail regular exhibitors to make a sunreme effort this year to out- do auy former display and as the diîrec- tors aLve taken desired action te shut ont the "rounders" who have hereto- fore captured so great bulk efthtie priz- es, we believe, unfairly, we shall expeet to see mauy new exhibitors. Dou't de- lay lu seduring your membership ticket. ihen if you have any thing in stock, farm produce, fruit, or any article for which a prize is offered don't fait to get il ready for the Fair and anake as uiany entries as y ou can. We shall have more to say as the Fail exhibition draws nearer. The managing committee is compos- ced of L. A. W. Tole, John Davey, Thos. Baker, J. M. Jouess and H. C. Rbar. Mr. Tole is mana-er with thse others as an advisory board. This is a ne* ord- er of things after thse mariner, of thse big exhibitions, and should be an im- provernent if the committee works ail right. The revised prize list wil b' out soona and a copy will be mailed to everv member. IV. A. JAmEýs, Secnctany. A CAPITAL LECTURE. bey Morgan Wood, pastor of Bond St. Congregational churcis, Toronto, lectured ln Trinity churcis. Mo.nday evenirig to a very attentive and aPjýrec- ative tho small audience. bey.. J. H. Barnett, pastor,prcsided and after sing- iîîgbey. J. J.baclediluprayer. Vocal solos welc given bt Mr. Jas. Goard who sang splcndidly-Sisip Ahoy !" and. Miss Etta Tait sang~ veny nicely "fishe Child- reu's Home". The leclurer at once eritered upon his subject "Where are we At?. Mn. Wood bas a very em- mauding^ preseuce whicis witis a deep pathelic voice. versatile flow of lang- uage aids his sound reasoning and edean ditions lu tise social, physical. political anîd religions world. One could not help but be intensely, interesled, lu structed and charmed by the cloquent and fonceful utterances of one who thougis appanently young has a strng grasp of thirigs as tisey ane aItihe pres- eut time. WVcre we disposed t0 be cr11- ical we sisould loin issue witis Mr. Wood on his charactenizalion of business men. They do nol lack confidence in cacli otiser as a mile. There are exceptions, of course. But so far as our observa- tion and experience enables us to form au opinion, no ciass of persons lu tise community have greater confidence lu eacti otiser. Our business men are hon- est and trustworthy. Indeed, ne mari could continue long to enjoy tise pat- ronage o! tise public were il otherwise, for its keen discerument quickly detects auy crookedness or approacis to dishon- esty. Our cilizens have misoed an op- portunitv Cf a 11f e lime lun nt turuing ont lu greater numbers te hear one of -th&ej s t leeat u-I *a1 , ,r- - -ive -n- ;t-- TO PHOTOGRAPII THiE BOYS. TORONTO, July 801h, 1898. MR. R. H. HENRY, Photographer. Bow- manville, Ont. l)ear Sir: Yniur communication re- specting a group photograpis of the Old Durharn Boyvs is before me. The matter was brougist before our Execu- tive Committee and submitted 10tiste meeting in St. George's hall last even- ing, and you cari arrange to carry out vour proposition lu Ibis regard. Thev were pleascd to kuiow that you intended 10 furnisis a reminder of old byeo-goue days lu this way. Tise best lime te secure the pisotograpli is just before speaking commences lu the atternoon.. Yours faithfullv, Tuos YE'LLOWLEES. Parties wishin&' 10 secure one of these photograpbs can do so by appDlying 10 Mr. Hieury at his studio ou Kîung St. or on the grounds. Letter From the Presîdent. TOReNTO, .August 1, 1898. Editor ot THE STATESMAN. DEAR SIR-: I ask permission to say to the friends of the "O0ld Durhsam Boys" that we shahl be veryî vbappy to ses as many of them as possible lu Bowrnanvilie on thse aftc-ruoon of Monday, August 8th. We will reach Bowmanviile about 10:80 a. m. and marcs fromn the station with tise baud of the 48th Highlanders. M e are proud to be kncwn as Durisam Boys, and we hope 10 >mccl many of those we knew lu tise days of long ago. JAmuts L. HuGHEs, President Qld Dnrham Boys' Association. Publie Dlnner Aug. 8. Thse W. C. T. U. will serve dinner to ail corners on Monday, Aug. 8, from 12 o'clock lili aIl are served, at 25 cents cach, or lunch for 5c, 10c, 15c or 20e as ordcred. ou the Enropean plan, lu the Drill Shed. For Infants -nd Children. iigînure eveny BORN. RATCIFP.-Ta N.qweastle, July 27th, the wif e of Thos. Hatelliff, of a son. CIIÂIPLE,-In Blîhungs, Mon., on July 4th, the wife of Harry Chapple, of a son. LAiS'DEI.-Tfl East Whitby, July 20th, the wif c of Mn. Chas. Landen, of a son. Cook.-At Myrile, Juiy 23rd, the wife of Mn. Jasý Ceok, of a danghten. SPrEiscÉ.-At Taunton, Jnly 27th, the wife of Wmn, Pience, of a daugliter. MARRIED. FzEtJUSON-MCQUÂnE.-At the Manse, Orono, jn'ly lSth, by Rev. J. A. MeKeen, B. A., Mn. W. Fredek Fenguson aud Miss JaneMoQude hoth of Manve. CLARiI-SUTmaiLAND -On Judy 2Stai ih Presbyterian Chureh, Gleneoe. bv Hev. R. W. Uacs, jII. A., asgSteU K»y atev. ÇV. j. Clark, Lon- don. brother of the groom. Alexandrina, daugh. ter of Mev. W. R. Sutherland, Oakbiish Manse, Strathburn, andi Bey. John A. Clark, B. A.: minister of Cowan Avenue Presbyterian churcli Parkdale, Toronto. CUIs-BASIcxaýVîLrF. On July 27th, ai the Methottist, Parsonage, Bowmanville, byRev.J. J.tae, Mr. John Curtis and Miss Emily, only daughter of Mr.. S. Baskerville. WARD-SALTFR.--At the resiee of the bride's father. Hampton, July 27.by Rev. E. E. 'Howard, Mr. Edward Ward of RBeaeh and Miss Laura G., youngest daughter of Mr. Jesse Salter, Hampton. 1>1 E . McComim.-I:n Orono, Jaly 25th, Dolly A. Me- Comb, beloved wif e of Mr. Thomas MeCnxnb, aged Wyears. GREY.-I!n Harriston, Wednesday, July 27tb. Carnie. daughter of Mr. John Grey, formerly of Tyrone. Interred lu Bowmanville Cemetery. NoRais-At Toronto, on Wednesdy_ oa inJuly 2ZÈlh, lu her 77th year, Emîna Mary, wîdow of the late Lieut.-Col. Norrui QERVANT WANTED. Good general KJservant wanted ai once. Apply to Mas. J. H. ltYrr, Concession St., BOWManville. 30.tf $5e000 TO LEND ~ on good mort- gage security ai moderate rates of tutenest. A. E. MCLAuGHiLN,Solcito,Bowmanville,Ont. 16 -6m. F~ARM FOR SALE -75 Acres, Lots .224 and 25, Con 6, Darlington. Cood state of cultivation; hard and sof i waten; buildings and fences in good repatr; j mile from Sollua: datly mail . Most desirable location. For ternis enoquire of W. A. LAMMIMAN, Soiua. 30 . if. M1ONEY LOST.-A small black purse con'tainiug S30 in Dominion Bank notes and a gold bnooch. Finder will be handsomely rewarded on neturning it t0 THEt STATESMÂN office. 81-if. West End House, BOWMANVI LLE. MVONDAYAUG8' Boys, Day., 'arONIJAY NE XT, August 8th, will be a great day Ini Mthle, old town. Durliamites will meet here to welcomne. herý long lost sons who are coming home to spend a> day with their friends of yore. We hope to see Bowmiun- ville full of people and of course a littie shopping beforle' the festivities commence will be in order and we raveair- ranged a niee list of Bargains for th at day. We are ready for business at & o'clock, the train containing, the Excur- sionists does flot ai ri-ve until 10:30 a. m. Progra m for the Day, 8 to 11i a. m., ila. m. 11: 30 a. m. 12:30 ixiu p. iii. Secure, some of the Bargains offering at The West End flouse, special prices. Excursion from Toronto with the Du rham Old Boys' A-.sociation accompanud- by *ths 4,8th Highlanders Band oud Pipers will arrive about this hour. Procession will probably be passing through town headed by the 48th Highlanders .i3anci. iReception'by the Mayor of the Durhamr Boys Association at the Band Stand.. luomplîm.ntary Lunch Io the Durham Old Boys'Association at the Drill Shed. 1:30 to 3 p.m. Those-who have not hadl time to do, so be.- fore- will do well to have a look at tl~ West End bouse Bargains. Speei sna-ps'in Dry Qoods, Boots, &c., &c. 3 to 5 p. m. Speeches. in the Drill Shed Grounds by some of the Olct Durham Boys whiél wlRl be well, worth hearing also- willing elerks. toý wait on you at The West End bouse. 5 to 7 p. m.- Busiiness in full blast at The West End îbuse. 'You will miss the best of the day's enjoyment if you do flot take home some of our snaps. 7 to 9 p. m. Open Air Promenade Concert by 48th High- landers and other Bands in Drill Shed Ground. Free to ail come and have a, good time, Snaps for Monday, August 8th. Ladies' Blouses, Fine Muslin Blouses some with self Collars and Cuifs detaehed and some with White Collars and Cuifs detached, the lime we have been making a special leader of, on Monday, Aug. 8th you can have one for 50e. Aiother line of Print Blouses, our regular 50e and 60e lunes with Collars and Cuifs attached, only about 2 dozen, left, choice on Monday for 25e. Prints that were 8c and 10e, American Goods, very- fast -7 -r -L

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