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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1898, p. 4

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With or Without Oven. Plione 66, BowmANvI.LLI. lu the case is , that in Holiday Goods, my variety is the greatest, and value the best yet offered. Don't be late, but among the early ones to take a look through, and make your selections. Santa Claus la here, get the best and let others be sorry. Xmas Cards and Calendars in great profusion. Just to enumerate, Beautifully Bound Gif t Books 25c, others at 40c, not quite so* nice but very. much larger at 25e and 85e. Very attractive, leading authors, 75c to $1.50. Poets, leather bound, 75e up to $3.00. Toy- Books, paper and lirien, great value, some at haif regular price. A splendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75c. Pocket Bibles frein 25e-- the value liere le great. Liades' Companions from 25c. Tollet Cases from $1.. Glove and Handkcehief Boxes froin 50c. The saine low prices run through the whole list. Dolls, Games, Fancy Articles, Stationary, Toys, Xmas Novelties, Work and Fancy Baskets, Fancy Cups and' Saucers, Vases and China..j Sunday Sehools note this : I supply ail Lesson Helps and give speelal attention to selection of Libraries. Let me hear froin you. Bo WM AIN VILLE. P.TEILOK Je pactically and thoroughly Stuht by expert teachlers at- - tAe BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE a- .M.C.A.-Building, Toronto- eorn methods used fromi the- ~- stan to finudnaduoates assîsted5 to Positions. Writefrfe prospee- ~-tas- DAVID HOSKIIÇS1,- THE Dt~I JUD invanlably goes to the one wlth the best bralA -one who bas education-special training. Why not quallfy for ite best places going. Ton bave the chance. The TORONiTO oans the door to success for maiiy young men and womcn eacb year. It off ergsplendid .¶uIp-, menit, lhorough work, astrongiitaC ad go*d reszkits2. 'on can enter any turne. Write for prospectus. IlW. H. SHLAW, Priaipal, Yonge k Gerrard Ste*., TO LEND on rt eod Mri ;rg e eurity at nio erate rates of interet. A. KCÂULi$)O,#W '4Qt Gjood News forIWest Durham To ail our customers we thankye kiudly for your continiued patron-'ý age for the past eighteen years or more, and hopinig you will do as well or better lu the future. NEW WASHING MACHINE, We ar a gente for the Knoll Double, Action Gl Medal Washer, beet in the wormd; aiso tue w.iger. C n tia selle the machine, corne and mse them. Ne trouble te, show goods. We ai," deaIlu scrap iron, metals,dmied ap ples, etc.1 Our men are around collecting for the last time this season. Ail accounts must bc paid without fail first time our men caîl. There are a lot of Iast year's accounts which if not paid at once wil have te be collected somne other way, with interest and ether costs, as yen weIl know it does not pay te eall on a persen five or ten turnes f or his account. f ours Le.. JOHN GRIGO. Bowmanville, Dee. 6. (1ÂÂRI.SFOR ISAE --EvcryBir(l rt0 COUNTIES' COUNCIL CANDIDATES. The election of Counties Counlcillors le likely to go by alaa in hi D visi6us 4, 5 nd6.l No 4, 1Mm. Johin -Jackson, Kendal, having ildropped ont, a niew maigmuLst bceîeete an that man is likely to be Mm' Jiobert Cowaul. Mm. WM. Rickýard, Newcastle, bas provd hiself to beone of the n'iost able and usecful' ebesat Cob)ourg and a beitter mnan cannot be foundi in the Division. The fact that he holdej the resporteible office of chaîrman of Finance. otherwise the Finance Minis- ter, le evidence of hie estiiated worthi lu the Counities Parliament. The inter este of No. 4 wjll be safe wýith Mej.sers. Cowau and Rickardi. 1Electoirs should go to Oronio on Nýýom;ination Day and hear Mm. Rca-' drs nCounc-il matters. Iu No. -5 Mesme. Tho1s.Simale and iP.C. Trelcock wll go in again b)y accla- mation as thev should. Both have prov- ed th'emselves capable men and sýo far as wecan! i learu hLave given unqualified satisfacetion. Messrs. Tb-os. Baker and J. H3. Devltt in No. 6 are also sure of re election Mm. Baker le lu1differen1t abotpublic office, but he bhas been very active and, attentive to Counties' affaire and is too good a couiiPlor to be allowýed tÉo drop Out. Mm. evit has alsow-,ýon the good( VIli anid respect of his fellow counicillors a nd dleserves aniother terni. The six m?,en ae sol al elected byacamto and thuis sx the counties the expense of an election. The candid ates ilu11Nos. 1, -2 and 8 :are said to hco. No. 1-T. A. Thotý-npsol, l. H. WValker, Col. McLean. No. 2.-T. Donaldson, A. Ferguson, W. 1-. Pic-- kup, Rt. Campbell, T. Leith. No. 3-S. E. Ferýguson, G. Staples. lu1 nost in- stances the present memnbere wili be re- tumned. Wb'en oui babyy bel wfflirec Le had the milk enii verv hadhy UoId ut The ISectest and most Atftistiea1l# Desi gnd stoite in tthe Wket. Special Features: Patented Nickel Plated Rlelector Top. Double Swing Cover. Extra Large Solid Fimepot. Shaking and Duplex Grate. Large Base Heating Flues, giving Quick Radiation., SOUJVENIRS always give per- fect satisfaction. DOWMANVILLE, DEC. 14, 1898. Christmas and New Year's Dayvs fali. ing on Sunday, the Attorney-General has iasued, with the advice of the Exec- utive Council, a proclamation setting apart the Monday following in each case to be obsqerved as a holiday. lion. W., Mlock, Postmoaster Gener- ai, speaking at, Sarnia said: " With re- ference to the 2-cent rate of postage in Canada, I would say that that is in store for the people of Canada w4ihina reasonable time."I (Cheers.) Mr. Miul- ock held that there was no fiore power- fui factor to promote immnigration than the letters of friends in the land to which they have gone, to the old folks at home. This was one of the good results which would follow imiperial penny Dostage. (Applause.) It doesnot appear fromn the results of the bve-elections in Huron anid ilalton says the Montr eal Herald that the tide has set at aIl against Mr. Hard y and the Liberal party iu Ontario. Both 31r. Gar- row and Mr. Barber imoproved upon their former majorities. W'hatever hope Mr.Whitney may-have had of being able to cut intoMr. Harcly's majority nust by this time h~ave been elimoinatedl. The Ontario Liberal Gover nment is flot(dis- credited, although it le the mnost ardent desire of Conseri'ative leaders and the: Conservative press to have people bel- ieve that it is. Lord Aberdeen shows that biis inter- est in Canada was not severed b)v his departure. Ilis Li verpool speech, pub-i Iished broadcast in Great Britain, 'was one of the best advertisýemenits that Canada could have, and his lordship may be relied lipon to continue the good work. Hue also zook occaision to express gratitude for the kindIness shown Lady Aberdeen and hâielf in the Dominion. The Canadianis, hie said were a warm hearted people, -who had a way of making other peozile fond of them., The Canadians were also re- markable, ln that they were character- ized by an intense spirit of confidence in their own countri, and in its future, and that had been m7aniÎfested 'within the period which bhis eiýperienýe foyer-ý ed. Dental Office, in the Rorneg above Aý Will be at Oronrs from 9 a. m. te 2r n, ~, m.- and .. ra 9..,,ooc lm P mýni8 N watetfO 2 - nqiY .Mii f til 7p, m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Month. .1 Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painlese extraction are epecialties. Federated Bulsinless Colleg S.' HAMILTON Business College, Y.M.CA.,BIdg., Hamitton,Ont. *3C.R.McCul > ough,Principal. GALT Business College, Cait, Ont., W. Broks,Principal. Interv ollegiak. Busliness Praette e ktween the 8etudents o keetwo e)rsntu Defusineasm Schooism. Enter citiir and enjoy thetbemt in )Yi~ns ad nhortbsn4Inslwtructlon. Trhi5 _ha aexeeaioiat Urne te >-gin, Cireularb froc. WEST e ENO u HOUS BQWMANVI LLE. OBÉTUAEY. The late-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osbor- ne were both buried vesterday after- noon,Dec.2, the funeraf being fromn the famitý, residence, Si Lily street, at 2:80 p.m. rhere was a very large attendance of friends and the caskets were both cov- ered with beautiful flowers. Services were conducted in the residence by Rev D. Jacobe and S.Cleayer. The ceremony was very simple, but unusually touch- ing. The bearers of Air.Osborne's rema - mns were Messrs James Fairchild, Jos eph AlexanderThomas Hlamilton, Tho- mas ilammerton, Robert Douglas, and ll.lughes. Those who bore the casket with the body of Mrs.Osborne were Mes- srs. Win. Williamson. J. M. Wilson, Fred Babb. Chas. Mav.'Geo, Jefferson and A.Black. Floral offerings- were as follows: Maltese crosses fromMr. Mur- ray andhis employes, and fromMr.and M;s J oseph Alexander; a large anchor from theA.OU.W. Court 89; flowers, -from Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Osborne,Miss Mabel Rogers,Miss Ida Pearson, Mr L. Bonathan, .Mr. C. Renard,Mr. and Mrs. L. Manning, Miss Stratton, Mr. and' Mrs.R. S. Lamb, Mr. Dulma-e;lwreath [rom the emplojes of Mr. J.e.Ashdown Mr. and Mrs. ilammerton, Mr. Dain, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bla:ck, Mr. S. E.' Bragg, crosses from Mrs. Proctor and ifamily, Mr. Ru. Worth, Bowmanvilie; the emplo j.ýes of Mr. J. Hu. Ashdown andJ : T.Curtis, of Neepawa. The processioni which waà an unusully long one. was formed and p1roeeedd 'o Brookide cem Leery wherethe romains ernterred underthepeso l diection of)&r. J. Further reference to decesed il 11 be found ou an inside page. Z tices of Births, M arrlages and Deaths 50 cents; when marriage 1Ileeses are obtained or fanerai notices printed at this ofYfre. Insortlon free. BORN. Hooxy.-In Darlington, near Long Sauit,Dec. 10, the wife of Mr. Henry llooey, of a isoû, MÂTTEEW!3.-Iu Bowmnanvilie, Des, 7, the wIfe of Mr. Archibalfi Matthews, of a son. WiLcox-In Clarke, Des. 51 the wif e of Mr. Schuyier Wilcox, of a mon. BÂLSDON.-ITo East Whitby, Dec. 4, the wife of Mr. W. 1-1 Baliedon, of a daughter. GRmUELL.-In Newealgtie, Dec. 1, the W-ife of Mr. Abel Grayeli, Agassiz, B. C., of a daughter. HOLMAN.-In Prince Albert, Dec, 5, Sabra Unger, beloved wile of Mfr. Jarnes Holnîan,aged 75years. iiÂvx.-In Remeh. con 2, Dee. 5, Mr. William Henry Hayes, In Ii s nd year. BauNNAN.-In 1iowmanviiie, Dec. 2,nosanna Brennan,aged 80 years. FALLis.-In Toronto, Dec. 7, Morley P. Faflis, aged 25 years. BOWMANVILLE ?MARKET'J? Correctedby J.M~eiUurtry eaeh Tuesday 11= 1 e 100 lbs........1i 90 to $2 2C W 1 'Palebush...o o00e o 68, 'i Spring ,.0 00il 0 68 lied le . 0 00"Il U72 tg GOOSE .0 00 tg0 62 BAR[,EY, VI bush, Noi..1 0 45 le 0 46 Il et2 .0 26 0 85 :t l B.... 025 fi0 30 1 ~'Two rowed 0 25 te 4345 OÂTs, white ".............O QOle O 26 BUCKWEAT et.........O0 0 il042 PEkAS, Bacee bs..O69 " O 7- il Canaidian Beauties.. 69 n1 O4-5 fiMunimfey "i 0"0 ffi 5 5 Smnall, "f 00 n Ol 57 Blue,Il 0 47"e05,5 Bui7ïrsR, beet table, e lb.. O00u fiO014 EaaS, Voz......... 000 t0 17 POTArOLS, buash......... 0 00 'O0 Hay per ton............. 500 le6 00 Acute Rheumatism Palns In the Foot an'd 11m b-A Complet. Cure Accomptllhodby HooI~s SarsaparlIIa. 'lFor a number of yearb I was afaioted with soute rbeumiatiaxa Innmy loft nid, and ail the way diqwn my 11mb into rny foot. 111v. five biocka from my work and hiad to stop and rest severai timon ngoing and comixig. 1 could get no relief fromn ,my trQuble aud was on the point of giv- ing Up my lob when 1 happened te hear of Hood's Sarsaparil. I purcbaned abottle et this medciclueasd a vital et Hooid'sPilla aud liegan tnMakn thora. Belere I1Iiad hait finished thcxx 1 was relleved and It was not long bef oreie IbL-. Oompletily cured. 1 nover lbac an opportiinity te praiso Hoof'. Baraparîlia, fer my cure rasant a grellt demi to me, as I bave a tam- Ily and miust eiways b. at may pogt."1 WILLIAM EAsRKEr, yardran, Grand Trunk RZailroad depot, Branttord, Ontario. tetebest-in fact the One True Blond Purifier. Sold by ail drggists. 81; six for $5. Iiood's Pulls a'.prelyvregetal"ile, r. lTOUSE TO LET.-Frame residence A&-L on Queen St. Appiy at M. D, WiLEIÀms k- 'SONS Furnjtnre store. 41 . tf. '"AM ASTRAY.-Caine on lot 4, con _n1, Darlington, a ramn. The owner is re- ""' red to Drove pv1opertY, pay expenses and take him away. . S. B RÂGO, Bowmanvillie F. WAUGII, L. Dit S, D. D. SI) BowmAxviLit - 1 We extend an invitation to c and ail to corne and see oiur displ whetheryou buy or no0t. We pay the higyhest price for Poultry dressed roligh dressed, Butter, Eggs, IDried Apples, etc. Jo»ýhn %lMcMurtri Jor the conveniencee of Our customers we wiI keep our Stores open inth: eveingtili New Ver Not two weeks, to 'Xmas and the timie will 11y. Do flot put of tili the last day., Corne at once and g etÉ a gQo(ýd choice of thie nice.things we are offering- for Xrnas GTifts. FURS. We are showing a very large variety of Far G-oods for Ladies-Astrachan Jackets, Caperines, Collerettes, Muifs, Ruffs,and Gauntllets,G-rey Lamb Cap)s fori- den Men's Caps and Coats. Men's Electrie Seat Caps, Jockey Shape, well lined, first-elass goods, regular prie $3.00, special $2.25. MEN'S T IES. Just placed into stockz a brand new lot of Get' Neck Ties, al macle to our order specially for this Xmas traýde, and are particularly nice. Ties put up in fancy boxes, one tie in a box, extra nice for a present, - price 50c. A big range of Satin Lined Ties, ail shapes, at 25c. The new shape "Ascot" Tieslovely qnality silk,at 50c and 75e. A fiee lot of Puif Ties in liglit and dark, reg. price 25e and 35c, special 15c. Ladies' Silk llandkerc-hiefs, also Lin en and Là A4111 hemstitched and initialed, thesame in M1en's llandker- chiefs-a big variety, and at very speciail p-rices; also Fancy Ties, Stock Collars and 51kGrtrk e s - brellas -with f ancy handies and steel rods, frorni 1o $2. Ladies' and Gents" Kid Gloves, Wool G-lovNes, Mitts, etc. Heavy, KiondikIze 1'itts for mn O per pair. BOO«TS 'AND SHOES. Men's Chocollate Hockey Boots, st'andard scwen,laced fronts with strapand buekle, double support at heel and ankie, special price $2 00. M'en's Patent Leather Oxford Tie Evening Shoe, in coin and pointed toe, hand turn soles,- J. D. King miake, reg price $3.00, special $1.50. Ladies' felt foxed clastic side Boots, very warmu, sizes 3 to 8, reg price $1.00, special 75c. Ladaies' Feit House Slipper~s,elastic fronts, special 25c. 60 pair Ladies' 'Genuine Don>gola Kid BUttoned( Boots, coin toe, MeKay sewni soles, Harvey Van Norman make, sizes 2ý to 7, reguflar $1.50, special $1.OO. Men's Waterproof Overshoes,warrn, linedsizes 5 only. special price 90c. Y w Ç rGRANDESI DISP.LAY EVER IN T W - So-do flot forget when you are looking for Chistmas *Qoods, that for the money you wish to invest thee l nothing ni cer or more useful than a nice Chair or Rocker Fancy Table, Writing Desk, or one of the many Novel- tics we have lu the Fumnitume Line in ail the latest Woods, and Finish es ,,Ma hogany, Cherry,(Vemms Martin) Culy or Golden Birch, Oak, (Fomest Green), Walnuit, Antique, also thie Lamgest, -Newest and Chieapest line of Rattant Chairs ever brought te town at Funemal Diector and Furniture Dealer, Bowmanville and Orono. . 1 1 f5 9-1 Li- 1 a 1 a il là " 1 -1A . .1,- +.- -i--- - . e - - -t 1 e; ilig fviugs, etc. You can 't do good cooking unless you get good Groceries.1 We sell good Groceries cheap,,ýun-d we have the best to be had. New goods for C-hristrnas:-Oranges, Lemuns, Figs Dates, Almonds, Filberts, WlaInunts, ass-okgad finest table, Currants, Lernon, Orange and Citron Peel., Extracts, Mixed Candy, Cream Candy, Chocolate Drops, Cupid Whispers, Humùbugs, Conversation Lozengers, ai-i a lot of other choice lines ln fresh Candies. CHINA ÀND CLASSWR. We have an elegant display of Fancy China and Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc., and prices are away down. Fancy Cups and Saucers from 10e up to 50c. Fancy Bread and Butter Plates from $1 to ',1.50 doz. Fancy Porridge Sets and Bowls at 10e and Uip. China Cheese Dishes 90c and 1$1.00. Biscuit Jars, China Candle Sticks, Jardineres, Shav-

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