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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1898, p. 6

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,OCT. 19, 1898;. V& vra-to work and to win-to keep a sane mind in a sound body-to iaugh at worry. Vro-to ward off disease-to con- quer obstacles-to transmit heaitis and strength to your posterity. VITALITY to resist thse fearful strain and tension of modemr life-to make up for the constant drains of overwork. Dr. Ward's Blood aiid Nerve Pîlis confer ail these essential qualities on the user. TRIS EVIDENCE !S AKME PROOF. Before using Dr. W'ard's Blood and Nerve Pills 1 feit sv'eak, nervous and run down. I had lost weight steadily for some time ; my circulation was poor; bands, feet and limbs were Icold. I aiways felt weak and mYmuscles trembied. Now, after the use ofone box of Dr. Ward's Pilla, I feel likermy old self. I have gained five pounds in weight and ioo per cent. in cbeerftsiness. 1 Oow walk firmiy, mny inuscular system is strong and my blood circulates vigorously. 1 hav e mor e corm'fort than I have experienced in years. Dr. Ward's Pilis have done more for nie than any mecicine I ever took. PETER CARMICHAEL, 13 Bright St., Toronto, Ont. Algood druggists can supply you. If they won't, we wili by mail. Price 50e. per box, or 5 boxes for $z.oo. THE DOCTOYR WARD CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont., [VMONEY".TOLQ0A N $1009000. A large sum of moniey bias been piaeed in my hands by a private person for investment, on approved boais 0on farm secnrity for a termi of ,txve or Ton years, at 5 1-2 perceent intereat wllbe asked payable yearly, Satisfae tory conditions for reaymntw1 e arra-nged Soliitor, Bowmanville. Dated Oct, lsi, '94. 4; - if. TheLeai~g~ oalts of kiÉd 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000CED of these -ni htl'y losCe I." bey proucewekneenervounees, &fafeeang ofdisguLit and awhole traîaof SYMPtO.m.ý. - Thyufit a mac for business, marri, i lie aniscial happiness. Nso matte-r xcetb"r caud l y evil habits id nt natural weakness or sexual excessea, 0cr Nfrew Metbod Treatment wiit postlveiy cnre yen. Readeryen neeti heinEaly ab 0 o atere s e'aensy bave weaoned o Exposure may 1' vûedisscased you IYon are not safe tii crea. Oui, NauMethodtiý willeureyou. lourunnotiskE Young MVan-lou are paie, fa e,îe and hagga-d; nervous, irritable an e x- ctable. Yeu beceme fergeiful, Morose. and despondent, botches andi pimples, sunkan cye, wrnltled face, stooepsng for andi downcast countenance reve A, hebligni of your e tance. a -INo matter hoecriosyor case nŽay # êbc, or how long:Yodeasy bave liait h, 0cr ' NÇEW METii-D TREAT1MENT will_ cuca it. Thse 'wermy v ens" reinra to. ther normal condition andi haute tisa sexcl rgans receive Preper nourish- ment. The organs become vitalihed, al], uninatural drains or losses cease andi manly poers return. No temporary ý' bee u.bt a permanent cnre asscreti O CURE, N PIfN PEA 8TION NECESSARY. NO LETEN- TION FROM BUSINESS. CURE-SGUARANTEE We ircat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET, EMISSIONS, I IPOTENCI, STItICTTRE, VAR'ICOCELE, 'M- NAL LOSSES, BLAÀDER ANI>D'_ ; R1scaaea. CONSULTATION z',l ,FilEER. BOOKS FRELE. CHARGE7'S, MODE? ATE. If unala to cali, w-ite fer a QUESTION BLANIi for HOM.E AJAX TAEýLETS '-PiOSITIVELY CURE os, mot ,ileleSîoess, stec. 'nussd oi A useo hier caesses ant i mis- creise,. Visa eeiektg andSi us-ifs - eestore LeSt Vîtaityhao r Tong. sud eit s maie ter- uudy, :.bucn3s, or marniage.' - Pressai Insanity mu LConsumption if ta en ie unem. Their use shows immsediate improve- mont cedaffecta a CURE where aIl other fai In. siat amen havies tisa senuineAjMax Tabts. Tisai ",ave cured thoissaieds and wiliecure yae.ave sivea rcs- Pakage; or six ekges (ful treatMsnt) for $9-50. B7 mal, in plain wrapper. upon receipt of pries. CirôUlas ~AJAX REMEDY GO., i9Bssrbo.n5t. For saielin Bowmanvilbe by STOTT & JURT Druggists. Cari do no mors for yen in the way of coafortable bedsanmd g00d meals than tue FRANKLIN MOUSE, at Bates and Larned sts. ^Rates are $1,50 to $2,>00 per day, Amuericëan plan. Voad- ward ana jeïcerseon Ares, are only a bMOck alwry, wt cars te ail parts et the city. excvelent accommodations for H.H.JAME3 &SO N,Proprietors, Jqtes and Larned Sts, Detroit, Micis. Rev. Dr. Talmnage Finds, His, Divine Imprint Everywhere. The Beautïes of Nature Furniîsh a Theme For a Powerful Sermon --WVould Abolish Ail Creeds and Denominations. Washington; Oct. 16.-Dr. Talmage lu bis discourse takes us aith isIna on a jaurnuy te tise Paciftc ani finds "tise foot- stops ofthtisaCrenior" ovrywisere, as Hugis Milles roundt tii n tise obti ret santistone; texts, Isýalais xxxv,6, "Streama lu tise tiset;" Psabiss-iv. 3 2, "Ho teuciseti tisa his, andt isy arneke." My frai taxti menus irrigation. ht tonatise waaerscf tisa Hirnalayas'or tisa Pyranees or tise Sierra Nevadas pouredt tssogis canails and'aquedacts for tisa fertilixation et tise vaibsys. hItmeana tisa pruesas by avisnistise ast mile ut Asuerican barremnesaili bartado au applaercisant, or an orange grave, os a wasnt fioid, on n caston plantation, or a vineyasd-"sil!-eams in tisa deoat." My second taxi menus a velcano likeVeasa- vin's or Cotopaxi, Gr lit meâus tise geysers of. Yailoastone Park or et Califernin. Yen seo a iilli clt and tislil anti forages imunevahie, but tisa Lord ontutftisebhan- vans puis iis fingar on tise top et Il, anti trom it ise tisick ant iimpreasive vapors. ".Ha touchais tise iilla, andt iey arneke!" Aithougis l ojunney acrosa tise con- tinent ibis suinter waga for tise aigisti tinte, more anti moeamarn1Impressed' aitis ibisdivine hantillnia constru ctIon and aithi s greniness anti grauflour. £ Vasi Dema.in. I supposeti lu my hoyiooti, fret ilîs fixe on tise tnp, tisai Califoernia vas a tew yards ecreas, a itige et lent on aviicis onea ta vahcautiousiy lest ho, bit bsî isseatiagainsi tFSiserresa Noyada on one aide or slip off itiseh Pacifia avatars on tis eatisr. California, tise ti suice ot aud, as I supposoti h te ho lun beyisood, I hava feanti te ho largos .ijean ail tise SinaetofNew Englanti anti ail New YTorks Stete anti ail Peunsylvania togetber. anti if yen attitisen togoibes tiai square miles 'tali fer short oftCaeil- foruma. Anti thon aIl tisose neavioru states ot tise Union, Nots antiSouth Daktota, Washington, Montana, Idiaho anti Wyoming. Rachs state an empire in size. "Bt"says saie ne u, "in calculantiug tise immonsiiy et Our continental acrense yen 'tairetombes tisai vesiranches of eus public demaIn ara uncaltivateti ieapa et dry santi. andti is 'Bcd Lands' et Montana andtihie Great Amarican Dos- et." 1 arn glati you mantianedti ta. Wiihia 25 jeitns tisaeeaill net ho hetaveen tise Atlannticanti Pacifiaccanais 100 utiles et landi net seclairned asuber by fermera' pluw or minera' crew bai. Dy irrigation, tise aatars efthtie rivons andthUe sisowers or heaven, ilu aaiare cahodthtisarainy season, ail ho gatisarot laie great rosr' vairs andti irougis aqaeducts let deavu whesre anti wiss tise people avant tisent. Utais a au objaci lesson. Sots parts et tisai terniterv vwicis eans ebarran tisai raised thoraeila 100 ysars are nea,, sicisaai Lancaster c4nnty tarma et' Penylvaula or Westchiseior ans et Newv;York . or Semeniset ceuuty ferra et Ne' Jerse. Experliuents bavTe provedthtia ton acres ef groanti Irigateti front aaters gatisereti la groat isytiseogicanibasin s aili prbdace as mach es 50 acres tromthtie deavpuer of nains as soeauln eus ragians. We hava oux fresisets anti eus trougisis, but lu tisose ands aviicis arc te ho sieniticaily lrdgated tiseraaili ho naither fraseta uer drougis. As yen tae a plîciser anti gati& ifull etfaatar, andt tisu s', il on a table anti take n drInlk ont oe t ilaien yaa are tisty anti nover tisink ot drinÎk. ing a pîteiserfni al at once, se Montaîna anti Wyoming anti Idaho waili catch tise rains et thiai ainy season anti taesup ail tise waters cf tisaIs rivera lu grant pitchaîs utf rsenvors anti refresis thie lentd wienever tise>' aili. Tise vvonh bas alreati> beau grnndly begun by tisa Unitedi States Govrument. Oves 400 mIses- have airent>' beau ffeiliy takon possession of by tise natien for tise great anterprise ot irrigation. Hivers tisai have beau rolliag itily througis these. gions, doin.g nethiag on tisoir way te tise sea, aili ho lassoeetan 1 cerrahisti anti penued -np nutil suais tinte as tise fart- era nleedti sho. Under lise saesproeosses tise Ohio, ihe Mississippi anti ail tisa ottes rivons aili ha taugisi tebeisave thetasives bottas, anti great basins ailI ho mande te catch tise surplus oft waters lu times o asest anti koep tiemfor ilmes etftiraugisi. Tise inigaiug procesa by aviicis ail theisa landns betavee thtie .Atlantic anti Pacifie aceans are te ha fetiulixeti is ne new oxpeirnent. Johovah'e Tissone. It bas beau golng ou successtabiy hii- dretis et yeara lu Spain, lu China, lu lu- dia, lu Russie, ln Egypi. About 800,000,- 009) af peopla et tis eoariS ta-day are kepi olive hy footi raiseti ou Irrigateti lanti. Andtbas eav avp ailoweotatolie avasto, givaît np te rattiesuake anti bat anti prairie (log, lands enangli le support avisai nations of indasious population. Tise avonk hgun aili be cousurninatoti. Haro andt isre oxceptianal auts may ha stubisarn anti refuse te yielti auy aviet or corn frmt tisir isard fis, but If tisa boa tailata make an impression tise tin- en's piokax will diacover thse seasan tor 1* anti hing up tram honeatis ihosounupre- ductive surfaces ceai anti iran anti loati anti coppaiandi silver anti glt.'Qot- shoodthtie gseloggists andtihie survayerg, t}ia'enc-lrf~s offadthe senatn,.i,. co.mmis- 1 aIens, andthie capItalats, an«ti is new saillera, andthie hsandm«e. aviseput t50fr braiu anti baud anti honnit tiss transfiguration of tise -Amnerican contin- ent. "Streams iluhe Uset!i" l~ut aviîle h speal et tise immeusity et thse continent h mast rornark il tg net an lmsaensity et monotone or tamouasa. Tise langer soise ceuntrios ara thea aorse fer tise avoic. Thsis continent is net tors se- spankable ter lis magnitutie then fer ils avontiena et construction. Tosenmite anti tise atjaîning Caifrnia ragions! Whso tisai hes sesu thiseceaut think et tiet avtiout having iis bloti tingle? Trees now standing tisere tisaiavrse lti aviss Christ livot I Tiese rnonanciss oet toage seigasti befose Ceosas or Alexander, anti tise nexi 1,000 y'ears ailI net sBattes thiai seapter. Tisey are tise tests ofthUe contin- ent, tiaiscanva pseati ou tise aias, aviile tisaaid sip boars on uts wmty bisseugis tisaagea. Tisai veileyo et tise smite is lgisi miles long anti a hait muile witie anti SAM ~ Iîat 4eau. hItsoesasfiU Ie LUb beau tise meanlng ef O'mnîpatence te crewti into as amaill a pince as passible soefthtie muai stapentisus aconeny et tiseavriti. Seme efthtie cilifs you de net stop te mensure by foc, forthey are litcrally a mile higis. Steep se tisas nel- tiser fot ofeman rnon beasi ever acaleti tisa, iiey stand lu svoniasting deflance. If Jeisovaisbs a nlionson sortis ihese are its wisite piliars. Standing 'deavu la sisis great chass et tise Valloy, Yeu look up, anti yoedsa Catisodral rock, gast, gloomy minster isilit, on tise sent aven- ship oethto mouutais. Tender is Senti- ual rock, L,270 feai higis, hoit, soltnry, Standing guard arneng tise oges, is tep seltiu tunchet(i until a bride oue Foartis et .Iuby nounteti h anti piantedth ie na- tional standards, andthis people doavu lu tis a vlley loolset up anti saw tise liest ef tise mointain turisanod aitiSstars anti sipas. Yentes are tise Thisses Brotisers, 4,O0O ftest hii$; Cloud's rosi, Noranid Sentis Donnes, andthie iseigis novas cap- tureti save by Use f esy bayonets efthtie thuudersterm. 1 Re Tonchthi the His. No pausa for tis e sy, ne stapping place for tise mind. Mountaus isarleti on motutains. Mountains lu the avake et mountains. Mautalus flauketi by moan- taius. Meantains solit. Meuntains groanti. Mauataius faflen. Mounnaina tniampisant. As tisougis Moant Blanc anti tisa Adirondacka and Mount Washington aveshors nttering ihaoi1ves iluoe magnificeut, chorus ef rock anti preoipîce anti aatarfaîl. Sittiuig anti dasising tissougistise rock-s tise aatei (otas deavu. Tise Bridai Veil talla!se tisin yen eau ose tisa faceofettise îiountaln behind ht. Yen. dornf iseomto talla, drepping 2,634 teet, 16 dites groator doacont tisan tisai ef Niagara. Thsea waters dasised te deth Qu tise rocks se thet tise whiite spirit ot those siain waters ascending' lu robe et miat seoks tis eievos. Yonder la Nevada talle, pianging 700 test, tiseavatar lu anroava, tiseaatar iu rocks, tise waa usis peannalise aatar in amietisyss, Use aater lu diamoiass. Tisai sýasode flinga deavu lise rocks eougis jeavois te array ail tise enstis in beaaty anti rushes on utll 1 drosa ltt a very hall ef waters, tise smoke oft tieir torineut ascentiing terever anti aver. But this stawaoutertal part ofthiis Amenican continent la tise Yellowstone park. Mjy tave visit erne matie upon ma an impression tisa i avil ai feravar. (Go lu hy tise Moselda rouie as ave titi ibis satiner anti sae250 miles of salirent- iun, yoar stagecoacis iaking yen tissongi a ay et Sconery as captîvating anti sub- lime as tise Yellowvstone park It3eit. Afttr ail poetry isas sxisaastod Itsast con- cernlxeg Yeliowvstonoî park and ailtise Moans ant i Berstiati andthie othar eu-' cisantiug .artishavae omnpletdti tiai ciinvas, tiseraaili b h osonraeatiens te teks and ti oisn sîies et its beaatyni aratis, apieutier andr agonyl' te bu recitati. TisaYellowstone park la tise gooioglist'a panadise.3y ,esepning ef travel nuýay il becoeotlise utien's pinygro)nil Inl semae portions ofutl eees te eho'ie aaarchy ot tis enelatuei.Pire andi avaler, anti tise vapar bhem of tisai marriage, terrifie. Geyser cones or his oet crystal tisai have been over 5,000 yeans groavung. in placest'Ue sartise lirebblng, sebbiag, groaning, qnaking aili aquebuS parox- yaîn. At tise expiratIona et every 65 min- nies ane of tise geysers iosslng ts boillng avater 185 tees lu thir aidet tise scont ing inte ssiuging'ralubows. "Ho soucis- eus Use hills andt by énoIse." Caverne et picturetiaalslarge eoangisfer tise sepulcisar oethtieiuntaan ra. Formation et siona lu shape anti colon et cella lily, o e iotroe, et rose, cet ooaslip, ef sun- floavor anti et glauellolus. Salpisus anti arsauic anti ofiie tion, aitis tfrisaista- cats penis, tuir-ing tise his, ie oa Luxemnburg or ai Vetican picture galiery. Tise se'cailed Tisaniatopais geyser,, auqai- site as tise flrycnt poat hi was nameti after, cuti Evangelinie geyser, lovaiy as tise Longfellow iseroino it commemoretes. Sisnri.se and Sunset. Wide rocisofet siesof intermingliet colons, bine as tise sky, green as tise foli- aga, orirnsn as the dahlia, whiite as tisa snoav, spetiad as tise leepassi, taavny as tisa lion, grizzly as tise boas, lu cirabes, lu angles, iu stars, lu coranets. lu atalac. tites, lu atalaginitos. Roe eanti thoeraare petnifisti groaviha, or tise dendtirees anti vegoisahies etoson feskepit througi à procesa of natureluibaimmuent. Iusons places waters as innocent anid smiiing as a chilt maklug a tirai attactpt te avalk frein !ta meihor'A lap, anti not tas off as fennting anti trotziati antiungevernaisie as a maoluenlu tuggl io aili iis keapers. But attes' yen have waudered aiong tisa geyserlte enciattent for tinys anti bogîn te tee! tisatiseora eau ho notisig moneofe iniereat t soes you sadtienly corne upon tise peroration et ail ntajesty anti grandeur, tise Grand canyon. Itl is hrs tisai il seerng te sue-anti I speak , il avlt rovrone-Juohevah assena te have sur. passet i iiesoif. 15 sma agnitgulcis loi doeavu tbtise eteruýitIes. liera, isang ap anti lat doavu anti apread abroati, are ail tise colora et lati andi sea anti sky. Up. hels',erlng ufthtie Lard Qed AltIgisty. Boat avark ef tise Arciiteci t onîrda. Scaipturlng isy tise Infinie. Mnsoury by amn Omnipotent troavi. Ysllew I You noer Yen neyer saav set anisas yeu saw t tisero. Violat! Yen novérsaw violet an- Isas yon saw h tisqre._ Triomphant ban- nons et colon, lu a catis atial of basait, sunrise anti sunseat marrieti by tiese fttiitg et rainbow ring. Gotie arches, Çarntiln cepitala anti Egyptian hasiliaa al bit eons hu- mau arcitecture avi.a hem. Hugofentil- ficanilus et granite constructeti before was f orged iIts irai cannan. Gibraltars anti Sevastepois tisai nover oanuha taken. Alisersas, aviera kIngs of strenguis cnd quese s eauty sa4gned long befoeatise frai eamily croavu as empeenioti. Tissones on avicisno ne 0bai ifs King of iseavan ansi sar-iS overs an. Feunt et waters ai aviiaisth- is llshs are baptizoti, aviie thse giai cliffii standi areunti as aponsors. For I;os.ts2ds et yea.'a butoe tisatascoee as iuoilati teaisuinsut sigisi avare heaing aay wltis tiai iot chiisl, anti glaciers ,7e pundlng aviis thia icolti lamutars. "anti hurricanes 'aers jýqyi -avis tirIîhIsnng tX~k~ T uie4Calladia] BOWMANVILLE 4ensi ets, sympasasîeioprasonuanson et1 Tas tact tirai Christ la ready te pardon al our auna, anti ieel ail sus aveuntis, anti sava us bots fer tisis avonit andtihie nexi. Lat yens religion of glaciers crack off anti feul lte tise Guit streasu anti gel meitet. TaIse all yens creets et ail denenîlnatloiis anti drap oui t ftiet ahlisoman phrase- ology anti put lunoul>' scriptural phrasa. aoagy, anti yen aili sec haav, quick tise people ailil ump atisa tisot. Ou tisa Columbia river ave saavtise sel- mon jamp clear ont iatie avatar lu tiffer. eut places, I suppose for tise purposeofe get'lug tise insecte. Ant Iifavisan wo aant te fis-for mounave caulti oniy hava tise siUit kinti . ebtise>' aili spring eut aieve Use flood t e issuins anti suroav te ranch Il. Tise Younsg Men's- Christian aoofales tAmrica Wavlase do part et tha W.ork. Tiso> are geiug to tsk3 thse ymng ten ot Ibis nation for Qed. Tisese instituions soasi in hbter faor aitis Geti anti man tItan ovw biefare. .Business amen anti capitalise ame avaiaeuug te tise tact tisaitisauy aua "e etling bistier lu 4b *y« big poo«ee àprla 30si and hailstones glving thse flnishlug touches. 'andi attes ail thesa forces 0] nature had dune thiai bestin lur eucturj tise curtain tiroppeti, andth ie world hnd a new andi divinely luspireti sevelatien, thse Olti Testament written on papyrus tise New Testament written on pascit' ment anti this at Testament wriéten or tise rocks, A iHall of Judgment. Hanging oies onse oftise cliffs, I lolk, ed< off until I ceulti nut gaimy breatis, tison, *etreating '.o a esas exposeui place,1 looked dewn again. Devin tisere is a pil las of rock that in certain conditions o! thse atmosphere looks like a, pillar of bleoti. Tondes are 50 ftestofetmeraid on a base of 500 feet of opal. Wall of chalh resting on pedestals of beryl. Turrets et ligist trembllng on fleera et dnskness. The bsown btightening into golden, Snew ef crystal nîeiting jute fire et car bancle. Fiaming red coing mIe orasset. Celti bine warminl nlto eaffren. Dul gray kintiing loto soiferino. Morning twiligist flushing midnigist shatiows. Auroras croucising amang rocks. Tender ta an ongles noat on a shftt ci basait. Thruugis an eyegiass weseêo among It thse young cagles, but ths tout. est aria ot aur group cannot honl a atout neas enougis te distusis the featiseset demesticity. Yonder are heigs ta a woulti ha hilled witis herror but for the warm robae o foroat touiage witis whicii tissy are enwrappcti. Aitara of worship al which nations might kusai. Dames ci ehalcedeny op temples et pospisysy. See ail tisi carnage et celer up anti down the olilfýs. It mnulet hava beau tise battiefillt It tis war efthtie elements. Eors are ali tise colora efthtie wall ef heaven, neltiser the sappisire, nor ts chrysolite, uer the topaz, nor tise jaclntis, uer ths amethyst, ner tise jasper, mer tise 12 Rates et 12 peasis wanting. If spisits isandti ram eartfl te heaven couid pasa Up by way ci Usis canyon, tise dasis etheaveuiy beauty 'woulti net ho se overpbwering. Christ'sDmiin Oh, the aweeof et isAmeriaan'centin. ent! Saiiing up Pugelt Sounid, its siseret se isold that fer, 1,500 milssa sisip's psow woaid touais tiesa hoea before Its keel tencisetitise bottom 1On ansetfmy visite I said, "This is thse Melîterranean et Amnerica.'" Visitlng Portland nnd Ta- coma and Seattle and Victoria and Port Towusissnd anti Vancouver and ather citiessof tise nostiswest segiong I itiought te myself, "Tisa are tise Boitons, New Yorks, Cisarlesons and Sfavannaba et tise Pacifia coant." But atter ail this sum- mear'e jourueying and hy my etiser jour- neya westward In, other sammers, I teund tisat Iisati s6en' ouiy a part ofthtie Amenîcan continent, tor Alaka ln as far west et Sari Francisco as tise ceast ol Mains la oat et i, se Éisat tise central city ofthtie Amorloan continent la Sau Francisco. 1 have saisi tisese thinga about tise magnitude efthtie continent and given yen a tew specîiens of senme ot iba won- ders te lot you knew tise coinaseisensive- noe;a ef Christ's dominion wisen ha takeg possessiqn oet tiis continent. Besities that, Use salvation ofthta continent menus tisa ganvaf ion et Asia, tor ave are eniy 36 miles frem Asin at tise northwest. Only Beisring traits-separates us troni Asia, and tisea wil be spanneti by a -grossi bridge. Tise 56 miles cf aatar betwoen tisss tao continents are'net ail-deep sa, but have 'thnee ialands, andth iere are aise seha"swislch waili aliow piesafor bridges, andi fer tise mest of tise aay tise wator la only about 28 fathams deep. Th.e.Ameiao-Asiatýle bridge wilei vii yet sp)an tise,"e straits3 wiil make Anerlea, A.sia, Europe and Africa oe continent. Se, yea sec, Amseri.ea evangelizeti, Europe taJking Aain fron enue side andi America taking it ftrem tis e tite aide. «Yens chil- dron wll cross that b)ridge.'Amonica andi Asie andl Europe ail one, watsaaubtrac- tien tram tis arosget aeasiclcnoaand thse prophecîsa inRe-elatien wiii bo f ai- fil, "thero shalh ba ne moresa." But dej Imeanu iterally tisaS this Asuenican contiLent la going te bc ail gospebizati? I de. Christepisor Colmbus, wissn ho went ahore froru tisa Santa Maria, anti bis secaa brother Ale, wkisaa howsnt ahoro from tise Piuta, and bis atisird brother Vincent, whien ,hoavwent asisore country in tise name eft tis Fatiser and the Soc andthie IRoJyQiýss. Satan a ne maoeigisi te, skiacountry than I1 have te your pcketb.ýok. Te heanshlm talk an tisersofoth ie tempis, aviere ho proposed te give Christ tise kingdenisot tise worbd andi tise fgory eft tism, yeu migisi suppose that, Satan was a grant c«pitaliat or 'isat haoavas loaieti np 'wlti reani state, visn 'tise elt m1socanut nover owned an acre or an inchs ot grounti on Uhsapiailet. For, tiat roas on I pretest agaînat semetising 1 issard and sanw thîs; sunmmer andi ether summors lu Montana andi Oregun and Wyoming anti Idaho and Colorado anti Calitegnia. Tisey hava givea devilistiô names te many places lu tise avant annrtists. As soon as yen get Iu Yellowvstone Park or Cabteonnia yon have peluteti eut te yen pglaces cursed waiti snbcisnamas as "Tisa Dovil's Slids, ""Tse Devil's Kitcisen,"' "Tise Dovii's Tisurnis" "Tise Devil's rnipit, "Tise Devil's Masispot," "Tise Devils Teakettie," "Tise Devil's Q---411, 10"Tse DevIl Machin --SIsl, bey bat takeu tour boxes be was caret 1 This avas aven a yens. age, anti Chastes le now well anti as streug iu tihef t ieg0 wbicis causedtheis trouble as la tise other Of course 1 recorurnuti bgisi'tise use0 et Dr. William s' Pink Pille." Sucis is tise stesy efthtie fourbis cura aviich. bas been eusr pleasure te report trot Owen Seund. Chestes Ga'wiav is0 grewing up lie a sbnong beaithy>'lat,o and t iis atdirsg but anothes tribute te Dr. Williams' Pink Pille te se>' ibat ibey are tise instrument lu bis restera- tien te botiulv viges. Dr. Williims' Pink Pis creabe new blooti, anti ini iis way drive tisease, fretntise systetr. A fais trial wiil con- vince bise meet ekeptical. Soit eniy mn boxes tisa wrapper arount whieh bears tise ful isade mark -'Dr. Williams'Pink Pille for Paie People." If vour de~aler doas net keep tisae.tliaywill be senît peet paitt 50 cents a box or six boxes fe250 by addresing tise, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Bsockvilie, Oni. ai nanqsV aili andti tstameont'thin te do wataiMs. Marqaand diti for Birooklyn wien ho matie tise Young Men's Christian palace possible. These institutions aili get uer yoasmg mon ail oves tise land Iintoo a tam- pede fer iseaven. Tisas we avIl lal in sema way haip on tise work, yoa aitis your ton talents, I aitis tivo, somebedy aise aitis three. It la estimatodti tat irrigate tise ani and desari landts ot Amonica as tisoy ougist te ha irrigatati it aili cost ahout $100,000,000 ta gatiser tise 'waters into reservôirs. As mach contri- bution anti effort as tisat avoalt irrigato aviis gospel influences ail tise asta placas oet tisa continent. Lot us by prayer anti contribution andi rigist living al héip te fil tise reserveira. Ton aili carry a bachot, anti yeu a cap, and aven a tisimbletul aveuiti ieîp. Anti atte avisile Qed aili secd tise fleetis et mercy se gatisereri peurlng doav aven al tna landi, anti sots et as on sartis anti someaetfits ln heaven aili sing avitisIsainis, "In tise aIldernasa waters have broken ont anti atreans in thse tesert,"' andi David, "Thiai is a rivas tisa streaius wiscreot sali make glati tiese igst oetGQed." Oh, f111 up tise rnservoirs. America ion Qcd1 Exaininatïoîts lu MWusic. At tise request cf a number et Ca na- dian musîci ans anti others who desirc te establisis a standard of musical educa- tien in tbis country, tise Associateti Board will hoiti examinations in ,iead- ing centres, lu November. Tise beard, et whici tise Prince cf Waiee le president, iscempesedetrepr-e. sentatives efthtie Royal Academy anti Royal Coliege et Music, London, Eng. Tisese are tise onily two institutions of tise kind whiicis are aided by gavera- ment grants. Tise cisairman for Can- ada Ris Exceilency tise Enri ot Aber- deen, andtihie honorary ,gdneral representative, Lieut..Coi.:J. B. Mac- Lean, Moutreal. As tise work efthtie boarti becomes bettes known, centres aili be establisu- edtinl tise principal tewns as well, until then candidates may appiy fer inter- mation te tise nearest representative or te the secretary, Mr. P. A. Grinsteti Meontreal. Tise examiner, who is alwavs a wel-knewn musician-, will be sent trom Engianti, anti Il is net îm probable tisat eltiser SisAiexander Mac-' Keuzie, tise president ofthtie Royal Acatiemy, or Sir Artisur Sullivan, boýtlî et wisom ^re meenbers efthtie board, ma&y be asked te corne eut te tormally inaugurate tise werk in Canada. Thse beardi tees net teacis music, but is a pureiy examining bodiy. Iu Brit- Ain many so-cailed colleges iselti exam inations te make tees, fer tisey passed every candidate-jast as ilu coret'tise States any person can get tise degree et M. D. on paymeat et $25 . Tise board avas organized te conduct tiseroeh anti searcising examinations No ene con- nected waitis it receives a cent. In Can- ada thse surplus, after paying tise noces- easy expenses, wiil go te teunti scisolar sisips lu this country. llow a Sore Rbals. WIIEN THE BLOOD IS PURE AND RICU ITT WILL REAL RAPIDLY. This tact'demenstratet inluthe case et Chester Gaaviey, wise hati been treubieti aiti a running sore for more than a yens. Prom tise Times, Oweu Sound. In tise tewnship et Sarawak,. Grey ceýunty, tisere le probabiy ne bettes kîreavu er respecteti tasmer tisan Tises. Ga ofye East Linten, P. 0., Learn, ing that bis neplîew a yeunng1> lad now' about ten years, isatibeen dureti et a disease et bis ieg,wisicis tbreatened uot osîly tise lois ofthe litaisbut aise et the lfe o et1tiseittie tellow, a reporter et tise Times matie enauisy and we are sure that thse wondefworkiug powers of Dr. Wîliiam's Pink Pis for Paie People have ne t exisaustedt iemeelves. Meet- ing Ms. Gawley lu one efthtie dmg stores et the toavu he was asked i f tise r dett cure was a tact. Ris face igseiup aitis a smile as ise saiti "in- deeti it is, sir.,I1avas afraiti we avere going te 'Ose tise lad, but be is uow as ever, heasty anti streng. " Asketi 'tes pasticulars, Mr. Gawiey didthtie mcst naturel tbing lu tise avent, referredth ie reportes te isis wif e, wiso lu telliug tise case saiti "In tise mentis et September 1897, my nephew, Chester Gaavley, who lives aitis us, became afiicted aitis a severe paiunlis is ioft leg. Ina atew days tise 11mb became badiy swo ilen atît paintul, and tise tamily physician was calleti in. Tise case uvas a perplexingq te lance tiseleg Tis-s1was1doue, but A 1I . A Tisis la NOT e GUESS or PUZZLE SCIiEJMPS. -bu ba STRAIGIT, BUSINESS pg cpostf rm A~ A eartifal Preseut te everyoene-FREfi t1 A CONDRTIONS: lor 3menuis ubscrîption ta Tas 5NTLEM,5,% FARMER MAGAZINE, ta includo tisýe henutill '"Speciai" Christmas cumber, Ne ýwiIi mail1 pany one of tise llowing preetayon me Aselect FREE:' A beautiluQeeti Victoh'a Glai Enameled Scari Pin (tise laiga nveiy foSr lady or gentleman) ValuetiWai $îz5, Ir a AKlondike Diamant Scari Pin-a perfect g eue -~valuet ai $1.25, or .5 Places of tise Lat est AShoot Music (Instrumental anti V(oal>vaiuti A tt $1.25. (A value of $0.50 for 25e.> 0.1 Yen shoulti take advasetage ai tiierV A -à,T ONCE. SGentleman FarmsMe .agaLine V Isl tise lantisomest 1Fart nMagazine i A b ~iner It contains 96 pagesprofosely iiîuitratc],antiY ON is ediîti suIsh a view to make twloéanti V A hx'despensiblc risitor Su avery týi rfi reside. V A Instructive andi înteres,,iig Ato farmners of evcry cia~ AOne Dolar a Yens.. To e ri a Copy. ef A V ABrothler Jonathsan PLb5ling Cu V AMacnhattan BHiig, ~osn he grsp of your cougli., The congetion of te toa .and lungs is remoe;ail in- flammation is sudud; th, pats repu erlectya' resti t ' cuh dros away. I no nedieasc isuson which lt ang Dr. Âyer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out inflammation of the Jung&. ýAdvIm oe# :em'hrw aga Sia eat- ever auj esire the best ime Icai adie ou0 con possibly obtain, wite tis0 docto, frely.Yen will receive prompt etheut cost.AE, Poor humnanitv from the daN s ofAdam is mostly miade up oftaddists. Nine-tentha O? afl the sifferi.-g andi disease in the wyorld - ern, from the kid. .11e3{ Yeýt how few people there are who '"'-.. c akeanycaeorghese Backahelaine -ack,Lead achpslist. lessniess, ail sigiss of k-idniey 'rnbvare almost ie4I Doan's Kidney Pi lIs Tone and regniate the kidneys ani4 hslp them te throw off thte poisons frop the systemn. Mrs. A. Brbwa%, P. O. Box 2)o, Drèsdeu, ont.,ranys: "eryears I suffeerom drpical troisIGwhih cau e MeWhý diýses. 1 heard of Doans ERidnqe' F1118 and got a box of them atSwi&L r Drue Store. Retors esne i f0t alfe tIýem I *fas unable to buttopn my shodas on aceount et MY swolieandiiobutt by the re ihadfinished theffirat b)oxlconlld do this wthoutieneinc.Ih' o take', aa econd x, nd hae L o' , I'sitpu..Y in recommendigDoans di', ilcaf or re c.a box, 3 for $.2,ail Druggists. The Duan ]Kidney Pull Co ., Toronto, Ont C. HARNDEIN,L.D.S. Graduate of the Royal Collaýge of 1Uelltal sut geona, Ontario OFF ICE.-Opposite Express ,oliclee. VITALIZED AI1R DENTIST. OfIce,2-Rear of Messrs. lliggin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. 41 I t; 9 'l 1 lý 1,ý".l ii ýl _TQ ýnc eeuaturiai Co -- 1 ýa-1, VUt UL LUW bUlli. allu utiluru jUý8 ýM-ttB]2 9]ýýM fjýO tO Aff-t aýpr-e yellor unims yon saw itthàro. Red! 1 1 W' Te) each verson sendinz us il, eents -t - 1 1 1 2 j 1 , -t 1 i ý 1

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