The rnost exquis- ite Toilet ptreptr- ation on2 the mar-~ ket-- -One application renders the* hands aud f ace sof t, srnooth and velvety. It pre- vents and 'cures -roughuess and is not sticky nor greasy. Large botties 25c.1 Manu- jfatured by Arnerican Medi-. cine Co., Batavia, N. 'Y. 7We have neyer handled an article, that givýes greater satisfaction to our customers, Stott I& Jury. Sola agent for Canada. Orat Toilet This- Week-, See Our win.dow, Stott & Jury., The Druggists and Opticians. GRAND VRIJNK RA1L WAY.,, BOWMANVILLBE STATION. FGom«s EÂ&sT. Golffl WEST. Expre... 09a n.Lcl . 81 W.r ress . 81a. M». f Expres... 5 2,3 a. m Lassen r...S40 ... Passenger.. 1 35 p. mn Loc ..l . 51 pm. t Express... 4.31 p. m. *nXgreu. il 03 " Epres"... 739 STOTT & JUR, Town Agents BOWM.ANVILLE. NOV. 30, 1898. News cf great interest on inside pages. Curtain Polesilu"groat vanioty at L Morris'. Miss, :.Mornow, Midlaud, is visitiug Miss Gigg. ltý flot too cariy te buy your Christ-. mias goods at Nichelis. Berlin- Wool lu, ail shades at Miss Martln's Fancy Goods' store. Miss Alice M. Cawker spont the bell. dla'?s with friends lu Tornuto, Mn. John James, Oshawa, visited his son Mn. T. F. James Tlanksgiving-. Mn. Ganet Tnewin was home from Torontoe Dental College for thc holidays. Mrs. MJalenzie, Toroynto, visited Mns. J urý,,and other relatives hoeene- centl>'. - rMr. and Mrs. J. W. Alexander cfth "Evergrecns" epent Thanksgiving ln Toronto. Those who apprediate artistic orint- no, sbouid send their orders te -THE STATES-MAN. Nemw sulbscnibers caul get TiipSTATnS- MAN audc Toronto WEEXLY GLO13E te end of 1898ý for 25c. The Choral Union will give thc or- atorio "RutI" Tuesday cvoning, Dec. 2th, Mark the date. Mr. and' Mrs. J.- D. Keachie and Mrs. W. Riaukiri, Tonte, wcro guests cf Mrs. C. 'ed Tîauksglvlug day. Mr. S. H. Jeffer>', Toronto, was gucst, cf his mother during thc holidays and visited thc Public Schooi 'Fnida>'. Mns. Thos, 'Hall, Souris, Man., las hecu visiting 1cr cousin, Mn. John N. Lawnie, and other relatives bore. Black Press Goods-a Icautiful range lu al. qualities up to thc fiucst oods imported just received at Ceuch, J ehusten & Cyderman's. Mrs. W. Cuilis who las becu v isiting ber fathern)In. Thos. Gigg for some months le! t Thursday nigît ferhome lu Freemout, Washington Territory, U. S. May sIe have a safe return. Misses Taylor, Miller and Tamblyn, Ontar~io Ladies' Cllege, Wlithy, and Mn. W. T. Tamnlyn, School o! Peda- gY, 11-imilteu, were guests ut Mn W'Itambiyu's duing the bolidays. Gentlemen noeding a new suit or an Overeout sheuid rcad Coudh, Joînston & Orydcrmran's advertisomcus lu this papc,). This firni bas aiways "bee uM otdfrrnmakiung up firsit-c'las, lot ing-such as would cost 25 '/ more if orde&,ed from the city loth-iug establish- Read locel news on inside pages. Santa Claus' headquarters at Nichiolls' Miss Climie speilt Thanksgiving lu Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Saunders bas been visiting lu Toronto. Mr. John 'Hor, Toronto, was home over Suuday. -Favor Mr. Jas. Goard with an early caîl iu lis new store. Mdiss Bie kle, teacher, Shaw's,- spent the holiday lu Oshawa. 1frî. C H. Norris, Port Hope, visited frieuds here last week. Miss Eva Hlellyar spent Tbanksgiv- ing liolidayg lu Cobourg. Miss Amy L 'Armour, Toronto, was home duriug the holidays. Nicholîs is enlarging his premises to make room for Christmas goods. T Local and otherwise on inside pages. Mr. L. N. Vanstone, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving here. Mr. 'W. Freelaud, Troronto, was homne fov Thanrisgivng. Fur Caperines, Iluifs, Gauntiets, Coats, etc,, at M. Mayer's. The Mason Co. want 100 husheis oats -highest cash price paid. The Misses Clemens, Salem, visited friends ln Oshawa last week. Miss Lily Patte, Oshawa, was gu est of Miss Carnie Martyn Sunday. Mr. Lewis Quick attended the funer al of his grauddaughter ln Chicago.1 1 Dr. W. E, and Mrs. Tilley visited frieuds ln Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. F. W. Baughman, Toionto, bas been visiting Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Mrs. IH. M. Parsons, Coîborne, spent Thanksgiviun with Mrs. J. Neads. r -y At Rickard's, there are presents for ail, y'oung and old, rich and poor.1 New g-oods arrive every day by mail,j freig-hit and express. Nowhere canvou buy more with your money than hiere and that is what you want these times. A dolflar snent at Richard's wiIl make a numiber of people remember yen for' -'ears. The anniversarv ser v7ices in St. Paul's church on Suuday last were couducted ini a very acceptable mauner by 11ev. J. B. Mowat, D. D., of Queen's Colege, Kinigston. In the morning he- preach- ed from 1 John 31- 2, "Now are we the Sons of God", and in the evening from at.5, 3-6. 'The audiences. especially at the evening service, were large, and ail who iistened to the earnest,practical words of the speaker were pleased and hel ped. The choir furnished music suitahie to the occasion. nuuu ttu uuDugncu ac pries matl ueiy euifpetition.INoc tirne in the history of this store have we bouglit so exten - sively iîn ail unes of staple and fancy groceries as at pre. sent. We mean to eclipse last year's business aud to do -so are going to give you better values than ever. KindJy inspect and cornpare our values before purchasing -else- where. Any quautity of Ponltry wvanted, must be dry dressed. Miss Lottie Brimaeombe last'we5elç. Keep it in mind, forget it flot-Sauta Caus' headquarters are at Nicholis. Mr., Robt. Watson, Loudon, bas boeen guest of Mr. Thos. Veal, Liberty St. - I Mr. Jos. Pattinson speut Thursday and Fnlday in Pickering on business. Miss Edua J. Fieing, Port Hope Modol School, *as home Tha nksgrving. Mr. Kennedy Gray, Petetboro, visit- ed at Mrs. W.S1. Hanson's Thanksgiv lF;g. Miss Mînnie Ra"ve, Port Hope, was guest of Mrs.- John Curtis, Thanksgiv- Mn. Jos. LaBelle viglted his son, Mr. O4scar Lialle, Peterboro, Thanksgiv- mxt Day. is Jeunie Fraser. Toronto, was cuut ofMis-, Loule Andrew duriug the Mrs. F. G. Uowle and bou Youlden, Ntw Yorkc City, are guests at Mr. R B. Ân4rewis. Mies Glofter sang at a concert in Medeaif St. church, Oshawa, la st Tuies day aight. Rev. J. H. Oliver, Cooksvilie, bas benu iuvited to Clilton St. Methodist chureh, Toronto. *Rave you seen tlie beautiful range of Fail stvles in Ladies' Misses feit bats at The Mason Co's? New subscriberâ can get Tun, STATES MaN and Toronto WEEKLY GpOBE to end of 1898 for 25c. 19en's Hats lu the latest English end Âr««Ican styles just recclved at touch, Johuston & CrÏdcrman's.> Mfr. and Mirs. A. Brown and Miss Muirmel Bickeli, Toronto,, have been giuts of Mr. Il. C. Tait. Mr. and Mrs. WVm. liundle, Toronto, have been spendin- their honeymoon irith friends lu thir, àistr.ict. Yeu eau get your own paner free for 1899 by sendiug ue $2. for two new sub- scrbers to TEEÉ STATESMAx. Mir. Fred. J. Hill1, Gladstone, Man, atmnded the funeral of bis brothrin-' law Mr. Chae. Welch, Salem. Mr. W. S McKowan, foreman of Trns STATrFsmAN noffice, speut- the holidays with frionds at Canton, N. Y. They have been- comiirg since Iast August and inosi of them are here now -Christmas Goodsý at Nielolis'. The fftioth aniual session of the. Grrand Division of OntGanlo Sons of Tem- perauce wiil imert lu Orillia Dec. 7tb. Buy your f uns from a furrier who un- derstands Ils 'business, Mayer 18 that1 man lu Bowmaniville. Sec his advt. The eut rat-ewan whicl bas been car- ricd on so long, bas endcd, and the old rates are now lu force on the G. T. R. Miss Lilian Gifford and graudmothen, Mrs. Skinner, have returned from a pleasant visit with fricuids lu Michigan.. Couh, Johnston & Cryderman are, showing some beaut"iflgoods lu Lad- les' Fur Bj)as, Capes, aud Fur Lincd, The Mason Co's. is showing a very uatty littie coat for girls firom 4 to 12 years of ageo at $2.50 lu ail the leadiug shades., Mrs. L. Connish bas neturued from a verv enjoyable visit at lier brothers,'àMr. J.B. Johnson and othor relatives and friends lu Markham. , Cawker & Tait carry a fulli hue of Cowau's coicbrated cocoa that is bciug so successfully de:aonstnated this wcck., Don't faîl to try them. Mn. and Mrs. Fred. Croûch and daugbter and Mr. and Mrs'. Demi and daugî'ten, Tonento, were guests at Mr. T. C. Jeweil's Tlanksgiving., Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Mason and Miss. Gr ,g attended the District Council of. R.l f T. at Causphliford, Thursday and visited fieuds lu Port Hope. Mn. Harrv Caun was as usual the first te take advantagc of the suow which, fell Saturdây and thc mcrry jingleocf his bells was beard on our streets. Mr. W. G. Cowle. who recently weut from Solina to the Ontario Agicultural College at Guelph, won frst prize lu sod amoug forty second-year plow men. lu the annual competition. That's the. way West Durham boys do it. Nothiung nicer to send a distaut friend - than a ncwspaper with aIl thc home newrs, and tiu inlua ziewspap- er éan ho fouud than TEiE SIX&TESMAN. Sei-d ît to your fricuds îîow and get the balaniceof-thisyear aud ail next year Couch, Joln5ton & Crydermian are stili showing a big assortment of Lad- les' styýlish and perfoct-fitting Coats, both German and Cauadiau. No lady should buy before see= their Stock, which is the fiuest cletion of New Coats in these counties. Give your Parentw parof'nice modem pcale o mas. Rick- ard's le the'place te buy tîem. No shop worn goods advertiscd as slliug below cost, but new goods of the very best quiity, for"anvr i-s1ll amunt o Miss Thompsou and Miss 'Norma Couch spent Thursdav lu Port Hope. Briug lu your furs and bave them re- paired and made intu latest styles at M. Maver's, the Fumrier. 1If vou waut somethino' to give a frieud for Ximas, cail at àN Mayer's and hie will sell wbat you want. Triuity Sabbath School is preparing for a splendid Christmas entertain-, meut. Panticulars later. Wfhat do -% ti thl nk of the new advt. of 'M. V. 'Wi1ilamirs &. Son this Weekc? Its a, dandy work c f art-just sa is- the. lovely furltuire tbey selI. <If yen wauît te -hear some. mnsiel that wili do yen goed caîl at T. N. Rickard's Jcwellry store, hear the musie boxes le bias for sale andform your own opinion. A concert will lie given iu Salem Solhool ou Friday evening Dec. 16th. Au excellent program will ho rendercd byT the pupîls assisted by ontsldo talent, Al are cordiallv iuvited to attend. Ad- mission 15 cents. Mn. J. E. AtUinson, msnagflng editer deniit on Saturday -morning. ,HIe leaned uver tIcgateut tIc elevator hoist te sec so methiug att-be foot, whcn theclce- vaton unexpectedly1dsceded ou bis. hcad Fqrtunateliy tise boy on the e- vator uoticed. soieti ilê,1Ngrong and re- -versed, relieving11,Mn. Âtkdn3on. He was tak-en to t clUpîa where bis w9ounds were attended tei, but it wlll be soute days before ho will be able to at- tend to bis duties.-MontrealJ{erald. Thc entertalumnent of song and clocu- tion g iveon lutbe lecture rorn ofo the Motboflist eburch. Thaukzsgiviug e-ven- ing was quite a successful affamr. The iprogru was a credit te those who to part and was weii. rcccived by the large audience present. Thc piano solo by IMiss Eva Luttrel was exceedingiy welI reudered aud the encore was equaliy wchl reccived. Miss Luttreli las buti receutly cerne te towu and this was lier firsit publie appearunco. She wiiî heaa very-wlcoiue addition 'te the musical artists of the to-wu. Mn. C. Evenctt Brown sang "lappv Pa"s" and "The' Sailor's Grave" inu bis pieasing man-'ý ner and responded very kindly te the, nousing enceres le received. Mr-. J. H. Aiexunder's singiug las improyed- groatly and lu tIc solo "'Because I love you, dean" as also thc encore slowed thc benefit, )f thc training be is recciving lu voico culture. He apparcntly neach- es the higliest notes with case. Hec also was heartiîy' eucored. A trio "«Joyous our life6" was uiceiy sung by Miàses, James, Saunders and Trebilcock and wel neceived and a recaîl lad to ho hion ored. 'Miss Pollard was accordod a most cordial greetiug and. gave good Satisfaction n lier eiocutonary num- bers, bcing nccalied on oacI number. "Thc Race against týime" was one of her best renderings. 'Goliath" a hum- orous rocitation was quite amusing. Miss Poilard, is a graduate of Boston Sclool of Oratory and this was lier first apr)earance before a Bowmanville ap.d- leuce. tVe hope Io licar lier here agalu. Mr. Tiio-,. I rsu capturcd the audience l in k ca iýnpnt!c solo and thev voicedthelr ai lt, c.atimn the hearty encore whicî bu el.The duet by James and Mnr1IL J. Kigît "TIc Fisherman" waso eef the hest num- bers on the program as was evidenced hy thc rcpeated encore then rcceivcd. Bath were lu splendid voice and took thein, parts- exceedingly vieil. Miss Miss James losed this rea-ly excellent programt by singiug au oldScottish fav- orite "ýMary of.,Arg.le." Miss Ena Trebilcock, lMiss Nellie Hall and Mn '. Win. Alexander pcnforured the part cf accompanists with' great satisfaction. Thc leeague is to, be congratuluted on the success cf themr annuai Thanksgiv- ing concert. Lorraine lEolli,-i ompany. At the Town Hall, on 'Monda y, Dec. 12, the 'birraine Hol)lis Company' will coin- mence -a three dayseneen. This splendi'i 4,amtioc lias been meeting with tle greatest suecess in the îci lu nCnadla in whiel thoy have fi-. ready playetl. This compan>' reeently playe d six weeka iu Ottawa, Iwo weeks'lu Ham.Iin, a week eacl lu London, Et. Thomas, (Jhatharn and Et. Catharinee. It is desaribedl by !he press as ene of the hest companies playing lu Canada ibis seasen. The star of île compeýr-y le the Sontberu etres,, Miss Lorraine HRelis, a etrikingly and a, vrsatle actress o! the higliesî menit. F&r the pasi seven yeans Mies RoI. lis bas siarred lu ail the larger American ciles witl a phEnrominal encom inlu0s yonng un actress. Frayions tt iis Ee was a leadiug member ocf Aug~ustin Daýlys famus Nsw York eompany, and lad Rup. Votted sncb stars as William H. Crane and the late William Terris- MiiIRollis is snppertLed b>' an unusuiýlly stren and JEWELRY RND STATIONERY*E llaving setled iu my new store, L have opened out with a choi1ce Ue of Jcwelry, Wýatches, Clocks and Silver- ware-eèverything new and latest design. I have also added staple Unes of Statiouery w'ic.h wilI be found weil assorted and cheap. A spleuoiid collection of W"iting and Memoranda Pads. Watch and Clock repairing a speeiaîty. Ail work promptly done and guaranteed, ~~ dip «J~,i4 'TT~T~(,leo'~ dr ~ M M CRWKER & TAIIT Are showiug the largest dîspiay of Fruits ail carefully 1 1 1 - , - - . - -1- - , miss Foiiard, tireno, was zuest or. i A y ë .. 1 - 1 QèmdonipA -A réé! illis.11.1si u 1 FY.;dýnu +7kalF A-fýy T Notices of Birthg, Marriages andDeaths 50 cents; when inarriage licenses are obtaïned or funerai notices printed uat this ollilce. insertion free. ]BORN. NX'WT(N.-At Whitby, Nov. 22, the wife qj G H. Newton, of Ai]sa Craig, of a son. MARRIED. PO.OC-COoaE.-At Brooklin, Nov. 23, Mr. Robert Pollolck and Miss Ida Cole. 9TALY,-BUTSON.-At the parsonage, Sengog Island by 14ev. J.' C. Anderson, M.a. Staley, Scugog, and Mrs. Rebecea Butson, Port, Perry. Avmt-RoBEanqs.-In Bowmanville, Nov;2 'y RW. Jlitre, Mr. Richard Avery -and Nr.E izabeth Tryphena Robbins, both of Dar- liTigton. MIeoEnDoraz.InOshawa, Nov. 23, b>' Rcv. à . J. Liddy, Mr. Fred Manuel and Miss M?,ry fleidge, borh of Oshawa. a9ed.58 years. Smooiç.-I Obaw, Nv24 Sarahi Ann KXeinedy, helovedwife of Minardimmons,aged Re-n"er8ý;,-In Oshawa, Nov. 19, Alexander liobt rLeon, âged 80 years. Ro.s..tNewtonville,Nov. 27, John 1101- mnan , aied 72 years. 1BARuÇwT..-Nov. 28, at the Toronto General floKpital, Rev. W. J. Barkwell . MA., pastor of' MefCai St., Methodistchnrch, aged 42,yeais. BÂmizr',rT.-In Clarke, Nov. 22, Sa rab McCaif- ery, wife of Joint Barrett, aged 55 years. 'Yvi.-1bsrrday Nov. 24, at 6613 Parnell Av e., Chicago, 111 , Jessie Yole, only daughter of W. Gý. Yule, aged19 years. PÂRSH.InRanasCity,, Kansas, Nov. 22, the w,ýife of Mr. Geo. Parish, formerly of Hamp. Mh~s.-Accidenti>' shot at Oshawa,Nov,26, n«redlMeLean, aged 26 years. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Oorrectedby J.MoMurtry eaeh Tuesday _FLO p, 100 ibs ........$82 OC) to $2 3c. ~WR ÂT , Fali, bush ... 0 0 'e 070 Il ....0 00 fi0 70 Yile 0 00"le0 72 GOOSE .... 000 il0 70 BAarýiY, VIbush, N.i 1 .0d5 il 0 46 fi 19 il 2 ..0 26 0 M Il t et3 .... 025le 0 30 et ilTwo rowed 0 25 il 0 45 O&s, white 'l.............000 't 0 25 rby.0 il.............000 i0 50 BUOKWEAT Il.............O00Oil 0O40 PEAS, Blackeye, P bush.. O 69 fi 0 7U m' Canadian Beauties.. 69 il O 70 ifMuîme 'il o 0 0'leO055 1o Smali, et 0 00"te0 57 ýfBluie, 'il 0 47 i 0 55 BU TTER, best table, flK.. O QO '015 Eoosû, V'doz ............. 000 0 16 POTiTOES>', bush .........O0 00 et O 30 Hay ýper ton ......... ...O() 0 le6 00 I>IGUSE TO LET-Framne residence -&-!X-on Queen St. Apply ai M. D, WiLmlAms & So,,'s' Furniitore store. 41. if. Il' ASTRAY.-Strayed from lot 27, ýon. 5, Darlington, a wýhite sow pig. In- formation leadinigto recovery will be lhank- fnlly received. Trios. PASCOE, Slinla. CC% L STRAY.-Came on lot 16 Cu1, abont Oct, 6. a heifer caif. Owne can avsaebprovîng property and paying expenses. JoHN D. STEVENS, Bowmanville. 46.3 C ýATTLE ASTRAY.-From lot 28, ),. Con 8, Darlington, about Jnly lst, two red heifers,rising two years old Information lead- ing to their recovery will be sniiably rewarded. JÀ4dES GILB3ERT, Enfield. 46.3w; MATRON WANTED,-A mâtron is Mrenuired for the proposed Home for the Aged nthistown. Applicanis will statesalary expected and apr to the uindersigned at once. WVt. W. TAMBLYN, Secretar>', nowmanville. $150000 00TO LEND 'on good mort- A. E. McLAuCHILINSolicitor,Bowmariville,Ont. 16 -6m. F. WA.IJH5 L. U ,Sl, D1 D. s., Dental Office in the. Rooms abo -e et- YWill be at Orono) from 9 a. m, to 2 p m,,, and at Newcastle from 2.30 uni- tii 7 p. d., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Mont0h. 1 Gold plates, Crown and Bridg-e worký and P'ainless extraction are specialties., Many o! the wisc people are al- ready makiuig their selections for This Shows Good Policy. Ail11w goods are uow lu,' and you have loisure te look and wo htave leisuLre te show. We hiave noever had as fine a line o! goods for the Xmas trade and. will talke ploaslwe ln showý,ing -yen wht we have. W1T1ALLENK Bs- -igetbas for service oiotL,cos a- ]mgtu, tloi«'I)-ed orkhiY Whte.Silver strain lmrvd '-hester. Bred frein lfamous Imported Show piz. Tere7. [~Wse» 1 TYronQ. 466w Cawker &Tait. BOWMANVIIJLE. ýýTHE POPULAR.., DRY GOoS Js1OUSEI I S W.MRSON & SON I It isn't old goods at any price, but new Sgoods at a low price. This is, one of the reasons of our Great Success. Sstyle, without extravagance. ~ L~12Vhave you bOught yourr I~4ewWinter Goat? The, popularity of the fit and elegance Sof our Coats is wide-spreadr. It used t o be -said "Money talks"1 but our Ladies' Coats and Capes are doing al Sthe talking 110w. This busy store shows each season thc fullest assortrnent of seasonable goods. No- old goods are given sheif room,. No credit, losses -for cash customers to -pay. These"are two reason s why- oui good s 1nd Spuices keep us always busy. STAILORING. t rerb h Suits and Overcoats ord b th best workrnen and low puices. Also IReady SMade Clothing in good variety. - Men's f ur- nishings. Iii this ctepartmnent WE, ARE LEADERS. Corne-and ge t'a correct idea of what fashion lias in store for the Eall aund SWinter season.- NOTICE.-Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Grocers' Due Bills taken as Cash. I3OWý,MAN VILLE. i M M M (I u -1-