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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1898, p. 8

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From Higginbotham'ySI Drug Store, Bowmanville.. [here are, Soaps and Soaps. Ail look pretty much alike but a littie chemicai test. ing shows great diff erences,-some too aik aline, some too aeid, some hardiy soap at ail. 1Now we can't make'Soap conveniently, but we can buy the right kind and know it is right when, we buy it. We have bought a large and well assorteci stock of pure soap f rom the best known American and English Soap Houses, opened out this week. Our leaders will be Baby's Owii ...................... ..10ec. Cadine (tar)....................... 25C. Glycerine and Cueumbér (Ceavers).. .. Juvenia (Cleavers).................. 15c. Old English Lavender (Cleavers)....... 15c. A Special Line at .................... 05c. Remembýer we have tested these Soaps. They are our leaders and will be as long as the qualhty is kept up, when it is flot there will be no m,:re for sale at our store. Remember you buy only PURE SOAP at J. HIIGGINBOTIJAM & SON'S Drug Store. ýA WI lî%! W . . Fu 1-%r7:ez :j: M ~M. MAYER would eall the attention of his ~ ~...winter is coming and 110W 15 the time for w, you ogt*orfr leeanrpie Sbefore the busy season commences. H ats, the iatest, cheapest and largest vt-ii- fe- stock aiways kept on hand. Caps ol ail kinds, Men's and Boys. A Ile1arge stock, of Gents' Furnishings, in Ties, SCoi ars, BRaces, Shirts, Socks, etc., aiways m:e on hand. rGive us a cali. ""~BUMANILE.M. MA YER, g BowmNVILE,.Practical Purrier. W~ t ~t JH ILLYAR, Sole Local Agent. Tli creo aeican fot solwatches L4at give îisatin W hat do pedlârs-and boys know of h uaii of a vwatc-h? Many have -%id C"Too dean for their wh rte ight in this vicinity by picahg( ther,-e people. When onwrdaTýmè piece, buy ït rom a iîeLcuanic, he has the right gooda fý or you. T,ronto Pair is com ing on, sec it, but -be cari-hi1 ef \ oun money and if you want ,,Wat>i'ý,,-, Chan, Ring. Clock, Spýe, ta ýcs or anythung in the the hii( ot a t-rA ClanSahmaker, buy f"I' Jowellen ind Opician, Bemmanville. BowmanilleFair, Sept. l6th. ~ AI~GELliC.NiSES,-M. A ~ ~ (Ç~ TOLEND pTo mark the end of 2o % ours 2 inVl TuE STATESMAZî hi6torv Un. don present ownerslgP, ware making aJuile ffr, send- iag the paper to any uddress la Canada or U. S. 26 meeka Son ï5 cents-leas than it eosts in Post- aealone if sent from youtn homes. A%dress; M. AJAmEs, Boirmanvilie, Ont. 1115 00,OO0O,0OOO FORTUNES FROM THE ?fOLD COUNTRY- EnormoUs fortunes lie buried in tue Court of Ohancer,whichbelou g ste the Engllsh speak- in p (ope throughout theworid. Tihis vast ac- cumulation is almost entirely due te heirs and next of kmn or legatees having emigrated. A Copyright Register (275 pages, has au. been published, containlng the cames lu funt of the 70,000 persons to who, anl this vast wealth he- longs, wit full instructions how to proceed. Price $1, post free, (by post office order or paper. eurrency) Every man anS womnan should srod for titis invaluahie book,, se that the rightful owners may be found for this enormous wealth A fortune may awsit yen. This is the @,nly bonafide and reliable book published. TUR- NER & Co., 63 and64 Cbaneery Lane, London, England. Str. Garden Urty, Toronto Exhibition Leaving Monday, Friday ut Bommunville every Wednesday andi 7 a. m. Returning leuving Toronto at 5 p.m. 2ndWeekleavingExhibition Whxarf 5.30 p. m. RETURN FARE 60c. Ticlkets goodi to returu on any oS 'the above days during the fair. For fui ther information apply to H-. CANN, THos. NiHAN, Agent, Bowmanville, Manager. 4 -I i News Mrs. Mine oS Windsor is visiting, hero-. . .-Mrs. Jamieson oS Howick la visiting her sister Mrs. P. Barclay.... The Metliodist church hors lias pur- chased the lot formerly owned by Mrs. Knox. Improvements on ý the house and lot are to le eommenced, at once at once for' a parsoniage,.. . Mrs, N. Bvers lus been visiting friends around Whitevale. Many pensons suffering from rheuma- tismn have been permanently cured by Miler's Compound Iron Pilla. SOLINA. The "At Home" at Division, on Fni- day night was well patronized over 60 partaking of the abundant fruit aupp]y ...A larg'e number are atteading tha Industriaf Fa.... .We areý without a blacksmith yet .. .. A verv large acre- age of Sali wYheat is being .0.. .... Mr. W. J. Brooks is an exhibitor oS sheep ut Toronto'. . - Mr. Will. Fursey las reated the Tremeer farn.... Recent visiters: Mr. A. A Bowenman and, son, Port Perrv; Mr. W. G. Cowle, Brookla; Miss Edità Gourd and Mn. andiMrxs. T. C. Lungmaid, Bowmanville. . .. Mrs. Waltens, sr., Taunton, lias leen vîsit- ing ber daughtor Mrs. John Pascoe... Miss K. Argue is visitiag la Toronto. If vdu have boen sick vou w111 find Hood's Sa-Raprilla the lest mieicine you can takýe to give you appetite, and strength. COURTICE. Mn. J. A. Marr and wife, Aithin, Minnesota, are visiting at the parsoni- ago ..... Miss Mabe], Spinka, Cartwright, is guest of Mn. Fred. Nichols.. .. Miss Mabel Walter la visiting friends la Onil lia and Longfond Milîs ..Miss May Jackson, Bowmanville, and Miss For- sythe, Oshawa, were guosta of Mns. F. Courtitce. ,. .Another game of base bail will likely be played bore on Suturday between thé married and single mien if the oid mon can recoven fnom their de- fout of a S ew weoks ago .. . .At the meet-, îng of organization for the plebiscite compaigu the following pensons were appointed to make a thonougli canvass oS the whole sub-division No. 6. For base line-Levi Annis, R. E. Osborne an-d Cameron Truil; lst concession line -A. E Rlundie, E. Worden; 2nd con- cessionlino-S. Penfound, W. E. Cour- tice, A. J. Courtice, Jus. Coulrtice; 8rd and 4th concessjon-B, J. Gay, J. Mon- now, A. G.,,Langmaid, R. O. Short, W. R. Countico. Your triend, Mns. .ai lookiag much improved in healhl. Yes, she is a different woman. We porsuaded lier to try iler's Compound mron Pifis witl the remit ivOU observe. HAMPTON. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. E. Ha-gth Woodstock, Mn. and Mns. W. Jcffelry, Maple Grove, ut Mrs. T. Roblins'; Mna. Cox and dauglitors, Leaminigton, ut Mn. J. H. Burrows, Master Colinq and Miss Jeninie McLean, Bowmanville, ut Mn. J. Cole's; Mn. W. W. Priee ', St. Marys, ut lMn. J. Salters's;Mr. Balmer, Mns. (Rev.) J.ý J. Liddy and sons Wil- son, Roy and Prankie, Oshawa, called. on fienda here recently ..Our village was the scene of two weddings last woek. On Tueaday evenin u; t 'the residence of the bride's brotheir, Mn. J. Joli, Mrs. Bmiiy Pethick iras uited in marniage with Mn, Herbent Short. On Thur§day, evening ut the parsonage, Miss Mabel, second daughiter of Mn. T. Wilcox, iras unitpd in 'murriag-e with Mn. Rogers of Wheai ey. Tliey leSt for their home ut Wheatley on Monday. Rey. H. Thomus tied botLi nuptýial knots ...The young mnan irbo bas boonl taik- ing figlit go of Slate wmli proibably meet with the trouble ho is looking for and le sonry that hoe spoke. ropeti- flou of t.ho fil ep1ru.M~,, f l day eening~il1 eun troulesure A pubic meeting miiil e lhcld lu the towD hall Tuesday evemng, Sp.l3th, Son the purpose of discuss;ingthe Plel- iseito. Rev. J. A. MeKeen, B. A., Mr. HugI Simapson, Onono, wili addreas the meetin.. ev. J. H. Oliver, Cookasville, is ulso expected to le prosent.. .Mn. J. L. Johns is ut Toronto Genienal bls- pital for a surgicul operation whicl was perfonmed on Monidar. We hope the operation may prove succestul. HAn READ ABOUT -"I la1d a distress- ing pain la my ide and w;us troubled with headachos. Mv blood muas out of order and my consýtitution gn'al rua dowa. Reading whiatbod' Sns aparililad etdone I1egn aking ý,it und aSter 7uing trom oft1sîwa- urned May Fiauigi-an, Mitiuing- AeTrn to, Oônt, Hood's Piill cue -nilsea,qsick hlead- ache,biliousness,indigestioni. Pnico 25c, Left Prostrate Weak and Run Oown, With Hoart ând Kldneys in Bad, Condition - Restorod by H ood 's Sarsaparilla. 'II wau yery mucli mn down, thaving 'been slck for several months. 1 had been trying different remedies wiceh dld me no good. I would bave sgevere gpe ef cougbin1ehat would bcave mm proatrate. 1 !01 oi'that My lungs were affected, and my heart and kidn"y were In a bad condition. luInftact, it seemed'as though every organ was outof order, I f elt that eomething must bc donc and my brother advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparillia. 1 procured 'a.bottle and began taklngi t. Before it was b If gone I feit that lt wua heiping me. I continu ed ts u»e and It ha. made me a new woman. I cannai praSse t top highly." MR&S. SuMME vii1z, 217 Osslngton Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Get oniy Hood'a, becaune Hood's Sarsaparllla Io the best-in tact the One True BIood Puria. Bold by ail druggists. $1, six for $5. Hood'sPuIs .Lti. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 7, 1898. nervous leanache, nervous prostration, and diseuses depensling on humons la the llood,- such a serofulu,1 chronme orysipelus, etc., ail disuppour befone a Sain trial witl Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli. They givo a loalthy glow to pale and salle. complexions, Sold by 'ail deal- ens and post paidi ut 50e a box or six boxes Son $2 50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock \ille,Ont. Do not le porsuaded to take som e cul- stitute. For Inifants ond Clifidrn. 'frs' tas, sinus P--UTNAM'S CoR-nN ET OO -the- best, remedy for corns extant. It acts quickly, makes no sore sp'ots auid effeets a radical cure. A hundàred imitations prove its value. Take neither substi- tutes off ered as good iior the close imi- tations of the genuine too of ten off ered. TYRONE. Visitors: Mrs. R. Cole, Bowmanville, Mr. F. Start, Currie's Crossing, guests of Mr. Peter Werry; Messrs. Wm, ilooper, Chicago, and John Hooper, Mariposa, guests of. their brothers, Samuel and Charles; Mr. W. Osborne, Cuic, at Mr. Jos.llawkev's; Mrs.J. .ioffatt, Toronto,at M.r. Chas. Ball's ..., A Brisbin familv- re-union was held at Mr. Thos. Bri3bin's, New Park, on Fni- day.* ... Mr.S. J. Henry bias been danger- ously ill but at latest reports is sligh tly improving. On account of Mr. Henry's critical condition Mrs Henry was pre- vented fromn attencung her'mother's, Mrs. Little,'s, funeral which took place at Garden Hli on Monday..Mn. Byron Moore lost one of bis valuable team horses Frida . .. . Mn. Geo.Harvey came very near losing one of his horses on Saturdav, caused by sunstroke... Tyrone Harvest Home Festival was of tho highest order from beginning to finish. Rev. J. S. 1 Wilson's sermon, logica i and impnessive,won an attentive hearing, =resective of the pleasure it gave the.ldrat least to listen to his father's son. The valuable aid afforded by the choir at both services and on Monday can not le expressed. They are each and ail deserving credit. A culminating point in this rich entertain- ment was reached on Mondav after the dinner which eclipsed ail former efforts, had receli7ed its due share of attention. From start to finish Dr. Galbraith the~ lecturer held his audience, no unskiV4ul task as ail who have unçlertaken to in- terest the intellectual immediately after the satiety of the *physical very well know. Vr s would fail us to give an idea of the magnetie force infused inito the stubborn subject in hand. Seven principal causes of the hard timos ex~- tant were outlîned by the Rev. gentle- man, viz.:. inadequacy of primai pro- ductions, uneqjual distribution of labor, enforced idieness, wilful idleness,waste, natural wickedness, disbelief in a speci- ai providence,and withôlding of increase from God. Theê cure brîefiy but elo- quently étated could ho found: in the development of our industries by a powerful faction, notably the govern- mont, in thinSt as, opposed to idleness, competencv to incompetency, la the ab- olition of national sins, anè. the render- i* to the great Given of ail his due. Alt the close of hi& reinrks without hav- ingonce descendod to the lower but more popular pian of story teiling, Rev. Mr Galbraithi spent a few moments in renowing tho acquaintances of 34 yearg ag o and forminz many new and lastinig frîends. Financial proceods owing to unpropitious weather lu the former part of the day wero not quite up to pneced- ing yeas-about $70 00~ but will no doubt be materialy increaned bY the 10c and 15e social this (Wednesday) evening-. A P., E. IBLAN», J'. P., Interviewed by the Patriol's Speciai Correspondent. Overwork brought on Neuralgia and shattered health generally-Passed many sleepless nights. Promi the Cliarlottetown Patniot. The Patriot's speciai correspondent "Mac" being in the easterii section of the island on business, heard many complimentary remarks concerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pis, which appean to le the favorite medicine in ail parts of Canada. Among those who are very emphatic in the praise of thisi medicine la Neil McPhee, J. P., oS Gloncorrodale, and our correspondent determined to euhl upon hlm and ascer-g tain from lhis own lips bis viows ln the matter. Mr. McPhoe was found at home, and as ho is a very entertaining and intelligent gentleman, our corre- spnetwecs soon 'at home' too Whnqestioned about the benefits he was reported to have received -fromn the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PPuIs, Mn. McPhee said :-"About four years ago 1 got ruil down Snom overwork ou the arm. As there is considerable tim- ber land on my propert »y, 1 thouglit I eouid go into making timber lu addi- 1 tion to my farmn wonk. The task how-4 ever prov'ed too hoavy for my strength,4 andI soon began to break, dow a. 1 cotatda severe cold, neuralgia foi- lodand 1 fonnd myseif la shattered1 helhgenerally. 1 fait very mucli dis tresaed and discouraged and spent man.y siecpfless nights, I trled several very hizhly 1ecommended medicines, Until Suther notice SPOT CASH will buy fresh mined, well screened Coul at the following, pricis: Scranton Coul, ail sizes, at harbor $ 1.75 per ton ; deliverod to any parýt of town $5.25. Having- Landled this. Coal for 24 con- secutive years and almost ail othen kinds ut times we eau recommend it as both lest and cheapest. Our shed cupacity being sufficient Son the Bupplv of this section the public can dependi on aiways gotting dcean, dry, coul. 1Asý, in the pat me are prepaned to pa.y the very higbest mrket pnice Son ail kinds,, oS GRAIN AND SEED S delivered ut oun storehouses corner King and George Sts., or ut Port Darliugton. SALT-coarse, Aine, and dàiry lu bags and lumrels, also Retsof Rock Sait Son cattie and horses aiways on baud Lumben, Luth, Shingles, Sash, Doors, etc., lu stock and made to onder Inspection iavî-tecd and satisfaction guuranteed. BoMcGInEIIN G. P ~ 0'~#~~*** *~» : *~* èéé44444444444444444é4éé~éé~..&~.~ Ontario Ladies'ý College And Ontario Conservato WUITBY, ONTARIO. *The LargeO 1 Best Eqipped Coliege for Womnen in -CanadE 4 j'steaniketng, eetrie ghti, mode aiain e * t cu ltur,.s el a al repr rsie isti tutin o . rng" he1 * stuyof lt&at remseat ora', commercial d dlmes * 50~ ~ý ý8 no n bles utaerhsto har e nbesi aet sitsovh * ta*sfrai i- t y eyee r. r i e for a na o r u *ý 1. J. J. hAi t F IARM FOU SALE-A first clas -V farm, copiute lOO1 actes, being oni lot 14 cou 3, Pik o iles north of Pick- ering village,. lereIs on theprenrises a coin- Sortable fiýrW,ýso,a good barn, ton- shed with stablSeg , good horse stable and âriving house ;about two jau-cs of good orchard, one well and a nsvffle illug spring of water.- The farm isetsn4sr gs£emi *vatiqn and well fence 5. soul good. *M y ouF eason for selling -proprietorf-g t o anitoha. For further particalars apply of owner on the premises. Addres Mas. M. DouGnirY, PiekerinZ. or T. Poudila, 1Brougham, Ont. 1 Ilrop In Coul. Until &i ýe MeCellun & Co, wiil ell fýr CSH dry, moul screonmIWd fft iCoul ut Sollewing pniceS - ut hnoail sizea, $4.50 per ton,ý; deIvý ed teuy part oS tow $5.00. AnxI ous Uo4tIsers find Dr. Low's Worm ~ upbest nuedle4nle to expel Worms, iruf n lik e lt--Wortn d on't. »r of Mus ic, erlookine Lake Ontario, gynsularge Ipe h est aiiities for the ticscene. Proximity at eity. Several speciai ;her ï 1)inforation i E, PhDM, lPrincipal. Hlogs Wante( The uudensigned mil lu inwmý ville and Onono every Saturday Son purpose oS luyine-live lioga for a4 ment. We dleaire thecocetinued iputroil and co operution of farmçr, se jothat eau baîîdlo thé-i n lange aumbers ti me eau sîip ebeaper andid akcýet sales. We canalsostop tio practiec PaYing commissions aid g 1ive the,, f mers tle benefit. Come 3 ud sce lien yen lave boga to soll. J& H. B.POT, Box 2O, owma..vilîe,. Dro28 The ason C BO WMAN VILLE. UiBrîtisiGuards 2 EHave arrived, our own direct importations adhaving the full benefit of the new tariff the prnid s are decidediy interesting., We put the matter very miidiy when we say we have neyer Sbefore shown such wonderfui values in fiue im, ported Dry Goods, inciuding, Black an d Color;d es. God, Silk Velvet and Velvetines,, Blouse Silks, Dress Trimmings, ea Ilsiery, Veilings andLaces, Saxoniy and Baldwin Wools, Black and Colored Ribbons, Linoleumns and Oilcloths, ?Y '.Carpets .nd Lace Curtains, Scotch and English Suitings Men's and Boy's Caps, Braces and Gloves, Waterproof Mantles, 9~) Cardigans, Shawls, etc. )) We have, also opened ont this week our stock of New Fal Jackets for Ladies or Misses. They are super- ior in fit and elegant in style being made in ail the newest materials of the season. Fancy Curîs, Beavers, Kerscys and Friezes being the iiost popular makes. They are pronoune- 5 ed by ahl to be the finest lot we - have ever shown. Many ]ines are', 7' lined through with ricli shades of il ad others are haif lined giving the garment an exceedingly stylish ? effect. We invite an early in- 5)spection of these beautiful goods as we have already h'ad to repeat . -- one o r two lines sold out. (6 Further particulars of our New Dress Goods next week .4 TH"E MASON CO. 1 i 1 ý i - i ýA0I' M 1,11", 1 CODCLUCI or bun- i MI' W- v .- y Fýý --ý-VUVL aL"Ij 1 9 F im R i w m - --- . -L -t 1 ý w i 1 Goal, Gralil, etc'§, etC.

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