r TERMS :-81.60 PURANJI OUR TOWN AND COtNTY1 FIV.ST; THE WORLD APTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor., NEW SERLES. BOWMANVILLE, -ONTARJO0, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1899. VOLUME XLV. NO. 3.' I I j I I COIJCI, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN will seli the balance of their Ladlies'Coats at exactly Half-price. Every Coat New, ail bought for this season's trade. Gryleron.BaWMAN VILLE. JUBGE ÂRMOUR'S VIEWS. Judge Armour said some sensible things the other day, that wlll bear re- peating in these, United Countiles. Re- prisoners, to the ceils or the jail, the judge said that perniaps, nowadaý s the community was paying a littie too much attention to the comfort of persons con * victed, of crime. The idea of coddling tbem. whicli was exhibited, for instance in the supplying, of tobacco for prison- ers in peniteniary, so Lthat they could enjoy themnselves at the country's exponse, -was not calle d forý by any goocl reasoni that lie could see. A tread- miii would be a public improvement on somne of the present comfort of neniten- tiaries. The most valuable*thing a com- munity could do for either itself or an offender against society was to give the latter the habit of hard work. Once accustomed to that, an idle life woifld moninPa3ry to them. No <ýne acc(,ustom- ted for yecirs to biard work was likely to relapse finto an idle life. The judge's opiniin was that the main origin of crime in the communîty was flot drink but idleuess. Touching, on the suggestion of a poor house for the coiinty, Juidge Armour said] poorliowses.were likely to be a f av- orite places -with people who wanted to get vid «f the trouble and expense of keceping, theîr own poor relations as theyoult The evil tendency the poorbouse system fostered probably more than offset the, mercv it sometimeswas. TRE BUSIX'ES S OUTLOOK.. Ia Canada 1899 opens very brightly for business. The leading commerciali agencies report extraordinary actîvity in every direction. One report states:1 "The wholosale trade is finding money more easy now, the large trade this season ha ying greatlyiucreasod the cir-j culation. Cantry remittances are good. There appears to be a general dosire among retailors to wipe out old scores and get in a good position -to. start the spring trade. The, conditions o! the retail trado continues to improve ail the tinme, and it is the excpption now> to Eind retail1ers laro'elv in arrears to i Local and Otherwisel" The Ontario Legislature meetsFebru- ary lst.' a week in Toronto Dr. Potts was gaest o! Mr. R. W. James while in town. Mr. Norman- MeLaughlin, Dankirk, N. _:, is home on a visit. Mrs. J. H. flockridge, Bradford, iE visiting lier aunt, Mrs. A. Backler., Mr. Harry JolliffejSt. Thomas, is at- tending Bowmanville Higli School, Miss Leali Hutehinson, Newcastle, has been guest of Miss Stella Mason, Mrs. H. Jëffery, Wellington St., lias been very ili with inflammation of the lungs. Conundrum Art Gallery social at Mrs. R. Freeland's next Wednesday evening. Rev J. J. Rae will preach for Rev. G. R. Clare on the Greenwood circuit next Sabbath. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Tilley, attended the fanerai of their little grandchild in Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Trick and Mr. Fred Lyle and Miss Minnie Trick spent Sunday at Mr. 'Sam. Trick's, Coartico. Mrs., David H1awvkins and' son of the Liglithouse,, Peninsala Island, Lakle Sueir, is visiting Mrs. McCrimmon, iibellrtiy St. Major Schoof-,Methodjst churcli. Twice, Monday,Jan. 23 and Wednesdav J an. 2.5. Admission 10c. Ladies Aid and Epwo 'rth League. The '-irzrapli entertainment ln the Town Hat! Wednesday night did not dra w a large auMdience. How conld it? The st.yle of0'advertýising did it. Mrs. 'M. Crydermax entertained the Catecliameiin Class of! thbe Methodist cliu'ch onie evening- last week. Abouit 30 were present and had an enjoyable time. The memnbers o! Excelsior Council, R. T. of T. boild a pleasant social oven- igon Tuesday last in their hall. Re- freshments were served and aill had a mnerry tîme'. J. C. Vinstone bas> rolled oats at bis Bowmanville and Tyrone milis, for sale or exchange for oats. Ho is also pro- pared to pay tho higbest prico for oats delivered ai either milli Ex Sergt. Mal<jor Sehoof of tbe Bechu- analand _ý1ounted Police o! South Africa will preach in the Methodist cliarcli on Sunday' evenîng next. Rev. Wm. Jolliffe will proacli in the morning. Mr. W. T. R. Proston, late Provincial Librarian. entered apon bis duties at 1)ttawa Friday. He is la charge of the Annual meeting of the Homne Society in Councîl Chamber, this (Wednesday> evening at,8oIloc, for election of officers and general business. The position of principal of the Nor- uft M i iimas irklanu, îas oeen filled by the promation of Mr. WVm.Scott, who for sevoral vears bas acted &.s vice- principal under'Mr.Kirkland. Mr.Scott before coming toToronito was vice-prin- cipal of the Ottawa Normal Scliool and lias been c",nnected with the work for nearlv fifteen years. We congratulate Mr. Scott on bis appointmnent whicb po- sition we are sure will be satisfactorily filled. This adds one more to thelist of honors conferred on Bowmnanville boys, A most delightful evening was spent by the members of the Mthodist Chiurcli Choir and the pastor and wife. at the residence o! Mrs. S. Mason, King St,, on Friday last. Mrs. Mason, assisted bY Mrs. Rawôvrth, Mr. James Morris, Mr. and Mrs. S W. Mason, jr., Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jowelll, Mrs. Slomon, Misses Frank;ie Jewell and Millie Mason, gave the guests a ri oyal time. During the evening an ipopuporm wVýas rendiered and ame o!var0 u kinds indulged inl. Tos present tboroughly enjoyed the kind manner in which thoy wore etrand BÂRKEST AFRICA LIGIITEI) UP. The above is an portrait of Major G.H.f Schioof, he soldier lecturor, freryo! the Becthuanland tMounted Bre Police, the famous rogiment that rodeý with Dr. Jaimieson int<o the Transvaa1 -- --------- ýl 14 Idoo 10li t