r 'hat's the kind to be careful about ro remed'y gives sueh relief in of this kind as our old reli- Ji/ýxÇelsior Cough, Syrup. It ýadS the test. Large botties 25c, STOTT & JURY. fiole manufacturer,. 'I&4OwC For~ spectacles Weuse the Lites' and most ae- aitat instruments known to science lu eamining the siglit and although we(o it free of ail charge, wve xake iâme cxamination most thorough in evEcry respect for our réputation is at stake and -iee uid flot afford to be careless or inaccurate. Not oniy tkis but we realize the danger o! wearing spectacles that fit improp- erly and we take- speclal pleasure la dzimonstrating the difference be- -tw"m our- Perfect Fitting Spectacles ait& those that are sold b others wbo have net made study of opties a spdalty. cýmTTI & -7JRY. The Drueggsts and Optîcians. We seil glasses from 10e tlp, but thé~ best valuec is our $1.00 leader. ýj'AND [RUNK RAILWAY. BowmAN viLLE STATIOI. OOMG EAST. GoiiqG WICSn. Ih74Aé8a5.... a.msi Expres... S 23 a., M Iopes..1 19 a. m.jLocl 51 Massenger .... 83 40 p..J Pssn lr..1 5 p.m ...............S8l51m.t Express -.4.31 p. *19xveI.. . 113 " iExpress... 7 39 « 5DatIx.t Snindays oly. STOrrT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 1, 1899. Join the proicession and goto Nichols'. Oq4rtain Poles in great variety aIh.. Morris'. Try Nicholîs' for writing paper and eavelopes. Miss Ida Beer, Oronoi is guest of Mliss. Shirley Morrison. Mr. Thos. Heys, Toronîto, la sisiing at, Mr. A. J, Hook's. Miss Sherin, N4rpanec, la visiîing at ber !ather's, Mlr. Tlhos. Shein's. Suits which always suit when made aI Coucb, Johanston & Cryderman's. - Conuindrum Art Galiery social at MaR.Freeland'a, Beech Ave., to- -appreciate antiatie priaI- send their ordera t - rTHE es of! Dreas Gooda. selling >t at Couch, Johaston & a is agent for the Christian biaian Hleraid andLadies' alington Towaiship Sabbath Sbo ývention will be held inBwavil Frlday, Feb. 21h. fen's &~ Boys' Oven Coats selling off greatly reduced lpies at Couch,i nUSton& ýýCrvdermaa 's. ring la youn fuars and have tben e- ýed and madeintb la test styles at Slaver's, Ihe Fumrier. isa Alice Sha.ýw, who i3 taking a lail course lu taiusie la Toronto,, is' allng a few davs lu Iown. Dyour fana frous a fumier who un itsthiaîbusiniess, Nayer la tbat ý ùi Bowmanville. Se bis advt. dl at Couch, Jobabtoni and Cryder- 's for te beat pair o! Riankets at 0showu by any bouse in Canada. r. and Mrs. Wm. Soucb, NMount non, were guesta o! thoir daugh Mrs. John Gilbert, over Sunday., ýrs. R Jarvis la attending- the funer- fWr sister, Mna. Mitchell who dieýd F-t enlyâtaiebr home la Keene. adiea should n"Iake a nlote o! thec ltat Coucit, Johastea & Crydermnan selling off the balance -o! their leus' Coat3 ai bal! pice, rb. F. G. Cowle and son Youidon bave been visitinoe bere for some ks havc trned iký their home ln ' York accompanied by MIrs. R. B. Miss Andrew. 1.ldre ï y o The Co'ush Bihat Sticks. mity vof the clirnate cannot be ortherwýise thnen ci1u. emth being essent.i. al to the highiest hiappiness and useful- ness it b)ecomes of t h e itmost import- anýe 10 care for and reverence the terfiple in wbich our spirit d(we-iis.We; Qcannot ail be robust, b ut we eacb. one ulheuld easteem it a erime if the highut physiw lpeebilhty 1 et remeh". For tin and granite ware go to Nie- holls'. Mr. Isaac Clarke, Peterboro, was inl town Monday. Osh)qlawa Hockey team play here on Thursday evening. Conaundrum Art GIallery Social at Mrs. 7reeland's to-night. Mr., Albert Orchard, Cash,Mich.,gave us a cail on Saturday., Trenders are invited for a new brick schoolhouse at Solina. CanadianPress Association meets in Toronto on Feb. 2nd and Brd. Miss 1Edaali is visiting bier uncle Dr. W. H. Garrett, Yonkers. N. Y. Note th e change in Messrs Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's advt. Salem Pink and White Social is an nounced for Feb, 17th. Attend. The Sacrament wili be administered in thie Methodist church next SAbbath. Remember the reception at the Home for the AL-ed Ithîs Wednesday evenine. Everyone attend the Pound Social, at "The Home" on Feb. Ist from 7 t<.v9 p. m Our.thanks are due the Globe for one of their handsome calendars for 1899 and( 1900, Furs of ail kinds selling off at a big dicunt at, Couch, Johnson & Cryder- 8Ail loyers of Art (?) should attend Trinitv C. E. social at Mrs. Freeland's Mr. and Mrs. John Bant, .Oshawa, ,were guests ofÉMr. Richard Trenouth over Sundav. Hlear Prof. Horning in the Higb School Assemblv Room Friday evening on "Canadian Literature." Tfhe Februar.v nuinber of McClure's mnagazine co ntains a poem by Rudyýard Kipling entitled "Thei White 'Man's Burden." Do as your neighbor ýîoes, ueNco Big 6c., bar of Soap, the iargest andl [1est bar of soap ini the miarket to-day, 6 lbs. for 25C. Bowmanviiie Methodist Sundayv Sehool gave $10 to'wards the Sick Child- ren'9 Hospital, Toronto, and Ebenezer SS. gave $5, Black Dress Goods-a beautiful -ranzge, in ail qualities up to the finest enoods îmported just received atCoucli, j ohnston & Cryderman's, Many people were disappointed be- cause of the withdlrawal of the Choral Union Concert that was to have been ziven in ald of the Home fo-r the Aged. If yÎou want to hear some music that will dio you good cail at T. 1N. Rickard's Jeweliry store, hear the music boxes hie lias fer sale and f ormn your own opinion. Mrs. Alem. Hawthorne of Hope and Wm. EddyReoeina N. W. T, and Mrs. Louis Clark~e, bdesma, have been recent gnests of Mrs. P. Tyler, Kinggton Road West. J. C. Vanstone bas rolled oats at his Bowmanvilie and Tyrone mills, for sale or exehange for oats. He is also pre pared to pay the hîghest prîce for oats delivered at either miii. Through the kindness of Dr. J H Eliiott, medical superintendent, we have received a copy of the first -report o! the Muakoka Cottage Sanato-rium for 'Consuniptives at Gravenhjrst,. J. H. Devitt Eýq, Cartwright, has been elected W*arden of the United Counties o! Dur ham and Northunber- land. The representatives of these im- portant Unitedl Counties have conferred a fayot on Cartwright by the henor thus bestowed on Mr. Devi tt. 1 The closing lecture by ex-Sergt-Major G. H. Schoof of tac African Meounted poie was given in the town hall Weednsdaýy nlght to a packed house. The narratien 'o! senes in the diamond, goid and battle filds was qnite inter- esting and every one was highty pleas'ý, ed with the lecture. The lecture by RevW.Scott,Toronto,, "Across Caniada by the C. Pý R. " in the D)imcip)les' chLrch Friday evening was worthy of a much larger audience. The views presented by Iime-light of some magnificent building,locKs,canals, p rairie sceries, and of the mighty Roi, lies were good and much enjoyed by those présent. Mrs H. Pearce. Wellington St., cele- bratedl ber birthday last Friday by a re- uni-on o! almem'bers o!her family. Af ter partaking o! oysters, roast turkey and other good thing&s. the remainder oftheevening was spent in various amusements and social chat. Ail hail a pleasant time and dispersed wishing MNrs. Pearce many happy returns of the The regular meeting o! the Epworth Longue was held Monday night in the Methodist Church. ln the absence of the President, Miss L. Brilnaeombe, the chair was taken by Miss Gertie Young, Vocal' solos were given by Mr. H1' J. Knight and Miss Saunders. Rev. J. J. Rae. pastor, took up the topic of theev- ening viz., "God's Armny," la a very Nicholîs aiways sella cheap. 1Read Mr. Jas. A. Wenry's English letter on an inside page. Read the offer o!STAýTESMAN Jll(lMon- treai H1erald on an intside page. Dr. Talmagedsuss "Bearing other's Loada" in bis sermon ýthlis week. Ail accounts dute me mnuat be paid by March lat. to save coats. Miss SHAw, Milliner, Bovrnanville. The Salvâtion Armyv are having a great seige. Reaci the article on an inside page Read commenta on Mr.Thos Conant's rnew book. "Upper Canada Sketches" on an inside page. Napanee la trsing to unseat Mayor T. D. Pruyn on the ground o! aileged lack o! property qualification.* President W. E. Pollard, repnesentedý West Durham Agricuitural Society ai Counties' Coupcil, Thursday. Mn. Rolph Nichols, Winnipeg, 1'and Mrs (Dr ) Rupanrt, Týoronto, e re recent taRe a coursýe of tessons from Mn. Smed- ieyon the guitar dnring a fortnight's stay la the City. Be caneful o! your teath., Ils wortb youn whiie 10 tny To eat and drink withi caution, And to keep your steekinga dry. For t4o' Bowmanville's a healthy town, Diacases lnrk about, And lte awful grippe'll gel you If you-don't-watch-out. "I was eak, acance.iy able b drag mvseif about, easiiY worried, and quite disconraged,' MiILer's Compound Imon PIl rapidly broughit about a chanàge, I neyer feit betten in my life than I 'do aow" this la frequently beard. 5g;LVt buriUt iirl. 1 J . fNI U.alUttZ. Andrew Laidiaw, laie o! the Gaît1 Re- former, lias gone 10 Vancouver, B. C., where hie wiii manage a newapaper. Everv lady should get a covy o! MceColl's Magazine. Rend advt. on an inside page and sen'l for sample copy. A number o! the members o! the Orange Lodge attended the funeral o! the late John McComb, Orono, yes- terday. Cobourg Hockey teami played on the ink here Thursday nighbt and wene beaten by the home team la a score o! il 10 2. Don't miss the, Conundirum Art Gal- lerY Social at Mrs. Preeland's b ýnight. Gîoo d proLram Refreshments. Sîlver collection. C'rp.Alfred lobbs has beenilathe clutchIes o! grippe for a week and Mr. Bannes bas been acting janitor at the Public School. One otManitoba's blizzards must bave struck tom-i Thursday judging fromn the s term that raged for a short lime beýre in ýhe evenînig. Nearly eveny home ia the towa bias bten visited by la grippe and ini many cases neanly every member o! the famîil,' have been vidtima. Mn F. F. MeMahon, editor and pro- petor of"The Liberai ",RichmondHiII, b asbeen appointed clerk o! theDivision Cou-t at that place. Mr. Samuel Westaway,Chief Engine- er at the Veity Plow Works,Brantfordi, was killed Saturday by the coilapse o! the kLln at the works. Rey. J.ý H. Turnbuil, M. A wbo bas beea been su!fering fromri a severe at- tack> of la grippe is spei ding a few days at bis home inOranigevil le.' There is no better time titan the pres- ent to make your Marmalade. WVe have the fine8t assortnit o! orangesata bot- tom priees.-CewKER & TAIT. The morigage o! rforontn Sîek Child- reas' Hos pitq.1 la being graduaiiy li!ted. Reïd what Mn. J. Rosa Robertson aays in the aridle "Heip with a Dollar" o an inside page. Mn. W R. Knight wças one o! the succesaful exhibîtor,4 ai the Eastern On- tario Poultry and Pet Stock Assoviation exhibition at 1&ockrille last week. He broughfr homne over $50 as a resuît o! bis trip. Tbere is ne question o! the propriety o! encouraging the production o! honey, which may prove a fruiful source o! in- corne te the agricultuial commnnity and may bon made to form a very paving brancb o! our exporta to Eagland. Services at the Churcb o! Christ ait te usual hours next Lord's day. Moriag suljct-'1God's Gi! is 10 Man." Eveni.ng -"The Myatery of the Plan O! Sai va- lion." XAI are corýdially iavited te attend these*servies. The World says: Re y. J. W. Rae. -oronto Junction, lainbis qermon Sua-, day gave an ouilinie o! the oppression, persecution and hstorv o! the Douk- hobors and consider<ed itheir removai te ibis colony a tribute to Canadian boa- pitaiity and freedom, Readers e! TiS STATEsMAN who bave rnd with pleasure several articles tbat have appeared la this journal lateiv by "Orlon-tai," will aiso be pleastd to leara that the article on the "Santa Clans Car" in Maturday's Globe was wriiten by te same-gentleman wbo is a-Dalingtoa;boy. The, Paris Mimeor, Ohio, 'gives a very complinientary notice o! the lec- hire o! Rev..R. A. Burnis, who ison a tour titrougit the Western States lectur- ing on the Christian Coiony which be fciunded la the Rainy River district. Ilis lectures are iliusirated by over 300 magnifient views. Miss Mantha Smith, B. E., represeat- ing the Canadian Viavi Co., o! Toronto will speak to ladies o! Bowmanville on "Poor beaiîh a choice" ln the Royal Tempai-s' Rail, on' Friday at 3 p. 'n. Ail weicome. Admission free Persons waniing information about thie Viavi Movenent please eau at Miss Henry's, Wellington St., aay a!ternoon. before 3 Oshawa hockey editors seous te have grippe la the head thia week and it la seriousv affecting their braina. judging from their remarka about the gm piai d here between Pont Penny and the home team.ý The Reformer c'ails h a""brutal exhibition" and the Viaidîca- ton saya '"four of the players were sent home fit subjecta for the hospitai, ete, " To sav that this is a falsehood is put- ting il miidly, for there han not been a cieàner or better game playeehere Ibis season and the besi o! feeling exista be- iween the two teama. Oshawa need Rfot worry or titreaten, thev mav find a few '* sna g4<" before the season 15 over that whIi be harder to remove than any thing they have set struck. Aniother o! Bowmanville's aged cill- ~zens hbas passed awav la the nerson o! NMrs. CathýanineGairdner, neliet o! the late William Renwick, !onmeriY o! Clarke,inlaier 811h yean. Deceased, was onlv sick a few days whea the mes- Mn. Lewis Quick 15 very Mi. Darlington Ctcun cil next week. Mecn's wamauts aimost given away at McMNurty's. liee advt. n. J. G. Jardine, a formier Port Perry ,bo)ot and shoe miercat hias been appointed b y the Govýeramnent, as conmmission)er to Paria for the Wnd~ Pair o! 1900. Mr. Jos. White, Whitby, who has ab] y filied the position o! Secretary o! the Ontario and Durham Exhibition Association has nesigned. Mr. Jno. Burns of Whitby bas been chosen for the place, The Orono News saya, -Fred Rowe, 15 year oid son o! Mn. R. J. Rowe, fariner, lot 6, 3rd con., is penhapa the3 heaviest youth for hîs yeans la these United Counties, bis exact weight beiag 172 Ibs. Miss Mosetta James bas gone te To- ronto to again assiat the choir of Benke-, ley Street Methodist cbnreh at the an- nal concert on Pcb. 7. She will also Strict Attention.. To the wauts of our custo mers has taught them tei look for a perfect service at our store. This is a little inducemient to shop here, but the Great Clearing Sale of Groceries With prices away down is a stili further in- ducement. Secure theAr~ey agm while they last. Jiigh, Grade Coffees. There is no better nerve-tuner than a first rate cof- fee, Our best Mocla and Java bas just that combina, lion o! soething and stimulating qualities, whieh keepS one up for the business o! the day. And its aroma will stimulate the appetite o! any real coffee lover. 40e a lb.. Coffees at, other prices,but none se good as cur best, eawker & Tait. 3O-WILAN VILLE. Notices of Blnths, Mariages and Deaths 60 cents; ivhen marrlage licensres are obtained or funerai notices ýprinted at titis office. insertion free. BORN,. HÂWEY.1'7arTyrone. Jan. 27, the wifecfi Mr. Richard Ha--wkey, of a daughter. ýý(MUR£]R.-In Bowmanville, Jan. 29, toMr. and Mrs. T. H. McMurtry,, a'daughter. PÂTTq-EaSON.-In Clarke, Jan. 24, the wife of Mr. Thos. Patterson, jr., of a danghter. ARMSeTRONG.-In Orono, Jap. 18, the wife of Mr. C. G. Armstiong, of a daughtt-r. Bicuaz. A t Taunton, Jan. 15, the wrife of Mr. Wm Bickie, of a daugliter, CiiEyx.-In 0shawa, Jan. 23, the wi fe of Mr. Walter Cheniey, of a son. MARRIED. GILMOth-SOPE.-At NeWtonvilie, Jan. 23, by Rev, M. E. Wilson, M. A.,Aifred R.Gilmour, Cafan and Emmia, danghter of Mr. G. W.Soper fRedal. MCG'ÇRÂI-RFÊTD-At the residence of the brideý's sistcer, Mrs. Thos Brner Jan 23,bylRev. J. P Wilson, Ji. A., Miss G race ileeâ and mr-> Austin McGrail, Cedar Jiale. COLLA CUTT-SAVAGE.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Prospect, Beach Township, Jan. 25, by Rev.W J .Weatherill,Prince Albert, Mr. Chas. Colacutt, of the firm cof T.H.Philp & Co., Port Perry, and Miss Louise, youngesi daughter of Mr. Thos. Savage. ConnLcDiy-Wtso.-In NewtonviIic, by Bev. M. E. Wilson, M. A Jan 18 Lizzie Young- estdaughier of Joseph Wilson, fËsq., and Mr. Alfred CohlcBdick, hoth of Clarke. B3ÀsLÂH.-In NeWcaStle, Jan. 25, Robt. B ai- lagh, aged 78 years. LAÂTNO'.-tin Clarke, Jan. 22, Edwin Layton,' aged 66y cars 4 months. FOTHEau1T.-SxnJ(denlyjn Toronto Asylnm, Jan. 22, Chas. Pothergili, aged 58 years. ]Rr»-At 1Loi il, con 3, Clarke, Jan. 27, Elva Eliza Mary, only danghter of, Mr. W. IL Reid, M. P.P., agedf 16 years and 5 months. ViMsos.-Iin East Whitby, Jan. 24, Elizaheth Gertrude Oke, relici of the laie Richard Viason, aged 294 years. RFED.-In Orono, Jan. 23, Mrs. Jane Reed,i relict of the laie James Reed, aged 72 years. fAlÂaarT.-Th- Orono, Jan. 26, Margaret, be- ioved wife of Charles Barrett, agect 58 years. VianU£. -In Enniskidlen, Jan. 26, Harry Roe, youngesi son of Mr. J. WV. Virtue,aged 12years. MeComB.-lIn Orono, Jan. 29, John McConib, aged 42 yearS. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Correeted by J.MeMurtry each Tuesday_ R fmt 1 100 Ibs ........ 81 95 to $2 2C WHelAT, 'Fal, bush... 0 0 "iO68 Sprîn' ..0 00 Il0 68 Red rite ..0 00 il 072 fi GOOSE .0 00 il0 70 BARbEry, e bush, No. 1 .0'O45 il 0 46 ' '2 .0 26 085 B.... 025 Ô030 iTwo rowed 0 25 o0 45 OATs, white ri ....O. ý000 o029 RYE fi....... 000" 053 BUOKLWEAT I .......O0,00 0 O45 PEAS, Blackeye, P bush.. 0 69 0' o75 il Canadian Ëeauties.. 69 0' O75 fi Mummey ri -0 0 olo055 ilSmali, "I 0 0 f O057 IBlue,0 170il '0 55 BTT ER, best table, 4r 1._O0 00 0 o14 Eu, Pdoz...._...... 000" 0 18 POTATOE s, bush,.. ......; 00 Il O 30 114Yperton ..........5 (9)4Il6 00 SUIISCRIPTION RITS FOR 1899. S-r &TBSMAN t0 end o! 1899 $1 0o STATESMAN and Weekly Globe l -5 S rATESMAN. and Wcekly Mail 1 îu STATESMAN and Faiiy erald 1 X) .STA-rESsiAýN Iand Farm and Fireside 1 50 STATEusmAN-_ andl Farmîing (weely) 1 90, STATESMAN and Farmer'ki Advo(ate 1 90 STATESMAN a id GuardU Iln 2 0 STrATE SMAN and Montreal W'-tness 1 75 STATESMAN and Montreai Hierald 1 7ý5 STATESMýýANan-1d Western AdvertisýerI 75 ST ATESMý%IAN and Breeder's Gaý,zette 12 750 STATEsMAýýýN lidLelesWeekl 1 5 STATESMANand T'1oronito Wold. 3 50 Sr ATE5MAN and Daifly Globe -J 7.7 STATESMRA' and Toronto Dailyv Star 3 0w STATESMAN ,and Evening, Glob)e 83-) 50 STATESMAN and Daily Witness, 8 OÙ0 STATESMAN and Deinoresi' 1 80 STATESMAN and Weekiy Sun 1 49 Alother publications at proportion- ate rateAlil orders must be, sent to, M. A. JAMEs. Bowmanville, Ont. W ANTVD.-Good generai, servant. Appiy 10 Mrs. J. W.McLÂuGHLi, B leech JJAIR WORK.-Ladieýs wishin-' hair .kdone over, eallai MRS. DcIsNsXn Eastand Cor of Oiario St Bwevle 43- il P.W IGH .D S., 0ýD 8 ,5 Dental Offiece lathe IRooms above ,iS# Will be at Orono f rom 9 a m. to 2 p m.,, and at Newcastle from 2.30ý un- tii 7 p. us., on the second and fourth Gold plates, Crowin and Bridge work «" jM ýb" etrucion are 5pecialties. 51 5, mx tif .1 -ri FRONM NOW T~jail 3st. Note the following prices and corne early as there is only a limited quantity in some lines. ' Lech Lomond Shirting,l reg. price 10e for 8 SStandard Cotton Shirting, best quality 121- 9 Oxford Shirting (fast colors) N 1e "7 S ailsbury Wrapperettes - 1c"8 4, k1 Tweed Wrapperettes - - I2-"9 ~ Fannelettes, 1 yd wide IO-10 "8 Feather Ticking, - -2e"4 'ý Cream Table Damnask - 35ecIl 27 Bleached Table Damask » 50e "-38 Aprc -75e "58 prnLinen, fancy border - 25e 16 SCrash Towelingr, .5c Cs 3 Art Muslij, open style - 1k "8 Mens Wool Sox - 17e a pr 2fo 25 0)1 12 Ladies' Coats left, wvi1l be eleared out at S Meu's Overcoats at cost, Dress Patterns worth i$3;.75- for $2:25î. 'ýThe Pop ular Dry Goods Store. R tPESEA "N TSIj zJEWELRY.-A chloice selection o! Watches, Jeýwelry, Rings, Plated Goods and Silverware, also Stýig -, do- Silver NovelI!es, Everything xnew rand latest designs. o te be assorted and CLeap. IA spi endif. collection o! *Wri:t,,ig and Memoýrnda , Pads. WATCII AND CLOCK REPAIRN t PEvorY-A Iý wokprnptly dnne anid guarani- -Q ~~~~~ tee-Inuandse b ý-L -L l--