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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1898, p. 1

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OUR TOWN A!MM COUNTT i'IRST ; T] BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, W- NEW SERIES. ÀPTERWARDS. DAY, DECEMIBEIR 14, 1898. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME XLIV. No. 50. (011CR, JOHNSTON & CRYDERI qýF- SHOWING Novelties for a ehristmas lPresents. an ,Ladies' Kid Gloves, Black and Colors, Plain and Pancy. Ladies' and Chuildren's Ring an here Gloves and Mits. Ladies' Hem-stitched and beautifullyEmbroidered 11andker( Men's Plain Linen and llemn-stitched llandkerchiefs. Plain Silk and Initial Si1k Hand.kerc special value. Men's Kid and Buck Mits and Gloves. Hosiery and Underwear of ail kinds. the largest and choicest stock of Neck wear ever shown in town-made Up specially for the Chri trade-and the very newest things in Men's Colored Shirts. Men's Umbrellas in ail qualities. DFESS GOQIDS. A beautiful lot of Dress Goods, either iu Single Dress Patterns or by the Yard. TableE and Table Napkins, Doyles, Five O'elock Cloths ad Tray Cloths. LADES' COATrS. Ladies' Coats, of which we stili have a good choice and ail of which we are sellinp' redlueed prices. rURS Y FURS i Pur Ruifs in Grey Lamb, Black, Oppossum,MIink and Sable. Caperines in Black Oppossur Electrie Seal. Caps in GreyLab Nutria and Pers-ian Lamb, also sm eatf1geods in L; Pur Lined Catpes--the most comfortable and most elegant garaient for anýY lady. A specially *lot of travelling Rugs, and Grey and Black Robes. No better Purs and ne better vatlue anywb( Me's and Boys' Overcoats in ail sizes, Good Cloth, well made and special alue. Uso, and Youths' Ready Made Suits, ail new goods, made up in the latest styles. CRPE-TS .F\ND CURTF'dNS. Just opened a lot of New Lace and Tapestry Curtains, aise a lot of New Union and ai] C'arpetsý, bonacfht direct from the makers, will be sold -heap. Cou CH5 JHNSTO & CRYDmnoM4 B3USINESS FOR IIOLIDAYS, . l MRT!' DLs Ail the chiildren admire those pretty Our mecrchiants; are getting things in dressed dolîs in Miss Majrtin 1s showv readliness for Cbristmnas anld the wIfl- winidow, two doors east of STATMSWAN dow displavs are most tempting. A office. They are real little darlingg.- careful perusal of our advertising Col-j You should sce thein. umns wifl prove to the readers thatr I l - - tnere is ne necessitv for going elsewhere to do their shopping when the homne merchants carry suchi complete stocks arnd at prices there eau be no carping at. BRAI, BROS. It does niot aiways fçllow that ihe biggest establishments sell the cheap- est or pay better prîces for farm pro- dilce. We have ften remarked how many farmers deal regularly at Heal Bros'. Cash Grocey opposite Trnp STATELSMAX office. é9leycertaînly do a good business and their customners, liethe eut in the song, usually, corne back., Tans NEw BAKER, .Already the iuevrbaker who sncceed- edl Mr. Clarke, lias won favor amoiýg levers of good bread : his long experi- ence in eaitering for bread eaters places him te advantago and the people soon learu where to --et a really good article. Try a bat of Mr. Lntterell's bread and somne of bis lovel v cakes and vouwill bej convinced that hie is a baker who thor- oug-hly undierstands his business CA',VKER & TAIT. It will do10 your eyes good to drop into this store just now te see the lovelY art- icies Santa Claus has left for holiday presents. We stepped into the shop tne othier ceeing atd really we were astonisbed at the glittering sight. WVe cannot enumerate allthe thîngs, pr-et- ty, orni' 'nfTtal, useful,novel and veryl ehleap WiLIÂ,tl. You must see them., This', Pnterprising -flrm is doing a ritsh- i.,gbuilsiî & nd the secret is not far to seek. if you have flot read their adv't. do so. at once. SAN1ýTA CLAUS _ARRIVED. Sa *y boys and girls, thie first mar in tOwn to introdutce the Editor to old father Santa Claus ibiis winter %vas A. Nicholls, the fuciiv, goodB and tey deal- er. My' , oh ni' ! but he, has the lovely thusfor Christma"s presets,-thOUs- .ands of them. Thev were neyer cheap er, either. 11e is the- most Obiging manl yen ever met. Have yen ever deait at Niehoils' '? If flot cait and get aequainted. Everv faýther, niother and echild will want somi etbi ng, for aL piesent when tbeyv sec the great varietv, Nicl- olis bas received from Santa Claus for the boys and girls of Wýest Durham. TIIOS. TeD. Perhaps lu no place of nuiesi b)een- made than in connectio witbi Mr. Todl's bake(ry and e confeetion1ary oes- tauihmuton the corner of inoe a Experience ls of n o use uuless; we benletit by it. We are writing this for eue express purpose, viz., to induce our customeors to do their Christmnas shep- p!iug, earlv. Voet remember the rush andi cru-sh last year-it will be the same againi. lit fact we ha-ve arrang-ed for eve lrgr tins.Why leav it for the last few daýys we have ail our Xmas geodsiiu. Everythiunzis read 'y. if yen would 'be waiceed on comfortahly, have thie first choice, net bG hurried and crushied. Comie and do yoar buying 11o%. Special prîces ail tirouigh' the store fronïi now te Jan. 1 st. Thonsands of djollars' worth of goeds' suitable for _Xmas pre-sents hiave arrived. Bvery Departmettbas assumed a holidlay ap- pearance. Sec advertisement for par- tiular,. Corne 110w and do your Christmas buvîng. Tim s MASOIICe. PhOOSFOR CHV,!RISTMWAS. What is içer or more atcceptoýbie to a friend than a finely excuted photo of yourseilf? Tait & Co., Bowmanvilie, turn out such and tbey would advise every one contempltîng giving their Photos for Xmas presents, to cal early and tbey will tbenfbave a chance te ge t vnurwork out in goodtime. They have some pretty fraime novelties that they can recommend at 25c eacb. Caîl and Seo tblem. 47.1f. Visitors: Mrs W. Ilislop, Bowiian - ville; Mr. and Mrs. H. Reeson, Coiuma- buts; Mr , and Airs. W. HUepb)urn, Ked- ron. . .. MWr,. 1". er has returned from Maitoba... M.A. PDy er. our popuflar teacher, has; been re engaged at ant increased salary..ýMr- J.ý Alex- ander has returned from Muskoka.. .. Mr. WI. Tapp is recevering frem lhis re- cent illness.. .. Messrs. Niddery Bros. and NýîicholsBros. wblle buniting,ýrecent-- ly seeured twelve rabbitsq. Hloiboru Ledge, No. 222, Sons of Eng- land, w hold ant oy steï supper in the Sons' Hlall ont Wedniesday, eveing Dec 21si. alt G p,1m!,A capital rgrm1 ~ l beý gi anu tic lo kse of the ',supper by local ud oregutalent. Amsin2e 13. rVWLL 'J. F". 1HUiUuT. Mr. Wuit -il th e mand1 Teid's, .50 PER ANNUM.,

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