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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1898, p. 6

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The Cana!2diafl Sttsla. THE I*IGHT CEKSSTORY. A FACE LIKE CHALK. A very 1'nd attack of the Grippe one year ago la'ýt winter left riy systern in a very weak ;tate and my nervous system conipletely uostrung. After ge-tting over the dangero,.us stage of the dJisease I naturally expeËcted to gain strrngth, but, unfortunately, did flot do so.' On the contrary, my blood became wveaker. I daily lost strength and vitality, and rny nervous system becamne Sa weak that it- was a constant source of suffering bath day and night. 1 iost appetite, the sight of food nauseated me, thÂe weak state of my systemn caused sbortness of breath and unnatural action of the heart, such as fiuttering and violent palpitation, and mv face' was like chalk. I wasE in 'this condition and constantly getting weaker when 1 began taking Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pis. I had read the books tbey distributed and their advertisemneats ia the papers, and. thought, "Well, I have taken so mucb medicine without, benefit it is useess ta spend any mare money. However, I finally made up In mind. It-is a forlorn hope; I can but try7 If I arn not benefited I wili not be hurt. So I bougbt one box and received greait benefit therefroni, so cotinuecd their use., and to-day ami a well man in consequence; my blood is strong, my face bas the ruddy bue of healtb, my appetite bas returned, I sleep well, I bave nat tbe slightest in- dications of nervousniess or beart trouble, and from a sick, weak, nervous man Dr. N Vard's Blond and Nerve Pilîs bave transformed me in six weeks ta full bealth Iand strengtb." I. arn yaurs very tr-uiy, (Signed) WILLIAM WILLARD, Peterboro. Dr. WVard's Blood and Nerve Puisç are sald at Soc. per bax, S boxes fr$.oa druggists, o,-r ailed on receipt of price by THE DOCTOR WARD CO,, Limited, 7ivlictoria Street, Toronto. Boaok of inomtion free. By Public AUcti0ný InI the Twlhip of, Clarke tinder and 1bv viirtue of the powera of sale con- taiued in a cetein inortgage whieh willbe Pro- dueed t th tlrne of sale cundcrsiguied ,,là offer for sLtIt by Publie Auction at the BEINNETT 110 LSE lu Bowmanville At the heur aI 1.45 o'clock p. m., on Friday,November2-5 c10, tie foliowing 1parc"els of land: PARCEL NO.1. The noriliqu arter of lot sever.reen iu the fourtb concession of the Town- ship of Carke. Upon this par-cel ihereisesaid ta be erected a one and ene half storey brick bouse 2ftby 2't rwtha ao iw ai~alDihaIt storey brick addition attached 2ft by 2Sft., and a frame woodslaed attached thereto tot by 28ft, a frarne barn 3011 by 90t and a framne barn annexedl therera 30fr by iilt aud atiother baru aunexed thieretol8ft by 24t, with aýtonýe fonudationunder PARCEL NO. 2. The south hait -of the south.west qua irte r aI lot number sixteen la the f611h concession ite ,ýTownship of Clarke. PARCEL NO. 3. The narthijuarler , ad lot nunaber fitteen îui:the lourth concesion of the Towusliip oa I CAIe upan shichtthereis.an aId barn erecteti. PARCELI NO. 4. The nortiîwest qu ra lot pumber foui t eu in the fourth ocstia the TownshipofaiCarke upon whieb je erecteti e ronghcast housesaud a barn. The ebove lai je mastlyeday loam anti lei e goodtlate otf cutivattoni. We Must Strive to Overtkirow Each and Every Abomination. Rev. Dr. Talmage Preaches a Powerful Sermon Against EviI--We Must Be Polite, as the Wrestlers of OId, in Combating Sin. Wachington, Nový. 6.-la hie discourse Dr, Talmuageqelcecîs anc afIthe baldeet ligrtres of tic Bitbe la procent masl prao- ticasianti oncouraging Irutis; hext, Ephe- sians vi, 12, "lWe arstie net oginel fllos anti blooti, but againel princIpali- tiesý, againet powerc, againet the rulers of the tiarkoese of Ibis, worîti, againsl spiritual aieone8s in higli places." Squoarnishnesg',anti faiqtidiounsness wore rinor ebargeti againet PoulFs niioorlo. In tic wraantcvii be 100k the firet aeapon ho colti loy hie bond on. For ihistration,lie emplonyadeti lbaer, th. arena, zha foot race, andt tere was nolli. lng in thi Islhmnian gaimo, ailitis wvreat'b of pie bavs,)r Pythian gamo, aih i île reahofli i larel anti palm, or Noînean gaine, asýith ils wreati of pars- loy, or any Romnan circus, but hole tole bati a rlglte put il in sermonor opile, and are younont surprisedti laI in my text i helie upon a wrsting haut fur sugtgestlvonese;? lularci says t1h01 aresîl- athletie gaines. \Vfe mivit make a wtioe difforence belwen pu giliem, thie loavest of apectacles, andi wrestling, which is au effort in spart te put down anoîher on floar or grounti, anti ae-all of us-- siulged in il ln our boyhoad tiays if ave were beolthbul anti plucky. The ancient rve-,tbre aers firsl bothed Inlb il andi thon rprînkleti aitb santi. Tii.third t7lrow tiecitiedtheIbviclory, anti many o nuwba aent doavu in tbe firet lbrow or second tibrow ln thc Ihird throw was an top, ant isi opponent under. The Romans titi net like Ibis gome very muci. fer ilwaseta savage enougb, no blaws or kicks bingaîlowednti uh.gaine. 'Xhey proforreti the foot of bnngry Dan- ther on the breocl ot falien martyr. Iu wrestllng, lhe apponents would bow lu apparcnhly suavily, ativance lace le face, puit town bth foot salily, lake each otier h)y the o-,rme santi pusisncb allier bnckward anti faraarti unli-ltibe wýork, began in roal eanest, andt ler. avore aontortions anti strangulations andi viol--nt strokes of lie foot of oneO contest- an.t againel lie foetotfathei cher, trip- ping ,hi Up, or, aillisluggile . t threoteneti apoplexy or dtali, the datent- eti f.11 anti the ebonts cf lhe specinors greetodthelb.victor. I gnose Paul lied seen sanie sncb cautesl,' and ti lromintictihim of i ,,e,,truggle af the seul with tempto- lion andtho struggle of truth itvlierrer anti Ibe truggica ofhoavenly forces, agaiuset Apallyanic puavers, antiholiedu- ltos my text te an amanueneis, for ail bis lottere, .ave the eue ta Phileman, Boom t10 bave been diclotteti, anti as lhe arnanuensis goce on wîth bis work 1 bear lhc gro.an anti langi anti eout af earthly ana oelesrcam oeigèrentc eeavestie miot agamunst flash anti blooti, but, agoinigt principalities, againet po-avere, agoýilmet the rulors af the darliness cf Ibis *wrld, agninet spiritual aicketinasseinLuigh pince." lPéstt. Ataite.. I notice liataI s hose Wreetlers ad-. vancedt la Irow e acb ather lhey boavet anc la the other. il avas.a civiiity, nol oaly lu Grecian anti Reman games, but lu late!, day,'in ail tic wreslling bouts aI tbey go1ntb the struggie wbi-,cb will leave ail perdition under andi ail beaven on top. The Test of Strengtla. Romenaber aisea liat tiese wretler went through, sevete anti continuons course af preparation for their wark. They wae put upon sucb diet as wauîti beet tiovelop Iheir muscle. As Paul saye, "!Evory man 1ha1 strivetb for thq mas- toryis temporate in al Ihingg." Tho wrestiers were put untier complote disol- plin-batbing, gymnsastios, struggie In spart witi eaeh ther ta ticevelop strenglli anti givo qicokness ta e dtioraheati anti trip oafoat, toaping ta ljit eaoh ether off the grounti, entitenly ruehing forward, suddtenly pullînL, baokward, putting the 1sf t foot behindtheii othor's riglil foot antd getting bis epponont' off bis balance, bard training for days anti weeks andi monthe, sa Ibat wben tbey met il was giant clutchiug giaul. Anti, my frientis, if we, do net want ourselves ta b(. tbrown lu tgte wrostle wilb the sin anti errer of the worlti ae hati btter get reatiy by Chirist ian discipline, by boly self denial, by constant practice, by submnitqng tle divine supervrisal anti direction. Do not begrutige the.tlime andtih. money for Ibal young man Who le in preoratiou foz the ministry, spending tavo years in gramnmar sohool and, four ycors in collage andt hree years iu theological soiuary. I know that nine yeors are a big slice te take off of a man's active life, but if you realizeti the belgil anti strengthbof thi archongels of cvii ta aOur time aili Whlob thot yaUng Mon iS golpg ta wrellje you wouiti net tbink nino years of nrepara- tion werec 100 uch. An nieducaheti minislry avas excusable in othor doys, but net lu Ibis lime, loadeti with scbqois andi colleas. A mon wbo wrate me tbe allier day oa lter askln.g ativice, as h. toit calleti ta preach the, gospel, began the word "IGoti" wltii a emal g. at Lrind of a mon ilaflot caliedtet prear-t lb. gos- p-el. Illiterats mcn, preaching lb. gospel, quate for thhir own encouragzement the Scriptural passage, «'Open lthy moulh aide, anti I fill it.', Yei! Ho will fil il witb ainti. Preparatian for thi.s arosll- ing le absoiulsly neceseary. Many vears ago Dr. Newman anti Dr. Sunderland, on the pialforné of BrIgianx Young's tabernacle at Soit Lake City, gainedthelb victary because lhey had noa long beau skillful wrestlers for Guad. Otberwise Brighanm Young, Who avas binaceif a gaul in corne Ihinge, avoulti have thrown Ibeni out of tbe windoav. Get ready, in Bible classes. Gel ready in (Christian En- deavar meetings. Gel reatiy hy givlng testimony in obscure places before giving losînony in canspicuonus places. A Mighty Struggle. Yorir goiug araunti witb a "Bagsler's Bible.,aii flans at lhe edess.under vour. anm dofce uol quaiify yen for the work of au evangelist. l Ib is day of profus. gab rewwnmber liaI il la ual meraly co'pacty ta talk, bus lie faot tInt you bave somethhng te Say, liatinlegoing ta it yon for Ihe etmugglo mb owhicb yon are ta go witb o siniloeon yonr face anti illumination on your brow. but ont of avimà ou anail'l aI carne untit aIl yanr physical anti;mental anti moral anti religions onergiesebave lissa taxedti thbe utuiost anti yen bave mot a nerve loft or oneor lavice avhen I1avas ual myseif I stmuck you, anti sovoral limes, I knoew, I cahbot yon liard namos. Naw I1aant Yen to fargive mue. I anm gaing la do better, anid Iaant yon la hohp nme." "Help yau?" she says. "Blose yonr soni. o!n course 1 wiil help yon. 1 kuew yen titi- n't mean it wvhen you trcoted i e rougi- ly. Al h lij l im e past. Nover roter to il again. Ta-day let ns bogin anew.- Symp)Athizing frientis camne anounti anti kinti business peopleelielp lb. man ta WILL YOU The ailoted span of life. If you do, and are careful and provident ail your life, none of your children or dependeuts are pLo.$4 no the etornal veracities of the book of Almlgbty Gad! 'Science of WVrestlin. Notice aiea 'that 'in Ibis scieunce af wresetling, ta wbicb Paul refars in My text, il wae the third lhraw thal d.eided the contesl. A wrestler nilght lie tflrewv once anai thrown twice, but the IbîIrd tirne ho migbt- recaver himisolf, and by an unexpeoteti twist af ami or curve of foot gain the day. Well, Ibal le broati, cmiling, unistakable gospel. Saine whom 1 atidrees through car -or eye, by voîce or printeti page, bave beu -tlrown in their wrestle wilh cvii )habit. Aye, yau have been thrown twice,,but tbat does nol mean, ah, warsted soul, Ihat you are lhrawn farever! I have no autbority for saylng bow many times a man may sin and bo forgiven, or iow many times ho mai flu andi 701 risc again, but 1 have aulharity for soying thathe may faîl 490O tirnes, andi 490 limes get up. The 'Bible doclares that Gad will fa:-give 70 limes 7, andi if yen will emlploy the rmle af multInlicatian yau will finti that 70 times, 7 is 400. Blossed ct o ad fur sucli a gospel ofigli hope andi thrilling encouragement andi magnifleent reecue.- A gospel of lo-tI aheop brought borne on shepherti'e shouldor, andi the pradigals who gatInmb the law work 0f puttlng bueke mb oswlnes' troughs brouglit home ta jewelry andi banqueting tand biiarity that nmade the ratters ring. Thrse sketches of lhe sainenian: A hgppy home, of *bicb b.e and a la sie laken froin a neighbor's bouse are the uniteti bond. Yeare of liappines rail on after years af bappinees. Stars pointing down ta notiNities. And whetber an- nounSetinlugreeting or net every mcmn- ing was a "Gooti snrning" andi every niglit a "Oood nigt." Chrisîmas 'trous and May qucons andblrtliday festivitles and ThanksgivinpK-galberlngs arounti loadeti tables. But thal husband and faîber formns an unforlunate acquaint- anoe wbo leatis humîn in ircles toa con- vivial, tao, lt. honrsd, tao scandalone. Aftfer awbil., bis money gonie, andi nat able ta licar bis part af tb. expenre, ho is gratiually shaveti ont and ignored andi pusheti away. Now, wliat a dlapidatoti home le bis! A dlsslpatod lite always showsitscîf in faded window curtalus. andt Impovershel wartirahe, andti t¶oletd gurroundings, andi in broken palingseta the',garden fence, and tbe nnhlnged gale, andthle disloaed doarbeil. andth te dis- appeorance of wif, and children froin scones among which thbey shone the brightest, anti langhed the glatidest. Xf ony mon was ever tiaWn, liaI bushanti a.nd father le down. A Powerful Fo.. The fact le ho gaI !inte a wrostle wittè evil thal pusheti and puileti andi contort- eti anti exhaustet i hm warse Ilion any Olynpian gaine ever treated a Grecau, andi liewas rbrown-tbrown out at pros- perity imb gloom. tirawn ut onaigeàd association jut bati, tbrown out af health int Invalidieni., thrown out of bappinees Mta misery. But one day whuie sllnkln'g thraugh one of the bock etroots, not wisbing ta be recognizoti, a gooti tbaught crosses lits mimd, for lie bas board of mon flung flat rieing again. Ar- rivlng at bit; bouse,'ho collis bis wife in anti chute the doar andi 5075: "Mary, I am gaing ta do tifferently. This i eta what 1 promiscd you when wes were mar- ried. Van have boeon very patient with me and have borne everythlng, ailihougb 1 would bave bad na right ta compiain I1 you hle lt menandi ganehome te complets saivation.1" Yet haie le Ir, bave one more wrestle before e le free frein avil habits. and ho gots iî-o w i h is own streagth, for thot i,-_3 twice, but in the strenguh i G the Lardl Elod Aliiflhy. The aid habit seizes hirn, and b il, w; theowrestlers bond baok*a( dfroinasi de ta sIde in awful serc 1 rj,î the moment cornes for bis liberation, and wlth bath arme infused with strength frein Gd ho lifts that habit, swings it <ni air andi hurle it !into perdition fromi whjeh ih carne andi froin which it nieyer t--iiln wili rise. Vletary, victory, through our Lard Jeans Christ! Heor it, ail ye wrestiers i It threw bini twice, but the third time lie tlirew it, and hy the grace of God threw it so bard holseleai sale now as il lie had been ton years lu beaven. Oh, I arn s0 glad tbat Paul;n my text suggestQ the. wrestlor and the power of the third throw. The Ma[n of the Day. Sir Herbert Kitchener, wbo ernasheti the' Xhlifa, bas beon a man af the Jay beforo this,,anti prab-ably will ho again, for hoeboakes a point of doing sonething notable about once a yeap. This yeor he lias dons It twice,, for on Goati Fridoay last lie fell uponi the Khaiifa's advanced guard at the Atbaro andi fairlv annihi- .ated it. Now lia bas destraye-l te' Khailfa's pawer in bis chosen strang- hold. Sjr IHerbert is an engineor officer and is forty-eight years aId. ile le thus young te be a general of elgbt or nine years' standing, and his riss in the arsny for a while was slow, as ha wos tbonght te b.e a plodder rallier tban a brilliant man. Hie chance came whien lie jine4 the Egyption army ai the tireof Ite reorganhttotion by Sir Francie Gren- felL, Bis bigli qualities were seon seen, and hoi commanded the Egpytlaçn Cavolry froin 1882 ta 1884, and thon, afler serv- lng In Lard Waiseiey's expedition, was Governor of Suaklm for a couple of veors more. becoming Sirdar in 1890. Hs alao founàtire for saine exceedingiy tiaring exploration wark, and gained a profouni knowledge of the natives. As Sirroe liàe domo wonderful work. He Is'a master organiser, cani do mare with narrow meons than any allier soldier in lbth em- pire, anti probobly in the world, and bas a record of abslute and unliroken sud- cees. Bisi prestige amang tbe. fatalislic Arabe by thie time is immense. OulIy Barked It Out. A levelorn youth bad quarrelei wltb bis lady love, and wltb bitter, angry wards they arted, and lie decidedti lai lf. was no longer worlh living. Abrupt- ly lurniag mbo a barber's shop, liesaol ln a, vacant chair andi calmly requestedthelb barber taeout hie throat. 'l'ho barber acquiescti, aqd, tucking thie clotm round his neek, fixedth le head rosI se lhat the oustomer'a ebin was weil aevaled. Thon drawing a stout pin trra tb. corner of bis waisecoal andi holding it flrmly between bis finger andi thumb, ho drew the pin qulckly across Ilie neclr of thbe mon. lmmnediteiy, wltb a screin worlliy of a rod Indlan, the depalring onc leopeti froin the chair, sbouting: "Surely, surely, you bave not dans I?" "Oh, ne, sir!" saiCth Ie barber. "Sit zlown agalu, sir.:l'y. cnly niarked Il (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). ,W "wlew w The disposition ta rave is inherited just the sanie as colîsumption. Il 50 licols anti invigorales the Lunge aii2! ircneiîla Tubes as ta rentier tbem capable of resisting coli. DL Viery Couzh mates your Ibroat more ruw amdi rrtable. Every cough covmgess the liffing nme ibrane of your 1unigs. Ceme-i-earig-your îhroat ~and Iiu'ngs in this way. Puit the parts at rest and gi heim a chançc te -ibeal. You wifnedom help to Io this, and you ÎÏ111 Ifinci it in Ffom îie first doscothe quI-t and rest b)egin:- the ~tic1<ing ithe thr¶>at ceases; the spasm w~ ens; the cough disap-! pears. D)o not wait fo'r ~poewmia -and cr)n- ýsumtiOnbut eut slotrt yoWur coki wltiout deFay. Dr. AI~YL«-'s Cherry Pec- tora1 ?Iastcr should be oer theluiIgcsaf everyjr son4lmubd-with a cftg-t. thxena1 Siesand i ex. aice. ie -Win tr5e1a *0ulp.t reply, ,vftout AIbega,,DR. J. 0C. AYT f f to lue that 1 ýt- - t- t- ý-t l

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