The rnost e3tquis- ite Toilet prepar- ation on the mna- ket-- One application renders the hands and f ace sof t, smooth and velvety. It pre- vents and cures roughness and is not sticky nor greasy. Large bottle s 25c., Manu- -factureci. y American .LVif- cineCo., Batavia, N. Y. We have neyer handled an article that gives greater satisfaction to our customers. St ott & Jury. Sole agent for Canada. OnIy The ~est- Your eyes need thé, best spectacles that cau be pro- eured-we have them. We also give you the services of the only Post Graduate Op- tician in. the County free of charg e and a stock of steel and yold rim spectacles to select- f romn that is larger than al other stocks in town Our prices mun from 110 cts a pair (for the' ordinarýj 25c uneI) Up. Our experience enables us to give a written guarantee withi every pair of spectacles You get your money back if they do not please you. Stott & J ury. The Druggists and Opticians. Read local news on inside pages. Santa Claus' beadquarters at Nicholîs' Nichoils is enlarging bis premises to make room for Cristmas goods. Pretty things for Christmas arriving every day at Ilickard's. SMr. Rubert Collacutt, Salem, visited Coîborne and Cobourg last week. Mr. Gordon Sonch is visiting his maternai grandfatber, lex-Mayor John Blow, Whitby. Miss La vina Mackeý, one uf the old- est residents of Xhitb,died Nov .11th, aged 92 ycars.' Have you seen the beautiful, range of l'ail styles in Ladies' Misses felt hats at The Mason Co's? New subscribers can get TEE STATES maN and Toronto WEEKLY GLOBE to end ut 1898 for 25c. You caîî get yonr own paDer free for 1899 by sending us$2 for two new sub- scribers to TEE STATESMAN. Dr J. Hi. angster, Fort ferry, lias1 been elected by acclamation, a meirber uf the Ontario Medical Council. They have been coming since last August a nd most ufthtem are here now -Christmas Goods at Nicholis'. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Barnett' occupiedi the pulpit of Trinity church Sunday preaching interesting sermons. Wben T. N. Rickard, Bowmanville, fits vou with spectaeles you do flot look as if you had been shot at and xissed. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Brown of Cedar Valley Farm, Darlington, visited at Mr. M. Cryderman's, Beech Ave., recently. Couch, Jobnston & Crydernian are sbowing some beautiful goods in Lad- ies' Fur Boas, Capes, and Fûr Lined Capes. The Mason Co's.' is showing a very natty littie coat for girls froni 4 to 12 years ut, age at $2.50 in ail the ieadîng shades. ,Mrs. Isabella Harvey was tound dead in her bed at Hamiitcn. From appear- ances the woman must have been dead f nliy a week. Cawke r & Tait carry a full line of Cowan's celebrated cocua that is being su snccessfuily detaonstrated this week. Don't fail to try them. Black Dress Goods--a beautiful range in ail qualities3 up to the finest goods îmported just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. 'The Thin Red Line' tbe premium --!von with the Famuly Herald is on view in Big 20 window. THEs STATEs- mAN and Herald, including the hand- some picture oniy $180. Miss Singleton, daughter of Prof. Singleton, organist of Port Hope Meth- odist chureli, bas accepted the position of organist ut the Dominion Methodist church, Ottawa, at a saiary ut $400. 'We are pieased to note that at tb e East Toronto Excelsior Bicycle Club's concert last week The Leader and Re- corder says: "Miss Etta Tait bas a sweet soprano voice and sang very ar- tistically." Rev. Geo. B. McLeod, Newcastle, preacbed very acceptably in St. Paui's P1reshyterian church Sunday. "The Scbermes ut the church" were ably deait with and inteliigently presented to the members, Rev. Robt. Taylor, Newcastleoccnpi. cd the ul pit ut the Methodist chnrch Suday and preauhed two good evan- gelistic sermons. Ris morning theme "Christian P'erfection" was abiy bandi- ed and gve bis hearers great satistac- icb, are guests of, Mr. G. F. Humher. Mr. Geo. Allun and Miss Maud Knight spent Suaday with frienda in WVhitby. Mr. Wmn. Hill, of West End Honse, is indisposed and is recuporatinZ at bis home in Cobourg. Mrs. Thos. Savage and daughter Miss Ida from Myrtie visited with Mrs. W. B. Biekeil last week. Men's Hats in the latest Englisb and American styles just received at Coucb, Johnston & CDr5derman's. 'Miss Joness and Miss Bickle assisted at a missionary meeting of the Epworth League at Newcastle iast week. Mrs. Mark Osborne who has been visiting bier father Mr Chas. Keith, bas returned home to Jersey City. A fine deer was on exhibition at Mr. C. M. Cawker'g butcher shop last week the property ut Mr.-D. B. Simipson. Rev. J. M. Wilkinson, Frankford, is assisting Rev. M. E. Wilson, Newton- ville, in'a series ut revival services. Buy yuur fars fromt a fnrrier whu un- derstands bis business, Mayer 'is that man in Bowmahivilie. See bis advt. ,Mr. P. C. Trehiicockz and Mrs. N. Humn attended the funeral of the latbe M)rs Geo. Bail in TDornto ]ast week. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Rare and Mr. F. C . Hare, Ontario Ladies' Coliege. W bit- hy, were guests of Mrs. McDoweil over the week end. Mr. Johnston and bride of Muskoka have been spending their boney-moon witb their cousins, the Misses Henry, Welington St. A. C. Miller, ex-M. P., and uftbte fimm of A. C. Miller & Co. Canning Co.,'Pic- tioni, died last week atter an illness uto several montbs. Mr. John Moorcrafttbas been appoint- ed Clerk ut the Fîrst Division Court of the nnited counties of Durbaam and Northumherland. Manyi.'adies do nut yet kno w wbat a great tunvenience it is tu have sncb an- Up tu -date fancy goods store in town as Miss Martin's, two doors eastot STATESý MAN Office. Cali and see bier stock and sampleý. A union Tbanksgiving service wili be held in the Methodist Churcb Thurs- dayv at il a mi Rev. J" H. Turnhuli.M.A wiii preacb. Collection in aid ut the pour. Music by the cbcir and Mr. J. D., Keachie. Mr. M. D. Willits was possibly the last man in Montreal tu bîýd adio'1u to the two uDfortunate drovers who were Local and otlherwise on inside pages, News, of great interest on inside pages. Mr., Hi Burk of Indian Head, N.W. T, !-Y visiting bis father. Its flot tooearly to buy your Christ mas goods at Nîchoîls. Mr. Wm. Warder has been renewing acquaintanceii at Kinsale. Berlin Wool lin ail shades at Miss Martin's Pancy Goods' store. Messrs. Geo. Lyle and John Dennett have returned from Manitoba.. Keep it in mind, forget it not-Santa Claus' headquarters are at Nicholîs. Miss Lizzie Bragg is visitîng friends at Guelphi and other places in the west. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey have returned from a trip to thePacific Coast. Mrs. Philp and Miss Philp, Toronto,- are guests of Mrs. E. Rundie, Welbing ton St.1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Humber, Gode~r- dlay is the exhibition of Cream-Viol1éts in Stott & Jury's west window. Hun- dreds of people have paused to admire it. No citizen should fail to see the prettv sight. Crenni-Violet is an ex- qisite toilet lotion for chapped hands, facld or lips, beautifies the complexion and ruakes the skin soft, smooth and Y-IT OUSE TO LET-Frame residence -L-on Queen St. Apply at M. D, WILLIA-MS & SoN'S Furuiture store. 41 . if. C ALF ASTRAY.-Came on lot 16 CoI, about Oct, 6. a heifer caif. Owne eau have same y proviug property and raying eese.JOHN D. STEVENS, Bowmanville .46.3 f~ IATTLE ASTRAY.-From lot 28, Con 8, Darlington, about July Ist, two red lieifers,rising two years o]d Information lead- ig Io their recOvery wilI be suitably rewarded. ,J.AMES GILBERIT, Enfieald. 46.3w* -11 ý4ATRON WANTED,-A matron is i-.L requiired for the proposed Hlome for the Aged lu t is town. Applicamts will state salary expected and apply to the undersigned at once. W. W. TMLN Secretary, Bowmanville. HELEP ASTRAY.-Came on lot 17, kCon 2, Darlington,about last of August,one ewe, and lamb.Owner cari have same by proving pi'roperty and paying expenses. MES. PHILIP TY LER, BOWMauVille, P. 0. 46.3w ' OST-Between Mr. John Gaud's -1-J .adMr. R,,bt. Sinclair's,Srugog St., Bow- manville on Thursday Nov.3rd,a snatch block,, fo)rlleine' rope, wlth large tron Hook. *Fin der wtfl oblige by returning it to MIL. JOHN GAUD, or to eliher hardware store in town. ' c TTLE AST RAY.-Came on lot 33, cob , Clarke, four calveb. The owneri18 requeýç,sted to prove roperty, pay expenses and tl i maway. Mns RoBBîas, Leskard.453k $50.flofQ TO LEND $50,OOOaton good mort- gag secu.rty at moderate raesofîterest. A. E.McLiuGHLIN,Solicitor,BOWManVilleOnt. 10 -6m. -FiUS TO RENT.-That desirable I-Lbikresidence now occupied by Mr.. Higginbotham, Centre st. 8 rooms, halls, etc., bard and sof twater, small garden with fruit. Immnediate possession. Apply to R. H.TURNER, Bowmanville. 39 . IL F. WAUGH, L. D. S,, D. D.S3,5 BOWMANviLLn. Dental Office iu the Itooms above m. 19. ILLIA18 38sors FurnilrB siare. M Will be at Orono from 9 a. m. to 2p mi,,a nd at Newcastle from 2.830 un- tii 7, on the second and fonrth M dasof each Month. GAWFE~ *& ~T AIT Sell-s Pur Ail Coffee look alike tili tried. Try ou r Coftee and be eonvinced that we have the finest. We buy nothing but what we are sure is ail right and this is truc flot only in coffee but ail food-deal with us and you will be sure that what you get is good and pure. Fresh Oysters always on band. Cash paid for ail farm produce. BOWMANVILLE. c *eay rain fell yesterday. It was Like a stummer day. Favor Mr. Jas. Goard with an early cail in lis new store. Mr.J. Carveth delivers flour and coal to ail parts of the town. Mlr. T. B. Lapp, J.P., Baltimore, vis- ited his old teacher at Lorne Villa last Mr. Wm. Kerr, Q. C.. bas been re- elected as Vice-Chancellor of Victoria University.' Messrs. Cawker & Tait have got in a large and prime stock of Christmas groceries, new fruits-very fine. Mrs. Thos. Kirby leaves to-day for Georgetown to spend the winter with bier daugbter Mrs. S. F. Hooper. We consider The Mason Co's new adyt this week a model in matter, but too much crowded for hest effect. Wbat is your opinion, reader ? One of tbe most attractive window 21awker & Tafit. ý--THE POPULAR-.e SDRY GOS WUS I S.W..m'RnSON &SONI It isn't old goods at any price, but new goo'ds at a 10w price. This is one of the __ reasons of our Great Success. We enable our patrons to indulge in style without extravagance. LkIY ha-ve yotu bought yor N4ew Wintetr Coato " The popularity of the fit and elegance of our Coats is wide-spreald. It used to be said "Money talks"l but Sour Ladies' Coats and Capes are doing al the talking now. C,.offee Are you fond of a good cup of Coffee? Are you satisfied with the coffee you have been getting elsewhere? For remembera fresh egg looks just the saxae as a stale one until it is opened then its mf-A! l - -- - - -1 - - - 1- - %:-- i aispiays toi be seen in town !or man -4 -4 -1-