The Canadiail statosilail An Eight Page, Forty-Eight Coiumn Newspaper, is publlshed EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, AT THEEOFFICE STATESMAN BLOCK, KING STREET, ROWMANVILLE, ONT., BY immeTae reu is s formSlsappe-ite. Cailiileep àud il~si ran,. i~( njartiýo.s or 5<1afîer efferîs. Indspuabe tstnoy sent seais . Address HE DiXON CURE CO., 40 Park A,,., Mcqntreal. Il A,JAIES,Edtor&Proprietor, 141, natin tttmn Bubscription$1.50 per annum, or $1.00 if paid strictly lin advance. ADVERTISING RATES Transient Advsrtlsing. Ten Cents per Line, first insertioni Five Cents per Line eacli sub- sequent insertion. CONTRACI RATES. TIMES INSERTED. BIZEPADVRTISMENTi Mili smths 6mths 1 Yr. One Column............ $20 00$140 $60 100 Ral Columu .......... 13 00 26 40 60 QunarterColumni ....8 00 16 26 40 Bighth Column-........ 5 00 10 16 26 Twety-five Lins ..4 50 9 12 18 Twenty Linies.......... 4 00 6 8 18 Fifteen Linoes. ..... i3i5 5 7 50 12 , lets..... 1.'204 50 6 50 Il 1IeLe.........i .. 1 1 w &ýIg 1l The abj6ve are contract rates, a'od appW Ônluy to r'egular busineî8iidytttiscre, Changes of contartstOilet s fraitbe hanSeS in nol later th&tt One o'elock on Saiurday -ibis rnis will be strictly enforced. Paragrapb advertisements among news Items 10e a lins sach Insertion. Birilis, 25c; Marriages and Deaths, 50c. Dispiayed advertlsements are meastured by a scale of soid nonpareil and so cbarged. Orders for discontinuing advertisements must be in writlng, otberwise the publîsher will not be responsible. No paper will be stoppe outil al arrearages are paid, exep tat the option of the publisher. A poai office notice to discontinue is not sufficient. Double regular raies are cbarged dnring Mr'Eýh, April and May and October, November aýiâ December for display advertising not con- tractefi for by tbe year, Ail kinds of Job Printlng dons wlth neatness and despaicb and on reasonabie ternis. Tbe office la supplied m ith a great T5rieiy 0f tbe latest and mosi fashionable styles of type. Business notices in local or news eLlumns firsi insertion 10 cents per lins Noupareil' 5 cents per fe eaeb subsequent insertion. Notices of meet- ngs of any km d at wbich an admission fee is harged or a collection is taken must be paid for. Ahl communications sbould be addressed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville.Ont A. E. SNcLAPO HEIN, Barrister, Soliitor and Conveyancer. Offie:- Blealtley Block, ing Street, Bowmanville. Monseyto.lan at reasouabîs rates. 4-lyr, DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBEROF COLLEGEOF PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, te, Residence. Enniskilien. 74 D, BUJRKE SIMPSON, --B AIIRISTER, SOLICITOP., etc. MORRIS' X> LOCK, up stairs, King Sreet, l3owman ville. Solîcitor for the Ontario Bank. Private monsys loaned ai lowesi rates. ROBERT YOUN G, V. S. O "ýFF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS "Block, wliere himself or bis assistant wilI be found from, 8 a.m. ta Sp. in. Nîgbt calis at residence, irectîy opposite Drill Shed. Caîls by teie1rapb or telephoîte will receive prompt at- tention. l171-yr. R.PEATE,-TAILOR Gentlemen'sClothes made to Order. NEW TAILOR SIlO?. rbe undersigised'wj lias been carrying ou the taildrinig* bsiness in connection wiîb 8ao' Dry Gonds Store for anunmber of years bSe comenced busimes for himseif aibis rooms King St. west, wliere he is prepared to make geais anS boys suits in ail the, lahest styles, anS at iowest prices. For those wlio wish to order Buits, ho wi carry a fuit lins of samples in ail the newest patterns. Give hlm acal J. T. ALL1N, Fashionable Tailor, B OWMM11 VILLE BICYCLE -AND- General REPAIR SHOP. W. FISHWEIGH, Practical Mchnist, Tool 1iaker, Lock and Gunsmitlî, Special Machinery for bandîing Bicycle Re. pairing in ail is branches, anS ail Fine Machin- ery. CYCLISTS. Have your wheels put in trim by a tboronghiy practîîai machînist. Bicycles, Lawan owers, Sewîng machines, Cioeks, Typevriiers, Rifles, Cutlery, Locks, Eleetrie Belîs, Detai aîsd Surgical Instruments. Safe LotIes, trou1 Sttc pS B urrIe9f- MARkET B8UILDI G , Bowmanvi ile ONTARIO BANK eontinues ta do a Gemerai Banking Business at Bowmanvi11e Ageacy. DEPOSITS reeeShedi Saai'rg'PBank Departunent and an interest aiiowcd au c'irrent raies. Notice of withdrawsai eceessacy. Al Seposits payabi on demnand. EXCIANGWE Bouglit anS solS anîd Drafts issueS upan Europe United Stutesq adi'a ida, aiso GaIS, Silver and UniteS States Gre" acks bought anS soiS COùL'I'CTIONS oratiy raDjo ..LLc ut~e upon li parti of Grat 13mutitL).u..t ued States antd the Do- Te1egrap' ransfers Made forti "S ii sii ~iOn ail parts of Canada. O at ieayaaartageausta per- sous livti r .1wt . ie North-West, it makeStihi f.tsaaableiat once attba, place For~~~ oue'a' a ii au the bank. 1 A, c Cr a fEO. Mï-CILL, Aucarti'Manager. TuIE Srisa imailed regularly to ïts subscrîîb- 'r iil a dlefinite order te discontinue3l is receix-cd and ail arrears are l'ail in~ f,~'eito 81.5U reý7 ari i î. Il pil hi adv'îtIîCe $1.00t per-annuml BOWMANV'LLýE, AUG. 3, 1898. DUItllAM OLD BOYS. Bv ME. JAMES L. HuiGHES,, ToRoNTo, Air "Marcbing Tliro' Georgia." Let us sing a joyous Song, a son- of grateful praise.C To our Heavenlv Father who h as guided ail our ways, And the loyal friends we knew in early, happv days, Down iu the hoime land of Durham. CHORUS. Hurrah, Hurrah, for old times ever new, Hurrah, Hurrah, for old friends ever true; 5- ç ç iQ je îbýr !ail the lcving hearts we knew, Down in the home-land of Durham,. "Durham" stirs our hearts with pride wherever we rnaY go, B3oyhood's dreams an d plans,and hopes, and love's first chili ing glow, Fi our lives with iov tod ,a8ith long ago,hoeano aslte Dow inth hoe-andofDurham. StiR we listen to the songs our mother used to sing, Stili we hear the school boys' cheer and church beils' sacred ring; Stili in dreams we gather flowers, as iu the merry Spring , Dowu lun the home-land of Durham. We love our great Canadian horiie,from. rolling sea to sea, Its mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, and prairies wideand free; But stili the dearest part of it to us will ever be, Down lu the home land of Durham. FOR OVER FLeT Y VEARS. Mrs.Winsiow's Soothingsyrup bas been used by millions of mortiers for their children while teething. If disturbed ai night and broken of yorrest by a siek child snffering and cryin g with the pain of etting teeth send at once and get a hottle of Mrs. Winsiows' Soothing Syrnp for Oilidren Teething. It will relieve the poor lutile sufferer at once. Depend upon it,mothers, tbere Is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea regniates the stomacli andbowels, cnres Wind Colic, softens the g oms, reduces inflammation, and gie tone and energy to the whole systemi. Mrs . Wilnslows' Soothing Syrup for ehilfiren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription of one of the oldest and best female h bysclans and nurses in the United States. rie 25e a bottde. Sold by ail drnggists thro' .gh- out the wor]d. Be sure and ask for Mrs. %% ti- SLOWS' Soothing Syruip. JULY EXî1WINATIONS. TuiE SUCCESSEUL CANDIDATES. A GREAT FRUIT MART. The fruit season is now at its heigbit. The produets of the fields and garden)s of Western Ontario find a ready market, in Motreal, which, besides, bas in, re- cent years become a great dscbun point for Easternî Canada and a portion of the Unîited States. No morei at ed scene could be witnossed than ï thei spectacle presented at the fruit sbed ýlof the Canadisu Express Co., ou the Grand Trunk tracks near Mountaîn street, every morning beginning at sevesi o'clock. 'it is here that the wholesale commission dealers gather to traffic with the grocers, small dealers and jobbers over the morning arrivais frorn the west. There is lively compet- ition, aud evervtbing is usually dispos- ed of before 8 o'loc.-Mlontreal Star. Aunt Mçary's Timely ýVisit The other evening aunt Mary took the electric cars and rode eastward to the bouse of her neice who a few weeks previously hîad co .nmenced houe keep- ing. Witllot teroeony the oIdlad entored tb e house and fouAd her neice in the kitehen looking ver y nejected. Aunt Mary soon discovered that 1er niece lad tried to dye an old opera îwi cardinil reti with Rome v cheà pdyd. î'ê i'esult Wàs eértainly enoughto try the patience and 2ooduess of au angol A iserable mixed coior, baîf red and browu, was the resuit of labor. Aunt Mary deeply syrnpathîzed with ber horror-strieken naiece, and ad- vised ber in future to use notbiug but tbe Diamoud Dyes that had given ber such satisfaction aud profit in the past twenty 'years. The unsightly variegat- ed shawl was then wasbed in severai waters in order to get rid of the bor- rid colors, and was thon put into a bath of DiarnondDve Fast Cardinal for wool. t is now a tbing of joy and beauty. Moral : To achieve success in home dyeing be sure you use the Diamond Dyes. Robert Barr maltes bis home lu Lon- don, England; William MeLenuan wbo wcites almost exclusiveiv for Harper's, practises law lu Montresi; W. A. Fraser,wbo writes for McClure's, resides at Georgetown, Ont. ; Sic John G. BoUrinot is Clerk of the House of Commons, Ottawa; F. Blake Crofton is Legisîs tii-e Librarian at Halifax, Edgar Maurice Smith resides in Mont. real and makes bis living by bis peu ; A. H. U Colquhoun is a Toronto jouru-1 alist These gentlemen are ail amongj our leading witers, and each one basj a contributionî lu tbe Midsummeri number of The Cauadiau Magaziue,1 The cover is a new design by G. A.1 Reid, Prosident of the Ontario Societý" of Artists, Tbat ticed, lauguid feeling aud duli headacbe is verv disagreeable. Take will effeet a prom pt and permanent cure ghen you takefHood's Pis. The big, old-fash. zeed, sugar-coated pflls, whieh 'tear you ail ta plecss. are net in it witb Hood's. Easy t0 take and easy to operate, is tirue cof Hood'a Puis, whicb arp If ap to date ln every respece r'3'i Baie, certain and sure. AI) * U1 druggists. 25c. C. 1. Bood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pilla te take wrth Hood's Sarsapartil. AN OLD DURHAM! BOY. ON THIE WAY TO TUIE KLONDIKE. Here is a 'letter that reached Bowrnan- ville a few days ago from "somewhere" near the foot of the Rocky Mountains, but as the ",foot of the Rockies" is a rnighty big one that "sornewhere" is ri-ther indefinite, at least, tous Eastern- ers. The writer is John H. Reid, a, Bowmanville boy, son of Mr. John Reid. the East End Shoe dealer. It is dated May 15th, but there are no lightning express trains out there, so it has corne by the speediest means and was very welcorne news DEAR MOTHR,-Weare at the foot of the RQçkieQ; but can't get over tili the sflôw goes-in about two weeks. We are about 40 miles from FQrt St, John on the Peace river, Since I wrote voil last we have travelled 200 miles andfthe trail was something awful, rnuskeg and fallen timber. We crossed the Pine river ; its banks are 785 feet high. The horses swam the river ail right.. There are about 150 of us camped gl1ong here so you see we are flot so lonesome. T1he Hudson Bay Co. has a post at St. John. Their agen t, Mr Gunu, whob has beexi here 15 years said he bias not seen but 7 white men lu that time tili the Klondike rush commenced to corne in. Sornebody ahead of us kiiled: three horses of the Beaver Indians and they f eel pretty mad about it and it may cause trouble. The, chief and some çwhite men have got tra ck of who did it and they are aler themn. If they don't settle for same they mav stop us from going through their country. Thev consider this'their' country as they have no treaty with the governrnent, but I think we can get it fixed upl some way, as they are very peaceable. The Peace River pays pretty well here on its sand bars-from 85 to $8 a day,-but that is flot enough, as provisions are very hîgh and the season short. We expeet to reach Fort Grahamn over the Mountains 165 miles fromt here in three weeks. We are al in good healuli and 1 arn enjoying the trip fine. Our great danger is prairie tire. We nearly lost our supplies twice but w-e fought off the tire and managed to save them. The old grass is about two feet deep and mnakes a hot tire A party named Cooper just carne in to camp here about an Itour ago. H1e lost ever%-thing by fire-4 horses and ail his supplies. The boys f rom the different camnps are going to stake hirn. A wholej APPENDICITIS. Have you had the uew disorder ? If you baven't, 'tis the order To succumb to it at once, without delay; it is called appeudiitis- Very different freon gastritis, Or the common tcash diseases of the day. it creates a happy' fiolie, Something like a winter colle, That bas ofteu jarced our muner organs some; Onlv wrestles witlî the wealthy, And the otbecwise most healthy, Having got it then you're nigb to King- dom corne. Midway down in your intestine, It's interstices infestin', is a lîttle alley, blind and dark as nîglit; Laigofto simply uowbece Catcing il stray tbings that go there, As a pocket it is simply out of sigbt. lit is proue to stop and grapple With the seed oi grape or apple, Or a littie buttonl swallowed witiî vour pie. Having levied on these ebattels, Then begin internai battles, That are apt to eud in mansions in tbe sky. Once iocated, neyer doubt it, Yeu wiil never be without itr Its a fad among society that's ga3; Old- heart failure paresis Have decamped and gone to pieces, And dyspepsia bas fallen by the way. Then stanîd back ýthere, diabetes, Hece cornes appeudiçihîs With 4~ brood of rninor troubles on the wings ; So, vermiform, bere's hopiug, You'll withstand ail horcid "doppiug" And earu the appellatioi, "Uncrowned King." -Ashton Crado. PORT HOPE. TOWN CO1JNCIL. A couple of weeks ago TiiE TIssEs discussed the present town council and pointed out the need which sorely ex ists for a radical change i the personnel of the board. ,That a lot of incompeteut nobodies sbould succeed iu baving themseives selected to disburse miany thQusandt, of dollars of other people's rnoney is a matter for serious contemplation ou the part of those whose money is expended. At tbis season of the year particularly, wheu business of ail kinds is at a lowý ebbi, a.ud when we are suficîeutly re- moved frorn the excitemeut incidental to an election to review the situation calrmly,ought we not to weigb carefully the desirability of concerted action on the part of the electors, for the purpose of making an improvement lu the direc- tion indicated ? ,Not oul v is concerhed action advis- able, but imperative, and the value of this i, vecy much enbanced by the abolition of the ward sysuom and the general voting foc overy member by all the ratepaY ors iu the towîî, as well as by the reduction of tise number 10 six. iuîstead of nine as beretoforp, Nor is it difficuit to obtain unit' of action, if the matter be taken h)old of inýa proper *l........ ~ ...~ .~"..'................. Candidate. Teacher. Marks.1 Lizzie Armstrong, H. Simnpson, 643. Edith Hammn, Miss Reid, 578. Floretnce Hunter, Miss Reid, 667. Bertha Jones, Mr. Simpson, 566. Pearl Porteous, Miss Watson. 557, Bertha Rutherford, Mr. Simpson, 62.5. Mary Squair, Miss Worden 685. Elma Tourgee, Mir, Simpson,, 639. Leonard Doncaster, Mr. Simnpson, 608 Andrew Jerome, Mr. Simpson, 612. Clarence Vinson, Mr. Simïpson, 553. PUBLIC SCIIOOL LEAVING. Ida Jaynes, Mr. Simu)son, 643. Jov Li nton, .1 -639. Aloali 'Walhh. 4 614. Charles Miller, 646. Herînan Staples, Mr. Chaprnan, 613. WVillie Thoruton,, " 701. Christene Davie and Jessie Marr secure Entrance standing on Public Scbool Leaving papers. Mr. R. A, Lee of Port Hope Publie Sehool, bas again demoutrated his abil- ity as a successfnl teacher. To bave thirty-three ont of a total of forty of his pupils pass suceessfully is a record to be proud of, and it stamips Mr. Lee as a tes cher of a very bigli order, Raysn of ilope for' Suffering Men. ÂftLer 'ail otiier fanl, consuit 252 Woodward Ave. Detroit, !Mich. HE CURES WVHiLE OTHERS EXPERIMENT. Dont bioqhope;yai canli e cîrcd jf onlg-t the proper tre, iment- md DRt. ]toeiîz, is the physician wha cari effect thar -cure. YaU are probaiily snfrîîli iii111the cifecs of uonbful Foliy. F1ct ýb V,. -ai-k or in.i prncleiice-(r p-rhap. it i r. ar - ond or the Nervon systeiiîî,hatineeci,, uiidîigup. hIfso. dont casie tCrie ainl ioiaiey, but conuet DRz. aai i oni ,,c and f,. cired. Vinaitie Booak, r kv-eiîand ,îiof .uccss ,îîaiied frec, scaie.. i ieý,tii ult fai-wauded to Can- dia points freie oai duîy. Siliid yuri case be a scrians anc or if yan wi i in aai dlay, send a sinali ieliitt ucliv Register d Letter, iag-ttiucr with a flliandîd pain descriptiaon aI nu-i condittionuand or iicase wiii recuis c ua immectiate and cace1i.l persoanai attention, minîoil~~Dumimîs ItR adt hnti, O cas smaao, ,~r 'h Oi4~ a \veU ~ ~ cIel -r V. N os n. "'\> ~ ~NO'5O R.. y' a i 'th a ta .cwi a' El.yhw Ot' rc.. ci i. I t air,-'.., ci 5s *i't t) ci tiL O O OU' il iiUlCt. - .àeiyC etc ~m est ma à,Iia c i~, lit'. h, i. Stuc trcOee. ni ~ i-rn fi' -touttt OOeti ici wr,!te, q,îcie tu-t e c r e ~ xi tixio-,ra-vL: e cuver' 1, s. i-r h' i-aYv'5~'Z0 Oc ,, xii, ~..w' 0t fi. sec siuu~ e -il ni trcl't STOTT & JLIIY, CheînistsandDru5-gieh.s Bu'- mauxille, 1 nusci ter ailtri un gouu. IWEST DURHAM SCIIOOLS. The naines sud post office addresses of the Public sehool teachers of West Durbani and the grants to the various sebools for 1898.' Those grauts are ap- poctioned to tho municipalities on the basis of total population aud to the sebools lu the rural sections ou the basis of attendance foc 1897: NEWCASTLE. $76. Hugbh Davidsou. B. A., Principal. L. B3. Davidson, Jeu nie Curtis, Agues Delaînour. Bow MAN VILLE. $360. R. D. Davidsou, Principal. Sarah E. Moorcraft, Ethel Hall, Malcolmu McTavisb, Ella Flîggo- Ida Gould, Minule Jennings, Bertha McWaiu, Chas. Keith, Jessie Laing. DAELINGTON. 1 Ada Biekie, Bowmanvilie. 13 25 2 Isabella Lawrie, Bowmnauville. 7 55 3 John J. Grahamn. Bowmanville-24 7.5 4 Norman J. Heaulie, Couitice. .22 90 .5 Berthba Morris. Bowmanville ... 31 40 6 Minnie Sprs-, Bowmanville. .23 45 7 Frank W. Mloore, Biirkzeton ..22 60 8 J. M. Roberts, Courtice.... .36 85 9 Minnie Howson, Bowmanvilie.25 35 10 C. E. Brown, Tyi-one ......... 19 90 11 F. J. Groqt) Annie Xaddell ý Hampton..52 35 12 Editb Riggs, Taunton . ý...... 25 75 13 Robt. H. Stephens, T.yrone ... 21 80 14 Cvrus W. Sîcînon, Enfield. .18 90 15 Albert Dyer. Enfield.......... 18 70 16 WV. J. Stace.v, Enniskille ...33 O5 17 E. J. Hezzlewood, Enniskillen.13 10 18 W. A Renîmer' Mary C, Potter) yoe..01 19,W, J. Tceîouth, Soilna ........ 9 OS 20 J. W. McCulloüb, Solina,...34 45 21 Ettie Campbell, HaYdon...30 25 22 Union wihh 22 Clarke ......... 3 40 28 Union 20 Manvers.......... 4 10 Total $533 0 CLARKE. Il Sarah E. Yeoman, Port Granby24 00i I2 Louis W. Atkinson, Newcastle 15 00 ,John W. Bradley, Clarlke.S.9 35 5 Fauinie M. Ellior, Newcastle.14 35 ý7 Clarence Race, Carke......15 70 8 Florenco Reid, Orono ......... 22 60 19 Agues Worden, Newcastle. .....24 50 10 Oscar 'Coulin, Starkville...22 25 -, H7îgb Simpson ' 12 Mrs. J. L. Rowe Orono., 113 15 Ethel L. Drew ) 13 Lizzie Watson, Kendall...42 55 14 Jos. F. Cbapmau, Kirb 'y.. .34 50 15 Steplien McFadven, Leskard. .39 60 16 Besie Adair, Clarke.......... 909 17 john A. W,izh, endal ..ý17 10 1Mab1el Kenn dyý, Kiby.7 OS 19 Ida. M. Lang, Prentypool ...10 70 20 Union, witb 20 Man vers ...6 003 21 Estella M. Cobbledick, Orono, 19,55 22 Irone Jen ehl, Orono........ 8 10 23 Union -n itb 1 Daciington .10 05 Total $326 0 CARWRIGHT. Georgius HYland, Burketon.. 19 30 Isaiabi Barclay, Blackshock .0 80 Weslev Bruce, Blackstock.. 13 50 Mar 'y E Virtue, PurDleIe 1111.18 25 Percy Edgerton, Cadmus ...27 80 D. W. Clarke, Caemus...29- 80 Jennie MeAllister, Cosarea ..30 55 E. W. McILaugliin, Biackstoclk23 70 Frank J. Jaoblin, +oNstleton ..18 30 Total $233 ûl à).pc..jACciu oitiiU u liw us~, r ing to get Up on the river with boats; but they can't do it, as the rîver is high and it dont go down till August. They can.theu get up as the water 15 10w. Game and fisb are abundant in bore.- White fish 5c each and bear and deer meat 10e a pound We buy it from the Indiâns. Thev dont knowwhat money is here: we trade them tea and tobacco. D. Orne, an Indian trader, is going to take the mail out, so vou wili probably get this lotter sorne time in July, as it wiil take bim 30 days to makeEdmonton. 1 will write x'ou ag--ain when we get to Fort Graham., 'lho police party wbo started last Faîl is over there and I guess I eau send mail from there. Any- way, the Hludson Bay Co will take it out; tlîey have been very good to us 50 far. JoHN-,NY. To get relief frorn indigestion, bilous- ness, constipation or torpid liver with- out disturbing the stornach, or purging the bowels, take a few doses of Caruer's Little Liver Pilîs, They -will please you.- The Fiction INumber of SCRIBNERn's MAGAZINE bas been an institution for a decade. In it have appeared înany not- able short stories that have made their authors farnous. It lias also been the occasion for several novel and successful experiments in color-printing. This year the colored cover on the August number is one of the four prize designs by .Albert Herter, and it 's a brilliant example of decorativeprinting. b-iAS. SCRiBNaR'S SoNs, New York. ~T-Y 1M Purely CANADIN National la lui character, Age liumit- 18 145. Fixed Pcemnium. No Deahh Asscss- ment. Gives $500, $1,000, $î,5oa or $2,000 Insuriance. Ove-r OlNEMILLION DCfn,.T..ý !4mebesan-tAi df-d r;ýèr_ -,n",thirdpenns silIce organizaion, 1879. 7. Careftil medical sciection. Death rate for the 18tlr year of its hîsîai-y, culy 5.44 per t 000. 8. Hasya larger Surplus on hand for eacb 81,000 risk than aay cuber Society of thc inin laCn-rda. ~SECi.RITY Oc i\'VESTiMENIrs. Not a dollar of the Surplus inx'ested out- sida of Canada. Io. Premumis and Interest ac'cruing therefrorn used oNLv FRoaPAvMENT Or DEATI-Z CiAIES. Ii. At a cash cf fi-arn 2 to 4 cents a day any bealîhy man (an acceptable risk), caA secure $i,ooo Insurance for bis famnily or dependents. Pull nllnr.ation sent onu application to R. ELLIOTT, H. C.R., legensoil, Oui-.; tems. WHTUH. S., Brantford, (On.;ERNST AR .Ts'crc, SUpeitendel,'î or Organizaion, Brantford, ont. the purview of the board of trade to take the initiative. That body does not seoun to be of any use for su vtbing elso anyway, anîd it wouid be iluite iii keeping toc the businegs men ta con- sider wbo should attend to tise uown's affairs. for tbey it us Who psy the buik of the- taxes,-Ties. AsIt your grocer ror or Table and Dairy, Prest and Best The best physicians speak well of Miller's Compound icou PLiîs. AIl those wbo are fond of bcigbht, en- hertaining fiction for midsummer read- i 1 vl fiud the August Ladies' Home Journal euticely ho their taste. The Curtis Publishiug Co., Philadoîphia. One dollar per year; ton cents per copv. 'IRE BRAVE VOLUNTEERS -Endured the severe macching of the North west campaigu with admirable foctitude. The goverument should bave supplied them with a quantihv oftise celebrated Putuam's Painless Cocu Extractor. The only sure-pop cocu cure. Puhuam's Dxtrachar is now wiciel y imihsted. Get Putnam's Extractor sud take uo other. Short stories by Rudyard Kipling, Rowland E. Robinson. Williani Allin White, Cuheliffe H yne, sud several others, make McCiure's Magazine for August especially a fiction number. Tho. illustrations of the number are remarkably fine; sud so is the spécial cover dpàigned by Keuyon ýCox. The S. S. MeClure Co, 141-1È,2 East 231h St., New York City. FOLLOWED HusBANT'5 ADvcË.-"iI wasstroubied for along timo with sick- beadaches. At lasu my husbaud bought me two botties of Hood's Sarsapacîlla tellin,- me this medicine would cure me as it bad cured hirn of sait rheum. 1 began takinz it sud it made me feel like a new woman." Mrs. Robert Me- Affee, Deerhurst, Ontario, Hood's Pilîs cure aIl liver ilis. Easy ho take, easy ho operate. 25e. A specially patriotie character is given, ho the Dominion Day number of the Methodist Magazine sud Review foc Julv Nvith which the fort,ý-eighth volume of this magazine begins, by a brilliant article by the 11ev. Principal Grant, of jQueen 's University, ou '-The Relation of Canada to the Empire." No topie eau ho more tirneiy or more ablv treahed optimistie pape, by the Rev (George S. Paysan, on ',The Future of the Ang-lo- Saxon Race," sud one by Prince- Kropotkin, a distinguished visitor ho B3ritishi Associationî lash car, on' "The Reqoucces of Canadal." The World's Progres. Science Papers. Gieanings froun Gladstonue, Cnt cent 1'opics, with nuneorus illustrations, are also givon, Now us a good lime to suliscribe Oîl 'y $1.00 ho the end ofthie ),ear. William Briggs, Toronto. " Oriu.if that pale wenkly womna kuows oh Miler's Couîpaund iron Pis. If ual some eue sioouid tel ber. 1h seeîoos quille unnaccssary that anyoue shauld ho li ber condition of healthb N'h sh an excellent remed v is ho o bazà, ae= so cbeap too," a cemacl5 made bv a gentuleman whose n-îlfe had taken ubeW. MUNYON'$ 1D ON VERTS TI e of Canada Are Sat&s fed arid Canvinced. ALL WILL T22STIFY that MOrîotË Ru KeptFahth WItb Tb Peyk vmd Madafiood HIS PROMISES SahguaaIrd or the. «Home.-.Tâ» PV Mmrs D. DavIs PenoOntal.Cs #,da, 17:"iebsbe AtU Wb.. I bgnuin ha emedie I a covered from lieu1 to foot with seabu. sufféred femttth- se agony-,from fI irgtatlon end 1 nIelt obdht believedlt ln) possible to ever Égui well Ibh" unda a number of remedîsa te effeet - cnrs.but lostead, I was Rgetting WOI I was ln Grecs op j ortre ontb86 but tbey couid flot help me. y flnaily dw eldeSd to try Munyon, and after inr lng m- Fgfl'î Satve qniffpotber re-med1ûx 7, recelvai Immedlate relief., The medîne ugamd t hel an Col ue rriaton. 1I aMf'hapor, ~ sa novtba I hveDot r, mark on ~~~~~M boy n f@ hu m Ut ton been effected lu my case. 1 beve rmb*rS. ed falth In MunYon's trsatmnent &Pt kA& leve in 0one tu ibree bours ud cures lu a lad gays. Pries 25c. Muflyon'a Dysppelsî Cure posItIvely cures ýl1i ,toris ttdIgestIon am&i 'tomacli irouîbleéi, ldunyon's ColS Cure prevSia.j Pneunoni-a acl breaks up & eoid ila a few boucs. PriPesZc- munyon's Cougli Cure stops couglrt, ,iight *Wveas alînys sorsness ends peedîi'ly sIsthe? lungs. Price25c., Munyon'a Kldnep Cure speedily sluret;,psha! ili the 1beck, louas 6r groîis, and alItforLis et kidney disease. Prizs 25c.- Muuyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousurti Ieiý biffids up the syatsm. PrICe 250. iuuytia's Headache Cure @tops hsedarboLe - <lires minutes. Pries 25e. .MUuiyon's PUIe Oluimeili positlvely cures &11 Çorýms aIpiles. Price 25e.. Mîinyon's Blood Cure eratlcates alIiuîi cfteblood, PrIce 25c. *uuya e emale Remedles are a hoon o r Muuysf'* Catsrrb Ilemedles never fkil. 'Th- Catarris Cure-prie25c.-eradleates usth e f rom tbe sysiem. aud the Caturrb Tallets-pri i$e andi beai the parts. Munyon 'a Astbma Remedies reileve un tti"e .inulte..sudo cure permauently. Prie v.n munyon's. Viielizer. a great ioule a 'ud mn etorer nI vitat gtrenglm to weaht people. & t. A separate cre foreae disease., At nil d'-..i ffistas, I l: cents a vial. S"Pers aa let ers ta Proi. Mu von, 1505 Areh Si., Pli!ladei hia, Fa., U. S. A., iiiwuered, witb fisc,ý niedical advice for aîty disease.' DYSENTERY AND SU'MMER j CO MP LAI NT. Price 35C. at ail druggists. MENTIIOI. %D&L Pj~~i~R 'WC "arantie that thes" Plasters will relîeve pain quiclterthan any of13er, Put up only i 25c. tin boxes and $1.00 yard rolls. The latter allows you 10cad thse Plaster any size. Every familyl should bave one ready for au orner- gency. LiMITID, MOJITEAI. Bewaré oft iItations 25c. Jubilee Off'er. On August 1, 1878-twentvycars ago the first of next rnonth-thc presont owner of T-UE STATESMAN assumed con-~ trol as proprietor and editor, and wtt desire to mark the 20th mile-stone ln our Joîrnalistic history in a practicai N'a-. lIn order to give ail our suhecril>. ers an 1' friends an opportunit ' to shard in this j i, dlee celebration wc hue d(- cided ou this plan: ý We wanti 2000 îîew suhscribers awti to makie iteasy for ail friends of 7! 11 STATESIMAN to help, sweli our pre.sîrn; list by tbis nupoelr this month, wec rnake this 4offer.: ,Wewiil seud 1TuB STTto'.to aù 'address ini Canada or U u-l o b t )U '11).M .OO O -for onlv 2r3e We re'speetfuli-c requost every pi î'- ont'subsèr'u.her ho tend us ah leasî t uie, Jubi'ee su1 1 -rc re, and ex-arv -per ît n-ho wil11sei 71,-,u fis-e J ubilee stîbsciî1> ers anîd s 2 tae.eac3 nit1 recelsi a 'L9 OrpSelit theiGit mti.Eiot-I~ (oihe adi cilisect o an ru nside pagi- o tais pli pr)toc 6 înonths. 1h iel, t1ne-bt illau titd CIfavmnlugome , i TaLeh ' av ft tits iberl ofier 10 Sel-Id TI IL S' AThM uN ta distant rela- tiveas or f iimts. The rxaper was nover aS goo0di nuslion-. Y07au max send lte uew postal otmi-rs Oc putitage ntamps fuir fractiona c' f a iollar. -Ask zyouI ueigh- hors ho suibseribe. Tiutb hiote Jubile 11, -itimn Acdress M. A. JA -IES,. Bm.wîumi.'i.ruj. Onr.. 'A. I ~ - mwmýf il rt ýt a 1 ý 1 1 0. -t-I - 1