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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1899, p. 4

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it pays to btya Test thond:Éo-cad Februarv1 WEOTSE U~-~SF- E le doin intimating through your columInn o u v n i I a nUPthlat the( -01d Duirhamn Boivs" ire still INNU.Y iIlbeherà froin soon BO M NVI LLE. For the same reason thiat it pays te buy a first elass article of iny kind K IUIN EY agan r justbginn t r range for a social evýeini ta' he held ____ They arc the Go t fezeders of Our Bodies Toronto, when the Oid Boystheir wives1 MF uIyo h lo aDpedn hîadseters wiil dine togother, ThePuityoftheBl d s epedet o te& and enjoy.a social hlr ingii-ii CIe.ansing Powers the remnimiscences cf other danvs Q fuI We shouldb lead Mr, Edtr to, I te rt There'q a time to ail, cld and young, rnsu or h av d any# oter Uro ;h:Jl omarnn, "heii poor bealtb brlngs trouble, aut,, uvy oune StoVe brd bar tosadu ner n u forsCufty jein us on that occas',ion, cf toote ii limself or kerseif seem oni>' te be baffledi at wchdue, notice will be 1vei Inter. Jf Ovens, ~~every tuilu, and wce are proule te, gow scuae. or hasAeriated Ovens, ~Tbat isa Out the litre to give up-but the timne for Fihtlvvuq largea lla, tb tim t. eeltout the seat pi tbe, truble, T ï," <aeRG """ ER '- UC1A REFORMS AY"b os ) ~ ~ S manip, S o ve-o., aTaOay A!s a tIfe saver te meRnkind, 1 bereby state what u',u ...........................x.A. W. Clissesý E -L. llt did for me. For nearl EDITORt FTA"~SyMÂE -yurisec ~r eaa sis retlytrnbedwitb Conedtion Jan. lI8th, 1 notlced an article headed and En eà , "uens Iu the Kidueys, atîdj nry M iRfrm' ~ f k-le otl a to yavsd oueCa& nc=nnîg c We intend having just a one week Ciear.ing sale in Pille,: edt-a L aunysd trutbfully -tt the ferti e brain ant elabo, rate pen cf Ptbiat bci aeved 'ny lit ,e. "A Ratepayer" of Darlington. Now, RAV Kt»NEY-LIVER PlLLS M.direraswdn't under- our Clothing Departmnent r3tarting on art<li .ny oniine Kine an Uv.r »-stand te trill rnianing cf the w'ords am heeny ombne Kdny nd ve PI- ýunieipaj Reforms" but we think it YVT One of these beautiltil ranges in your home would save yen much What they have Accomplished is but a means to make better. This individu- 1 1 timei, money and annoyance. PriCeS Low. Liberal Terins. goarantet of what Ithty wiIl do *. al says "we the ratepayers of Darling- jI ___________________________ton, thaýt is, those Who approve cf hon- Weivt e ecmpare with any other store.in the market. __________________eSt * go attead improvement, prospcrit l" 4 Woud skyor ndlgnc rRpctngand continuing, ail the following week. We wvant the roomi with . Firstl.,, asking corti to nto for new spring goosadaiorhevyg dsm tsa P1'.e 6, BoMÂNu.~ (Oposie Otari Bak.) BOWMÀNVILLE. FEB. 1, 1899. duce a by iaýW te lm pî5se a taxt onbi I o Pi-one 66, BoWXANvnýLE. (Oppos_____teOntario__Bank.)__ es. 1Ifaii to ser where£here would e, goo-y I you are open fra braniic0h1ý7 il TuE GOL FIEDS. anv refoin. in thim act, Lt wotild simply is your chance. We are flot considering what th god TRE Ç&lNV> GL FIEDS. be'b-arbarous. A bicycele pagginig overli o s the ronds doce net, iljuýre ilt l the least, cost us at ail. We have marked them at prices thiat ought I o*lABritish Columbia "Iold timer", bas and the majority cf those using bicyclestoqikcean . are voung men and young voinin ef to ake aqikcerne <been tefling an English 'newspaper the working class, and te, impose a ta x that the great mining rushes cf thec on thet wouId be returning to tha'dark Men's Frieze iJisters, dark brown,large eollar,siash pockets past have occurred eacli decade in the agee." It isquite evHent that theirit- cloth lined, reg. price $5, redueed to e3.50, sizes 37, T th 12_ Y , e r ('l tyear ending with a "fine" and înst- er is flot thxe h6nmtt man that ho" pooesaa1 to be, Aind d1oes flot usme a bicycle or he 38, and 39 oinly. Là the case is, tha&t in Holiday Goods,, My yariety la the greatest, and ances the historie years cf ferty-nine, would have rectu neiïdot a ta% ôn ccv- vd1ue the best yet offered. fiftv-nttîe, sixtv-nlnc, seventy finie aTid ered bu4gles andi silver mtnted bar- Men's Extra i-leav Frieze Ulstes large clar-, slash eighty-nine, aili of which were rnarked ness. e~econdly, ho rovuses toimake a 13 rs o Den't bel late, but among the early eues to, take a look through, and yetnieaduunlyiî pedlwt onl vr, are oke heoc tshaycohlnigwl m ean trr e, make your selections. Calendars lu great profusion. Just te enumerate,1 byl extniend ectnuuultviesra a a oTple farine topepte inoBret, rey, Oford aindg Blac nad an ri e d Beutifully Bouind Gif t Beoks 25c, others at 40c, net; quite, 50 flic but ,tishis propertv. This would simpiy be an wGeOfr n lcrg rc 65 7ouv mueh larger at 25é and 35e. Very attractive, leading authors, 75e aid frein the oxperiences cf last year acnt cf tyrânnyv andi oppression, and any to $8, reduced to $4.50. and the Immediate indications cf the 1mat thât Would recemineni Rueth a Iaw tÈ1.50. Pocts leather bouud, '75e up te $3.00. Toy Books, paper and seen msoli he predicrs that this for rural distct,woulâ ho boýycôtted at a Men's Extra lleavy Frieze iJîsters in Black and Brown g e svau, coe coming'guarprce municipal elcin Thrdy îte pron- lir~, grat vluesom at all egulr prce.year's rush te the gold fielda wlll place osst leon-haif of th& *d roads ony xtra nice coat, reg. $8 50 and $9, rectuýed1 to$6 A splendid Photo Albam, 508, andi 75C. Poéeket Biblesý frein 25e- lastyear's oxperienees entirely in the in Darlingtpri by placing fences and ii the value here le great. Ladies' Compautieus frein 25e. Toilet Cases shade: ail of which is satisfactory 'as gates ut c»ch en ii e the lots or contes Men's lleavy Frieze tTlsters, iined withi Corduroy, making fcu$.Glove andi ilautkerchief Boxes from. 50G. The same Iow far as ît goce but it enly emphasizcd the sions. If thi* hati been done when the an extra warm coat, reg. price $8, rediiced to $É. pi~icee rau through the whele litit.gard te transportation. The defeat cf isions and could have doue without s s ree tr rmo o$,wl Dolis, Gaines, Fancy Articles, Statiouary, Toys, Xmas Novelties, 'the Stickeen Raiiway echeme by the niany skie ronds, but now that a vcry make a reduction 25 per cent. off reg. prices. Wor an Facy asets Facy up ani SneesVass ati hia. irresponsible Sonate, while ln iteif an large numtber have built in the centre výltkrlz- and Fancy Bakets, Fancy Caps and Sucers, Vases and Chîcf the lots,it would be sheer bnnsensoto Boy'PltCohRerste$27 i fr2,adhe3 Snnday Echools -note titis 1 1 upply. ail Iiêsson flelps aud givc speelal aid story now, le ever new in Its disast talk, of closing by puttlug ,gatos on them ysPioCot ieerhe$75nefr adhe3 gteýutontoseecio o Lbrris,'Lt ehear from yon rouse ofecta upon the developinent cf A man with a shot gui standing at line for $2.25. attntin t seecton f Lbraies Lo methe country. Canada 'woula 1)o welî tith gate -oviti net keep themn shut. ri f ths clog ou hier wheele of pro Latlti, we think that the township of Men's Beaver Overcoats, good heavy quality cloth, farn-' gress. Darlington build justt as safe and per- ers satin lined, good wearing and warm coat, veivet &IWMÂMVILLE. I 1 LLD manent culverts as âny other munici- coir9e.pie ad "~~t _________________________________________ FAST PÂLisui(GE1 SERVICE. D)arling-,ten's municipal officers keep their accýounts and i-ra their business Men's Beaver Overcoats, fine quaiity cloth, extra gi-od A fat Aiante srvic leCauaa'sin just as intelligent a manner as other pressingnéd tarhmsmpriýye any immediatebenelt from~ such and fine fitters, reg. pice $8 and $8.50,reduced to $b.50. tv- ait contribution lu many menthe te si2ple officles as thit of 'Rate-payer,' d--W this 'rital qu0on, iras a speech deliver- Yonrs trtiIy, IlJen's lleavy Frieze Suit, clotn. lined, reg. price $6.50, ne- dw- "«W ed by Sir William Van Morne the other BicycLu nm duced to $450. da Lni Quebec. The Prosident cf the "WEDIrING BELLS. LCOR I Sanad Pacifie Railwaydeclared :hat 1 Mns Black Frieze Sutwedbed breasted Coat, heavy the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n. ande Mof Kitftie Funnios etteladqaiyfressti ii xr lmdrg Qeocanicatieaten arnys e nt-l s for paiMc. eeîaredb h e' ev we igl 3estdCa~ re n itand that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o the baainoensrvc mappr ide Grad braids.aiche price $ 70 reued to $5.- is ot,' n r as b e for i tea tequ j. . oite athe ra s t n u he brid e n' e v l w o w e ut o b e b e s o t d1e. WrilniamF inlai. Tomscf Boy sus r peg p in 28 rdu to 32, lu spheyn white«ouinera and i ore pinkii cor e4mudeton, pe aias e na ettons. 'Mc. eemare b h Men's Cordury Twesred pne $2, reed t Gree4 an Deale îefc -90t-erec îý andt Men's. Fanc useee Vests reg. priee $3, redce tavi of%2.25.Prsvt, u eatureg geat sty. s aaet Fin- A Dtrfe operilàilifh@ eei n i$ iseso the abrie, stas is aîm MA ' lea Twieed Pa$s7eg.r50e$, reduced to 7$5. silympotbsiu don mthi% uetot c lt tes tIa inmp r iod, en' llav 1odryPns ie ogotwt _____________________________ Tk eut tetafc swrapalga the thungled n o h.eav fact in r egpie 28 50, regced to $.50 guide anti Bitantior fere andi' rbbue beran theo.Si cilrgma o e ~ 'j ceeso terroe adB ot n 5 o -W seriowupt ashindeet l i wrk.t BlerhTiuan tkeirndnessrive,. ore o$.5,ad ic Siitfr$,5 ---«W thi will brigtinsetttrain aNatturedA fewspecials forîte andthoncpinwecar ma nv ereie h .intain but aeneshese tically aid thoroughlyce Endthesprobyouoluisoythesinfluencerwcic$2,hoemight bave1.4- ~taughtb expert eachers t . ertei lu hieparieh wll ho 'ipairetiA prfc do-j;nprain fo g Me' ufBl, xeso oes lb ostnadsnw Bet usesfo aevyti. Altn is a yigîaî Tweedfy themslves reg. pnîce $3,50 spe l $te bOOdtuei grtrraity andness Boos, rgula BUSINESS COLLEO QUS as99. amplesthîsepretontome e nin rions îTwted antiscureg. prihue I$1,e.epeggedtsolesco extremo.~eatiti Thec ofknclrva cali-, anitiiü p8cü$-seca $.9 Y.M.V.A. Building, '~~~~~~ Ifsmingis net ain i qesetion cf adqut ceiiandeMnsacCllcdBos eyhaysls onte pîcasur te cx- ntlay esent dtereiated fryom abe ohr scoen ofi ôthis ings~ M en'a4Bv kF it , reg. price $2, special $ 75. ycurkint emslvee ~Ieshelti o. L le f th hnpet heir iraussoe te thei - essene cfs esoe, th hos houltsiberen at Thupe et n ofe eurians e' aepofOesos olln pc o 1.0 e ti u al gideo and leepeisibl-i pub evead r. f, fier Faodt Fret ierais ieVc i utn otetninslci Colleges, lic. arkThe clergyman h oso ces ar heget o-leohe cur fowenn' taptnt Bots capJ .nae rheg.pc$25 hie do eri.utele th e oo fteac leds cf girl at oahelthy.ig NAi ma nz iingorll tisee Aiin Lad es iTa foat lceo ts, GodyarWltkci cennds tV i he onfltiBneie ho. chiidren "Favrit er--pe-a ene~~~~~ate~Th Feainees Practîc oewta~ f TheEelectic Prsription' and oue of 'Pellets* 1 w as a 'wet acocas Weakiieaï -acr usigo btlof'rvie JWt received uine Seville _-Mmjd îUrangé's, as * * Magazine anti gothly Edition f The wans. aetaein mele n dr~ extr ch ie Lemons and Sweet Oranges. Now is the b u lin da r sb crth a n d a stu c I n itsI c otan aa str, Ài m O rO D e ctt a n m a î a u eS S Li~vint-g Is esetal staog i ts aehdn 'kos' ,ne *bý-- ie1 make Mamldand our fruit for that purpose inrsCRMClluh rnia~g lecture by M. FerdinandEBrunetiore cceat stimps te B~r. Rt. v. Pierce, Bffllo, is chie PCATE, ow Ades ..culgincipa:. N.tele aid ARD on "Art andi Moraiity"; Lord Rose- N.Y'.,Wo vereSot cf cwstomsâ alncaz3edCfe u w n Jeeleran Otiia, ewltile.berry's recent address on 01 "~Àear nd hnile vill send Yeu a fre et ciisp~eca ln ofeouo grning. :Highest piefor Stateoen ;and the Edn-burough R 13 SsPue Oh O Sense 3lt* produce. O-gwker & Tait tarry, a fWl lina KiSZ1eK d by The living Age &, BosVo n.1 The Etcbingbam Letters, wbich are (Jo 'scelbrtet ccon taa~je Lian 01, Watr Colon give ANTN eme$ year, single number , noir running seriail]y lu Tbelýiving Âge oe* ~ ~ ü _eefiyduiog~&ei t he Clor endna._ i~ls ni40ns trial cbupiufr8ý menthe, are atrcigwde attenxticlu by their Mi!~sg tot thei tkm inc>r.. ,j oFw dterhu« àJ h n Mc-Murtry,

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