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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1898, p. 4

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-a~) We thank our Customers for EF the liberal patronage extended us during this year and wish - pone and al A-A ?ý l 0 l-. Rd -rh aI- Poe6,B w .ý iiiz e a (Ï' %* IDti a seità nG-s yvrit st) rae n va-u h eýytOfrd Do' latbtaog h al - otl oktruh n ma-ey seletos Cinas nget rfs..n u,ýtt ulnea Beatiull Bun Git oos 2cothrsat4.0, io qutes au A ]?eni hot oWANVl,5cL ad7c Pce.ibe r 25- Ithe ae hris,gat. HLday dis my aiey s f 5.the ge aesan Beauti1. ll Bouan ft ok 2 e oes a flo t q0c. iTe sao ic b Dery muh arger at25an d 35tice.s, erattrac tve, e adinau ts,e Wor and53. oet Basleater bond, 75uptoand SO Toy Boses aperChiand ASpn did hot oteAlbum, 50e, a 75e Pon eet B ib e s p 25e attento vale heecigroftLaies' Cotm aninsfrom 25e. Tie ae Be WMAN VILLE. P. TREBIL~eeK. SIs practically and toogl Etaught by expert teachcrs at ~ the BRITISH AMERICAN SBUSINESS COLLEGE Y....Building, Torento. - m- - l- us. a-DAVID HOSKINS, - F ederated Bulsinecss Colleges. 1-IAMILTON Business College, YL Mr' A Rirto.HamiltonOnt. C. R. McCu 1lough, Principal. GALT Business College, Gait, Ont., W. Brooks, Principal. IntreolegateBusiness Prartice between the sýtridents of these two Representative Business 1Sohools. Enter elther and enjoythe best in busiess and shorthand instruction. Titisi s au e;c(7,jQut timeto0begin. Clrcular5 free, .A.ddress, C.R.McCuÙllough, Principal. Hamilton. TjiE STATPqXAN. invites ail itS read- erýs to Qontrkbuîte to tMR COlUMU ýellf item71s of , pe"rnal na-tuire, sueh as thei arrivai &Ind departure Of guOgts the jkovements of well known people, <ksi-" Less Mien, etc. AUl that is, ireqWied is' to send a post card or drop a slip into 1 TBB SÂTTMAN letter box., lundreds 0fPol Wanted.o T. N. RICKARD, Bowmanville, has the finest and well bought stock of Watches in this fuir land of ours waiting for you. Ail he asks in return for eue is a surprisiîîgly smfail amount of your mouey. AU his Watches are guar - anteed. No whcre iu Canada ean yen do better-prove it for yourseif. Same time when lu, look about fer Presents. There are hore as mauy petty things as in a city store, ail yours for atruffe. iNowilur it.you'"-'- rcel veV better attention, nor less be taken f rom your poeket. for spectacles, and the Rings, well you will need Wo see them, words cannot couvey to you their beauty. Cali and sce thein. Grocers due b ills taken as cash. T. N. RIO 'RARD, Jeweller and Optician, Bowmanville. In these days of sham and misrepre- sentation take tue to thinik bef are buy lu g a watch. Go Wo Rickard's; he wll tell you wbat wllIsuit you, as wehll as ,whitvo. ae uvn-Heb' .h theretore is'Ini a osition to e ih Be wîse for your good and see him be- fore you purchase. 13OWMANVILLE. DEC. 28, 1898. M-UUMCIPÂIL NOMINATLOIS. Not in twenty years in this town do we remember a municipal nomination whe n so much indifference was appar- ent as this year. ConsideraAe dificulty was experienccd by a number of can- didates in securing a mover andIsecond er. This extremnity oin the partof some prominent councillors was paiiilully apparant. So desperate Was the situa- tion that in one or two instances nms were actually forgcd to compete fthe nomi nation papers, and but lr ithe "o0ld timers" Who diing- to the " honors7 with 'a tenacitv worthy of any good cause, t he offices would appear f.o hIave gone a..begging. Look at the rmajority of the movers and secondlers.! Yès, scan them loscly.llow many outside of candidates? Where wereý the other prominent business men, the hcavier tax paying citizens, mnen promniùent in the churches, iu-society, in the ianu- facturing industries of the town, lunthe financial institutions, the capita1li1ssthe brainy men, the members of the Board of Trade. the retired gentlemren. the- snccessful business mien ? EYý1îýptJ1ng four or five gentlemen, whlo ierecspccial- ly solicitcd "on the spot"to sigi nominma- tion papers, the movers and second ers are old councillors or candidates. Brer. Gale who gets a monopoly of thnepriut-. ing patronage, for his slavish fidelity was excecdiugly lblpful to bis befeac- tOrs. What would tbiey havýe donc' wizhout his assistance? What ahumiliating- spectacle! Tlu- miliating alike to the towni and to the candidates. Talkabu offices seeking, the men!l Why,tie seeing offies werc not in it with the office seekýers. The men were crazy for the offices. Met aphorically, fhey tumblecd over eachl other to secure them. Loving-ly. they embraced ecd other to become nomyin- ated. "You nominate me and l'Ilget ,you nominated or doit." Poliiiall- why look down over the list; the Con- servatives nImoved" or "scýcosided" 18, times to Liberals l.10. ow nian~y Con servatives nominated Liberals? Why, look to sec. How many Libeerals nom- iuated Conservatives? Look. again.1 Look critically and then say if th1ere wcre no0 politics in evidenice. W, v politics was the ruling,, principle-af ter personal ambition was gratifled. Don't you think so, reader? Talk1 about elhim- inating jaty politics from mnunicipal affairs. As wcll italk of bidn rolly hune tothe moon. it soaks truhand ,througb the municiïpal fab5îic. I~ h 7first even Ilui îpesn1 aity ts poiisday iud Iliglt, plusfor ever with somre Ilicu. But enougbi of tisp moralizing, ritic. ising an~d pbilosophiising, for this Meeký. Here are the nomînaiitiouis-stucd.vthera well:- FOR MAYORP,. CANDIDATEM. MOVER. 5ECONDEU, R. R. Loseombe, P. Trebilcock, R. WV. Scolbei. DECLINED. D. B. Simpson, R. D;. Davidso., , Lc vi To1e, S. C. Hillier, R. Worth, J. Pattineson. FOR COUNCITLLORS. J. Perey, Dr. Riler, E.,.ional T. H, Spry, Dr. Hillier, J. Ký. Galbraithi. J B. Mtohel, Cjapt. Ki~ng, Jas. Gal!e. M.C. Gaîbraiht, L. Coriufsh, IP. Tefc, J.ciurtry. J. PereuY, RP . Da]videocil L. Corni eh, R,. D. Daide(ont, J. Peroy. A. Tait, P. Troecol, S. S. Edesail. J. Jeffery, Rd.,Worth, Jas Gal1e. W. C. King, A. Mitchel, W. R. Soel John Osborne, E. Beliman, R. Sinclair. DEcLINFEDý. S. C. Hiler, Capt. King, Ja(s.Gae R. Worth, J. .]effery, S. S. Edsall. Mr. Simpson and Dr. Hflier having declîned the nomination for mlayor, Mr. Loscombe is elected for 1899 by acclamna- Mr. R Worthi and Dr. Hlillier hv decliucd the nomination as councillo,, the first ten candidates -will go to thco polis.1 The elections wîhl be held next M1on day wbcn there will be polling lu iiithe three wards This year evryqaliflcd clector may vote for eue Iman for 9iav-or1 and six men fer councillors. Pick fromil the above lis'. six of the leverest mnen and mark your ballot for every ýone Don't spoil your ballot by "imig for veur political frieud. Exercise youir1 full tranchis 3 by mkn ix (crosses after the six men of your choice on menit alene, and in as mny wamds as yen can vote. PRESENTATION TO MR. DICKSONX.1 We have had considierable business the past year w9vith the genitleman nef er red te in the following paragraph, and îuus.u pîati PUau it-trazter ot ast our transactions wi1th tais genial and eflici- eut oflicial for somne -ycars we are not ,surprised at what bis office staff have donc. The Globe says: On Saturday the staff lu the office of Mm. M. C. Dickson, District Fassepiger Agent of the Grand Trunk, (Toronto), pnescnted bim witb a handsome silk umbrella. Mr. Dicksen was aise hand- cd a purse wbicb he was requested te hand Mrs. Dickson as a Christmas tok- en from the staff. The recipient smaue a suitable reply ln acknowledging ' the Mr, Johin Laughnrin, Liberal, was elected Tnesday lu Nipissing by 1600, maJority over Mrm. Lamanchie, CoÈser~ vative, after a vemy keen contest. 'Mr. W. J. Allen, Conservative, was again~ electedlunIN orth fHastings, majorint~ known, but large.. TOWN ELECTION., LA1)nES ANIiGENTLEmENý.-Having been nomiinated as a candidate for the Town Council for 1899, I ber(ebv solicît vour vote and, influence lu my 'favor. Durinig the past two vears I have en- decavored to serve your'interests to the best of my ability and if elected agalu as yeour representatîve 1 s hall do my best te look, after auy business that may be ëntrustedtoe . Wishing yen al the compliments of the season, I remain, Yours respectfnlly, ARCHIE TAIT. Bowmanville, Decý 28, 1898. THE TOWNI' FINANCES. The chairman of the Finance Com- mittec says the statements of asscts and liabilities submittcd by hlm te the Con- cil and publishced on an inside page should Bot be taken as an audit but only as anapproimatecf th inebess then known te the cemmittee, who wcrc well aware that by Dec. 3Ist, there could net be $519 ou hand; as the esti mates for 1898 did net eall for as large a surplus. Rowcver, he believes there will be a small surplus wben all the business of 1898 is wound nip. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. DARLING'CTON. Counceil elected by accîmation; Reeve-Lawrence M. Courtice, Court- tce; Councllors- A. E. Clemens. Ty- roue, Rich. Foster,Bowma'nville; Irwin 1,. Brown, Hampton. Richard Pascoe, Enfleld. We congratulate the electors on elccting such an excîleut counicil again, and the members of council on the confidence expressed by the electo rs in electing thema by acclamation. Wc doubt if any municipal council lu Can- ada bas oeîven better satisfaction than Darlington Councîl bas lu 1898. Nominations for Reeve-F. B. Love- kin. John Carvetb, Geo. W. Joncs and Archie Staîker.* For Counil-Jas. Br.own, Jno. G. Hloney, Hiram Mihison, Pbilip Bigelow, M. T1. Holman,. Wm. Tbompson, J. F MeMillan, Geo. H. Luxton, John Davy, Large, crowd, -reat interest. Principal issue the new Ïown Hall. NEwcAsri. For Reeve- William Grose, James Parker. For Councllors-Jobu Douglas R'obert Bartlett. Stephen Jose, Robert Barrie, James Lycett. Samuel Moore and R1ichard Warren. MILLBROOK. For Reeve-R W. Clark. I. Richard- so. *'r~ilors-J' A. Vance, J. E. Necýdham, W. S.Gveus William Lang, W. Ar.che, W.Thexten, A. Ferguson, R. Ruddy, S. Batesman, W. W. Gileot, J. D. Fair. Scb'ool Trustees-A. A. Smith, T. B. CQlhinq, A. Ferguqon, J. E. Nceedham and John C. Kelîs. WmIrny. Muo-.Howard Aunes and Jas. Rutlcdgee. Coqunillors-W. B. Priugle, T'hos. Deverell, sen., R. L. -Huggard, Wm. Brus.T. G. Jackýson, J. S)cott, T. A. McGillix'ray. W. Adlams. W. J. 'Izo 0 l(". 0 os, J'. yMtchell, J.mih F' . H.Aunes, M- Gnld. W. J. Lutke, W. I. CobE. R,. B>](w 11ndlWm. Robon.SbolTuts(acatin -John Ferguson, Fred Hlatch andJ.J. Reeve-R. R. Mowbrav, Sylv1%es'ter Maickey. For Counillors-"Charles-Bar- t1ay, J emes Underbili, T homas Poucher, J. N. Hortop. James Richards, W. B. Ragerman, E Wilson, A. Boyer, W. Cowan. W. G. Barues, Thomas Beare, W. J. 'Dale. OSHAWA. For Mavor-F1. L. Fowke, W. F. Cowan,1 R . Mchaughlin, W. J. Hare, J.- W.-rvn Johin G oufld. Council- lors-E. S. Edmeuson, C. Frenchl,G.W. Mehughin.Johin J. Tamblyn, Josepi Hodn .F. GiroP. H. Punlshon, JamnesRoss, A. R. %clean, C. W. Scott, J. W. Provan, PRobert Dillon, Robert McCaw., F. 1. Fowkc, E. 1. Rowse,Chre Robson, John flailes, (). Hlezzlcwood, W. Hainan, F. W. Cowan, A. Farcwcll, Williami Glenny. Seýhool Trustees, Southwesý,t Ward-W. J. Burns, 0. ilezzlcwood, B. J. Rogers, S. E. Ward, C. W. Scott, J. O. Guy, T . H. Carswvell. N. F. Ward. H. B. Same-lis, S Tl. Grierson, T. H. Eycrson, N.' E. ard,. W. S. Bowdcn, G. Me- LuhnF. L.. Henry, S. B, Keddie. COUNTY CQUNCIL ELE&ÇTIONS. î)A~LIGTO P.Trebilcock, Thos. Smale.1 NORTH IDÂriINGTON ANDI CARTWn~IGIIT --Thos. Baker, J. H. Devitt. EAsT WHiTBY-Messrs. Grierson and Conîthard, WESýT WHITBv-Messrs. J. H. Long and C. W. Smith. CLAUKE--Wm. Riekard and Robt. Cowau., Wlornen 's Worst Ene.my Some hositate before giving an answer, but wiII immediatoly say HEADACHE.1 Thousands of womeýn live n nsisery day after day, and week afier week, suffering untold agony from ihese drcadful headachecs. Hushanda are disbeartened, eidren neglected, anel happy homes ruind. Most wornien strive tb hear in patience thesuffering which they consider part of lite withouf looldng into the cause or searching for relief. Food- cannot digest without the bile1 whlch the liver supplies and hehce the necessity of kzeeping the liver in good workmng order. To cure thie beadarhes you must cure the iver and thus rernove tlhe cause of disease. Dr. Chase f&pPnt years of bis life in perféct- ing a medicine which acta directly on ibelkidocys and liver. Thousands of graieful women have testsfled dming the puait ten yeaxs tO the effective- ness of Ibis remedy for sick headaches Many a home bas been restored to happiness as a resuit. Dr. Chase's Kiduey-Livcr PlUs, ihe greatest disco% cry of ibis great scienisi, are put Up f0 sei WEST a END * HOUSE, BOWMOANVI LLE. We wish our friends and 'patrons a bright, joyous and prosperous New Year. John McMurtry. Christmas -Visiters. iMiss Edna Muir, Toxonto, at home. Mise Rose White, Toronto, at home. Mr. W H. Hcllyar, Cobourg, at home. Miss May Sparling, Fontypool, at home. Miss Zella Brimacombe, Toronto, at home. Mise Violette Osborne, Toronto, at home. 1 Miss Lily Butt, Tomante, at Mms. J. P. Rice 's. Mr. M. Lockbart, jr., Toronto, at his father's. Mm. H. S. Joncs, Gardensville, N. Y., ut home. Mr. W. Spencer, Tononto, at Mr. J. McKaY's. Miss Clara Pelard, Orono, at Mrs. A. Colville'e. Y, ne. Brake, Toronto, at hem fatber's, Mn. R. Darcb. Mise R. Maynamd, Toronto, ut Mn. G. E. Maynard's. Mn. and Mme. Harry Joncs, Toronto, ut hie lathem's. Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Highland Creelz, at home. -Miss ý3mall, Port Hope, with hem aunt Mrs. J . C. Weeks. Misses Barbara and Eliza Yellowlees, Toronto, ut home. W. J.- lodg-,h am's. - Mr. Clarký Morrison, Palme(rston?, at Mr. Wv. Morr-ison 's. Miss McDiarmid, Whitby, guesi of Miss; Ethel Y.ý King. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osbonne, Audley, at Mr. W. Colwill's. Mrs. C. W. Hoskin, Toronto, at bier father's Mn. E. Caun. Mr. and Mrs. T. ýJ. Sheridan, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Trenouth's. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis. Toronto, at Mr. John Fleming's. Mr and Mrs. W. Dickinson, Oshawa, at Mme. W. Dickinson's. Messrs. Robert, Will.,and Geo. Free land, Toronto, at hoýme, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Saunders, Toron- to., at Mr. Jas. Saunders'. Mr. and Miss Mounce, Guelph, at Mr. Jas. Kuight's, Lake Shore. Dr. M. J. A. James. Philadeiphia, Fa., àt home, Lorne Villa. Messrs. Fred. and Guy Fethick, Tor- ente, at Mr. W. E. Petbick's. Mr. and Mrs. W. N . Tilley and fam- ily, Toronto, at Mr . C. Youug's. Capt. A. W. Crawford, wife and son, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Crawford's., Mr.Stephen Edger,Marshalltown,Ia., irenewing old acquaintances bere. Mr. and Mrs., David Keith and Miss Belle Smith, Oshawa, at Mrs. Furze's. Mrs. J W. 1-amilton,Millbrook,spcnt Xmas at hier fatber's, Mr. Rd, Osborne, .Mr. Fred. Grant and Miss Mabel HamblY, Toronto, at Mr. R. Hambiy's. Miss Martin bas a lot of pretty dressed dolis and other fancy articles suitable for girls' preseuts at hier rancy good store, Bowmanville. Cali and sec tbem. Messrs. Neil McDonald Hamilton, and Donald McDonald, 'Audley, at home. Mrs. Geo. Fogg and two danghters, Chicago, Eli., visiting bier' mother Mrs. Moyse. Mr. W. L. Allen,, Feterboro, and Mr. Gco B. Bal, Toronto, at Mr. W. F. Allen's Messrs. Geo. McClllan, Forest, und Jack McClejlan, Gaît, ai Mr. John Mc- Clellan's, Mr. and Mrs. F. Rossrtter, Miss Little, Mm. J. and Miss King, Toronto, with friends here. Mr. T. Frank Wright, British Ameni- can Business College, Toronto, ut Mm. MV. At, uatLUS. Mr. and Mrs. David Galbraith and the Misses Galbraith, Whitby, at Mrs. D. Galbraith's. Mr. and Mme. D. MePherson anld daughters, Mînnie and Ruth, Toronto, at Mr. J. N. Lawrie's. Mr'. and Mrs. L. N. Vanstone,' Mrs. Mason and Mm. Herbert Tillcy, Toron- te, at Dr. W. E. Tilley's. Mrs. Richard Bignaîl, Mn. Mark Bignal Miss Florence Noble, Kinsale, at Mr. Thos. F. Goard'e. At Rickamd's, there are presents for ail, young and oId, rich and paon. New geede arrive eve1y day by mail, freigbt and express.'_'Nowhiere canyon buy more with youm money than here and that le what yen waut these timies. A dollar spent at Rickamd's -wlhl reake a number of people, rememiber you for Mr. and Mrs. Ù'. A. Phjilp a-nd daugh- ter Mary E. and sou Camieronj, cf Col- borne at Mr. C. L. MuLnson's. Miss Lillian MeLean, Potvpool, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cole alnd faily, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas McLcani's. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Patterson, Sorel, Que., and Mr, T. MI. Fibar Cal- garyv,, N.WV.T., at Mr. J. B. Fairbairn's. Miss MN E. Hlighct, M. A., Ph. D,, State Normal ShoPuhepiN Y., guest of Mis hu;e, Brimaci(omibe. Miss MabelNohot, ratrd Messrs. Norwanri FrnkinNoth cote, Toronto, at Ms.A. orhoe. Messrs. John Hern, A. ',. Coueh, A. McDougall. Blake Mcurry obt. Tod, and Garuet Trcwin, Toronto, at their homes here., Give vour Parents a pair of uic@ modemn Èpectacles for N'Ya.Rick- ard's is the place te buy them . No sbop worn.goeds advcrtised as selling below cost, fout ncw geods of the very best quality, fer a very small amonut of moniey. Mm. and Mrs. W. L. Law and familv, Solina, Mr. and Mrs B. F. Law ami family, Cole-man, Mr. E. G. Law and two eblîdren,' Don, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. White and cbild, Newtonbrook, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Michiel and famnily, Osh - awa, Mrs. M. A. Coleman, town. Mr. and Mrs, O. R. Hall and two bilîdren. Hampton. at Mr. W. Law's, Libesîv St. Coucb, Jýohnston &Crydermasi are still sbowiug a big assortnment of Lad- ies' stYlish and perfccî-fittiug (Coats, lboth Geyman and Canadian. No lady which isý the finecs-t collection eft Ncw Coats su thiese counties. IWEK 0W F PRAYER. The follewing is the programme of the Week o!f rayer Services, for the 4first weekin Ja1îeuary, 1899. There will be ne servi'e on Monday evening, Jan. 2nd, as that day wil be observed as a a public hoidaCy. Tuesday, Jan. 3rd.,, Congmegatioteal church, Itev. Wm. Jolliffe te preside, Rev. J. J. Rae te give the address. tSubject-"Confession and Tbanksgiv- îng."I Wednesday, Jan. 4ith., Disc~its chumçh, Rev. E.O-. Irwîiu te pesdee : J. H Tumubuli, M. ýA., to give the ad- drese. Subjet-' Eduicational and Social Work."I Thumsday, Jan. 5th., MeNithodbist cburch, Rev. J. J. Rae te preside. An- nual Bible Society Meeting, address by Officers cf Local Branch and' Rev. Wm, Jolliffe. Collectiou iin aid of tbleSociety Friday, Jan. 6th,, Freshyterian churcb, Rev. J. H. TIurnbn-,ll, M. A., te preside, Rev. E. O. Irwin te give the addness. Subject-"The Chuirch."l The services will open at 7:45 ecd evesing., The choir of, the cburch in wichtb service is, beld wilcondue(t the inging eacb evening-. A cordial invitation is extendcd te) the public in ( attend and te participate su these ser- ALEx. LtJTTITELL is new preparcd to supply the citîzens of- Bowmanville. with bread and cakes, fmesh every day. Vcry complete stock of cenfectionamy, fruits, etc. Wcdding Cakes made te order. Alex.,Luttreli, Clarkc's Old Stand, Bowmaanville. THE A-w A-« %>.i ILL.D invariably goes tg the one with the liest brijin -one who bas education-special tr-aiiiiig, Why not qualîfy for the best places going. You)t have the chance. The TORONTO opens, the door to, suecess for many young imesi and women eaeh year. It off crssplendid equtli- ment, thorongh work, a strong staff anid goud resuits. Yeu can enter any time., Write for prospectus. W. Il. SIMAW, Prinvipa]. Yonge & errard Sts., Toronto. HUOUSE TO RN .-htdesifrable flipgin?5othaff, Centre st. 8 rooms- halls,, etc., bard and soft waer s a dü'with fruit. Tfoll ate sS«ion. Ap PLy H.I'PRNl, 1iiit EVER IN TOWN- So dlo net 'forget licWhenyou are' looking for Eoia Goods, that for the money yen wish te invest there is siothing nicer or more useful than a niee Chair or Riocker Fancy Table, Writing Dcsk, or eue of the mùauy Novel- tics wehave in the Furuiture Line in ail the iatcst *Woods aud iFinishes,Mahogany, Cherry,( Vernis Martin) Curly or Golden Bircli, Oa k, (Forest Green), Walnut, Antique, aise the Largest, Newdst and Cheapest hune of Rýattan har ever brought te, towu at Levi Morrsn Funerai Director and Furniture Dealer. Bowmanville and Orono. 9 1 - --- Il 1- er p 1 -i ý-r ui il 1- 1- yAn L- Ne where wili voiir t-,vé-.ýg 1 fe.-S HIR ;ýF 1 those Who içnow Dest 1 M- A 1 IFIâ à m &3,7 1 RIM& ý:' lu -1 .:- m ýl, ri -L -r 1 -1 ý-t 1

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