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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1899, p. 7

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Quiet Ways Are Bs AR.RSTBIS CA TE SUr A . ie' tensedie,-s f'or Them Not Yxsmerons-. What the use of worrying, Treatment That Mlay Prevent Thern. 0f hurrying f 4 , jWhou winter brig a crop 0 f ehil- ÏV rAnd scurrying, b1.ifls on the faet, and perbaps ontise lr4 Evryod furUUU ' nim ent... bande aigo, It cantiot hoe called an enjoy- Everyody lurrng ~ablîe Sanson. The suecpibility te these And breaking Up their rest? peste varies ini individuale. AMter they When everyone is teaching' us, NOT A PATENT bave once made their appearance tbey Pecigand boseeching us, Endorsed by are ikely tYirngini hesm Preahingplace where tbey bave beau before, To settie down and end the fuss, Dr.C. M MEDICINE .... Wtb an peletebgnigo For quiet waS s are best. larlan of the c o ld iweatr a uycp,,op anie d b>' the iilfgiret ~lc Hadcli a deu, eaI tietrobls re The rain that. trickies down in shwr American H as xogIeo ani ieeo br hr dient to a bilionsst-,e cf ithe showrvrobeea bbliinpodngwtes Dîzniei, Çasea Pr e.s isres aferA blessing brings to thirsty flowers;[cup onaof peierymdces-bsbenacliaii roeigwne. eatng.P n i te S l c îesather rnal of cognized fisDr. ClisesThon thse afflicteti place swells'and lba- Weuartaleaccesea ceseic nînuxiiig Sweet fragrance from ecadi brimmin Bealtis o iriment, compounded by coules inflamed antil a elle je hardi>' te Dr A. W. Chase Medicine The gentie zephers gather up. ----- Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and ho endureti, If nothinit je done tu check otigsaiebvwryn.Edmanson, Bates & Co, their progreSe, oclIublaingS ometilnee COM6 Castoria, Le for Infants and iildreni. Castoria is a Pl, rtinad ooto, as a remedy for to"a head and breaki open Hire a boil!.In harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Prgre Dop- f 1eRcache, Yet Crtor'a ti Liver Pilla AraBy hurrying Ple,. . on adEczematic Ski Diease fr_ San otng yrp.I cnais eth O um a seurryîng: effected remarkable cures. It is flt the practice of accuratplydescribes thse nature of thse adSotig yrp, t oans eterOum Wetieg tlneanenoorlantwhl theai se Medi cal Professi on indiîcriminately to use Pro- disease. InGrnany, wn In patMrhn o t rNroi usane ti laat Corecaldiocdrg±tîetomf.îmulatethe With fretting and with flurrying prietary imediefees, but there are hundreds o f - rbalyt [ n atreofwhlng at nrNretene ]t liezatirenat is bwls ven itleyWy The temper's oft en lost; cf ans t roughout this country wbo are osing br. probalil>' t the nature f tise cilmut, v"-Million o 00154 ~~~~~~~~~~~Cses Ointment je their practice. We handed out whicb makes the coid peculiarly penetrat- t urue stit ras s y Mnoso Ani ini pursuit o! some emali prize durfng the lait month 2,7o0 boxes cfffree sateples ef lng and5estlnglng, and ln part to housses lltes atradsry om n lasFvrs Wers ha n r ltwsDr. Clisses Onttîant, and the îhankful results bave ohr.Csrldety W msad las vri- Weru ahadadareotwsebeen somethfeg astonishfeg. Here ila4swlat cnee o1 leing go Poori>' warmed that thee jniatee 'Ahehewcldeamotplolsstte tuosewha Aùd flud the unwonted exercise the cures says: constantly have coid bande and feet, tues ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorlia eiserrotheditrssngomlalî;bufotu- A eafu piti lascot.Ms. 0. P. ST. JOHN, 246 Shaw St., Toronto, ln bis afito enemcsmr omnad relicves Teethiug Troubles, cures Constipation and ~~atelythcfrgoodnesodtu. notefdl ereantat cost.letterstts: oirdfrsm yasfoeIigmore severe than bare. Muscistudente Whoncerytemsilîlnheetsa TsetrfaoorintetrogPlSat res Ibuee oable esforn tin g sô emetlmee1have their bands so covcred Flatulency. Castoria asshiiates the Food, regulates 1l2e1 a>'vaatri fs' ilt, I lu H is otrfrt ontetrog iea ie e. nal esepfrteany ED Oin S mouttl 'ot e .l-acte caused by there. After trytng almost every tlàfultfo ll !tafralicl&head That do their duty right-along; remedy known, 1 was feduced te try Dr. Cliase's witb ohlblsaine tisat -tltifiut o he Stomacli and Bowels of Infants and Childreu, giviiig ,î', ~~~Reluctant they to raise a fuss Ointreent, and tan say c oxnemiraelyre oe. I thons ted practice, asora s li Cffdrul _à ~~~~cannot speak toc higisly of fi, a Cd have rre blocemerdTheedl Ormke hesifs rideuouacnte on moule peopleas aeablood poison, Panaeea-The lVother's Fricnd. ËCals and serene in heart and nerve,anthctoblsseelerui.T. totbeibar,) cf s mac>'Il,,i tt bchre fa whfre remedy la net tu he found ln ontward qoemakeo, ur ,retbeaSi. out Pilla creT6iýtwlhila Their streugth is always iu reserve,aplctosoy ahog toeMy sor .Csoi. eter LtelvrPsaever>' enaîl Anebly sad hets:Neyer speak ei fauyone.apiain n>,atog ie.m> atra atra Ctiers te . rtoPille e eymaad. Ad sad hets:ei !give relief; but eernething mUet ho taken "atrai necletmdcn o Csei e5 cîaatdt hlrx Ver>' easyfi tiLe. 'Oneorto leah lsAnd every day and ail about, Keep good company or noue. tu resicore tise blond te a bealtis>'couti-- casdentotheris av eeet ed te or ne4hatreommendI s su peiorto aey ren 1Tisey ares itivegetable anti de net gripe or à cide.Mteshv eetdytl i ht1rcmedi sspro eaype purge,,fbi,' their gentie action please aul who By scenes within and scenes without, Live up to your engagements. tion. Tablete ceauposed of ene-fourtisci cf lis good effect upon their childrenl' ecription keowe to me." ise them.. lanvissataicenta; ive for $. 8oi ecndscr.wt e'radut Be just before yen are generons. a grain cf calcium cuiphîde le recomn-D. .OsonLeeMs.I.A.AHR,.f.B'eky,.Y &ly druggisis everywvhere. or sent b>' m.i. eeudsen it ee ob,.mended liv a piysiclan as a blood parl-DR0.C SO, ZUl MS IA.RciM..Broyn CARTER MEICINE M,. New Yedc. That quiet ways are best. Neyer play' at~ any gaine of chance. fier. One of theme le te h. taken three -BpitArgus. Drink no kind of intoxicating liquor. tises a day for tisree or four days, whenTH FA SM LE IG TU E 0 ~j1j ~¶1j ____________________________ Good character 18 ubove ail things thse ohîilsaine first starli. No medîcîne cau else. werk a permanent cure, liecauce wisen- When yen speak to a person look hins over the bande and feut become thorongis- rro____________________________in the face. ]y' cold the clseaeed condition of the IoIod will return. The rensedy should lie GRATEFL COMFRTING I3OWMAN11,VILLE. JAN. 4, 1899. wiYoomrynifo a upr kept at iand and repeated as man>' GAEU 0AüT[ a wie. times dnring thse winter as an>' signe of Distinguishied everywhere- Keep yonrself innocent if you would tise chimblains appear. Sulpisur le aise for cielicacy of fiavor Sup- LocalQÇ and OtherwiSe. be happy'. onietimes given where thie oillilaine are erior qjualities and nu- That weakness peculiar te sprirtgtime of long tanding. The camne remedy la tiieproperties. Make 18 net laziness, it indicates the need of aimels5ed wisei'Otiser. la a constilitional A PPr--ARS 0ON EVERY VVRA PER trti-eSpc few promises-. toning up. Miller's Cdmpound Iron tetidsno>' te corips. laîîtgrtote u ýnrvous and r- Alays speak the trutis. Pills wiil bring strength and viril te ail .4e an outward application for chul- trg oIle revu rdsncb cases. 50 doses 25c. bMaine varions plactere and washee are ~CNAPtM>N,7 CNVseE,5WVriCv dyspeptic. Sold onîy n 1.ee orwi e a esb> ep E ver live, nisfortune accepted, with- renouna dd . ltsseae ii 3-lb lablledJAM S inyou incme.vaseline bond on thse font at niglit wili 4l is able A E Miss Annie Wellington, Brighiton, înor1 nee take eut tiselIflammation and screnesa, EPPS&C(-,., Ltd., Home. is isiin Mrs. Wm. isaacs. Hood's Pilis cure al iver ilîs. Ma"l- Both arnica lotion and alum' water oeopathice mitLn r.Wn escr aefrOt ed for 25c. by C. 1. Hood & Ce., Loweil, rubbed La several blmes a day are gond don, England. says:" 1 can safelv recommend Dr s. remedien. These are especiali>' neful * * 4 * ~ *ê 4 * $ 4*'~ BRAFS UPR Low's Wlorm S rup te mothers w1tose arwe o aeyugt pndwsncslialn ue n tinsebande, ' wlere BREAKFAST SUPPER chliren sufer from worîns."*hen yen are old, piastere would lie incenilenient. 1Utlfrhrntc PTCb flffl a Subscrihers who have been carrving "JI believe Hood's Sarsaparilla le a There la littie hope of gtting rid o!f UlI ilnyfurter ntiewelSPT CAd - mne'belonging s her -ekt goed medicine, because I have seen its cbliblaîne alter tiseir coming le once wl u rs ieiwlasree E UIU A for sone menthescan make us lapyb o effects in the case o!frny sother. :8tali::e as a habit, unlees urett * heUfilngprct foih' bs ae t bnstewsw a etaken to avoid tiseir cause. Tisai lies :~ JCeai atthfolwnprcs lid er health was poor and she says cenncftprau.5 Scranton Ceai, ail sizes, at harbor - ~~~~Stiif Jointsar quickly limbered UP h knows o! nothing better to build muctiean In expasure te cold. Tii. foot $.5prtn;dl rdteaypr by the application of llagyard's Yelow ber up and sake bier feel strong I and bande ehould blecareful>' protecied$47peto; liret ayat g Oil-the most wouderful ail round res- Bessie M. Knowles, Upr odfroin cold, ana if cbIlled tise'e souid lnet of tewn $5.25. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~edy made. Price 25d. Harbor, N. S. Upr odbe heid near a bot fIre. The bandessaould *G a~tss cnrcmed~a-obbs _______________________ A Citizen's Cossittee, cempesed of Neyer run înte debt unîes 4anthbptit e> oto cdwir some of the leadin lebusiness men and a! 1er washing it le well ta rnis botb hI secutive years and almest ail other kinds ai canvas' o! the cît>' te raise $1,0, I there ev er was a speciflc for any cil. A dry condition of the ekin je usuel- alui aid of Alma Ladies'l Gollege 'and oeue complaint, then Ca rter's Little Liver 1>' found wltis chillilaine, whioh, if count- and cheapest. Our shed capacit>' being , bas presented tise su liscito let e! Pis are a specific for beadache, and eracted b>'tise ail and campisor, wili cf tenisfiin o iespi !ti eto h L an n Ian s 85,000 00 was secured outside of thse citv. ee> oa hudko hs nydiv wyohban bnje trigpublic ean depend on always getting dlean, Lîfe insurance is a geod thing btene pil a dose. Try thes. B>' taking tise proper precauttene r ol FLORIDA ~~~PATER bealtb insuranice, dv keeping theî,ieod f aux-ene speakse vii e! yon lot yonr aga5nst incurring obibiains and ueiuig A uteps eaepeue ep pure with Ill-ood's Sarsaparilla, til lie s that noue wilî believ ayhose 'dud ap>' >' litl the very highest market price for ail kinuis THE SWEETEST betteyAlwas ae oidhasit puadtie putoul.Btthia0ts edbven ______of GRAIN AND SEEOS delivered at our With the mentis of January cornes Tsyfis ateynsikadthnla e ofsern muzyfo hrinsoeue cnrKngadG reSt MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO the question o! renewals and new sub- yen censtipated. Carter's Little Liver hope o! teexc Inmu the>' ron ises un *r strhesPor e r Kingn d ere t AND ENDURINGO0F ALL eriptions te Tira STATESMAN. The Pis regnia te the bowels and make yOU ternal vigilance. PERFUMIBS FOR TFhE tise is short. The period for ýactivity well. Dose, one pill._________ SALT-coarse, fine and dair>' lu bags HANDKERCHIEF, kepa>'eu e el ose o althORa ynbaeBATH.ngduig is HEl cattie and herses alwa s on hand Lumber, TOILET ~ BATH, lia arr ese wlmpedn ile wil beyen raetiee iegdutiin therTHE"SCENT BOTT LE" OF SYDNEY. adbres ieRte okSi o news o! Dnrham count>'. day. C lLuth, ShingiesSs.Dosccistk More cases o! sick headache, bilions- Prof. Ileys, Ont. Scisool o! Chemistry AClruWse cea ieLsosc ____________ andi sadeucteon gurans ted.nv -,ness, constipation, ean li ecured in lees and.Pliarmacy, says-"l I ha've made an GrtistaCtton Iurned time, with less medicine, and for less examinatien of Dr. Chase's Catarrit A 200-foot ebaft stands lntise conter Mr. Su scriber, yen can glve us a market, and find noue present" W e known, net inappropriaii>', us tise * g"apl s p rhae n th p n laed t tl fiM iison a d i strong beipin ghanri jnst now in three ffearowr'd ?ofs,0)to b* devoted te l"scout lottle," as tsplifposee t rwà ____________________ ways, especiafi>:(1 By renewing your anycaiabeisiuto ay druggist the Lasse fronthtie sovsrage e>'teo! oreth suliscription ut once; ~2) b>' sendcing one or doctor eaau fsud tise least trace of tisat cil>'. Throughis is great tibeat tise under- * ___________ OMNVILLE. or more pnases lu with yoÜr ow:(3) b, ealydrg ,,an( clu nDr. goud ia r eah6 udte l :al putting in a good wra cain hs'sCtri aeI.D.-Ciase's ersaeelve.Tebotbin offers, fer TnnE STATESMAN. Yen de Catarrit Cure, recommended by ail ineari>' 200 feet fgb, riss aboya an>' in- your part andi we wiîî do ours ! dealers at 25e per box, blower'inclndled habited bouse iln tise city, and tise nshing OF RARE, EXMaLLEC.-Farm and free. sewers, giving tise gag a torced draft, Honte, advertised eîsewlsere, le a jeurn- Make ne haste te bc ricis if yen would shoot ga hin rey, isoeb o ! bsTl. e! rare excellence. Everi number is preeper. getga'chn>,uece ibis danger- A- repetewih sggstinsandinormtous aeri!erns fluidise c4rried eue>' se tisaI 11 That epice wih sugettons adinfrmat TO UR WIlENnover reaches a buman baing, Tisi 1 S i kdy Atlas of the World, centainin 240 O UR W EN 1880, and feeons tise eloeniet dail>' with T pages, and nearlv twe hundred Cored enongîs foul stuiffte kilI tise inisabitants- Mape and Views, le inciuded with each --o! a geod-eizod cil>', or te blow Gibraltar Yeu donL sem nte be able to suliscription for 35 cents extra,.ueaOs.Slc t esrclnlsr r D O S~S h e thiroxv them off. AIl the ordiuary Tise Januar>' number o! McClure's WRHESHM YSTA bas net been one explosion alorg the lina reeis e'etre o'ttuhMa-azine will contain tise second ster>' TILS OM YS HTo! rassslfied eewere whicb converge te ibis rer-cccs 7o*vetrid on' toch in k~ipling's new serial of sciseol-lie> CAUSE LOSSES IN MANY point. Tise "sceut baIlle" les net an eye- thes. ThieCOu-h remcdy for you if11e, and stories b>' F. Nesbit anc~ W. A- mse. In lbusiness le go disguiued tibe t ile Oe a e e L',Fraser. Stephen Crane will contribute HOMES.. an cibiecofe beaut>' and le readil>' Mie-_____________________ Dr Woc'sNorWay Pine Syrup. te tise samne numiter what will ne doulit, teken for e monument. Indeed, h le tise hoe feund tise full equivalent o! a 81r>- iggeet, meel conspicueus and picturesque We have sold piles o! Boots the lasfiersiwekanhvelt It bcos the pllegm, alla) s thse a description of a ride he teok on tise ~o! ail tise notable monuments in New te dis pose o! yetd avelot eniefth coc Epesth as-Sofilb Wales, of wbicb colon>' Sydne>' le odips o, , and very chcap-first-cîass goeds at very sunalil -0 es iritation., icls anid soothes thin~î-,egieo te ctc Epestiefa est train un England. Man>' e!our Cunadian ivemen bave the capital. Hlyde Park ist le lileet Mir pri stock is in-most o! it-and we find our shelves crowdeu o! London, Ont.. 18 a grapiecrevelation closed i iewrlîs oede.tutand Ibis lbuge pilier et oeeoa!its chie! tj-.r omadaebudtohv t fIwpie aeay MuI. db Weat.ls om ys.ta FRRYBleelieuiOnt,. o! the-.ag-ricuiluA1 ral prrs!C .aaassehv eîrîe nyraai egtewe> s le nkeeping wit tAiseallier 1thing te do with it. tbe publishers, Tise Win. Weid Cesn- profit te titousunde o! happy homes. AliWurd o! Yeuxr Maeoty's servats," sfio Pipatu', o! London, Ont , upen Iheir classes aud c6uditious eM wemen ha' e seid, viib bumulit>'. "I baye brolten oe eontinued enterprise,iu qurprising their used lthe Dîamend Dyes witb unvarying o!f>'aur pracicus iSevres cupe. yen Muet readers with suchi a handseme and seip- snccess, and during tise year 1898, luet disbrg eetoce, outdserve te, fui Christmas box. a failure was rprtdwhen tise ver>' reainlui yoni' service."1 The anadu~PReedy fo, ail Davle P.Q. April 9t 1898. simple directions wer-e f ollowed. Thearabitreri' eld King was asuseti 1b> THROAT AIL AFFECTIONS Edmaniscn, Bates & Ce., Toronto.' Diamnd Dyec are, prepared acr e euenanr u uedrt b L&g ote,2 et.Dear ',Ir,-Fnclosed find $1 for ý doz.inleseilsitiepinpesan aciet vr'go jk Th pau Large BItIU, boxesDr. Cisase's Calarri Cur ieuenehr (d>'es luthe -werid have cosb serettnighin h r>.ce ~~ DAVI~~~s& AEN C,, ti e, sedihsaoce. Eveiry Li(ýasinz sng scle obrnetsi r rsu sadr gaeu apo lu fe ireetîn oié, relief MasNMrcsnt Pfe daughiter =31110à in fhe service o! the Kîg b L N pw Yu r M î î , l I o c . .t ia I a , m t ie r orc a _______________________ Pavile, . Q ue wth enidene ad poft. nevu' oareiltiehtucoabotiteebnceeJRandAY profit.RAL i 'i - va,. a5r 55 ares

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