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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1898, p. 3

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eicIr Headache and "lieve ai. th-o'be tru jicj- dent t',a illous %:In o th eytem. such aFI DizzincsNue0osna, Distress after eating Pailuin th'o Sid!ee.While-their most, ielLarab1e success iaabee ehwn iii ugu Eeadache. pet Carers 1. lleLiv,, lle affl equally valuae lu n,,iption, din n trrectaiorI-ers3e iSoman "imltettbu Jiver sud reguiate tie bowcls. Vwen if tuez 01117 eured ablile' foIis ds tesst ing comli nt b ifar ing a doWithut tem.But afler allslck lieQ4 10flbe ao f sa many lives that hePre la Whbe Vemnake aur greatAbuast. Our pills cure itwilé oltiers (do not. Carter's Ltl iLver Pilleara very qmal andi !resyta taLo. one or two pille miakea dose. ;îl5se are striolIy vegtable and dc otlgieo 3altge, but hy thqjr gentie action pîsase zailw tise tlem. linvialsat 25 cents; :ftve for $ l ýIa Ib druggists everysfhere, or sont by muaI CARTER MEOIINE CO., N'ew Yo&k mu L I1aIl DùïbaiL IIamo,~ GRATEFUL COMFORTING. Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior qualities and nu- triLive properties. Spec-. iaU1y grate fui and comnfor- t!rg to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold onlyn »,lbtin-s, labelled JAMES EPPSýýCO., Ltd., H.ome coopathic chemaists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPÉR EPPIIISCOA y FLOIRIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO ,,AND ENDURINGO0F ALL ~PÉRFUMES FOR TI HÀNUKERCHIEF, TOIL.ET OR BATH. ALL DRUGOISTS, PERFOMERS AND GENERAL DEALER&. 'in the Spring cf 189,, 1 was attaclced -%wth ysep aan ieartburn. So severe was thie pain thlat .1 could flot sleep oreat, ançi I wvas troubled with headache most ail the time. I remalined mn thâit state for three montls, anidtried everythizig 1 could think of. At last one daliy 1 I r the pap)er abQutBurdock, ilod Bil-es, and thmught.I vwould try. it. Great was miysurprise op flnshing the ilirst battle ta find 1 could eat bter tihe headache left me, anid before 1I had used the second boutle, 1 ascomnpletely cue.d. 1 cainot avs too stro1igly ai! ~suffrrs frô, stomaich troubles to %ry & B.'.B.- MRýs. WMý. GRAITAN, la- diantovn', N.B., Tihe universal testimony from ail parts of Canadach gives thse palm, of v 1ctory over ail diseases of thse Sto'uiach, Liver, Bo-wýels and Blood 'li BITTERS. THECOCIKSBESTFPIEND LARGES,-T SALJE I CAAA. TH1E BE$5TAf4fl-RfEUMArlG PLA,51R MADE ýM F~I L4STfEýlFd lEdu111.D VI;t LFïi U>WSWL UV RIA BOWrIIAN VILLE. DEC. 7, 1898. Local arid>Otherwise. Poor humanit y f rom the days of Adam is mostly made up of taddists.' 1Capt. Jos. Plsilp, Cobourg, was at Port Peirryattending the funeral of his son, Mr. T. H1. Philp. Mr. WV. T. Allen, L-ig 20, is showing some loyely wa911 paper patterwiiil the show window uext door. SaIt rheumn and ail eczematous con- ditions of thse skin arecured by the use of Miler's Conpound rou Pis. 11 Dr. Loiw's Pleasant Worm Syrun la TuE STAýTESmiAN, Twriee-a- Week Detroit Frc Presa, andth ie Frac Pres Axnual Year Book andi Enc yclopsaedia for 1899, a valuable book o! over 550 pages that tells you wlsat voîl want to kuow Oveç - ,OOcO ô f thea 1898 issue were qold at2c ec l stems oua ol o! thec kind eer piiihiisid(. For further pàrticulas sec udvertisemenut on au- other page aI this issue. UMOINJAUK HO WTED. THE BRITISH ADMIRAL HAS SEIZED AN IMPORTANT POSITION. Thse Island of Lhusmn, lVhich Commands the Tanz Tse Eiang River, occupied by Britishs Marines-lu Keeping With thse Open Door Policly. London, N;ov. 28.-Admiral Seymour, Comnsanding the British squadl(ron l i Ciinese waters, bas hbaisted the B3r!ish fiag, over Tin, fHai, capital of the Island of Obusau, and1 bas stationedi a formiiid- able fleet of warsbips in that vicinîty ta defend bIs action. Tbe Cbusan group forma one of tbe lnost strateglo positions on tlia Chiese, Coast. Britain'a new possession commnands ice to talte ýd death to ail worms. Contains its own purgative. Price 25c Cawker & Tait carry a fulli hue of Cowau'sb colebrated cocoa that is beiug 80 successfuily de,.aonstrated this week. Don't fait to try them. Subscribers who have becu carryiug mooney beloua-ing tp us ilu theîr pociçets for sme monthls can make us happy by transferring it-to our pockets forthwith. Greatest offer yet either the WEEKELY GLOBE or TUE STATESMAN tu Januaryý 1, 1900, for $1. Both for $1. 75,. No a gents. Order from M. A. James, Bowmnauville. Vout hardly realize that it is medicîne whcun tak-ingý Carter's Little Liver, Pis; they are very smnal; no bad effects; al troubles fromn torpid liv-er are relieved by their use. Miss CItra ~Neads, da<ugh-ter of Mvr. Andrew Neads, Canadian Express Agent, bias retuirned from Toronto, where saIole as taklen a course at the Art Sýchool. '1 To be free from sick headache, bilious- uess, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pis. Strict]%- yegetable. TheY gently ,,stimula te thliv ier and free the stomach from bile. Robt. Eith, Esq,1 M. P. for- West Du'risam was ln towu to dav, and maddý a caîl on the Guide. fHe is lookingl well and is proud o! his alae cf horses to the Goveruor General,- Port HÇope Guide externally cures Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Burns, Chîthiains,, Lumbaigo and pain of auY kind. Taken iternaliy cures Croup, Whoopi ng Coughi, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, etc. Price 25c. Paterfamilias, sit dowu with vour faùil V an-d talk over what newýspapers1 and other publications You w1aut for !899. Whem You (decide place -.,ur order for al!w hTuE STATESMAN. ur clubbing- rates are lowest. W e note3 that recent issues of the War Cry a~rc very iterstiuig, also that En- sigu Joues, Bo wmanville., figures wcli Up eacli week amoîîg tisÔ Central Ont- ario WarCry sellers, usually termed hustlers. That weakness pectiliar to spring-time is not-laziness ,it indicates tise need o! t 1ng P. IMiller's Compound lIron Pilîs wî.l briîîg strengthi and vimu to all such cases. 5L) doses 125é. Cha ps andci iCiei' blainýs corne with coid, weather. but can readily be cuýred by the appIca-,tion o!faf r'sYlo Oil, the best remied y for external, and internai us,,e iade. Recv. IR. A. Buirris occupied tne pulpit i n the Miethodist Church cuSunday, last lis sermon, treating of "ian anld his destinyv," was handied lun-a very able mnar and wais iistented to -withwrp attention by a good sized congre-ation. -Port Arihur Hierald. ,1 A WEDDING PRESEtT (of practîcal im- portance would be a bottle of thse onl.y sure-pop corn cure-Putna&m's Paluleas Corn Extractor-which eau be ha d at auy drug store. A continuation o! the houcymocon and the remnovai of corna both assured by its use. Beware of imitations. Wben the chîldren g-rind their teçtb , have a ravenous appetite, yet don'î seem to thrive, gve them Dr. Low's Wýorm Syrup. t will clear ont- _every, wýorm without harming, the chid. Price 25d, Prof. H1. Morse StephenIs coutributes ta the Decemaber Chautaaquan a schol arlv characterizatioti.of Sir Robert Peel, defininig bis politîcal doctrieAs; and traeing his carees- as a statesiniau and a reformer ,with a mastcrIv baud. Intise, same number M-iss A-. M. ndr ofo Whitehali, London, wrîtes o! f *,actory Life and Legisiation lu England.lr"11cr pS ition as factory isetreibe Mîiss Anderson ta w%'ritO with authoritv,, and her statements lu reg-ard to the ýgrowntîh of mauunfacturing industries Thse coider weather has made butsi- ness ver " livelY 'at Thý, _Mason C?'s during,ý the past wel. If you have net aIrcaiy cdonc so, you are invited to te ilispeiet their mag'nIificýenit range ai 'Ladies Ftiioiîalel Coats and by fari the fliest ran-e of 'hlack and colored Drescs Goods the.Y hae ever sbown. Intrinqie-\worthi is sure to be recogniz esoanler or later. There neyeer bas been mn extruvagant advertsing<'-o! cvllr's Compounid Iran Pilis, no flaring headlues follý,wed byexaggerated stateý ments, but notwiubstanding, it.appears ta ho ptetty svell known that tisey arc the best miedîcine for building Uip- thse system, and cnring ail diseases resuit- p_ rom poor blood. Op RARF, Exc6LENcE.-F;trm and Home, 1(dvertilsed clsewhere, is a journ.- of rare excellence. Everý number is repîcte with suggestions.and iniformat- o! especial intrest A copy o! thse u dv Atlas of the ,W\orld,' 'ontaining I2-10 pages, and nearlv twQ huiidred Coloreýd Maps and Views, is iucluded wvith each ,subscription for 35 cents eta cçuael w l nw cnfnetelcves ta agtr'engtheining tbç cas3. Twenty-eight hleese ave aiready' beon exasiiinet by tihe Crowss. and!-Mr. Osier bas intimatet! that ho woult! only caîIl tan moüre. Mr. OsIer bas docidet! tao drap tWelve wit- ne-ses, andth ie case for thse Crown will likely h. concludet! before adjaurnment ta-day. Thse defenco wlill thon proceeci witb, thoir witnosses, andt! i lanaw aait! the case will he given a tho, jury on Friday. FIVE PERSONS HKILLD. Disastr.us Bhouer Epoinon a River Steamier in aiori-a,- e. sons Dangeroulyistjeed StOCIkton, Cal., Nov. 5-hema disastraus river accident ln Ihe hi>ýlOry ot Stockton accurret! yesîert!ay near Fouir. teen Mile Sioxigis, w a part oi onie o! 'lee ballera o! thse river sta -ru. 1J. Wallkcr, wblch left San Franciso Usant 6 O'clack last niight. -was hlowçn our, Lil!- lng five sud danigerously woundaing Il parsons, while prcbaly ia,15or £u nsore were more or less badfly hart. TheF T. C. Walkcar la awnedt! y thse Caliornia Navi- gation & Improvemnent Companyý, ant! rais between Sun Fr4ucisco and Stocktaxi. -l "Breker Ahed."Ha"- thlie D-nes. London, Nov. 2.-Dr. Robertaon 1,3,y,',Mas, Nov. 28-The principal Nicolse writes in tise British Weell of a -etýnta'of tbu blizzard l.ere ye.terCay was startlixig state o! affaire lI tise îitrary tetcedu tdg, whicl a oio nth word. fie says - 11tise sevy aorthoalgae, reacht ao "I bsve evidence lxi ny porses-sian tlsat bas no et nattaineti ine. 1851. wbicb shows that organizoti conapîracies Tiùse sn vall af, Humphroy streot, bulîit exist ta destray tise repullatioxi of certainof?- granite, was asa colsietely donlol- books andi autbors-cliqnes, o! whicbh t!, (I:ant! 15or 1-0 J(orîe w-erý,blown certain journalists are ai tis euon.' iashore andi arasset! ta plces. Owîng ta thse bigh standing o' Dr. t!-, isstatement bas proCiced 31a3'Mea. a Big Strike. great sensation in llterary circles in Loni- Pittsburg, Ps., Nov. 2.. iecoal don. Tise Acado-my reprinuts the accusa- m ai Usf te iiPu gdsrcthl tian untiel!tise titlg "Broaekera Abeat." cnmî i nersaura adip,stict boît. A Train 'Wsee.kers Dos, hutilons tisai a general ativance in wnges -snti an eigli'.hour dau-haestlenha t Lanlon, Nou. 2.-Panai servituâîo , tise genceral convention to be held in liTe ia theo aremplary punisbmnent wbîclm janîiary. Colonel Rent!'a impartoti ne- was neud ont aitIs1e Northsampton groo.s bave prausisedt tajaîi tIseuaian. Assizes On Saturday ta Frank T'omilin -______ son, aliiaa Senitis, aget!84, a sboe hant!, who was cnitO f" te diabolicai Lyman Aishoit te Itteslg.. rmime o!attonrpted ttnýinwreling. . aw Yerk; Nov. 28-Tisé Bey. Dr. Lyman.Ahboit ironstise llpit yeEtcrday Tlrrec Vmnssea shor, nounco ied ie itilan ta resign the Bolfaàet, Me., Nov. 28-Thrac-gloo1o .vearz34 o ~the Plylii.th Church, wimbs are rcparted ashore at Fort Point, o 'tïei ha bas flad for ten years. Faillng h&aLltll Puobseot-Rlv*w, 15 mlls 1rora- BOU L le te esouasigni. TIhe Crown Has Now AHl Isls Evideýnce In. -r'are .cid Holdea'es teries of Ëthe CieTeDefenre. Napance, Nov. 2S.-During the past week the great trials of Ponton and Maokie, Holden and Ps:ro, for the rab.. Lier'Y of the Dom-inion -Bank in thia town, bas been almast fio only tapie of conver- sation and Interest. The eV idc lce adducad at tI '1 two previaus preliminary examin- ations for theown bvi as been tiresomely reitera,.tod, thec oief witneas being the prIsoner Pare, w\ho bas been promised h1s liberty for telling his atory of thse rabbiery. Hloitdn, toc), the ather foreign prisoner, weakened, andl he, too, tald bis storyo! t n famug Crime, in ipany in- staneces carroboratlng Pare, but swearing at the sanm timie that bis follow priganer and efnesd robber 0if the bank waa not ta ho belleved tapon oath. The <rown illuLlil ULulio-M- n.g se 3£ 9 *- ,-le the great artery o! Central Chiaaà the moat densel-,y popullatcd region o! its size ln the worlcl. Tho varions mouths af tbe river arc jiiat north o!fCisusan. The entire Yang TRe Kiang Valley, by a recent treaty hielween G3reat Britain and China, bas been placed wltblni the Bi5itlsb uphereo o'!influence, China 4ree- lng not ta allenate It ta any other power. Near thse moutb of the river is Shang- liai!, the greatest coonumriaî cty o! China, and witbmn a couple o! bundred miles are Sucbay andl bal! a d67,011 ather cities, avng an average populations of littlo less than a million. Tise Coat provinces o! Kiang S i ani Cho Kiang, opposite Chusan. bave acom biiied population of probably more than Thse Report Not crediteti.1 Sbanghai, Nov. 28.-Tlhe .eport re- eelved bore on Saturday t-nat the British admir,ý ql t oitdthe ULios- JaClrve Ting Uali, capital ci the Islandi of Cbiu- anu, and over soveral other llands ln thle Chîssan archipelago, i l nt credi'tot!. The British consulate bas reclvot! no oan±înatofa!tbe ruieor, wbicb prab. ably originated li mistaking the survey -marks o! the survey sbip Watcr Witcb fter the Union Jack. A ItONSTROIJS PLOT. r Thea Impgnding Coufliet Between Civil and M1ilitary Poweýr May Yet 1%aterialize in Strife. Paris, Nov. 28. -France, aftor aIl, ia nect to escape thse criais wbiclî bas been impending for usany nionthsa, nmely, a deaisive conflichet toyeni the civil autisori- tics and! the milltaryv powcr. The action af Gen. Zurlindon, the Mllltary Gavernor af Paris, in oxrdring- Col. Piàcquart before a court-martial, la notling baes than a mnonstrous plot ta defeal justice and! establish the supremacy o!tf eam above tbe Ilepubliclan institutjins l France. The apprehensians wbicb werc aroused ln thse middle o! Octabor by the discovory o! a nllitary plot for a coup d'otat are flow.revived. with greater force, and the Dreyfus aifair is dWar!ed lni the face o! this now infamy and national -langer, It bas toicu",id tisaùthte men wbo are figbting Plicquar. are fightlng with ropos aroesnd their neeka, and they will net stickut trilles, Theoixi lies thse paril o! the s!tuation, for 0Ge ns. Mercier', Ganse, B3oiedeffro and Ztmlinden, contralling as tbcy do ail o!fthe seillltary forces o!, Paris, have power te, ab; any moment, seize the Goverumneut vid eotnblisb a die- Ltto)rsbip Nvl.ich will be only ovrthrown after great blood1sbtd,-- Touching Letter to Iii, Wsft, Who Thereby Prostrated. Paris,, Nov. 25.-Mme. DfreyVfus, the wlfe o! thse unbappy prisoner of Desvil'a Islanid, le in bed, extremèlv ili, and lbas been incd thse rocipt o! a recent bieter from bher husbant!. She bas been 50s prGs- tratet!, in fact, that accesa to ber is de- nie!. 'The following is Dreyfus' letter ta bis wife: 'Despalrir e ' nr ~toseize nme. Have al' mny friende . .- m~None seein ta lie oceuup.ýjUg 1th, ~vlme. I re- tali ta you thar n 4 .i iilnths aga 1 Wratetahe'r--no the ilpueli a1, d ta Cesserail 1. (r egin hein tO Irtr'ýIedL a revSion et 111 e.TIanm ~ithut ewsnotinig, nehin jconesta me. I leave as a b 111,,st tothePredet aemd Ce.Bidefetsetl f aeg and thaýt of my da uIec.whonvm Ishahjj s(,e ne more. 1 shialil na longer cmue traceý wilses11Y fumily, as I1avesUaIl there is ta be said, aut! 1 havýe notisg moýre ,tý,sa Y." ~4444 * ê~êê44444446ê6*444ê4644é Woodi Luimberi Until further notice SPOT CASH will buy fresh miued, wellscreeuied Coal ai; the following prict~s: Scranton Coul, alil sizes, at harbor $4.75 par ton;- delvered to auy part of town $5.25.' H1aving haudled this Coul for 24 cou- secutîve ycars and ulmost ail other kinds at times -we cau recommenti it as botis hast and cheapest. Our shcd cpct being sufficient for tise supplv o! this section tise public eau depend ou ulways getting cdean, dry coal. As lu the past wie are prepared ta pay tise vcryv higisheat market price for ail kinds o! GRAIN ANDSE S delivered ut aur toeosscornler -Klng uud11(1 TGfeoreSts, or at Port Darl'ing-toni.' SALT-coarse, fine and dair 'y ilubagL' s and barrels, als2o Retsof Rock Sait for cattie andtiborses aliways ou baud Lumaber, Luth, Shingles, Sasis. Doors. etc., lu toc and made ta ordar. inspection inviteti and satidfaction guarauteet!. -i i I i I i i -MeGLEILAN g «Q., BowmANviLLiE. PRINCIPAL GRANT IS COLLECTINO. lias Beeau VerY Stiecessful for thse Sir Johin 3acdon-ald Chair Fund. Moxtreall, Nov. 216.-Principaýl Grant o! Kingston is li tbe city colecting for a chair of Politicai econamny ta ho called The Ei John A. Macdonald! Chair. The Principal bas been very saccesaful andi a goot! part a! tise requiroti sun 0f $10,000 bas beeu securot! from frienda li bath provinces., A prainrenit risb-athojlic a! Toronto bas given $500. Kaensas Cttl. Ring 1 <isiug. KaasCity, Mao., Nov. 28.-Owing frein 56,000,000 tn 89,00ü000, Grant 0. Gillotte, the gre3atoast foo-ler o! cattle "lu Kansas, bas disappeared. lila 201000 cnt- tle are a fabnilous; aissounit o! grain. E ven bis m9e 0f cribs dit! not boit! enaugh ta get tse lummense bord ready for thse mar- Îzet. He had xaid a big aus ifor the cattie un thee $rat place. Thea lio fet! tbom awbtle and thon issartîgaget! thons ta re- pleniab bis cribs. Pis sciscmne ma ta bor- row theqe imntnes ame, put tbe money intao corn, fod the corn ta bis cattle aud flnally by Che sale of the fat stock mneet a.1l o! bis obligtaions and bave. a fine proflt'-sa qarter million or so loft for hi meel! Wilhelmina to 1Marry. l'be 11aguie, Nov. 26.-.Tbe betrotbal of tise yaunig (Quon Wilhlnîiina, who ascnenct!tise otcb ibrone in Septeinher Last, ta prince William i1o! Wied, a lieu- tenant in thse Prussian Imperlal Guard, wil softlyho anauiieet!. Beforo tise ba1nne, o! this royal marriage are pubih3hed, the Dutcb Govrument muai decîde wbether Prince William o!, Weid will becoae King o! Halland, or meiroly Prinice consort, 'l'le imarriage 'wiïlltake DaaeIn the aprlng and will hc tise occasion for a great pageýant. A Furo tr m l, aIt alifaz. Halifay, N.S., Noüv. 28-A terrifia atajre ragot! bore ail day yosterday. The telepisoss service la disorganizet!. lui Dartmnouthstise -whale electrie ligbt service ,vas de3moralizet! anid the tovvxi la in darle- nas. Theopehn service aise suif cred, andthtie damage is estimated at hotween $8,000 and 8000.Poas are down lun every directio-n. and lisestreets are block- en hy vwires. A rnum ber af bairhreatt es(capos are reportet!. it is feared that ny shipping disasters bave occurrat! along the coast. Fataliy Injured b'y a Street Cr w1iniïpeg, Nov. 2.Oeo! Winni- peg'--s oldeat andi beot-Iinown citizens, -Mr. S.W. Farrell, was struc trani probably fatally injuredt! y a sti-eet c ar on Sator- day aftertnfl. i l still 'alive, brst nat oxett ta rocover. A C1uC ils the shpe !abac-tie cont bas been ioiisnt! relating ta the Stuartburn tragedy. 'JThe police know to whnin tIse coat heolonga andi an arrat may be oxpectet!. Iticihard Jones Bl;tly Hurt. IJidgetawn, Ont., Nov. 28.A laxi rnuset!Richard Juedrlviig hbomne acrSsa the M. C. H. tracks, twa enlies West off Lere, on Saturday îîlght waistsruok by M.C.. acamodaiontrain ant! prois- aisly ftaslty injured. His rig was refluced ta kiesding wood, 'bis leg w aarkn face hat!ly eut, ani lie was alsecal n jure iln ternally. Clasturia, is Dr. Fý Samruel Phiter's pecipinfer Infanits and Chýlýidrn. Lt cou;tains ne-ither Oplium, Mforphine nr other Naetesbtnc.It is a harmiess suibstiÈtuteý for Prgre rpSohn Syrulps and castor Oil, Ut is PUaan.Is guaran.teýe is tbfr-ty years' use by Mhilis of Mqothers;. Castoria destroys Worms ani alla-ys Feeihes Castori prevents voiiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and -Wiud Colle. Castlor;i reïieves,, Teethiiig troubgles, cures Constipation and Flatuienicy. ciastor«ia assimnilates the Foo0d, reguIlates the Stomacli andt Bowvelsý, gvngJealtbly ami nlaturai sleep. CastoriaL is the Children's Paunaea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. 11Cnstoria is n e ýýLcllen ic inc for "Castorin 15 sa weIlladapted ta children chidreni. Mothers biave repeatedfly tald metlat I ecmndit as superier ta aiiy pre.. of its good effect luponi their chiidreni." scription knaown ta e. DR. C. C. OSGUOD, LouiZ, MIL H A. AiC, M. D. Býrook1y,N-. Y. THEFASMLESGAUE0 the inouth of the Yanm Ts. Klan. RivW l eas Aow shot ai! , it3 thuifderbolts. 'and 1 1 The Beaver Block Sale Of Boots and Shoes Stil Going On... We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and haveý lots to dispose ofyet, anid very cheap-first-class goods at very smnall nvices. 3Xy Spring stock iý s in--most of it-an dw find our shelves crowded. Wel-wittmor e room and are bouud to have it, if low prices ha-ve any- t hlng to dIo with it. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coîoredl and blacýk ait $ý.00. Mlen's Caif and Corclovan Blm1ns, sewed and ri-vitted, from $1.4.9 to $2.50, worth $2,00 to $3.50. Chiildren's Button and Blms 25c, 50c, 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00, Misses', Boys' and ,iYouthls' to correspond We will tell you what the stock is in each1, and every pâir. The reason we ,do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now lin stock ln every Ue. The public is invit-ed to inspeot our stock ; no trouble to show goods-we do it wlth pleasure. T1.runks, Bag-s, Satchiels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain:, Dresý,in,, the very best that eau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, i t will ruin the boots it is appli- ed to. Repairing done in 'ail its branches ln first-class style. Fine work mgade to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking miy customers for pasi; favors and hopîng for a continuance of the Lame. sIT -L APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPERý .mr crirAUR ccompANY. T7 mvePAY sTRECT. NRýW YORK 011V. a CarliStaý Will Take tise Fiel,]. Lonidon, Nov.'28-An Engls-iis Carligt piisltively assorta that Dan Carlas' armpy wil take thse field in S7ýpain P.0an after thse treaty is siignet!. He decares, that a oan lbas been fu.ily f1uancol1, andti thtIl -las dividet! eqaLl31y htween iFranuceand! Elnglid, andi hoeacdsa iat after tise Enig- lias Capital iste were ahown the eiec an ,vhJuch Don iarloq' chances 0o! aucces9 are basecil tbey off oret! several 'tises tisa aMnouniased Carlist Arm-. lzd Madrid, Nov. 26-A quanitity o! armas destinet! for tbs Carlise alve Ieen Saizea In au hanse at Bilbao. Loekroy Modlifies IliiPoga Paris, Nov, 28 -M LûC1krOy' nva progranifor the year 1899I. bas beenmai flot! ai thse nat moment, and a1l of ',ho proposet! new batàleehipm bave beau hm inatat!. Altogolper 48 Siips bave been atide t l the navy for ý1899 andi 21 for 1900. France will tisen have mlore ta,,- pedoes'and tarpeda destroyers than Groeat Britain. y%

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