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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1898, p. 1

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t rERMS :-$1.50 FER, ÂNNum. i OUIR TOWN AND COONTY ' lita ýWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor anld Proprietor. MÉEW SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAI Y, DECEMBER 7, 1898. VOLUME XLIV. No. 49. Do voit really know that you may wear good cloth and yet becvery poorly dressed, for your appearance depends, more. upon the cut and make up o! your clothes than it does upen , the mat- erials used in makrng them? if 'Nou Want The Proper Style and Cut, r r i i ,o u cli,ý Jo cîm & fiy rwnn Our Tailoring Department can guarantee you perfect satisfaction and it wlll est yen no more than it does to buy an ill-fitting, glovenly miade suit else- where. OVERCOATS.-Ileady made te suit Men and Boys, o! ail sizes and lu ail qualities, ne better vaine anywliere. - 1 m-,m- -m- -nr -n%- -m- --- D ' l ehlof theoflcesand lelbosf ree Masonry in Bowmanville. Jerusalem Lodge othis gv -h'cti with it aan xpesiot enly of 011_r conlfidence ,ýin you, but alszoo f oen love symbolfo l pe er. Yu hae usei he Grand Master, Bro. E. T. Malone lthoiLldectiointba- ' ndwehave it with equa1l diScrctýu iolufithefuture. and other Distingui-hed M sn.I ele*V ihi u o'viyt oL ý envWorhîpul astr, nd We being of the last regula1metin bairui, Thomas Bingham, Dr. .Beith, ý,rloyal tiyenatr lv oyal te theMost Jeruisalem iLodge No.I ,A r .M rmcme oetBih osiflMse vweesd o Dr. . M.Brhiacome, Rbert newt sit and beiùng loyal te haim, are loya1 . 11. C,, was a gala fes- M.P.,aindLewis Quick among tle many te thet, Grand Ledge ýof Canadia, and tlis s- ies and brethren. Th rimnaywr engeatdmans that we are true te the best inl- Master Bro. D. B. Simpson the Most Worshipful the Grand Master teýrests ofhumlanlityV. May you b long eat eniergy and zeal, assist was received with al the ceremenyii, ail 1spared te-)guide this Lodgeb- orws the mannerisms and ýclat which thecose and te helpDý it by ynfaithfui the other officers and brelli- Masonic Order knows se weil how te er1cs.i may say of you- as was oc led ini assemnbling the mest give, Then followed in quick success- said of anaotherý rie ef ileading Masons in ion the other Grand Ldeofficers and "ilifewseteadthe eeet [c lasgree te odeVisiting brethren. Bright and sar.Se iix'!d in himi, tfatnir2ature iighit ThhlpsgaeestWhipful lin-g werds of weicome poured forth, stand 1UP place. Tfrom the lipsful f teprdigWosi- And say te alilthe Xorld, This was a aister et the Grand Lodge of fui Master of Jerusaiem Lodgle, Bro. mtan jE. 1. Maiene of Toronto, D. B. Smpson, which li ecau so weil Thegae presented was a. very it. The District D)eputy say. Hie was iu his best formn and the handsomne one madle up ln the iatest o! heMasni Ditrctintenseiy interesting ceremonies r eceiv- and most 'Masoic design, er quartered ýerof he asoic isticted added life froim bis hiandiing. Soon oak,, banded lu a very hiapDY way with James Evans of Port Hlope, the East was filled with a picturesque the xnest delicate]y engraved silver ~.M. Bro. Alex. Hargraft scene, fromi the gIistenin1g regalia of hoep, and suitabie words describ- No. 13, of Cobourg, and a the Graînd Master and the officers of ing the naine and office of the recipienit, of enra Pr-the Grand Lodgle, past and present, the date, the occýasion of theé giVing, thie BoardofGnrlu" down to the officers of 'lhe entertaining and the inames ef the givers comiprehien- D. D. G. M1. Bro. Robertson Lodge in their fresh and new regalia, sively as the "Offieýrs and Bretbren o! o was aise present, and the andc be.oing evenin suits. Al was in Jerusaleini Lodge NO. 3. ethren from tlie,old Mother perfect hario ny, andi formned a picture The We,ýrshipfui Master was; evidently ~rone, t. ndres N. 1: ie willnot seon forget, for it was Our takeni by surprise and cauglit unpre- Bro.H. . Sitl. B os.ged fortunle te be a --uest on this oceýas- pared, but qjuickly gathering himself ion. The Lodg-e las lateiy during the togethler re lied in a mnost suîtable and W. H1aiford, S. IL Jefferv, regimne of the present Master b11eeinirost feeling way. He thankzed thern E. W. D. Butler, j. N.tasteluilv redecor ated wýith ne1w paper,a for their beautifutl gif t and fer the timae J. D. Keachie; froin Zteningra up, shone eut under and mnantrer taev had chosen te) present thebr1i l. igliting o f the electro)- it which was peculiarly g-ratifying te T'oroiito. Bro. Noel Marsh- îes.h t fe moniths ago introduc- Mim. -fHe adç.led that tewrschosen adent Lodg-e, Toronto: Bre. edj wiih -%called forth fromn the Grand bY them xerc tee flattering te hlm. r, 1. P. M.; 'from Wils)n Matster and visiters just praise. They id evidently chosen their sle onto: Bro. Thos. Purd-con,P. The ability ofthe Officers and Lo.ige voced rohe,vhohelad taken up the LedePot Atkr:Was display-ed la the presence of thefr 1silver and gold and g'iven rein te bis umL b Pr Atur igli and able critics, b)v the Jnitiatory fancy. fils cergwerds te Masonis S. W; frein i ,ehloaiin D)egree being worked in initreducinig te lis explianation on the means te attain" ente;~~ Brl.Dirirote first stage in MNasenary one we can success fer Masonrv will long be re- nin Cedar Lodge, Oshawa: niow with pleasure cail Bro.,J. C. Miteli- mrnbered, His idea,that Miasonry could PM:tmOta-el, M.-W, o! Enniskillen. We cari enly 'endjure b1,y the e inbjership attain- Priersor.P.Mn roiO ita nar,,'dly accounit for the high ecnus nthe lofyieal of its literature, ort Hope: Bro. Wodhouse, which were -iven te this ehbiinby .andliving arý d acting that idea l in Durliain Lod ge, Newcastle: nearlyv every speaker when Inter an1 everv dayý lite. and ooutside the door o! m. Canon Farncemb, and opportunity was given te thein. Was h, deroin, met witb echeing 1e bethrn; font ronoit that the,; were doubters and wender applause. he rebrn;frinOrneed "Cani there anv geed thling erine eut 'hElle being clesed downi, the M. J. W. Robertson,' Bro. ef Bowm-ianiville ?" We sa ' thev Were ban1quet asput in shape. 4Under the thi, and many of the breth- deservedl, for the grand Degr(eewt guidance of that ueule Steward edar Leodge Oshawa: Bro, its leong andhbeautiful explaniatiîons and lW. Bro. Thos. H. Spiry,thei, Lodge roemn charges couid neot. we kiiow, have been underwent a fairy-like tranisfermatien. ahl.S. W., and many imoi fî,i 1v adA f , ii ié" oodle 1 tbi'

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