De, Wrd's Blood and N=erva P-l'=s-re-aeold-- at 5o cents per bon, 5 boxes for $2.oo, at drnisîs.s or nailed on receipt of price by The Dr. Ward Co, 7r Victoria St, Toronto. PÀDok of infocimation free. MOiNEY TOLQAN $~100,000. A ar-, 3umnof moniey bas been placeS ila my handis by a privato, person for investmnent , on appt oved loans on farm secuirity for, a terni of g,le ovl'en years, at 5 1-2 per cent .terest wiiible asked pay able yearly, Satisfac- tory conditions for Wepayment will be arra-iged i D. B. SIPSON, Solicitor, Bowmnanv]lie. Dated Oct. sf, '94. 4,-tf. 2YERS lm DFTRUL 250,C MC,~0 Y-thing an bom t. producoweakuless, u-~~ &t Éfdisýgustandawholetr,, i Tbhey unnf a man for 1 .e and social happine- ~ c -hether cau.set1by ev il habl ,iT - u o natu-rel neaknef tt4" orý. st, 1 erceeot ±bIew M ethod 'reatim-ez-.t wjl pesitrse:y cuare yeu. CURIE 'NO PAY :ýLar exees qmay havoet -rou nEXposure may havediseasel toitX i iýare netsafe tî i ,u ed. Co)r New leî .wllcuroyou uu oieuO k. Yousng MVao-You are paie, f s nd haggard; cervousiritbbleand em citable. You become forgelfu'l, morose anS despondnbo Ches nS iei sunken eycs, wrnkied face, sto, ph., ferm and downcast countenanc,,e ~ ~he blight cf your oxiteuc. WECUIRE VAICOCELE7 *oý No matter bow sertous your case ria Sbe or how long you may l aehad t, (en EWMIIIIODI) RAT MENT wii cr t. 'flie wormy lus îret their normal condition and etttc. sexual organs receivo proper cith ment. The organs bocome ticdtl natirai drainse or losces e m manly powers returo. otroCr 5 benefit. but a per-m cent iir, SNO CURE,.NOPiX IlON FR05i1 SŽf~ We treat andcurne ~YS'>1111,1 rtnîrl aïtlùr w ngrtsa-î ~m Letpslc,-iiO0,00Q0 -men NPieR_ The lest regiînent of that great army bas 250000 men under S5chwar:tzenIerg. No.I passed out of siglit. We might ball3oo aseno The greatest and most terrifie battie 1 loud as we could; nlt one of tbsm would lis now being fought aIl the world oves'. avert bis becS ta sec wbat wiâ anted. ItIf e the battis for bread. The giound f admit that I amn in sympathy vith thé tone ef the finest passage in oneo f the i chuS wbose father badS uddenlydle3dand 'ýreat musical masterpîsces, the aist c wbo iu ber little svening prayer wri.ted scs a ugsted to hlmi by the cry of1 ta continue te pruy for ber fathor, ai- the hungry populace of Vienna as the J thogh ac ad ensînt heaven, and no king -rode through and they shouted:y mire needed her prayers, and, looking up "Bed îeu ra! n l.hog int bs,- mother's face, said: "Oh, mother. the great herineni es of musical academy ç 1 cannot leave hlm cali out! Let me say anS cathedral 1 becs' the pathios, the L thank God tbat 1 had a good father once, grounci toue. the tragedy, of uncountedf so I cari keep hlm in my prayers.", multitudes, wbo wiih itreaining eyes andd wan checks and broken he4rts in behaifa Thse Co ming Generations. of themselree and theis' families are plead-a But the 180 generetions have passeS ing for bread.t off. Passed up. l'assed down. Gone for- A Look Around Us. 1 ever. Thon there are geneations te crime Let us taire another look as'oand to me 1 after our erthly existence bas ceased. how ws înay serve our geTeration. Let us1 We shall not ses theinvie shall nt hear sece as far as possible, tbat thsy bave1 cny of their voices, we wilI take no part enough to wear. God looks %epon lte Lu-N lu their convocations, their elections, mani race and knows mest bow rnany ini-, their revoluatians, their catastrophes, theli habitants the seorîd lias. The statistiase triurnpbs. We will in nowlse affect the 0f the world's poplation are caretullya 186 generatîonn gone or the 180 gensf'a. taen in civilized lands, anS svery few tiens to coins. except as from the galles'- years officers of govrnment 'go throught les ut heaven the former generations look the land and count how many people1 down and rejoicea t onr victories or as there are in the Unitud States or Eng-f we inay, by our bhbasior, stcrt influences, land, and great icccuracy lei reached. But 900C or bcd, thet shall roll on' îhrough wbyen people telli us bow îuany inhabi- the ad-vaucing cges. But Our business lis, tauts ihere are in Asie or Afeica at hest liko David, 10 serre our uwn gereration, îI i uet ho a vwild gnose. Met eod knows the peuple now living, thèse whose Ilongs the exact nurnbei of people con aur planet,t rîow breathe and ehoshearts poir beat. andi heoa h, eeog aprlfo ab i.And, mark >an,, it is net a sulent proces- and if theie he fIficen hundred million, slun, but moving. It is c 'forcedngu" iteniosrd iisnhnred anS if- cf 24 miles a day, eccb- hour hing a taon people, then there le eîîough apparel mile. Going wiith tt caecrity, it has got for flft een bîîîdrod million, fifleeri tbon- to beca quicit service on Our part, or no 0 ecuf ifteen hundred and ifisen. Net service at li. We Dot 0017 cannot teaeh loucby apparue, rot ragged apparel, not the 180 genrations pasi anS will not ses insuffiient apparel, but approprate ap- the 180 generations to come, , but this parai. At lacet two suits for every heiîlg genieration no'. on the stage wili souri be on earth, a summier suit and a wlnter off, and sre ourselves ilil be off with euIL. A good pair of ehoes for siry iv- ltoe. The factisl that y ou anS I wiilLinjg mortel, A good coati, a good bat or a bave to stcrt ,ery sooni for Our work, or gond bonnet and a good shawi and a' it will ho ironical and sarcestie for any complzte masculine or'feminina outtit of' une atter Our exit to ccv 0Of us, as Ahvins apparç;. A wardrobe for ail nations, saiS of David, "Afterlhe bail serveS bis adapledtoa ah climed, anSdt a sting or ovin generation by the wili 0f GoS ho feli a huiton or a pin or a book or an oye on sleep." wentin,. Wll. now rlut us look around sarnoctly, Buae! breretegdclbs prayerfnliy, in a commun selies wav.ased for ths'eefourths of the human race? Thse se wbat we can do for aur or genera- other àne-fourtîs b ave appropriated ibein. lion. First of ai1lo t us aec ta it Ihat, aC The tact le ibore needs to bc aiî(d WIî ho fer as weaura, lhey bhave enougb to eat. a redistribution. Not roy anahisi vin- Thtu buman body te so censtittuted Ihet lance. If outlawry bcd Its way, îu would ibres limes a day the body neede food as ilrond and tear and dimlinish, until lnstead mucb as a lamp neede ail, as înuch as a 10f threa-fourtbs of the world flot propos'. locomotive needs fuel. To muet this vsuni ly attireS, four-fourths ,worýilS ho in rage. GoS bas girdied the cas-lb with appie 1 wili let you know bow tho redltrîbu- orchards, orange graves, wbeatflelds anS flon wiîl tae place. Dy generoslty an oceans full of ish, and prairies fill of the 'part o! thoses who bave asurplus, cattie. And notwitbstanding this, I wil and incraed îndustry on tite part of undertake to say that the irct mjority those from deicit. Not ail, but of tIe inteua fanily are nuw suffesing te large mrajority of caises o po-rt ti ithor for lacis af fond or the right kind thîis rcuntry anre fa resaIt of ldlenesor or foad. Onur civUiiztion le all cekesi, anS, ihr 0on the part of the, tAoS olyeGain eut- lu- rigits. Many O! Ih0- prosant- suifes-os-sor their gevret- eta t"o!to-Sarehaveb he - blt otcsetisE s-tm iug le tho alto ont of-tise-blood-anS boneEFof't tnrquited j that I]bassr~a]iovesýd down thelitvasiood~ toi.nluT,, lden timie, for'the buding of . s .,,,n, je ,q, 3. sah4b .o ,,îi and - iu- 1i a -new--woru-andi-sWwe,lia- David, serve 7-ouî, goeretion w. wvili at' life's close bave most desirable and ro. freshing sloop. In lt wlll vanish aur last fatigue of body. our 'lest wos-rimont of mmlid, eus' last sos-row cf soul. To th. Cbrletian's body that was bot wlth rag. ing tes-ors, so thett h. attendants must by sheer force keso on the bianseis, it wii ho the cool eieep. To those who are thiri bloodOd andsheives-.g, with agueês i will he the wurm sleep. To thase who, bocause ot physical disorders, were terri- fieS with night visions, ht will be tbe dreemniess sloep. To nurses and Sdoctars and mathûrs wbo were wakened almost every heur of the tîight by thoso to whom they miulsered or ,oves- wbom they watched ît wlll ho theundisturhed sloop. Te those wbo could ft get toeieS 11 lete at nlgbit and muet rise early in the morning and betoro geting rested, 10 svill li tIhe long sloop. Away with ail your gloesny taXis ebiut departing fromib tis worid! If wo bave serveS car generatlon, it wsll no ho put. ting ont into thei breakers. It will not be the figbt with the iking oft terras-s. It wiili bs going te sloep. A fs-ionS, writing me trous Illinîois, says titut Reir. Dr. Wingato, Presideutr ot Wake Forst college, Northt Carolina, atter a niost useful lite, fourS- his lest day an earih bis bappleet day, anS that lin bis lest moments be seemed 10 be personally talking with 'Christ, as trienS with friend, saying: "'Oh, bew de- lightful lb le! I knew yon wouid ha wlth me when the iîno came, anS I kue ,w 10 wauld ho sweet. but I diS pot knew 50 would ho as sweet as t is. " The ted syce ho bcd serveS hie geiîerution Au the gospel mninistry, aud by the will of GoS he feli asleep. Whsn iu Atrica, Majwnra, tbe servant, looked inte the tout ot David Lis-ingeten and teund hlm on bis isnees. He siepped back. not wishiug te dieterb hlm in prayas-, anS, some, time cf tes' weit ,in ainS found him inuthesaine posture and steppeS bacis again, but atter awhlle Went ti aiS toucheS hn, and, 10, the great traveler hud tinished his last jour- ney, cunS ho bcd çeS din the grandest and rnigbticet posture a man, eves' takes-on bie knees! He baS serveS bis genes-atien by uns-olling the scroli of a cinîluent, anS by thq Niili o! GoS fel an sloop. lu the irnueeum of Gr1eeawich, England, there is a f ogîei f a hook that wsie tounid ini tho Arcthe regions. amiS the relies o! Sir Joh1n Franklin, whe hart perishod amid the snow anS ieo, anS the beat et that piece ut a hcoa was turneS down a, tseiords, "When bthou passeet through the waters, I wll bo wlth tises." Invinig served hie gsniration in the cause o! science and dîscovory, by the 1will of GoS ho feli on sloop. Â Gios-lous Awakoýningf. Wby Wiil you koop us ail so nos-vous ta]lnLg about that whicb le only a dorm- itory andi a pilewed- elumnber-, catiopled hyangels' w-tngs? SIeop! Transporting, sleupr Alad Whaýt-a glorlons awakenig ý X7nii adT hw i.- !nn en hr suin frrtwo -hours lconîz-es, -Wh-ii5sinn-0 irtervals 0f the gam, ea obiacl bancswiIl blow discordant thunder out of a dozon miifl berne right Into yous-oas-s, and coins home te tlkthbbc sest cf the tamily ifoa cstt.of aurai paralysIe about the 'dandiest gaeu oes'playeà on that greu.' '4Ab, my boy! You, 800 what siaying away from chus-ch tees., It des-lobs thte habit of lyîng. There i n't onemrin IDa hundred wbo could gg, on tse witness sianS enSdgîve,, unde ,oaib, the sanie s-asons for n t geing te churoch that hoe gives te bis family every Sundicv mos- lng. If yeu Son't 'îhink Yau ouglit te go, you would not meke eîny excuser for fnot going. No man apologizes for dclng sigbt. IlYss, too bot te go te chusch," wsc the decidod exclamation of Ms-e.Delittîs, tise other Snnday.< Oh, but ehe went up town on Mouday tc attend a tire sais cf goode,ý and. indeed, the enteS wes se great ud the wether se bot ibat several, ladies Weil n igh fein f- oS before they could get, relief, but Mrs. Doeiîttle crowsdeS inraneuS stood for Owe heurs waiting to get a chance te bey twe smuk-ed up, colleS handkerchlsfs et ion cents apioce svhich forierly svere solS ai fifteen cents, anS indeed, she canes honte anS made rhree celle upor bier neigihors to tell thoîn11w'cbcp thinge are seiling up et the tire sals-R. ýJ. Bnrdette. The Bi - Mali'e Toye. Just thinis of beving one's own rail- rocS and heing one's own engineer! How Sslightful it must ho, whenoer yen seant te taise a train, to e ut stsp ont anS build your own tirs, anS whsu the siocu s l uip, stop iriSe your own tender anS stes't off, stopping whemî yen use anS whsre yon like! AnS ibis is just what the Mas-- quis 0f Lansdowne is ahi. to do. He la very tond of englues anS rairoade, anS ho bas bcd buiît an engins svhich cen travel et bbc rats af furty miles au hour. The rails-oaS le caniplete. It bas swibches anS signal-boxes, exably as, any sails-oaS would, aithough 10 les but a mtile anS a hait lu, leigth. The litIle engins humes bwo handred pounde of coai a day. Be- ldeis. ibis engins and railroad, the Mar- quis bas a modbl of a Great Eastern Railway origino fis-s toat ln lehgth, pes'- fectly titted up, and ibis s-nue through hie coessi,,ervetory. a distance o! a quarter 1of a imilse. Yeu hardly airer thinis of a big s-san heving toys, but you"ses mei do play, if they ara sourd men, ail their Ilis-as. A test horses labo a good mau what a lawn tennis racket le to a healîhy boy. It;ius a meane of amusement and exercise. A Coed bealthy man noves' forgets bcw to play; svbtn ho gets unheaitby. thon lho doos nat valus play. Te kriow lîew te play weil, good-humoredly, te play fais-, :iq te ho sourd enSndheitby lu body anS soul. f -&à,,ees- an 31a ke GooS itoads. Soep11 eeÀep!otop«~be enso hé, N.S, mke the oloing Pnrgbakachers Sdeidneys PiTy b acte1ýed.popl n effectively lu re ove trubl sored e o my old- me orm.of i aplesrefo me to read0-cmen them to others. DonsKidrey Pis.etems efecstive remeinthe old for Brigt'sieas "E, via -beeDrous- bedaheforavmeie,Seimth i te ine5 an ail iands of k idneysn orI boxies fo ry $î.25 Theya idn. ey PliCo., Tornt, ant. Remember he nsamfie, an's," thd reue, others. Dôrn' dut Kfiney PillCole e ot Backache, Goa.e, Sntarto i, h OFrine.- nd aite Express VIiar TublZes.P; AIRC;-a or 3MoBefrIM1-5- MBe Da Kidey ilCoTSortoOt Rememer tenar.,e, HID, in- -FerRsa lInB( -Dru-ggists.__-_ comsfortablo beds ansd good mneal thoni tuse FRANKLIN MOUSE, ut Bates and Las-noS Ste. IRates as-o 81.50 te, 82.00 pas-day, Ai-ca plan. Wood- ward and Jeffesosn Aves. as-e only a blosis away, wth casete al parts cf tie eity ~xoYen scommou-tonsfor iEltea and Las-edSSt., Dets-oit, Milo. broiered l sippessandi saunging oack sn au arusihals-, ouirnouth pucisered up asounzd W lias-ana oft'hob best bsanS, ard tbs-ough cloudSet e! lw3urat enaoie read. ing about political éoamsomy anS Othe philosepisy ot strikes? No, no! By finding uui twhe in Obig city hb heenliving on gruistia and4 seirg hie- !ýni a'tanderlein hoafetQais. S6k ojtl'i me amuliy Who tilbrugis EicknueSe o- orju trof tns- fortunes have nlot onougn e t eat anS Se for them wbat Christ diS for the hnngry I~~~c mn±hgnde !ÂeeMiner. multinlyluts' 1 ide Panama anti povoruy; on thao unh aide Peru eith all is s-lobes. Chose for yous-solvos. For MY Pari, I go to the s,)uth." Stepplng a tOp h. ÏIsP QR. bY unle hie tO-ope feIowod, and f8agtly hie whnîle al-my. The Asword e! Qod's Osuth drawe th. civildngn to-day.. On onesiede of it as-o siio anS reiin al-icideatbh<on the other side of it as-e pardon andl usofuinesse anS bappintss anS beaa-e. Vois cros trous the wrong @Ide to the sighs sIde, anS yons- !amily wtil cross wiîh you, and youi, building iu wblob 1 bas-s lest awaxenao. 1 loak ont ofthtIe wirdew this way anS ihat anS up anS Sewn, anS I finS lb le a mansion of immense size in which I cmx stopping. ,Ail its Windows of agateanS its colonnades ut pnrDhyry anS alabaeees. 'Why, 1'Wonhder if titis lenot. tise 'bouses of mnany inansîonr' of0fwich 1I 'udeSto s-aS? Il le, lb à. Thero must o arb 0 any sins-edanSfrienis' in ii a- ruansion. Hans! Whose are Obose voicesi' Wlîose are those bau uding foot1 I open1 h. doos- and »ee, and, lo, lhoy are oom- tli report: "I1 sha'l dIviSe tis discaurse ia otbree beads: 1, mens ingrese into tie orS 2, bss pregrese throngb the' wo.-ld; 3, bis egreeýs out ot the woslS.j "Firstly hie ingrese Inte owurld eis naked and bas-o., Secormdly, bis uors tirors-b the worid le troublean rso Thbird(ly, bjs egrese out ef thse n o.usn body knewe wbos-e. To concluda-If"" lire weii bore, w. shah hlive lwelî thonsa, anS I càn el you nn oiesel pec whi. vmr." Ism thee iaflOsoiOst s-as-nM A ~ i Anmuenita 0% îîct Ins page -1 A ofIeely ,ilus Ais cedited \,ith e il tmake ita"1% A idepesilevîsitor taoe LrY farui l nsiructive and lateresti A to farers ! cery cass. A)-je Dllar a Vear. TonîJCent Brother Jon--aanPublial A Manhattam Buiîding, A Chicago. zie