I - 1i55. Jur lugistIl ut aitaEies ICI It Tww w w -w'w W_ w ey i Don't scold W 4 tise littie ones if ' V, tisa bed ik wetW win tise rnrnitg v *4 kidueys need strengtieing- w4 * isat's' ail. You cufut afford ta %y 'y isk delay. Ns gleç rnay entail ' Dv u ;4's K1nIEY PILLSw 'yI Strengthen te Kidneys an«i w v Bladder, ttter il trouble w W M.r. john Caron, eraployeti at W SM. S. BradLt î& Co.'s store, Harn-'w 'y "M litie h -sen ycufrs of age W V 'y Ias -e1n1trouI wiuth is kdneys 'V iaic b r- ndonudnot hold is W 'y waer Wesp,-' t limn reof tdol- W 'y ~ ~ ~ u;, lai ,-oiCadue nany dif- W V fesc en emdu , hut thev were of no W W vail!. One box of Doas Kudney 'y 'yPll aplcteLy oared hlm." w dent toa aliliosaoofs the Sytr uh as Dizzine-s, Nause,, sias, istressafater =29 tins.uSath i, &c l. their maxi ý,ematable sucasba ects oncuiipg ~eadaeb, yct C rtnr jitil, tirer l e a re retn IA ua cnuinthe sy aise f liver ad regulatemte Cwl.Jvn ltèal %uffer from this diatreaîing canalaint; bat fots. j2atelytheirgoodnessdaes notendbhere.andthose Who once try thcrnwill find these. litfla pilîs vau- jabte ha sa many via that they wilýl not be wil- Uins ioda wtnth heun. flo Bt aittralisicklicati ,lthe haxe 0f samany lire tathreixw tr Vemake aur great boast. Our pilla cura t whte thers do not. *Cartrs Litla tirer Pillsara vcry ernal and ery easy ta taise.Oaa or two pile mate a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge. 1 nat by their gentle action pleasea ai whe Us hu.In vialsaiî5ecents; fivefor $. 801I4 b>' de2 sts everywbere, or sent by maMl CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior qualities and nu- tritive properties. Spec- ially grateful and comfor- tit'g to the, nervous and dyspeptie. Sold only n jlb tins,,labelled JAMES EPPS'& GO.3 Ltd.) Ho me eopathic 'chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPs' COOA Té Cure S A R SA PAR ILLA IT 18 PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS point ln tisir lives. Every reader of hic- graphical sketches ramembers scores of in- stances proving ant i liustrating tise propositions laid dawn above. Biagraphy le a luminons demonstratian of the. tact tisai soclety le a vasi anti tarreachlng network; it reveelu a usutual tiependence andi interactIon; it sbws tise necoisity for a reciproccal excbange of sympathy, ativice and helip. Tise moral wbich w, woulti Graw froni the aboya le ibis: Re- membering thse euihority of ibat pro. founti anti beneficeut Proverbial saying, 'nobleesse oblige," we shonîti sea ta it tisai ail wba caine withîn tise range of aur influence are duîy counseleti anti ald- eti. Beware of pntting Cain's question ta Goti: "Am I my braih6r's koaper?" Be- ware lest we forget St. Paui's migbty teaching: " For s»one of us livetis ta bu- self, and no man diatis ta hhmieau " To neglecti thasa who have been pravident. ially tisrowu itoaur bauds, ta witihoàld tIhe love, counsel anti succar due theni by aur ashrantageous position, le te ferlait a gooti consciences and the futvor of Qed. For Infants -nd Children- The fac- . . lue tihîs-1 «Slgaue eeu et'CZ~/.4~44 Jp0 ~Iw in~ian ti~g~tunz. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, HemiptoulDec. 31, 188. BOWMANVILLE, JJAtN. 11, 1899. Re-gular monthiy eeting,,, memnbers al preseuit excepi r outce Mn FAIIMERS' INST[TUTE MEET- utes of lest-meetingread and confirmed. INGS.A communication was received froin INGS.clerk cf Clarke towlihlp askiug 4Infor- - matian in reference ta Messrs. Btack- Meetings under tlie auspices cf West buru's and Dowson'sschool rates, The Durhsam Farmers' Justituite will be held lerk wes requested te say lu rephy that as folows: the council lias ne arrangements made Tuesdey, Jeu. ltli, Town Hall, inraference to the matter. The annuel Blacksteck., et 2'p. m. report cf the Hospital for sick chiîdren, Wednesday, Jeu. lltli, Sens' Hall, Toronto, was received and f vled. Mr.ý Sella, t 2p. ; ad i Sos' all Courtice took bis -eat. Mr. Pasce re- Tyron, et7.30 . m.porteti baviug said timber froun roati al- Tyroe, t 7.0 p m.lowauce te Wesley Glaspail for $10,30 .TliursdaY, Jeu. l2tli. Sous' Hall, Oro- and ta W. Leachs for $3.25. NIr. Geo, Daiy attie; m aaingh Oange ai,'goder on thedotreure fas otlor. Cenallfortise3 pDairad oHerd.nex metenings Fari sau octn-wl- cupation; Ctovrouer.'ai$ 3:Mo tLymegravel $100; S.e MrAdC UnMrÂ7.1EOrr Fruie, t Wo$. T.AlenTrnte AgrS.cuStura1 ont. oue cr arof ie c h follwiag ugavucieta0;outy the $3,498 Coun- sjects: uTise arnofonrnestackdchtosford seviesofI.heL. Bron . troy ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t thu;Fniwil takFut av.ee ns, $245;o lt. Pasca $235 atilo FriPracs; Sprying n AppSie Idgns..Cnphl 4 ae i Orcliardv; TseSanJos1Scle ,, -fsion $5; rs SepesecMt.iouNo.$18 arr aespecayrequstand lorTRet vHiie $4; Mhrs. ana$;T. Wil-or tend~~~ theedmetngs c on$;h reasre comitaflo J. Preecsideint. Cao SfeclHrery. As iMr.'Pase$e is;aboutteretaire from Farmng s anoccuatio; C ve te Counc.iML wsmove by$1.0BroS. And b' y r. J E Or, Fuitl secondF.Allebni. Canens oAnarieda subjcts:The onimn Inectsattn "Thetorsforervies e. es.amBr find,2.5 trvhmFug wihr ttc Futhomas 39acoe 5;Es. wis le se35 and 11 L, ONAI FEEBre; payn a ple Intwigents: is.abou elseverbisJanect i- Orchard The Sn Jose caleian 8w;îth this Co83;cit, wa douhaeby FaDr. ers eBpeidald ere Ple. tenershoigon4;tscare lianks.forls tenthsmtngs. , cox $2; metigshavaesalways betau lasantKer JSALE oe or1aepes.s aC. tAb. edaîebe a u uiesu~e Piie r iWesisa, Whs. isiswi. seMr.uianeoebsasbau t ratied Thepa~rs epat isa arauenî te daseil i, and wa trustlisr11Beomn aransaingfo tie etalismen i hoib a ong ebr.te o inand cntamongd lasta e onedant oprtei fAenille te pitinmofree p finn os tion in can, teseta a flleed y beweisssMu icipaotties." rbi one During tisediamonti iunlee fesilits M.Ps C mte aitabe drapyn lu ua ativeprMi Ne nprophngtend ter memarsicf etiseConcisokabi heahis f tsa uae, ake tie c tp e tsicrlyeulgis ig Mr.tPescoaifr. lis ta tig rn oft lie fain ofe. r maserve imatngiav nw aseunt ph vr e port ut iha g ass f aer, whlc ed .eLLIor, dJe r.,Twîsis i Clak. rar mseneforthe esrtablisherm~ein btsbeon ________goian_ ou___ CubaankePearet ie ous lre 0fdoitole- is ad, (o is sa etintevutre res tauraont bs bausumnati hy Aer able take llaore prtomsimenpstion in onston poc magatrae bfo "lleally nei ic oienmaue: Wh nti snppling the iatng ubleuor etilse ing he o deaia slad friand, and pubInlia" ntheivenprnce npope are the the- tie exi boudbery ofaeCunl e rame sue ta oftae Quutaens ede o is bee oraethe heor tsin r axti e fur bs io siin top inthee saleopfoflquor. andsedapes.Tahyu metiuty aadorsx Peanbtin, a lthssrec at te, wished.a H.Eg o mTT,aJdRfiTonspCe ye rbih ticeasthe r inco e aebyuutp>hst es'hpyonea ierugrwud Aisioariepas. The Hunseclin t ok."Sirane Cougisi eer heabi returanth. prmeed bfrea I eset a and n osecgret adrnn The hbituinbriates liii bs bomte fins she bomodes oalay rido-atugeny aulc." htmper' appl arehaituai anew. c eycaeult rm eirnk airewouthavlienbeufo it berorhve h oo estnx orh T " N < i g T h i s i s t a c r t i f y t h a t ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u jjjj" I. was sick in bcd the mnost A 18eltdonyiu. ToMihfrHm hà of wthetine for thrcc ycars Gasoeadiead Tc 1c o wikidney disease. I A lady wha wanted a servant sa badly GamoeadIead A Prosp3ect, Maine, crepnetcn tank several boxes of pills tbat seotank ana withont arenamlneni. Only a Stern oense of duty indoced Mr. tributes this accaunit of the discaniture différent kinds-and a tian, or aven, an introduction, happenodGladàtone lu bis 77tb year ta endeavor tu of a would-be smarti yaung lawyer, h ~ grat anyothr kndsof nc ay t lnk itn hnk wi. b~bring abouti the pacifleatlan of Iroland. finaliy, in a case of assault and battery, lea that t was under treatmcn eretnt taoeivî aneuesn*st the country, "or ho hunted oui of dsac ewsfo h ate bx paet eicns eies î ,ondt th er ir a ortmadaeyhra bwins, hasaid wln ha p 1 ldiasteaneh aId max othe viciiyt wbau by four different doctors .z@Sç n', - public life." Whati do yan tiink of Mr,. th, a .uIt hanDencdl. 0Iun "lathisyilrbaak"S"'e?" he aIed. ladâtone naw. askeda Libaral M.P. "jsti four feet 1ieinches and e hall," * um aitark. IbegasKineyta 0 n.f Mr. Healey et thbe close of Mr. Glad- asee iewtes _______ tae D. Cwus's idny- Yesm."stane's sueerh Introducinig Home Rule. "How came you to leis 8Gexact?" askecl ______Liver Pilîs, and sînce that "110w 15 this, thon? Whou you came, II think-," replied Mr. Healay, "I«hat ha the' caunsel. M l~~imne have been warking you told me your name was Susie Stokes,1bseetdt ecuiii o rln. every dav, althaugb a man but hore !là, this book is the naine 'Brid. bseetid1cbecui1'dfrlrln. Because 1 expeceted some foail or othet' Badrl, 7o years o age. e Lafforty?' 'ti asic me and so I measured it." Lir. CassKidney-Liver ,"Ilt's ,ai r!ght, ru 'am," Sain the girl. Fastestswimini'ug Qcadraped. Pilii h-ve cared me. "Tïhati's me nondy-plumno"-Youith's The atter le tihe fastest swimming Before and Aftýr. quadruped knaWn. lI the water it ex- "There is a ureat deal of ifrnc, Newcomnbe Milti, Ont. __________ ibits an astonishlng agilitY, Swinmixig sIbe Sain wl th sarcasm, "'botvwKen the way _______________ '~~~~~~with a sused equal, if flot superlar, t a"amnprswt i nnybfr .I Ift idncys are flot in a I TJIIC IV EDEM that o mnyfshcs. snparadtsward hs."Icy eee lei perfcc~ty clea; and lhathy 'LJINÛLA I'ILNIL Yerien fed.""e cndition, the btood become IrnNSE P RIN E es rp e r P8nilywis5 1B From Kidney impregnated with impuruuies, Stilttai Standard, forpeinarriage, when ho gives lber a $3 Disese- and atdeeay of the idneysIler Rival-Of course yan can't ='as- buncis of ficawers she sayi, 'Thank Yeu,~ AtoihaMan Danon t aees, ace. nreg s- bs hearti by the sÎzeo f the dlaniond George, yoauare so gooçi and i k.l nell ofTheeScre Stone ia the lladder, ta- in your engetrement ring. generaus!' But after, wbaa Le gives het ofTre-cr lammation'of the nladder, 110W SIUE KEýPTTR BLLS She of the Ring-No, but I cen imeas- three-faurtbe of bisý salary She zn.rel? and Ton, and a long tist of Kidncy iura i okt yi.-eees eky ok utadsy,'eta i? discases became seated, and ýahspce yi.-eeos eky okqbr n ai l hýa" Dr. Chase's sooner or.later in sa imany A SAPPOINTMENT FROM, Nhno pa oapro okhm Dntmrynl o a upr instances end fatalty. Dr. Weyusekt esnlo ia Dntarutlvncnýu-cr Kde, L-e hse ide iver Pills; A CITY HOME. in the-face.a ie PiIS gave hlm, cure ail Kidncy treulbles._____________________________________________ Satd by all dealers, price a back perfect cents per box. health. i _____________________ illian -,the briglit daughter cf f5 Mj ii 'AiiI.iiiXfZ e a fermer living suqme eighty nijiesfrou 111 1 1 1 V IIirIII The Ueasoni for lit. Fo ronto viited liter aunt in Queen citv Y ÂJ1y The -ýsuperintendaxit of a Sunday ehc uigtefair tirne. was one afternoan expl>in'ing the stîary The tle cuurygil. ni-ller $I a year .. - Ioc a cop-y of Elijali and the Prophets of Baal-bow e"ltet er was a Model inalîthat F01 18299U Elijah bu-ît an altar, puit waod uipon it, p'zandt aseokseecle Amoll- the special features are and, cuti a bulhock ia places, and laid it unbutter-makýiag. coiking., sewing wsra yBJ Y R ILN upon the altier. iccheting, and udrtaote r f iA ncl ehlZyU y îU 4p_1 'And than," said ths eritnenmkigad things look like ntew-home TUE LATERI LIFE 0F LICOLN "hae nomxnanded the peaple ta 1111 fouir dyeing- with Diamond De.'lB isIAM ABL the altier; and tbey did tiis four timues. uii h eodwe fle ii baraswihwae, n t ou t vr ingtescn we fle IlttTHE NAVAL SIDE OF THE WA, Maan ber antit'aedtatse lied made B at -Now, 1 wonder if aioe au tell m f'aed sir it ad at c ySI cohn rpiOeao' ieRelepreesada.etr wby ail tihis water was pouredl over the a careful selection cf, some dlean but 4i A TelegahOeto' f-ial(x recv flvnuîs bulok upon thelir"wihseî~îgîwr ad~Og Contributions by higisesitholt1ritiels oniewdelpeasu Thore was silence fo;r a faw moments, 1 a'dhnan litithe boy spoke up:fo another seaon's wear if the.v Cauld iTIrlIi beý praperly recolored.deSCE C, lNVIIU ,EXL R TO ___________- -Lillian's aunt ackuawledged that she 1 limid neyer before attempted homee Embracing, articles descriptive cf sn tsansheunien ored the 1 ~APlung7 Newvs'and Opiniosi ngbu0s nsh ws ncir ligy hee in the Diving Torppdo Unsolved problems cf Astrc:nomy. stemnsmaei sreofteriw-ee iloat Liie in the deepest inesilý OFpapers that - D.yes would do won- umaieNaiaio eter 0Fders forliser. SbaieNvglnWhtPa, is Odoingin tert National Importanice _At once Lillian) came ta lier rescue1 el The Kite in Modem,. Warfare TheTeetoop Pitrsb a1 sa10: 1te, o nt or goodlîess "lTele graphingwithlout wires lae s our godfls with thes"ecommon ll g m eerp la (1\,dyes ;tlev aire quite uelssI tried a ' The Marvels cf tlhe sea ~" ~ ~ packai-Ige saleure a.go in order ta PE DI H R AO Es-atisfy v i\clroisity anid thievgave jUSt S UIUIVILORTU, miaterial. Whien 1I use dys l tuifs fI waast CONTAINS BOTH. pr y refo rueLtm u hywl aefonsciwiasa gest the iuse CJ Iiamlonld D, es : the t RuyrdKiig Robert Barr S a rah iOrne Jeweýtt are sale anld cre nd fl our ('alors Will j William Allen White John A. 11111 Oct-ave Thianet Daily, by mail - -- - s6 bej st right Snd tagthe drug sore forE. Nîiaml DallyatndiSuîday by malil 8 Thie Diamond Dyswere pocrJd, tepen CraeMognGlarsn .N s anti part, cf the afternoan lwas spent, q Sihan F. Bllock Cliniton Ro"Css Eln GJagowý aunlt and isdece fil jinaig l ile old \We shall publish a numberof ve-ry tiigtre vnww-tr n The S nday un thngsiok lik new reatins. i/.aloise umbcr cf those short, crisp), daaicpsds rueau h;,Ie wich ýý T'n S d y un look ilia ws a1-- uary pen ' our readiers have corne t i nw as sca letrotMCu's is~ý 011retstS ty ~ flhe Rachieveilent of lier friends,'the THE S.S.MQGCLURE COMIPAN1Y paper in the -world. Diamnd Des. At the tea, table that 20 as >t tre 5c coy. y M il 2 ayr.evelng the'atunt said "Lil]ian your ex- Y i 5-,a cy.B M i 2 ,i 1.c,erience l, ving certairulv ;acd Ics PNEW VYOR CITY NE W - - NEW Addresa THE SE N N% York. frorn trouble, loss and disapp ointteî SWom&ns of ~'whetheron socdefy or o~n te- àhome, i6 filIed wiUh more or é1e~ ca reand worryand they i re o fele t0 e refIy1 ~*watch the o:~ ~Irof * ad linn~ halbecmemore 19r dg4res ri17every Jciy. .ve ry worjnr nowb ha ii-4iedajfýls 4 fatal cnemy 1lb Sbea utya m cl lfiat good Ii ealfth ' sives the Jariedf jar-e an- th i 5fi ec rê ofeal W4beuyI To T the Vo i i iIfya re ~'îîte h ae 4o'r 4 fr -f e _ ~ fe*yare thie iesifreedhr flthat scienrce Fias '4ev ed for the »is ofj S Ife.C NERVOUS PROSTRATION OÙURED. Mrs. Alice Boyce, Kingston, Ont., says :-"1 For several years 1 have been suffering frarn general debiliîy and IJ nervous prostration, and my health gradually becorning worse, the,.slightest thing',would frigh ten me. 1 could flot svork, and my spirits wvere canstantly depressed. Through the representations of a friend 1 was induced ta try Dr., Williamns' Pink Pis. This was in the winter of 1897, and 1 arn happy ta say after taking tbcrn for a few wecks; there was a decided change for the better, my bealth gradually but surely returnÎng., 1 arn now as well as ever, ancà can cat, sleep and work without the least inconvenience. 1 arn satisfled that anyone sufféring from debility. or. nerva)us prostration will find a cure in Dr. Williamns' Pinl, Pis," Every box of the genuin e piheis ýý-cjdsed lu-i a wrapper whîch bears the fui! nne -Dr- Williams' Pink Pis for Pale People." .5old by ail deaiers, or sent post paid at Soc. per box or Six boxes. for $2.5o, by adesn the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. , Brockville, Ont. 1 M '.-F V-1 tihe police., Lord Wernyss fought bard for its restriction ta persons con victed of crime. The bill is a sniall temperance mercy for which we ought ta be thankful. Lending a Helping Haid. Thera can be no question but,that there are niany who need synipathy and help. A uttle intarest taken in others, a uitile advice given to'others, bave mosti ý 1