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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1898, p. 7

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Su ,7àzrrae \Ye have the largest andi best assortmnent of New and Up to-date Furniture at the lowest possible prices e.ver oered in Bowmanvilie. Cali and see FuIl LUnes and Dainty Designs in al clases of F tinitum ,Nçw gootis arriving almost every fiaving, bought the Furniture and 'ndertaking busi- ,ss of Mr.7O. Scott, Orono, -we miust seil ail the old stock Furniture, etc, regardless of price to make' room for an new goods, as we intenti to keep a first-class Furni- re store in the store lately kept by him in Orono. Lev- i M oorris. Leral Director and Furniture Dealer, Bowmanville and Orono. There are many kinds cf Sewing Machines, but where purchasing iew machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is the ad 1 sell. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no0 equal. ices reasonable, terms made to suit. the purchaser. Full guarantee [th every machine. Intending purchasers shouid caîl and investigate, senlt postai card and agent wilI be around. Best machine oul for sale. ino other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. I have a beautiful Six-Otave Piano-Case Organ'for sale, a big ban. Jn. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. d best varieties of Turnip Seed. HAMPTON. Heny E11iott, Jr S0veral Great Bis and bis nsignation uccoptod ut MNadrid. Februany 15-Destruction of the Maine lu the barbon of Havuna. March 8- Congrose votes unanimously and withont debate for a defence arid of $50,000,000. Murch 28-Unlted Statos Board of Inquiny reports that the Maine was biown up by aun external mine. April 1l-President McKinley sonda his Caban message te Congress. Apil 20-The Coverument senda Its ,ulimatum to Spain, and the Queon Ragent oçens tbe Cotes witb a warlike speech. The Spauish MinistBr ut Washing- ton asks for his pussponts. April 21-Gererul Wdodford asha for bis passponts ai Madrid und louve. for paris. April 29-War opens with tise Nash-, vllle's capture 'If the Iluena Ventur&aund th. Now Yoks capture oi the Pedro. Huvuna barbon declared lu a statie cf blockade. Apil 28-President's culitfor IhS,000 volanteers. April 24-Spain declares wur. Aprîl 25-Congrass.deolares that war bogan Apil 21 by uct cf Spain. States called upon for thir quota of troops. Apnil 26-Chainman Dingley reports war revenue bill ta the Haso.Creat Bitalu publishos ber noutnality, dated Aprii 23, rocting that "a tato of war unbappiiy exists," etc. Spain uppeuls te the powers. Apnil 27-Matanzus ertbwonks shelied and siioncod by the Now York, Panitun and Cncinnati. Steamer Guide o nde a pnîze by imonitor Terron. Dewey's Asiatio sqluudron mails fromi Mina Bay ta ÏManila and tho Spanlsb fooet louves, Manilu to meet hlm. April 28-Congress agrees te a naval appropriation bill of nearly 147,000,000. .Aprii 29-House passes bill for popu- ian bond Issue of $500,000,000. Naval bill pusses the Sonate. Spanish fooet louves Cape Vende Islands. May 1-Spanish fooet demolished b! Commodore Dewey lu the Bay of Manila. Eleven Spanisb warshlps comletely destroyed. May 4-The flghting sblps of Admirai Sanpson's squudron suiied frein Key West, ulter pneparing for a long stay ut sou, - __ . . . shelling of Spaniards at Caimanora on June 17. Juno 21-News came of the arrivai off Santiago de Cuba of Cen. 5hafter's trans- ports, with 15,000 troops, on June 20. Gen. Shafter and Roar Admirai Sansois landed at Acerrudoros, Cuba, ifiteen miles from Santiago, and conferred wlth Gon. Carcia. June 2Ofca reports bv cabln from a station on the Caban shore, near Caimnnra, told of the landing of part of Ger. Shafter's troops ut baiqulri, fleur Santiago de Cuba, with ltile risist- ance. June 23-Landlng shifted to 'e")vey and continued during the night ,, id of St., Louis' searcilgh-lts Ad 4ral Camara's Cadiz fleot was reportcd c: the Island of Pantellarla, hall way froni Cadizto Suez. Juns 24-Sixteon Arnerican soldiers wero killed and about forty wouifded in drlving back a Spanish force near !tn tiago. Six of the killed were Hotesevet's Bouigh Rîders. June 20-Admiral Camaras Cadiz fooet reuched Port Sald, ]fgypt, a nd( awuxted orders.- Successful once. iý;ion of the landing, of the army by the a- . y in a surf' at IJaîquiri and Siboneyw iu loss or injury of a single man. -Juno 27-14I was offlcially announced that Commodore Watson, with a strong fleot, wouid attack Spain's coasts. June 28-The Prosideat proclaimed a blockade of southero Cuba froni Capo Frances to Canýe Cruz, aiseo0f Porto Rico. Cen. Sbufter roported that ho was within three miles of Santiago. Capt. Sigsboe of the St. Pauai rported aisabling the Terror ut San Juan on Jane 22. June 80-Further advances toward Santiago of Cen. Shafter's army wore re- ported. July 1-Cen. Sbuftor report.4 the begînning of ageneral ussault on Santi-, ugo. Cen. Laiwton's division carricd Caney, a suburb of the clty, and the Roosevelt Rough Riders, with the First and Teath Infantry, took Sun Juan, another subfirb, ulter despert figbting With heavy lasses. Juno 2-'fhe Spaniards madeunsucces- fui efforts to retake Sun Juan. Admirai Sampson's fleet contitpaed shollng Marra, Castle and other forts. doing great danm-' 1 to Yauco, Porta Ilico, meeting somec Spunish Opposition.' July 28-Cen. Brooke, with soldiers on the St. Louis, St. Pauai and Massachu- setts, loft Newport News for Porto Rico to loin Gon. Miles. July 28-City of Ponce surrendered to Amierican forces and the inhahitufits showed great pleusure at the change Of rule. July 29-Philippines roslding in Eu- rope cuble to Prosident McK~inley pro testing ugulnst the United States relin- quishing the islands to Spain. The Cabinet came to a partial docision as t0 poace terms, loaving the question of the ownership of the Philippines in abeyanco. July il-Tho Times' correspondent in Havane reported a terrible stute of affairs in the city. City of Cibura surrendtsred to the Amnerîcan navy. July 31-Spanish M,4nister of War re- ceived a desputch from Captain.Cofleral Augustin confesslng that he la lu desper- ute straits. Aug. 2-News recoived of dangerous friction between Aniericans und Aguin- uldo. Aug. 3-Spanish reiply ti American stutement of terms reeived îlu Washinrg- ton, acceapting the principal conditions numod by' the AmericaCoverament. Reports received as to the rapld progrS made by the Americans in, Porto RiéO, nine towns havîng hoisted the Amoricau flug. Aizxiliury cruisers St. Louis and St. Paul were released. Spanish gurrison asked Curia's permission to leva-cuate Manzanillo and retire, to Holggin.. Body of Amlerin troops landed uat Arroyo, Porto Ricoî. to tuke Spanlsh linos 1in flank. Aug. 4-Word recolved that Gen. mer-, rltt lsaunlgcontrai of the situation lu Manîla. Auoe. 5-Decision tuken ta Inove Cen. Shafter«suarxnynorth. Aug. 6-Spuin's fIghting mon, stili for wa, endeuvor to have the peace negotia- tions thrown uside. Aug. 7-Spanisb Cabinet uccepts the U. S. terns, and the Queen Ilegont rati- fies their decision. DO AS YOU PLEASE-. A DJARY OF THE WAR1 THE HOSTILITI'LS RAGED FOR FUL.LV FIFTLEN WEcEKS._ Deveiopment o! the Situation Fromn the Entry of thse Maine Into l{avana Hlar- bor Uiti the Day of Peacemaklng and the Spanisis Aceeptanoe of the Americans' Terms. Jauary 24, 1898-The buttieship Maine orcloned to Havana. Februany 9-The De Lomme letter pub Ilsheçl. Februarv lO-Senon De Lome resigns jiosIatlrwun . fecuu e iIove ail moistor. For the crow's foot use a littie pure fresh creami, and Dutting a littie on the first and second fingers, wonk it well into the furrowvs froni the eye outwurd and downward, nlot npward. Olive oil is also un excellent einollient, which can bu used in the samne 'way, as well us for those lines underneuth theeyes, which mumt lbe smioothed out * by a somni-circular move- mieut of the fingors, commencing from the inuer corners downward; do this for five minutes every night, after havlng cleuned your face finst lu tepid, thon ln cold distilled water, Into which latter han heen put a little of the. lotion given above, Those linos whicb conie on oithen sida of the nose must be rubhed toward the cheok, wbile those across the foreheud miust hoe smoothed out from the conter of the foreheud outwurd, not up and down. An astringent lotion, iu uddition teaà course of facial massage, in of great boue- fit. The following is epocially recoin- mendod: Powdered tannin ...............i1 ounce Rosewater .................... 5 ounces Clycerino . _........... 9 2ounces Raeenber, too, that ugliness lurks in smelling saîts. Oneo f the mnost beautiful wonl on the stage speaks of baving noticed with what rapidity one of lier frionds was accumiuiatiing wrinkles, &nd thoseo, 0',or unusuai depth and size. Upon sponding the day witb ber sh@ found thst she was addicted to the almost constant use of strong smneiling suits, which causod lien to wrinkje up lier face. In a tnuly remurkuble mannor., The iys- torywas explalbied. Ladies, will do weli to bowane the bottie. SPREAD 0F LEPROSY. -Extending to the United States Front South America. 'tphysician is entitied tu puy, ai mnany are doing, that leprosy is not con- tagions. There are too miany weli-authen- tlcated cases where the diseuse bus been transmitted from one individuel to an- othen. It is a well-known fact that this niost droadful of human Ilus has existed tn'ail ages. Althongh the bacilles bas been diseovered, it can neither bie culti- 0004 over 15,000) troops, blot Key West, con., voyed bY iWarships. June 14-Contituod fighting uat Cul- ianera wus neported, two A menicans und so,7eiiten Spaniur ds being killed. June 15-The second expedition t0 Mailli, on four traspentrs, salled froni San jransoisco. Tho Vesuvius fired ber dymmite guns ut Santiago forts for the firsù time, with destructive resuits. Jane 16-News c=neoti a third born- bardiment of Santiago by Adnîirai Samp. son'ssquadron. Tho Caimuanena fort wus reduced by the Texas, Sawanee and Marbiolycad. Jane 17-Adnîirai Dewey- roported froîn Manila, under date of Jane 12, that the insurgonts had pructicully surround- ad Manilu and bufi takon 2,500 Spunish pisoners. The Cudiz squadron sailed. and the vessels were seen pusslng Gibral- tar, hound oust. June 18-News was received of fanther Mole St Nîcholus, Haytl. Cen. Anderson ut Munila reported thut Aguinaldo had declured a dictatorslîip and thut the Philippine nati vos oxpected indepencie.ce. July 13-Tw,) thouuand Cabans at &lo- lingo drew up a petition to President Mcleiiley asking that Spanish officiais ut Santiago shouli ho remnoved. .lulv 24-Cen. Siîafter reported thut ~3,000 Spunish troope ut San Luis and Palmua Soriano in the sunrendered dis- trict. bad laid down their arme 40 Lieut. Miley. .July 25-Cen. Miles, with the Porto Rico expodition, began landing near Ponce, south coast. Cen. hi!erritt urrived ut Manilu and assumoed conmmund. July 26--Spuin, through the French Ambassador ut Washington, forily asked President McKinley to naine tarinS apon which the United States would be wllling to make pouce. Ju ]v 20-The A irinaforc,.e,,,vnnyi.nl UGLY CROW'S FEET. %Vith Care and Patience Tleey May Be Chaseci Away. Witfl the proner arnount 0f time and cure mnuch muy bc donc in the way cf conîbatijg that natural enemy of womaa- kirid-wrinkles 11, the flrse place nover by any chance wush the face in bard water. The hardest dan ho softened with so lutile trouble- just a teuspoonf ul of ammoula lu a pitcb- or of boiiod wuten over nJýbth, und a bag of o itmeul pluced in it lu addition. FI - Implo wus hused iii the morning wlll '.eep the face lu fine -condition: Pure eldarfIower wator........ i1 plut Borax.. ....................... Y ounce Eau de Colc,"e ...... 1........ ý..i1 ounce Apply, -!th a sof t sponge, thon dry your face with a'very soit tawel and give p fjuai toueh7-not a polish- with a soft 1 -4 u -1--

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