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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1898, p. 5

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ee That you stand ln your own liglit when you negecet your eye-sigiît. The spectacles we seli cost you nothing if you are not pleaseti with them. (You get your rnoney back by asking, for it.) Our Optician is a rati-_ uate of the three best Coleges in .America and. lis services guarantee an absolute fit every tirne. Our prices are less than haif what you have been pay- ing. Caîl anti see us; no trouble to test your eyes anti it costs you nothing. Stott & J ury. The Druggists anti Opticians. Your- Memory Is npot. Tricky And you are getting weli uip in years if you can re- member the time when our Excelsior Cough Syrup was first. introduced. At tha-tt time no remedly could mpare with it.an&it has stood the test of ail these years and stili stands out as the one Cougli remedy th at surpasses ail othiers and. although thé bottie is larger and the quality better than other kinds, we'stili seli it at 25c. Stott & Jury. jWe stili examine eyes free of charge, GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. Býi,,WMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GÏNeG WEST. Er press...8381 a. m. 1 *Express ... 5 23 a. mi *Express... .10'9a,~ Local ...8 18 Passenger. .M. pm. ssenger.. 1 35 p. m Loca .6 5p.m.I tExpress... 4.31 p. m. "Expras.. 110 'I xpress.. . 7 39 "aux, t Sandays oniy. STOTT & Jruav. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. NOV. 9, 1898. Nicholi's Stove Pipe Enamel loc. Lantern globes 8e eacb at Nicholî's. Crtain Poles in great variety at L Morris'. 35e buvs a pair of leathern braces, at Nicholi 's. Do flot lose vour job for the price of a watch. Rickard's watcbes willi keep you on time. Ne- ,w subscjî.bers can get TnE STATES- MuAI anti Toronto WEEKLY GLOBE to endi of 1898 for 25c. Mr. Frank Willmot Richardson, son of' Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson, Whitby, left for New York last week to enter the wholcsale drug business. In these davs of sham anti misrepre- sentation take time to think befiore buy- ing a watcb. Go to Rickard's he will tel you whaî will suit you, -as weli as what you are buxing. 11e buys rigbht thierefore is in ,ý'position to seli riglit. Be Wise for yofu' gooti anti see him be- fore you Durchase. Th'le colder weatber lias matie busi. niess very lively at Thô Mason Co 's during the past week. If you have not aread.Y done so, you are invited to to inspeet their madgnificent range ot Ladies Fashionable Coats anti by far the finest range of back and coloreti Dress Goods they have ever sbown. Mr. James Goard, jeweler, finding bis present place of business too limited lias secureti the large store west of rnggnhot~il~drms tore (Ellison's olti stand, anid wîll shortly ocdupy the saine with a larger general stock. He will be pleaseti to greet bis olti anti i i New subseribers eau get Tins STATES MaN anti Toronto WEEKLY GLOBE te endi of 1898 for 25c. Farmers, reati Mr. Carveth's new an- .nouneement in this paper. 11e is now ready for business. Men's Hats in the latest Engiish anti 3American styles just receiveti ut Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. Enameline 5e, Reliabie 7c.Qnicksbine 8e. Black Diarqonti8e, Dome Leati 9c per box this 'wttk ut Nicholl's. Couch. Johnston & Cryderman are showing some beautiful gootis in Lad. ies' Fur Boas, Capes, anti Fur Lîneti Capes. The Muson Co's. is showing a .very natty littie coat for girls fromn 4 to 12 years of age ut $2.50 in ail the leatiing shades. Short dayýs, long1nihts, dark morn- ings. Aia*rm Cfiocksg needeti for the mornings. Rickard's is the vcry place to buy one. Black, Drcss Goots-a beautiful rau g e lu 311 qualities up to tbeflnest gootis importeti just receiveti ut Coucli. Johnston & Cryderman's. 11ev. Caleb Parker of Napunee wilI preucli anniversary sermons in the Methotiist eburcli, Bowmanvile> tbe first Sntay in Dccembcr. Mr. Harry Foster anti Miss Lucy Re.ynolti,,Oshawa, anti Miss Annie RevùolIs, Bowmanviiie, spent Sunday ut Mir-Chas. Reynolds', Salem. Greatest offer yet either the WEEKLY GLOBE or TiR STATESMAN to Jannary 1,> 1900, for $1. Both for $1.75. No agents. Order from M. A. James, Bowmanville. Greutest offer yet either the WEEKLY GLOBE or Tus ,STATESMAN to Jannar.y 1, 1900, for $1 Both for $1.75., No agents. Order from M. A. James, Bowmauville. Ask to sec the best Robe iu the mur- ket for appeurance, warmth anti dura- bility,wben yon. yisit The Mason Co's store ; also a very large range of horse blankets. Coucb, J obuston & Cryderman bave openeti out a big stock of men's anti boys' overcouts in freezes anti beavers lu ail sizes anti qualities. Tbese coats are well matie anti speeiully gooti value. Those reqniring stoves shoulti sec J B.,Martyn. 11e isoffering great value lu new anti second baud stoves to clear out bis stock before moving bis hard- ware aeross the street. Caîl early anti get first choice. The Epworth League purposes hold- ing an entcrtaînment in the Methodist churcli on th ecvening of Thunksgiving Day. A select literary anti musical programwill be presenteti. Reserve date. Particulars next week. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Barnett preacheti two very acceptable sermons in Trinity chureb last Sabbaýtb, anti will occnpy the sacreti desk again ncxt Lord's Day in the absence of the paistor ut Hamilton The public will be cordiully welcome. A union Thau ksgiving service will be helt inlutbe Methodi st cburch on Thursday Nov. 24 at il a. m. wben 11ev. J. H. Turubuli, M. A., of St. Paul's will preacli. Collection for the poor. Choice music may be expeeteti. St. Paul's eburch Christian Endeavor Society propose giving on at home in the scfheol room of their church on Mon- day evening November 2lst to whieb ail are cordially inviteti. There will be music anti rcfreshments anti collection at the door. The Sons of Temperance Record for November extentis felicitation to Bro. M. A. James anti wife on the celebra- tion of tbeir silver wetiding anti utits "ýprosperity to TEE STATESMAN, as berole a champion of the tenuperance cause as there is in Ontario." We note witb genui ng pieu sure in the Brantfor'd Expositor that a social was belt untier the auspices of, the Ladies'Aid nt the Methotiist Parsonage, St. George, when a gond program was rendereti untier direction of 11ev J. W. Cooley. Aunong the musical numbers favorably mentioneti was a piano selee. tion by Miss Mabel Borland, Bowmau. ville, "Chansons des Alpes. " The re. Port concludes with: 11ev. anti Mrs, Cooley rIanti Miss Borland were most assiducus in looking after the comfort of their numerous guests The Town Couneil Mouduy nigit, showed their frientiship anti gooti will, so.eloquently expresseti by the Mayor ut the banquet the, other night, by ehurging the Argicultural Society for the use of the hall. It will now b4 in order for the Society to consider the propoai to holti their exhibitions ut Orono, Hampton or Bluckstock. Some years ugo the Agricultural Society paff the.town $100(j for exhibition privileges, anti this is the first time lu its history tbat tbey have been charged for the use of corporation property. The pres- eut town ýounciI is a great asscmbly of wisdom ancl fuir tiealing, truiy ! Mr. Thomas Hobbs, sen., of 1296 King Street, dicti Nov. 2, after a brief attack, of pnaralysis. Dcueiwas the ffather 1 JAMVES GO"fl1 Is about to imove bis IE WELRY BUSINESS To the f6"ELLISON 5TAND"e Next H-igginbothum's Dru.- Store will be pleaseti to receive enstomers there. K ro%-%k inoleJh Boards. We ha ve a special line of Crokinole boards that we will soul at 75c each, as long as they ias't. Secu.re one, yo u wiDU want it during the long winter evenings. W. Tc A LLEN. BG 20, Bow&ÂVM'11VILLE. Reati local news on insitie pages. Mr. M. M. Fenwick, Toronto, Was in tovn Fridiy, Granite ware of every description at Nicholl's. 11ev. R. A. Burriss, Port Arthur, was in town last week. 1ev.'A. F. NIeGregor, Toronto, was in town last week, Reuti the inside pages or you will, miss haîf the local news. Miss Evelyn Lockbart, Newtonviile, visiteti frientis in town recently. Lieut. R. A. Brock is in town this week gucst of bis uncle, Mr. J. B. Fuir- bairu, P. M. Citizens you are inviteti to the Royal Tempiars' Hall next Tuesday night. Choîce program.' Have yon seen thc beautiful range *of l'ail styles in Ladies' Misses feit bats ut The Mason Co's? According to resointion passeti by Towu Couneil the Collector must re- turu bis Roll by the I5th Of Decembr '98.- Rat-paer illpieuise tuk,,e notice that aRil Te m o pa1lbefore that date JAS. McLEAN, Mr. W. J. Toti, Oshawua, was home Sunday. Muchl local anti otherwise" on an insitie page. Mr. Chas. Keitb, jr., was in Cobourg Saturtiay week. Darlington Council report for Octob. er on an inside page. Mrs. W. Rogers, Toronto, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. T. Barrett., 11ev. J. H. Barnett preachet inl the Congregational church, Cobourg, Sun- day. The Country Gentleman is a great favorite with many farmers., Sec the ativ't. Mr. Geo. McGill, Manager of the Ont- ario Bank,is suffering from a spraineti ankib. Agents shoulti write for tcrms on the, Popular Law Book describeti on an in- sitie page. TIhe name for the smallpox bospital, at Cobourg bas been christeneti 'The. Saiut's Rest. Now is the time to leave your ortier for a new Suit ut Coijch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr, Eti Hughes, Newtonviile, is at- tentiing Bowmanville High school, Dr. Willoughby, Coîborne, lost bis trotting stallion 'Gov Johuston' by in- flenza last weck. Messrs. Fratnk Grigg anti Guy Peth- ick have gone to Toronto where tbey brve situations. Police Jarvis, Messrs Henry Hocken anti Jos. Jefferyl returneti yestertiay bringing six deer. Far more home news on Tinj STATES- MAN'S insitie pages than many local papers contuin altogether. Etiltorials, a poem on Canada, the iaw about sbeep-killing tiogs anti otber articles on 7tb page, insitie. Lay up a sup»ly of vegetables for the fowis. Turnips, beets, cabbage, ell make a gooti colti weather variety. Aspiring candidates for Clarke anti County Council are mentioneti untier "Clarke News" on an inside page. Mrs. W. H. Osborne ieft yesterday for' Winnipeg, Man., wbere ber son Alla n is seriousiy iii with typhoiti fever. No. gof Dr.Brown's letters appeaý son an insitiepage. Perhaps you neyer saw a letter from the Arctic Circle be- fore. Miss Nellie Watts, Newtonvîlle, who sang at the Epworth League Conven- tion bere,will sing at Plainville,Thankse giving day. Are you interesteti in magazines? The American Monthly Review of R1e- views makes a special offer on an in- sitie page. More persons are rcading Dr. Tai. mage's sermons than ever cefore. R eati this week's on an inside page, on "Wrestling." Mr. J. J Mason was one of the dele- gation to Ottawa who intervieweti the Dominion Goverument in the intcrest of prohibition. Miss Melita Moment tiroppeti a parcel of $137 in-bank notes onthe street Mon- day but it was founti by Mr. Guy Peth- ick, anti returbeti intact the same even- ing. Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman have hati a big sale 'for latiics'coats but thcy stili bave a big stock of iovely coats to cboose from. Every lady shoulti sec their coats before buying. Mr. anti Mrs. F. Outram anti tauglit- er, Port Hope, were guests of Mr. J J. Muson this wcek, anti visiteti Excelsior Councîl No. 48, R. T. of T. last niglit. Bro. Outram is District Councillor. The farmer who bas not seen the great farm journal, The Breetier's Ga- zette, bas yet to sec oie of the best stock weeklies in, 4merica. Your adi- tiress ona post card sent to the Santiers Pub. Co., 338-Dearboru St, Chicago, will fetch you a free sample copy. The Primary Union helti a pleasaut 'At Home' in the Primary cluss room of the Mthodist church on Wednesday afternoon. Reports from the Provin- cial convcention ut Peterboro were giv- en bv Miss Bunne3r anti Miss Gale. Re- fresbmcnts were serveti anti a pleasaut social time was enjoyeti. While Mr. Oliver George anti bis mother, Mrs. Ruebottom, were driving on Churcli St. on Fritiay, the borse be- came frigbteneti at a traction engine anti rau away throwing the occupants ont just in front of Mr. John Hellyar's. Tbe carniage was tiamageti somewbat1 but its- occupants escapeti witb very little injury. GOINO TO0 MOVE.. Notices of Births, Marriages and Deathis 50 cents; when miarriage lcenses are obtained or funeralý notices printedl at this office,,inserti(on free. COueLn. eai Bethesda, Darlington, Wednes- day, Nov. 2, thelvife Of Mr. W esley Conch, of a dangliter. MooNa.-In Tyrone, Nov. 5, the wife of Mr. W. H. Moore, of a daughter. HÂxANS.-At Craigburst, Ont.,on Monday,Nov. ith, Mary, relict cf the laite J. H. Hanas. aged Or, yersFuncral on arrivai cf 3S40 p.m. train on eneeSday, Nov. 9th, to Bowmanvilie MARRIED. POaRER-LYONS.-At Oshawa, Nov. 1,by 11ev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., H arry Archer Porter~, mer- chant, and Maud Bell, daughter cf Mr. Patrick Lyonis, Oshawa. WILSON -LIl-TOet. Ar Whitby, Oct. 26, by RetV. Dr. Mcfiarmid,- Mr. Alexander Wilson, and Miss Jennie Linton, both cf Whitby. BLOW-OSBRNE.-tfl Bowmanville, Nov. 2nd au 11ev. T. J. ae M l,' nr sax ad MisAd eldest danghter cf Mr. W.V H. OS- borne. >DIED. DAvis-InPort Ferry, Oct. 30, Mr. J. W. Davis, aged 7e years. WHITE.-In East Whitby Ct 28, Rnby Aie. laide, second daughter of W. C. Whsite, aged m5 years. PRINGL.-At Witby, Oct. 3QO Emma L. Pringie, youngest daughter cf Mr.W. B.Pringle, aged 7 years 10 months. CAMT'BÉLL.- At 49 Hnron,St. Toronto, Oct. 27, Nelson D, Ca.mpbell, hrother cf W. J . Campbell, Oshawa, aged 25 years. SOPRa.-Oct, 13, at 112 1041h St. New York, Eliza T. McPberson, beloved wife cf Dr. Frank Soper of that city. Deeeased was tbe aidest daughter cf the iate Rev, Thos. McPherson cf Lancaster. (Dr. Soper is a Bowmanviile boy.) 1HoBBs.-At bis laie resîdence, 'King St., Lon- don, Ont,, Nov.2, Thomas Hobbs, aged 82 years, on f Mr. W. Sanders, merchant, Bowman- ville,1 BORLAIS.-At the residence ofJohnIH ',billips cf South Napanee, Oct. 3o, Samuel j, Borland, aged 7ý vears. Er.LINS.-In Columbus, Nov. 7, William B. Ellins, aged 80 year 6 monthe. Formeriy cf Solina. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.iWcMurtry eaoh Tuesday Fota e 100 lbs ........82 00 to 82 3C WHAFaîl, bush... 0 0 il O 70 SRnV .... 000if 0 70 n eifife .... 0O00t 0 72 GoosE ....O0O0le0 70 BARLE, tbush, No. 1 .0 34 '0 50 l il 'l2 .0 26 0 5 Il i t S ....O025tt0380 i leTwo rowedo0 25 et 0 45 OÂTs, white '......O 00 '0 O25 't.............. 000 '0 50 BLUaKwEAT _ ............ 000 le 0 37 PEAS, Blackeye e bush.O069 le O 70 le Canatilan beauties.. 69 il 0 70 teMuqmey t' 00Oil 0 55 < Small, le O 00 et' O55 t Blue,le 0 47 le 0.ý55 BUTTER, best table, e lb.. O0 0,' 015 EGs, e oz............. 000 0 16 POTAToES, bush .........O0 00 0' 35 Ray per ton.............00 Ote6 00 fl OUSE TO LET.-Frame residence -- on Qneen St. Appiy at M. D, WItLLIAMS & SONS Furniture store. 41. tf. SHIEEP STRAYED.-From Lot 20, k!Con. 1,DarlIngtonMaplc Grove,two Ewes, and a ewe iamb. Information leading to their reccSvery will be rcwarded. C. Ccx. 42 . tf W ANTED.-Gooti room anti board by ycung man cf quiet habits, going to W",r71,In t he Rnbber Factory-breakfast befdre sevcýen c'eiock. Give priée and particulars, Ad- dIress "B" CIO STATESMAN, Bowmanville. (1ATTLE ASTRAY.-Came on lot 33, N.co,8, Clarke, four calves. The owncr is requested to prove property, pay eaxpenses and t e thema away. M8oss Roi is, Lslrard.453* $5 0000.00 T LN gage security at moderate rates of interesi. A. E. McLAuGILiN ,Solicitor,BowmanvilleOnit. 16 -6m. F ARM9 FOR SALE-75 Acres, lot 23, co ,Darlinigton, c il ast of Solina. Good land, rnnning streani cf water, good weil. New bouse, good ontbuilings. Most desirabie location. For termas apply to W. BAKER, Soita 37 . 4w" fiANARIES FOR SALE .-Every Bird X.)warranted a singer or mooey refunded ; direct f rom Germany, come and hear them sing. Prices from 0 up. Love birds, Parrots, Mock- ing birds, etc., cao be badl at F. C. PaHIuCx's Barber Shop, Bowmanville. di . rf. IT OUSE TO RENT.-Thau desirable brick residence now occupied by Mir. Hig ginbotham, Centre st. 8 rooes, halls, etc, bard and soft water, sinali gai-den with fsruit. Boiedat pssession. Apply to R. R.TuSRiNEit, Bwmanvilie. 89 . tf. TAMWRTHS icFOR SALE.-A worlis sows and boars, two months oid, for sale; prcsrgt. D. J. GmBSOa, Bowntanile. Crke,1r1ý1 lot 34, Con 3. B >OARS FOR SERVICE.1 Bcrkshire JL9boas-, Dandy IL., sire and dam bred by Geo. Green, Fairvîew, the successful exhibitor cf swioe ai Toronto industriai. Dandy Il., lsaa model liog, was oct beaten last year shown as 1'uoder,6 mos. hog" and ibis year be won five ist prizes. Also a fine Yorkshire hoar bred by D. 7,IrCIelan, lasriston. Both kept for service on lot 21, cou -9,Darlington. Terms : $1. SAMU7EL SxowDFN, jr., Bowvmanville, P. O. 43 . 4w* B )OARS FOR SERVICE.-The im- provle iog- "erks Il-"rinc Lee Selis Pie Goffee -S1 Are you fond of, a good cup of Coffee? Are you satisfied with the coffee you have been getting elseWhere? For remember a fresh egg looks just the same as a stale one until it is opened then its different. Ail1 Coffee look ulike tiil triei., Try our Coffee anti be convinceti that we have the flnest. We bny nothing but what we are sure is all riglit anti this is true not only lu coffee but ail footi-deal with us anti you wiil be sure that what you get is gooti anti pure. Fresh Oysters ulways on hanti. Cash paiti for ail furrn produce. I .W, MR3ON &bSNb3 POPULýAR - de -DRY GOODS STORE SuccessIf! _> That magical word-for which ail men, and women strive - E las corne to us, and 'twas easy too. We gave you the Svalues, you did the rest. We have walked the path to suc- - cess With the flrm tread of experience. SDRESS- GOODS. e dm-Gems of beauty, ricli andi rare are in ounr Dress Goods SDepartment. Master picces of artist designs. As-liandsome E g: a lot of this year's goods as could weii be gathered, with E values so apparent that youi'li make your selections in short E order. Ladies' Coats. Cz _ý:ýThe rîglit kind is the e, ý -kind that gives you pce - 11, WMfect satisfaction at low est g: cost. If you are flot ai- r eady acquainteti with the cbaracter of our Gai - E -~ ments and Prices, we honestly say it will profit Z yon to investigate both. No old coats iu stock. E r Taiioring. do$15 worth of Stýyle for $121. Our specii Suits x to order for $12 are win- nng for us the Greatest 5 praise. Ready-made Clothý,ing & of ail kintis for Men ni Boys. Il That ail woolFree 2 (àOvercoat for Men at- 5., is a revelation. Phonographic Neck Ties. Notbing could b6 de- vised to out-class the SNew Tics we are sbowing. We style thern "Phono graphie" Sbecause they do their own tlig SHATS AND CAPS. Sec our New $1.48 Hat, you cannot tell it~ frorn7a $3.00 E Hiat except in the matter ol change, you get$1.2cag EBoWMAN 'VII LE. BOWMANVIr.rE. EGGS, BUTTER, CHE ESE, 1P lOULTRY and PORK., APPLES, POTATOES and GRAINnlz CAt[ýEJ,~ADO 88 FRONT STRET EAST --T( 'ORQNTO. WE FAT HIGHEST MABRET PRICES. SEND foreur PRIVE LIET. Guenerous Donation to the Sick and. Sufferîng of Bowmanville and Vici nity. FREE SAMPLES of D)r. Chase's Ointment andi Kidney-Liver Pills and a copy 0f Dr. Chas&'~ Suppleme Tar eep okgvnaa tTT ao"ofD hs'sSplmnayReilBo vea «TJURYS DRUG STORE, on FRIDAYand MATURDAY, NOV 7talibo a n d 12th. REMEMER TH-E PLA~CE MNID DATE. - .- - IMII' 1 A99W imw ýw a -& y jr irur 4-m% 9% 1 IMM Imm, ýwr -ý' kfý (2awker & Tait.

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