~- r iffl --1 1 1 The sticks. That's tLie kind to be careful about No remedy gîves sucli relief ,'n toughs of this kind as our old reli- ~ 5eExcelsior Cough, Syrup. It ,tands thete. Large botties 25c, STOTT & JURY. Sole manufacturer. For~ Spectacles We use the latest and moist ne- enrate instruments Lknown to science in examining- the sigltind aithougli ie do iît free off ail charge, we make1 thef- examination most thorough in overy respect f'or our reputation is at stake and we coulci fot afford to lbe (areles s or ina ccu rate. Not oni thiis but we realize the danger of wearing spectacles that fit improp- erly and iwe take& specfl, iipeasure in demonstrating the ýdifference- be- tween our Perfect Fitting Spectacles and those that àre sold by others who have not made study of opties a speýcialty. STOTT & JUR Y. The D, ýggists and Opticians. We seli glasses from 10e up, but the best value, is our $1.00 leader. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMAN ViLLE SrATîONr. GOING E AST. GOINe WEST. Er~.ess 831a.m. 1 Express-.5 23 a. n *Expreffl.. 10 19 a. n Local«. 5 18S Iassenger .... 3 40 1;.. Passenger.. i 35 p. m Local..... 651. t Express... 4.31 p.m. >Exp)res«.,. 1103 * jExpregs... 7 39 1 Dailr. 1 Sundays only. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 25, 1899. Nicholis alwayssel1s cbeap. J oi the procession and go to Nichols', Curtaîn Poles iu groat variety aI L. Morris'. Trv Nicholîis' for writung paper and envelopes. Misýs N. M.i. Toronto, is guest at Mr. . H.Dxîsan's Mliss Kate Eilîoît id gues,. of Miss Eva Brauind, Port r\'pe3. Miss Maud 1,e .merson is vïiiing re- latives ilu Port IHope. Mrs. Jo'hn Wlilliamis, Port Hope, niother of MNr. W. H. Witliams, fanmer,1 is quite il. M.A.jamnes is agent for the Christian Guardiaii, Christian lierïaid audLadies' Hlome cJournal. Siiits wihalways sui4-ttwheu made aI Couch, Jobnston & Cryeîns Those who appreciate artistie prmnt- Sng shouid send their orders te TirE $TÂTESMAN. Men's & Boys' Over Coats selling off at greatlY reduced pnices aI Couch, Jobinston & Crvd erianhs. Bring lu your firs and have theni re- ~paired Pa n ade lInt, latesI tstyles aI 1ý, Mayer's, tte Furrier. Buy your furs froni a fumrier who un- :4erstands is ues , 1aer is thel man un Brsvnanivlle. Sec his advt. Cal at JrEi1Johbton and Crydcr- mian's fo-r the best, pair of Blankets aI $2-50 sbowmljn b any housein Canada. Do as your neigbbor does, use Nicolîs' Big 5c., bar of Soap, the largesl and best bar of soap lu the, market to-day, 6 Ilis. for 25c. Black Dress Qrood-a beauliful ýange iu aIl qualities up te the iluest goods imlported juist receivedt at Couch, If vout winl 10 heer some mrusic that 111ff do you goed ealu at T. N. Rickard's eowellry store, hear the music boxeso he s for sale and fomni your owu opinion. î Lsýý[p"'essile-1d fjake a inote of tise 14c' ýCouchË, Jahu stoln &-,Cr-ydernI are . 'iling off fi ,c balance of their ade'Cents, at half prico, Soveral linesosfet 'ress Goods selling1 f),f below cost at LCouch, Johnston& crydermani's. Furs of,[ 1l kinds selling off et a big iscount aI Coucb. Johnston & Cryder- PrIof, Heürntng, Pli. D., of Victoria Hear Major Scboof to night in' Town Hall. 'Oysters aiways. frosh iat Cawker& Tait s. Miss Willis, Portflope, is guost of Mrs. Wm. Humphrey. Tenders are invited for a 'new brick schooibouse at Solina., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Peterboro,vis- ited at Leskard, receutly. Note the change lu Messrs Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's advt. Cobourg Hockey tearn plays here Thursday nuight, uce permittîng. Salemi Pink and White Social is au nouuced for Feb. l7th. Attend. An every day fact-Theouonv pla ce 10 gel lresh fish is at Cawker & TIait's. Everyone attend the Pounsd Social aI "The Homo" ou Feli. lst fromi7 10 9 p. Mrs. J. W. McLaughliu gave an afternoon Tea 10 a nutmbeof lier lady f riends Saturdayv. THEE TTS staff bas been re- duced bv la grippe so Ibat we have te issue a light paper. Mr. Wm. Wbite, Oakwood, was guest of his sister Miss E. White over SundayV. MIr. Miltoni Wight and sister Effa hiave returned froifi visitinig friends lui ýWestern Canada. Port Ferry Hoceleainiplayed on rink boere Frîiday night, score 1 10 4 lu favor of Bowmanvilie. A FRESH COD fisb, White fish, B.C. Sail mon, lierrings Smith, Tommy cods and Haddock at Cawker &Tait's. Major Schoof must have more room sgives bis lecture and military ex- hibitions7'iu Town Hall te night. Mr. Wrnm. McDonald, Troy: N. Y..and Mr. Sai. McD)onaid, NewvYork City, were gue.sts of their sister,Mrs. W.Tuck.;- or. receutl.y. 1,arnuioisy Male Quartette beard the Sherlock Quartette of Toronto Moniday e-,enilig lu Oshawa and were cbarnled by their singing. Mrs. Alex MacM)Iilieur of Clîurch St. is verv sick with inflammation of the lungs.; Mr. MecMilieu is also confined 10 the house with la Grippe. Mr. W. A. lianes, of the popular Clerks of the West End House. bas purcbanseda bankrupt stock of Boots and Shoes_ in Toronto. fr * and Mrs Samuel Trick,, of Cour- ltice and MNr. and Mr8. \William Trick, of Harmioll% spent Sunday witb Mr. an-d Mrs. William iMcbeynolds, Brook- bill Dairy. J. C. Vanstone bas rolled oats at his Bowmanville and Tyrone niills, for sale or exehango for oats. lie is elso pre- pared to pay the highest price for oats doiivered ateither miii. Oshawa ratepavers decided Saturday 10 raiso $1 10,000 by issuing debentures for a waterworks and a sewerage sys- taen. We congratulate our sister town on Ibis stroke of enterprize. Messrs WV. E. Polard, President, and M. A. James, Secretary, are appointêd a dlegation -from îthe Union Agri- cutural Societies 10 the Coin lies Coun cil 10 solicit the biannuel grant. Rev. J. H. Barnett wiil preach morn- ing and evenin in Trinity Church next Sundzy. Evening theme "Cou- versions of the past contrasted with theý se calied convýers.ions of the prosont." Regular meeting of Court Simipson, L. 0. F. on Tuosday ovoning, Jan. 31, Ici whicb. a fuît altendance is requesled. High Court Officers will lie prosent te instaîl the officers, and transact 'other important business. Mr. Geo. McGill; Manager Ontario Bank, attended the' Mme. Mercella Se mbricb concert iu Massey Hall, Tor- onto, Thursday eveuing. lie was de- lighted and thinks this was eue of the best concerts ho evor attended. Services et the cburcb of,Christ next Lord's Day as usual. Subjoct aI 11a.m. "The Love of Christ conslreinetb me," aI 7 p. ni. "Can we ail se e like?" or "Questions upon which ah coenomina- lions agroe." Alare cordiaily invilo 10 attend thiese services. On Friday evening, Jan. 27th, Rey. W. J Scott, cf Toronto, will give an iilustrated Lecture lu' the Church of Christ. Subject: "Across Canada on the C. P. R. " Larg-e Lime Light Pic- tu.res. Tickets loc. The public are cordially invited. Remember tbeConundriimArtGall ory,7 social at Mrs R. Freeland's, Beecb A've. Wednesday evoning, Jeu. 25tb, et 8 p. nim. un der the auspices of Trinity Y. P. S. E. Au excellent pregrani will ho gîven and refreshments served. Silver cllection. Everyone weleme. Tbe regular meeting of Ibe W. C. T. U. will ho hcld on Tuesda « -Jeu. ist. aI 3 o'cloQýk, lu the PrimryNClass boom of the Methodist Church. Mliss Martha1 Smith B. E. se well known as an elocu- tionist, will givo an address and melle. Miss Smitb is a daughler of the laIe 11ev. John Smith for s0 maur years knowu as a leader in the lemperance work. <Miss Martba Smith, B E., represont- ing the Canaduan Viava Ce, of Toronto witt address the ladies of Bowmanville ou "Press in> ils relation te Heaith" in lu the Royal Tesnplas' Hall on Friday et g3:p. in. Ait wel!omte. Admission free.g Tbhose wishing iformatiou about the Viava movomont pleese eall ah Miss Ilenry's, Wellingtouo St., aný afternoon before three. 'l'he Hromo for thie Aged and Influ-in1 being~ compte ted, t us preposod te bold a forma1 o poni ng lu connection with il on Wed nesda -y evening, Foi. ist. Freni 7 te 8 o'clock visitors wi!ll h sbon hhrougb the Home and froini te 9 p.m., short anddressos wîlho dliverod. Al who1 attend are invited te briug. with1J thienli aI leesi onle peunld ef snlu supplies as wlt ho uset tei tthe ilumates. Public invited te ho present. The, Methodisis 1held anl annuel con-1 greg-ational m]eebing ThFlursdlay nighl wheu thie reports ofithe audihors and tbo severai treas.urer.s were rond and doptd Tbhe pastor, Rey. J. J. Rae, presented Ihie member-)ýiship report shjow- in-- a verY large iacrease during the1 year. ThFliinancial reports were al very satîisfacory T horopresontatives eleched te the Qnarterly 1Beerd were:ý Levi MIorris, Dr. Brimnacombe, Jas. Mc Leani, 'W. Trewin, T- E. Iliginoa Aiith-)iiy Mitche, John 1Hehiyar, Jr. Rey. Wmý1. JouliÎffeProdd For t lind graiàite wvaro go te Nie- [bous'. frein a are weîcome. Lecture on the Batties, lluuting and Diamond fields of Africa at T3wn Hall1 to nîgh1t. Major Schoof will give an exhibition of Interniational Military Parade, Lso-eoin acttiing an apple from a man's bead with the Sword, Sword con test and Drill. Aiso ant attractive and interes ting exhibition of Arrican Museumn of curiosities. Town Hall, Wednesday night at 8,p.m. 0f Major Scboof's lecture and curio- exhibition Mondav night in theschool- room of the MetbodistCburch we might filina column, but la grippe bas reduced our- staff and can onlv say that hio zives his second lecture in thie Town Hall thîs Wednesday night and every man, woman and b1iTld that caui scare 'up ten cents had better go to hkear hlm for they will hardiy get a better ten-cent pro- gram this side of th)e 2otli century wthen- ever it begins<. A WELCOAIE ANNO CINCE1ENT. The public will bc interested ln know- ing that tihe publishiers of that popular ,ekYS ppr, the Famiily HIerald and WeekyStr of Moritreal, have arrang- ed for a further sup c f their famous premium picture, Thn lRed Line. " Al who become subscribers during Jan- uary and Februarv can depend on get- ting a copy, alsorenewýýaltisubsrîbers. We believe the publishiers of theL Family Herald and Weekly 8tar iintend the 'ihin Ried Line" t6 ho the lir8t of a series of these famous pictures, and Canadians who secure a copv this vear will be fortunate. as they will be"able to secure the whole set In a few, weeks the entire edition of . Thin lied Line" wili be disposed of and no more cau be had at any price. This is a bluit forý those wbo bave flot yet secnred it. It is given free with a year's subscrýption (one dollar) to thaï great paper, the Family Herald and Weekýly Star, Mont- real, miss Smith'ls Iloleth Talks. Great interest;eisb)eing manifested amongst the ladies in thie Iealth Ta]ks given in the RoyalTepas Hall ever- Fridav afternoon, Last week 'MisSmith hield a spciÀal meeting ou Wednesda *y eeinlor ladies who are emploved during thie day and ou Friday gave the usual public talz. lier sub- ject was "Food, Exercise and llealth" and the order of these words re versed; we were given the dictiouary meaniug, Of the word Health-"'A sound state of11 livin)g beinz", and b8i uneans of a set of splendid charts the depth of men îng lu this definition was revealed, and we realized how very, very few could pass an exanJnation andà touch the standard. There being- the ciosest !n- terdependence hetweern the brain and its enviroziment "thé,isue of the body and the teroper of tiwiat" physical sounduiess becones ainî it e-seutial to thehi--hest mes.al ami sjuîitual attain-, mO1nts. Truly the geaLvsî needof4the age is a higlier physîcilfe for women. The necessitv' for a-i simple, non stimu- lating diet anid 'a iertain amount of out fdoor exorcise was tnpliasi.zed and we feit that the fow ladies in town w ho are enjo,,iun1erfect health, as well as thoir >lessfortunato sisters, would miss mn uch by not attendiog this course of lectures BEARDED <WOMEN. Designn nt1ub luig and cn- nigly ordd a uer 'IerntIlcnstnt, endeavor to work uipon the f(eelings of sick andaiiingw ueln byinlvitinigtbýem"towrltc to, a woman I aud seure a w,*ornian's eym- paîhy."11 t îs weIl to rmme that the lies sympatby isto lie bad at borne and flot front strangers, perhIaps bnndreds of miles distant.Thojctftesckitogtvel and iowev-er precioiis sympatbiy nsay lie, il neveryet cured a seriousiy afflicted womani. Whiie the sympathyv of yormillinier or dresemaker might lie appreciated and lie just as beneficial, if flot more so, than syîu- pathy fiom a stranger, yet il ,can flot effect your cure if you are an ailing wVoman. It is loudly proclaimed througis the press that "a womnreau best understand a womian's ailmnents," and on tLpis ground sick womeîs are invited to " write to a woman"1 and get the benefit of a womian's advice. The sort of "undcrstandîlng of betr ailmlents" waoted by a sick wo-ran is a trainied mcedi- cal understanding. if a woman blas this trainedhmedical kniowledgc she iunder stands womail's ailiments not as a wornaî, but as a Physician. If sheis flot a.doctor abe canniot understand the almente at ail, an d canno (t treat tbem successfuuly, because shet lacks the necessary training. As far as knewu, ibere is nlo regulariy qualified womau physician onece with, anyv proprietary meýdicin1e especiafly de. Signcud for womeni-no oile, therefore qutali- fied by learniing and experience, to advise on qulestions cfdiae and its cure. It le certain that there is, no one, mnan or woman, eonnected with any "put-up"e xnedicinc for womenl, excepting oilly Dr., Picrce's Favorite . Prescript ion, who, like Dr. Pierce. is a reglar graduatedl and quali- fied physýician, and who lias, like hlmii, de. vote4 more than thirty yearq tb tie special study and treatmnent of dise,.ases of wom11en, For more tilan. thirly years Dr. R. V. Pierce, a regularly graduiatcd doctor, lias been chief ponsulting physiciani of the Invalids' Hotel and Suirgicai Institute, of BuIffalo. N. Y. On his itaf are nearly a score of regullaiily graduated, üexperienced, Slkilled plsysicians, eeci of whom la a Spec- ia'list in lis clbise a C1s of disea8en. Ev- ery lttecr Dd~,~s r. Pies-c as alsove, bais prompt, conutlie1sloirs attention, i8 te- t reda acredly con.fidenitiai anod is an- swered in a pliu envelope 80) youir private affairs are k-ept safeý fromn prying cyca. Raw fro mîlier Tocs to [R.CHAE Mer Knees CURÉ] Mra. KIigbt, 1 1 Hanover Place, Tootmakes the following M ymother, Mrs. Wright, who lives at Nos val, near Doncaster, suffercda aummner and winter witli Eczema lu ber feet. Sbecould not walk, and very seldon' got auy sleep. Il became se ,- la that she was perfectly raw froin the toes tothe kuces, After trying every available- reinedy witbout receiviug amy benefit, and1 aliast ihonpleq of releÊ - QAbe-n adved o ry r.Cbae'sOitmet.She has aogeter ued 8 boxes silnce coin-_ mecnbut %with thie happiestrsis f'or she is now completelyv cured. There is but one scar on one of lier feet, a memientio of her ûearful suffering ondi- tion. Anyv person desiring' furtferctesti- mony in this case is at liberty' to communi- cate with Mrs. Wright at hier address, Norval P.O. Mrs. Knight says after such a grand success. is it any wvonder we recommend Dr. Chases Ointment? Foreign Missionary Soeiety. ThIie W.- F. M. Society of the Whitby Presbytery heid its an7nuai meeting in St. John' church, Port Perry, Jan. 17. The Presidçnt, Mrs. A.'McAuiey, Pick- eriug, occupied the chair. Ail the Aux- iliaries (membership 807) reported a growing interest in the work. Their nlunieai strength remains about the samne as last year; but financialii there isagithe contributions ïrowi al sources amounting to $115.4.8L. The Mission Bands report a decrease in mnembers and contributions. Over $226 worth of clothing, etc,7 had been sent to the Indians -of the Njortii West, Amrong the con tributio.ns to the pro- gram were an impressîve address by .Mrs. H-. Jeffery, Toronto; greetings from the different churches of the town by Mrs. C. J Pearce, Methodist,, Miss McCaw, Baptist, Miss Fletcher, Episco- pal; solos by Miss Law, Pickering, and Mrs Hlicks, Oshawa: paper b y Mrs. W. H. HoiiidayV,Broiu and QuLItinn Drawer by M,ýrs. Chîshoîni, Dunbarton,1 and Mrs. Geo. Laingý,Bwavie The officers eIpýcted for 1898 are: Presi- dent-Mrs. McAitiey, Pickerîng-;; lst Vice-Mrs. G. F. McGilliivrav, Whitby; 2nd Vice-Mrs. J. ýIMeehan, Port Perry; 8rd Vice-Mrs. J.- L. Rowe, Or- ono; 4th Vice-Mrs. J. Hodges, Oshawa; Corresponding Secretary-Miss Thom.- son, Whitby; Recording Secretary- Miss McConnachie, Bowmanville; Treasurer-Mrs. Currie, Fort Perrji; Literature Secretary-Miss Bassett, Bowmnanville; Sccretary of Supplies- Miss McGIlivray,Whitb;y. The largely attended evening meeting was presid- ed over by Rev. A. McAuiev. Moderat- Or of Presbvtery. Admirabâle address- es were d!elivered bv Reys. W. B. Find- lay, Claremout; J. McP. Scott, B. A., of East Chuirch, Toronto. The solos bv Miss Sceties, Port Perry,and the anthem by the choir lent additional interest to the meighiethe inspiiring -words of Re3v John Abraiain,, WhitbYý-qerC a fitting cnluinto th-e day's proceed- ings. Notices 0f BIrth s, marriages and Deaths 50 cents; when niarriage lienses are obtained or fanerai notiees printed at thLis office, insertion free. BORN. COoÇVTLL-ll ewatlJ al).18; th~e Wite Of Riehard 4Co!will, of a sou. S0UTHWELL.-At Port Ferry, Jan. 17th, the wife eof A. J. Sonthwell, of a daughter. CoRNxýisa.-At Geneva, East Whitby, Jan. 17, the wife 0f Mr. Thomias Cornish. of a daughter. MARRIED. MÂYI3E-CLARKF,-IU NgeaStle, Jan. 18, by 1ev. R. Taylor. Stella,second daîighter ofMr.R. Cliarke, and Mr. Chas. Mabee, Odessa. MA55SHALT. JOHNs.-At Newtonville, Jan. il. by Rev. M. E. Wilson, Miss Mary Marshall, and Mr. Alfred. Johns, botb of Clarke. JOHNSON-I(H<OItER. -At Oshfaa.Jail. 18 by 1ev. JJ i iLîdd, .M. A,Mr. ArchibaltlG.J'obî. ston, Ashburn, ;ad Miss Ida Alberta Hooker, Oshawa. ~VFBTERKey. TuOsbwaby 1ev. Perey Fletch ler, H. A.. J1an. 13, Mr. W. J.N ýebster,and MiýssLze Keys, Bowmnanville. WBRE SaOa'ýrfimeGE.-Jan. il, hv Rev. E. A. Tonkýins, Jas.liBone, Magara, US ., and Rose Shortridg"-e, daughter of Thos. Shortridge, East BîlM'ei.JEFEIY. ieJan 11, bylRev. E. A. Toin îîî r. Janies Brommel, East Whitbv, sn yJn e Jlf'l rY, daugbter of Join A Jeffe"ry of Sugg skaud. LAMRIN-luCartwrigbt, Jan. 14, Stephen Lamnbkin, age1Syears, M montbs 0i,..O J an. 20, Mrs. Paul U. Oe laie of 1o1e-, o '- ip t lber dangbîterys residence, M1rs. Soc!kett, 315 Gerard street east, Toronlto. Inteýrred! at P'ot Hope. Ei.Lorr-On an.19suddenly at the residen- ce of bis -ou ln-Lxw. 370 Victoria St.,, Toronto, Willam Ellott, aged( 89 years. Vso.-1m Eaist Wbitby, on Wednesday, Jan. 18, RcadVinsoîs, aged 42 years.,, BER In roo, Ja. 20, Mrs.George Beers, Ewwlcîcç,.- Lu llowmanvilie, Jan.2à,Catbar!ns' Gýariner Eni relct of the laie Wm. lien- wirk,naged 83 yeaýrs. Funeral froin ber resi- dence. (J,,eure .on Wedniesday, 25th inst., at 230 pi. V ANTED -A middle aged woman v as gener-il servanIt. ApIply to MRs. J. H, REID, Ontarilo, St. 4 .w* W TANTED.-Goodý general servant. YApply to M rs. J. W.MICLAuamLiN, Beecb Av'e. 4 - tf. TENDERS WANTED. Tenervwll bereeie by the mîd(ersignled truisleecs for teeecnof a brick sbolîusee însy be s'eell iW.Asblt,'s 'Solina, on anld ai- ter Feb,. Ist, 18l9 1 Tbe ow est oruay tnde no W.A siro 'i Trulstees of T. BAKERi, S.S. No,1, 4 .3.EuGPSo) Dar-lington, F. WAUGH, L. D. S5. . WS,, ]BOWMANVILLIE. Dental Office ini the bo.gns abIoee 2 pm ,and lat ecatefron 2-3k) un- tii 7 pnonhesecoud nd fourth eerbr'i, biddîng fior tlle -wl'- Goid plates, Crown arid Bidge ork vneial Poultry Show of 90 adPeinless extraetion ar-e pcaUs Cawkr &Tai Your Trade Wc have inviteti you from lime ±o lie to corne here for your groceries, assuring you of honest treatment. We again exlend 1 o you an invitation to inspect our 110W choec stock lui the choicest,' faxily grocorios. We are showing by far t.he- st gest and coe est stocýk in toxvn, we g'darante, that though the class ofgodi a spoialty thiis seasoni of fruits. Here are a feiv quotations. Apples 5e lb Peachos 20e.ýper tin, Prunes 6e lb Figs 5c lb Plums 7ectUn Dates Se lb Apricots 15e for 21b tLin. We are aiso showing some beautiful fresh fruit. Lemons1e per doz Oranges 10e " doz Bananas 1e"doz Cash paiti for Farrn Produe.< BOWMAN VILLE. ~bar gaiu Diay' t ' To Jan. 3Ilst. Note the following prices and corne eariy as there is only a, limited quaity ii. s.ome ues, 1 Lcch Lomon,,d Sitnreg. priîce 10e for 8i1 â tandard Cotton Shirti'ng, best quml1ity fL Oxford Shirting (fast colors)-ý o, - SSailsbury Wrapperettes - 0 " »IOc Tweed Wrapperettes ID12 - SFlannielet'es, 1 yd wide - -10 Feathier Ticking, 14, SCream T'able Daaiask -2- 5 c 27 A Bleached Table Damask - 5e"3 fii.pron Linen, fancy border- c21e i SCrash Toweiing, a Se Art Mltmlin, openi style - 2 Meii's Wool liibbec l Shirts andq Drawers P)c~ 2 SMen's Wool Sox - 7c ap)r2 E ' 5-wtl adi12 ÛCoats left, xviiilic eleareid oui.t ,c Me'sOvercoats at. cost. k Dress IPatterns worth $.7 for, $1:A5 The Popula,. Dry Go)ds Store. e..-, e- ze--v e- A e-- e-Ie--e-- e-- E: mi mi I Me.-, ~ PREE N TS JEIVELRY.-A.choiele c-,ti'on of Wiitches, Jewelry, Rng, lated Goods and Silrerware, also 'Sterlinig SHlver Novelties, Everything necw and late'sI eîg ST-ATIONARiY. -$tapie andi ehoic linoes of Stationary wiehi will befon 10 be assortetian bep A splend d collection of Wriiting1Ï.ani Mexnorand'at WATCH ALND CLOCK RPILGA SPECIALTY.-,Ail work pwidoe andgaa- teed, Cati andi seehî. Kiug t., OwMAvîn.-(ii 1 ' li tn. 4. 44 44 i Uw wm"I,- me iiiL),jiest, our onces are eertainiv tiie iowest. VVe are makinc EK ý mg tu m du 9--"K 1 i > X> 1: IF