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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1898, p. 5

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Cheàâp Spectacles... There, lsne place in the Oount#y where you can get sucli good value in Spectacles as at oun store. let you get the services of the only Post Graduate In the fonrtee et al charge. 2nd yeu, get the langest stock Mf Spectacles in the Country tk select from. 3rc we buy direct fromnt act- ory and can save you fromn 25 to 50 per cenrt on ail kinds of 4-Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Ti 0 COr'SILULTATIOJ4. Stott & Jury. The Druggists and Opticians, Bow- manjille, Oshawa and Lindsay. EUT PRICjES AT.-STOTT & JURY'S. Stickey Fly Paper, 4 single sheets 5e. Chase's Olulment ............... 50C. Little Liver Pille, 2 boxes ......... 25c. Burdock Bitters and HoodsSar .. . .75c. Stott & Jury's Sarsaparilla ........ 60c, (Guaranteed better and tronger than others.) Corn Cure, best in the market ...15c. Guaranteed Pure LIaking Powder. . 15c. Toilet Soaps, 5c-, 8c, 10e cakes for ... 5c. Spopges, fine large one.......îc Sponges, extra quality,........... 25c. Ahwago Bitters, 5 boxes .......... $1. Wilson's Root Beer, make 5 gallopsloc. Tooth Brushes, ;5c, 10c, 15c, and 25e. SPECIAL BARGAINS. We have a large quantity of Glass StopperedBotis ethfo-15 t O each, suitable for .&mmonia Essenses, &c., &c., choice for 10c eaeh. Floor Paint Best in Canada 35e a qt. Ready Mixed Paints for ail purposes 35e. T, se paints are guaranteed to cover in and to last longer than other- maltes. St ott & J ury. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY.- BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOîssG EÂ5T. COING WEST. HE - ress .... 8 s1 ar. .Express... 5 23 a. m *EXpress....1 a. .Local ...818 ', 'aseer.... 29 ..Passenger.. 1 85 p. mn Loca .642.m.f Express... 4.31 p. m. 'Expess. . hOS'Express... 5s 00 5Daiy.t Sun days ouiv. STOTT & JuRx' Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. .AUG. 10, 1898. Engagement Ring-s at Rickard's are supurb. The Plebiseite vote will be taken on September 129. The 1000 Islands excursion Friday, Aug 112 le arranged to suit sehool teach- ers. Many are going to take it in. A despatch te the Toronto World says: Rev. W. S. Cowles, Baptist min ister, Stroud, died Monday evening. The Bowmanville district meeting of the Metliodist chureli will be held at Ebenezer, South Darlington, August 24th, at 2 p.m. The London Advert,.se'r says: "Mr. James has been cçonduting the Bow- manville ýSTATEQMÀYN for twenty years, and a xighty gojod conductor hie has made." Thie two largeet congregations lu *Whitby Presbytery are the Dunibarton congregation at the west with 125 fam- illes, and the Orono and Kednal congregation at the east, with 124 fain- The Durham Boys brouglit a big crowd to town, and oue of the beat band13 in the city, stili there le no good denjying the fact that'Nicholls selis the biggest and beet 5e bar ot soap ln the mazket. Many residents of West Durham who were welI acquainted wth Mr. Matthew,. Eliîott of Kingston, botter known sa "'Matt" the cattie drover, will be sur- prised to learu of his death, bien occurred Sund&y,.evenhig, at the age of 70 years. Saling among the 1000 Islands- there are really 1700 they say-presents a eifting Kaleidoscope of sienes which throng the vision as thseteamer"'Hero" t.racite bzwAy amnog the labyrinthian INote the Eau aunouncement of Aima Ladies' College.1 Mr. W. Gibson advertises lis farmn for sale by auction. Mr. L. Morris ie doing a big furni-, turc trade at Orono. Note changes and tme table iu 1000 Island excursion advt. TnuF STATESMAN will lie sent for 25C. to any address to end of 1898. Compare this paper with other local impers. Scnd lbte your frieuds. Take your civie holiday Friday and join bbc excnrsion party to 1000 Istauds. Ho ! for 1000 Islauds-thie prettiest natural scenerv of its kind in the world. Go on the Excursion Fridav August 12 and sec it. M. A. JAMES, Manager. Sueli a dow nright good paper as TirE gets enougli to mk it a strong ad- voc ate of everythiug that le riglt.- (Rev.) L. Plielpe, Oakwood. A publie meeting of ail interested lu the eoming 'vote for thse Prohibition Plebiseite will be held iu Town Hall, Hamptona, Frlday Auguet l2th, 4t 7.30 p. mi. for consultation and organizing. A fulil bouse ie requested. The uniquenese of the 1000 Islands le in their daintiness of tinte, of shifting ecories, loeked bays and lakelets anrd sinnous transparent streame tisat wind and interseet in wildest tracerv. Go on bise R. T. of T, excursion, Friday Aug 12 and revel in this sublime natur- ai scenery. 1 Deputy Reeve Courtice, Mrs. S.Brooks and Mr.Clare Williams lef tfor Manitoba Tuesday 7tis, travelling via C. P. R., taking the steamship Alberta trom Owen Sound te Fort William, theuce by rail. Mr. W. Orchard sud wife leave to-day (Wedueeday) for Indian Head, N. W. T., the i rülased their tick- ets tromn Mr. V.E.H" iggîinbotliam, towu ticket agent for C . P. R, Mr. Higgin- botisam anticipates a big excursion bus- iness for the F'àrm Laborere' Excursions on l6bli and l8tli. OUJR INSII)E PAGES. More than ueually interesting -ill be found our inside pages this week. No eue should feul to read Dr. Talmage 's sermon, "Honesty and Fair Dealing lu Business," or Mr. Howells' estimate et Edward Bellarnyr. 0f epecial interest are Rev. M. P. Talliug's address te Old Durhiam Boys, the report cf the Plebis- cite meeting crowded ont last wcek, the Pollard family pienie and several Cîarke and other unewe budgets. An- other instalîment of our revicw of "Twenty Years Ag-o" will be found cx- eeedinglyg encralinl intereet. Names of many of Durhiam'e Old Boys appear therein. Darlitigtou Couneil report aise appears on an ineide page. Ail STATEsmAx pages are interesting. A GRAND ZXCU11M1ON. The excursion te Kingston and thc Thoueand Islande this week on Tusr dav aternoon and Friday morning by special train attaordes an opportuuity te tise people et this dfstrict to get a ineet enjoyable day'e cuting, unsurpaseed by any excursion tisat bas beeu mun from tii section for years. It le under tise manag-ement of 1M. A. Jamnes, which le a guarantec that ne effort wîll be spaîed for the comfort and enjoyment efthbe exeursiolîlets. He prides hiuî- self that the arrangemer t will be satis- factory to ail. h-e lias already beau assured o attenîidaîace, weatber per- mnitting, of a rnost respectable and warbhy dabs utfImioule, and therefore looks torward to a :plendid tinte. The sali among tise 1,000 - Inýlauds gives granrd opportunity for sociabilit.v and pleasant iiitercaursc. People wiso fear seasiekue an bbc open lake ueed have ne ter sailiug about aniong the quiet waters et tbe grand old 5t. Lawrence. lb iililic a rare. teat tu mnany to visit Alexandria Bay, if but b)rîefly, oste et tise moet gay and taslioiable eumer resorts in Amýerica. Those wlîo have neyer vLsited tise United Stateeau do s0 on this oceea- sien. We cannot ton strongly invite ail wlio wish a rcally pîcasant excur- eion te taXýe this eue. It gives a nice ehance to visit triends at Kingston and vicinit',. Find complote tine. table for epecial train elsewherc lu buis paper witis rates fer ail trains, AUGUST IWEDDIIG. COUCII-MA&RTYN. A very quiet wedding 'took place on Wednesday, August Srd, at thc rosi- douce of Mr. J . B. Martyn, Quecu St,, when hie eldeet daughtem, Miss Mabel E. Martyn and Mr. Fred. W. Couch, eldest so-n of Mr. WT. B. Coucli, et the well known fin etf Messrs. Concis, Joisnstou & Crydenman, were united ini tise holy bonde of matrimouy. Rev. J. J.ý Rae performed the ceremony a! 4.30 p. m., in thse presence et the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. Tise bride Ieoked very attractive atbired lu a green travelling suit whle tb'e groom stood the trying ordeal with rcmark- able cemposure. IAfter congratula- ions tise bridai panty repaired te the [diniug roon wisere a tempting wcd- dingdanen wam served. 'Tisefloral decorations et dra-wlng aud dining oms were ver-y beaubiful and baste- fully arranged. Thle hap py couple wene escorted te the G. T. R. stationý whcre tiseY let t by tise casb bound train on a rip ta Rocheter, N. Y The bride received a very baudsome and useful collection et preseuts consisting of $100 check, silverware, china, linen, etc, indicating tise esteeni and good- will et their mauy friende. Ou their returu Mr. and Mrs. Concis will neside on Ontarie Street whene a comfortably fumnished home awgits theni. THE Mr. Alver liobson, Mexico Uîty, was a receut visiter at Mies Sisaw's. Mr. and Mrs. Lau. Bounhall,Terasîto, are gucets et Mr. Gus Bounsaîl. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennar, Strat- fosd, arc gueste et Mr. Jas. Gale. Mn. Citas. and Miss Bal. Toronto, were gueste et Mr Nathan Horne. Miss Julia E. Tapp, Rochester, N. Y., le grtest et Mies Mitchell, Centre St. Mre J and Mies Neade are home froni a very pleasant visit te Toronto. Miss Betha Shorey, Toronto, was gucet et Mrs. J. B. Mitchel last wcck. Mr. W. J. Dickinson and wifc. Osha- wa, are gueste et hie mother, King St. Mise Arletta Maynard, Toronto, le gucet etflier sieter M rs. H. Baekerville. Mn. and Mrs. Thompeon, Toronto, ishave beau guests et Mr.W.McRcyuolds. Mn. and Mrs. N. S. Young, Toronto, wene guceb eof Mr. R. Dumas Monday. > Rey. J. J. and Mns. Rae and Mise Nellie are visiting lier tablier et Brighit- on. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Brittalu, Toronto,, are guests et Mn. Chas. Young, 1 'Maple Villa.,", Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Biekeli, Osliawa wdre gueste of Mr. Gco. H . Biekeli Sunday. > Mr. W. E. Bishop, representiug J. L. Nichols & Ce., Toronto, was lu town Tucsdey. Mr. Geo. E. McKowau bas eccepted a situation in Watt Bros.' flour miii at Woodetock. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Broed and family, -Detroit, Micis., are gltests et Gee. Haines, Esq. Mise Kete Hollenbeck le visiting her aunt, Mrs. John James, Erie View, Port Rowan. Mir. Robt. Andrews, Toronto, lias been gucet et Mn. Neil McDonald, Kingston Road. 1 Mies Henry, Pert Dalliousie, Miss Maynard, Toronto, ane guests et Mr. G e . E . Ma V n e ,-d . Mies N. Neill, Toronto, étud Mise, I. Webster, Hamilton, have been visibing Mrs. W. H. Dustan. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Soper, Acton. are Yisiting Mr. John M2Donald and other relati. es here. t Rev. J. G. Lewis, B. A., will take' 7charge etf11ev. J: J. Rae swork during bbch latter's vacation. 11 Rev. J.- J Ilare, Ph. D.. will preach l biste Mebisodiet eisurch aiext Sunday merauing and eveninz. Dr. John Hoskin, Q. C.. was gilest ot bbc Misses Armour on Monday. Miss Eve Armour le very ill. Mr. .F V n n sae.Truo bava beau spendiug- tleir holidays et Mr. Roherti Fildiiig's, Mr. W. Richardsen and Mr, Adams, Whibbv, have beau 'uests ut Mr. F. C. Rare, Port Darlingion. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Van-bone, Brant- tord, are gueste et Dr. W. E. T1illcy 1end other relatives in tewn. Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M., le home from hie Upper Lakes excursion look- ing mueis bebter fer tise reet. Mise Nellie, Orani, Toronto, and- Mr. B. G. Stevens. Enniekilleii,were receut, gueste et Mr. A. W. Gibbons. Mr. James Cameron et Toronto and tisree children have heen gîîestseof Mrs. Gee. Ilemnibrook, Ontario St. Mn. W. Richardson, Whitby, epeut Sunday here and coutnibuted a sole lu tisa Metisodiet ehurcl in uthe evcniug. Mm. Rummey, Misses Nettie and Ada Pell, Miss Fanis and Mn. 'M cbb, Toron. te, have been gueste of Mr. John Tre- Win. Mn. W. H. McFaddyn, Q. C., wite and daugliter Blossoni Brampton,wcrc gucets et Mr. J. M. Jouess, "Retreat Dairy." Miss Lucy, Mn. Russel and Jessie bander end Mr. and Mme. J. Steinton visited et Mr. Ed. Bellman's, recentlv. Dr. F. J. Smale, M.-A., Professer of Nabural Science in Tomonto University. was guet et hie uncle, Mn, John L. Pcrkin, over Sunday. Mr. Frank Mason, Mr. and Mrs.Fred Masen, MIr. R. b. Masen, Mies Nellie Masen cf Daveuport, Iewa, are gucete et Mm1. E. R. Bounsaîl. Miss McMurbry. Florence and Edna May McMurbry, Toronto, are gucets et tiseir uncle, Mn.-Tises. Fitzgemald, Pleasant View Beach. Miss Florence Cnang, A. T. C M., Toronto, bas been gueet of bthe Misses Brimacombe, Elgin St., and assisted the Metliodist choir Sunday evening. Scores et chances te visit Toronte but an excursion to tise 1000 Islande is a rare treat few enjoyfor 50 littie money. Gô Aug. 12. M. A. JEunem, Manager. Mn. ansd Mrs. John Buckîcu, Misses Emma, Ebteaud Allie, Mesirs. Lewis and William Buckley, Orono, we gueste et Mr. Tises. F. James' Meudey. PERSONAL. Mr. John MeClelian, Gaît, le home. Miss Steen le spending ber holiday at Fort Erie. Miss Bywater, Toronto, le guet ot Miss Mollon. Miss Aikitt, Toronto, ie guet of Mis Nellie Saunders - Miss Crawford, Toronto, le guet of .Miss Carnie Babcock. Mr. Hawkins, Canton, epent Sunday at Mr. Jon. Stephene'. Mrs. Ed. Belîman lias been visiting her son at London, Ont. 1Miss Aunie Aluin,j Toronto, was guests of Mrs. W. W. Allun. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Honey, Toronto, are gueste of Mr. W. Tueker. show the lunes of suffe-ring iu lier face. She will becoine wealr, siekly, nevosfret. r fui and de- Her duties as a wife, inother aud house- keeper xiii beéorne an unbearabie burden. Tens of thonsands of woulen suifer iu Ibis way iu silence. 'rle average obscure phy- sician will, attribute their snfferiug to stuai- ach, liver, lung or lieart trouble. If'they are fortunate enough to consuit a ph7iian wbo gîves theus a correct diagnosis, the chances are that he xiii insist upon the embarrassing examnations and local treat- mient so disgusting ta a sensitive weman. Dr. R. V. Pierce, for thirty years chief con- sulting physician to thie Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute St lBuifalo, N. Y., is proli- aiy the îuost emineut and skillful special. jst iu woman's diseases ie the world. With thie assistance of a staff of, able physicians he lias prescribed for nsany thousands of ailiug women. He bas discovered a inedi- cine that dues away with the necessity for local exausinations aud local treatient iu these ca,.es. It ls kflowu as Dr. Piercees Favorite Prescription. It acts directly tapon the delicgte and important feminineoirgans concerned aud makzes theni strong and heaithy. It aliays iiifiammation litais ni- ceration, soothes pain and toues le 1?èrles. Trhouisands of women have testified to its ma-velous merits. AUl good drnggists seil il. " For a number of yea'rs I aaffered with s comn- plication of femnale troubles"," writes Mrs. itoeie Neece, uf 1346 i5th St., Louisville, 1 1 ried various remnedies, but nothing seemid t'o do mne any guod. About a year ago 1 I lid au attack of niervous prostration. -worcfs fail to express what I eiidùred at that time. Only those who have passed through a sin'ilar experience eau imagine the distressiu.g syniptomsý. Accumpanying this disease. everything liate woald Sour on My Stom- ach. Could do noue of rnv honsework. I heard of Dr. Pierres Favorite Prescription, and began to taIze il. After 1 had tken eune bottie 1 felt like a lie-w oria. I took \'ýht buttles inauan sd I feel as well as I ever dit. 1 BORN. CASSatS.-la Oshawa, Augnst 2, the wife of Mr. Larratt G. Cassels, of a sù u. QU.IGLEY.-Star Farma, Kingston 11usd, Juiy 29, the wile uf Tho3. Quigley, of a danghter. JÂcKsoN-Ili Cedar Dale, Jaly 30, the wife of James Jackson, of a sou. EvERsoN.-lu Oshawa, July 30, the wife of T. R. Everson, of a daughter. MCTÂAGÀART.-In Oshawa, Auguast 4, the wife of James MeTaggart. of a son. BRoW 1-INewcastle, July 31, tbe wife of Geo. WBrwu, of a daugliter. KNiîGur.-Io Neweastlie,]July 26, the wife of Wm. Kuiglat, ut a sou, stilibora. CRYDESMAN-In Cartwrighlt, Aug 7, the wiife of Mr. A. B. Cryderman, of a daughter. MARRIED. LouGiNEANE maLL.-At St. Paul's R.C.ebnrch Toronsto, by 1ev. J. L. lland, Mr. Lougheue, of H. M. Cnsîoms, sud Miss Sarah A. Hill, of Oshi- awa. BoNms-RÂyisEs.-At Trtnity ehurcli, Port Barwell, .Augast3, Harry Bonis, B. A., Esq., of St. Marys, sud Elizabeth Villiers (Besie) yonngssr danghtsr of Fraucis Rayesi, Esq., oi CCeIIMÂARTY.-lu BOWMaoiVills, Aug. 3, by 1ev. J. J. Rias. Mr. Frederick W . lonch and Miss Mabel E. Martyn, eldest daughter of Mr. J. B. Martyn, ail of Ibis town. DIED. FORLEs. lu Osliaw.August l,Anna Leifer, bsloved wif e Of Henry Fr rler, aged 78 years. LINTON.-lu Clarke, July 30, Isabella biniou, daughter of the laIs James Linton, aged 49 years. frTo mark the etud of 20.'ears in THE STATESMAN historv un- der prese ilt owners hip, we are maiga Jubilee Offer, send - ing the paper to any address in Canada or U. S. 26 weeks for 25 cents-less than it costs in post- ag'e alone if sent froni your homes. Xddress: M. A. JAmES, BOwmanvilie, Ont. You will flot know hOW mucli good llood's Sarsaparilla will do you until you tryîit. Buy a bottle to-day and be- gin to take it. CORN SOWING,-Is a proCess eonduct- ed bythe agency of tight boots a Il the yeaa round. Corn reaping le best con- ducted through the agency of Putnam's Painlesa Corn Extractor, the only safe and sure-pop corn ere-Putnam's Ex- tracto7; is now wklely imitated. Be- ware of ail poisonous and sore produc- ing substitutes. SERVANT WANTED.-Good general k)servant wanieclSt onlce. A pply 10 Mas. J. H. KynuD, Concession St., Bowmanville. soitf ~ERVANT W.ANTED.-Good Gen- k)eral servant waated in a famiiy Of four, il dwagea. Apply ai Tuic STÂTESMAN Offie. 32. , f. QTRAYED,-From lot 20, Con 3, KY) Darlington. 3 ewes and .4 lambs. Auy one gîviug information of their where aboufs will be suitabie rewarded by JXo. SNOWDNa, Buwmauville. 39, if. $t5o9 o 00TO LEND a on lood mort- ge seuiy at moderate rates o anierest A.E. McLAuoRia,Slecitor,Bowmanville,ont. 16 -6m, tARM FOR SALE.-75 ýAcres, Lots FA24 and 25, Con 6, Darlinigion. Goud siate of enùltivation; bard aud suft waier; buildings and fences snSod repair; j mile from Solina: d&ily mil O.Mua destrable location. For ferma eliqure of W A. LAUMIMAN, Sohna. 30 . if. MONEY LOST.-A emali, black purse. cealontrng Wgin oinionBank notes ao~ne a l répeom. God uil ings, ell reardlom on u. iii be su dRy eheaE. Quaii'ty Talks, 0*6 FAIR SUGGESTIONS. The directors who hav'e membership tickets for sale shuuld ruake returns bct- fore August 25. The 48th Highlanders' Band won sucli favor M onday that some citizens want them engaged for the Fair. No change in the market report. A womnan need not go to a fortune teller to, learu the story of ueed ouly look in the nhirror. A I , womnau who \ suffers from <~ weakness and disease of her wom-anly self PICKLES. Evaporatcd Herse Radieli. Crocs & Blackwell, lleinz Pickles. Morten.Pickles. Tomate Catsup. Tomate Chutney. FISE. French Sardines. Can Salmon. Can Lobster. Kippcrcd Herring. Can Haddie. Bloater Pacte. SOUFS. Roy.,l Worcester Saue Mock Turtie. Juliene. Mulligatanny. Englisb Woro-ester Sauce. Royal Salad Dressing. Breakfast Bacon and Hanis cured specîally for our trade; need nr, commenting- upon. To buy once nieans continuous buying. Goods deli~vered daily at the Lake. BowmAxviLLE. E I DRY -AT- AU1 Ibis ] Ontb. This Sale xiii abound in Snaps. WTe do not purpose carrying- cv'er a dollar's worthi of Summer Goods. -We -wiil accornpiish this object. Bargains offered, wili be startiing and ai- most beyond conception. We rely on'retaîing public confidence, and aiways do as we advertise. The choicest truits are always the first piucked- (?ome eariy and secure the best. Notice to our country friends.-Butter. and Egg s and 6-rocers' Due Bis taken as cash. ZieOne iloor East of Standard iBànk. BowMAN VILLE. GOODS e- e-- e- e- e-- -e e.--- e.--- E31 e-- e.--- --e e.-- e---- e.--- e.--- e.--- e.--- e.--- --e e--- e-- e.-- e.-- ---e e-- e.-- e.--- --4, e.-- e.-- e.-- e.-- e.--- e.--- e--- e.- - e.-- e-- e.-- e.-- e.--- e.--- e.--- e.-- e.--- e.--.- e.-- e.-- e.-- e.--- e.-- e.-- f~f Dl STORE Country Sehooàls Open, August I 5th. We are well prepared to suLlpply the demand. Our school supplies are better than ever. Our blank Scri.bbler adExelrcise books are especially good. See them before you buy. W, T. ALLEN. Big 2E), EewmxN-r=m. e-- e.- - EE~ e.-- e--4* e.-.- e.-- e.-- ---e ns- -~ e.-- e.-- e.--- e.-- e.- - e.-- -'e. e.--- e.--- e.- e- --e e.--- R e- e..- e.-- e.- - e.-- e.-- e--- ---e e-- a-U4U~UU~U UUU~ Most cvery one will take a littie onting this month and lunch goods -%ill be in demand and these days when se muel trashy goods are on the market disg-uised with the name of Bargains, it maukes oue ask where can we buy reliable goods at reason- able prices ? We have a reputation for high cdass goods whieh Wtt mean to mention and goode bought from Us that are not as recommendcd are eheerfuily ecehanged or monev refunded. !STATIESMAN erves au support anai m il 1 wiii _. 1 - .-M-Y - --L

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