DR. MARGIIAUX' REMEDIES ~ ~disturbances wili be prevalent in the U IHE'CO M. ~~ ~Western States, and the divorce mills Wwihtcai the attention o i TnnSTTESANismaiedreglaly DETROIT,Mich, W 1N DSO R,O0nt. OW NVLEJN.4 89 wili be grinding full measure. An un- STATESMAN correspondents to a few to its subscribers until a definite orderAE quiet feeling wiil be apparent among points: to discontinue is receoived and ail Th~e first case of diphtberia this year raiiwayv and post-office employes, and ,1 . News of the nature of advertise- arrears are paid in full. Subscription GUARANTEED TO CURE has been reported from East'Toronto. brandof th e pulaiserie.Thitrtaymopaidfo anwoide secndertsabe0%ri ___________tertainments, lectures, etc:, must be 350per annum. .If paid in advance Te ae____heTsor_______ f h uli evce h itriypadfran ehldtesndrlal ?1.00 per annum, hyhv to h efrer. David Smith's steam yacht Venetta, and amusment worid wiil benefit. An for pavment-loc per line. accident to a public building wiii occur, .Copaitissmeiesmdet .LLJAMES, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. heads, bouls and skin diseases. bridge's Bay. Mr rniigLoi notnt o t oiesm ailsi ewrigfTh'senthol ii letge uiclyte the Residence: Centre street. No. i0-Ilemedv for men, Cnint ofa es hl tesatn eto h rulgvs relif lke mathe -1. 1 incin atiad Philadelphia,and cni-nwwieohr get frequent atn cto n ie ce iemge A.E eAUHINo. 17-Sure cure for Kidney and In self Cuit ure for December, Prof, tien. We hope our correspendents wil effects a speedo y cure and prevents serious A.E- .UGLN gratiens wili be frequent in the localities net ailow ayprea nmste lunguccomplicatiOnis whilh resit froni rrstrSlîitran Cnvyncr.Ofie:.Bladder troubles, wetting the bed, etc. Goidwin Smith, writes of the exeerienca neglectd cough o cold. a Bulakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. No2-uecrfrieache- His position aise shows many deaths whatever te come between them and, home sheuld be witliout il. rs Money to loan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, ragiai Faceache and Toothache. 0 h rts mie nclnzn i-throuo-î accident. B-nigabout the uyt s e nte oun fTm CalsBennet of Vanicnver, B. C., _______tant________________Beinnie STATESMAN, we desire that ail shall have wrItes, "ln Our family weSwear bï DB .C MTHLNo. 44-Sure cure fer Rheumatism,tatslns llth France will suffer excitement,due equal justice.inmet'fo cugis DRS.C MTHL atcéa and Lumbago. hsi h ey qa utc.and colds. WVe have used! it in the simnplest EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F lPHYSICIANS thtSe ~etTi s h eyte the fiery Mars turning retrograde in .nwrtntenesaas couglis and in stub)born od an k il as neyer faicta ostie ur. Smedd bexst gîvetng tealmos. I witninhstantlay ss S n e"t iY.and Surgeons, OntarîoCoroner, etc, rmd oiiecr. Sre<outeit epci tefrther ruling 1gw S pair 's domestic affairs bas tiC mattes-fer istancerite aIflief adia tant cure. esdceEnskle. TRY IT, We have remedies for all day of the 2oth. century. Inmv mind nestmtzmtesfrisacrt l lfadaqil diseasesnisilen 7 become more compiicated immedîateiy personals together, gîving them flrst dsae.sncb doubt exists. It is certainly the folwn hs uain om rv n-place and the more of them the cetter.Z FRE OAL.first day cf January, 19o1. Ue h sot ean0frpPtngprun D. BURKE SIPSON, OurMdial AdieyDprmn, ______en srnptions are probable. A rec ais, thus:-ùRecent visitors: Ms .B Y1 ARIStE, SOICITO, et. MORIS'under the persenai supervision cf Dr. Cn o .w rcr rudescence ef lher diffculties with >tis Jons. Smithiville, gnest cf lher aunt IiiBLOO, up-stairs, KingiStreet, Bowman Leuys Marchaux, is free te every suffer- Cnering . T Brownge, country May be anticipated before the Mrs, C. D . Brown, Rosedale Villa; -Mr. ~ ~ ifrIo Ville. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. er, cests yen nothing but the postage. Whitby, whe liasjnst made anassi- doeo eebrF.G lco'nea ee ilw I'rvae ,nva oaned al lowest rates. Write fully just how yen feel. Tell ns ment. It was enly in June last that Mr. ThÇ,7he111,b bitaos ndbnkFaMMec in your own words. Brown purchased the stock-,cf J. D. cl rudtc4i t n twt 4. Be vcry particuhar te gîve correct RBRYONVS.TESTIMONY. rifrwi lepd 21ocahie4,5tan6h ih initiaIs, residence and instead cf saying ROBFI E T UGHA.M I,GEO.W.IIIL of the tity of Windsor Iwn o hc epi 25ecs muci downfall, particnlariy in the reg Mr T. Smith cf Jonesville, simply 'say: BEEmTE a-&r PLIED. ~,Bbck wer binel o hs ssstNtW wincirthaouty Ifhave bendoulende-t Iowno e h lt .B.Cunde e105' W. Long. Farmers will do weil Mr. T. Smith, Jonesvitie. Don't use aAT4,.RYQSp.2 QNf be found from S a. m. to 9 p. mi. Night caîts at te safc-gua rd live stock at that pcriod, suparfinous word. residence, directly opposite DrillShed. Catis b y]ihenmatism for years and treated by 4 and soeaothe atesbv btic amaet ateadhrei.Dnth cipu aeueasf asr mrieuhveciaîepe.nci, Sripîenty rus sf telegraph or telephone wll recelve prompt alý cf the leitding dectors cf tbis ity, but a charter to carry on the business of as. .dmg o et n ossis pn ilave crombewen ty. renieon. danorreniefy1Dr arcomande telaeS.B No.44 ndetl ntr-indicatadSterm perieds are due iaronnd lhues, make a s8p-,aate paragraph for The callaIIdiI n utill1&l b7i ayr. ried te rele. 1 arcaommeNdo h . t4.4.hnde n etl nt the iSti, lOth, 2t,21st, and' 211h. The every item, and sendl ail the naws yen and after six weeks' treatment am able mcnts and supplies inToronte,nndcr the Sun's sextile wtJpironic2hcaseryut wek syucn înlEîghtPageýFo,ï7riý lit c1u Ne R , te% Ube eut again and foliow my occupa- namne of tic S. B. Chandler Dental promises pleasant Christm as wcther. and aiways seilà news white freshi.,, ~ w p p r R .PEA rE, TAILOR ~tien as contracter and carpenter.' Pre- Depot, Ltd. 6 aWn orsodn vr Spbile Gctcmnsiehsmade to Ordar. viens te taking your medicine I was 6._________a_ Peopia born il.tween Nov 24ti andc tetuLi ly disab]ad. 1 have liveid hara for 19 Pep brbtwnNo. 2than echool section in West Durham. We ÏEVERY W'EDNESDAY MRJG yars and mny friends. ara snrprised te Self Culture for Decem ber centains Dec. 24ti wiil possess tic followifig tan- suppiv stam ps, paper, envelepes and sce me ont again.. Wishin-g yen success, adtiiehes by Pros, D. C. imn o ondancies: free cet3' <f T1'E STATESMAN and fur-. AT TEE F FICE1 I romain, yours truly. GýEO. W. H-ILL, !Iopkins5University; by Hon. John De- Great lovae o freedom, impatience cf wnolesale prices te correspondents. 26 STATESITAN BLOCK, KIMG STREET, Declared befoeame tbi 8h ay of Nov., witWgarsdete i eemail reâtraict, and dishilte of precrustin.. 7 ulcshe ecessol ec O MNILO TB C. HARNDEN, IJ.D.S. 1898, ALEX. BARTLETTl, P. M. dltWgersdn fth eom7 ulesholtahr hudtahB Fr'ea te ail for oeamenth, Dr. Mur- Club cf New York. Thara is aise u an or eay ef any kind. When tieY composition by requiring thair senior Gradat e of the Royal College of Dental su) caunx's Medical Book, cul ut STOTT teresting study of W.D. Howells and make up tiair mind te a thing, tiey ara pupils te write niews lettars avary Mon- îun ~ I geons, Ontario & J URY'S,sola Agents forBowmanviia. is noveîs, and a fine papier on"Pre-Rp- axou ecesmat t pree m a t eeie.TE T TESMN.iti amOtur dII1l LhLr« role-, hultsmnnland,"an exceptienaîîy mediataiy. mie hyaebutadumuns are at your service. OF!FICE.-OpposIte Express Office, Yen can gat your ewn paDer frac for vaînabla and intercsting issue, ut thc bruska in munnar; and evince ailack etof_____ Subscriptionsi.50 per annuni, or 1.0if pid VITALIZED AIR 1899 by sanding ns 82 for two niew sub- srcl nayne soiasteTESATSAhw prîce et ena ýdellar a year. Self proper dîplômaey, yat they neyer wisi -.rcl l dvne Culture Magazine,, Akron, 0. te cenvcy. They ara ont spokan in ail f.y tbey de, are extremely intuitive,, and-i v îi m u ADVERTISING RATES ASTRQLGICÂL.ceuld easily cuitivate art of propiecy I rIwAJ m Transltnt Adyertisitng. Ten Cents; per Line. J.M BRI AC MBE A Dùnvile Jwelers WfeThy ara self relant and seî-cnid- rst ins~ertion iFive Cets pier Line each sub- S03EENTIST.FOECST F c nt, ticrefore tiay pesscss muci exec- CONTRACT RATES. CURED OF PALPITATION 0F THE SoiSTAGFeEAsFO utive ability. Tbey instinctively findt NEART AND SMOTIIERING SPELLS DECEMBER. ticir way in strange surroundings, and"I T81 1T TIMES INSEETI). B W ERVE PILLS. -arc ndud witi muci activity,restless- Banish h ~. ffflthi _______yr Mrs. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn- The hunution this menticoecurs on ncss ef mindund energy of ciaructer. AlJAIUaug8 LAuJLLUJ.iJlv One Colmn ..n......... $20 00 $40 $60 100 ville, Ont., whose hutsband keeps a thc l8ti, at,6.34 a. m., Washington Thcy seidom medicute, but push aiead ., ~iarerCoumn . 8 00 16 26 40 Office,,-Rear ef Messrs. lliggfin jewelcry store, and is one of the best time, ut whici moments tieceolastiai wti detarmination und tenucity et wil au iiu ,uia iTEngty fiyLine. 4 5 0 0 9 16261 boim&SnsDu-Soe it~sign Sagitturins is on tic ascendant, and wili uccomplisi their purposad a nd P is h t ed Twenty-vLtne.."....4 00 69 512 l 4~-~ ~ and Librai umnti' i o am hl tar th odcigi.~Wfteen Lînes ........ *s 5o 5 7 50 1L, rascumnaip. hecn.amshletersil onely ri eLines ............2 5 450 6 50 r (Down stairs), joined luminaries arc ieax'iiy afflictedl donbt ; anthe iy te tic emcr.-ancy 10,Tnins......1 4060i in tic ousteru uangle witi Venus in and arecnet likaly te bundar. Tiey show The above are contract rates, and apply only cenjunctien with Uranus on the crust parsistentpcrserenee in wbutever thieýrChagbiessavrie. BOWMANVI LLE. C-abis ote tita rctty veufred.tsmstb thereof undertaka, und fer tiat reusen will suc- l handed n otlter that oua o'clock ou Saturday The indications point te deprassion ot ceed whare otiers fait. They arc careful Paragraph adveýrtisaments among news items tic public mînd,affecting the individual indoatMII 10ng rorssv ade a hune each insertion. in his private affairs as welus in mat- fr eingti, cntrpisngogressyin te ndPINE'S CELERY COMPO UND Brths, 25; Mariags and DeaLthfl c.b a, W ~~ters ot public moment. Tiare wili ha habits, vcrýy cureful in menev mutters, saesld nadrerfita e hargiied.b distubancein laber erganizutions,und saving but net penurieus. They must eiie that ieth Orrsfrdcoi.avriemn ut meunan rot progressive citizens of will coma for critidiýr,whileunupopular athr, fer with tiem tee many. ironsIln ndBs RstNoepeper wilibe stoplped until ail irrearages Duivle ntgvstefolwn - itisopfrbed flcltic finé is confusino- ad a rfinihed JU't are paîd, except at the optien ef the pubtisher. Duiin ofe, O nt.,g e terfollowingthe.iyi iw o ed tloa uil. na nmsapost office notice to discontinue is not sufilciei scritio of er ecat exerince n te . task is an intolerabie affliction. Thcy lis: alitis. Soie dubledalingin aDouble regular rates are charged drn use tfok tburn's Heat a d Nerve runaainwiidvle tctn arearcparticulariv atîxieus that thair effort M':,Aprît and May and Octobar, Novemb)ei 1I have been for ye!ars mo,-re or lessa Pinîs for weak nerves, dizziness, palpita- thec Middle oet the menti scandai wiîî shal ha appneitd : t"me o dstyavriigntcn Subject te eruptions on my skun. TIse îeft tion ef tic beart, smoiering spelîs at attaciî te a national politician. Physi clans with tic mest exteîîdad- Business notices lu tecal er news ci.tnmnS frs to night and steeple.asness. 'Beford I used Seuaîemros wh aatv, JIST A iORserORionS10 cenpracticrare wcl awarc tht tiareesntsmeet sd fmyftac_,efrom thc top of yrny cODFRNTE. patc r el awthem I tould'Snltmget restful sleinsertand 5 tcents par- side ofthefft èould ot get estfül leep, ad Specuativenmrteisg- known ctevmdicaln scicncc o aquall segsne fqany kmgs, f atywbichai anic admissionsi feeeeis hait way down my jaw was in a very my nerves were often se unstrung that 1 thongh lack et confidence wili ha appar- te Paine's Cchery Cemoound, forý regu- cliarged or a collection is taken snustbepaidfor. bail state-bcing almost raw, making would start in uiarm aI tbe teast rn.oisectl omeca entres. panîicuîarîy At this season o et c n omecalheeril h ehooves tic, iating the narvous systam and banisi- Ahlkinds of Job Prtnting doue wtth neatos shaving very painful. 1 was açtvised te and easily worried. wadrmo orealtedv fhi n ies.ad despatch and ouni easuuable terras. The Last Fabruary I commgýnced taking iu tic Western States. A iuarked impro- wneighc erch uad\sc sigdsue ffice is supplied Aith a great' variety of the ryBurdock Blood Bters. Ou0 b ttl its vaînable medicîne, and it proved the, veulent, îowever, will miaîifest itseîf as cildioed, and tiiîk ef his hast friends Mnadwmnntriylv ie aetadms aheat tls0 ya perfectly curcd ime. 1 can bonestly re- rgtaayfrm ekads trd ti e~a prahs îdteei-on aarth-his motion. A tile laid aside vat it is astonishicg iow canelass and AIl communicatious shouidbc addrassed .commeud B.B.B. te ait who auffer from ner-vous syatcm. Milburn's Heurt and e very dav tilt tien will buy a rsn indiffarcut soeaanc otec first symp- ay trade wîl ha xceptionaiiy activa. for mothêrar çl a ir vsraentom fgaetobe.TeSap M. A. JAMES, strong an healthy onditiongave tiat Thilposmaie ofiSruai as naint atoms Moftgrava otroubles. mTher sharp, vaeN..T ar und normal action efthte heurt, wel'or tthe public icaîth. lits Coujuîîc- have courage te admire, vet wc wander thesae minons pains over ticelkîdneys, iB. B.B. cures Sait Rheunî, Eczemn, "1sîeep wcîî now, and am betteri * nihuoi~usuieî,½ . awav froni home, meet a« ixw th tat debiiity, nervousness, insomnia, P\ir"irr I'A 11 iTetter, Shingles, Boîls, Pimpies, every way, and I recommend tiem n1 ew friends, and but seidoni cast a ngi'y eruptiens on tic face and body- 1V] EJI T e I L' ri icrtlyt~ai wo uierasî id a t which time these two arbiters wihltogthct1 i n hs rvr ail are signais aud warninigs of grave- Soes, Ulcers, and ail fermils Milburn's Heurt and Nerva Pilîs, 50c- cuytcegt asenc i aetaawv g nfrun utriW un- dsue$n100eigs anesCleyo ,000. SfSkcin Diseases and ox r o7$' tai rggists. chant; thenefone, mortality a nîongst ticewerthy we mav bea For,-at tiat Inew Cmpndueiropywllsaiv T. MILBURN & Co.,Toronto, Ont. highan classes and agcd paople will ha found and untricd friand, and speud hanisi alil augerons symptems, kaap A large sumeof moey hasbawen placadin my Eruptiens, fromn the paaLvrPIscr osIain ikapca ormnyo presant for motier tic bodv and narves in perfect coindition bauds by aprivate persen fojr inva(stmetnt, on smnallest pimple te ** eadlaclie, iOiisflessDys Ce) la. Kvery l akdaou htpneIf von have e uemnebva stamp aud addpwrt haîîtltclis prvdeu ufnscnt e euo pin guaranteed perfectand ta wr ib and a notable deati willic ha td.anîd write home aC '1>îe ov i iusnilan tio a avotf .îeoTnlus I512prcn Ththe esbl n werstna s;erofulrlusvenlu,-'"011r . Ueadrepoat ee. Toztsrflu-'ie conjuîiction of Venus -with Uranus Yenu stiti." If sou cau get homne, go, gettiug nid of îiîeumatisiiî aud uurn-e tr cntiosfri.amu ilbunne 'Ère for another New Year mav flcd yen glu; tic truc mode of building up tic D. B. IMPSOle S o liè ito rr, B o wv m a vil e. ON R ANK wii cause iilncss ef a'febnile on peculiar' mourncr.g fer our mether. An-ivwaT siattanad svstam and nenves, is tirougi Dated Oct. 151, '94. f 41-if. ON A I A K nature amengst ciildren in tic second anhow1lt mte aetie hast oyen i rsc cf annamdcn u lo ____ t ~~ conStinuas 10 do a Genrat Bauking Business ut weck ticmn.Soaladdmesi have this New Year negulator and cleansan luke pais70 ~ II~ViI.AU..II Bowmanvltia Agelwy. ______________ __________Caleny Comnpeund. Whou ticetn'ra5 NEW TA.ILOR S11lu ~ JJJL1 J.J,..kLIA.UJ ~. centres are made strong,and the tissues DEPOSITS und vains are supiied witi healtiy r7he undarsîgned wholbas bencaryngo Kidnrey Paihns Ail Gone. rcia nSvnsBn aaîatnand n bod iuuts n enagaqii he tailorugbusineîssiin necionwtb Iu~,oa ,le e t carreutý ratS. Noicwo c- - blasn' Dry CGo S tore for nmban 0f earg ,&- K- ~ g-0- - a ~ - -.- -- .l0~4 ' eýï - - -- - a r ~ ...,.2ee-- .K'~eK- - --- - - .-- - ----. . . - - - t K~ .-~ .t...ZK.KKt - . - - - - - - - - - - M - àÈ -ý A si,- Cr sonl ~ - heaesi o! lui Cr4 at ~ K-U hto mle ad se baC pl1acei tiare, point np, bafore rsGA PATRMD - markot. Try it. Deliver- nîýSj7C oes D.gnwVOO uAn iensiua Aa n auesshe baC goný.e-ted eM. ni Brklr iis ra o Ie oA A 0&patsTo' till A-nrtered te hseif, "Now 1311 ju m esif mmG B, rmSC a5eL0 NIYAR i I b i e ' I î b a v l i s n e rvief te t i e i n t h e ,R L ~ i Ç O 0 as. wi Moiy A "ebd loe i od usut rCthn-l Il. Ver a longtiras I'va DES pcctei hlmb alli. ..Gnot ~t n 1,il, et tain. t ___ - hue5 off L nC a ,T Gam, LM buDe I CebSeCl.Agenté For Jae by STOTT &JURY, Bowmnanville. o1 tkw t.of heshos-wîta-m >I-'PTRa__ .- ï IA,