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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1898, p. 2

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y AnFLight Page, FortyEight CoiumuNewaPaPer, DETRO IT,M ich. W IN DSO R,Ont. la published -ARE- EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, GUARANTEED TO CURE AT TUEE OFICE 26 STATESMAN BLOCK, KIN4G STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY M . A AbEsEditor & Proprietor. Snýseript10n$1.50 par annur, or $1.00 if pald strlcfly lu advanca. ADVERTISING RATES Transient Advertising. Tan Cents par Lina, first insertion; Fiva Cents par Lina each sub- saquent insertion. CONTRACT RATES. TIMES INSERTED. aîza orAnvERTSEIIENT 1 Mili lmtlis 6mtb5 1 r. Oua Colun......$20 01) $40 $60 1004 1w f Colurnu..............)026 40 60 Quarter Column..5:.800) 16 26 40 Xlgti Column..... ...500 10 16 26 Twenty-five LIna ..4 50 9) 12 15 Twanty Lines........ 4 00 6 8 s Fiffean LInes....... 50 5 7 50 12 TenLUnes ..........250 450 6 50 Il Pive Llnas.. ..........i 25 8550 6 10, Trha aboya are contradi rates, aud apply oly te realar busiuessadvertisers. Changes of contraci advartisamant5 nmust be Iadd unefo latar that one o'clock on Saturday -thîs ule wll bce strictly enforcafi. Paragraph advertisement5 among nana items 10e a linaeacàh insertion. Brtbs, 25c; Marriages and Deaths, 5oe. Dlsplayad advertisements are measu red by a cale of éolld noupartil aud so dharged. Orders for dscotinulng advertlsements muai ba la writlng, otherwisa the publisher will nef ba responsîble. No paper wil ha sloppad until ail arrearagas are pald, axcepf aI the option of the publîshar. A post office notice te discontinue la nt sufficient. Doubla regler rates are charged dnrlng M -,April aud May and October, Novamber sril Deember for display adverising not cou- tracled for by the year, Ail kînds of Job Printing dons wlth neatuess and despat ch aud on reasenable ferma. The effice la supplied mîifl a greaf varîety o!f1.h laeta sd mot fashlonable styles of type. Business notices iu local or news tlumns first Ingertion l0 cents parune Noupareil; 5 cents par lina aach subseequeut insertion. Noticesoe!meet- Iga of any kîn d aI wbtch an amsinfai harged or a collection is taken mustbe pald for. Ail cemmunlcations sbeuld ha addressed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmauvill e.Ot' PUBLISHIEU'S NOTICE. TriE STATESMAN la mIailed reguiariy f0 ifs subseribers until a definif e order te discontinue is rcceivcd a'nd al arreara are pali lull. Subsriptien $1,50 per annum. If paid in adv'tnce $1.00 per annum. M ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. JAMES, Issuer of Marriage Liceuses. Residance: Centre Street. A. E. 1'vILAUHLIN, flarristar, Soliiter and Convayancer. Office:- B9akley Block, King Street, Bowmauviile. Mouey te blan at reasouabie rates. 4-lyr, DRZ. J. C. MITCHELL, M EM"ER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHIYSICIANS and SrenOnaio eue'tc, Resideci2e, Eniniakilliu. 74 D. BURKE SIMPSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-sfairs, KingStreet, Bowman ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Eauk. Private monevs loaned at lowest ratas. ROBERT YOUNG, V. 8- 0 FFlCE IN WEST I4UREAM'NEWS Blieck, niera himacîf or is assistant nl befondfroiia.lf.tc9p. mi. Nigt calîs at resideuca, directly opposite Dril Shed. Calta by talgrapitor telephona nlrecaiva prompt at- tenIon. 171 - yr. RPEATE, AILOR Gentlenidn'sOlothea made to Order. DM'ENT'I STRY 0. HARNDIEN,L.D.S. Gral*ate of île Royal C ollage of Dental Su geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Offiée.-Rear of Messrs. Hîggin- -bofliam & Son's Drug Store, (Dcwn stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. ONTARIO BANK continuas te do a Generai Bankirig Enaincss at Bowmanvillla Agency. DEPOSITS reel ved in Seringa Bank Departmeut sud an interest alowced et cornent rates. Notice of wthraa ecessany. Al deposits payabi CXHANGE Bougit sud soid and Drafts issned upon Europe. 1j'iled States sud Canada aiso Gold, Silver aud Unted States Greenucks 'bogit sud sld COLLECTIONS Promply madeataI urreut rares upon ail parts e! Great BrinI, tie Unitedi States sud the Do- minion of Canada, Te legraph Transfers Madea for large or smal sunis on all parts nf Canada. This isspecîally adravtageonsto r sons .ïling lu Maiboba or tic Nortb-West, it ..a he, l funds avaiable t once aI the place of payineflt. 1 For ofler Darticulars cal1 at the batik. A .MCCLELLAN, GRO. MeGILL, Accu tact Manager Tley have sfood'the Test for Years. No. 4.-Sure cure for pimples, black- heads, buis and skin dseases. No. 10-Remedv for men. No. 17-Sure cure for Kidney and Bladder troubles, wetting the bed, etc. ragial Faceache and Toothache. No. 44-Sure cure, for Rheumatîsm, Sciatica and Lumbago. This is the very remedy that will 4effect a positive cure. TRY IT. ;We have remedies for al diseases., FIREE TO ALL. Our Medical Advisory Departmenf, under the personal supervision cf Dr. Louys Marchaux, is free te every sufer- er, costs you nothing but the postage. Write fully just how yen feel. Tell us in your own words. TESTIMONY. I,GEo.W.HILL, cf fhe ity cf Windsor in fthe Ceuuty of Essex do solemnly de- clare thaf I have been troubled with Rheumafism for years and treated by 4 cf fIe leading doctors cf this cify, but received no relief. I.was recemmended bv a friend to try Dr. Marclaux's No.44 and after six weeks' freat ment amn able te beouf again and follow my occupa- tion as contracter and carpenter. Pre- vieus te taking your medicine I was tofaiiy disabled.I have livcd licre for 19 years and my friends are surprised te see me ouf again. Wishing yen success, I remain, yeurs truly, GEO. W. HILL, Declared before me fhis th day cf Nov., 1898, ALEX. BARTLErr, P. M. 1Free te ail fer eue montl, Dr. Mar- dliaux's Medical Book, cail af STOTT & J URY'S,sole Agents forBewmanville. Yen eau get your own paDer free for 1899 by sending us $2 for fwo ncw sub- seribers to THiE STATESMAN. A i&RI TISH SOLDIER, Tells how Milburn's Heart and Norve Plls Conquer Disease. Like the cenquering armnies of Britain, 'whicl are marching ta vîc tory in every quarfer of fhe glpbe, Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are everywliere triumph- ingoversickness, weakness audsufferinig. Mr. David Walsh, of Carleton Place, Ont., a inan who bas served with dis.. inct-on anid credif lu fhe Br'tisl arm,. and la now aenmyployee eftheC. P. Railway, ay5s, "W;ýhîle.iu the army 1 got brokan, wn, and my nervous system was compltely slattered. '" I was much treubled with liver coin- plaint, loss of appelîte, etc. My resf be- camne broken and was disturbed by vivid dreams. This lad bee g-oing oufor 14 years, although I took a great many remedies to escape from tle froubl.es which afficfed me. " However, I get no relief unfil 1 starfed te take Mlbur's Haart and Nerve Pilla, which I used togelier witl Laxa-Liver Pilîs, and now after laviug used a few boxes, 1 arn betterflan I have been for yaars. My nervas are resfered te fu force and vigor, 1 eat and sleep weil, and my entire systam lbas been fened and strengthened." «IMilburn's Hearf and Nerve Pills, 5oc. a box, Or 3 for 07.25, af ail druggisls. "Laxa-Lîver Pis."sasys John Doherty, 35 North Street, St. John, N.B., 11cured me of Constipation and distress alter etlng. 'Ihcîr action la naturel sud effetive.- MON EY TO LQAN' *100,000. A lar-ge -un of money bas beau placed in My bauds by a privaf e person for tnvestmnent, on approved loans on farm sacnnty for a terni of Fil1e or 'len years, at 5 1_2 per cent iriterest wll lie asked payable yaarly, Satisfac tory conditions for Tepaymnt will be arranged D. Fi.SIMPSON, -Solcitor, Bowrnanville. Dated Oct. lst, '94. 4v - fi. NEW TAILOR 5110?- Plie undersigned who bas been carryinig on tbe tailoring business in connection with >aso's Dry Gooda Store for a number of years bas commenced business for himself aI is rooinF King St. nest, wbara hlai prepared to make gants and boys sis lu ail the latesl styles, and at lowest prices. For those who wisb to order suifs, ha wll carry a fulll Une of saxuples iu ail the nawst patterns, Give hlm acal J. T. ALLIN, Fash~ionable Ta 1r BICYCLESSend for BICYCLESPrice List M Munson,47o Yonge St. Toronito. Supplies the best and cheapest coal'ý in the market. Try it. Deliver- ed to ail parts of town. PETER MURDOCH. Agent. 1 Lamnton returncd Dr. Johnsen, Liber- Syby n iltefrfmnl ai, by a majonify cf 969. East North- fewu te infreduce tic Editor teoid nmboriand eleceed Mr. Jobn H. Deug- father Sauta Clans ;lis winfer was A. las, Lîberal, by a majorify of 602, bein&' Niclolla, fhe fanc.y geodsanad foy deal- an icrese o 18. oer D. Wioh er. My, o4h ny! but le lias the lovely an ncraseof 81 verDr.Wilougby fhinga «for Christmas present-flous- since flic lection lu Mardhl ast. netfm.Tewrenyrcap er,eclher, leie lathc mest ebliging The record for the bye-clecfious la re- Iman yen ever met. Have yen ever markble Beide gaiinga sat licdealf at Nîclolîs' ? If nef caîl and get markble.Besdes ainig aseattheacquain ted. Ev cry faf her, mot 1er aud Liberals bave increased fie niajorify au Ichild will wauf somefhiug for a present fie general electien n u very instance. wlien fley sec flic great varicty Nich- West S1ron waa virtually a gain;, Mr. cils las received frorn Sauta Claus for Barber- increased bis majerify lu Halfon;fi osan il tWetDran Mr. Gibsonnl Easf Wellington had a Trios. TeD). rnajorify greater bv 250 flan that 'ob- j Perlapa in no place of business' lu taincd by flic late Mr. Craig; in Lenox j f own l as more expensive1 improvemeufs M~r. Ayleswortl almost doubled lis I beenl made flan lu connectien wif h Mr. î To's bakery and coufectienary es- former rnajorîty, and Mr. Dougiasgreat- I tablishmenf ou tic corner ef King and !y iucieases lis majori'y ilu East North-, Olvision streets. -New brick bake shep, umbrlad.Tic resuifs must îhave oie, bouse, stables and drlviug sheds bnvrygratifyiug-, te Mr. Hardy and hv been built and a very cempiefe ritjýangeoetbuilding-s is fhe reut. A has celic.agues. Tiere can be lt1 rgfr more clcery and attractive denbf thaf these iucrcascd majoriLtes store cannof li encciluaîîy owu than are due the fuler discussion cf public Tlod'a. - Aiways dlean, iicaf,1 eI'derly afaiî-s that these centesta lave led te. a,îd apic and span as a bridai chamnber. -~Christmas celebrafions eau be Thc leader cf fie Goverumeut and the ý nderfnlly enliv cncd by flic many leader of flic Opposition lave appearcd g1odtfhingstf0be bougit at Tod's. on'thc pIaffonms, and tic lectors have ýNEyER AW PREFTTIER FURNîTURE. becu placed lu a position te jndgc be- 'v fweeu fthe fwo, Tic Premier îvas able ad ecarm surreunda nice furuiture n eyer lave we accu nicer chairs, to pressentfthie aims cf bis Geverument stands, writing deska,. side-boards. or te support, aud Mr. Wiifncy lad the diing and bedrocua suites than M. D. epporunuify (cf statin.- what lis program Wl)'lliams & Son have tuis season, and was. Hie was ne longer able te hint at s-eh a varie f et i, tee. Tlcy have dar pif bewen fe Mehganlu- e~ued tic building next door lu darkplos btwee th Mihiga lu-wIicIto store furniture, se crowded bermen and fie Goverumnt. That aie their slow rooma. lu will do yeur ealumny lad been eifectuaily explodcd *eï geod, ladieg, te sec their beauti- fiat~~~~~~~~~ ! i ofdseaepltca el exhibitien cf funifure if s'eu do nef nef bave fthe hardilood f0 empioy if Lý*J Nofhiirg will picase a ioving wife or mother more than a useful piece et again. Affer a fair trial before tfliufrniture. If ven want te make a ver-v eloral jury a trrimpiaut verd ict for accptable present, readler, tisit fhe tic Hardy Governmcnat las becu re., 51 $ûw rooma cf Williams So and yen tunne -Gloe. ii bc deliglted. wif 1 the haudaosc SKINLIK$ý# BABY8 Skia discases tram the zert plmp Ftu, the most obstina. eczema, sait rheum, runnlng moàs- reqs1cly, plesaatly and permanestly cured by Dr. Agnew's Olntment-35;' ýatS. Who doas nef envy a baby ira soff veivcty P ' mon until pasti middie life, aud Dr., skia? _How sany sufer fro-n distresing new's intmeuf las cured speedily aud skiu diseases-Do yen sufer? Have yen manentiy. If is a boon te mothers tcf fer-sait rheum-scald head-ring worm anse if is a linon te liabyland-scald --eczema-ulcers-botchcs on fIe ski- I Iasdis irritations, which are acces-. dhronic erysipelas-liver spots sud what pý n ments fo the tact hing pciod,are quickly not else offIcise distasteful and aggravafiug drivan off and restiessucas passas away- disorders wbich disfigure and sud niiere tort ux reigned wth' discouraga? Dr. 'îAgnew's baby this bals lirought resf Ointmeuf alsays'île dis- sud a dure-if afords lu- tressiug ltchiug, bur- ' staut relief from the ing, stinging sensa- itcking distress.... tiens which are part Do yen suifer froru sud parcai of sudh piles- if ding, llind, troubles, and lu a bleeding on ulcen- thousand cases sted ?-No remedy where infernal treat- las lireught se quick ments have failed te rellef, spared painful Ical aud eradicate srgical operat ions as tîcm t, ihlas wr dDr. Agne-.v's Olimant wenderful and perman- - hsproved itseif an cnt cures-and ne skia dis-- absoluf e cure for piles case, ne matten of hew long inl ali.formis sud at ahi stages- standing, lias bafficd ifs curative qualifies. oee j;p1ication will relie-e flic itching. In cases of dhronic eczcma if lias proved ir-.itaing sensations in an instant-sud its greaf werth, sud casas are ou record long ýtaading cases disappear afi un fron wlere fhIs dread affetion las been tIeflirte o üfis-e nigîts' traatment-the pain sud bitîigîf cf ius patient sud constant coxua soenisquit yen and flicfumions vanishi. A lady living ki a ucrthbam Couty bowu wites tai lTbIaýy cf anotier lady living on Pacîfic Ave, lu fer savensteen yaars sitenas iroublad nit sait riteuns. Tr wO as terribly alicîed with scald itasd aud Site teok doctors' treatments and usad many lotions ecem-st iied washes prescribed by bar piysi- nithout any permanent relief. Reading oftae curas clani, ar9 ecaps advertlsad for sucb puraoses, but the made by Dr. Agnew's Olurmeut, sbe decided te try iseasesaind-Dr. Agnen's O uiment waa lier it. Tite first application aliayad te irritation snd gond fcbd; haif a box cured te baby and cured site coniinuad uslng t-te dis&se rapidly dis- harsaIf;fieeoublesoteples witcitiad beanthe bane appearad sud now for twc yaars tera bas heen ne ai lier Ifaesinwe itaby's binuli. aigu of a raturn of il. DR. AGNEW'S CUR*FlOR THE tIEART-Cures paIal Ition, filutarng, sberness o! brtatb n=d aIl iteart disordrs-relief lu 3o minutes. DR. AGNEW'S CATAR RtAL -POWDER-H4as crces of catarnit cf 50 yearessandlng-relievas colinu teitaad in te minutes. DR. AONliW'S LIVER PILLS -Stop uditedah-, constipaîlo, billousnessansd liver trepliles -plealant 1111e doses-4e in a bo-s= cents;. F'or fale by STOTT & Y, BoýwmatnVH1le and Ptrospetrity &Il along 3usiness Menare prepared for a iof trade. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 21, 1898.1 Mr. L. Burnett, M. P., for South Ont- IndicationS of Ptrog1essa ario, lias gone to Chicago on business. thel The total yield of wheat in Ma-nitoba Tae r npoigadteB this year is 25,313,746 bushels an increase Lme ar Ipovn adth B of 7,057,795 bushels over last year. steady rait The majority in East Pr ince, P. E. I. Our merchants are getting things in was slightly reduced but ti-e Liberal re-adiness for Christmas and, the win- stili holds the seat with a majority of 56. dow displavs are most f empting. A careful perusal of our advertising col - Mr. Leigliton G. McCarthy, Indepeud- umns will prove to the readers that eut, nephew of the late D 'Alton Me- Zhere. is no necessitvfor goiug elsewhere Carthy, was elected in North Si mcoe by to do their shopping when the home a majrity f 120. rmerchiants carry sucli complete sto cks a maorit of 00.and at prices there can be no carping The Liberal majority in Montmagnv, Que., lias, been increased from 242 i n IEAL Brios. 1896 to 500 on Wednesday last. Mr, If does flot always follow that the Martineau is the member-elect. bigs establishments seli the cheap- es or pay better prices for' farm pro- Mr. Marcile was elected in Bag-ot, diice. We have off en remarked how inany farmers deal regularly at Heal Que., by a majority of 64. It is the first Br;os'. Cash Grocery opposite, THE time since Cenfederation that a Liberal STATEsmAN office. They 'certainly do has been elected in1 this constituency. , a good business and their customers, n -_ _ 1 like the cat in the song, usually, corne lion. Clifford Sifton was tendered an back.1> enfhusiastic reception at Brandon.Man, .THE NEW BAKER. last week. The Minister of the Interior Already the new baker wlio succeed- bas no need to doubt the Western Lib- ed Mr. Carke, lias won favor among erals' opinion of him. loyers of good bread : lis long experi- __________ence in caterrng for bread eaters places him f0 advantage and the people soon West Lambton celebrat ed fhe 47th learn where to get a really good article. anniversary of the advent of the late1 Try a loaf of Mr. Lutferell's bread and Hon. Geo. Brown into polifical life lusom e cf bis lovely cakes and you will be that rîdiug in 1857 by rollîug rip a gon od covinced that le is a baker who thor- strong majority for the Liberal (candi - ogl nesanslsbsns date December 14. CAwKER & TAIT. The lde-Dempstr Co ha purhas 1f will do your eyes good to drop info The iderDem sterCo. ias urchs- lua store just 110W to see the lovely art- ed the entire fleet of the Beaver Lino, ides Sauta Claus lias Ieff for holiday and a new twin screw steamer, built on presents. We sfepped into the shop tibe oether evening and really we were the Tyne, lias just been lauucled for ýstoished at the glittering siglif. We the, Eider Dempsfer Co., which, wiil1 cannof eîîumerafe al fhe things, pret- make an important addition to their St. ty, oruamenfal, useful, novel, and very Lawrence-Atlantic fleef. 'cheap withal. You must see fliem. __________This enferprisiug firm is doing a rush- in1g business and, fhe secret is flot far to The resuif s of the six bye-elections oni seek. If you have flot read their adv'f. Weduesday last were quit e satiifactoryý do so at once. f0 the Liberal Goverument. West SA-NTA CLAus AIIPJVED. Experience la cf ne use umicas we bencif by if., We are writiug this for eune express purpose, viz., te luduce cun ensfosers te do thein Christmnas shop- ping early. Yen rernember tIc rush and cruali last year-if wlll lie fhe same again. lun fact wc have arrauged fer even arger things. Why icave hi for fie iastfefw days we bave al cur Xmas geedain. Everythineris ready. If yen wouid be waif cd on comfortally, bave tic firaf choice, nef be lurried and crushcd. Coeeand do yoar bnyiug now. Special pricca alfirougi flic store fros now te Jan. 1sf. Theusands 'of dollars' worfh ef geoda aulfabie fer Xmas prescrIts have arrived. Every Dcpartrncnt las as'sumed a leliday ap- pearance. -Sec advcrfiseseut for par- ficulars. Corne now and do youn Christmas bnying. THE MASON CO. CeUCu, JeuiS'rON & CRYDERMAN. To those who are ieoking areund for Christmas preaenfs-audfiat includes ail ef our readers-we direct specel at- tention to* Messrs. Ceuci, Joluston & Cryderman's big new adverfiscment ou fIe firat page ef thîs paper. If is pnefty wcll knewn that2flua flrm are fthe big- geaf importers and fie meat extensive dealers in dry geoda lu West Durhamn. Indeed, tîcir stock cf dresa geeds,iadies ceafs and carpets wouid do credifte any drv gooda lieuse, whiie ftle quality and superior make up cf thein ordcrcd clething la kuewu far and widc. We uudcrstaud f lat withiu fie past few weeks they have sent several suifs te sorne cf fleir eid customers in flic North West. They are new showing a grand collection cf new gooda particu- iary suifable for Christ mas preseufs. If effen happeus thaf sorne useful gif t afftia seasen la juat as rnucl appreciat- cd as eue wiich is ornamentai mierely. aud wc comrnd our readers who are looking for geeda cf fiat nature te cail at Messrs. Coudh, Jolusten & Cryden- man's, feeling confident fIat they willl nof ouiy le able te procure wlat, they wanf but fhey will gef fie beat and moat reliable gooda at meat reasenable price. PHiOTOS FOR CIIRISTMA S. Wliat la nicer or more aceepto'bic te a frieîîd flan a finseiy exccufcd photo cf yeurself ? Tait & Ce., Bowmartvilie, tur eut sudh and tliey wouid adviae cvcry eue couternpiafiug giviug flicir photea for Xmas preseufs, te, call early and tliey will then bave a chance te ge t yaur work ouf lu goodftime. T-Y have serne preffy frame neveities fiat they can recemmend at 95e eacî. Caîl and sec tlcm. 4T tf. A CARID, We,tle Lndersigned,do hercby agree te refund tic soney on a fwenty-flvc cent bof fleet Dr. Wills' Eniflisi Pills, If affer uaing tirce-feurtîs of contenta of bottie, tiey do net relieve constipa- tion and leadacle. We aise guanan tee fiat four boffies will peniuancntiy cure tIc moat obtinate case et consti- pation. Satisfaction er ne pay wlen M lus' Pilus arce iacd. 510f t & Jury, chemiat, Bewmauviuie. J. Hlgginbetham & Soîî, ciemiat, Bow- ville, BLACKSTO'CK. Annivensary efthfe Meflodiat churci, Blackstock, wiii lie leld as foibowa: Ou Sabbat 1, Dec. 25fh ai 10.30 a. m. audý 6.8 D.t r m.. lin, A. T. Adamrn. Jannfll wýill ',ec.Special collections in aid of thc Trust Fuud at cacl service. On Meuday 26t1 the ladies cf fhe cougrega- flou wiil serve fea in the basement of fhe churdli frorn 5 o'clock. Addrcsses wiil bc dclivered affer tea by Rcvs. A. L. Adam, R. M. Pialcu, B. A., J. S. Ferguson, B. A., and F. H. IHoward. Special mnusic by tle choir on Suuday and Meuday. Tickets 25c, childrcn 15c., Evcr.yonc cordialli l-ited. E. E. HOWvARD, Pastor. Itegniar Action o! the bowals is ne- eassary tolbealth. LAXA-LIVER PILLS are the best oceastonal cathartie for famlly or general U-8e, Prîce 250. Any druggist. Hagyard's Yellow 011 curas ail pain in, man or beat;, for apraino, enta, bruIses, cailous lunepa, sweillings, itia.- Mation, rhcumation and Deu.ralgia it. l.a 4b speelfte. A ST rHA Aa HLs Blrthright - But Cure4 by Clarke'a zKola CmoadDv<» Into a Hear.ty, Lusty Boy, If the hardsbips and sacrifices of life la exploration of the Darli Continent had but discovered te bumanlty the Kola plant, thle proven apeelfic for Asthma. It weuld be worth ail that It bas cost. Rlght ln the heart of the African jungles such noted explorers as Livingstone aud Stanley moue mony discoveries of medicinal plants, but up to date this one overtops them ail as bealer to ibis heretofore Incurable disease. Contracted dîsease is bad enough to battie with,but the bereditary forma always prove most stubborn ln resisting a cure. Mr. Jas. Klrkland, 52 Princess avenue, Victoria, B.C., wrltes:--"Our boy. nine years old, bas been troubled -wth Astbma since bis birtb. In spîte of medical aid it grew worse and worse. Neither myseif nor my wlfe bad a nlgbt's rest for a year-had toelie continu- ally poultlng and feeding hlm medicine te keep * hlm from cbokiiig. A nelghbor had been cured by Clarkels Kola Compound and we resolved to try Il ourselves, with the resuit that to-day our cblld lo completely cured. We used about two boffles, and It la now over a year slace nny symptom of the trouble bas appeared. Ile is healthy and strong. 'We give the credit to this wonder- fui remedy.',' Sold by ail drugglsts. Pries two dollars; ,three botîles with cure gual!- aateed, five dollars. The GýrifL'tha & Maew pharson Co., sole Canadlau Importera, =t Church St., Toronto-, or VaucouVer, B.C. 9. Miss MARTIN's DOLLS. i Ail fhe chiîdren admire those prefty drcssed dolis lu Miss Martiu's show wiudow, fwo deors eaf of STATESMAN office. They arc real lit tic darlinga. Yen slenld sec them. TUEF GRAND CENTRAL. Of course yen will wanf ft0 maIe thc children happy at Christmas. Yen will be snrprised at low little if will ceat yon te do it aftich GRAND CENTRAL. We lave juaf opeucçl up an immernnse hune ef childreu's holiday goods, ceusist- ing cf toys, pleture books, delis, efc., fiat la bard f0 beat. Tosscf ail kinds, no end to flcrn, and as for dolla wel if we can'f suit yeunuobody eau. If Von have net time te dreas thc doîl yonrself, coee ere and get one already drcssed - Wc have seine landsome eues. Coe and lok areund, anyway. GRAND CENTRAL. 49.3w MILLINERY VERY CEE AP. Thc secret of ruuniug a business suc- ccssfully dependa largeiy on f wo fhinga -buying rigîf and seiling al you buy. This is fie case wif h Mrs. Dingmnan, tic fashionable mîlliner, Bowrnanville. Tic biggeaf milliuery frade ever donc ny lier was doue this year. Sic keepa tic beat trimmrsrand ifs nice frirnming fiat pleasea. Several Young ladiest from Ontario Ladies' Coliege came te Mrs. Uingman for their haf s in prefer- ouce te TÏoronto stores. Miss Ding- man is a mosf carefiîl buyer and flic lelpa flic sclling. Al la isexplains wly flic frade lias iucreased so much. A g;rand clearing sale is now lu pro- geaand ladies can gef anything iu sokvcry cleap. Sec 1cr ucw adver- tisement. HINT TO ThE PUBLIC. We tarantee that them Piasters will relleve ,pain quicker than any other. 'Put up .mly la ~~ 25c. tin boxes and f1,00 OLyard relis. lli latter ~ DICLEvery fainly ~~ should baveo one ready for in enii- gelIcy. DAVIS & LAWRENCECO., UMITED, EONTRUL B&Ware of lmlt*iant A vary carefn lv priuted proof on le avy coated paper o! hhroe ,naguficent war illus- tration hv h ,tv (F '-dyto frame), will - be sent te yen witb -ut charge ou se- - caipt of a remit. ýaDcs of $1 25 f rom FIou for pouir uba- --riptik)nite tb BS A- ,iSMA-N and Laslie's 1 1nstratei W"akly q ý>u- lres months. ou will find dur- , tbf, ne;rt few - - monthe thatt lesies ~rticles and illustra ioua enUjncle Sam% !ew colonies, Cuba, Porto ico ini the. à '~~i[iipffines wi1b.e f the gresteat Val- ne and intarest. Ni) other publicaý,îûn bras made as extensive preparatin9aa blas Lesalie'd for eupplying its readiers witb the lateiit and m 'srt reliable iii. formation fromn these important pointe cof iiitary and commercial operations. T> 'ipe hand-proofs of Cbristy's original drawxnge make beautiful (mrnaents for either parles' or library. -Rach picture la 14x22 luches in size. Remit $1,25 to flis office and yon, will receive both papers for tIree mentis and the, picture- as a premiam M A.JAmEs, Pub, ':'HE STATESMAN, flowmanVlla, Ont.- Ec1ootio Magazin.e and ,X onth1y Ed±tion of Livig ego. TiEE JITiRATURE Or TEE WORin. 1899. FIFTY-FIFTH YEA1I. The pub1ib.her of The Eeleclie Magazine begs te aun ,noceu l lite XMagszine bas been, cou@olida-,ed with 1lie L1VING- AGE, and, betinuing wihh the nuluber for January, 1899, vvilihae s-ned under the tilaof "The jlctectic Magazupe, and Monthy Edition of the Living \ge2" ! ha ne w i'se eonitie Ecliecîic Magez7ua nul ha increaseld lun4,1-, luo 160 pages mouîh- [Y, a cLaiie which wili give to fie aniscri- bers 192 me-ce pages of reading matter an. nunli tiean ho hFrlo WhjieIhe Magazirne ,nsteriai aq furu-rly. anme changes sud ad- ditions wil l e made, wlich it ia leliaved null largely enhance the value o!fie publi- cation., Tu tie sel-'ction froni British peni- odicalm nill ba added originel translations of soea of Ilie moat uote-northr articles in French, Germa,,, Spantali sud Italian ne- viens. A moutly supplantant wilI -ive Pleadings froni New Bookte,su aned da deparîment nofIBooksanad Alliions niI4,ive tie latesafnana in the lierary world. Tha magazine nl bear île-imaprîni of the L'in-g Ague Cmpany, Rostoln. snd E. R. Peitou, Nenyork. sud subacnibars i wy le seud toe culer addems, Articles freni fie Ableat Witers in Wonld wihl be fmnd in ifs pages. TERMS : Sîgle opis,'5c; Oeuecpy ouapea ~fO.Trial sbcition for tires mets $1. l'leiectcand ary 5$4 Mag. assue to eue addreFss $8.00 E. R. PELTON, LlIiING AGE 0e.o 19 Eat I6t1 litreet, 13ý Brumfieid Mtraetý. zîov YOmk. B". 1; el" . 1 ý 1 >7 i . 1 AD SOOTHES

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