4e iý TERMS :--ý.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY KFIRST; THE WQRLD AB'TERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Propnietor. NE* SERJES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15' 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 7, ~ fl We 13egin *To Take Stock ýTo-day AND FOR THE NEXT MONTH WILL GIVE REAL GENUINE'BARGAINS IN LLRINDS 0F Ladies' Coats ilf Price. Furs ail kinds at Cost Price. Some Lines of Dress 'Goods below cost and Mven's and Boy's Overcoat s at greatly reduced prices. m i Oou~~~~n JO IlIn& îf BOWMAN VILLE. jC We are elearing out our present stock to make room for our spring goods, look at -these prices and see the bargains we are off ering. 1 liug Suite, Plush Banded, e80, roduced te $60.00. 1 Silk Suite, Plusli Bande , $65, reduced te $50,00. 1 Silk Suite, Plush Babided, $ý55, reduced te $40.00. 1 Silk Suite, in Walnut, $48, reduced te $35.00. 2 TaptrySuite,Oak,WaInut,$24, reduced te $16.50. These suites will flot last long at these prices utnd'you shoul not miss this opportunity of, sediî'ing a,good suite at a small price. M. . WILLIAMS& SON. BowmA xviLLE. Uudertaking always receives prompt and perso-na aattention. Plain' Tasty BR EAD BUNS -- Just a Word Regarding'the output, of the store. We use in our bakery, only the best material. This coupled with the skill and attention of the most successfui workmen in the baking business is a guarantee that we Produce ordy the beSt Resuts ; Our eustomers know these facts and We neyer loso a patron through in- ferior goods.ý In the price lune the buyer gets a dolliixrs worth for a doirar at Tod'sBa3àkeryI VFancyL SCAKES Pure SCANDYI Tenders Wanted.1 Tenders will.be received by the undersigned trustees, up to Feb. 18, for certain repairs te School House in Seetion No. mu. ar ingtOR, (Baker's) ineluding a board cýeiliiug. No mason work. Particular8 may be learned from the trustees. Lowest or any tender not necessariîy accepted. Epwn,,MeNu m . 6 ERrTrustees. Secretary-Treasurer, 5wEunilskiilen , P.O. Oshiawa Railway Co., The Annual General Meeting of the S bare- boiSers of The Oshawa Railway Company, wil bc held et the Office W tbc O 'mî)any in the town of DESERONTO on MONDAY, 6th DAY of MARCH1, at 8 'elo<'k, p. m. for tbc election of Dietors and sucb other business as may be brought before the saiS meetng n. C. CARTER, General Manager. Deseronto, Ont. Jan. 25,1898. 53w. Extends to you hi$ Best Wishes for a Happy and ProsPer= OUA.19. Tt gives him great pleasure te, ex- press his ai)pre( lation fer your kind patronage during -the year that is past particuiarly through the festivr, sets'on, He aise assures you of bis doter- mination te, do ahi in bis power te retair your confidence and make it interesting fer you te, continue your patronage through the coming year. Grocers due bis la',on as cash. T. N. RIOKARD, NATURIES HANDWRITING. BY IDELL ROGEuS On the'huis, in the vnlleys, or afar i woedland dells, Wliere the fairy fores are mingling with the tilles' snowy bouls, And swoet violets are noddîeg ail alongj the mcssy sod ; On the scrotl o! changing nature is a message frcm our God, For the band o! God is witing, is writ- ing every hour, On the siopos, in the valbeys, and oaci sliaC î woodland bower: Lot us tarry thon and read it, ne inter- pretor wo need, 1. For this wonderful liandwriting every one who wiils may read. lu-the rear 'ing'o! the torrent, in the tliunder's defening peal, Lie the records of bis power; yet the ,wa.ý side fie wer doth foot, lu a loving benediction the God-smile noon uts brow,' And bis blessing in the dew-drop in the bush o! Oven now; For the baud et God is writing, is wnit- ingin the west, Ahl the stenies o! the glorios in the city of the blest; Fan beyoed the thouglit of mentals, are 1those mansiîns o! the free, O! their walts o! gold and jasper lot us tarry thon nd.read Net a eongstor in the liedges, but the Father gives it heed, Ho who clothes the idb huiles will net break the bruised reed; Thon, "sliould net bis chldren trust, hlm,' is the glunicus trutb I soe, Iu thib comfortinZ bandwriting on the bills, and e'er the bm. For the baud o! God la witing, is w rit- ing ovory heur, The swoot story o! bis mercyý, lis maje3- ty and power; In the, nowbirthefthespingtine,in the quickening o! the seed, Lies a d'eam o!fhife immortat,every one who wilts mav read. 'Mid the golden baze cf summer. in the joyful liarvest-liome, Wien. the reaper's song rings blithloy, g thering soed, in spnîngtimo so wn, lu thle droping of the flowers, in the fading liectic leaf, Is inscnibed for us the warning that "the timo for wo rk is brie!," Fer tho bhaud o! Grod isýwitieg-, is writ. ýg eer~ Ou the serohi o! clian)ging n ature as the! scýao1Senroll mwav; Lot cîs tarry thon and rond it, ne inter- proton we îîecd, Fer'this wonderfub handwriting overy cee wlie wills may read. Cobourg. The Onwïird. HAMPTON. Mr. and Mrs. J Ward have la grippe. Mr J. Hopper is recovering... MMs J. Painton, second daughter of Mr. J. I-1 Btirro)ws, lias lost the use of hier left side the effeets of a paralvtic stroke. But slight hone of lier reovery.. Ticketo for Major Schoof 's lecture in the S. 0. E. Hall Fridà.v ovening are in great demand A full house is expectî e..... Mr Frank Kersiako, of the firm of Stott & Jury, to,wn, is home for the benefit of his health...vlr, J. and Miss Eva Clatworthv attended anniversarv semrvicefs at Columbus Sunday. NEWOAbTLE. Mr. George Allun and Miss Julia Jonn.)ings, Bowmanville, were guests of the Misses Warren, Sundav-., .. Mr. and Lee, Detroit, are guests at Mr..S, Eld rig'..Miss Mlande Clemence, Shaws, visited Miss Ethel Staple-ton. Sunday... Mrs, J. K, Allen died Fridav after an ilînas of 3 imonthus She beaves a bus- band, son and dauglitor to mnouru her loss,.,-. Mr . W. utchivson and Mr. J. Grieves are rocovering ... M rs R. B. Alliie his retured froin a pleasant visit witii iriends lun Oshiawa and Whitby.... I ev, R Taloras recovered from la grippe. FIrmly Crounded IJpon -Rua; Merit --They Know Hooc)'s Sarsaparilla AbSOkUtely and Permanently Cures When Ail Others Faut. Uood,5 Sargaparilla is not merely a simple preparation ofSasprl, Dock, Stil- lngia and a littie lodide o! Potassium. Be.sides these excellent alteratives, it aima 'coitain)s those, great anti-bilions and liver remedies, Mandrake and Dande- lion. It also contains those greal kldney remedies, Uvu Ursi1, Juniper Bernies, and Pipsi.ssewa. q4rare these all. 'Other very ulal curative agents are harmonioualy com- bined in Hlood'sSarsaparillao and it le varefuIIy prepared under the personal supervision of a, regularly educated pharmacist. ]Know-ing these facto, la the abiding faith, the people have lu Hood's Sar8aparill.s a. matter of surprise?«Y ou eau see why Houod's Sarsaparilla cures, wben otheit medicines totally, absolutely l. Hood's Sarsaparilla IF, the best-in fact the One Tue Blood Purifier, SoIS by ail druggi,ýt,. $1;ý six for $5. Jeweller and Optician, Bowmnanviile, Iiood's Pis aetebest after-dinner PiIlS. aid digestion. %*a SALEM. A few are still victims of la grippe. Mr. Thos. Grîgg has not fully recovered. ...Mr IF. L. Squair's dauo'hter, Ruth lias had a relapse but is_ receveririg *slowly..Mr. H. Hockeu shipped home a car load of lumber fromn the *North.,Miss Lucy Reynolds, Oshawa, is visitin g at her father's .. . .The voung ladies of the neighborhood intend dec- orating the churcl for the Pink and White Social on Frîday evening. An excellent programme will be rendered and refreshments served. Admission loc. Everyone cordially invited. EN-iNFELD. 1 Visitors:-Miss Laura Heatlie, Long Sauît at Mr. J. Vrtue's; Mr. Watson Hodgson, Fort Perry, at Mr. J. HurlI but's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heatlie,j Seagrave, Mr. Thomas Heatîje, Mrs. John Heatlie, Port Dovor, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Hoatlio,1 Long Sault, at Mr. Johnston Niddery'sg; Mn, Nichois and Mr. Ayre, Courtice, at Mr. W. H. Nichol's, Miss Lily MéCuiboch blas been vis2tin near UiJbriag-e. ... Mr. Ellis Pascoe is visiting at Toronto. ... Mr. Llugh Cameran bias ongaged with Mr. W. Hobbs, -Columbus, for this year.. The -species of the canine race seema quite scarce o! lote, the assessor bas been calling around. MAPLE GROVE. The Orono News boasts of the heaviest boy in the United Counties-age 15 and weigh,; 172 lbs. We have a rival bere. Mlaster ,,i.nuolBollamy is only 9 years old and weighs 120 lbs . ... Mr. Lewis Giniblett passed quietly away on Sat- urday after a lingering and painful illnees .. .. Rev. J. J. aie preached a unique sermon Sunday, bis toxt being "Give and it shall be given, you" .. Visitors. Messrs. John Lewis and G-oo. Pascoe, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs Ed. Trenouth, Hampton, Mr. A. R. Wickett,) Mr. We~e Lee, Kedron; Ur. and Mrs. Edward , Goneva, Nlr. John Y. Colo, Hampton:. , Remnember the Pie and Cream Social uader the auspices of the E. L. C. E.. next 'i hrayeve(ninz Feb. 23rd. Good program,,na, and lots of Devonshire cream, only lSc. Doniit miss it, Lot those now drink Who ünover drank bofore. And those who alvvays drank Now drink the more; But ho sure that you drink Wotten's celebrated "Victor Chop' 25c. Japan Tea. Visitors:- Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mitchell efs.sno. Martin.. Mr 1anoi Mrs Jno. MÎartin, Bo ueWater Mills,at Mir. W. W 'Nohle. .. . Miss Lottie Wli- liams and Mr. 0. L, Byers are vîsiting frionds near Lindsay. Try Wottec for Extracts. Il"Ludella" Ceylon Tea ii liard to beat, For sale at Wotten's. Pure Mapto Syrup at Wotten's. COURTICE,. The special services at Ebenezer have been closed. The resuits have been quite satisfactory. . .. Mrs. Little- jolies visited friends lu Mariposa last wcek., ,Mr. S.S.Brooks received woxd that a boat on whiecllihad a shipment ojf 600 blbs, of apples for the British market, had sprung a leak off the Irish coast and part of ber cargo liad become suhmerged. She was afterwards taken, te lier destination, Mr. Brooks lias not beard of the damage done te bis fruit. if any, yot. . .. Mr. Hedtey Oke bas re- turned front a pleasant visit with friends lu the West .... MissLittlejohns andflev, J S. 1. Wilson tako part lu a concert lu Medcalf St. churcli, Oshawa, on Tbursdav evenieg, .....Mr. and Mrs Jlas Rundle, sr., Mr. and Mrs. l! Os bonne, Mr. Clarence Trull, Mr. James Blair mnd Mr, Jos Langmaid wrho have been very sîck are ail convalescent. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al Druggists refund the money if It f ails to cure. Price 25 cents. SOLINA. Mn W. L. Law, Gardon 1H11l Fanm, recently pnosented bis family with a superb Dominion Piano one e! the best that that popular compmey manufac- tures..Visitors: Mr. Harry Pearce and Mlisb Pearce, Newcastle, at Mn, T.. Baker's; Mr. and Miss Atkinson,Oneno, at Mrs. W. H. Gorribl's ; Miss Mabel Colwili at Mn. . Jln V ice's... Slna Diviýîon S. o! T. visited thein brethreu at lanînony ou Friday, Feb. 3, and bad a vony enjoyablo time. A capital pro- gram was renderedi and refreshments were served.,. . Mn. W. Chas. Wenry, a ising young man in the singing pro- fession, lias beon appointed leader of Eldad churcli choir, A wortby office for a worth 'v ýoung man...M. W. Westlake's son WilIie bas scarlet foer. ...Brick- is being hauled for the ii' academy o! hearning ... M. 'J. Cubloch, teaeher,. lias been unden ' weatlier for a !ew days witli the prev:t I ing epidomie and scbolars have enjo r a rest.. .Owing te scarbot foyer bel" se near to ýthe Sons' Hall it was deemod oxpediont net to bave thein bnethrei. !rom ýEnlield on Thursdmy niglit thi, week- Membrs will pionce take a note cf this-.. . .Mr.Robinsen having suspend ed operations with Count\ Councillor Baker bas moved noar Osbawa, . . .Mr. C. N. Stacev bas moved bis !arnilv and househoid effects te Oshawa ...Divisioi meets Thursday nigît owing to t44, Schoof lecture at Hampton Friday niglit. MOU-NT VERNON. Mr. Jas, Garfat is recovering from la grippe... .Miss Katriina Argue bias re. turrned from au extended visit te Can- ,nington... . Miss ýMaggie Stainton lias' bee visiting at Mr, Jas. Garfats... Mr. G. Millson,is able te ho eut again, ..Word lias licou receîved from Miss Eva Souci, Gravenhurst, statiug iliat she is ilmpreving. TY RONE. Tbe SoniorLeague will have its meet- ing on Wedeesday evening this woek te mako way for Salem's Social. 'Foot. stopsef Angels' and other selections from Logfellow wil be. taken up by Miss E. Coucli and othor mem bers. Mr. C. E. Brown lias kindl v coen oted to as- sist musically. ... Mrs. j. Mutton!s fun- oral was very largely attended, several friends from Bowmanviile and other places aise wero present. Mrs. W. Williams, Acton,is visitieg with friends for a few weeks. . .. Mr. Thos. Newton spent last week at lis home, Cobourg.. ..Wedd ing bouls ringing again .. .. Last week's correspendence on an inside page. It went astrav. OSHIAWA. The milk venders have lad thein lierds tested aud prenounced f ree front tubereu;osis. ..A new laundry lias I 1een opened le town.,., Mr. Thpmýas Miller, jr., and Mr. Gee. H. Pediar. Ir., are on a vacation trip te Ne 'W York... .Medcalf E. L. C. E. bold a Birtbday ,social Thursday ovoning ...O0shawa Fire Brigade enjoyed an oyster supper a! ter their metn Mon. day oveuingwieeoký.. .. r.ThsEvans, St. Mary's, visited friendshlere alter an absence o! twent ', years..Miss Olive GoN ne lias returned from a very pleas- ant visit in Toronto ..r. Fred Man lias returned fromn England We are called avnocete clroni 'l'e the deatli o! Mr. James Pelbew, whicli took place ou Wednesday. Fol. Sth. For many yoars deceased carried on a hardware and tinsinith business, but batterly lias been ln the emplov-ment cf Mr. J. E. Hawkins. lie was a -man full e! energy and of kindly disposition and made fe'w if any enemies As the bead of the fire department ho made a mest raithful and efficient efficer. Ho vo(,s ,3 000 life insurance tý,,lis widow an1d, hlghiter, who 890cm the boss e! a kbn, lnd and indulgei t father, Almcist ev,-\-.eo lad a geod word te savý e! him, Lb was a member o! Cor- inthinLodel. _J O. F. and Oshawa Ledge A. . .W, , - d the members cf those erders tge. r wîth the fire brigade pid -1their last rtet t a de- lu a, bcdy. Woe ztenld to Mrs ello NEW HAVEN, Providence Longue- ilîl visit the C. 'E. Friday.' v_. We sYmpathizio with Mr. J4.Tewuis lu is sad bereavemnent... Mr. C W. Siemon, teacher, visîed hîs parcnts at ilmyden Satturdav.,.. Miss R. Hamm ba~s returned te lier borne iu Orono after a pleasant visit with friends hiere. - OU) 1>URIIAM BOYS. The banquiet o! the Old Durham Boys wili ho held at Coleman's restaurant, il] KiegSt., Toronto, Tuesdav ovoen- ing. Feb. 28'h at 8(.'cbock. Speeches, music, etc., will lie the order of the ev- ening. Tickets 5Ocis, Would it net ho a gcod idea te ar- range for a special car te bring Bow- mauvillo poople home from ToronÏto whc attend Old Durham Box s' Banquet? More wibl attend if such means for home comingsameuightca» be efected Al Who wisbi te go, beave name with MrC. M. Cawker or at STATE ,MAN office, AN EICOURAGENG LETTER. M. A. Jamms,Esq., Bowmanville,Ont., Dea Sr1 have pleasure in enclosing ceeihcleck te cover amount of ac- countt for advertîsing as per sta toment. Yon will ho glad te know that Bow- manville issending us a splendid con- tingent o! stunonts from term teterm. I bave ne doubt but that TnE <JANADIAN STATESMAN bas somethinoe te do with brin§ging about, this esired resuit. Weliepe through our liest efforts te pro- ducoed eults for cdr petrions toe n- jeY continuedpatronage from *yýourtown and viceity. Yours truly XV H Saw, Principal Central Busiuiess College, To- ronto. For Infants "nd Children.. Airx. LuTTRELL is now prepared te 4upply the citizens of Bowmanville, witli bread and cakes, fresh over.v day. Very complete stock of eenfectionary, Wndding Cakes made to order. Ale'x. Luttreli. Clarke's Old Stand, Bowmanville, o G G o o g 3 o o o o o o o j I o LCOCIVT