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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1899, p. 8

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'QI The Family Remedy for - - - - Ooughs an d Oolds. SInvaluable for Bronchitis, lloarseness,, La- ?P Z Grippe,, Asthma and Lung Trouble. i We have a. select stock of Chest Proteet- - ge ors, Atomizers, flot Water Botties, Fountain '.!Syringes, &c. BOWMANVILLE.J.HCIBOHM &Druggists. M--ý *MillinerySale. MRS. DINGMýANLI now offers everything i the store at reduced uûricezs in order ro sell the whole to maîke room'for. new Sp)ringr Stock,ý tarrive early in the New Yeatr. Everything Smust be sold before the season closes, and Ladies will flnd SBargaîins in every îuine oûfMýIIIntery. S Many things wil be sold away beiow cost. The Sstock is well assorted with the Newest Millinery Goods of This Season anld it will pay intending purehasers to visit Sthe store. iRemember this is a bona-fide, Cleariiig ng ae of a large and fashionable sok I RS.1DNGMAN BoWMMvIAlLLE. FashionabIeler Just arrived for t-he JIfoliday trade Ne SFigs, -New Currants, New Raisins, 'jNewPes ~of ail kinds; NeW- Canned Goods, Sardines at y5c per tin, Pork and Beans at 5c per tin,_ Oy-sters in bulk, always f resIî, Ours is a complete Grocery and Provision Store. What you want and don't see ask for. SPhoýne ,5T.Cash GroCer-S. "KL-dduck"-Ileatlher Permits en- 4. t lition, keeps feet dry, warm, heal- Othy. Sîhedsý water tIke: a duck's BREA ,GAK[3.GA DI[S ALE. LTTrri-L 15 110W prepared to supply the citizens of Bowmanville. wit brad micakes, fresh e-very day. veryv cýýopete stock of confectionalry, Weddin Cakes made to order. Alex. Luttreli. Clark 's idtand,ý Bojwranviile. Lii ay at'sa ires hbrlarý endt James Ruseli, an ol1 ru2eidet of BeLmDontI, iS dead.L Horticultural Society. Officers cf West Durham Horticultu'- rai Society for 1899: President-Pev. J. J. Ras; lst Vice-R. Jarvis; 2nd Vice- D.Fisher; Seertary-P. Trebilcek; * ~.. ~. ,~. n. ,, ai ,. L'IL er, Airs- J. M JonssJos. Jefferv,, Dr, W. E. ilyJas MeLean, 1T. Burden, W, F AleR. Moyse, J. il. Kydd. Hon. Dirctos-Jev.J HL Barnett, Dr. Me- Laugb,,ll n, J. Cate, M. A. James, RL l. Loscombe. STOCK IYANTEIJ Two, car loads cf mutte and hogs wanted at once. Those baing steocf any kind t ssi shonlld notifv me at once by card or otberwiwe. Tbanking mny rany patrons for mes onfidence, I1is teconttiîîue bsnesreaioso alarger seale during189 S. H. PET or.ns Bowman§iie,, Dealer ii all kincls of Live tok - I BOWMANV11ILLE, JAN_. 1, 8 99. SUBCRPTO~RAESF(OP,1s99. STA.TESMAN to end of 1899, (new) si 00 STATESMAIN and Weekly Glob 1i75, STATESMAN and Weekiy Mail i 50 STATESMAN and Famil y leraid i 9 STATESMAN and Farm and Fireside i15 STATESMAN and Farming (weekly) i 90) STATESMAN and Farmer 's Advocate i 90 STATFSMAN and Guardip'n 2O STATESMAN anid Mont reai Witniess i1 75 STA-1TUQSAN and Montreal llerald i 75 STATESMlAN and Western Advertiseri 75 STAvESMAiN and Breedsr's Gazette 2 50ý STATESMAN and Leslii's Weskiy 2 5(j STATE,.MANand Toronto World 8 D) STArFESiaAN And Daiiy Globe 4 7é5 STATEsmAN and TorontoDaily Star j 00 STATESMAN and Evsning Globe 33 50 STATESMAN and Daily Witness a O STATESMAN and- Demorest i 80ý STATESMAN and Weekiy Sun, i 401 Sait rheum and ail eczematous con- ditions of the- skin are cured by the use of Milier 's Compound Iron Pu111s. BETHESDA. The members of Hampton E.- L. C. E. have been compeiled t6 postpone thieir visit owing to siekness amlong, their members. TYRONE'. The Junior and Intermediîate League of Tyrone will give a concert in 'the Temiperance Hall on Saturday evening Jan. '28th. AdmissiÀon Adults 15c, CUli. dren 10c. Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. James McCrae andAMr. and Mrs. Wmi. Jones, Tay; Miss Fairborn, Coboconk. Messrs. Oscar and Clarence FaIlL are visitîng" frîinds in Iarr!Ston a-nd viinit,.. Numerous case.s of ripein ne-ghbor- hood. .ýCarniivai on Blackstock rinklç Jan. 20j. TAUNTON. A quiet weeding took place on Wed- nssday, Jan. iith, wben Mr, William Trick, Courtice, was unlited in Inarriag with Miss A.ddie Bà>ldson,third daug-hte r of Mr. Jas. Bidson 0l f this place. Thel csremony was per,,formed by Rev - J. J. Liddy, B. A,, at the Mýedeaif St. Metho, cist parsonage, Oshawa., A number of the relatives and fr'einds asssmbled at their new >home at H1armony where a splendid supper awaitsd the nswiy married couple and where a pleasant and enjoyabis evsning was spent. The bride recsived a nice collection of pretty and useful gifts. SOLINA. Miss Esther Elford, Islav, is visitingý hier sisters and other relatives ,here.,, Mr. Jos. Abrahams, Manitoba, is caiuin on frîends...Mr. Herbert Reyniolds lef t for Guelph iast week to attend 0. -A. C..The treat at the Divisjin on Friday night last was enjove y hail. last was largeiyý attendied anid thcedis- eussions wers very initere-sting.T he addresses by Messrs. Hlllam and Orrt were especiaily instructix e...Mr. C_.1 N. Stacey intends rnoving to Osbawa.1 NEW HAVEN., Several ln this vicinity have la grippve .... Miss.M. HIouck bas returned to -Warrninster after a pleasantx visit with friends and relatives here..,. Mr. Ed. Withsridgc visited fricnd s iii Oshawa recently. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Thôs. Power attended the Internationaf Poultry Shoiv at Toronto last wcek. Mr. Power sold one of bis superier Brown Leghorn cockeraIs to Mr. Gre(9. 1i. B-,tý gott, Lawton, N. Y., for i0. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke were guests of 1rýs Walter Oke Sunday.......Visitors: Mr, Ernest and Miss RuthellaIarnr- no, at Mr. ID Moffatt's: Mi ad rs. Geo. Perkins, _Mr, Jas. Bcntt sha- wa, at Mr. J.Wihrg's EN_ ISK1LLEN. Mr. T. T. ari s Oshawa, spent a short tirnebee01hsrtr froin Man. itoba where hle lbad been atteniding the fanerai of bi,, bro'fher Gilbert... Mrs.1 (Dr.) Mitcell is spending a few weeks in Winnipeg. . .. Mr. T. T. Jardine and famnily intend removing Io Manitoba in tbe spring.. .. bMrs. W. Herring is visit ing bier sister Mrs. Thos, Moyse, Bow- maqinilie ... . Th ere i s conbderable agita- tion ini refe3rene to a new public hall for tbe village.... Miss Phoda.Cowling spent a very enjoyable vacation visiting friends in 'Poronfo.,1 A large noînber of guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of Sprîngville on Wednssday, Dec. 28tb to witness a very pretty and 131ýesng event, the occasion bein,- the marriage, of their daughter Minnie te Mr. W. J. Stacey, principal of the public scbool, Enniskilien. The cerernony was abiy performed by Riv A, J. MeMullen,t paster of Springvîlle cbnurcbi, in bis usuai pleasant mnanner. The bride looked charming and wvas attended by ber sister Fbo, wbile the groom was as- sisted by bis brother, Mr. B. S1'taeey, teacher at Argvle. After tbe crmn the guests repaired to the dinrng roorn where a sumptuons repast awaited tbcm. In the evening a hack arrivs d froîn Peterboro and the young couple were driven te town to the C . P. R. .+ninnoehnq.n irlt n~tnrra.Of rie. they boarded the train forer future bornàe.Alagnu ercfredfrn a distance wc i) resent. The pre-(sents being sent frorn he prairie poic" showed the lu, 1 esteem la wbic h the bride wvas beld bLy ber many fins Peterboro IkEa-màner. Tom rny rnaiyPat-ons'andFred- I arn pleased te say that aliho-ugh rmny mil, dam i8ssiý,ighti, darnaged I1rnpre- pared to atte3nd te business as usu&L Pcspectfnlly yours, ,IoEN MARTIN, Bopne Water Milis, Ennishilte!n. ,hiId e r o jne ut?? t?, m ? on j?, M? j, P?,t? IH[ MASON GO., BOWMANYILLE, Another Snap Coming Prepare for it by attending our stocl-tk-ting sale and securing Some of our snaps in warm Clothing, &e., &e. We are seliing Ladies' Jackets At Haif- Price. We are selling Fur Coats, Robes, Horse Blankets, &e., at cost. Odd Suits at haif price to clear.' Corduroy vests, a few lef t will go at wliolesale cost. Odd Coats, Ocdd vests, Odd Pants, ail very much redueed. We have had a very successiul ýseason in Clothing and we are very anxious to elear out odds and ends of a big seasons biz. Our Boot and Shoe Dept. lias dlone a very good trade this season stili we have some winter Iihies to elear we areseIg Men's beavy Feit Fox Top Boots were $2.00 for $1.60. A ýh oiee lime Ladies' Feit Slippers were $ 1.10 for 85c. Ladies' Felt Fox Button Laeed or Congress were $1.3~5 for $1,00. Boys' Moeeasins, fancy llowered toes were $1 nove for 65e., Odds and ends of mnany lunes in feit goods at even greater re ducio, Ladies' Furs, in these goods we have left for, sale Persian Lamnb, Asrac aSa and other Furs, ail new goods and proper styles, we wil seli for a ririce thatwlim e a big paying investment. We Want a lot of fresh eggs for an order, topprcs butter, I potatoes,dried apples,onions, white beanls, wilnter apples, poultry take,-n at highiest prices. à - t?? t?? t?? t?? t?? t?, j?, j?, j?, t?? t?? t?? j?, t?? t?? t?? t?, 6 ONLY LADIES IUFFS. 4 "- "CAPERINES. 7 " " RUFFS. 7 G~ REY LA11IB CAPS. also a few other articles. TH1E MASON Co. v - L * Mr, N. Hay es, Oshawa, is visit ing at Mr. N. G ...rd.sMr. and Mrs. C. Ilastîngs 1have returned from Friend- sbip, N. Yý. Mrs. Coleman who has be'en mnrsing- the seariet fever patients ait Mr. J. Burns' bas contracted the d .es... . Mrs. llawke bas been en- -ggd as nurse, twoof the patients havihg suffsred a relapse...The changeable weathsr bas produced a great deal of sickness in the village.. he E. L. C. E visit te Bethesda bas been postponed on accouint of sickness arnongr the members..Mr. W. R. 1 iin 1. O. FK District L>putv, offlciallv visited the Newcastle and Newtonviiie courts last week.,.District Deputy P. ~ilolt instalied Lodge Darlinzton 1S.0O. P'-officers Thursday evening. Tbree candidates wereinitîated..Mrs. ýW. iln as pleurisy. MAPLE GROVE. Mrn Robert Stc( Iuna-and Miss, i±d r;cinds at Wil rs. Mark iinday vis- Ètton re- dein's littie son is dngerouLsl y iii witb pneumonîa. Pc. .Rv. J. C Wilson, Brîgbton, will conduet the annual mis- sionarv services bers next Sabbath,.. The' S. of T. oc'vster supper last week was a splendid success. The supper was above the ordinarvand tbe program was of first ciass ordfer.'Miss Howson, Salem. and Miss Estella Reynolds, Solina, de- ligbted the audience with their reading. The solos by Misses Nellie Saunders and E va Cryieerman), Town. and Miss Beatrice Barber, Oshý!awa, were bighly appreciated. Tbe addresses bv Pcv. J. Jý Pas "Moneyv and some other things" and the pastor on "it work and both witty and practiîcai. Prceeds amoiunted to a littie ve ý0Welbope for milder weatber next timie. A wel-kown DrlggÎst gines bits experience. A sueccessfvi and wi-nw Canadi- an drug,-gist recently said. "I know from ex perienice wbat it means to seli dyes that hiavïeno standing or establisb- sd reputation. Over a sear ago 1 put in a small stock of --- dves. 1 bad been asked by tbres or four persons for. thesedyes which thev saw advertised, and I was under the impressi')n that the demand would increase In a year's time 1 soid probabiy frorn twenty to twventy-five packages, and had se many Compiaints from disappointed women who hadý spoilt good material ami,* gar. menits with these newdyes that Ibanisb- ed ev\ery one cf tbemn to rny back store- bouLse, where thcy are now. I find tbat Diamond Dyes gives Perfect satisfaction te ail my customers, and wiii ssii 1no other whiie 1 arn in business. What a tale could be told by womien about spoilt goods by -uinig cheap and trasby dxN es!" This statement from an old etbîb 1-is loz and extended exprines' favoI of the Diarnond Dyes. There are toc, bundvýreds cf other duggists and dea iers and tens cf thousan'is cf wornen who eould give clear and convincing tssýtir-nony tbat Diarnond Dyes arc far abead cf ail other dycs in 'purity, strengtb, fastncss and color, brilliancyý and beauty, As long as there arc imitations and adultcrated dyes sold, it is well that al shouid insist on getting the,"Diamnod' wben bux ing d.yes for borne dycing. Ses thî,t t he amie is on each packet. A Wise Housekeeper,1 b I Makes it a point to keep her kitchen, well She knows how important it is to dlo so. Well cooked- meals do muclih to make home life happy and they. can't be had without goodcokn utensils and a igooclKitchen Range. You eau findel thouisaniids of hiouse- keepers whowould rather part twite pianio than their'"HAPPY THOUGIFIT RNE"I 4k like a charm ancd it burns day and niglit, it is n-o trouble to look after, andyou would hardly miss the "lscutle a day"I of coal that it uses. Make it a point to cail' on us the first tinie you're downii town, andwel be pleased to show you thle many suiperior advantages of the "II1APPY THOL'GHIT." Phone,74, BowmAN-ILI E, AUOTION SALE, THURSOAY, Jan, 26.- Mr. Jas.Coliacott con 9, lot 2,Dariington,will ýssii 10 ac's standing timber in 1 acre lots-al maple ; somne of it wiii mun'90 cords to acre. Saitat i p.in Seposters.- L. A. W. TOL, auctioneer. SALEM. Last Friday a ver 'v pleasant evenin.- was spent at the borne cf Mr. and Mrs. R. fI, Collacott wben tbev treated the choir as weli as a few othier friends te a Cbb-cken Pip. _%nUMez A f £.ni n- joy ed an excell îdt meal,' the evcning wa s pleasantlyv and profitably spent in music, gaines, etc. The Sundav Sehool Illustrator pub. iisbed by the Fleming 11. Pevel Corn- Pan', 154 Yonge St ,Torontoc, is a val- nable lp te ail Sunday Scbcol toach- ers and workcrs. It contains select nctes and'comments b-v Mrs. Abbie C. Mcrrow. the editor, that wili bc vcry useful to senior members cf the schcol and a prirnar.y departrnent and black- board prints by Pcv. Ro)bt. F. Y.Pierce tbat are very suggestive and practicai te thc ycunger cnes. Prie à e ayar. I - The county Court at Charlottetown P. E. I., had 159 cases on thie cocket recentiy. ThIe upsstting'Lý of a tea pet badly- saddtwo cildren of P. Young, Waubnno. ,ames Jarnieson, cf Fuliarton had his resideuce dcstroyed by fire a fevr days ago. Alex MeNeili, Clace Bay, N. S., was drowned by breakinig throughi the ice on a pond. Thomas A. Bain, Lanark counity, re. ceived four tons of bone-y from 75 hives this seasonl. recentiy inarrieCI' te M1lâr. B, F Moon, of Chicago. The Dominion Presbvterian isý a new wcckly religions journai just sÉarted at Moutreal, Mr C. Blackett Roisoh former publisher cf several P»eýýsbyter- ian publications la Toronto bie lag-man- ager. Two numbers have becen receiv- cd and show evidence ef beiný )worty cf the support'cf ail membýers cf the cburch under hose auspices ý,itÏ appears Ws wisb iftheseet it merits #. a year. 232 StC Jam7es St., Montreai Childïren Ory for tfxin Mothe-s fIn d.D v. Low's Worm lA .' Sr41~tebestnmedieine tenpL rnlke it-woruido't *rs A TO R i I l?, M?,t??tmt??tM t??t M? t? ?? t equipped -T -r Le 1 [-Si -f gr% al- lie yï? 'ces pop cou M . w - 1

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